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, Homeopathic Cures Asthma (wda3)

I have suffered so much from Asthma in the past and so fully an I cured of it by
Homoeopathy that I am tempted to write this booklet for the benefit of the Homoeopaths as
well as the public.
I had my first attack of Asthma when I was still a student at the Grant Medical College. The
attacks were at times so severe that I was about to be admitted to the hospital. My teachers
were sympathetic towards me and they did everything that was possible to relieve me of the
unfortunate disease but they could not. Somehow, by the Grace of God, after my graduation, I
read somewhere about the efficacy of Homoeopathy and I sought the help of Dr. K.D. Burjo
Behram, M.B. , B.S. , the well-known Philanthropic Homoeopath of Dadar. He treated me and
I became completely well. He not only cured me, but also inspired me to learn more and more
about Homoeopathic Science. I shall be ever grateful to him and I respectfully dedicate this
booklet to him as my token of gratitude.
I hope this booklet will prove to be of benefit to those who read it.
I than my assistant Dr. (Miss) Farida F. Sholapurwalla for her valuable help in revising the
Alipur Building,
Colaba, Bombay-400005
Jan. 1977
Preface to the third edition
Due to persistent demand from my publisher, as well as from the profession and patients, the
third edition of this book, with some additions, has seen the light of the day.
The innumerable number of letters I have received from all parts of India from patients as
well as doctors, show that this dreadful disease is not under control inspite of the inventions of
new modern drugs. Homoeopathy helps to eradicate this disease smoothly or helps to mitigate
the human sufferings considerably.
Bombay, 14th Jan. 1977
Homoepathy cures asthma
Though so much advance has been made in Modern Medicine, Asthma is one of the diseases
which baffles the medical profession. Various causations have been given for the same.
Modern medicine is leaning more towards Psychological factors and very often call it a
Psychosomatic condition. Allergy is considered very often responsible for the same but no
one actually can pinpoint the offending factor. In large cities with uptodate laboratories many
a patient undergoes the scratch test, patch test, etc. to discover the factor to which he is
allergic. "But some patients may at times give negative skin reaction to proved causative
allergens, while others may give positive reaction with no clinical signs of allergic disease
whatsoever." (Wig). Heredity is also considered responsible and authorities state that 40% of
the offspring of Asthmatic patients suffer from the same. I need not go into different
Aetiological factors because that can be seen from any text book of medicine. From my long
experience of treating such patients as well as being one who had suffered from it in the past I
can assure you that Homoeopathic treatment is the most reliable treatment for this disease as
it has given me and many of my patients a new lease of life.

In Asthma, Fr. Hahnemann's theory of Miasms is so very clearly confirmed. A competent

Homoeopath finds out from the patients past, present and family history, that at the root of
every case there is very often a history of suppression of skin eruptions such as Eczema,
Ringworm, Scabies, Boils or some peculiar skin diseases which were suppressed or as we say
driven inwards by some external applications.
In this category also falls suppression of chronic cough, allergic rhinites, chronic sinusites,
measles, dysentery, malaria, a urethral discharge or any number of diseases treated by
powerful modern drugs. The story related by parents of the patients is very similar. A skin
eruption appeared on some part of the body for which a skin specialist was consulted who
gave an ointment and the disease disappeared like magic. The patient is very thankful to the
doctor and is pleased with the cure, but after months or years he or she finds that there is
difficulty in breathing with cough or cold for which another specialist is consulted who
further suppresses the disease or at the most is able to palliate it. In some infants, children or
sensitive adults, the story is slightly different. The child after primary vaccination or an adult
after secondary vaccination or some fancy inoculation develop a severe reaction with fever
and it is treated with strong modern drugs. After sometime these patients develop difficulty in
breathing. At times, there is no reaction after primary vaccination. This is more harmful. Here
our great antisycotic remedy Thuja or silicia will be found very helpful. So we must educate
our patients that the real cure will take linger than expected as we have to remove many a
barriers, layer after layer to reach the original disease.
Homoeopathic approach
One who has seen many asthmatic patients during the attacks will find the symptoms very
similar unless he discriminates and observes the finer points. For instance, when he visits, he
will find the patient having a great difficulty in breathing and panting for breath. He is not
able to lie down and is sitting up in bed, at times leaning forward, very restless, wants
something warm to drink and due to fear of suffocation he thinks he is breathing his last.
The remedy that comes to mind first is Arsenic alb. But this remedy will only palliate and
will not hold the case very long. It is very essential to observe the patient carefully and try to
find some peculiar symptoms for instance if the patient is lying flat in bed inspite of severe
difficulty in breathing Psorinum could be thought of. If he feels better in knee chest position
Medorrhinum can be thought of. When the attack is worse with the onset of monsoon, Natrum
Sulph helps. But if the patient is better in monsoon Causticum is the remedy. After
vaccination as mentioned before Thuja and Silicia can be thought of. Very often, we hear the
parents telling us that the child is worse at new moon or full moon and you may observe this
yourself that he or she gets the attack on this day when Silicia, Phos, Alumina or Sulphur can
be thought of. When there is a family history of Bronchitis or Pneumonia or Pleurisy,
Bacillinum 200 or I M, one dose every 10/15 days is found very helpful but this remedy gives
very severe reaction so it should be given very carefully. Dr. Clarke and De. Bernoville are of
the same opinion that Psora is nothing but hereditary tuberculonism which follows successive
generations. When I get a history of ringworm, I give Bacillinum as per advice by Dr. Burnett
and not Sulphur and very often the results are excellent. When there is a history of patients
getting worse in summer or at high altitude, Leuticum helps the patients very often.
This term "Psora" leads us to the phenomenon of periodicity, morbid phenomenon appearing
not only every month, or every season but also every year, every five years etc., this
periodicity may extend up to the successive generations. Bronchial Asthma is a clear
manifestation of Psora which may alternate or coexist with cutaneous eruptions which is
generally aggravated the cutaneous affections are better and inversely.

As regards the remedies useful in Asthma, I quote the opinions of some expert Homoeopaths.
Dr. Jahr says "I always commence the treatment of Asthma with Ipec."
Dr. Roger Schmidt "I would say that 8 to 9 times out of ten Ipecac has been the one remedy
that has given me good result in Asthma of children."
Dr. Hughes "If no exciting causes of acute Asthma can be traced Ipec should be administered
when Bronchial symptoms co-exist."
Dr. Laurie "For Bronchial Asthma during the paroxysms, IPEC is one of the most frequently
used remedies."
Dr. Nichol "Ipec is one of the first remedies of which we think in an attack of Asthma and it
is worthy of the place it holds."
Dr. Frank Bodman states "I will begin the treatment with Ipecac which I use most frequently
in my practice."
Dr. Hering states that his Ipecac subjects were fat children with pale skin and other ailments
were worse from anger, vexation and indignation. - "The trigger factors which start the
Dr. Nash in his Leaders states that Ipecac is the best remedy in the first stage of Asthma
before much mucus is present.
He points out hat typical nausea is present even after the patient has vomited and the tongue
is clean.
Dr. Clarke in his Dictionary states at length about the clinical details in Ipecac cases. He also
agrees about the patient's irritability and moroseness.
Kent in his lectures uses Ipecac as a palliative to deal with acute episodes in incurable old
cases of Asthma, attacks often start by catching cold.
Dr. Russel states that Nux vom should not be forgotten for Asthma brought on by indigestion
and indiscretion in food and drings, particularly in patients of sedentary habits.
According to my humble experience, I have found Thuja one of the most important remedies
to be taken into consideration, as most of my patients who came to me for the first time have
taken a lot of vaccinations and inoculations. Not only that, but they have dreams of falling
form great heights missing of a step and falling down, dreams of dead people, dreams of
anxiety and misfortune. The children are also worse after primary or secondary vaccination.
This is a great remedy for hydrogenoid constitution i.e. patients feel worse during the
monsoon. This is very helpful also to patients who drink a lot of tea.
Dr. Borland states that "if I have no other lead, I should probably start my cases on Thuja."
The next remedy that I have found very useful and which follows Thuja is Sulphur. Here
there is always a history of skin eruptions treated by various external applications.
And even when we see the patient some eruptions are there, which might keep on appearing
and disappearing. The remedy should be used very carefully and not in a very high potency.
Dr. Fortier Bernoville says "Sulphur may be given to oxygenoids, to hydrogenoids and to
carbo-nitrogenoids. In oxygenoid patients we must not prescribe it in very high dilutions
because they may cause rapid emaciation. Let us not forget that the Asthmatic patient is to us,
always a tuberculinic patient, but if this tuberculinic patient is emaciated, if his power of
defence is bad, if he has easy and frequent febrile attacks, Sulphur may augment that tendency
because the centrifugal action of this remedy is always extremely violent. Therefore, in
oxygenoid patients, it is necessary to prescribe a dilution not beyond 30. In these cases it is
preferably to check the centrifugal action of Sulphur by giving its compound Sulphur
Iodatum. In hydrogenoid patients, Sulphur yields its place to its complementary Natrum
Sulphuricum, the action of which is much more interesting and deeper in Asthma. Sulphur
may at last be given in Carbo-nitrogenoids having chronic eruptions with an extremely

slackened combustion. Whatever it may be and whatever may be the Biochemic constitution,
Sulphur must be given if there is chronic or suppressed eruption if the periodicity is marked
which may be irregular and last of all if the habitual hereditary antecedents of Psora are seen
in the parents of the patients. We must not forget the keynote symptoms of this remedy:
general aggravation by heat, by the heat of the bed, the periodic appearance of eruptions,
which may be polymorphous and are aggravated by washing. We will find the characteristic
redness of the mucosa specially of the lips that are intensely red."
Natrum sulph is related to Thuja and is very vastly used in Europe and India. It is used for
Asthma which is as a result of humidity specially in cold humid season, and for people
staying in humid houses. The patient is worse by the side of a lake, river or sea, or in places
where there is heavy rainfall. It suits children very well. The chest is very sensitive and the
patient is obliged to hold the chest when coughing.
Causticum: This remedy works exactly in the opposite direction from Thuja and Natrum
sulph. The patient is very much better in monsoon and worse when the climate is clear and
dry. There may be hoarseness of the voice and a peculiar symptom is that the cough is better
by cold drinks.
There are certain Functional and Drainage remedies given by Dr. Fortier Bernoville, M.D.
Among them, Drosera is of great interest.
According to Dr. Margret Tyler, Drosera is one of the anti-tubercular remedies. It is well
known as a Laryngeal remedy, and as the greatest remedy in whooping cough. After reading
this drug picture I have used Drosera in many cases where there was history of Tuberculosis,
pleurisy or chronic cough and cold, with excellent results. I recommend all homoeopaths to
read this drug picture very carefully. Passiflora and Valerina are to be reserved for nervous
patients whose spasms and fits cause insomnia. Nervous hypersensibility of Valeriana is to be
noted. Both these remedies are to be given in Mother Tincture.
Cuprum Metalicum: It should be given when the Asthmatic fit is very intense with violent
spasms accompanied by cyanosis during and after the attack.
The cough and suffocation are ameliorated sometimes by drinking some water. The time of
attack is 3 a.m.
Asthma with predominant Catarrhal element: The most important remedies are Antim tart,
Antim ars, Ipec, Pulsatilla, Senega, Kali Bich, Ars iod, Blatta orientalis. I have mentioned
indication of some of these remedies above. Blatta orientalis like Passiflora should be used as
a Tincture preferably in hot water during the attack. Very often it is indicated when Ars alb
does not help. These remedies seem to act on patients who have a tendency to obesity.
Sulphorous Acid: this remedy is called for in air pollution and specially affects the patient
with Bronchitis, Emphysema and Bronchial Asthma. The main factor is the Sulphurdioxide
content of the air. This is converted by humidity of the air to Sulphurous Acid, and when
inhaled, causes a great irritation of the respiratory tract. Trials of this remedy in 30th and 200
potency have shown some very good results. Dr. Guttman.
Asthma with high blood pressure. The remedies recommended are Baryta Carb, Baryta Mur
and Viscum alb.
Asthma with Hay Fever: Remedies recommended: Allium cepa Ambrosia, Euphraisa,
Sabadilla, Sambucus, Aralia recemosa. Luffa, Operculata, has been introduced by Dr. Wilmar
Schwabe of Germany. Provings were made by Dr. Raeside of UK. Dr. R.P. PATEL of
Kottayam has tried this remedy in 100 cases of Bronchial Asthma, allergic rhinites, and
sinusitis of chronic type. To him, 6 X potency of this drug has been found more effective. In
case there is any aggravation of symptoms, he states that 0/3 and 0/6 potencies are found very
helpful, and this medicine can be continued even for months as long as there is no reaction.

Tylophora Indica (Hindi-Jungli Pikvan) is a leaf of a creeper. Dr. Shivpuri of Patel Chest
Institute has used this leaf with a great deal of success in Bronchial Asthma, allergic rhinites
and chronic sinusites. It is also potentized the central Research Institute at Calcutta has done
some research recently. It is worth giving a trial in low potency.
Dr. P.S. Krishnamurthy has shown in a paper published as "New Dimensions in the
therapeutic approach to Asthma", the successful use of Influenzinum and Influenzinum and
Co. He has prescribed on symptom totality and also as a nosode or as an inter-current remedy.
The results are quite satisfactory. Copious expectoration was used as a criterion in these cases.
It is generally held that H. Influenzinum is the most important pathogen in Bacterial infection,
and complicated chronic bronchitis.
Dr. Johanna E.G. Brieger in the article "Winter Nosodes" of BHJ April 71 Page 117 offers as
a remedy named by Nelson and Co. as Dr. Brieger's Vaccine. This contains H. Influenza A and
B, Bacillinum, Streptococcin and Staphylococcin in the 30th potency. One dose weekly is
given. Further, it is stated in this article "an autogenic vaccine would, in my opinion, be even
better way of combating the pernicious pattern of recurrent respiratory infection with or
without spasm." Dr. Krishnamurthy has used this with good results.
Psychosomatic approach
Dr. Mowbray and Ferguson Rodger, in their book 'Psychology in Relation to Medicine' state.
Psychogenic asthma
Some forms of Asthma are determined by emotional factors.
Two Dutch workers, Dekker and Groen (1956), have managed to produce, study and record
emotionally determined Asthmatic attacks under laboratory conditions.
The placebo effect
The psychosomatic approach has a special significance in the field of therapeutics. For a long
time doctors have known that some patients can gain relief from their symptoms quite
independently of the properties of the medicine, prescribed. A patient may claim that a folk
remedy, a patent medicine, or some regime in which he has faith is of benefit although it may
contain nothing which could alter the cause of the symptoms. An inert substance may also be
deliberately prescribed by the doctor. A patient whose Asthma responds to adrenaline, but for
whom repeated injections of adrenaline would be harmful, may continue to improve on a
course of injections of sterile distilled water, without knowing that this change of treatment
has occurred. On the face of it, this change may appear to be tricking the patient and the ethics
of using a placebo have to be considered carefully although an experienced clinician can
exploit the placebo effect in the patient's best interests.
One patient in their series reported that she had an Asthmatic attack brought on by looking at
a goldfish. In the laboratory, her vital capacity was first measured to establish a base line and
a goldfish in a bowl was then brought into the room. A severe Asthmatic attack developed
involving a twenty-even per cent fall in vital capacity after about fifteen minutes. When the
goldfish had been taken away from the room the Asthma gradually decreased.
At the next experiment, the patient was confronted with a plastic goldfish. Although she
recognised it to be a plastic toy she once again had a fierce attack of asthma which recovered
after the stimulus had been removed. For the third experiment the empty bowl was used and a
33 per cent decrease in vital capacity ensued which did not improve even when the bowl was
removed. This last attack was so severe that it had to be terminated by an injection of
thiocinamine. The interesting point of this experiment is that, as well as being a neat
demonstration of the kind of stimulus which provokes psychogenic Asthma, it shows that

whether the stimulus is 'real' or not does not matter. The most plausible explanation of these
findings is that conditioning operates in the development of psychogenic attack of Asthma.
James C. Coleman states that Asthma is about three times more common among males. In
children it appears to involve an appeal for maternal help and protection. In later life it may be
activated by over dependency and guilt-arousing hostility towards loved ones or by
environmental and/or inner conflicts which make the individual feel oppressed and restrict
him freedom of living constitutional predisposition, a key factor, is resulting from heredity,
allergies, or respiratory infections.
Dr. George W. Kisher, Prof. Of Physiology at the University of Cincinnati States in his book
'Disorganised personality under Bronchial Asthma' as follows: A number of studies have been
made of the personality characteristics of children suffering from asthma. Such children
appear to be of above average intelligence, are inclined to be irritable and aggressive, and
show signs of insecurity, anxiety, and a lack of self confidence. Adult patients are likely to
have a deep seated fear of separation and may show a history of maternal dependence.
Such patients seem to have a need to be protected and sheltered. If they marry, it is usually
later in life. Whenever these patients are faced with a separation from the mother or a mother
substitute, an Asthmatic attack may be precipitated. It is likely that there has been
considerable illness in the immediate family history that the patient has marked heterosexual
conflict, and that he is frequently faced with the necessity for the simultaneous expression of
love and hate towards the same person.
At the psychodynamic level, Asthma may be an aggression against someone else or against
oneself. Simply being ill, unpleasant and difficult to care for is sometimes an expression of
aggression against other people. Asthma is commonly associated with possessiveness of
retentiveness, and attacks may be associated with financial stringency. Misers usually are
described in literature as "wheezing" when they count their gold. According to one
psychodynamic theory, the attack represents a repressed cry of anger and anxiety. The asthma
attack has also been regarded as a cry for help and an infantile appeal not to be left alone. An
in the case of much theorising in psychodynamics, experimental validation is lacking.
Naturopathic approach in diet
Natural measures for indigestion and constipation should be implemented if these co-exist
with Asthma. In a constipated Asthmatic, relief is often easily obtained by a simple hot water
enema given even during an attack. Instead of strong purgatives a simple glycerine
suppository will also be found helpful.
Hot chest packs, exposure of chest and back to mild sunlight, massage of the intercostal
muscles of the chest, and osteopathic manipulation of the spine are some of the auxiliary
treatments that help an asthmatic in his recovery from disease.
The diet of an Asthmatic should be bland and easily digestible. Include vegetables which can
be eaten as salads such as lettuce, carrots, spring onions, and radish. "Roots as well as leaves."
Fresh fruits such as apples, figs, pineapples, oranges, sweet limes, papaya and grapes are also
good. But in case the patient is sensitive to sour and juicy fruits, they should be excluded.
Papaya, apples and good quality mangoes during the season can be taken liberally. No sugar
should be mixed with the fruits. In fact, all refined carbohydrates are better omitted from the
diet. That means, biscuits, cakes, and pastries. Craving for sweets may be satisfied with
moderate use of natural sweets such as dry dates, raisins or figs. Night food should be as early
as possible, say about sunset, and should be very light, for example a cup of hot soup with a
poached or a quarter boiled egg and in vegetarians a cup of hot milk will suffice.
Diet plays an important part and the ayurvedic physicians lay great stress on the same,
particularly on the contray diet. One may take the best medicine possible, but if the diet is not

observed in children and adult, everything is lost. I have found very many patients sensitive to
sweets, sour lime, water melon juice, sugar cane juice, curd, butter milk, shrikand, cold drink
and ices. Plentiful fluids should be taken by mouth. Ginger is recommended for frequent
colds, coughs, etc. in the form of powder, either a pinch with hot milk or mixed with honey,
which will be found very helpful. If one cannot do any exercises, and gets breathless, gentle
walking every evening or morning is strongly recommended.
Yogic exercises for the asthmatic
I am convinced that yogic exercises play a very important part in helping the asthmatic to get
well. These exercises should be carried out under an expert along with homoeopathic
medicines. In big cities like Bombay, we do not or cannot breathe freely as there is no scope
for doing so due to extremely busy life. Walking is not possible for office workers as he is in a
hurry to reach his office. A lot of carbon monoxide is inhaled by city dwellers as a lot of gas is
thrown out from the innumerable vehicles plying in the cities. James Hewitt states that
modern man has lost the art of breathing properly. His sallow breathing utilises about 1/10th
of his lung capacity. Dr. Fisher of the Life Extension Institute of America observes that deep
breathing exercises everyday should be encouraged. "A hundred deep systematic breaths a
day, is one physician's recipe for avoiding tuberculosis."
Bihar School of Yoga Monghyr has brought out a book written by Dr. Sankar (John Merer) of
Australia under the guidance of wami Satyananda Saraswati, a book on 'asthma and Yoga' I
strongly recommend this book and particularly the exercises to be studied by an asthmatic
patient who can afford to do so. Dr. John Merer, was himself an asthmatic and after having
training and performing these yogic exercises he is completely free from Asthma, without any
medicine. I am mentioning some of the exercises below:
Pranayama: The patient sits down with legs crossed on the floor which is covered with a
blanket or a sheet. The spine should be erect, he should be relaxed. The first stage is a slow
and deep breath which expands the lungs, and brings in the maximum supply of oxygen laden
air from the air space.
The second stage consists of holding the breath for a very short time to start with. This pause
or holding the breath initially should be for a very short time as I have found that the patient
whose lungs have become weak, feel suffocated and cannot hold it for long. The pause should
be gradually increased till it is twice as much as the time taken during inspiration. The third
stage is the exhalation i.e. he has to breathe out the air which he has taken in, which he
should do gently to bring on the maximum contraction of the air spaces in the lungs. This
throws out the maximum amount of carbon dioxide from the lungs. The fourth and the last
stage is the maintenance of the state of maximum void in the air spaces, achieved by the long
deep exhalation. When one has mastered these four phases, he or she has to go ahead with
NADI SHODHAN PRANAYAMA. Here too, the patient sits comfortably with legs crossed,
straight spine, hands on the knees. Raise the right hand to the front of the face. The right hand
fingers should be used to control the flow of air through the nostrils in the following way.
Place the index and middle finger on the centre of the eyebrows. They should remain in this
position without moving for the whole practice. Close the right nostril with the right thumb.
Inhale through the left nostril and slowly exhale through the same about 5 times. After
finishing the same, the second stage sets in. Again, close the right nostril with the thumb as
before, inhale through the left nostril and at the end of inhalation, close the left nostril with the
ring finger. Now pressure is applied on both the nostrils and they are closed. After a very short
time, for beginners; release the pressure of the thumb on the right nostril and breathe out
through the same.

Now inhale again through the right nostril, close the right nostril after inhalation and exhale
through the left nostril. Keep on doing this 4 to 5 times to start with. It can be increased later
on.. The time for inhalation and exhalation should be equal, and no strain should be applied.
This is one of the finest exercises for asthma, chronic bronchitis, frequent colds, nose
blocking etc. Yogic breathing tones up and reconditions not only the lungs but the heart, liver,
stomach, and intestines too. Its effect on the nerves, the brain, and the mind as a tonic,
sedative and tranquilliser is remarkable.
For an acute of attack Asthma, the Bihar School of Yoga recommends KUNJAL KRIYA.
Take a big jug and pour enough tepid water about 6 glasses. Add a tablespoon full of salt and
shake it thoroughly. As far as possible, drink all six glasses one after another as quickly as
possible. Immediately after drinking, there will be a sense of nausea or vomiting. If not, put
your index and middle finger of the right hand into the throat as far as possible. This will
induce vomiting. This can bring immediate relief during an attack. There is a reflex form the
stomach to the lungs via the vagus nerve, removing tension from the lungs. It should be done
early in the morning when the stomach is empty and one should wait at least for 20 minutes
before eating.
Dr. R.K. Garde states in his article Yoga Chikitsa Asthma that "Pranayama through
respiratory manipulations and modifications purifies and fortifies the respiratory apparatus
gaining control over the bio energy and indirectly over the mind also. He lays special
emphasis on Kapalabhati.
In case of obese, overweighed patients, Dhouti or vaman vidhi (auto lavage) is a must, just as
Basti (enema) in case of thin and tall patients. Kapalabhati, regularly and properly practised,
leads to decrease in carbondioxide percentage in the blood, and carbon-dioxide is a regular
stimulant of the respiratory centre in the medulla oblongata. Owing to decrease of carbondioxide in the body, by kapalabhati practice, the respiratory centre is not abnormally
stimulated hence the relief in asthma.
Before Pranayam is done, there are few exercises which will warm the body and will start
breathing in the normal way. Some of them are as follows:
1. Raised Arms Pose: Raise both arms above the head, bend the upper trunk and head slightly
backward. Inhale while raising the arm, exhale when you bend forward.
2. Serpent Pose: (Bhujangasana). Lie on the stomach with the legs straight and the feet
extended. Place the palms flat on the floor underneath the shoulders. Rest the forehead on the
ground. Relax the whole body. Slowly raise the head and the shoulders off the ground,
bending the head as far back as it will go. Try to raise the shoulders without using the arms,
only utilising the back muscles. Now bring the arms into action and slowly bend the whole
back as much as possible without strain until the arms are straight. Try to keep the naval as
near to the ground as possible.
3. The Bow Pose: (Dhanurasana). Lie flat on the stomach and inhale fully. Bend the legs at
the knees and hold the ankles with the hands. Tense the leg muscles and arch the back. At the
same time raise the head, chest and thighs as high as possible off the ground. Keep the arms
straight. In the final pose the body resembles a taut bow.
4. The Psychic Union Pose: (Yoga Mudra)-Sit in padmasana. Close the the eyes. Hold one
wrist behind the back with the other hand. Relax the whole body for some time. Slowly bend
the trunk forward until the forehead touches or nearly touches the ground. In the final position
try to relax the whole body. Slowly return to the starting position. Breathe normally in the
starting position whilst relaxing the body. Inhale slowly and deeply whilst bending forward.
Breathe deeply and slowly in the final position. Inhale whilst returning to the starting pose.

