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How to Cat Proof Your Christmas Tree


Updated 3 days ago

Is your cat smitten by your Christmas tree, so intrigued that she clambers onto
it, knocking needles, decorations and tinsel everywhere? Or perhaps she has
even come close to knocking over the entire tree? Keeping your curious cat
out of the Christmas tree is a wise idea for everyone involved, to help avoid
injury to your cat and the potential for further damage to the items near the
tree and people in the vicinity of it.

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Start off smart by considering the type of tree you'll use. Real Christmas trees
are potentially more dangerous to your cat than artificial ones. This is because the

needles on a real tree are sharp and can pierce or puncture the skin of an overly
curious cat, while the pine needles themselves are irritating to mildly toxic if chewed
(depending on the species of tree used). However, a chewed artificial tree isn't going to
be that healthy either, so balance the choice of tree type with how you intend to keep
the tree safe from your cat using the remaining steps.
Consider the size of the tree. A small tree will be safer than a larger tree
because there is less of it to crash down if things go horribly wrong. For a
kitten, a tabletop tree might be a suitable choice until it grows up and stops
being so playful.
If you do choose a real tree, also choose a water container for the tree that is
completely inaccessible to the cat. If she tries to drink from it, she risks
For small kittens, wrap tinfoil around the trunk. They don't like putting their
nails into it and it will keep them from climbing the tree.

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Select a strong and unwavering base for holding the tree. Always err on the
side of caution when selecting a tree base and get one that is guaranteed to stay

firmly in place if the tree is knocked. This is as important for the safety of children as it
is for pets. Ask your retailer for advice on the options provided in-store.
Even an artificial tree should have a firm and solid base.
Use a tree skirt to hide all ugly but practical safety fixes at the base of the tree
(including electrical items, see below).
As well as a solid base, anchor the tree to the wall or ceiling to help prevent it
from toppling over should your cat land in the tree or pull on it.


Choose a safe location for the tree. There should be plenty of room around the
tree so that it isn't too near climbing items. If there are tempting shelves or

furniture pieces to act as launchpads for kitty, she's very likely to avail herself of them
and jump onto the tree. Keep the tree in a clear space that makes jumping either
difficult or unlikely.
If possible, select a placement for the tree that allows you to shut the door at
night or when nobody is about, in order to keep the cats away from the tree.
Obviously this isn't always possible or even doable but if it is an option, make
use of it.
If the tree is shorter than 6 feet (180cm), you might find it handy to use duct
tape to tape the legs of the holder to a piece of wide plywood and put the
whole tree on a short but very sturdy table. This keeps the tree above the level
of the cat and the cat won't be as interested. Of course, you still need to
ensure that the tree is nowhere near any launching points for an opportunistic

Consider not decorating the tree initially. The rationale behind this is to provide
adjustment time to the tree, as well as a possible lesson for your cat in leaving the

tree well alone. Fill a spray bottle with water and hang on to it. It is a good idea to set
the tree in place, then let her in to investigate but hover in the background with the
spray bottle, just in case. If your cat shows any signs of wanting to leap at or on the
tree, a light spritz of water on her back and a stern "NO!" will get the point across. This
should deter her from trying it again and should be enough to teach her that the
Christmas tree is not her playground.
If you're still concerned prior to decorating the tree, spray it with a product
called Bitter Apple. This will deter her without leaving a noticeable odor to
human noses. Or, you might try a citrus spray, as cats are repelled by citrus
odor too.
If it's a plastic tree, a small amount of Citronella oil shaken into a bottle of water
and misted on to the tree makes it smell unpleasant to the cat but fresh and
citrus-like to you.
You could also place orange peels under the tree to make your cat less likely to
go near it. (Cats also dislike the smell of rotten apples but then you probably
won't like that smell much either!)
Spray some pine cones with Citronella and pile them around the base of the
tree. Cats do not walk on pine cones! (Pine cones also have the same effect in
the base of your houseplants.)

