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Help CAP win $10,000 from the Lightspeed Aviation Foundation: Civil Air Patrol is one of 20
nonprofit aviation organizations nominated for the 2012 Lightspeed Aviation Foundation gift and grant
program. The 20 organizations, selected from hundreds of nominees, will benefit from grants to be
awarded this year. The foundation is in its third year of partnering with the pilot community to identify
worthy causes, and give pilots a voice in which organization they support. The top five charities, as
chosen by the pilot community, will each receive a check for no less than $10,000. All CAP members
and supporters are invited to vote online by visiting

Government Relations Consultant: John Swain dcoffice.cap@verizon.net
National Legislative Officer: Lt Col Lawrence Brinker lbrinker@stny.rr.com
State Legislative Officer: Lt Col Jeffrey Wiswell jeff.wiswell@wiswellgroup.com
Congressional Gold Medal (CGM) Update: We are entering the last few months for CAPs CGM
effort in the 112 Congress. While the Senate CGM bill (S 418) passed in May, the House version
(HR 719) still needs to gain the 290 cosponsors to have it considered and voted on. If HR 719 is not
enacted by December when the 112 Congress ends it will die and CAP will need to start over again
next year in both the House and Senate.
As of September 24, 2012, the House Congressional Gold Medal bill (HR 719) had 205 cosponsors,
85 short of the number necessary to be considered in the House Financial Services Committee. With
the upcoming election the House has recessed, with most if not all Representatives returning to their
congressional district to campaign. This is an excellent time to approach them or to visit their district
office to ask them to cosponsor HR 719. A month long lame duck House session after the election is
expected to end by December 14.
Everyones help is needed to gain cosponsors if we hope to get HR 719 to the House floor for a vote.
Only becoming an actual cosponsor helpspromises to vote for the bill are not helpful. It is especially
important for wings that still have large numbers of Representatives who have not cosponsored to get
fully engaged.
Please visit the CAP Congressional Gold Medal webpage at
www.capmembers.com/cap_national_hq/cap_congressional_gold_medal.cfm to see the latest update
and listing showing those who have and have not cosponsored. If you need help please contact any
of the following individuals. POCs: John Swain dcoffice.cap@verizon.net, Colonel Joe King
jking@cap.gov, Lt Colonel Jack Faas jfaas@aol.com and Lt Colonel Lawrence Brinker
FY13 CAP Appropriations: In marking up their respective FY13 Defense Appropriations bills the
Senate and House Defense Appropriations Subcommittees increased CAPs budget request to $28.4
million for operations and maintenance, $9.3 million for aircraft procurement and $.9 million for
vehicles. Unfortunately, neither bill will be passed in time for the start of FY13 because of political
issues beyond the control of the subcommittees. A continuing resolution has been passed that will go
beyond the election, possibly well into next year.
POC: John Swain dcoffice.cap@verizon.net
2013 National Legislative Day: Wings should begin planning now for the next CAP Legislative Day
to be held on Thursday, February 28, 2013 in Washington, DC. There will be a mandatory training

session the evening before. Expect training materials, including a Legislative Day checklist, to be
mailed out to every wing in January. POC: John Swain dcoffice.cap@verizon.net
CAP World War II Members: Help is still needed from wings to identify and confirm CAP WWII
members (or their families) who are eligible for the CGM as our records are incomplete. Currently we
have 139 confirmed CAP veterans and 516 awaiting confirmation. CAPs CGM webpage contains
links at the top of the page to a report detailing those eligible (by state) and an application for
registering newly discovered CAP WWII members.
POC: Jan White jwhite@capnhq.gov or 877-227-9142, ext. 239.
IG Col Ken Parris cap_ig@yahoo.com
Wing Inspection Process: CTWG was the first wing to be inspected using the new inspection
process. Using this process, much of the inspection is conducted in advance by telephone, leaving a
smaller amount of interviewing and inspecting to be done on the scheduled inspection weekend.
CTWG reported that they felt this was an easier and friendlier method of meeting the inspection
requirement. Additional information will be in the next edition of the IG Audience newsletter, due to
be published the beginning of October.

NHQ Safety Manager: Frank Jirik fjirik@capnhq.gov
National Safety Officer: Col Robert Diduch BobDKateB@aol.com
Cadet Safety Officers: Guidance will be out in the Fall of 2012, in the form of a pamphlet (proposed
CAPP 52-25, Cadet Safety Officer Program) and an SMS-based training and certification curriculum
for Cadet Safety Officers. The pamphlet will provide expanded definitions, explanations, and
guidance for what Cadet Safety Officers need to know and how they should be incorporating their job
descriptions into unit activities, both planning and operations. In the meantime, Cadet Safety Officers
should continue to shadow the primary unit safety officer to gain "on-the-job" insights.