There are many breathing exercises recommended by different authors for the the cure of
Bronchial Asthma. It is not possible to enumerate all of them in this small booklet but I have
given some idea about the same. Please do not undertake to do any exercise without
consulting any expert for the same. The last exercise after the usual procedure, is
SHAVASANA (Corpse Pose). Here too, different authors give different versions. This is
according to the Bihar School of Yoga.
Lie flat on the the back, either on the ground with a thick blanket or a carpet or on your bed if
the bed is hard.. Arms by your side and in line with the body, palms facing upwards. Let
yourself go as you do when you are tired. Close the eyes, relax the whole body as much as
possible. Let there be natural breathing. Let the mind become aware of the inhalation and
exhalation. Count the number of respirations-I in; I out; 2 in; 2 out; and so on. Continue to
count for a few minutes and the body and mind both will relax.
Most people are unable to relax as such it will take some time to learn this relaxation. The
other method suggested is to give to your mind Auto suggestions, like, "the muscles of my
body from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet are relaxed. I enjoy the relaxation.
There is no tension in my muscles. I am perfectly relaxed." Now, you must mentally go over
to each part of your body from head to foot. For example, think that the muscles of my scalp,
face, and jaws are relaxed. Then take eyes and nose, go down to neck and back, shoulders,
arms, forearm, wrist, hands and fingers, even the tips of the fingers. Then take chest,
abdomen, genitalia, muscles of the thighs, legs, feet, and toes. Initially, the mind might
wander. Try to relax and bring back the mind on the suggestions given. If this is not
practicable, you may engage a speaker or a narrator who can give you the suggestions.
Another idea is to have a tape recorder which has recorded all these instructions and you can
gently play the tape keeping it by yourself. Trying this again and again a stage will come
when you can relax yourself without the aid of anybody. Many authorities recommend
SHAVASANA at least once everyday. One could do it more often if one has time. This is the
best exercise for relaxing mind and body.
With small children, games such as "Blow Balloon" often help to encourage the exhalation of
air, or a ping pong ball may be placed on a cloth, and the patient is then encouraged to see
how far it can be blown with one breath. The distance should be progressively increased with
practice. Another useful exercise is beating out, making a whistling noise, while counting
slowly. The "target" should not be set too high to begin with, but it may be increased
gradually as the child learns to blow out more effectively.
For the older person the ribs may be exercised by sitting on an armless chair, placing the
hands (one over the other) on the lower ribs and then, after taking a full breath, leaning to the
right while breathing out and compressing the ribs on the right side to exhaust as much air
from the chest as possible. Return slowly to upright position, breathe in as fully as possible,
and then bend to the left, this time compressing the ribs on that side. Finally, straighten up,
again filling the chest as fully as possible and then bend forward compressing both sides of
the chest so as to squeeze out as much air as possible. Return to the upright position, breathing
in frequently as possible during the day, remembering that the emphasis is always upon the
process of breathing out, since the air will readily flow back into the lungs if they are first
Recently a paper was presented at the yoga conference by Dr. Prathap C. Reddy, M.B. , F.C.
C.P. , F.I. C.A. Consultant Physician on the "Role of Yoga in Asthma". A study of 170 cases
were presented with a comparative study of other therapies. 106 were males and 64 were
females, with the age group varying from 7 years to 72 years. Among the 170 patients, 23 had
allergic rhinites, and 133 were known asthmatics, most of them were allergic to house dust,

cotton, wool, pollen or smell of paint petrol etc. All gave family history usually of Asthma or
other allergic history. Psychological factors also played some roll in about one third of the
patients. The results of the study only on yogic exercises was excellent improvement with
complete relief of symptoms and complete reduction in the drug intake. This further goes to
prove that yoga exercises under a trained teacher will definitely help to overcome this disease.
Those interested, may please contact Dr. Reddy at 50 St. Mary's road, Alwarpet, Madras-600
I am giving below the statics of 200 Asthma cases treated by me. The figures are as follows:Total No. of Cases Patients with Past History of Skin EruptionsPatients with Past History
on Respiratory Disease
Patients with Family History of Skin Eruptions
Patients with
Family History of Respiratory Disease
200 129 (64%)
58 (29%)
47 (24%)
151 (75%)
Asthma alternating with eczema
Case no. 1
Child aged four Baby F.O. was seen by me in December 1966 having Asthma for the last 3
years. It is worse in winter, monsoon by ice cold drinks, fruits, and during full moon. She
vomits during the attack and is better after that . The first small pox vaccination was done
when the child was 2 months old, and then triple vaccine was given every month for the
succeeding 3 months. This child was not keeping too well after this, and was having frequent
colds and coughs. At the 7th month, the child developed eczema on the head, which was
suppressed with external applications, and the parents felt happy that the skin disease was at
the end. After 4 months, in the monsoon, the child had the first attack of Asthma, which keeps
on alternating with skin eruptions. After about 2 years, the child was revaccinated and the skin
eruptions appeared all over the body. Again a skin specialist was consulted, who prescribed
external applications, and the eczema disappeared. In the winter of the same year, asthmatic
attacks became worse. Now a chest specialist was consulted, who, screened the child and
found 'Emphysema' with mottled Opacities in the right lung. 'He suggested '(1) Routine blood
examination; (2) tuberculin test (3) X-Ray of the chest (4) Bronchogram (5) Sweat
Electrolysis. For treatment, the usual antibiotics plus cortisone and cough syrups were
prescribed. This treatment only palliated.
The homoeopathic treatment was started with Thuja 200, 3 doses to be given 4 hours apart.
From second day onwards, Ipecac 30 in repeated doses was given. Within a week's time, the
child was very much better , the vomiting stopped entirely but slightly wheezing was there. In
the next monsoon, the child was much better than usual, but occasional attacks were helped
with NAT SULPH in low potency. Silica in 30th and 200 potency was given with excellent
results so that at new moon and full moon, there were no attacks. In the next summer, the
child developed diarrhoea and few skin eruptions, particularly on the head. Sulphur 200, 3
doses followed by 1000 after a month completely cleared all the eruptions. The child is grown
up now, has put on weight, has good appetite, regularly goes to school and there is neither
Asthma nor Eczema. This shows that with the minimum amount of medicine, the maximum
benefit is obtained.
Case no. 2
Name: dr. p.n. j.
age:70 years.

The patient is suffering from Bronchial Asthma since 1956. The attacks are worse every
monsoon along with cough and cold, worse at night between 1 to 3 a.m. The expectoration is
profuse during this period. Constipation, Urine frequent Day 5 Night 3.
Previous history-Malaria 1938, Flu often, Abdominal colic and low fever, Vaccination and
Inoculation ++. Family history of no importance.
By temperament he is very irritable because of constant suffering and he feels better when
left alone though he would like company of certain selected people.
As a Physician he had undergone detailed investigations and had taken all sorts of treatment
for 15 years to no avail. He applied to me by post and I treated him by correspondence only. I
have not seen him so far. Now he is perfectly well. This is the first monsoon he has not got an
attack. Remedies given were as follows:
NATRUM SULPH in increasing potencies was given up to 50 N with excellent results. It also
helped him in the cough. The treatment was started on 5-5-71 just before the monsoon. In
between BACILLINUM 200 and 1 M were given with a great deal of improvement in cough
and particularly in the expectoration. I gave him a dose of Thuja 10 M when he was much
better because as a doctor he had taken a lot of vaccinations and inoculations.
Case no. 3
Name: mr. m.g.
age: 37 years
He is suffering from Bronchial Asthma for last 30 years. The attack is usually worse at night
between 3/4 a.m. and is worse by ice cold drinks, ice cream and heavy food better in open air,
or standing on the balcony during the attack.
Constipated, hot patient, very fond of food and drinks.
Previous history-Malaria, ringworm, Urticaria, Athletes foot, vaccinated every 2/3 years.
Family history-Asthma in the mother.
The following remedies are given:
SULPHUR was given because of his suppressed itch in increasing potencies from 200
onwards up to 50 M with temporary relief.
Carbo veg 30 and Ant Tart 30 gave some relief during acute attacks. As he was not improving
his case was retaken and on close questioning I found that he was better in monsoon and no
sooner the wet weather stopped and had become warm and stuffy, he developed the attacks.
On these symptoms CAUSTICUM in increasing potencies from 200 onwards was given with
immediate relief and his difficulty has ceased.
This probably is his constitutional remedy and whenever there is slightest difficulty in
breathing the remedy helps him very much. He is under my treatment from 1966 onwards and
is practically free now from this unfortunate disease.
Case no. 4
Name: master d.d.
age: 12 years
He is suffering from Bronchial Asthma since 1965. Worse lying flat, better being propped up
or leaning forward on a pillow. He is having constant cough and cold also. The peculiar
symptom is this that the attacks come prior to examination or keeping an appointment. The
parents say and I got it from the patient also that he has no examination fright. He is a first
class student but is anxious that he may not miss his class. More like anticipation. During the
attack he vomits food and drink. Better in air-conditioned room and high altitudes. Banana
and cold drinks aggravate.
Previous History-Pyloric Spasm at birth for one year. Appendix removed 68. Fall while
playing. Vaccinated every 2 years, so far 6 times. Also triple and polio. Family History-Great
grandmother and maternal uncle had asthma-Mother was emotionally upset during pregnancy.

Likes cold weather, very sensitive and intelligent.

I saw him first on 3-12-71 in a severe attack. IPECAC 30 in repeated doses was given
because there was persistent nausea with vomiting. Later I gave SULPHUR 200 a single dose
and this gave a severe aggravation.
Now the prelim examination was due and he was again getting upset. On referring to Kent's
repertory on Page 764 under the heading "Asthma worse emotions" the following remedies
were found-ACON, COFF, GELS and IGNATIA in italics. GELS was selected and given in
the 30th potency. The result was good. He did not get the attack at this examination. On 6-372 there was a boxing tournament and he was once more very anxious and he got an attack
couple of days before. This time on the basis of anticipations ARG NIT 200 was given with
excellent results. His attacks had become much less on the last remedy. He was also given the
same in 1 M potency but his cold is persistent. On further questioning, I found that he is fond
of salt, prefers to be alone and at times nervous. NATRUM MUR in increasing potencies has
cleared his cold completely and he has no asthma too.
Case no. 5
Name of the patient: major b.
age: 38
I had not seen this army officer who was serving in a remote corner of our country. His
brother insisted that I should treat him as he was suffering for a long time from Bronchial
Asthma and even after being hospitalised, he was not improving. My questionnaire was
despatched to him which he filled up in details and posted it back to me. The symptoms as
mentioned were as follows:
(1) Sudden and extreme difficulty in breathing every night between 12 and 1 a.m. , or the
wheezing starts by evening and becomes worst after dinner. The attacks have only started
after having been posted to this very humid climate. Better by sitting up. There is running of
the nose and sneezing very often. He complains of headache with excessive flatulence. Better
by passing flatus or stool. He is worst by alcohol and by heavy food. Eosinophillia is 18%.
When admitted to the hospital, he was discharged with advice to take Asmapax tablets twice a
(2) Ineffectual desire for stool. Urine normal.
(3) Past history of Acute Bronchites-3 times. Pnemonites once. Loose stools 3 times and
bleeding piles.
(4) Vaccinations and inoculations in plenty as he is an army officer.
(5) Family history of Uncle T. B:
(6) Violent temper if injustice is done to him. Better by company.
20.4.74 -Thuja 200 (3) followed by Natrum Sulph 6.
20.7.74 -Feels better. Worse when humidity is more, with lot of flatulence. Natrum Sulph
200 (3). Carbo Veg 30.
20.8.74 -Stool better but occasional attacks. Natrum Sulph IM (3). Carbo Veg 30.
18.10.74 -Chest is better, cough is less, no wheezing. Natrum Sulph 10 M (3). Carbo Veg. 30
01.12.74 -Very much better. No attacks, ineffectual urge for stool and lot of flatulence. N. V
200 (3), Carbo Veg 30.
03.01.75 -Patient is at Bombay, very happy and healthy. No attacks. Only flatulence. China
14.01 75 -Bleeding piles, no pain. Still urge for stool. Sulphur 200 (3). Hamamelis V. 30.
18.02.76 -After this the patient was feeling much better, in all respects but he was having
occasional attacks of cold and wheezing for which Bacillinum 200 (3) as an intercurrent
remedy looking at his past and family history was given.

01.03.76 -Better no complaints, S.L. He was transferred and I lost contact with him, but his
family stated that he was feeling much better.
24.02.77 -Patient is again back to Bombay in absolute good health. No Asthma, no
Case no. 6
Name: baby b.j.
age: 3 years
I. Bronchial Asthma since 9 months, agg. (1.00 to 2.00 a.m. , sweets, cold drinks, and lying
down), amel. In the knee chest position, sneezing very often.
II. W.B. C. count 14000. Eosino 9.3%. Most of the Mycines and Penicillins and other drugs
are given to no relief.
Past history of Roundworms, measles, vaccination once, triple, polio, B.C. G. and
booster doses given.
IV. Family History of Mother-Koch's infiltration both upper lobes and suspicious,
cavitation left upper lobe. Grand-mother-Bronchites.
V. Constipated; urine-normal; sleep normal but startles in sleep and the sleep is disturbed
with coughing and asthma attacks.
Perspiration during attack.
VII. Appetite, thirst normal.
23.12.74 Thuja 200 (3) and S.L.
30.12.74 -Better with no attacks.
04.01.75 -Worse. Attack last night probably due to outing on
Cor R 30.
the new year day. Miniutegun cough.
07.01.75 -Cough better but wheezing persists. She wakes up crying, Medo 200 (3)
takes knee-chest position which relieves her.
14.01.75 -Better, no attacks, sleeps well.
07.02.75 -No attacks, but cough and cold often.
Bacillinum 30 (3).
04.03.75 -Definitely better but still occasional coughs and given on
Bacillinum 200 (1)
the basis of cold appetite less, no increase in weight.
Family history of Koch's.
10.03.75 -Severe aggravation, nausea and vomiting.
Ipecac 30.
11.04.75 -Now feels better after immediate reaction in all respects.
C.P. 200 (3)
09.05.75 -Wheezing very rare. Increase in weight, appetite better,
Bacillinum 200 (1)
feels tired.
18.09.75 -Free from attacks for about 4 months but again cough and
Bacillinum 200(1)
wheezing started.
25.09.75 -Again aggravation of the remedy, breathlessness with nausea Ipecac 30
and vomiting but not so severe as in the past.
07.10.75 -Very much better but cough and cold still persisting.
Bacillinum 200 (1)
15.10.75 -For the first time there was no aggravation and the child
started feeling better.
15.01.76 -Child was better for 2 months but again slightly breathless Ant. T 30.
With cough. Mother requested not to give the powders which
gave reaction.
28.02.76 -Child very much better in all respects. Is able to eat and digest many things to
which she was allergic like cold drinks, fruits, etc. - Bacillinum 200 (2)
13.03.76 -Very slight reaction followed by Amelioration.
03.04.76 -Better, no complaints, no medicine.
25.02.77 -Child was seen today in absolutely good health.

l. Dr. Rustom Vakhil and Dr. K.L. Vig-Text Book of Medicine.

2. Dr. Clarke-Dictionary of Materia Medica.
3. Dr. F. Bernoville-Homoeopathic Treatment of Asthma.
4. Dr. Margret Tyler-Homoeopathic Drug Picture.
5. Dr. William Guttman-British Homoeopathic Journal January 69.
6. Dr. Mowbray and Rodger-Psychology in Relation to Medicine.
7. Dr. James c. Coleman-Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life.
8. Dr. M.N. Bhamgara-Naturopathic Approach.
9. Dr. Garde-Yoga today (Macmillan India).
10. Dr. John H. Clarke-Constitutional Medicine.
11. Dr. R.P. Patel-My Experiments, Experiences and Observations with Luffa Operculata.
12. Dr. P.S. Krishnamurthy-New Dimensions in Therapeutic Asthma.
13. Dr. Johanna e. Brieger-Winter nosodes-British Homoeopathic Journal April 71.
14. Dr. John Merer (Dr. Shankar)-Asthma and Yoga.
15. Dr. Pratap c. Reddy-Role of Yoga in Asthma.
16. Prelimary Clinical Trial of certain Lesser Known DrugsDr. M.S. Pramanik and Dr. P.C. Mal, Journal of HM AI-Jan.-Feb. '77

WARD J. W., Unabridged Dictionary of the Sensations "AS IF" (wd1)

WARD James William
- This volume contains a vast amount of pathogenetic and clinical symptomatic information
of the Materia Medica, gathered and compiled by one of the foremost and conscientious
Homoeopathic Physicians and Surgeons of America, Dr. James William Ward.
- The outstanding marvel is how any physician in the active practice of medicine could
collect and prepare material for such a comprehensive volume.
- In this work will be found the results of the provings of many remedies by large groups of
provers, with the detail of symptoms in their own language.

- The various provers oftentimes presented a special vocabulary in their endeavor to elucidate
the action of remedies and conditions found in the provings.
- The research involved in the preparation of this book has covered the extensive library of
the Homoeopathic Foundation of California, the second largest collection of Homoeopathic
literature in the United States.
- This research and preparation was carried on for a period of over six years, the results of the
first two of which could very aptly be termed as "love's labor lost."
- It was made plain at such time that the review to be complete must cover all provings by
Hahnemann and his contemporaries on down to the present time, making it necessary to
discard every effort previously attempted and proceed with a more extensive research.
- The compiling of a work like this requires masterful patience, and all who are acquainted
with the author will not wonder at the pains-taking presentation of the subject.
- The dominant purpose of this book has been to present the symptoms in that orderly way
which may assist the physician in his effort to quickly choose the similimum
homoeopathically necessary to be curative.
- The Materia Medica has been a life-long study of Dr. Ward's from his college days when,
under the unusual opportunities of study and association with Timothy F. Allen, St. Clair
Smith and Martin Deschere, an unbounded interest was aroused to facilitate choice of the
remedy at the bedside.
- It is hoped that this book will afford an intimate companionship to the real student of
Homoeopathy, marshalling into line as it does the vast array of symptom-sensations from the
hitherto uncharted Materia Medica.
- Middlebury, Vermont.
- This unabridged dictionary of the Materia Medica is another avenue of approach to the
traditional problem of remedy selection from the vast Homoeopathic symptomatology.
- The volume here offered to the profession is a directory of special symptoms containing the
name of the remedy in the pathogenesis of which a certain phraseology is found.
- These morbid symptoms are described as sensations felt, either in the process of proving of
remedies or in the course of clinical experience with them, and are generally expressed by the
phrase "as if" or "as though."
- It was through pains-taking research and examination of provings that these symptoms were
collected from all Homoeopathic literature, beginning with the days of the illustrious
Hahnemann and continuing methodically through the authoritative provings, writings and
lectures of various esteemed authors.
- The purpose of this dictionary is to make easily available certain symptomatic-descriptions
expressed by the provers in the subjunctive mood and, furthermore, to record for clinical
application the proved relationships between those symptoms and their remedies.
- Since this work differs in many important particulars from any of a similar character
hitherto published, it may be necessary to state the principles of its construction.
- The method chosen for accomplishment was to systematically caption and cross-caption
these sensation-described symptoms, so that each of them falls naturally into its own
alphabetical place in an orderly arrangement, making it as readily found as a word in an
- Each symptom is so described that no matter under how many alphabetical heads it may
appear, the indicated remedy and key to the authority for it is always given by an initial, letter
or letters in parentheses immediately following the remedy and printed in italics.
- The name of the author, designated by the initials, is given in the third part of the book, the

- Cross-references to the sensation-descriptions are numerous throughout both divisions of

the book.
- In a number of instances in the clinical section a symptom will be found under as many as
five different captions.
- For example- "Nails grey, dirty as if decayed; when cut scattering like powder and splitting into layers."
will be found under the captions :
- Decayed Nails; Nails Dirty-Grey; Powdered Nails; Splitting Nails; Scattering Nails.
- The topographical arrangement under anatomical headings has not been extensively
followed, rather a most individually descriptive word of the sensation-symptom has been
chosen for the caption in each case.
- Where several captions are identical the remedy for each has been placed in alphabetical
- The rule adopted for the preparation and arrangement was to make a verb, adverb or noun in
the sentence the leading word in the caption, two or three words of a sentence having
suggested the captions which have been employed.
- The cross-captions render the identification of the symptoms easier, and also, in a like
manner, the words of the caption often convey the true meaning of the sentence.
- The interrogation of the patient will naturally evoke in the physician's mind the words most
characteristic in their description.
- The art involved was to translate the language of the patient into descriptive captions,
thereby establishing a correlation between the salient words of the patient and captions of
proved and clinical symptoms.
- The elaborate symptomatic expressions as shown in this volume should convince the reader
of the variety of sensations experienced and often extravagant language used by drug provers.
- The apparent trivialities in the peculiar "symptom expressions" are the recorded words of
the provers and comparable to the descriptions given by the patients in our every-day practice.
- The Pathogenetic or first division of the book comprises a summary and thorough research
of the original provings as found in Timothy F. Allen's "Encyclopedia of Pure Materia
- These provings were compiled by him from the original records describing "positive effects
of drugs upon the healthy human organism."
- Symptoms thus recorded have been used as an index basis for filing in this division and
constitute the authentic collection according to T. L. Bradford's "Index of Provings" up to and
including the year 1879.
- Wherever Hahnemann has written in his Materia Medica Pura or in the Chronic Diseases
symptom-descriptions embracing the words "as if" they have been given priority by the author
and substituted for similar sensation-symptoms found elsewhere.
- The next in order of appropriation were symptoms recorded in John H. Clark's Dictionary of
Materia Medica, which included many provings since 1880 not to be found in Allen's
- In this part of the book were also collected like symptom-descriptions of provings widely
distributed throughout the Journals, Transactions of the American Institute of Homoeopathy,
The Proceedings of the International Hahnemannian Association, and extensive English
Literature of the Homoeopathic school as is attested by the Bibliography.
- The Clinical or second division of the book is a record of diversified verifications
developed through clinical experiences and observations of many distinguished contributors
to the symptomatology of our Materia Medica.