Decorate the tree with your cat firmly out of the way. It's hard enough fiddling
with trees, decorations and breakable ornaments without also having felines

running up past you and pelting at the objects as you're gingerly hanging them up.
Your cat will assume this is a game you intend for her to play, so it's just easiest to keep
her out of the way until everything has been set up.
While decorating, if your cat is about, resist the urge to tease her with
decorations as you're adding them. Doing so will only encourage her to see the
glittery items as toys and things to swat at anytime she pleases.

Choose ornaments less likely to be attractive to your cats. Some ornaments

will prove irresistible because they sparkle, glow, dangle and shimmer. On the

other hand, blander, less shiny or flat matte objects which don't dangle much will have
less allure for your cat. Felt, paper and plain decorations might be the best choice. And
avoid anything that dangles a lot, jumps about or spins.
Never put catnip stuffed items on the tree. That's just asking for it.
Consider not having certain decorations at all. Tinsel is potentially hazardous


for cats who chew it and swallow it and it is not recommended for households
with cats; it can cause choking or other internal problems if swallowed, such as
intestinal blockage. So can ribbons and other items with length that dangle
from the tree. Artificial snow is toxic and should not be used when you have
pets and small children. Christmas is stressful and expensive enough without
the emergency surgery necessary to save your cat's life if sharp-edged tinsel
slices through the intestinal wall or causes a blockage.
It is recommended that you don't use real candles on a tree when you have
pets. Things can all too easily go wrong with a quick swipe of the paw and
flames upon flammable items as a result.
If you like decorating the tree with food, be careful what you add. Chocolate of
any kind is toxic for cats and the odor may be tempting to them if hung from
the tree. Lots of sweets aren't healthy either.

Place decorations that are especially delicate, enticing or dangerous high up

the tree, in the top two-thirds of the tree. Your cat is less likely to reach for

higher parts of the tree (provided you've ensured there are no leaping ledges or spots
nearby), which will help to keep these items safe. Tinsel, if used at all, should be
placed up high as it is likely to be dragged off by a curious cat and as already noted, it
can be very harmful if ingested, including getting caught in the stomach and intestines.
Some people choose to not even decorate the lower third of the tree at all. That way,
there is nothing of interest at cat's eye level.
Some cats cannot help themselves and will climb up high whatever you do. If
your cat is like this, then avoid having any delicate or potentially dangerous
items on the tree at all.

Attach ornaments onto the tree securely so that they cannot be simply pelted
or lifted off. Use metal hooks that clamp to the tree and avoid using string,

rubber bands or anything else dangly to attach the ornaments with. When you've
attached the decorations, give them a tug to check that the method of attaching that
you've used is adequate and requires dexterous strength to remove.
Hang ornaments by using quality wire ornament hangers. Use a pair of pliers to
clamp the hook part around the branch so that it doesn't dangle and cannot be
simply pulled off.

Be careful with electrical wires and lighting. A Christmas tree is complete when
its lights are on but the wires can prove too much of a temptation to a curious kitty.

Be sure to tape down excess wire and to make it too hard for the cat to reach the power
point and cord join. Do not leave any wires dangling wrap wire around the base or
tree rather than having it dangling anywhere. It can also be helpful to cover exposed
wires in wire covers or piping to prevent the cat from chewing them.
Cords can also be coated in "Bitter Apple".
Plug the tree lights into a short indoor extension cord and tape the plug into
the socket with electrical tape. Simply unplug the lights from the extension cord
to turn off.
Consider using cords that shut off if damaged.
Always turn off Christmas tree lights when there is no responsible adult in the
room to keep an eye on them.


Relax now. You've done all you can to secure the tree and to make it a safe
experience for your cat. Some cats will climb into the tree whatever you do and

provided you've made it safe, it's best to reach a place of acceptance about this and go


with the flow. Decide to make it your cat's Christmas and decide that you are not going
to get frustrated trying to outsmart your cat this Christmas. Provided you've secured the
tree to keep it from toppling and properly clamped ornaments to the branches, you will
be able to cope if your cat does hop into the tree. And if that happens, be ready to take
pictures of your cat sleeping in the Christmas tree branches and smile.