Interim Director: John Desmarais jdesmarais@capnhq.gov
Deputy National Chief of Staff - Operations: Col Michael Murrell mmurrell@cap.gov
National ES Officer: Lt Col Pete Norris - icssboss@gmail.com
Deputy National Chief of Staff - Support: Col Joseph Guimond jguimondjr@verizon.net
Information Technology POC: Joseph Hall, Deputy Director jhall@capnhq.gov
Chairman Information Technology Committee Lt Col Bill Hughes BillHughes@rochester.rr.com
Orientation Flight and Glider Flight Goals: Congratulations on doing an incredible job flying our
cadets in FY12; over 31,900 cadet orientation flights were provided in FY12 (over a 20% increase!),
and you also gave over 10,200 glider flights (over a 25% increase!) Great work! The FY13 goals will
be established once funding for the fiscal year is finalized, but we hope to improve on that again.
POC: John Desmarais jdesmarais@capnhq.gov

ICUT: Introductory Communications User Training was released on the 20 of August, and is
available in e-Services. Additional communications curriculum is also being developed that will be
fielded in FY13 for communications managers and mission personnel.
POC: Malcolm Kyser mkyser@capnhq.gov

FY13 Landing Permits: The FY13 Air Force, Army, and Navy Landing Permits have been received,
and are on file with the NOC. Additional guidance is available on the pilots web page at:
POC: Joe Piccotti lpiccotti@capnhq.gov
Airshows: Be sure to consult CAPR 900-5 paragraph 7 before committing CAP resources to support
an airshow or static display. Activities are limited and prior approval is sometimes necessary.
POC: Joe Piccotti - lpiccotti@capnhq.gov
NTC E-mail Address Change: The email addresses for the CAP National Technology Center (NTC)
and staff have changed. To send something to all NTC staff use ntc@capnhq.gov, and like other
NHQ employees, other personnel can be reached by using their first initial and last name
@capnhq.gov. POC: NTC Staff ntc@capnhq.gov
FY13 Flying Operations: We expect to be operating at a reduced budget level for an extended
period under a continuing resolution in FY13 and need to be prudent with the resources and funds we
will have available. Periodic budget updates will be provided to the commanders. POC: John
Desmarais jdesmarais@capnhq.gov
CAP Helpdesk: To submit a problem regarding eServices applications or to ask a question on IT
needs, please visit the CAP Helpdesk at https://capnhq.crmdesk.com/home.aspx or call (877)-2279142 ext. 290.
Member E-mail Addresses in eServices: It is very important to keep your e-mail address updated in
eServices. To check or update yours, go to the "My Account" link at the top of the eServices
homepage and then click on Contacts. www.capnhq.gov
CAPWATCH Download Table additions: A column has been added to the "Member Contacts"
(MbrContact) table. The field is: "DoNotContact". The data structure document has been updated to
reflect the update. For more information, please visit the Overview section of the CAPWATCH Text
Files Download application in eServices (www.capnhq.gov). POC: Joseph Hall - jhall@capnhq.gov
Now Available! Learning Management System: Introductory Communications User Training
(ICUT) and Officer Basic Course (OBC) are now available in the Learning Management System
(LMS). All successful training and education completions will automatically be written to the National
database real-time and visible via the members record. Stay tuned to eServices news for more
information on upcoming course releases to LMS. POC: LMS@capnhq.gov


Director: Jim Mallett jmallett@capnhq.gov
Deputy National Chief of Staff - Support: Col Joseph Guimond jguimondjr@verizon.net
Aerospace Education (AE) POCs:
Dr. Jeff Montgomery/NHQ Deputy Director for AE jmontgomery@capnhq.gov
Lt Col Mike McArdle/CAP National AE Officer michael.mcardle@att.net
For more information- ae@capnhq.gov
Aerospace Education Officer (AEO): AEOs promote CAPs Congressionally-chartered AE mission
within CAP, in communities, and in schools. For current information, resources, opportunities for
alliances, and specific AEO guidance, visit the AE website at www.capmembers.com/ae.