- The "Guiding Symptoms" of the stalwart American Homoeopath, Constantine Hering, have
been made the basic record of this part of the book, although writings, lectures and records of
others have contributed to the fulness of it.
- The Bibliography, or third part, makes acknowledgement of the sources from which
symptom-descriptions have been obtained.
- Individual provers consulted have been given full credit for their provings or clinical
recordings wherever any sensation-description has been appropriated.
- The integrity of the text, as found in the authority from which it was taken, has been
scrupulously preserved and remains unchanged even where grammatical errors have been
found present.
- No modification of punctuation has been made unless deemed necessary for purposes of
- Mention should also be made of the difference in spelling of remedies by various authors,
such as in Sulphur, often written Sulfur, likewise Actea written Actaea, and other remedies
which have been allowed to remain as taken from the original text.
- The word "vice" or "vise" is used interchangeably.
- If remedies are not found in the earlier volumes of Allen's Encyclopedia, the supplement
contained in the tenth volume should be consulted.
- In the provings of Curare, the word "appendix" has been retained for identification, as
originally used by Timothy F. Allen.
- One remedy is distinguished from another by very definite traits.
- Hahnemann himself discovered and first made use of the modalities through which
remedies disclose their distinctive or specific powers.
- The whole philosophy of drug application fails if the practitioner neglects to recognize and
employ the modalities as a part of the totality symptom-complex.
- The special field of Homoeopathy is recognized as remedy diagnosis according to
- Modalities through comparison become thereby great determining factors in prescribing.
- This volume should emphasize the vastness of our Materia Medica and stimulate greater use
of our treasure-house of remedies.
- No memory is so prodigious that it can retain all symptomatology, therefore ample
reference books are necessary for comparative therapeutics.
- The Dictionary is essentially one of reference and can in no way displace the importance of
authoritative text review in the clinical application of remedies.
- The author wishes to pay a tribute of appreciation :
- To the memory of the late Dr. WILLIS A. DEWEY, whose helpful interest in its preparation
lingers like a benediction throughout the pages of this book;
- To Mr. WILLIAM STEWART WOBBER, its publisher, for his skillful handling of technical
matters in connection with its presentation in the final printed form;
- To Mr. CHARLES L. RHODES, for his editorial suggestions and hearty cooperation
throughout its preparation; and
- To LYLE F. BERNHARD, for painstaking research, accuracy in text arrangement, and,
most of all, for the untiring and sincere energy displayed in bringing this volume to
Unabridged dictionary of the sensations "as if"
Abandoned mood
- Extremely melancholy mood, with feeling as of being abandoned. Carbo Animalis (A)

Abdomen alive
- Feeling as if there were something alive in the chest or abdomen. Crocus (JHC)
- Movements and shocks in the abdomen as if from something alive. Curare Appendix (A)
- Spasmodic contraction of the abdominal muscles, as if something were alive within them.
Hyoscyamus (A)
- A momentary starting in the epigastric region, in the direction of the left hypochondrium, as
of something alive. Thuja (A)
Abdomen apprehensive
- Apprehensiveness as if rising from the upper abdomen. Digitalis (A)
Abdomen ascites
- Swelling of the abdomen, as if ascites, accompanied by a sensation as though the whole
contents of the abdomen were drawn back against the vertebral column. Trillium Cernuum
Abdomen ball
- Constant tearing colic in the side of the abdomen, as if the parts were rolled up into a ball.
Chamomilla (A)
- Hard abdomen, especially on the right side, where he feels as if there were a ball. Delphinus
- A sensation as though something was drawn up into a ball in the stomach and intestines
almost every day. Lachesis (A)
- Pressing pain in both shoulders, and sensation as if a six-pound ball was pressed from the
abdomen into the pit of the stomach. Nux Moschata (A)
Abdomen bands
- Sensation as of bands around the abdomen, fastened at the navel. Crotalus Cascavella (A)
Abdomen beaten
- Sensation as if the whole abdomen had been beaten. Curare Appendix (A)
Abdomen bitten
- Itching of scalp and lower part of abdomen, as if bitten by something. Carbolic Acid (A)
Abdomen blood
- Pressure on the chest, which disappeared after half an hour; it felt as if all the blood had
stagnated in the abdomen, as if after nightmare. Calcarea Caustica (A)
Abdomen blow
- Sensation as if from a blow in the abdomen, followed by an evacuation. Mancinella (A)
Abdomen bruise
- An unpleasant though quiet aching almost as if from a bruise in the abdomen. Hepar Sulf.
Calc (A)
Abdomen bruised
- Pains in the abdominal muscles, as if he had fallen upon them, while sitting. Hyoscyamus
- Pain in the abdominal walls, as if bruised when gasping. Pulsatilla (H)
- Painful pressure in the abdomen and pain as if bruised. Sepia (H)
- Bruised sensation in the right side of the lower abdomen, as if a spot there was diseased.
Zincum (A)
Abdomen bubbles
- Colic, with violent rumbling, as if from the bursting of large bubbles. Colocynthis (A)
- A feeling in the left side of the abdomen, as if bubbles formed and broke, without pain.
Cuprum (A)
- Movements in the abdomen as if bubbles rose up and burst. Helleborus Niger (A)

- Sensation of strings of air-bubbles running transversely across the abdomen, below the
umbilicus, also a shooting pain, as of a knotted string down, through and across, above the
umbilicus. Mercurius Iodatus Flavus (A)
Abdomen bunch
- Cutting in the left side of the abdomen, as if a bunch would protrude there. Conium (A)
Abdomen burning
- Sudden sensation as of burning in the abdomen. Alumina (H)
- Violent pains in the right groin, a burning and bearing-down as if the intestines which felt as
if they were moving would issue at that part of the abdomen. Graphites (H)
- Burning and digging-up in the abdomen as if from a heaving. Magnetis Poli Ambo (H)
Abdomen burst
- Colic, as if the abdomen would burst asunder. Coffea Cruda (A)
- He screams on account of pains, which seem as though they would burst the abdomen.
Hyoscyamus (A)
- Attack of anxiety at 8 p.m. , with fulness of the abdomen, as if it would burst; perspiration
runs from the head, the arms fall down, and she becomes weak, as if paralyzed. Muriaticum
Acidum (A)
- Oppression of the abdomen and a pressing puffiness of the abdomen as if it would burst.
Opium (H)
Abdomen child
- Flatulence moves about in the abdomen and gives rise to lumps as if a child was there.
Cantharis (A)
Abdomen chill
- Sensation as if from a chill in the abdomen. Teucrium Marum (JHC)
Abdomen chilliness
- Chilliness always after eating, so that he cannot get as warm as usual, with a feeling in the
abdomen, as if a stool would occur, and as if the chilliness were dependent upon it. Marum
Verum (A)
Abdomen cold
- Cuttings in the abdomen as if from taking cold. Aloe (A)
- Cutting in the abdomen, as if after a cold. Arnica (A)
- Sudden tenesmus, soon followed by a copious pappy evacuation, succeeded by griping and
sensation as if taking cold in abdomen. Colocynthis (A)
- Sensitiveness of the skin to drafts of air; there is a feeling in the abdomen as though he
would take cold. Ignatia (A)
- Feeling of coldness in the abdomen, as if a cold fluid passed through the intestines. Kali
Carbonicum (A)
- Soft stool, with cutting and qualmishness in the abdomen as if by a cold. Muriatic Acid (H)
- Cutting in both sides of the lower abdomen, towards the navel, then in the whole abdomen,
as if after taking cold, in the forenoon while sitting. Natrum Carbonicum (A)
- Rapid beating of the pulse, heat, intermingled with a sensation as if dashed with cold water,
especially from the small of the back downward and around the abdomen, which is sore.
Thuja (A)
Abdomen coldness
- Sensation as though alternate warmth and coldness were moving about in the bowels.
Coffea Tosta (A)
- Feeling of coldness in the abdomen as if it would become a colic, but which passed off
without. Helleborus Niger (A)
Abdomen colic
- Whole abdomen contracted as if lead-colic. Sulfuricum Acidum (A)

- Pain in the abdomen, as if from colic, followed by vomiting of food. Tarentula (A)
Abdomen compressed
- Pressure across the whole right side of the chest and abdomen, as if these parts were being
compressed in front and behind. Angustura (A)
Abdomen compressing
- On both sides of the lower abdomen sensation as if something were compressing them
there. Cantharis (A)
Abdomen constricted
- Pain in the abdomen as if it were constricted by a string, when breathing. Causticum (A)
- Pain in the hepatic region, extending downward and across the umbilical region through the
intestines; it felt as though the abdomen were constricted by a string. Chelidonium Majus (A)
- Feeling as though the waist were fully one-half smaller, as if shrunk together, and as if the
abdomen were constricted to one-third its circumference. Lippspringe (A)
Abdomen contraction
- A sudden contraction of the lower abdomen, as though he were about to vomit, causing
cough. Drosera (A)
Abdomen cough
- Sudden cough, as if caused by irritation in the abdomen, with expectoration of yellowishgreen mucus. Bryonia (A)
- Deep wheezing cough, as if coming from the bowels. Curare Appendix (A)
Abdomen crawling
- Burning in the abdomen, and sensation of ants crawling around in it. Aconitum Cammarum
Abdomen creeping
- Crawling and creeping as if from insects in the skin of the left side of the chest and
abdomen. Colocynthis (A)
Abdomen croaking
- Croaking in the abdomen as of toads. Nux Vomica (H)
Abdomen cutting
- Cutting and pinching in the abdomen as from flatulence, or cold. Anacardium (A)
- Cutting about the navel, as though two knives were cutting towards each other in the
intestines. Croton Tiglium (A)
- Cutting and griping in the abdomen as if from incarcerated flatus. Hypericum (A)
Abdomen diarrhoea
- Pain in the upper abdomen, as if threatened with diarrhoea, succeeded by soft stools,
without any diminution of the pain. Alumina (A)
- Frequent and constant colic in the lower abdomen, as if with diarrhoea. Colchicum (A)
Abdomen disembowelled
- Feels as if empty and disembowelled in the abdomen, soon after breakfast. Sarsaparilla (A)
Abdomen distended
- Great distension of the abdomen, as if she had eaten too much, although she had not taken
the slightest food. Colchicum (A)
- Great distension of the abdomen in the afternoon, as if she had eaten very much, without
emission of flatus. Natrum Carbonicum (A)
- Stomach and abdomen are frequently painful, feeling at times as if they were being
contracted and at times distended. Petroleum (H)
Abdomen distension
- Sensation as of a disordered stomach, with distension of the abdomen. Causticum (A)
Abdomen distress
- Pain or distress deep in the abdomen as if in omentum. Syphilinum (JHC)

Abdomen double-action
- It seemed as though there were a "double suction" in his abdomen; one trying to force
something up and the other sucked it back, till finally by quite an effort he vomited a teacup
full or more of very dark green bile, rather ropy and bitter. Chionanthus Virginica (LA)
Abdomen drawing
- Oppressive drawing pain in the whole abdomen, down to the groin, with tension as if in
ascites. Argentum Nitricum (A)
Abdomen drawn
- Pain in the abdomen, as if drawn in. Veratrum Viride (A)
Abdomen drops
- Noise in the right side of the abdomen as far down as the lower limb as of softly falling
drops. Graphites (H)
Abdomen empty
- It seems as though the abdomen were empty and hollow, as though she had no intestines.
Cocculus (A)
- Disagreeable sensation in the stomach and abdomen as if they were empty, accompanied
with hunger. Nux Vomica (H)
Abdomen eruptions
- Pains in the abdomen, as if there was eruptions and ulcers in it. Robinia (A)
Abdomen excoriated
- The bowels are painful on strong pressure on the abdomen, as if excoriated. Colocynthis
Abdomen fall
- Sensation as if everything would fall out of her abdomen. Alumina (A)
- Severe dry cough in the morning; it shakes the abdomen as if everything would fall out.
Carbo Animalis (A)
- Pressure in the lower abdomen, extending to the genitals, as if everything in the abdomen
would fall out and the menses would come on. Natrum Carbonicum (A)
- Distension of the abdomen, with a feeling as if it would fall down or out. Thuja (A)
Abdomen fallen
- A feeling extending from the abdomen into the small of the back, as if something large had
fallen down. Laurocerasus (A)
Abdomen fastened
- Sensation as if the parts in the abdomen were fastened and hard. Sepia (H)
Abdomen fist
- Movement in the abdomen as of the fist of a child. Sulphur (H)
Abdomen flatulence
- Repeated rumbling in the abdomen, as if from flatulence, with eructations without taste or
odor. Coca (A)
Abdomen flatus
- Twingings, now here, now there, in the abdomen, as if flatus would pass, which, however,
does not. Castoreum (A)
- Pressure in the left side of the abdomen, as if from incarcerated flatus. Colchicum (A)
Abdomen forcing
- A feeling in the left side of the abdomen, as though something were forcing itself through.
Digitalis (A)
Abdomen fright
- A peculiar sensation in the upper abdomen, as if after a fright, caused by the noise of
opening a door. Conium (A)
Abdomen frogs

- Audible rumbling and croaking in the abdomen as if from frogs. Causticum (A)
Abdomen full
- Sensation of distension, as if the abdomen became more and more full after supper.
Alumina (A)
- Sensation of fulness and tension in the whole abdomen, as if after a full meal. Clematis (A)
- Sensation as if the abdomen were full and stopped. Plumbum (A)
Abdomen fulness
- Pressure in the abdomen, as if from fulness. Colocynthis (A)
Abdomen gas
- Feeling as if the stomach or abdomen were full of gas. Thyroidinum (GI)
Abdomen grasped
- Clawing, griping in the abdomen, as if grasped by a hand, so that each outstretched finger
pressed sharply upon the intestines. Ipecacuanha (A)
Abdomen hanging
- Sensation as if the abdomen hung down heavily. Carbo Vegetabilis (A)
Abdomen hard
- A drawing pressure in the lower abdomen, as if from something hard, aggravated by touch.
Cuprum (A)
- Fulness and hardness of the abdomen with a feeling as of incarcerated flatulence. Graphites
- Abdomen very hard and feels as though it would burst. Lac Caninum (M)
- Painful pressure in the abdomen, woke him at night after very vivid dreams, with an
anxious sensation as if the abdomen would become rigid, hard and adherent to the chest,
though there is a moving about in it as of flatus that frees itself. Mezereum (A)
Abdomen heat
- Constipation, as if from too much heat in the abdomen. Capsicum (A)
Abdomen heavy
- Constant pressure in the lower abdomen as if from something heavy, when not eating.
Conium (A)
- Sensation as though something heavy was lying in the left side of the abdomen, not
effecting the breathing but constantly felt while walking, sitting and lying. Lycopodium (A)
Abdomen hollow
- Sensation as if the whole abdomen were hollow, together with constant motion in the
intestines. Chamomilla (A)
Abdomen hot
- Feeling of heat in the abdomen, as if from a hot iron. Belladonna (A)
- Under mamma hot sensation, quietly aching, sometimes same lower down or in whole of
abdomen, as if in the intestine. Lyssin (HCA)
Abdomen hot-iron
- Colics, cramps, and tearing pains in the abdomen, with sensation as if there were a red-hot
iron in it. Anantherum (A)
Abdomen inactivity
- Hard crumbling stool, which is passed only with great exertion, as if from an inactivity of
the abdominal muscles. Carbo Animalis (A)
Abdomen inflammation
- It seemed as if a very acute inflammation would attack the organs of the abdomen.
Camphora (A)
- The lower abdomen was painful to touch as if in inflammation of the abdomen. Causticum
Abdomen jerks

- Painful jerks in the abdomen, moving from one place to another, as if something living were
in it. Cannabis Sativa (A)
Abdomen jumping
- A jumping in the skin of the abdomen in several places, as if a hair was pulled up. China (A)
Abdomen knives
- Stitches as with knives, towards each other in the abdomen. Castoreum (A)
- After a fall, piercing pain, as of knives, in the left hip, in the abdomen, and small of the
back. Natrum Sulfuricum (A)
Abdomen knots
- Pain in the belly, as if it was full of knots, with chilliness, little appetite and feeling of
fulness. Nux Moschata (A)
Abdomen large
- Sensation as if abdomen were too large, and wishes to have everything loose about the
bowels. Cinnabaris (A)
Abdomen larger
- Feeling as if the abdomen was larger than usual; yet while it was the seat of a dull pain,
increased by pressure, it was as if paralyzed. Tabacum (A)
Abdomen living
- Sensation internally in both sides of the abdomen, as if something living was jumping
about, with nausea and shivering. Crocus (A)
- Pain as if a leg were in the abdomen and sensation as if something living were in it also.
Mercurius (H)
Abdomen looseness
- Immediately on lying down, a disagreeable rumbling in the abdomen as though a looseness
was coming on. Cannabis Indica (A)
Abdomen mosquito
- Whitish, pointed pimples, the tips filled with a watery fluid, with burning itching, as of
mosquito-bites on the hands, between the fingers and on the abdomen. Arsenicum Album (A)
Abdomen movements
- Flatulent distension and tension of the whole abdomen, as though it would burst with
movements in it and emission of flatus, during the menses. Niccolum (A)
Abdomen movings
- Slight movings about in the whole abdomen, with fine griping as if a stool would occur.
Manganum (A)
Abdomen needle
- Tearing and drawing pain in the stomach with nausea and pain in the abdomen, as if from a
needle thrust into the intestines. Lycopodium (A)
Abdomen nettlerash
- Burning of the abdomen, as if from nettlerash. Curare (A)
Abdomen object
- Distended abdomen, continued motions in the abdomen, and colic, then continued
constipation; feels as if something lay in the abdomen. Bryonia (A)
Abdomen oppressed
- Sensation as if the abdomen were oppressed by a weight in the umbilical region. Opium (H)
Abdomen oppressive
- Tight, oppressive sensation on the chest, as if coming from the abdomen. Carbo Vegetabilis
Abdomen overeaten
- Does not relish his breakfast; it filled up his abdomen, as if he had eaten too much. Cicuta
Virosa (A)

- Fulness of the abdomen, as if he had eaten too much. Coccus Cacti (A)
- Fulness in the abdomen an hour after eating, as if he had eaten too much. Graphites (A)
- Distension of the abdomen, as if she had eaten very much. Kreosotum (A)
- Burning in the stomach and hepatic region; the abdomen distended hard as if from eating
too much. Lachesis (A)
- The abdomen felt very much distended as though she had eaten and drunk a great deal.
Natrum Muriaticum (A)
- Discomfort in the abdomen, as though he had eaten too much and the abdomen was overdistended. Nux Moschata (A)
- A tensive painful pressure in the abdomen as if he had eaten too much, and then pressed
upon the abdomen with nausea and accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Staphisagria (A)
Abdomen overfed
- Tension in the abdomen, after eating, as if he had overfed. Asafoetida (A)
Abdomen overloaded
- The abdomen is full and pressed, as if overloaded with food, day and night, with
eructations. Carbo Vegetabilis (A)
- Distension and fulness of the abdomen, as if overloaded by food, all day, with undiminished
appetite together with a sensation as of incarcerated flatus and frequent ineffectual efforts to
emit flatus. Menyanthes (A)
- Repletion in the stomach and abdomen as if overloaded, before breakfast, with a good deal
of empty eructations. Platina (H)
Abdomen pain
- Placed his hands to the pit of the stomach, frequently drawing up his legs, as if he suffered
great pain in the abdomen. Tabacum (A)
Abdomen pinching
- Pinching pain in the abdomen as if one had caught cold. Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum (H)
Abdomen pressed
- Lower abdomen as heavy, as if it were pressed upon before and after standing. Allium Cepa
Abdomen pressive
- Pressive pain in the abdomen, as if from something hard, worse on touch. Cuprum (A)
Abdomen pressure
- Transient pain, now in the left, now in the right side of the abdomen, as if from pressure on
a sore spot. Crocus (A)
- Pressure in the left side of the lower abdomen, as if from something hard. Sulfur (A)
Abdomen qualmish
- Twisting and cutting about the abdomen, with a sensation of qualmishness. Mercurius
Solubilis (A)
Abdomen roasting
- Most excruciating pain all over the body, more especially about the abdomen; after rubbing
he felt as if roasting alive. Mercurius Corrosivus (A)
Abdomen rumbling
- Rumbling in the left side of the stomach; later in the left side of the abdomen, then as if it
was in the large intestines. Lachnanthes (A)
Abdomen scattered
- Burning glow or chilling sensation as if scattered, with confused feeling in the right side of
the abdomen. Allium Cepa (A)
Abdomen sensitiveness
- Pain in the abdomen, with sensitiveness of the walls of the abdomen, extending to the
inguinal region, as if after a long walk. Lycopodium (A)

Abdomen shock
- A violent cutting, like an electric shock, darted through the whole abdomen to the anus.
Colocynthis (A)
Abdomen sink
- A feeling in the chest and abdomen as if everything would sink together. Phosphorus (A)
Abdomen small
- Fecal diarrhoea, stools evacuated with great force, with long-continued burning in the anus,
violent cutting in the abdomen; relieved by firmly compressing the abdomen, which is small
as if eviscerated. Gambogia (A)
Abdomen sore
- As if sore in the abdomen. Apis (A)
- Tense distention of the right side of the abdomen, which is painful as if from an internal
wound. Arnica Montana (H)
- Abdomen very sensitive, as if sore. Bryonia (A)
- Tension in the muscles of the upper abdomen, with painfulness when stroked with the hand,
as if the skin were sore. Calcarea Carbonica (A)
- Pain in the lower portion of the abdomen, as if sore from coughing. Carbo Animalis (A)
- The whole abdomen is painful to careless touch, as if sore. Kali Bichromicum (A)
Abdomen squeezed
- Painful sensation in the right side of the lower abdomen, as if something would be squeezed
through at that place. Carbo Animalis. (A)
Abdomen sticking
- An hour after breakfast, discomfort in the whole body, especially in the abdomen, as if
inflated with sticking cutting pains there. Cannabis Sativa (A)
Abdomen stinging
- Stinging burning in the right side of the abdomen with a sensation as if something would
get loose. Causticum (H)
Abdomen stitches
- Stitches in the lower abdomen, as if with a knife. Conium (A)
- Pain in the abdomen mingled with stitches about the umbilicus, as if she had eaten fruit and
drank afterwards. Kreosotum (A)
Abdomen stone
- Menstruation eight days too early, with distension of the abdomen, as if the inner parts were
suffering from the sharp pressure of a stone; the parts were painful to external touch, as if
there was an internal ulcer. Cocculus (A)
- A feeling as though a stone was in the upper abdomen and in the pit of the stomach.
Lachesis (A)
Abdomen stones
- Violent pains in the abdomen with the sensation as if the bowels were squeezed in between
stones. Colocynthis (H)
- Flatulent colic after a stool, as if the intestines here and there, were pressed by hard stones.
Nux Vomica (A)
Abdomen stool
- During the whole day there is a sensation in the bowels as if the person had to go to stool.
Agaricus (A)
Abdomen swollen
- Sensation at times as if the abdomen were swollen. Carlsbad (A)
Abdomen tearing
- Pains about the umbilicus, as though the intestines were twisting followed by tearing in the
left side of the abdomen. Croton Tiglium (A)

Abdomen tense
- Sensation in the abdominal integuments as if swollen with a tensive pain. Pulsatilla (H)
Abdomen throat
- Sensation as though contents of thorax and abdomen were being forcibly drawn up toward
throat, and right testicle to abdomen. Antipyrinum (JHC)
Abdomen throbbing
- Throbbing through chest and abdomen, as if the heart occupied the whole body. Sepia (A)
Abdomen tight
- Sensation as if the abdomen were too tight, without pain. Moschus (H)
Abdomen torn
- When coughing, blowing the nose, or setting down the foot, the abdomen feels painful, as if
it had been shaken, torn or cut to pieces. Arnica (A)
- Moving of flatus, with a sensation as if something was moving about in the abdomen, as if
it were torn and bruised. Carbo Animalis (A)
- Sore tearing at intervals, extending from the epigastric region into the sides of the abdomen,
as if everything were being torn out of the abdomen. Conium (A)
- Cuttings in the abdomen, as if everything would be torn to pieces. Kali Carbonicum (A)
Abdomen uneasiness
- Sensation as of indescribable uneasiness and inclination to evacuate. Aurum Metallicum
Abdomen vomit
- Cutting pains low down in the abdomen relieved by a stooping as if one would vomit.
Pulsatilla (A)
Abdomen warm
- Warmth in the lower abdomen, as if she had taken very warm drink; it moves back and forth
and at last rises to the stomach. Manganum (A)
Abdomen warmth
- Warmth in the lower abdomen, as if she had drunk something very warm. Antimon et Potass
Tart (A)
Abdomen water
- Gurgling in the abdomen as of water contained therein, and a murmuring in the whole lower
abdomen. Carlsbad (A)
- On walking there is a sensation in the abdomen as of hot water running down. China (A)
- Sensation as if the abdomen was full of boiling water and of vesicles which burst and
increased the amount of water in the abdomen. Sarracenia (A)
Abdomen weight
- Pain in the abdomen, as if from lifting a heavy weight. Carbo Vegetabilis (A)
- Compression in the abdomen, and a sensation as of a weight in it. Mezereum (A)
Abdominal bruises
- Pain in the abdominal muscles as if from bruises. Carbo Vegetabilis (H)
Abdominal distention
- Painful distention of the abdomen with a sensation as of pressure. Argentum Metallicum
Abdominal hernia
- A dragging towards the abdominal ring, as if the part were too weak to withstand it, and as
if a hernia would appear. Chamomilla (A)
Abdominal pressing
- Pain and pressing outward in the abdominal ring, as if the parts would suppurate. Cannabis
Sativa (A)
Abdominal pressure

- Sensation as of pressure and painful bearing down on the left side of the abdomen. Asarum
Abdominal strain
- Soreness of the abdominal muscles as if from the effects of a severe cold or from
continuous coughing. Baptisia Leucantha (K)
Abortion cramps
- Crampy and expulsive pains from the sacrum to the uterus, as if in an abortion. Tarentula
Abortion uterus
- Pains in the uterus, as if caused by an abortion. Tarentula (A)
Abortive sneeze
- A tearing and crawling in the left nostril, as of sudden irritation to sneeze, which, however,
does not occur. Antimon et. Potass. Tart (A)
Abraded arm
- Paleness of the face and chilliness, over the whole body, which was covered with gooseflesh, especially painful as if sore and abraded when touched on the upper arm. Lamium (A)
Abraded back
- The skin on the left side of the back is painful, as if abraded. Petroleum (A)
Abraded buttock
- A spot as large as a silver dollar on the right buttock was red and tough as if the skin were
abraded. X-Ray (HCA)
Abraded nose
- The nose feels sore, as if abraded. Rhus Toxicodendron (A)
Abraded oesophagus
- Sensation in the oesophagus, as if the membrane had been abraded. Senega (A)
Abscess chest
- Deep-seated pain, as if from an abscess in the right side of the chest. Chelidonium Majus
Abscess chin
- Inflammatory swelling beneath the chin, as if an abscess would form, with burning pain.
Causticum (A)
Abscess ear
- A stitch in the inner ear and a sensation of warmth in it, with a sensation as though an
abscess would open. Bryonia (A)
- Throbbing pain in the left ear, as if from an abscess. Gambogia (A)
- The swelling about the ear increased for three days, and looked as though it would break on
the outside. Tuberculinum (HCA)
Abscess ears
- Left-sided earache, as if from deeply-seated abscesses. Robinia (A)
Abscess eye
- Swelling and pains as if an abscess would form in the right eye. Anantherum (A)
Abscess eyes
- Stinging in the eyes, as if from abscesses. Robinia (A)
Abscess foot
- When the foot hangs down, there is a throbbing, long-continued, as if in an abscess, even
painful to pressure. Indigo (A)
- Pain in the foot, as if an abscess was forming. Tarentula (A)
Abscess forearm
- On the left forearm a small nodule of the size of a white bean, which gradually grows to the
size of a hen's egg, becomes red, hot and inflamed as if it would break. Eupion (A)