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Try plastic ornaments instead of glass. And twist the wire ornament
hook around the branch instead if just hanging from the hook shape
Keep all of the cat toys, water, food, and any other cat items in a
different room. This will make the cat less tempted.
Apple cider vinegar can be sprayed in place of "Bitter Apple"
You can place clear contact paper, sticky side up, under the tree. Cats
won't walk on sticky surfaces.
Distract your cat. Place toys she likes in the same room as the tree
and place his/her scratching post reasonably near to the tree. These
are his/her things and encourage his/her to use them rather than hang
around the tree.
Make sure that your kitten(s) or cat(s) are away from the presents so
that they don't rip off the gift wrap.
Consider getting the baby fences. This way, your cats can't go near the
tree, but they can still explore the house. The baby fence could even
be painted holiday colors to make it less ugly. Decorate it too!
Consider getting Scotch Pines. They have sharp needles to repel cats.
However, this very sharpness can be a potential hazard, so weigh this
up before deciding.
Try spraying your tree with a little orange juice. Cats hate the smell of
citrus[1], so orange juice can act as a deterrent. Slices of orange can
also be used for decoration.
A few drops of tea tree oil sprayed on the tree works too.



Don't spray a tree that has electrical items on it. Water and electricity
have a habit of short-circuiting into a house fire.
Be extra vigilant with kittens. Keep them from chewing on the
extension cord and shocking themselves. Anything that wiggles and
jiggles will attract their attention.
Never leave a kitten in a gift box or carrier under the Christmas tree as
a gift; this is dangerous and cruel. If giving a wanted and agreed upon
kitten for Christmas, keep the kitten in another room well cared for and
bring her out as a gift when it's time, in your hands. Be sure that
someone responsible is available all day to care for her, as the noise
and excitement is likely to be overwhelming and she should be allowed
to retreat as needed. Most importantly, a cat should only be given as a
Christmas gift if a family decision has been reached that this is a
life-long commitment that particular family members willingly take on.
Never use tinsel around cats. They may pull it down and spread it over
the house and possibly chew on it and choke. Tinsel will cause the cat
serious injury or death if ingested - contact your vet right away if you
think your cat has chewed, eaten or swallowed any tinsel (or any
ribbon or string for that matter).
Do not leave hooks laying around, your cat can eat them, and this will
probably hurt your kitty's insides.
Aspirin is often added to tree water. This is toxic to your cat. Add sugar
instead but still ensure that your cat cannot reach the water because it
is likely to have pine sap, preservatives, pesticides and other toxic
elements in it.
If you have a live Christmas tree with needles, always sweep up dead
needles daily to remove temptation from pets and little people.
When you lock the cats up for the night, try to shut the door to the
room with the tree. You'll sleep better knowing they're not swaying from
it during the night.
Do not put any harmful things on the tree, like human food. If your cat
decides to be curious and lick or eat it, then it could make your kitty
very sick.
Don't decorate your cat. Allow her the dignity of not being your


Things You'll Need

Cord ties, cord covers
Bitter Apple, citronella oil, apple cider vinegar, etc.
Spray bottle and water
Things to tether or anchor the tree
Solid, heavy tree base
Proper metal clamp hooks and pliers
Safe decorations
Cat distractions

Sources and Citations

http://www.cat-world.com.au/keeping-your-cat-safe-during-the-festiveseason research source
1. http://cats.about.com/od/behaviortraining/a/whosehousex.htm

Article Info

Categories: Featured Articles | Christmas Trees

Recent edits by: Adelaide, Hailey Girges, Timmy Gibson


In other languages:
Nederlands: je kerstboom katbestendig maken, Italiano: Come Rendere l'Albero di
Natale a Prova di Gatto, :
, Deutsch: Deinen Weihnachtsbaum katzensicher machen, Franais: Comment
protger votre sapin de Nol de votre chat, Portugus: Como Montar uma rvore de
Natal Prova de Gatos, : , Espaol: Cmo proteger tu
rbol de Navidad contra tu gato

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