Aerospace Education Current News Outlets: The quarterly AE Newsletter and the monthly AE ENewsBrief can be accessed at the following links:
AE Newsletter: www.capmembers.com/aerospace_education/stay_informed
E-NewsBrief: www.capmembers.com/aerospace_education/stay_informed/ae-newsbriefs
POC: Judy Stone jstone@capnhq.gov
Aerospace Education Membership (AEM): CAP adult members who are teachers or working in
educational or youth organizations can access a variety of free CAP AE resources at
www.capmembers.com/aerospace_education. Interested teachers can apply for AEM membership
online by going to www.capmembers.com/joinaem. POC: Debbie Dahl ddahl@capnhq.gov
Aerospace Education Excellence (AEX) Award Program: For more information about the AEX
program and benefits, visit www.capmembers.com/ae, and select the blue side for AEMs or the green
side for AEOs. Then, if you wish to participate please email Debbie Dahl ddahl@capnhq.gov.
Aerospace Connections in Education (ACE) Program for Grades K-6: Registration is open for
the 2012-2013 academic year. For enrollment information, go to www.capmembers.com/ace or
contact Angie St. John astjohn@capnhq.gov or Mare Gilmore mgilmore@capnhq.gov.
Air Force Association/CAP Aerospace Grants: AFA continues to provide $250 grants to conduct
projects that promote STEM subjects and careers. The grants are awarded in alternating cycles to
CAP units and CAP teacher members. For more information, visit the grant link at
cap.cfm. POC: Susan Mallett smallett@capnhq.gov
Cadet Programs (CP) POCs:
Curt LaFond, Deputy Director for Cadet Programs, 877-227-9142 x401, clafond@capnhq.gov
Col Craig Treadwell, National Cadet Programs Officer, col.t@maine.rr.com
For more information: cp@capnhq.gov
Fall Mailing: In October, every cadet unit will receive courtesy copies of Learn to Lead volumes 3
and 4, plus several other recently published cadet-related resources.
Encampment Program: A group of encampment experts from across the U.S. is working to
standardize the encampment goals, curriculum, and basic operations based on best practices from
around the nation. A draft Cadet Encampment Guide is available for review at
Winter NCSAs: Cadet Officers have until 15 October to apply for the Civic Leadership Academy,
which takes place in Washington DC, and the National Character and Leadership Symposium, hosted
at the USAF Academy. See www.ncsas.com for details.
Quality Cadet Unit Award: Congratulations to the 200 outstanding squadrons that earned the
Quality Cadet Unit Award. Award materials are en route to Wing HQs this month. The 2012-13 award
year commenced on 1 September. See www.capmembers.com/qcua for details.
Cadet Uniform Program: This program, which provides new cadets with a Blues uniform at no
cost, is temporarily on hold until CAP receives its FY13 federal funding. In the interim, cadets can still
request a uniform through eServices, though no uniforms will ship until (approximately) late October.
See www.capmembers.com/newcadet for details.
Record O-Flights: CAP is proud to have flown 31,900 + cadet orientation flights in powered aircraft,
and 10,200 + glider orientation flights. Many thanks to the pilots and local support staff who made
FY12 a record-setting year for cadet flying.

Drug Demand Reduction: As the fiscal year comes to a close, DDR is gearing up for the most
anticipated Red Ribbon Campaign for October 2012. There are record numbers of cadets now
participating in the Drug Demand Reduction Excellence Activity program. Several squadrons and
wings are participating in National Character Day and Red Ribbon Leadership Academies as well.
Thanks so much for all of the cadets and seniors who make DDR the successful program that it is.
See www.capmembers.com/ddr for more information.
Professional Development (PD) POCs:
Bobbie Tourville/NHQ Chief of Professional Development btourville@capnhq.gov
Col Bryan Cooper/CAP National PD Officer Thorgodofthunder@verizon.net
For more information- pd@capnhq.gov
PD: The 2012 Wing Commanders Course (Class B) will be held 14-18 October at Maxwell AFB.
HCA: CAP is sad to announce the departure of Tracy Harris, Chaplain Corps Program Administrator
effective 17 September. She will be greatly missed. For program questions until the position is filled,
please contact Bobbie Tourville, NHQ/PD at x 405.
Personnel and Member Actions (DP) POC:
Susie Parker/NHQ Chief of DP - sparker@capnhq.gov
Lt Col Stephen Kohler, National Personnel Officer - skohler@new.rr.com
Applications now being accepted for BoG Member-at-Large positions: Based on the recent
changes to the CAP governance structure it is now necessary to select up to three new Members-atLarge to serve on the Board of Governors. CAP members may nominate themselves to serve on the
BoG and the complete selection process is outlined in CAP Regulation 35-9, Board of Governor and
Wing Commander Selection Procedures and online at www.capmembers.com. Interested members
should submit a letter requesting consideration with an attached CAP resume (other qualifications
that have a direct relationship to CAP may be included). Requests must be sent to the CAP Senior
Advisory Group (formerly NEC) through HQ CAP/DP at HQ CAP/DP, Attn: BOG Nominations, 105
South Hansell Street, Maxwell AFB AL 36112-5937. Applications must be received by National
Headquarters not later than 15 October 2012. Contact Ms. Susie Parker at sparker@capnhq.gov
or 877-227-9142, extension 212, if you have questions or need additional information.
eLearning (EL) POC:
Ron Olienyk/NHQ eLearning Program Manager rolienyk@capnhq.gov
For more information- elearning@capnhq.gov
Learning Management System: The new Learning Management System (LMS) is now available in
eServices at https://www.capnhq.gov/CAP.LMS.Web/Default.aspx. The following courses have been
created or migrated to the system: Introductory Communications User Training (ICUT), Financial
Specialty Track Tests, Wing Finance Course, CAPR 60-1 Exams, and Officer Basic Course. There
will be courses migrating to the system constantly so check back often. Any questions can be
addressed to Ron Olienyk at rolienyk@capnhq.gov.