Abscess forehead
- Tearing tension in a spot on the left half of the forehead, as if an abscess would form.
Colchicum (A)
Abscess head
- Throbbing and lancinating pains, as if there were an abscess in the head. Bufo (A)
Abscess hepatic
- Pulsating pains in the hepatic region, as if from an abscess or calculi. Cubeba (A)
Abscess intestines
- Pains as if from an abscess in the intestines. Piper Nigrum (A)
Abscess hips
- Violent shaking chill, through the whole body, as in an ague, which compelled her to lie
down with sticking pain in the left side above the hips, as if an abscess would break there.
Bryonia (A)
Abscess liver
- Beating and lancinating pains in the liver as if from an abscess, and accompanied with
bilious vomiting. Bufo (A)
- Pains in the liver, as if there were abscesses in it, or as if it were ulcerated or full of cavities.
Robinia (A)
Abscess lungs
- Sensation as if there were abscesses in the lungs, and as if the chest were full of water.
Sarracenia (A)
Abscess molar
- The gum of upper jaw, right side, over the second molar tooth, became excessively tender to
touch, as if an abscess was forming. Mercurius Iodatus Ruber (A)
Abscess mouth
- Sensation as of a broken abscess in the mouth. Pyrogen (HCA)
Abscess pectoral
- Sensation as if an abscess was between the left pectoralis major and minor muscles.
Medorrhinum (JHC)
Abscess pharynx
- Posterior pharynx appears dark, glazed and puffed, the center bulging as though an abscess
would form. Oxytropis Lamberti (CU)
Abscess spleen
- Painful throbbing as if an abscess was forming in region of spleen. Lyssin (HCA)
Abscess stomach
- Pain as from an abscess in the stomach, and a sensation as if worms were moving about in
it. Sarracenia (A)
Abscess taste
- Taste in the mouth, sweetish, terribly fetid, pus-like, as if from an abscess. Pyrogen (HCA)
Abscess teeth
- Sensation as if an abscess was at the roots of the teeth, which threatens to burst on the
access of air. Ammonium Carbonicum (A)
Abscess throat
- Hawking of mucus only in the evening after tea, so much so that it seems as if an abscess
had broken. Lachesis (A)
Abscess throbbing
- Burning and throbbing pains, as if from an abscess. Kali Iodatum (A)
Abscess tonsils
- Throbbing pains, as if from an abscess in the tonsils. Bufo (A)
Abscesses brain

- Pains in the head, as if there were abscesses and tubercles in the brain. Anantherum (A)
Abscesses ear
- All day when walking, shooting from one ear to the other, as if abscesses were forming in
them, especially in the left ear. Mentha Piperita (A)
Abscesses haemorrhoidal
- Haemorrhoidal tumors, as if from abscesses. Anantherum (A)
Abscesses liver
- Inflammation and swelling of the liver, as if caused by abscesses, with oedematous swelling
of the belly. Anantherum (A)
Abscesses lungs
- Inflammation and swelling of the lungs, as if from abscesses and tubercles. Cubeba (A)
Absence mind
- Vertigo and feeling as of intoxication, with absence of mind. Causticum (H)
Absent acts
- He acts as if he were absent. Lycopodium (H)
Absent feet
- Hands and feet feel weak as if not existing. Phosphorus (H)
Absent forehead
- Sensation as if there were no forehead or head above the pain in the middle of the forehead.
Magnetis Polus Australis (CA)
Absent head
- Nausea in the stomach, with disinclination to attend to business; laziness and sensation as if
without a head. Asarum (A)
- Sensation as though his head wasn't; yet was. Calcarea Iodata (A)
- Feeling as if the head was in a vice, from ear to ear over vertex, arising and departing
gradually; afterwards felt as if she had no head. Nitricum Acidum (A)
Absent mind
- The patient seemed as if her mind was absent in a star surrounded by the brightest light,
which suddenly disappeared and left her in darkness in her bed. Thuja (A)
Absent penis
- He complained of a "cold, gone" relaxed feeling about the external genitals, and a sensation
as if the penis were absent. Coca (JHC)
Absent voices
- At night, it seems as though he hears the voices of absent persons. Chamomilla (A)
Absorbed dream
- When spoken to he seems absorbed, as if walking in a dream. Sulfur (A)
Absorbed thoughts
- He feels as if he were absorbed in higher thoughts but he is not conscious of them. Camphor
Accident apprehension
- With the drawing in the head an unusual depression of spirits was felt and indefinable fear
as if the horse might run away or the wagon break. Sambucus Canadensis (A)
Accident befall
- Mental and physical exhaustion after a pollution attended with anxiety, as if some accident
would befall him. Carbo Animalis (H)
Accident dream
- He has intimidating dreams, as if he should be beaten or meet with an accident. Pulsatilla
Accommodation disturbed

- The accommodating power of the eye is affected, and objects are seen as if through a mist.
Nitrogenium Oxygenatum (A)
- An attempt to read with both eyes instantly increased the sharp pains in the ciliary region,
and the type was confused, as if by a disturbance of the power of accommodation.
Physostigma (A)
Accommodation lost
- Objects near by seem to fade away, as if one had lost accommodation, yet eyes are normal
on examination. Copaiba Officinalis (BR)
Accommodation variable
- It seems as though the ordinary will, impulse, caused too great an action of the
accommodation. Physostigma (A)
Accumulated rectum
- Sensation of contraction of the anus requiring a greater effort for expulsion at stool, which
comes at length, in bulk as if accumulated there. Gallicum Acidum (A)
Acetabulum pain
- Pain through the pelvis, as if from one acetabulum to the other. Formica (A)
Ache ear
- Sensation as if an ache were in the ear, while in the cold air. Caesium (LN)
Ache elbow
- Sensation as of a vibrating ache for half an hour, around the length of each finger, followed
by dull aching pain from the elbow to the fingers. Magnetis Polus Australis (CA)
Achilles blow
- The right tendo Achilles, is painful as if after a blow or sprain. Millefolium (A)
Achilles sprained
- At evening a severe pain, as if sprained or bruised, in the tendo Achillis, especially of the
left foot. Aloe (A)
- The tendons Achilles are constantly painful, as if sprained. Tetradymite (A)
Achilles sticking
- Sticking as if with knives in the lower portion in the tendo Achilles. Rhus Toxicodendron
Achilles stiff
- The left tendo-Achilles became stiff, as if sprained, especially on beginning to walk.
Hedeoma Pulegioides (AL)
Achillis tied
- Cramp in the middle of the right calf, as though a cord was tied about it, extending into the
tendo Achillis. Thuja (A)
Achillis walk
- A sensation in the tendo Achillis as though he had taken a long walk the day previous.
Lycopodium (A)
Aching body
- There was first a feeling as of aching all over, and then a thick mucous discharge from the
nose occurred, with chilliness and sneezing. Indol (GG)
Aching bones
- Aching, in the bones all over the body as if from a severe cold. Pyrogenium (JHC)
Aching cold
- Aching in the forehead; feeling in it as if during cold in the head. Aesculus Hippocastanum
Aching leg
- Dull, aching pains deep in the right lower leg, as if it were in the bones. Lycopersicum
Esculentum (RB)

Aching limbs
- Aching in the lower extremities, as if cold was coming on. Oleum Animale (O)
Aching lumbar
- The pain frequently disappears and gives place to an aching pain as of subcutaneous
ulceration below the liver in the right lumbar region. Ranunculus Bulbosus (A)
Acid burning
- Burning on the anterior surface of the left leg, while walking as if from an acid. Cancer
Fluviatilis (A)
Acid drunk
- A quiet pain above and about the umbilicus, which cannot be easily described, or a feeling
as though she had drunk some acid. Kreosotum (A)
Acid ears
- Heavy, stupifying headache, with sensation as if the scalp and ears were burned by an acid.
Bufo (A)
Acid eye
- Biting as if from something sharp and acid in the right eye. Rhus Toxicodendron (A)
Acid fingers
- Sensation of burning beneath the finger-nails on the left hand, the three outer fingers as if
with ammonia or strong acid. Eosin (W)
Acid hands
- Skin dry, as if washed in acid water, on hands. Sumbul (A)
Acid intestines
- Sensation as though he had a dissolving acid in the intestines, and all the pains seemed
caused thereby, as though he had a gangrene in the stomach, and then burning in the
intestines. Limulus (A)
Acid jaws
- A constrictive pain, as if from an acid, in the jaws, with shivering and cold sweat on the
face. Pulsatilla (A)
Acid larynx
- Sensation as if there were corrosive acid in the larynx. Anantherum (A)
Acid lip
- A chilling, biting, burning sensation on inner side of right upper lip, as if a corroding acid
had touched the spot. Lyssin (HCA)
Acid mouth
- Mouth very sore, and feels raw and burning, as if from the presence of acid. Ailanthus (A)
- When masticating, sense of cutting towards the parotid gland, as if after taking something
very acid. Argentum Metallicum (A)
- Tongue and mouth feel as if burnt with acid. Rhus Venenata (A)
Acid oesophagus
- Heat in the oesophagus as if from acid eructations. Benzoic Acid (A)
Acid skin
- A sensation of rawness of the skin over the chest and shoulders after bathing, as if the skin
had been scraped with burning acid, smarting by covering parts. Malandrinum (HCA)
Acid stomach
- A retching sensation suddenly rises up into the throat, as if from acidity of the stomach.
Cannabis Sativa (A)
- Eructations as if from an acid stomach. Lycopodium (A)
Acid teeth
- Teeth set on edge, as if from corrosive acid. Phosphoricum Acidum (A)
Acid throat

- Sensation in the mouth and throat, as if after eating acid and resinous fruit. Petiveria (A)
Acid toe
- Burning pain in the left great toe, as if from acid. Radium Bromatum (JHC)
Acid tongue
- Sensation as though the tip of the tongue were constantly acid, if it touched the front teeth.
Clematis (A)
Acidity fauces
- A sensation in the fauces as if there was acidity in the stomach. Oxalicum Acidum (A)
Acidity heartburn
- Constant sensation as of heartburn; acidity constantly rising into the mouth. Carbo
Vegetabilis (A)
Acidity oesophagus
- Sensation of acidity and burning in the oesophagus. Spiranthes (A)
Acidity stomach
- After the most violent paroxysms of cough there was frequently experienced scraping in the
throat, as if from acidity of the stomach. Kali Nitricum (A)
- Something bitter comes into the mouth in the morning, as if from acidity in the stomach.
Lycopodium (A)
Acids cheeks
- Sensation of constriction on the inner surface of the cheeks, as if from acids or astringents.
Tilia (A)
Acids mouth
- Soreness of mouth, fauces and oesophagus as if the tongue had been burnt, as if he had been
eating vegetable acids, or as if his teeth had been injured by acids. Chlorum (A)
Acids stomach
- Gnawing in the stomach, as if from acids, which also rises up into the throat. Hepar Sulf.
Calc (A)
Acids teeth
- Teeth smooth, as if after acids. Chloroformum (A)
- Bluntness of the teeth, as if from acids, at night. Mezereum (A)
- Upper teeth on edge as if from acids.
- Silicea (A)
- Dull toothache in the left side, as if the teeth were affected by acids. Thuja (A)
Acids toothache
- Toothache as if from acids, especially in the gums, as often as she ate anything salt. Carbo
Vegetabilis (A)
Acne face
- Numerous red pimples in the skin of the right side of the face, as if an acne would form.
Limulus (A)
Acne nose
- Large nodosity on the nose, surrounded by red swelling as if from acne rosacea. Cannabis
Sativa (H)
Aconite numbness
- Numb feeling of the tongue, as if caused by Aconite. Eupatorium Purpureum (A)
Aconite tongue
- Tongue slightly swollen, with burning of the mouth and lips, as if touched with tincture of
Aconite. Ptelea Trifoliata (A)
Acrid anus

- Immediately upon waking was obliged to go to stool, and had a copious thin, yellowish
evacuation, with subsequent burning at the anus, as if from acridity. Carboneum Sulfuratum
- Sensation of an acrid substance in the anus during stool. China (A)
Acrid bowels
- Sensation as if the contents of the bowels in lower portion of abdomen were very acrid;
worse in median line. Opuntia (A)
Acrid coryza
- Small burning pimples beneath the septum of the nose, with a sensation as if an acrid matter
was running from the nose. Natrum Muriaticum (A)
Acrid eye
- Biting pain, with burning and stinging as if from an acrid humor in one of the corners of the
eye. Alumina (A)
Acrid eyes
- Biting in the eyes, as if something acrid got into them. Graphites (A)
Acrid larynx
- Burning scraping in the larynx, as if from acrid substances. Aphis Chenopodii Glauci (JHC)
Acrid lip
- Burning in the face around the nose and upper lip as if from acrid humor. Phosphorus (H)
Acrid mouth
- The internal mouth, gum, tongue and palate are slimy, and feel raw and sore, as if from
something acrid. Nux Vomica (A)
Acrid nose
- The nose is painful when breathing as if from inspiring cold air, or from inhaling acrid
vapors. Antimonium Crudum (A)
- A large red pimple beneath the left nostril close to the septum; sore biting when touched as
if something acrid had got into a sore. Marum Verum (A)
- Itching eruption under the nose, as if caused by an acrid discharge. Sarsaparilla (H)
Acrid oesophagus
- A sensation of burning warmth in a small spot beneath the ensiform process, as if something
hot or acrid had been taken, without pain. Spirea Ulmaria (A)
Acrid palate
- Prickling of the tongue and increase of saliva for some hours, combined with smarting
feeling of the palate as if something very acrid had been gargled. Fluoricum Acidum (A)
- It seems acrid on the palate, as if it were raw, on swallowing. Pulsatilla (A)
Acrid pharynx
- Very peculiar cough, it seemed as though an acid and acrid liquid flowed from the choanae
over the curtain of the palate, uvula and posterior wall of the pharynx. Kali Bichromicum (A)
Acrid rectum
- Several thin stools, with pressure towards the pelvis; together with a sensation as if an acrid
and biting liquid were in the rectum. Nux Muschata (A)
Acrid stomach
- Burning in the stomach as if from acrid fluid. Calcarea Carbonica (A)
- A feeling in stomach as if from a hard body, or as if from undigested food, followed in two
hours by burning and acrid eructations. Ferrum (A)
- A sensation as if an acrid pungent exhalation rose from the stomache, with an ineffectual
effort to eructate. Phellandrium (A)
Acrid taste
- Astringent acrid taste upon the tongue, as if from eating aloes. Alumina (A)
Acrid tears

- Smarting in the eyes in the evening after lying down as if from acrid tears. Magnetis Poli
Ambo (HCA)
Acrid throat
- In the throat, scraping and burning as if from acrid substances, sometimes with a sensation
of dryness and increase of mucous secretion. Aphis Chenopodii Glauci (JHC)
- Scraping in the throat, as if one had swallowed something acrid, with dryness of the part
where the nose opens into the throat. Sabadilla (A)
Acrid tongue
- The inner mouth and tongue feel raw, as if from something acrid. Kali Carbonicum (A)
- Slight acrid, burning sensation on the tongue. Sanguinarinum Nitricum (JHC)
Acrid urethra
- Irritation in the urethra, as if from something acrid, compels frequent urinating. Aphis
Chenopodii Glauci (A)
Acrid urine
- Burning on urinating; feeling as if the urine was too hot and acrid. Aurum Muriaticum (A)
- Smarting pain in the forepart of the urethra during an emission of urine as if the urine were
acrid or sour. Magnetis Polus Australis (H)
- Slight burning pain through the urethra to the orifice, as though a drop of acrid urine would
pass. Oxalicum Acidum (A)
- Cutting in the urethra as if the urine was acrid, like corrosive lye at the close of urinating
and afterward. Sulfur (A)
Acrid vapor
- Sensation as of an acrid burning vapor coming up in the throat. Paeonia (A)
Acridity stomach
- Burning in the stomach, as if from acrid fluid. Calcarea Carbonica (A)
Acrimonious cuticle
- Eruption seemingly of a leprous kind consisting of spots of different sizes, the largest of
which were white and scaly, with moist base, appearing as if something acrimonious had been
secreted under the cuticle all over the body and amongst the hair of the head. Cuprum
Aceticum (A)
Acromion sprained
- Pain in the region of the acromion, as if sprained on raising the arm. Bryonia (A)
Active mind
- Mind unusually clear and active, as if stimulated by wine and by company. Scopolamine
Hydrobromide (HA)
Acts frightened
- He acts as if he were frightened and timid. Magnetis Polus Arcticus (H)
Adhered chest
- Chest sometimes feels as if something had grown to sore spot in front and was drawing
back the chest. Medorrhinum (HCA)
Adhered lung
- Lungs feel as though fast to the chest. Lac Caninum (JHC)
Adherent abdomen
- Painful pressure in the abdomen, woke him at night after very vivid dreams, with an
anxious sensation as if the abdomen would become rigid, hard and adherent to the chest,
though there is a moving about in it as of flatus that frees itself. Mezereum (A)
Adherent arm
- Pain in the middle of the upper arm, as if the flesh were tightly adherent to the bone.
Calcarea Carbonica (A)
Adherent diaphragm

- Excessive pain in the middle of the diaphragm on hawking mucus, as if it were adherent
beneath and inflamed. Juncus (A)
Adherent intestines
- Sensation as if the intestines at the umbilicus were adherent to the wall of the abdomen, and
were being torn away forcibly. Verbascum (A)
Adherent lung
- Deep inspiration is hindered by a sensation as if the left lung was adherent. Euphorbium (A)
Adherent lungs
- Pain in the sides of the chest, on deep inspiration, as if the lungs were adherent and could
not be freely distended. Mezereum (A)
Adherent scalp
- Sensation as if the scalp were adherent to the bones of the head. Sinapis Nigra (A)
Adherent skin
- Stitches in the right hypochondrium and extending into it, at times with burning in the skin,
that disappears on rubbing, or with a sensation as if it was tightly adherent. Phosphorus (A)
Adherent stool
- Tenacious stool, as though he was unable to loosen it. Kali Carbonicum (A)
Adhering back
- On deep inspiration, pain as if something were sticking fast to the back. Sarsaparilla (A)
Adhering scalp
- Tension of the scalp as if firmly adhering to the skull, causing a dulness of the head.
Magnetis Polus Arcticus (HCA)
Adhesion chest
- Lungs feel as though fast to chest. Lac Caninum (HCA)
- Oppression of the chest, as if from an internal adhesion. Thuja (A)
Adhesion throat
- Throat feels dry, as if there were sticks in it, or as if small surfaces were sticking together.
Scopolamine Hydrobromide (HA)
Aeration lungs
- On reclining or lying down my chest feels distressed as if from deficient aeration of blood
in the lungs. Trifolium Pratense (A)
Affliction suffered
- He is unable to either rejoice or to be sad, although he constantly feels as though he had just
suffered from an overwhelming affliction. Cyclamen (A)
Affright eyes
- Eyes highly injected and in constant motion as if from seemingly great affright, as his mind
evidenced. Strychninum (A)
Affright sleeping
- He starts in affright about a trifle from sleep, as if it would cause him the greatest
misfortune. Rhus Toxicodendron (H)
Afraid alone
- Felt afraid as if something was going to happen and did not want to be left alone. Radium
Bromide (DF)
Age trembling
- Trembling of the right hand when writing, as if from the weakness of old age. Sabadilla (A)
- Trembling of the hands, as if from weakness of old age, when writing. Thuja (A)
Aged cough
- Dry cachectic cough, as if in old people, especially in the morning on rising. Borax (A)
Agglutinated eye

- Painless drawing about the left eye, with dimness of vision, as through a veil, and a feeling
as if the eye were tightly agglutinated. Platinum (A)
Agglutinated eyelids
- Aching as if from inflammation of left eye, that is red in the inner canthus, and agglutinated
by matter. Rhus Toxicodendron (A)
Agglutinated eyes
- He is unable to open the eyes well, as if the eyeballs were agglutinated to the lids.
Mercurius Solubilis (A)
- Burning in the eyes, in the morning on waking, with a sensation as if swollen and
agglutinated, disappearing after washing. Niccolum (A)
Agglutinated lips
- Soreness of the red of the lips, they are sticky; as if agglutinated. Kali Carbonicum (A)
Agglutination lids
- Agglutination of the lids in the morning and after a forcible opening he saw as though a
veil. Bryonia (A)
Agitated circulation
- Sleeplessness as if the blood were too much agitated. Pulsatilla (H)
Agitation objects
- Sensation as if all objects were in violent agitation; nothing seems to be at rest. Ptelea
Trifoliata (A)
Agony abdomen
- Started out of bed as if beside himself, compressing his abdomen with his hands. Plumbum
Agony expression
- Face flushed and distorted as if in agony. Aconitum (A)
Agreeable happen
- Pressure on the sternum, with busy demeanor, as if something very agreeable were about to
happen. Aurum (A)
Ague aching
- Aching of all the bones of the body as if she were going to have the ague. Lilium Tigrinum
Ague approach
- Disagreeable sensation in the periosteum of all the bones as if in the approach of
intermittent fever, with feeling of heat in the head. Mercurius Dulcis (H)
Ague attack
- Disagreeable feeling in the periosteum of the long bones as if in the commencement of an
attack of fever and ague. Magnetis Polus Australis (H)
Ague back
- Whole surface of body feels hot and dry, with occasional chill, principally up and down the
back, as if ague were coming on. Baptisia (A)
- Pain in the back, as if in the cold stage of ague. Gelsemium (A)
Ague chill
- Violent shaking chill, through the whole body, as if in an ague. Bryonia (A)
Ague chilliness
- In the evening felt very chilly, at times shaking as if with ague. Pulsatilla Nuttalliana (A)
Ague coldness
- Sensation of cold, without coldness of the skin, with ague. Apis (A)
- General coldness of body, and finger nails looked blue, as if from ague. Lac Vaccinum
Defloratum (HCA)
Ague drawing

- Extremely disagreeable painfulness of the periosteum of all the bones, resembling almost a
drawing in all the limbs, as if in fever and ague. Arnica (A)
Ague feeling
- Feeling as if I had the ague. Aesculus Hippocastanum (A)
Ague limbs
- Violent shuddering in the limbs, as if in paroxysms of ague, only on every attempt to move
them. Strychninum (A)
Ague listless
- Mind listless and incapable of reflection as if after ague, with dull headache and digging in
the ear. Gelsemium (A)
Ague paroxysms
- Weakness, on walking in the open air, after a meal, with stretching of the limbs as if before
paroxysm of ague. Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum (A)
- Yawning and stretching as if before the paroxysms of ague. Kreosotum (A)
- Tongue coated with dirty white mucus in the morning, with flat taste in the mouth, as if he
had a paroxysm of ague. Laurocerasus (A)
Ague taste
- Food does not taste badly, but as if when one has had intermittent fever. Mercurius Solubilis
Ague trembled
- Chattering of the teeth, crying out that he could no longer bear the coldness; he trembled as
if he had an ague; the room was well heated and the weather not cold. Arsenicum Album (A)
Ague tremors
- Vertigo, coldness and numbness, with a sensation of gastric sinking, sometimes universal
tremor, as if in an ague fit. Kali Ferrocyanatum (A)
Air abdomen
- Abdomen hard, as if filled with air. Raphanus Sativus (H)
- Feeling as if hot air were blowing on the abdomen. Trillium Arectum (RB)
Air absent
- Difficulty of breathing, as if there was no air in the room. Plantago (A)
Air anxiety
- Constricting sensation about the heart, with anxiety and desire for air. Radium Bromatum
Air arm
- The arms felt as if warm air were breathed on them. Hyoscyamus (A)
Air ascending
- Hacking cough from irritation in throat, as if from warm air ascending spirally. Sumbul (A)
Air blowing
- Sensation as if a cold air were blowing on her. Lac Vaccinum Defloratum (JHC)
- He was very averse to cold air, especially sensitive on the head, even noticed one while
sitting in the house, as if cold air was blowing on his head. Mezereum (A)
- Sensation as though cool air were suddenly blowing upon him, especially on uncovered
parts, chiefly on the hands. Moschus (A)
- Hammering in the right ear, while external ear felt as though hot air was blowing on it.
Physostigma (A)
- It seems as though hot air was blowing upon him and causing headache. Pulsatilla (A)
- Sensation of weariness in the legs, with a feeling as if cold air were blowing upon them.
Sambucus (A)
- Gentle, creeping sensation in the back, as if a soft air were blowing through it. Secale
Cornutum (HCA)

