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Cum se face Cyber Bullying?

Pai se afla date reale despre o anumita persoana, iar prin folosirea internetului se incearca
defaimarea imaginii persoanei respective, scopul la fel ca si in viata reala fiind unul
singur:suferinta, excluderea din anumite grupuri pe care le frecventeaza in viata reala, mai bine
zis autoexcluderea.O persoana care e hartuita prin Facebook, Yahoo Messenger, ale carei date
personale precum numarul de telefon, adresa personala sau imagini in ipostaze intime apar pe
internet, automat trece printr-o stare de depresie, anxietate, datorita lipsei si deprecierii stimei de
sine.Adica pe romaneste, daca esti slab de inger si dai de un dement fara empatie care face din
viata ta si din persoana ta o tinta de Cyber Bullying automat trebuie sa iti regandesti intr-un fel
viata.Daca tu deja stai pe Facebook si Yahoo Messenger si lumea virtuala se substituie vietii
reale faci parte deja dintr-un grup vulnerabil...
Avem un caz concret, povestea lui Amanda Todd pare la prima vedere atat puerila cat si
infioratoare, daca o privesti din prisma omului care nu se mai poate adapta societatii in care
traieste.Fata asta Amanada, care normal ca a trait in SUA, a facut probabil intr-o seara ploiasa
gresala sa ii ofere unui necunoscut o poza nud.Acesta a popularizat poza, fata a cazut intr-o
depresie si chiar daca si-a schimbat domiciliul, prietenii, scoala a decazut psihic.Personal eu cred
ca avea si inainte probleme de adaptare.Concluzia a fost una singura;cateva clipuri postate pe
Youtube si sinuciderea.
Cyber bullying should be punished just
as severely as face-to-face bullying.
Whether it is in a virtual capacity or
face-to-face, bullying is one of the
biggest problems children face today
and should be dealt with severely by
schools as well as parents. In some
ways, cyber bullying has the potential
have an even more severe and lasting
impact than face-to-face bullying
because it continues to live on in
cyberspace long after the incident
itself ends. So there is virtually no way
for children to ever fully put it behind

They are other options

With two clicks of a mouse you can get
away from it all. Why is it so hard for
someone to just log off/block the bully?
Cyber bullying gives the victim a
chance to actually escape the torment.
I understand that it is emotionally
taxing to read hurtful comments, but
you don't actually have to read them
or acknowledge they're there. Once
the bullies blocked or you logged off,
you're free. Schools shouldn't be
involved because it isn't right to look
at student social media or punish a kid
from another school. The only way
school should get involved is in letting
the victim see a counselor.

Schools Should Punish Cyber Bullying

It is none of the schools responsibility

Yes, schools should punish cyber

bullying. A school is responsible for
ensuring a healthy learning
environment, and bullying of any sort
impedes on this process. The bullying
being online makes it no less hurtful
and distracting, so I can see no reason
why a school should not punish cyber
Yes they should

It is none of the school's business to go and

see student's private information, and the
school may not even know the student who
is being bullied. The student will soon
enough develop skills online to defend
themselves, which is good. End of
discussion . I hope that schools will
eventually realize that looking in student's
social media account is wrong.
It should be punished by the school

Yes schools should do something if

their is name calling and threating
something should be done about it.
Students are trapped at schools and
now on their phones. When they tell a
principal or teacher they should do
more than simple tell the bully to leave
them alone its not fair to the student
being bullied. If you tell a bully to
leave someone alone do you really
think they would listen so nothing
changes for the student they're in the
same situation they were in before I've
had this happen to me for 6 hours
straight and they did nothing about
Yes, schools should most definitely
punish cyber bullying.

No, schools should not punish the cyber

bully because the the victim could always
just log of the site or confront the bully. The
victim chooses to listen to what the bully
has to say, if they just blocked them from
the site or their news feed then they would
not have to worry about it.

Cyber bullying is just as serious, if not,

more serious, than physical bullying.
Some of you are saying that it
shouldn't happen because "you can get
away from it with a click of a button."
But, as a victim of cyber bullying, I can
say that it's close to impossible to not
look at what people are saying about
you. I really don't know why, it's just
difficult. Victims of bullying are 2-9
times more likely to consider suicide.
At least half of suicides among young
people are related to bullying. If a
child ended their life because you
bullied them over the internet, that

It shouldent because the person that owns

the website should do something not the
I think the the cyber bullying shoulde not be
a burden the school.More the the website if
the person that is on the site being bullied
should just avoid their comments its not like
they will ever do something in reallife they
are just scared that someone will find out so
they have to hide behind the computer.

death would be on your hands. You

indirectly killed them. Any and every
type of bullying lowers self-esteem in
humans in every way possible. 160,000
kids stay home from school everyday
because of a fear of being bullied.
They'd rather stay home than go get
an education because of how brutal
kids can be.
They are responsible for the care of
their students
Schools should be able to punish their
student for disorderly conduct on the
internet and any social media site. If
there are students being hurt online
for legit reasons because of actual
mean things said by bullies, the school
should be able to step in. THE SCHOOL

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