CFO: Susan Easter seaster@capnhq.gov
FY12 Audit: The FY12 external audit is now in progress. The auditors are utilizing Sertifi and Smart
Vault to review financial documents. In some cases, there will be a request sent to the Wing for audit
information if the Wing has not uploaded the documents into SmartVault.
Sertifi: You can now approve Sertifi documents on your iPad, iPhone, or Android! There is,
unfortunately, not a separate app for Sertifi yet, but this functionality will allow members of the

Finance Committee to react to requests immediately and not have to wait until they log in on a
desktop computer.
QuickBooks Upgrade: QuickBooks will be upgraded to the 2012 version in late October. Your Wing
Financial Analyst will be contacting you regarding the schedule for the upgrade.
Direct Deposit for Members for Missions: Members signing up for a direct reimbursement of their
mission expenses recorded in WMIRS need to provide banking information to Financial Management.
The Direct Member Pay form can be found at:
www.capmembers.com/cap_national_hq/financial_management/regulations-manuals-and-forms1546/. Members may also email Merinda Hall and request the form at mhall@capnhq.gov.


Director: John Salvador jsalvador@capnhq.gov
Deputy National Chief of Staff/Support: Col Joseph Skip Guimond jguimondjr@verizon.net
National Public Affairs Officer: Maj Steven Solomon - ssolomon@cap.gov
PAO Academy III: A two-day PAO Academy at the annual conference attracted 29 participants, the
second largest of the 10 preconference sessions offered this year. The lineup of experts presenting
sessions on topics of interest to todays PAOs were highlighted by remarks from Alan Black, Chief of
PA Force Management for the Secretary of the Air Force Office of Public Affairs. Attendees also
enjoyed a tour of the Defense Media Activity Headquarters at Fort Meade. Plans are already
underway for PAO Academy IV to be offered in 2013 in Denver on Aug. 13-14; be sure to save the
dates! Powerpoint presentations that were presented during the Academy are posted on the PA
page at www.capmembers.com/cap_national_hq/public_affairs/. Also, each session is available on
CD from NHQ/PA. POCs: Julie DeBardelaben jdebardelaben@capnhq.gov and Steve Cox
2011 Financial Report: CAPs 2011 Financial Report has been published and is now available. For
the first time, NHQ has published three versions the full version for distribution to stakeholders
interested in examining CAPs financial documents, a second version featuring an introductory
overview crafted for legislators and their staff in Washington, D.C., and a streamlined version for
marketing purposes. The report that includes financial information is posted at
www.capmembers.com/cap_national_hq/cap_reports. Copies of the marketing publication are
available upon request; it can be viewed online at
www.capmembers.com/cap_national_hq/public_affairs. POCs: Julie DeBardelaben
jdebardelaben@capnhq.gov and Steve Cox scox@capnhq.gov.
Social Media: CAPs social media presence continues to grow. Twitter followers now number 1,981,
an increase of 8.3% over three months and 24.3% over six months. Facebook calculates the main
CAP pages weekly reach at 9,777, compared to 9,158 three months ago. During the week of the
Annual Conference, the metric totaled a record 12,035. POC: Dan Bailey dbailey@capnhq.gov.
National Level PA Working Groups: Three teams of PAOs are currently in various stages of
progress on three projects: recommending an update to the How-To-Guide for Civil Air Patrol Public
Affairs Officers that will bring the manual into synergy with the recently revised CAPR 190-1,
proposing ideas that can be used by PAOs at every level when CAP begins to celebrate its 75th
anniversary, and revising the outdated PAO Specialty Track program to better reflect CAP's needs in
the 21st century. A template for signing up for PA working groups to be established in the future is
available in eServices. POCs: Maj. Steven Solomon ssolomon@cap.gov and Julie DeBardelaben jdebardelaben@capnhq.gov.

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