Air body
- Flashes of heat, as though a stream of hot air was passing over the body, with throbbing and
tearing pains, extending from each temple back to the occiput and down the neck to each
shoulder. Rhus Venenata (A)
Air brain
- The brain feels as if inspired air penetrated it. Actaea Racemosa (JHC)
- Felt as if air were rushing through the brain. Aurum Metallicum (JHC)
- Pain in the head, as if the air passed over the brain, when it is not kept very warm. Aurum
Metallicum (JHC)
Air calf
- Occasional sudden puffing up of the left cheek and of the calf of the left leg, as though the
parts were filled with air. Benzinum (A)
Air changing
- Vertigo, with obscuration of vision, while eating, as if when one goes suddenly from the
cold air into a warm room. Nux Vomica (A)
Air cheek
- Occasional sudden puffing up of the left cheek and of the calf of the left leg, as though the
parts were filled with air. Benzinum (A)
Air chest
- Swelling in the right side of the chest, as if air was extravasated in the cellular membrane.
Vipera (A)
Air close
- Slight giddiness and heat all over as if from a close air. Sarsaparilla (A)
Air cold
- Jerking toothache especially severe in the left upper incisors and eye-tooth, with a sensation
as if cold air was blowing upon the teeth. Coccus Cacti (A)
Air colder
- Sensation as if the air breathed in were colder. Aesculus Hippocastanum (A)
Air craving
- He must involuntarily take a deep breath and still it seems as though he wanted air,
especially while sitting. Digitalis (A)
Air deficient
- Feels as if she could not get air enough. Radium Bromatum (JHC)
Air draft
- Dimness before the left eye and a feeling as if a draft of cold air blew into it. Crocus (A)
Air drawn
- At night, felt as if he could fly, or rather as if he must be and was being drawn up into the
air in spite of himself. Camphora (A)
Air ear
- Pain in the meatus auditorius, as if air were rushing in. Amphisbaena vermicularis (A)
- After introducing the finger in the right ear and taking it out again, sensation as if cold air
was rushing into the ear. Lachnanthes (A)
- At times very fine ringing in the right ear on blowing the nose, a peculiar crackling sound as
if air were forced through mucus, after which the ear seemed closed for a while. Marum
Verum (A)
- External ear felt as though hot air was blowing on it. Physostigma (A)
- A feeling as if cold air entered the right ear. Platinum (A)
- When blowing the nose the air rushes into the ear, occasioning a sensation in the ear as if it
were distended by that air. Pulsatilla (H)
- Sensation as if air forced through mucus in the ear. Teucrium Marum (JHC)

- Violent thrustlike stitches in the right side of the fauces suddenly extending into the ear,
with a sensation in the ear, on opening and closing the mouth, as if there was an opening in it
through which the air could penetrate. Thuja (A)
Air ears
- Feeling as of cold air streaming into the ears and aggravating the pain. Actea Spicata (BO)
- When blowing the nose, a sensation as if air was forced into the ears. Sulfur (A)
Air eructations
- Pressure in the pit of the stomach as if he would eructate and be relieved thereby, but no
eructations follow until he has swallowed air. Spigelia (A)
Air escaped
- Sensation in lower and inner third of right lung, as if it was ruptured; there is a feeling as if
the air escaped from the lung into the pleural cavity at each inspiration. Chlorum (A)
Air eye
- Sensation as if a fine current of air ran through the right eye. Aloe (JHC)
- Burning on the inner canthus, as if from too much air and light. Phosphoricum Acidum (A)
- Sensation as if the right eye were wide open and cold air were blowing in it. Syphilinum
Air eyelids
- The oedematous eyelids are firmly and spasmodically closed and look as if blown up with
air. Arsenicum Album (H)
Air eyes
- Congestion of the eyes, with a sensation as though they had been exposed to the cold air.
Menthol (GG)
- Sensation in the eyes as if in too cold or too hot air. Robinia (A)
Air face
- Sensation in the face and in the rest of the body as if cold air were blowing upon it.
Magnetis Polus Australis (H)
Air floating
- Her left leg felt as though it was floating in the air, feeling light and airy, without any
sensation of resting upon the bed. Sticta Pulmonaria (A)
Air foot
- Foot swollen with much pain, as if it had been blown up with air. Vipera (A)
Air hand
- Formication in the hand, or as if cool air were blowing upon it. Platina (H)
Air head
- Heat of the head, as if surrounded by hot air. Asterias Rubens (A)
- Sensation as if a current of air were rushing through the head, if not kept warm. Aurum
Metallicum (JHC)
- Sensation as if there were air in the head. Benzoic Acid (A)
- Head feels as if it was filled with air to bursting. Lyssin (HCA)
- Flushes of heat, with perspiration on the head, chest, and hands, soon followed by a
sensation as if cold air were blowing on the head. Oleum Animale (A)
- He felt as if a current of air was ascending from the occiput and penetrating towards the
forepart of the head. Thuja (A)
Air heavy
- Sense of oppression, as if the air was too heavy. Rhus Venenata (A)
Air hot
- A sensation as of breathing hot air continually for two days. Artemisia Abrotanum (A)
- Pressive headache in the evening, followed by a feeling as if the nose were stopped, with
great heat of the air coming through it. Kali Bichromicum (A)

Air hunger
- At the beginning of every paroxysm of coughing she often snuffed for air as if she could not
get it, before she got the strength to cough. Antimon et Potass Tart (A)
- Great feeling of suffocation; it seems as if she could not long survive for want of air. Apis
- Frequent sneezing; the nose was not stopped, and yet it seemed as though there was want of
air. Kreosotum (A)
- Palpitation with sensation as of lack of air after each severe pain. Viburnum Opulus (JHC)
Air hypochondria
- Frequent ineffectual efforts to eructate with a feeling as if everything about the
hypochondria were filled with air that could not be sufficiently expelled. Phosphorus (A)
Air insufficient
- Sensation as if he did not get enough air into the chest, on account of which he elevates the
thorax and inspires forcibly. Bromium (A)
- Oppression of breathing, as though there were not enough air in the house. Crotalus
Cascavella (A)
- Sensation as though he could not get air enough into the air-cells and could not perfectly
expand the lungs. Croton Tiglium (A)
- There seems to be an impediment in the region of the pit of the throat and upper part of the
chest, as though he did not get air enough. Fluoricum Acidum (A)
- During night, tightness of chest, as if he could not get air enough into the lungs, obliging
him to take frequent deep forcible inspiration. Stramonium (A)
- Felt while in a close room, as if he could not get enough air. Trifolium Pratense (A)
Air intolerance
- Intolerance of the open air, and a sensation as if he would take cold. Opium (A)
Air leg
- Suddenly a very hot feeling on the back of the left foot, and on the leg, as if hot air was
blown upon them. Calcarea Carbonica (A)
- While at rest, a numb, drawing sensation in the left instep, which extended to the knee,
followed by a sense as of warm air, like an aura ascending half way to the knee. Comocladia
- Leg swollen, as if puffed up by air, with great pain. Vipera (A)
Air marrow
- Sensation as though air was piercing the marrow of the bones. Plectranthus (A)
Air meatus
- A sensation as though air was distending the right external meatus and as though roaring in
the ears would occur. Mezereum (A)
Air membrane
- Swelling in the right side of the chest, as if air was extravasated in the cellular membrane.
Vipera (A)
Air mouth
- Gums, mouth, and nose appear to be dry; at the same time he feels as if too much air was
passing into the mouth. Theridion (A)
Air nates
- Sensation as if a draught of cold air was being thrown on the right lumbar region, and on the
right nates. Hydrastis (A)
Air nipples
- Crawling feeling in the breast and sensation as though air streamed out of the nipples.
Cyclamen (A)
Air nose

- Nose dry, as if too much air passed in. Theridion (A)

Air nostril
- The left nostril seems affected with catarrh; it is neither dry nor stopped, but it seems to him
as though he could get no air through it. Nux Moschata (A)
Air obstructed
- The muscles of the chest and throat and especially the latter, were in active play, as though
laboring to overcome some powerful obstacle to the admission of air to the lungs.
Strychninum (A)
Air oesophagus
- Heartburn after soup, as if from air in the oesophagus with a constricted sensation.
Anacardium (A)
Air oppressive
- The air of a room filled with people if extremely oppressive and he feels as though he
would faint. Plumbum (A)
Air palate
- A kind of sore pain on swallowing saliva, as if air penetrated a wound, in the whole palate,
extending toward the left ear internally. Thuja (A)
Air pharynx
- Noise, as if from the shutting of a valve in the trachea, causing a column of air to rush into
the pharynx. Elaps (A)
Air post-nasal
- Pain in the posterior nares, on coughing and talking much, as if air streamed violently
through. Magnesia Sulphurica (A)
Air pressure
- Pressure in the side of the back, opposite the bowels; afterwards fearfully violent, as though
he would die. Argentum Metallicum (A)
Air puffs
- Singular sensation through the chest, bounded by a line drawn across the lower end of the
sternum and another about the middle, as if there was a cavity extending from side to side,
filled with burning air, which dilated in puffs in all directions, and could be felt impinging on
walls of cavity. Medorrhinum (HCA)
Air rising
- Rising as of air from the stomach when walking. Asarum (H)
Air scalp
- Coldness of the scalp upon the left side of the head, as though cold air was flowing upon it.
Yucca (A)
Air sensitive
- The uncovered parts were very sensitive to the open air, as though he might take cold easily.
Graphites (A)
Air sharp
- Irritation in the left nostril, and feeling as if the air is too sharp. Brachyglottis (A)
Air shoulder
- A pain in the right shoulder-joint extending towards the fingers, as if air was passing down.
Fluoricum Acidum (A)
Air soles
- Heaviness in the tips of the three middle toes, accompanied with a drawing pain, and as if
there was subcutaneous ulceration, and with a cooling sensation as if a current of air was
moving through the soles as far as the calves. Valeriana (A)
Air spine
- A sense as of warm air streaming up the spine into the head. Arsenicum Album (JHC)

Air spreading
- Sensation as if a ball rose from umbilical region and spread in cool air over vertex and
occiput. Aconitum Napellus (A)
Air stomach
- Pain in forehead, with sense of fulness at stomach, as if filled with air. Cobaltum (A)
- Frequent painful eructations, which frequently ascend only as far as the middle of the chest,
as if the air passed through the orifice of the stomach, with difficulty. Sabadilla (A)
Air stopped
- A sensation in the throat as if it was stopped or as if no air could pass through. Magnesia
Carbonica (A)
Air stream
- A drawing in the right forearm, near the elbow, which went like a stream of air or a breath
over the part, and caused a feeling of paralysis. Sulfur (A)
Air streamed
- Feeling as if a quantity of air, through the trachea in waves, and streamed out of the mouth.
Lycopodium (A)
- By drawing the lower jaw towards the left side, a feeling arises as if the air streamed into
the right ear, with whistling therein. Sarracenia (A)
Air streaming
- Sensation as if cold air was streaming from the nose into the fauces, on inspiration.
Chelidonium Majus (A)
Air swallowed
- The throat is very dry in the morning with a sensation as if cold air penetrated, which she
was constantly obliged to swallow. Oleum Animale (A)
- A feeling in the pit of the stomach as if he had swallowed too much air, with uprisings,
biting in the throat, etc. Platinum (A)
Air teeth
- Painful sensation in the back teeth as if they were hollow and air was forced into them.
Coccinella (A)
- Feeling as if cold air was passing through hollow teeth. Helleborus Niger (A)
- Stitches extending upward in both upper canine teeth as if a sharp cold air penetrated the
teeth, when eating or drinking either cold or warm things. Squilla (A)
Air thigh
- Painless bubbling in the lower portion of the right thigh, as if a stream of air as large as a
finger, or a worm of the same size, forced itself through the flesh. Berberis (A)
- Internal coldness through the right thigh, as if cold air blew on it. Camphora (A)
Air thighs
- Feeling as of a cold air just along the leg as far as the condyles. Baryta Acetica (A)
- Cold feeling in both thighs, as if a cold air blew over them. Sulfur (A)
Air throat
- Dryness and burning heat in the throat; sometimes a feeling as if hot air streamed through it
at night. Actea Spicata (BO)
Air thyroid
- Sensation in the thyroid and cervical glands on breathing as if air forced in and out. Spongia
Air toe
- Cold feeling in the great toe, as if a current of air was rushing through it. Ranunculus
Bulbosus (A)
Air tooth
- Pain as if air were entering a hollow tooth, on taking a deep breath. Nux Vomica (A)

Air tremulous
- Short hot breath, trembling, great orgasm of blood, eyes weak and unsteady, as if everything
were in motion, as if the air itself were in tremulous motion. Sabadilla (A)
Air ulcer
- The ulcer feels cold and becomes painful as if it had come in contact with cold air. Bryonia
Alba (H)
Air walking
- Head feels as if it were walking on air, the ground being too far away. Copaiba Officinalis
Air warmer
- Sensation of heat in the lungs, with a feeling as though the expired air was warmer, than
usual. Coccus Cacti (A)
Air wavy
- Everything he looked upon-the ground, houses, trees, etc., appeared as if there was a sort of
glimmer upon their surface, resembling the wavy motion of heated air rising from the roof.
Belladonna (A)
Air whirling
- Vertigo, with a sensation as though whirling violently so that he even felt the air on his face.
Moschus (A)
Air withheld
- He speaks only with exertion in a deep bass voice, together with oppression of the chest, as
if the air was withheld on talking and coughing, so that the breath could not be expired.
Drosera (A)
Air worthless
- A feeling of great faintness, as if there was no air, or as if the air did her no good.
Stramonium (A)
Airless chest
- Tightness about the chest, as if the air was forcibly kept out. Phosphorus (A)
Airless room
- The room seemed as if too tight, and associated with a sense of not enough air in it.
Aconitum Ferox (A)
- He found it difficult to breathe as though there were not enough air in the room. Belladonna
Air-passages wide
- Sensation as if the air-passages were too wide, on breathing. Aconitum Napellus (A)
Alarm asleep
- Frequent waking from sleep, as if from alarm. Natrum Carbonicum (A)
Alarming stomach
- Strange and alarming sensation at the pit of the stomach, corresponding to the feeling in the
brain, and coming at the same moment, as if the two were connected, and the whole on the
sympathetic nerves. Belladonna (A)
Albumen cheeks
- Sensation as if the cheeks were puffy and as if albumen had dried upon the skin. Sulfuricum
Acidum (A)
Albumen eyes
- The eyes seem watery, as if covered with albumen. Veratrum Album (A)
Albumen face
- Tension of the skin of the face, as if albumen had dried on it, with extremely perceptible
heat. Phosphoricum Acidum (A)
Alcohol drowsy

- Delirious and incoherent in his manner, drowsy as if he had been taking alcohol. Nitri
Dulcis Spiritus (A)
Alcohol headache
- Dull, stupid headache, chiefly in the forehead and sides of the head, as if from drinking
spirits. Euphorbia Amygdaloides (A)
Alcohol hilarity
- Nervous and vascular excitement as if from alcohol, constituting a feeling of hilarity.
Oxalicum Acidum (A)
Alcohol intoxicated
- His entire hearing was that as if he were intoxicated with alcohol. Scopolamine
Hydrobromide (HA)
Alcohol mouth
- Great activity in every part of the mouth, as if I had taken ten to twelve drops of the
strongest alcohol. Apis (A)
- Mouth burns, as if from holding alcohol in it. Cubeba (A)
Alcohol oesophagus
- Burning in the throat, down the oesophagus, as if from alcohol. Ammonium Carbonicum
Alcohol staggering
- Slightly delirious, and staggered as if under the influence of alcohol. Atropinum (A)
- Exhilarating dizziness and a disposition to swing and stagger, as if one was under the
influence of alcoholic liquor. Piper Methysticum (A)
Alcohol thigh
- Cold sensation as if alcohol had been spilled on the outer portion of the left thigh. Lobelia
Syphilitica (A)
Alcohol throat
- Burning in the pharynx as if from alcoholic drinks, or as if from pepper, that continued to
extend farther down until it reached the stomach. Oleum Animale (A)
Alcohol vertigo
- Vertigo as if from spirituous drinks. Causticum (H)
Alcohol warmth
- An agreeable warmth, extending from the pharynx to the stomach and over the whole body,
as if after spirituous drinks. Helleborus Niger (A)
Alcoholic appearance
- He appeared as if under the influence of alcoholic stimulants. Coriaria Ruscifolia (A)
Alcoholic confusion
- Confusion of the head, as if after alcoholic stimulants. Chelidonium Majus (A)
- Aching pain in the forehead and confusion of head, as if he had taken too much alcoholic
drink. Sulfur (A)
Alcoholic dryness
- Dryness of the mouth, in the morning, without thirst, as if he had taken alcoholic stimulants
the previous evening. Nux Vomica (A)
Alcoholic headache
- Transient headache as if after spirituous liquors. Tussilago Fragrans (JHC)
Alcoholic intoxication
- Intoxication sensation, as if from alcoholic spirits. Scopolamine Hydrobromide (HA)
Alcoholic vertigo
- Vertigo as if from taking alcoholic drink. Teplitz (A)
Alive abdomen
- Motion in the abdomen as if something alive. Calcarea Phosphorica (A)

- Rumbling in the abdomen as though something alive were moving in it, so that she started
up. Kali Iodatum (A)
- Sudden shocks in the left side of the abdomen as of something alive. Kali Nitricum (H)
- Sensation of fine burning as of something alive under the skin of the abdomen, in the left
side above the hip. Spongia (A)
Alive anus
- Extremely distressing sensation, as if something alive were moving about in the rectum and
anus. Granatum (A)
Alive arms
- Her arms and legs felt as if they were alive, and as if they were going to jump up.
Morphinum (A)
Alive back
- Twitching of the muscles of the back, and sensation as if something were alive in them.
Magnetis Poli Ambo (HCA)
- Pain as if from something alive in the small of the back, like a drawing and pressure, at
times tearing. Phosphoricum Acidum (A)
Alive biceps
- Jumping or twitching in the biceps of both arms, as if from something alive. Magnesia
Muriatica (A)
Alive chest
- Feeling of orgasm in the chest, and sensation as if something alive were working in it.
Colchicum (A)
- A kind of jumping as if from something alive in the lower portion of the right half of the
chest, as if beneath the ribs. Crocus (A)
Alive ears
- Itching, crawling as if from something alive in the ears; she was obliged to bore in with the
fingers. Rhus Toxicodendron (A)
Alive epigastrium
- Jumping in the epigastric region, as if from something alive. Sanguinaria (A)
- Occasional sensation in the right epigastric region, as of something alive moving there.
Thuja (A)
Alive fingers
- Crawling in the tips of the fingers as if something alive were creeping under the skin. Secale
Cornutum (HCA)
Alive forehead
- Pressive crawling pain in the forehead, extending from the middle of it, as if from
something alive. Taraxacum (A)
Alive gullet
- Sensation as if something were alive in the gullet. Anatherum (JHC)
Alive head
- Distressing sensation in the head as if everything in it were alive and turning and twisting
about, with dread of work. Petroleum (A)
- A distressing sensation as if everything in the head were alive and turning and twisting
about. Silicea (A)
Alive iliac
- A sudden starting bounding sensation in the right iliac region, as if from something alive.
Thuja (A)
Alive inguinal

- Drawing in the left inguinal region, with a feeling as though something living were in it.
Kali Iodatum (A)
Alive intestines
- Gnawing in the bowels as if from a tapeworm, with sensation as if something living were in
them. Cyclamen (A)
Alive legs
- Feeling as of something alive in the legs, from the knees to the feet. Silicea (A)
Alive lip
- Visible twitching in the lower lip, and feeling as if something alive were in it. Castoreum
Alive muscles
- Twitching as if from something alive in the muscles when touched. Arsenicum Album
Alive semi-conscious
- He was only partly conscious all day, as if only half alive. Petroleum (A)
Alive skin
- Crawling in the tips of the fingers as if something alive were creeping under the skin, or as
if the fingers were asleep, as if from pressure upon the arm. Secale Cornutum (A)
- She feels as if she were alive beneath the skin; there was a feeling, as if vermin were
running about. Sulfur (A)
Alive spine
- Jerking in the spine, as if from something alive. Magnetis Poli Ambo (JHC)
Alive stomach
- Sensation of contraction of the stomach as if something alive were moving in it.
Chionanthus Virginica (JHC)
Alive teeth
- Painless fluttering occasionally in the teeth, very peculiar, as if something alive. Syphilinum
Alive thigh
- An intermitting pinching, with bubbling, as if from something alive, in the upper part of the
inner side of the thigh. Menyanthes (A)
Alive thighs
- Paroxysmal cramp-pain of single parts of the muscles of the thighs and legs; when feeling
the parts there was a jerking as of something alive. Arsenicum Album (A)
Alive throat
- It seems as if the throat was all alive when the air reaches it. Raphanus (A)
Alive umbilicus
- A sensation in the abdomen, in the region of the umbilicus, as if from something alive.
Ignatia (A)
Alive urethra
- Tension in the urethra, with a sensation as if something alive were crawling about in it.
Juncus (A)
All-gone stomach
- Sensation as of emptiness; all-gone feeling. Radium Bromide (SN)
Almonds eructation
- Risings, as if after eating bitter almonds. Tongo (A)
Almonds mouth
- Taste in the mouth, as if after almonds. Croton Tiglium (A)
Almonds taste
- Taste in the mouth, as if after sweet almonds. Coffea Cruda (A)

- Taste as of sweet almonds in the mouth, after smoking. Digitalis (A)

Alone apprehension
- Fearfulness, dread of being alone, as though something would happen or as though rowdies
would break in. Elaps (A)
Alone crying
- Very low spirits; feeling as if something were about to happen; as if he would like to get
alone and unburden himself by crying for an hour or two. Anthemis-Nobilis (A)
Alone desire
- Peculiar sensation as though he would like to get out of sight and lie down. Polyporus
Pinicola (A)
Alone sadness
- Want of cheerfulness, he is low-spirited, as if he were alone, or as if he had experienced
some sad event. Magnetis Polus Australis (HCA)
Alternate temperatures
- Chilliness in the back, mingled with sensation of heat, especially in the middle of the back
and lower abdomen, as if sweat would break out. Coffea Cruda (A)
Alternating heat
- Sense as of heat, alternating with itching, in the left ear lap. Actea Spicata (BO)
Alternating oppression
- When he lay on his right side, it seemed as if all the oppression and discomfort was in the
right lung.
- On turning over, it soon felt as if the left lung was affected, while the right was entirely
relieved. Aralia Racemosa (JHC)
Alternating pressure
- A sensitive pressure above the right frontal eminence, with a sensation of heat while
reading; when this disappeared it gave place to a painful pinching sensation in the right
temple, as if something pressed upon the part and then again relaxed. Opium (A)
Alum taste
- The tongue is white and shriveled at the sides, and there is a taste as if she had been sucking
alum. Natrum Hypochlorosum (A)
Amaurosis eyes
- Weakness and transient loss of sight with widely dilated pupils as if in amaurosis.
Belladonna (A)
Amaurosis ensue
- Dark spots and objects like flies float before the eyes, as if amaurosis would ensue.
Cocculus (A)
Ammonia eyes
- Biting in the eyes, as if from ammonia. Sulfur (A)
Ammonia nails
- Sensation as of burning beneath the finger nails as if from ammonia or strong acid. Eosin
Ammonium nose
- Heat, burning and violent watering of the eyes, with feeling of catarrh in the nose, as though
she had smelled ammonium causticum. Hall (A)
Ambae skin
- Pains contractive in spots on the skin and even over the skin as if ambae 12-15 inches in
diameter were super-imposed on the skin but not in contact with it. Stillingia (SCH)
Amputated toes
- Cutting pain in all the toes of the right foot, as if they were being amputated. Cina (H)
Anaemic consumption

- Anaemic, as if in the first stage of consumption. Ustilago (HCA)

Anaesthesia side
- Anaesthesia of the whole right lower limb and corresponding arm, also of the whole right
chest; right abdomen right loins and right back, as if in hemiplegia. Plumbum (A)
Anal mucus
- He felt as if he passed wind, with discharge of pieces of thick mucus by the anus. Spigelia
Anal pressing
- Bowels naturally regular; now she had alternately a solid and a loose stool, and a constant
feeling as though she should have a stool; this feeling resulted from a sensation as if
something was pushing against the anterior wall of the rectum at the anus. Lilium Tigrinum
Aneurism heart
- The heart feels as if affected by hypertrophy and aneurisma, and the beatings sometimes
accelerated. Robinia (A)
Anger convulsions
- She seemed to be in convulsive motions as if from anger or fury. Lyssin (HCA)
Anger expression
- Contraction of the frontal muscles as if in anger, in the forehead. Cyclamen (A)
Anger headache
- After he became angry, his head aches as if it were sore. Magnetis Poli Ambo (H)
Anger meditation
- Immediately after a meal, he sat down by himself, meditating, wrapt up in himself as if after
a sickness or a fit of anger. Aloe (A)
Angina heart
- Pain as if it were in the heart, extending down the left arm to the fingers, with palpitation.
Macrotinum (A)
Angina throat
- Scraping sensation in the throat, as if in commencing angina, so that she is obliged to hawk
and raise frequently. Berberis (A)
- Pinching in the posterior portion of the throat, as if in commencing angina. Colchicum (A)
Angle pressing
- Sensation in the right half of the head, especially in the right temporal region, as if from a
sharp angle pressing into the head. Chamomilla (A)
Angry speechless
- Very good humored, although annoyed he was unable to say anything, yet it seemed to him
as though he should be angry. Moschus (A)
Anguish awakening
- Anguish when waking as if he had committed a crime. Pulsatilla (H)
Anguish blood
- Great anguish, as if in the blood. Sepia (A)
Anguish die
- Violent vertigo and retching, accompanied by anguish as if he had to die, with sweat on the
forehead. Magnesia Carbonica (H)
Anguish stomach
- Rising of air, with burning and sweat as if from anguish. Daphne Mezereum (H)
Anguish sweat
- In the morning there was a general faintness with a sweat as of anguish. Magnetis Polus
Arcticus (H)
Anguish wrong

