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When you hear the word debate you might think about bargaining with the seller or like

speeches of politicians. Well, you are not completely wrong. However we will talk about a
different kind of debate on this essay. We will talk about academic debate. Academic debate is a
formal argumentation contest between two opposing teams. The teams will disprove a given
statements (often called motions) or argue the validity of the motion in a number of speeches
and each speech is regulated by a set of rules. Academic debates are usually adjudicated by a
group of judges called adjudicators. Academic debating is an excellent mixture of argumentation
and knowledge of important issues like beliefs, social concerns, government policies, economics
and most recent global issues in today's society. An academic debate in competitive manner is
designed to be logical and structured. Debating itself combines a set of skills which the oblige
debater to analyze data, discover and define problems, think critically and view the certain
subjects from a number of point of views.
Now that you already know about academic debate and its benefits towards us, it is time for you
as a student of State University of Jakarta to start debating. That is why EDCO or English
Debating Competition is there for the students of State University of Jakarta. EDCO is
university-level debating competition and it is one of the most prestigious events of the
department because it is mandated by Vice Rector II. The event is held by English Department
Students Executive Board annually. The chief committee and the chief coordinators of the event
are mostly chosen from the Academic Department of English Department Students Executive
Board. All the talents from all departments of State University of Jakarta are gathered to
participate on this event. Any under-graduate student with or without experience of debating can
participate on EDCO. As long as you follow the rules and guidelines, your presence will be
welcomed. The winning team of EDCO will be sent as representatives of State University of
Jakarta at National University Debating Competition or NUDC -- a nationwide debating
tournament run by the Ministry of Education of Republic Indonesia.
This event helps the student of State University of Jakarta in many ways. First of all, EDCO is a
medium for students to channel their interest in English debating skills. Students from different
departments might find it difficult to improve their oral English skill because they have no one to
practice with. And then, this event provides a healthy environment where students can learn how
to compete academically and show their true ability as educated individuals. EDCO also offers a
chance for students from different departments to interact and share their interest. And last but
not least, EDCO helps students to be critical. With the ability to think critical and the use of
English as a medium to deliver the ideas will make EDCO or English Debating Competition
becomes a place to improve the quality of students in general. Moreover, on EDCO, students are
challenged to extent their insight and ability to discuss national or global issues. In the future,
hopefully EDCO will become more improved and it will be an all-inclusive event where students
can improve and utilize their ability in debating and negotiating.

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