- Pain in both sides of the sternum, consisting of pressure and drawing, accompanied with an
anguish which does not permit him to remain anywhere as if he had done something wrong.
Magnetis Polus Australis (H)
Angular rectum
- Pressive cramplike pain, as if an angular body were pressed inward, on the right side of the
rectum, an inch above the anus. Prunus Spinosa (A)
Animal abdomen
- Sensation as if the abdomen was bloated, especially across the epigastric region, a sensation
of drawing as if a worm or other animal was moving about there. Sepia (A)
- Sensation as of a living animal in the abdomen. Thuja Occidentalis (RB)
Animal breast
- Indurated and ulcerated tumor in the breast, with burning, lancinating and gnawing pains, as
if there were a live animal there. Anantherum (A)
Animal crawling
- Sensation as if a small animal were crawling on the body. Ailanthus Glandulosa (JHC)
Animal ear
- A long jerklike stitch in the right ear, as if it came out through the drum, as if a nail was
forced through, or as if a living, stinging animal was in the ear, so violent and surprising that
she starts up and involuntarily grasps the ear, with fine digging stitches between the pains,
with a sensation as if the ear was full and dragged downward. Berberis (A)
Animal ears
- Distensive pains in the ears, as if an animal was trying to force its way out. Bufo (A)
Animal thigh
- On the posterior portion of the left thigh, in a spot the size of a ten-cent piece, a sensation as
if it was touched by a cold substance, as by a piece of cold metal or by a cold animal. Berberis
- In the upper and forepart of the right thigh, a sudden sensation, as if a cold animal a few
inches long, lay on the skin, so that she hurriedly shook her clothes to get rid of it. Berberis
Animals cup
- If she looked into a cup, the edges appeared yellow, but the interior seemed as if there were
small animals moving in it. Hyoscyamus (A)
Animals intestines
- He complains of rumbling in the abdomen, as if living animals were screaming and moving
in all the intestines. Stramonium (A)
Ankle asleep
- Paralysis of the ankle, or like an internal falling asleep, while sitting in order to avoid
falling. Graphites (A)
Ankle broken
- Excessive pain as if broken in the malleoli of the right foot, with a stitch on every step,
extending to the great toe, so that he was obliged to hold himself in order to avoid falling.
Graphites (A)
Ankle bruised
- The ankle is painful, as if bruised. Hyoscyamus (A)
- Pain, as if bruised, in the left ankle, while riding in a carriage. Valeriana (A)
Ankle compressed
- Sensation as if the ankle were forcibly compressed and all its nerves knotted or cut. Curare
Appendix (A)
Ankle constricted
- Sensation as of constriction with a broad band above the ankle. Chamomilla (A)

Ankle detached
- Sensation in the left ankle, as if the foot had become detached, and the cartilage of the joints
did not touch when walking. Argentum Metallicum (A)
Ankle dislocated
- Pain as if dislocated in the external malleolus, even during rest. Lycopodium (A)
Ankle drawing
- Drawing in the left leg, as if in the bone, extending to the ankle. Lachesis (A)
Ankle give
- When running gently in open air sudden momentary feeling of weakness in left ankle-joint,
as if it had given way. Coca (A)
Ankle injured
- After resting heel on floor, with leg extended and sleeping, severe feeling as if ankle were
injured. Chininum Sulfuricum (A)
Ankle knife
- Sticking as if with a knife in the left ankle. Rhus Toxicodendron (A)
Ankle paralytic
- Paralytic pain in the left ankle, as if the ligaments were relaxed. Paris Quadrifolia (A)
Ankle pressure
- Drawing and pressure in the lower portion of the right calf, extending down into the ankle,
with a feeling as if it would be forced asunder. Manganum Muriaticum (A)
Ankle sprain
- Pain as of a sprain in the ankle-joint. Allium Sativum (A)
Ankle sprained
- Pain, as if sprained in the ankle, the whole day. Chelidonium Majus (A)
- Pain in the right ankle, as if sprained in the morning immediately after rising. Digitalinum
- Paralytic pain in the right hip-joint, thigh and ankle, though the latter feels as if sprained.
Drosera (A)
Ankle step
- Ankle painful, more when walking, as if after a false step. Chelidonium Majus (A)
Ankle sting
- Sensation as of a bee-sting on the outside of left ankle. Dioscorea (A)
Ankle stitch
- A stitch sometimes in the left ankle, as if burnt. Carbo Vegetabilis (A)
Ankle weary
- Pain, as if weary or paralyzed, in the ankle, when sitting after walking. Causticum (A)
Ankle-joint sprained
- On lying in bed, sensation as if the ankle-joint were sprained, or the left great toe, or in the
finger or thumb, which has been sprained a few months before. Aloe (A)
Ankles aching
- Aching pains from hips to ankles, as though she had walked many miles. Mercurius Iodatus
Ruber (A)
Ankles beaten
- After the diarrhoea ceased he was attacked with pains in the legs, from the hips to the
ankles, feeling as if the flesh was beaten. Mancinella (A)
Ankles bruised
- Violent pain in the bones of the lower legs, extending to the ankles, feeling as though the
feet had been broken or bruised. Kali Bichromicum (A)
Ankles fatigue

- Pain in the ankles, as if from great fatigue caused by long walking. Carboneum Sulfuratum
Ankles powerless
- Weakness in the knees and ankles worse while standing, as if the tendons had lost their
power and steadiness. Mercurius Solubilis (A)
Ankles sore
- When her ankles are touched by her dress they pain her as if raw and sore. Platina (H)
Ankles sprain
- Pain, as if from a sprain, in both ankles during rest and motion. Laurocerasus (A)
Ankles tied
- Sensation in the ankles, as if they were tightly tied with a ligature. Aconitum Napellus (A)
Ankles weak
- The ankle-joints are weak and painful as if they would break, when stepping upon them to
run. Mezereum (A)
- Right wrist and left ankle weak, and ache as if paralyzed. Natrum Phosphoricum (A)
Anorexia nausea
- Loss of appetite as if from slight nausea. China (A)
Answers asleep
- Asleep, but hears everything, answers questions as if awake. Medorrhinum (JHC)
Answers delirious
- He understood a question wrongly and answered incorrectly, with subdued voice, as if he
was delirious. Chamomilla (A)
Ant fingers
- He felt a prick, similar to that of an ant or fly, and at the same time experienced pain in the
joint of the left ring finger. Tarentula (A)
Ant thigh
- Sensation in the middle of the right thigh, as if from the bite of an ant, with itching and heat
after scratching. Petiveria (A)
Antagonistic thoughts
- Sensation as if two or three antagonistic lines of thought were trying for the mastery.
Iridium Chloride (RB)
Anterior lobes
- Distressing headache deep in the forehead, as if in the anterior lobes of the brain.
Kreosotum (A)
Antipathy persons
- A feeling as of antipathy to certain persons. Ammonium Muriaticum (JHC)
Antrum pain
- Pain in the right antrum, as if proceeding upwards from a tooth, yet the tooth from which
the pain appeared to proceed was sound. Polygonum (A)
Ants abdomen
- Burning in the abdomen, and sensation of ants crawling around in it. Aconitum Cammarum
Ants biting
- Biting as if from ants over the whole body. Gambogia (A)
- Biting in various parts of the skin, as if from ants. Lachesis (A)
Ants body
- Sensation as if ants were running through the whole body, in the evening. Cistus (A)
- Feeling over the body as if ants were running about. Sulfur (A)
Ants elbow
- Burning in the right elbow, as if from the bite of ants. Calcarea Phosphorica (A)

Ants face
- Felt a creepy sensation in his skin, particularly in the face, as if ants were crawling over it.
Malandrinum (HCA)
- Sensation in the face as if many ants were creeping over it. Nux Vomica (A)
Ants feet
- Crawling in the hands and feet, as if from ants; also later on the tongue. Kali Nitricum (A)
Ants fingers
- Sensation of jumping, as if from ant-bites in the finger-ends. Gelsemium (A)
- The two first phalanges of all the fingers go to sleep; crawling in them as if from ants, and
they look quite white like dead hands. Kreosotum (A)
Ants forehead
- Crawling as if from ants, in the forehead. Cicuta Virosa (A)
Ants formication
- General formication as if covered with ants. Zincum (A)
Ants hand
- Large red, hot swelling on the elbow, extending down to the hand with extreme burning and
tearing; also with a pain as if from the crawling of ants. Mercurius Solubilis (A)
Ants leg
- The whole left leg is so sleepy with crawling, as if from ants upon it, that she cannot stand
it. Bovista (A)
Ants loins
- Itching on the body as if from ants especially on the loins. Lachesis (A)
Ants scalp
- Crawling as if from ants over the whole scalp. Baryta Carbonica (A)
- Violent itching on the scalp, as if from ants. Lachesis (A)
Ants scrotum
- Crawling as if from ants, on the scrotum, after scratching changing to a burning and sore
pain. Phosphoricum Acidum (A)
Ants skin
- Sensation as of ants crawling in the skin, with formication. Aconitinum (JHC)
- Creeping in the skin as if from ants. Causticum (A)
- Heat and burning of the skin all over, with prickings like the bites of ants. Convolvulus
Duartinus (A)
- Pain in the small of the back, and biting as of ants over the whole body. Gambogia (A)
- Crawling sensation as if from ants. Secale Cornutum (HCA)
Ants spine
- Sensation as if ants were creeping along the spine. Agaricus (A)
Ants toes
- Crawling, as if from ants, on the under surface of the first joints of the toes on the right foot.
Magnesia Carbonica (A)
Anus ascarides
- Crawling in the anus, as if from ascarides. Berberis (A)
Anus ball
- Sensation in the anus as if he were sitting on a ball; as if the anus and a part of the urethra
were filled up by a hard round body. Cannabis Indica (A)
Anus biting
- Biting in the anus, as if from something sharp, after a difficult stool. Phosphoricum Acidum
Anus body
- Distensive and burning pains in the anus as if it contained a foreign body. Cubeba (A)

- Sensation of a foreign body in the anus. Derris Pinnata (A)

Anus burning
- Burning and itching in the anus, as if with tenesmus during stool. Agaricus (A)
- Immediately upon waking was obliged to go to stool, and had a copious thin, yellow
evacuation, with subsequent burning at the anus, as if from acridity. Carboneum Sulfuratum
- Sensation as of burning in the anus with liquid stool. Colchicum (R)
Anus burst
- Pain in the anus, as if it would burst, after vomiting. Kali Carbonicum (A)
Anus chapped
- An indefinite urgency to stool, and a second small stool, which was entirely unusual,
whereby the haemorrhoids protrude very much and pain as if sore and chapped in the anus.
Aloe (A)
Anus chill
- Sensation as of a nervous chill commencing in the anus and running down the legs.
Syphilinum (JHC)
Anus compressed
- Feeling in the rectum and especially in the anus as if it were compressed, a constriction as if
worms were in it, while the stool was easy and without pain. Ferrum Iodatum (A)
Anus constricted
- Spasmodic constriction in the anus as if affected by a spasm. Sinapis Alba (A)
Anus constrictive
- Constrictive pain in the anus, together with a sensation as if the thighs were drawn together,
so that she was obliged to close them. Cannabis Sativa (A)
Anus contracted
- With the stool a sensation as if the anus were contracted, and with difficulty allowed the
stool to pass. Chelidonium Majus (A)
Anus crawling
- Crawling in the anus, as if from ascarides; before and after the stool. Mezereum (A)
- Crawling in the anus, as of ascarides. Rhododendron (A)
Anus diarrhoea
- Sensation in the anus as of diarrhoea. Colchicum (A)
- Burning and excoriated pain, with moisture at the anus, as if after diarrhoea. Colocynthis
Anus drawn
- Small, hard, crumbly stool, with thread-worms, followed by biting and burning in the anus,
and a sensation as if the orifice of the anus was drawn up into the bowel and a hard piece of
faeces still remained in the anus. Sinapis Alba (A)
- A somewhat hard stool, accompanied and followed by burning and soreness in the anus, and
a sensation as if the anus were drawn up into the rectum, and something hard was still
remaining there. Spirea Ulmaria (A)
Anus excoriated
- Colicky pains in the epigastrium followed by diarrhoeic stool and smarting in the anus, as if
the parts were excoriated. Cannabis Sativa (H)
- Pasty stool, followed by a sensation in the anus like that after a hard stool. Selenium (A)
Anus excoriation
- Hard stool with pain as if from excoriation in the anus. Magnesia Muriatica (H)
Anus faeces
- At times, pressure at the anus, as if much faeces would be discharged. Carlsbad (A)
Anus fall

- Very severe wind-colic; pain as if everything would fall out of the bottom. Asclepias
Tuberosa (A)
Anus flatulence
- Painful sticking in the anus, before the stool, with sensation as if it was caused by
flatulence. Castoreum (A)
Anus fluid
- Sensation as of warm fluid escaping from the anus. Aconitum (A)
Anus formication
- Formication at the anus, as if a worm were gnawing there. Elaps (A)
Anus griping
- Sensation of griping in the anus, as if in diarrhoea, with each emission of flatus. Mercurius
Solubilis (A)
Anus haemorrhoid
- While sitting at stool, sensation in the left side of the anus as if from a haemorrhoid, with
aching, so that he stood up in order to be relieved. Carlsbad (A)
Anus haemorrhoids
- Swelling on the right side of the anus, as if from haemorrhoidal tumors under the skin.
Cicuta Virosa (A)
Anus iron
- Constant urging to stool, with a constant sensation in the anus as of a glowing hot iron,
moving up and down. Mercurius Precipitatus Ruber (A)
Anus irritation
- A painful sensation in the region of the anus, as if after long-continued diarrhoea. Rheum
Anus itches
- The anus itches as if the skin was rubbed off. Carbolic Acid (A)
Anus itching
- Swelling, itching and creeping at the anus, as if from ascarides. Teucrium Marum (JHC)
Anus lumps
- The stool consisted of four lumps which made their exit separately but as fast as they could
follow each other, for it seemed as if each single one had to work its passage by forcing upon
the anus. Helonias (A)
Anus mass
- Not having defecated, felt as if a firm mass pressed from within against the sacrum, hips,
and lower lumbar portions of back. Chininum Sulfuricum (A)
Anus moisture
- The anus became as sensitive after a slimy discharge as though the skin was cracked and
chopped there. Thuja (A)
Anus mucus
- Pieces of thick mucus pass from the anus for two days and it seemed as though flatus
passed. Spigelia (A)
Anus narrow
- Difficult evacuations, the stools being hard and of the shape of laurel berries, with cutting
pain in the anus as if it were too narrow. Alumina (A)
Anus needles
- After the stool, burning and stitching, as with needles in the anus. Cantharis (A)
Anus open
- The stools occur with every motion of the body, as if the anus were constantly open. Apis

- Stool, with great expulsive efforts with sensations as if rectum protruding and anus was not
closed. Sumbul (A)
Anus opened
- While standing, half-liquid matter escaped involuntarily from the anus, just as if one had
suddenly opened the pipe of a vessel containing liquid. Arsenicum Album (A)
Anus pain
- A long-continued sensation after the stool, as if one had just been to stool, or as if one had
just recovered from a pain in the anus. Berberis (A)
Anus paralyzed
- Pains of excoriation in the anus, as if it were flayed to the quick. Curare Appendix (A)
Anus penknife
- Dry heat at the anus with sudden stitches as if with a penknife. Ratanhia (H)
Anus piles
- Pain in the anus, as if from blind piles. Ignatia (A)
Anus plug
- A feeling as if from a plug in the anus. Bryonia (A)
Anus pressed
- Urging to stool, followed at last by scanty soft stool, with great pressure, and pains as if the
sphincter would be forcibly pressed asunder. Lachesis (A)
Anus pressing
- Sensation as if a hard body were pressing backwards and downwards against the rectum and
anus. Lilium Tigrinum (A)
- Distension of the abdomen, with painful pressing down towards the anus as if from
flatulence. Tilia (A)
Anus pressure
- The bowels bloated so much it was difficult to walk or bend, and seeming as if the bowels
could be kept from passing out at the anus only by keeping the legs close together. Artemisia
Abrotanum (A)
- It seems as if everything would press out, with pressure in the anus and uterus, as in labor.
Tilia (A)
Anus protruded
- Very large and hard stool, voided with great difficulty, followed by severe pains in anus,
with feeling as if a portion of the anus was protruded. Aesculus Hippocastanum (A)
- After the discharge the urging and desire for an evacuation continued with irritation and
itching in the rectum, all around the sphincter ani, which felt as if it protruded a little.
Mercurius Iodatus Ruber (A)
Anus pulsate
- Itching of the anus, as if it would pulsate. Alumina (A)
Anus rawness
- Sensation of rawness in the anus, with diarrhoea. Apis (A)
Anus relaxed
- Prolapsus of the rectum, even without urging to stool, as if the anus had lost its contractility
and was paralyzed. Graphites (A)
- A relaxed sensation, with rumbling, continued for hours, as if another evacuation would
follow, without doing so. Rumex Crispus (A)
Anus scraping
- Scraping sensation in the anus, as if from the passage of a rough, hard body, during stool.
Lobelia Inflata (A)
Anus smarting

- Smarting as if from excoriation in the rectum and anus, although the stools were not hard.
Muriatic Acid (H)
Anus sore
- Violent burning pain in the anus, as if the parts around it were sore. Berberis (A)
- Violent hemorrhoidal pain in the anus after stool as if sore and as if the rectum were
constricted. Magnetis Poli Ambo (H)
- Hard faeces, at first evacuated with the greatest exertion, that causes tearing in the anus, so
that it bleeds and pains as if sore. Natrum Muriaticum (A)
- Jerking stitches through the right half of the anus, itching in the anus with feeling as if the
anus was sore, swollen and moist. Sulfur (A)
Anus soreness
- An unpleasant sensation in the anus, as if more stool would follow, which must be held back
on account of the soreness. Aloe (A)
Anus sticking
- Anus feels sore, as if sharp points were sticking in the parts in the morning. Iris Versicolor
Anus stool
- A loose diarrhoeic stool, which left a desire for another stool, with an uncomfortable feeling
in the anus as if the passage were not all through. Formica (A)
Anus stuffed
- Throbbing in the rectum, with a sensation in the anus as if stuffed full and with heat. Apis
Anus substance
- Sensation as though a hard substance were lying in the rectum and could not be evacuated.
Sinapis Alba (A)
Anus suppurating
- Drawing, pressive pain in and about the anus and in the perineum, as if the places were
suppurating, while walking and sitting. Cyclamen (A)
Anus swollen
- Feeling as if the anus were swollen but without any pain. Graphites (H)
- A pimple above the anus, with a feeling as if the anus was swollen. Hepar Sulf. Calc (A)
- Urging to stool, and a sensation as if the anus were swollen, where-with he was unable to
evacuate anything. Nux Moschata (A)
Anus tear
- The not too hard faeces prick quite severely in the anus, as if it would tear it forwards. Aloe
Anus threadworms
- Crawling in the anus, as if from threadworms. Crocus (A)
- Itching in the anus, as if from threadworms. Mercurius Solubilis (A)
Anus tighten
- Difficult passage of flatus as if anus resisted expulsion. Lyssin (HCA)
Anus torn
- Pain in the sphincter, as if it would be torn with a hard stool. Colchicum (A)
Anus ulcerated
- Pain in the anus as if sore or ulcerated. Magnesia Carbonica (A)
Anus weak
- The faeces are not very hard, but expelled with great difficulty, and with a sensation in the
anus as if its contractile power were diminished for several days. Rhododendron (A)
Anus wind
- He feels as if wind was retained in the anus. Fluoricum Acidum (A)

Anus worms
- Crawling in the anus, as if threadworms would extrude. Ipecacuanha (A)
Anvil head
- Pain in the right side of the head, while listening to strokes on an anvil; he felt as if
receiving them himself. Mancinella (A)
Anvils hammering
- Sense of fulness in the ears, with tinnitus, resembling the sound of hammering, as if on
anvils from a long distance. Chininum Sulphuricum (ASK)
Anxiety abdomen
- Oppression in the abdomen, as if in great anxiety and fear, without palpitation. Arum
Maculatum (A)
- Apprehensiveness as if rising from the upper abdomen. Digitalis (A)
- Pain in the abdomen, as if after a fright, preceded by an anxious sensation in the whole
abdomen. Platinum (A)
Anxiety behind
- When walking rapidly, it seems as though some one was coming behind him, which causes
anxiety and fear and he is constantly obliged to look around. Staphisagria (A)
Anxiety breast
- Attack of anxiety as if below the left breast, that was so painful that her whole body
trembled, at times with bitter eructations and palpitations. Phosphorus (A)
Anxiety chest
- Anxious, restless feeling in the chest, from time to time, as if when expecting something
unusual. Agaricus (A)
- Great oppression at the chest, as if from anxiety. Ammonium Carbonicum (H)
- Restlessness and hypochondriac anxiety, as from continued sitting in a room, as if coming
from the upper part of the chest, without palpitation of the heart. Arsenicum Album (A)
- An anxious uneasiness deep in the chest, between the heart and the liver, as if from blood
rushing through the large vessels. Thuja (A)
Anxiety choking
- After having a sound nap in the forenoon, she wakes up at 1 o'clock with a sense of anxiety,
as if she were choking. Ammonium Carbonicum (A)
Anxiety clamminess
- Anxious feeling as of foreboding, with cold and clammy hands. Thyroidinum (GI)
Anxiety cold
- Anxiety as if in fever; the hands become cold and she trembles. Carbo Vegetabilis (A)
Anxiety conscience
- Internal grief and anxiety of conscience, as though he had not done his duty, or had
committed a crime. Cyclamen (A)
Anxiety crime
- The whole body trembled from uneasiness and anxiety every afternoon; it seems as though
he had committed a great crime. Carbo Vegetabilis (A)
- Uneasiness, and a certain anxiety as if she had committed a great crime, on account of
which she must run away. Chelidonium Majus (A)
- Internal anxiety, like pangs of conscience as though he had committed a crime, or expected
to be reproved. Digitalis (A)
- Anxiety as if he had committed some crime. Ignatia (A)
Anxiety despair
- Feeling of anxiety as if it were all over with him. Manganum (H)
Anxiety die

- At night, attack of great anxiety as if she had to die, accompanied by cold sweat.
Ammonium Carbonicum (A)
Anxiety dreaded
- Anxiety; an anxious solicitude as though something serious was dreaded. Nux Vomica (A)
Anxiety dreadful
- A feeling of anxiety; feel as though something dreadful was going to happen. Kalmia (A)
Anxiety evil
- Anxious uneasiness, as though some evil would befall him. Clematis (A)
Anxiety eyes
- Burning pain in both eyes, so that he was involuntarily obliged to close them and could not
open them for five minutes, with a feeling of anxiety as if he would never be able to open
them again. Spigelia (A)
Anxiety face
- At first his face looks quite friendly except the dilated pupils, but afterwards it looks
distorted as if from anxiety, with deep furrows and wrinkles. Stramonium (A)
Anxiety fall
- Very anxious, as if he would fall, while walking. Natrum Muriaticum (A)
Anxiety flee
- By day, great anxiety, she has no peace anywhere; it seemed to her as if she must flee away.
Belladonna (A)
Anxiety happen
- Uneasy and sensation as if something unpleasant was to happen. Dirca Palustris (A)
Anxiety heat
- Transient heat, mostly in the face and hands, it attacked her while sitting as if from anxiety.
Calcarea Carbonica (A)
- Anxiety in the blood in the morning on walking, or if he had been in great heat, or had
perspired profusely, or were awakened by anxious dreams. Ipecacuanha (A)
Anxiety heart
- Pressure beneath the heart, as if from great anxiety. Paeonia (A)
Anxiety impended
- Anxious uneasy mood, as if something impended. Causticum (A)
Anxiety important
- Anxiety in the morning, as if he expected something very important. Cantharis (A)
Anxiety injury
- In the morning he feels an anxiety about a little injury as if it were incurable. Cocculus (H)
Anxiety internal
- Hasty in all his actions, as if impelled by an internal anxiety, yet with a feeling of great
weakness. Viola Tricolor (A)
Anxiety misfortune
- Anxiety as if a great misfortune would happen to him. Aconitum (A)
- Anxiety, as though something unpleasant was going to happen to her. Agaricus (A)
Anxiety paralysis
- Laziness and heaviness of the whole body accompanied with a feeling of anxiety as if he
were threatened with paralysis and as if he would fall. Magnetis Polus Australis (H)
Anxiety perspiration
- Awoke in a perspiration and with a distressing anxiety as though he was shut up in a dark
cellar. Natrum Muriaticum (A)
- Anxious dream, as if she would be beaten, so that she perspired all over, and even remained
anxious all day. Natrum Muriaticum (A)
Anxiety phantoms

- Anxiety caused by thieves or horrid phantoms which he sees when waking as if in a state of
feverish fancy. Zincum (H)
Anxiety pollution
- Mental and physical exhaustion after a pollution attended with anxiety, as if some accident
would befall him. Carbo Animalis (H)
Anxiety room
- Oppressive anxiety in the region of the sternum, without pain, as if he could not remain in
the room but must go into the open air and be very busy. Anacardium (A)
Anxiety sleep
- She frequently wakes at night, as if aroused by anxiety. Lycopodium (A)
Anxiety stomach
- Very anxious sensation in the stomach; the same symptoms as if after the former injections.
Antimon et Potass. Tart (A)
- Anxiety, as if it arose from the pit of the stomach. Calcarea Acetica (A)
- Loss of consciousness, with anxious oppression of the stomach, from which she was
suddenly awakened as if by a violent fright. Calcarea Carbonica (A)
- Great anxiety, as if in the pit of the stomach, without special thoughts. Lycopodium (A)
- Anxious feeling about the pit of the stomach, as if in rapid passive motion. Lycopodium (A)
- Apprehensiveness in the pit of the stomach, as though expecting something disagreeable.
Mezereum (A)
- Nausea, sensation of anxiety, and sensation as if he would vomit, immediately after a meal.
Sabadilla (A)
- Anxious pressure in the pit of the stomach, only when lying down, as if a gush of blood
would occur. Stannum (A)
Anxiety stool
- Anxiety, as if he was obliged to go to stool and ease himself. Chamomilla (A)
Anxiety sweat
- Attacks of anxiety in the room, with sensation as if sweat would break out on the forehead.
Chelidonium Majus (A)
Anxiety unfortunate
- Anxiety the whole day, as if he had done something bad or apprehended it, or as if he had
been unfortunate. Causticum (A)
Anxiety vomit
- Violent anxiety at 3 o'clock in the night; he now felt hot, now as if would vomit. Arsenicum
Album (A)
Anxiety vomiting
- Warmth in the umbilical region causing an anxiety followed by a sensation as if vomiting
would come on. Magnetis Polus Arcticus (H)
Anxiety wrong
- Anxiety, with external heat and uneasiness as if she had done something bad. Alumina (A)
- A sensation as though he had done something wrong. Digitalinum (A)
- Weakness of all the joints; they feel as if stretched, with trembling of the limbs, and a
tremulous feeling in the knee and shoulder joints, and anxiety as if it went wrong with him.
Manganum (A)
Anxious colic
- Pressive colic on walking in the open air after eating; followed by perspiration and anxiety,
as if he was struggling with death. Mezereum (A)
Anxious dreams
- Anxious painful dreams, as if she had a painful swollen cheek, or as if her child had been
beaten. Kali Nitricum (A)

Anxious expectation
- Palpitation of the heart as if in anxious expectation. Moschus (H)
Anxious stupefied
- Anxious mood, as if stupefied. Causticum (A)
Anxious tosses
- At night she tosses the hands and feet until 10 o'clock, as if in anxiety. Bryonia (A)
Anxious wrong
- Very anxious all day, as though he had done something wrong. Ruta (A)
Aorta beating
- He distinctly feels the beating of the abdominal artery while sitting with dulness and
stupefaction of the head, as if the blood mounted violently upwards. Mercurialis (A)
Aorta compressed
- Pain in the heart and aorta, as if squeezed or compressed, under the left clavicle and
carotids. Tarentula (A)
Aorta constricted
- Feeling of constriction in the left side, about the upper part of the heart or arch of the aorta,
as if the part were constricted into a smaller bulk. Euphorbia Amygdaloides (A)
Aorta insufficiency
- Heart dilated 12 by 14 centimeters; four beats are heard instead of two; associated with a
pulse of 84, vibrating as if in insufficiency of the aorta. Plumbum (A)
Aorta torn
- Pain as if the heart and aorta were torn, with a tingling sensation. Tarentula (A)
Aorta waves
- Suffocative swelling up in the middle of the chest, behind the sternum, taking away the
breath, and when violent becoming painful, as if from the beating of waves in the aorta.
Limulus (A)
Apart chest
- Palpitation so violent, that it seemed as though the bones of the chest would fly apart. Thuja
Apathy mind
- Sensation as of apathy and indifference. Syphilinum (HCA)
Aphagia paralysis
- Dysphagia, becoming true aphagia, as if from paralysis of the muscles. Opium (A)
Aphthae tongue
- The tip of the tongue is bordered with dirty yellow aphthae, producing a sensation as though
the skin would peel off, immediately after a meal. Agaricus (A)
Apnoea chest
- He found it difficult to breathe, as though there were not enough air in the room.
Belladonna (BE)
- He felt as if there was no air in his chest, and he could not breathe. Kali Carbonicum (A)
Apnoea faintness
- A feeling of great faintness, as if there was no air, or as if the air did her no good.
Stramonium (A)
Apnoea lungs
- The lungs often seem to be without air, so that speech fails him. Cubeba (A)
- Difficult breathing, sighing, as if from want of air. Tradescantia (A)
Apoplectic breathing
- Deep, sound sleep, with rattling respiration as if in an apoplectic person. Opium (A)
Apoplectic fit

- His throat feels constricted as if he should suffocate or as if he were threatened with an

apoplectic fit. Stramonium (H)
Apoplectic seizure
- Sensation as of a blow on the head, leaving a kind of numbness, with diminution of the
thinking faculty during several days, and resembling the effects of an apoplectic seizure.
Guarea (A)
Apoplectic sleep
- Sleep seemed at first with snoring as if apoplectic; later not to be roused. Alcohol (A)
Apoplectic stiffness
- Stiffness of limbs, as if in an apoplectic attack. Hyoscyamus (A)
Apoplexy anxiety
- Anxiety, as if he would have apoplexy with chilliness. Pulsatilla (A)
Apoplexy appearance
- Stertorous breathing, as if in apoplexy. Hyoscyamus (A)
Apoplexy attack
- Sensation as though she was attacked by apoplexy; afterwards it seemed as though the
blood streamed from the head, or from the tips of the fingers into the body. Elaps (A)
- Vertigo, as if an attack of apoplexy would come on. Gastein (A)
Apoplexy attacked
- The breath was very short, the blood rushed to the head, the face became bluish-red, as if he
would be attacked with apoplexy. Causticum (A)
- He seems as if attacked by apoplexy. Plumbum (A)
Apoplexy brain
- A sensation deep in the brain soon after dinner, as if apoplexy was imminent; a sensation as
if he would lose his senses and have vertigo. Bromium (A)
Apoplexy ensue
- Congestion to head, as if apoplexy would ensue. Pyrogenium (JHC)
Apoplexy face
- Muscles of the left side of the face permanently contracted, as if in apoplexy. Tabacum (A)
Apoplexy head
- Was awake several times at night on account of pulsation in the head, as if he would be
attacked with apoplexy, with anxiety. Carbo Vegetabilis (A)
Apoplexy impending
- Darkness before the eyes, felt as if she would have an attack of apoplexy. Ferrum (A)
Apoplexy limbs
- A sudden sensation through all his limbs, as though he would be attacked with apoplexy.
Boletus Satanas (A)
Apoplexy paralysis
- Sudden paralysis of the right arm as if from apoplexy. Lycopodium (A)
Apoplexy praecordia
- Pressure and oppression in the praecordial region, with a feeling as if he would be attacked
by apoplexy. Colchicum (A)
Apoplexy sensation
- Uninterrupted sensation as if an immense load was on entire upper portion of the head,
causing a gloomy apprehensiveness of congestive apoplexy. Ferrum Tartaricum (A)
Apoplexy stroke
- Intense heat with anxiety as if fearing a stroke of apoplexy. Primula Veris (JHC)
Apoplexy struck
- He felt as if he would be struck by apoplexy. Fluoricum Acidum (A)

- The tarentula being killed, he returned home, but on the way suddenly fell to the ground as
if struck by apoplexy. Tarentula (A)
Apoplexy trembling
- Insensibility and numbness of the whole body as if from apoplexy with trembling and
unaltered pulse. Chelidonium Majus (A)
- Violent trembling of the left hand, as if after apoplexy, when writing or holding anything.
Sabadilla (A)
Apoplexy unconscious
- Slight attacks as of apoplexy, loss of consciousness. China (A)
- Vertigo, with reeling and attacks of loss of consciousness, as if he would be attacked by
apoplexy. Lachesis (A)
Apparition illusion
- In the evening when alone it seems as though he was obliged to look about him and would
somewhere see an apparition. Bromium (A)
Apparition sees
- In the evening when alone, it seems as though he was obliged to look about him and would
somewhere see an apparition. Bromium (A)
Appendix inflammation
- Drawing-gnawing in the region of the appendix, as though inflammation were beginning.
X-Ray (HCA)
Appetite increased
- After one hour and a half, ate again as if he had eaten nothing all day. Pulsatilla Nuttalliana
Appetite returns
- At meal times she feels as though she had just eaten a hearty meal, but on beginning to eat
her appetite returns. Piper Nigrum (J)
Appetite satisfied
- Satisfied, comfortable feeling in stomach as if after a meal taken with a good appetite. Coca
Appetite vanished
- Fulness in the region below the sternum, with a sensation as if all appetite had forever
vanished. Rhus Toxicodendron (A)
Apple head
- The head feels soft as if it were a mealy apple. Natrum Muriaticum (H)
Apple throat
- Pain in the throat, as if an apple-core were sticking in it. Mercurius Solubilis (A)
Apprehension chest
- Sensation as of fulness in the chest and nervous apprehensive feeling. Thyroidinum (GI)
Apprehension event
- During the day sensation of impatience and fear, as if he awaited a disagreeable event or
notice. Cyrtopodium Punctatum (GL)
Apprehension evil
- Great anxiety, amounting to an apprehension, as if some evil would happen. Chininum
Sulfuricum (A)
- Great anxiety and apprehension while walking in the open air, as if something evil had
happened to him. Cina (A)
Apprehension hardship
- Apprehensive sensation about the heart, as of impending evil, and as if he had to endure
some hard-ship. Menyanthes (A)
Apprehension indoors

- He at once felt as if he could not remain indoors, but must walk about in the open air, with
apprehension. Asafoetida (A)
Apprehension news
- General nervousness, with depression of spirits, feeling as though about to hear bad news.
Lac Vaccinum (HCA)
Apprehensive heart
- Painless sensation in the chest, as if from a rushing therein, with a sensation as if an
apprehensiveness would rise to the heart. Carlsbad (A)
Arcade head
- He experienced a feeling as if something was continually over his head, or as if passing
through an arcade. Agaricus Stercorarius (A)
Arched trunk
- The trunk is curved in the form of an arch, owing to the violent tremor in the limbs, which
causes a sensation in the nerves as if they would be pulled to pieces. Opium (H)
Argentum fingers
- Finger-points, as if touched by Argentum Nitricum. Tuberculinum (JHC)
Arm air
- A pain in the right shoulder-joint, extending towards the fingers, as if air was passing down.
Fluoricum Acidum (A)
Arm asleep
- Stitches in the left elbow-joint which extend into the hand, with flushes of heat, from which
the arm felt as if asleep. Capsicum (A)
- Slight crawling over the whole of the right arm, with sensation as if the arm would go to
sleep. Carboneum Sulfuratum (A)
- Stiffness of the arm, as if it would go to sleep, when one grasps anything with the hand.
Chamomilla (A)
- Painful sensation in the elbow-joints as if the nerve was pressed upon, or as though the arm
would go to sleep. Digitalis (A)
- Numbness of left hand and arm to the elbow, as if asleep. Dioscorea (A)
- Sticking in the right arm, with a feeling as if it were asleep, with violent itching. Lachesis
- Sensation in the arm and hand as if they had gone to sleep. Magnetis Polus Arcticus (H)
- The right arm and hand felt as if they had gone to sleep. Mercurius Solubilis (H)
- Frequent attacks as if the left arm would fall asleep. Millefolium (A)
Arm beaten
- The upper arm is painful, as if beaten. Nitricum Acidum (A)
Arm blow
- Several times, a short-lasting growing pain, with lameness, in the middle of the left
brachium, as if from a severe blow. Chromicum Acid (A)
- Feeling as if he had received a blow from the upper arm. Codeinum (A)
- The upper arm pains as if from a blow, with heaviness and drawing downward in the bones.
Mezereum (A)
Arm bruise
- Pain as if from a blow or bruise in the upper arm, above the elbow-joint. Cina (A)
Arm bruised
- The upper arm is painful in the flesh, as if bruised. Causticum (A)
- Pain in the upper arm, as if broken or bruised. Cuprum (A)
- A peculiar sensation of heaviness and as if bruised in the left arm, especially in the elbows.
Ledum (A)

- Pain starting from the right elbow and extending to the little finger, with a feeling as though
the arm had been bruised. Lycopodium (A)
- The arm was painful, as if bruised. Natrum Muriaticum (A)
- Pain as if bruised in the arm. Zincum (H)
Arm burst
- Violent pain in the muscles of the thigh and upper arm as if they should be burst open from
within. Pulsatilla (H)
Arm cold
- Rheumatic pains from the shoulder to the finger-tips with sensation as if an ice-cold liquid
were flowing in the same direction. Derris Pinnata (A)
Arm dislocated
- If she raises the right arm without thinking of it, it pains as if dislocated. Magnesia
Carbonica (A)
Arm divided
- Pain in the muscles of the arm, as if they were divided into fine parts. Magnetis Poli Ambo
Arm drawing
- Drawing paralytic pain in the right upper arm; a feeling as of lead. Bryonia (A)
Arm electric
- A burning, pricking and jerking pain in the whole left arm, as if there was passing through
the nerves a very painful, but slow electric shock. Fluoricum Acidum (A)
- Pain, like electric shocks, on the outer side of the left upper arm. Taraxacum (A)
Arm fatigue
- Pain in the soft parts of the outer and upper portions of the right arm, as if from fatigue, so
that it was difficult to raise it. Conium (A)
Arm galvanic
- Trembling in right arm and leg, as if a galvanic battery was attached to the extremity.
Doryphora (A)
Arm hang
- The right shoulder-joint pains as if dislocated, with a feeling as if the arm should be allowed
to hang down in the evening. Magnesia Carbonica (A)
Arm hangs
- The left shoulder and arm hang down as if heavy, while walking. Spigelia (A)
Arm heavier
- Left arm and hand become strikingly warmer and feel as if heavier and swollen. Aesculus
Hippocastanum (JHC)
- The arm feels as if it was asleep, thicker and heavier. Castor Equi (A)
Arm heavy
- Drawing in the arm, whereby it feels heavy and as if paralyzed. Ferrum (A)
Arm knocked
- Visible twitching of the muscles of the left upper arm, with pain, as if something hard had
violently knocked the place. Helleborus Niger (A)
Arm lacerated
- Pain of the arm when moving it, as if the flesh were detached from the bones. Drosera (H)
Arm numb
- A crawling-tearing in the bones of the arm, extending into the fingers, as if the arm were
numb or asleep, or had no sensation. Chamomilla (A)
Arm overexertion
- Tension in the bend of the left elbow, as if the arm had been exerted too much. Natrum
Muriaticum (A)

Arm pains
- On severe external pressure, pain deep in the arm, as if on the bone. Rhus Venenata (A)
Arm paralyzed
- Left arm feels completely out of joint, almost as if paralyzed. Mezereum (A)
Arm powerless
- Sensation as if there were no power in the left arm, with a sticking-tearing pain in it. Cicuta
Virosa (A)
Arm pressure
- A kind of paralyzed hard pressure on the right upper and forearm, feeling as though in the
periosteum and deep internally in the muscles, extending thence to the fingers. Cyclamen (A)
Arm pulled
- Pressure on the outside, in the region of the elbow-joint, as if the arm were being pulled
down, when left hanging free. Angustura (A)
Arm sore
- The muscular parts of the arm became painful on pressure, as if sore. Colocynthis (A)
Arm sprained
- Behind the scapula the left arm is painful as if it had been sprained, both when at rest and in
motion. Colocynthis (H)
Arm sticking
- Sticking in the right arm, with a feeling as if it was asleep, with violent itching. Lachesis
Arm stiff
- Paralytic sensation in the whole of the right arm, like a stiffness in the joints, so that he is
unable to move it. Cina (A)
Arm stitches
- Frequent violent stitches extending from the back and in part from the chest, to the middle
of the left upper arm, like the shocks of an electric battery. Natrum Muriaticum (A)
Arm strangled
- Spasm of the muscles about the larynx and those of one arm; she felt and looked as if
strangled. Strychninum (A)
Arm struck
- Pains in the left arm, as if he had struck himself, from the elbow down into the fingers, for
two days. Indium Metallicum (A)
Arm tearing
- Slight tearing as if under the skin in the outer side of the left upper arm to the middle.
Berberis (A)
- Pressive, painful tearing in the left forearm, deep as if in the bone, extending to the back of
the hand, and the middle joint of the fingers, with heaviness and powerlessness of the arm, as
if she could not raise it, and as if it were swollen. Berberis (A)
- Jerking-tearing posteriorly in the right ring finger, as if in the marrow, extending to the arm,
only gradually disappearing. Manganum (A)
Arm thicker
- The arm feels as if it was asleep, thicker and heavier. Castor Equi (A)
Arm tied
- Pain in the right arm as if a string were tied tightly around it. Alumen (A)
Arm torn
- The arm is painful on motion, as if the muscles would be torn loose from the bones. Drosera
Arm twinged
- Twitches in the left upper arm, as if a nerve were twinged. Arnica (A)

Arm useless
- Felt as if the use of his arm would go. Filix Mas (A)
Arm water
- Frequent creeping heat over the back into the head and down to the feet, as if from hot
water, in the upper arm, and a sensation as of hot water in the chest. Cicuta Virosa (A)
Arm weary
- In the evening the right arm was so weak that he was obliged to stop writing, because the
arm was so weary and felt as if paralyzed. Ferrum Iodatum (A)
Arms asleep
- Waking, with inclination to cramp in the arms, and crawling in them, as if gone to sleep,
before midnight. Causticum (A)
- Sensation in the arms as if asleep and paralyzed during and after a meal. Cocculus (A)
- Heaviness in the arms, as if circulation were checked, or as if the arms were going to sleep.
Glonoine (A)
- Attack of great excitement, followed with great anxiety by crawling; the arm falls asleep as
if dead, and the crawling mounts into the throat, lips, tongue, which seem to become stiff.
Natrum Muriaticum (A)
- His arms and feet always feel as if gone to sleep. Veratrum Album (H)
Arms beaten
- Pains in the arms and calves as if beaten, immediately after eating. Clematis (A)
- Excessive drawing pain in the bones of the shoulder and arm on raising the arm after eating;
on touch the parts are painful as if bruised or beaten. Cocculus (A)
- Aching pain and soreness, as if from having been beaten in the arms, above and below the
elbows. Eupatorium Perfoliatum (A)
- Drawing in the arms and limbs, as if beaten. Ginseng (A)
- As if beaten in the muscles of both arms and shoulders to the elbows. Palladium (A)
Arms bruises
- Pain as if from bruises in the upper arms. Belladonna (H)
Arms cold
- Cold feeling in the upper arms, as if after taking cold, returning several evenings in
succession. Colocynthis (A)
Arms compressed
- Severe pains in the arms, with a numbness, as if a nerve had been compressed. Cimicifuga
Arms debility
- Whilst folding powders, arms felt as if too little supplied with nerve-force, like nervous
debility, etc. Chininum Sulfuricum (A)
Arms drawing
- Pressive-drawing pains in the long bones of the arms during rest, especially painful on the
head of the humerus and across the wrist, where it seems as if the pain were in the periosteum,
on raising the arm. Colocynthis (A)
Arms drawn
- A feeling as though both arms were drawn inward, although she could stretch them out
without pain. Laurocerasus (A)
Arms exertion
- Tensive tearing pains in the arms; on taking hold of them a bruised pain, as if after great
muscular exertion. Cina (A)
Arms exhaustion
- While folding powders, arms felt as if wanting in nerve-force, etc. Chininum Sulfuricum

Arms faint
- After having worked a little the arms feel faint as if they would drop. Bryonia Alba (H)
Arms fall
- Sensation as if the arms would fall off at the shoulders. Cubeba (A)
Arms fulness
- Sensation of fulness in the chest; painful as if distended in the chest and arms. Alumen (A)
Arms gymnastics
- Inclination to work the arms, as if performing gymnastic exercises. Belladonna (A)
Arms heat
- After eating there arises a kind of weak heat, as if from the stomach, through the arms to the
fingers, whereupon the hands become pale and dead. Conium (A)
Arms heavy
- The arms, especially the forearms, feel very heavy and as if bruised. Crocus (A)
- Anxiety and uneasiness in the upper extremities, as if in the veins; in the evening with a
joyous mood, it seemed like a heaviness of the arms. Muriaticum Acidum (A)
- The arms are heavy, as if filled with lead. Silicea (A)
Arms insects
- Creeping as of insects over the back, arms and thighs. Aconitum (A)
Arms itching
- Corrosive itching on both arms, and biting, as if from salt water, after scratching.
Helleborus Niger (A)
Arms numb
- In the cold air the arms lose their warmth, become numb and feel as if they had gone to
sleep. Kali Carbonicum (H)
Arms parched
- Hands and arms stiff and hot as if parched. Lilium Tigrinum (A)
Arms pulled
- Sensation as if a weight was fastened to each hand, and was pulling the arms out of the
sockets. Curare Appendix (A)
Arms stiff
- Sensation as if his arms were kept stretched out stiff by bars of iron inside them.
Anantherum (A)
- The arms fall asleep in the morning in bed, with a sensation of internal pressure, as if stiff
and lame, they and the hands are without sensation for half an hour. Kali Carbonicum (A)
Arms suppurate
- Sensation as if it would suppurate where the pain most severely throbs and beats, on right
temple, and on arms; between right index and middle fingers. Ammonium Muriaticum (A)
Arms tearing
- Pain as if bruised in the lower arms when feeling and turning the arm, with occasional
tearing in the fleshy part of the arm. Zincum (H)
Arms thrown
- Aching in both elbow-joints when resting the bent arms forward, with a feeling as though he
wished to throw down the arms. Stachys Betonica (A)
Arms tied
- Sensation in the arms, as if they were tied to the body, especially the left one. Cajuputum
Arms torn
- He could not keep the limbs still, especially the arms; obliged to stretch them; it seemed as
though they would be torn asunder. Natrum Carbonicum (A)
Arms wrapped

- Sensation of chilliness in the back and on the posterior portion of the arms, extending down
to the hips, as if she were wrapped in cloth dipped in cold ice-water. Berberis (A)
Aromatic tongue
- A burning on the tip of the tongue, as though he had chewed some aromatic substance.
Argentum Metallicum (A)
Aroused difficulty
- On awakening it seemed as though he could not get aroused. Iodoformum (A)
Arrow brains
- Cramps and convulsive motions, together with shooting in the brain as if with an arrow.
Helleborus Niger (A)
Arrow heart
- Sticking from the umbilicus toward the region of the heart as if an arrow were flying
through the part. Rhus Toxicodendron (H)
Arrows abdomen
- A sensation as if two arrows were drawn through the abdomen in opposite directions.
Plumbum (A)
Arteries beating
- Pain in the stomach as if the arteries were beating against the abdominal muscles as far up
as the praecordial region. Mezereum (A)
Arteries blows
- The arteries in the head beat like the blows of a hammer. Digitalinum (A)
Arteries distended
- Sensation as though the cervical glands were much swollen and the arteries excessively
distended, with a feeling of suffocation, as if the head was separated from the body, at night.
Daphne Indica (A)
Arteries palpitation
- Very severe headache, with violent palpitation of the arteries of the head, as if the head
would be torn asunder. Chininum Sulfuricum (A)
Arteries short
- Sensation along the ulnar arteries right and left, as if they were too short, together with a
pain. Chamomilla (A)
Artery beating
- A fine painless throbbing, like a beating of an artery, in the middle of the pit of the stomach.
Thuja (A)
Artery blow
- Jerking and tearing in the bend of the left elbow, and at the same time in the palm of the
hand, a feeling as if an artery had been injured by a blow. Illicium (A)
Artery chest
- A strongly perceptible throbbing as of a large artery in the right side of the chest. Digitalis
Purpurea (H)
Artery pulsation
- Pulsation in the left ear, as if caused by an artery. Mercurius Corrosivus (A)
Artery swollen
- Sensation in the hollow of the knee as if the artery was swollen and painful. Chamomilla
Artery unfilled
- Pulse seems as if the blood did not fill the artery full. Aconitum Napellus (A)
- Pulse small and weak, as if the blood did not reach the radial artery in the usual quantity.
Lilium Tigrinum (A)
Artery vertex

- Severe throbbing in the upper part of the head in the region of the vertex, as if from an
artery, with cutting shocks extending upward. Calcarea Acetica (A)
- Considerable throbbing in the top of the head in the region of the vertex as of an artery with
cutting thrusts from within outwards. Calcarea Carbonica (H)
Arthritic toe
- Arthritic, dull pain towards evening, as if from a sprain in the joint of the big toe,
accompanied by some redness. Arnica (A)
Arthritis ankle
- Pain in the outer ankle as if sprained or an arthritic pain when rising and beginning to walk.
Magnetis Poli Ambo (H)
Articulated loosely
- A feeling as if the joints were only loosely articulated. Laurocerasus (A)
Articulation deranged
- When walking, a feeling in the knee-joint as if the relation of the bones were deranged and
they did not fit. Gelsemium (A)
Articulation difficult
- The head felt exceedingly light, as if there was no solid head, and she could not articulate
for some time. Cotyledon (A)
Articulation jaw
- It seems as though he could not open the mouth on account of an impediment in the
articulation of the jaw. Oleum Animale (A)
Articulation knee
- Sudden sharp pain between the articular surfaces of the left knee-joint, so that it seemed as
though he would fall down. Mezereum (A)
Articulation small
- In the joints of the middle finger of the right hand an acute beating pain, with the sensation
as if the heads of the bones were too large and had not room enough in their articular muscles.
Eupion (A)
Articulation sprained
- Pain in the left articulation of the lower jaw, as if sprained, on drawing the jaw far
downward. Corallium Rubrum (A)
Articulation torn
- The lower jaw, in front of the ear, is painful, as if it would be torn from the articulation,
aggravated by chewing. Phosphoricum Acidum (A)
Articulations break
- Yawning for many hours with pain in the articulations of the jaws as if they would break.
Opium (H)
Artillery ear
- Very slight shocks heard in the ear as of very distant artillery. Badiaga (A)
Asafoetida stool
- Intolerable odor to the stool, which was somewhat hard and the odor scarcely endurable, as
if like asafoetida, but much worse. Lachesis (A)
Ascarides anus
- Crawling in the anus, as if from ascarides; before and after the stool. Mezereum (A)
- Creeping in the rectum as of ascarides. Rhus Toxicodendron (H)
Ascarides itching
- Itching, as if from ascarides. Helleborus Niger (A)
Ascarides rectum
- Crawling in the rectum, as if from ascarides after a stool. China (A)
- Crawling and itching in the rectum as if from ascarides. Cocculus (A)

- Feeling at times as of ascarides in the rectum and around the anus. Fagopyrum (A)
- Creeping in the rectum as of ascarides. Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum (H)
Ascending backache
- Pains as of a neuralgia, from below upwards, mostly up the left side of the back and hip.
Euphorbia Amygdaloides (A)
Ascending headache
- Headache rising from the nape of the neck to the vertex, as if coming from the back. Silicea
Ascending heart
- Heart palpitated violently, and felt as if it was coming up into the throat. Lyssin (HCA)
- Sensation in the chest, as if the heart were ascending to the throat. Podophyllum (A)
Ascending pain
- Sensation as of painfulness commencing in the toes and extending into the abdomen.
Galvanismus (JHC)
Ascending tottering
- Trembling of the limbs, tottering gait, with raising up of one leg, as if he had to ascend a
hill. Belladonna (A)
Ascites abdomen
- Oppressive drawing pain in the whole abdomen, down to the groin, with tension as if in
ascites. Argentum Nitricum (A)
- Swelling of the abdomen, as if in ascites, with emaciation. Kali Iodatum (A)
- Swelling of the abdomen as if in ascites. Robinia (A)
- Swelling of the abdomen, as if in ascites, with excoriating pains in the kidneys and
intestines. Sarracenia (A)
Ash stool
- Ash-colored diarrhoea, as if in jaundice. Digitalis (A)
Ashes stool
- Bowels gave forth faeces of shiny color, and a peculiar grayish-brown as if mixed with
ashes. Lycopus (A)
Ashes throat
- Burning sensation, like hot ashes, on swallowing the powder. Mercurius Precipitatus Ruber
Asleep achillis
- A somewhat burning sensation in the right heel and tendo Achillis, as if they had gone to
sleep. Argentum Metallicum (A)
Asleep anxiety
- The whole body was stiff at night, as if asleep, with anxiety so that she could not fall asleep.
Silicea (A)
Asleep arm
- The arm feels as if it were asleep, thicker and heavier. Castor Equi (A)
- A crawling-tearing in the bones of the arm, extending into the fingers, as if the arm was
numb or asleep, or had no sensation. Chamomilla (A)
- Woke at night feeling very chilly, with sharp pain in left hand, and sensation in left arm as if
asleep. Lac Caninum (JHC)
- Sensation of numbness and weight as if the arm were asleep. Lycopersicum Esculentum
- Tearing on the outer surface of the right arm, with a feeling as if falling asleep, extending
into the fingers. Magnesia Muriatica (A)
- Cramp-like sensation in the arm, and as if it had gone to sleep. Magnetis Polus Arcticus

- Sensation in the arm as if it had been to sleep. Magnetis Polus Australis (H)
- A sensation in the whole left arm and leg, as if they would fall asleep, in the afternoon.
Niccolum (A)
- Sensation as if the arm had gone to sleep, but without prickling. Nux Vomica (H)
- Sensation in the left arm, as if it was going to sleep. Palladium (A)
- Sensation as though the right arm was asleep. Phosphorus (A)
- Sensation as if the left arm was asleep, with numbness in the three first fingers, and half of
the hands. Psorinum (A)
- On holding anything in the hand it seems as though the arm would fall asleep. Pulsatilla (A)
- Weariness of the left arm, as if it would fall asleep. Tilia (A)
Asleep arms
- Crawling, as if going to sleep, in both arms, especially in the left. Apis (A)
- The arms fall asleep in the morning, in bed, with a sensation of internal pressure, as if stiff
and lame, they and the hands are without sensation for half an hour. Kali Carbonicum (A)
- In the cold air the arms lose their warmth, become numb and feel as if they had gone to
sleep. Kali Carbonicum (H)
- Cramplike feeling in the limbs, especially in the hands, as if the arms had fallen asleep.
Kissingen (A)
- Feeling as though the arms had fallen asleep, with sticking in them. Lachesis (A)
- Shivering in the back, with coldness of the limbs and a feeling as if they would fall asleep.
Pulsatilla (A)
- Tingling in both arms, as of an electric current, or as if asleep. X-Ray (HCA)
Asleep back
- Weakness in the small of the back as if asleep, while sitting and on rising from a seat.
Phosphorus (A)
Asleep body
- Sensation over the whole body, as if all parts were asleep. Capsicum (A)
- The whole left side of the body feels cold and as if it had gone to sleep. Causticum (H)
- Sudden swelling of the body and puffiness of the limbs, accompanied by a sensation as if
going to sleep. Dulcamara (A)
- The whole right side of the body feels as if it had gone to sleep for half an hour.
Lycopodium (H)
- He then held his nose, and after three expirations more, felt as if all his members were
asleep, especially in the right arm, in which the circulation was accidentally impeded.
Nitrogenium Oxygenatum (A)
Asleep buttocks
- The nates go to sleep in the evening when sitting and feel as if they were dead. Digitalis
Purpurea (H)
Asleep calf
- Feeling in the right calf as if asleep, afterwards in the whole leg. Lachesis (A)
Asleep calves
- Tingling sensation in the calves, as of being asleep. Berberis (A)
- Sticking in the calves, when exposed to the cold air, as if the leg had been asleep. Nux
Vomica (A)
Asleep cervicals
- Pain in the posterior cervical muscles towards evening as if the parts had gone to sleep and
as if the head had been kept erect too long. Rhus Toxicodendron (H)
Asleep conscious
- He felt as if he was falling asleep and was yet conscious of it. Stachys Betonica (A)
Asleep drowsy

- He lies as if asleep, and when roused, answers like a drowsy man, and then lapses back into
his former condition. Tanghinia (A)
Asleep ear
- The outer ear feels as if gone to sleep. Sulphur (H)
Asleep extremities
- Feeling as if the left upper and lower extremities had gone to sleep and could not be moved.
Carboneum Oxygenisatum (A)
- Tingling in the upper and lower extremities as if they would go to sleep. Causticum (H)
- Sensation in the extremities as if they would go to sleep. Dulcamara (H)
- Crawling, as if asleep, and loss of power in the upper and lower extremities. Phosphoricum
Acidum (A)
- Pressure on the upper and lower extremities, as if they would fall asleep. Sulfur (A)
Asleep face
- Weary with sleep; it seems as though he should fall asleep. Camphora (A)
Asleep fast
- Sensation as if the foot and toes were going to sleep. Magnetis Polus Australis (H)
Asleep feet
- A stitchlike crawling in the feet, as though going to sleep in the morning. Carbo Animalis
- Anxious trembling, as if the hands and feet would fall asleep. Carlsbad (A)
- Dull and humming sensation in the legs and feet as if they had gone to sleep. Causticum (H)
- Numbness of feet and hands, succeeded by a prickling feeling, as if they had been asleep.
Colchicum (A)
- Sense of numbness and distension in the feet, and as if they had gone to sleep. Electricity
- Crawling in the feet, as if after a long walk, or as if they would fall asleep, gradually
extending into the legs. Stannum (A)
- His arms and feet always feel as if gone to sleep. Veratrum Album (H)
Asleep finger
- Drawing pains in the left little finger, that feels as if full and gone to sleep. Caladium (A)
- Pain commencing under the left scapula, running down the left arm to the little finger,
which pricked as if asleep. Medorrhinum (HCA)
- Sticking pain as if asleep, now in one, now in another finger, then also in the arms. Silicea
- Burning stinging crawling in the tip of the little finger, as if asleep, and also in a small spot
on the middle finger. Sulfuricum Acidum (A)
- Prickling in left fourth finger, as if going to sleep. Vaccininum (HCA)
Asleep finger-joints
- Pain as if from being asleep in the phalanges and finger-joints. Euphrasia (A)
Asleep fingers
- Crawling in tip of right thumb and index-finger as if from going asleep. Ammonium
Muriaticum (A)
- In both ring and little fingers, of both hands, a feeling as if they had gone to sleep, and of
formication. Aranea Diadema (A)
- Prickling of the fingers as if they went to sleep. Calcarea Carbonica (H)
- The finger-tips of both hands felt as if asleep. Kali Phosphoricum (HCA)
- Sensation in the fingers, as if they were asleep with actual loss of power, so that she cannot
hold anything tightly. Kreosotum (A)
- The first two phalanges of all the fingers go to sleep; crawling in them as if from ants, and
they look quite white like dead hands. Kreosotum (A)

- Crawling in the fingers, as if asleep, increasing on grasping anything. Opium (A)

- The fingers of one hand feel numb and insensible and those of the other feel as if they had
gone to sleep. Phosphorus (H)
- The index finger and middle finger of one hand feel as if gone to sleep. Rhus
Toxicodendron (H)
- Crawling in the tips of the fingers, as if something alive were creeping, under the skin or as
if the fingers were asleep, as if from pressure upon the arm. Secale Cornutum (A)
- Crawling in the fingers as if they would go to sleep. Staphisagria (A)
- Crawling in the tips of the three middle fingers of the left hand, as if asleep. Thuja (A)
Asleep finger-tips
- Crawling sensation in the finger-tips of the right hand, as if they were going to sleep, or
becoming numb. Natrum Sulfuricum (A)
- Crawling as if asleep, in the tips of the fingers. Rhus Toxicodendron (A)
- Sensation of falling asleep of the tongue when eating, with the same sensation constantly in
the tips of all the fingers. Thuja (A)
Asleep flexors
- Spasmodic sensation of the flexors of the left forearm, with a sensation as if they had gone
to sleep. Chamomilla (A)
Asleep foot
- Crawling on the dorsum of the left foot as if from having gone to sleep. Ammonium
Carbonicum (A)
- Bruised feeling of the anterior muscles of the lower third of the right leg, which is
aggravated by flexing the foot and going upstairs, when the toes have a tendency to drop
down, as if the foot was asleep, though without the sensation as if asleep. Aurum Muriaticum
- Pressive sensation in the foot, as if it would go to sleep. Cinnabaris (A)
- While walking the foot feels as if going to sleep. Magnetis Polus Arcticus (H)
- Crawling in the forepart of the right foot, as if it would fall asleep, in the afternoon while
sitting. Natrum Carbonicum (A)
Asleep forearm
- Heaviness and sense as of having gone to sleep in the right fore-arm. Ammonium
Muriaticum (H)
- If the hand hangs down the pain becomes more violent and then the forearm feels as if
asleep. Berberis (A)
- Pain in the right forearm and hand as if from being asleep. Euphrasia (A)
- A decided sensation of being asleep in the left forearm, especially in the hand, as if only
here and there, the hand and arm could be exerted as usual. Fluoricum Acidum (A)
- Sensation as if the lower side of the forearm were about falling asleep. Rheum (A)
Asleep going
- He seemed as if going to sleep. Taxus Baccata (A)
Asleep gyrations
- Frequent slumbering and starting as if she would go away without knowing whither. Silicea
Terra (H)
Asleep hand
- Sticking in the palm, with a feeling in the whole hand, extending above the wrist, as if the
arm had gone to sleep. Borax (A)
- Tingling in the hand as if it had gone to sleep. Bryonia Alba (H)
- The right hand feels as if pounded and gone to sleep in bed. Calcarea Phosphorica (A)
- Drawing-pain through the whole left side of the body with sensation as if the part had gone
to sleep, especially painful in the hand and foot. Daphne Mezereum (H)

- Numbness of left hand and arm to the elbow, as if asleep. Dioscorea (A)
- Numbness and a sensation as though the hand were asleep, after using it much. Graphites
- Sensation in the arm and hand as if they had gone to sleep. Magnetis Polus Arcticus (H)
- The right arm and hand felt as if they had gone to sleep. Mercurius Solubilis (H)
- Numbness of the left hand, as if asleep. Physostigma (A)
- Severe itching and prickling in the right hand, as if it were asleep. Rhus Toxicodendron (A)
Asleep hands
- Rigidity of the hands and feet, as if they had gone to sleep, on waking up. Alumina (H)
- Peculiar thrilling sensation through both hands and feet, somewhat like going to sleep or a
want of circulation. Baptisia (A)
- Frequently a sensation as if hands and feet would go to sleep. Carbo Animalis (H)
- Sensation in the morning, on washing as if the hands would go to sleep. Carbo Vegetabilis
- Both hands, now one, now the other, are insensible and as if they had gone to sleep.
Cocculus (H)
- Crawling in the hands and feet as if asleep. Kali Nitricum (A)
- Numbness in the hands, as if sleeping. Naja (A)
- Cramp-like drawing in the hands and feet as if gone to sleep. Phosphoric Acid (H)
- A crawling in the hands, as though they were asleep on compressing the hand. Spigelia (A)
- Crawling in the hands as if they had been asleep. Veratrum Album (A)
Asleep head
- Pain about the head and neck as if both these parts had gone to sleep and had been sprained.
Carbo Animalis (H)
- A dull feeling and awfully numb in the head, as if asleep. Colchicum (MF)
- Dull pressure in the forehead and eyes, as if the head were asleep on leaning it upon the
arm. Natrum Muriaticum (A)
- Numbness of the head and sensation as if it had gone to sleep. Nitri Acidum (H)
Asleep insufficient
- Feeling of lassitude in the lower limbs, as if not rested sufficiently by sleep. Asarum (A)
Asleep jaw
- Pressing headache, extending from the right frontal region over the whole head, passing
down to the angle of the lower jaw of the right side and causing a sensation as if asleep.
Valeriana (A)
Asleep knee
- From the left knee to the foot, crawling as if going to sleep. Apis (A)
Asleep leg
- The left leg feels as if gone to sleep, and the foot is insensible as when very cold. Asarum
- Right leg numb and heavy, as if asleep. Dioscorea (A)
- Numb sensation of the whole right leg, as if it was going to sleep, with great subsequent
heaviness in it. Kali Carbonicum (A)
- Painless buzzing in the left leg, with sensation of heaviness as if the leg had gone to sleep.
Magnetis Polus Arcticus (H)
- Sensation as if the leg went to sleep. Mercurius Dulcis (H)
- Deep-seated crawling, like formication, extending from the knee over the whole leg, even to
the toes, as if the leg would fall asleep. Oleum Animale (A)
- Severe pain in back portion of left leg, extending to the sole of the foot, with sensation as if
foot would go to sleep. Picricum Acidum (A)
- Sensation in the right leg, as if it would go to sleep. Psorinum (A)

- A sensation of internal coldness, almost like falling asleep on the inner side of the leg, from
the sole of the foot to the knee, without shivering. Ruta (A)
- When rising the leg feels as if it had gone to sleep and a burning tingling is experienced in
it. Sulphur (H)
- Paralyzed feeling, as if asleep below the knee. Tabacum (A)
Asleep legs
- Feeling in the lower extremities as if they had gone to sleep. Ambra Grisea (A)
- Pain as from paralysis, in the legs, as if they were going to sleep. Ammonium Carbonicum
- Crawling of the legs, as if they would fall asleep. Graphites (A)
- Crawling in the thighs and legs, extending to the toes, as though the limb would go to sleep,
while sitting. Guaiacum (A)
- Swelling of legs with sensation as if they were going to sleep. Kali Phosphoricum (HCA)
- Sensation of chilliness on the back and limbs, in the morning with painfulness of the skin,
as if it had been frozen, and a sensation of falling asleep in the limbs, like that caused by cold
weather. Nux Vomica (A)
- Heaviness in the lower extremities as if they were asleep, in the afternoon. Phytolacca (A)
- Crawling, as if asleep, in the lower extremities, on riding one over the other, while sitting.
Platinum (A)
- Heaviness of the legs, as far as the knees, as if they would fall asleep. Sepia (A)
- Weakness of the lower extremities, and a sensation of prickling in them, as if they would
fall asleep. Tilia (A)
Asleep limb
- Feeling of deadness and coldness of the left limb, as if it would fall asleep, while sitting.
Euphorbium (A)
- Pricking, moaning, fluttering sort of a pain at a small place, for instance in the sole of the
feet, as if in a limb previous to going to sleep. Magnetis Poli Ambo (HCA)
- Sensation of internal coldness in the limbs, as if from deadness in one finger or as if the
limb would fall asleep, or like a distressing sensation of coldness in the limbs internally at the
onset of a paroxysm of ague. Rhus Toxicodendron (A)
Asleep limbs
- Sensation of heaviness in the limbs, as if they were asleep. Aconitum Napellus (A)
- Limbs felt as though they were asleep. Ailanthus (A)
- Sensation in all the limbs as if they would go to sleep. Argentum Metallicum (H)
- Sensation in all the limbs as if they would go to sleep or become rigid. Argentum Nitricum
- Creeping in the limbs, as if gone to sleep. Arsenicum Album (A)
- Tingling and stinging of the upper and lower limbs as if they would go to sleep. Graphites
- Tingling in the limbs, as if they had gone to sleep. Ignatia (H)
- Numbness of the limbs, as if asleep. Kalmia (A)
- Sensation of heaviness, with weariness, as if from sleep in all the limbs. Kreosotum (A)
- At night the limbs feel as if they had gone to sleep. Lycopodium (H)
- Weariness and numbness in the lower limbs as if they had gone to sleep. Magnetis Polus
Arcticus (H)
- Woke twice, towards morning, with a feeling as if the limbs would fall asleep. Phellandrium
- The limbs feel as if gone to sleep. Stramonium (H)
Asleep lip
- Burning on the inner side of the lower lip and a feeling as if it was asleep. Illicium (A)

Asleep lumbar
- A feeling of warmth in the lower part of the back and in the small of the back as if the
lumbar region were asleep. Berberis (A)
Asleep metatarsal
- Stitches in the metatarsal bones of the left great toe, which feel as if gone to sleep.
Chamomilla (A)
Asleep mind
- Condition of mind as if just falling asleep. Asarum (A)
Asleep mouth
- Sensation as if all parts of the mouth were asleep. Nitricum Acidum (A)
Asleep neck
- Back pricks up near the neck as if going to sleep. Lycopodium (MF)
Asleep palm
- Crawling on the inner surface of the left hand, almost as if asleep. Paris Quadrifolia (A)
Asleep penis
- Creeping and drawing in the penis, as if it had gone to sleep. Valeriana (A)
Asleep ribs
- Under the right ribs, sensation as if gone to sleep. Apis (A)
Asleep sacro-iliac
- Aching in the region of the left sacro-iliac articulation, accompanied by crawling in the
whole left sole, as though it were asleep. Colocynthis (A)
Asleep scalp
- Over the head, externally, a sensation as though the skin would go to sleep. Alumina (A)
- Scalp numb, as if going to sleep. Upas (A)
Asleep scapula
- Tingling of the left scapula, as if the parts had gone to sleep. Argentum Metallicum (A)
Asleep shoulder
- Pain in the shoulder-joint as if the arm would go to sleep, and was weak and tired,
disappearing on continued motion. Drosera (A)
- Pressure on the shoulder at night, which felt as if it had gone to sleep and was sprained.
Sepia (A)
Asleep shoulders
- Formication in the shoulder-blades, or sensation as if they had gone to sleep. Anacardium
- The shoulders and the upper part of the arm feel as if they had gone to sleep. Mercurius
Solubilis (H)
- The shoulder-joints feel as if gone to sleep. Zincum (H)
Asleep sitting
- Great weariness; it seems as if she would fall asleep while sitting. Chelidonium Majus (A)
Asleep skin
- Sensitiveness of the skin of the whole body, as if it was sore, on touch it seems as if
different places were asleep. Nux Vomica (A)
Asleep sole
- Crawling and prickling in the sole of the foot which rests over the other while sitting, as if
asleep. Staphisagria (A)
Asleep soles
- Crawling just under the skin of the thighs and legs, and especially in the soles of the feet, as
if the leg would go to sleep. Cicuta Virosa (A)

- Weakness of the thighs and legs, and a sensation in the forepart of the feet mostly in the
soles as if they were asleep, while walking. Oleander (A)
- A crawling, fine sticking pain in the soles of the feet, as if asleep or as if numb while
standing. Pulsatilla (A)
Asleep starting
- In sleep starting as if from fright. Calcarea Phosphorica (A)
Asleep stomach
- Sensation in the stomach, as though it would go to sleep. Castoreum (A)
Asleep talking
- Towards evening while asleep she drew her mouth back and forth, opened the eyes,
distorted them and talked irrationally as if she were wide awake. Bryonia (A)
Asleep tarsus
- Paralytic condition of the tarsal joint or as if the interior of it had gone to sleep. Natrum
Muriaticum (H)
Asleep thigh
- Sensation from the right hip-joint to the knee, as if the limb would go to sleep. Asarum (A)
- A burning and crawling, as if gone to sleep, in the thigh on which he had been sitting. China
- Pinching in the left thigh like a cramp, as if it were asleep. Colchicum (A)
- The left thigh feels as if it had gone to sleep. Glonoine (A)
- Tearing in the thigh, while sitting with a numb crawling sensation in it, almost as if asleep.
Hepar Sulf. Calc (A)
- Paralysis of the whole thigh, with a feeling as if it would fall asleep. Kali Carbonicum (A)
- Frequent lameness of the thigh as if fallen asleep. Mercurius Solubilis (A)
- When he draws the feet backward while sitting, he experiences a buzzing sensation in the
legs, and in part also in the thighs, as if they had been fatigued by a long journey, or would
fall asleep. Moschus (A)
- While riding one leg over the other, the right thigh seems benumbed, afterwards a sensation
as if the left leg would fall asleep, with rush of blood in it, prickling, etc. Nux Moschata (A)
- When rising from the seat the thigh felt as if it had gone to sleep. Sulphur (H)
Asleep thighs
- The thighs and legs feel weak with tingling as if gone to sleep. Phosphoric Acid (H)
Asleep thumb
- Tingling in the tip of the thumb, as if it had gone to sleep. Ambra Grisea (A)
- Tingling in the tip of the thumb as if gone to sleep. Cina (H)
Asleep tibia
- Sensation of deadness as if asleep and coldness in the middle of the right tibia, while
standing. Sambucus (A)
Asleep toe
- Violent tearing in the right tibia, extending into the great toe, in which there is also a
crawling, as if it would fall asleep. Natrum Carbonicum (A)
Asleep toes
- Shooting, stinging and burning pricking in the tips of the fingers and toes as if they had
gone to sleep. Ammonium Muriaticum (H)
- In toes a tendency to drop down as if asleep. Badiaga (A)
- It seems as though the toes would bend up and would go to sleep, while sitting, especially
the great toe. Chamomilla (A)
- Crawling on the inner surface of the great, second and third toes, of the right foot, as if they
were asleep. Colchicum (A)

- Crawling on the inner surface of the toes, which does not provoke scratching, it seems as if
they had been asleep. Staphisagria (A)
Asleep tongue
- The tongue feels as if asleep, lifeless and furred. Belladonna (A)
- Crawling in the tongue, as if asleep. Natrum Muriaticum (A)
Asleep walking
- Feels as if he should fall asleep while walking in the street in the afternoon. Arsenicum
Metallicum (A)
- He walks about as if he were half asleep. Conium Maculatum (H)
Asparagus urine
- The urine smells like violets, or as if one had eaten asparagus. Lippspringe (A)
Asphyxia croup
- Anxious respiration, as if in croup with threatening asphyxia. Vipera (A)
Asphyxiated retching
- When a fit of retching came on, felt as if going to be asphyxiated. Veratrum Viride (A)
Asthma anguish
- Asthma when fatigued as if from anguish. Arsenicum Album (A)
Asthma attack
- Respiration was most difficult as if in a bad attack of asthma, he seized and clenched the
hands of those around him. Antifebrinum (JHC)
Asthma die
- Asthma, as if he would die. Psorinum (HCA)
Asthma eructations
- Asthma with redness of face, eructation and sensation as if the chest were extended.
Capsicum (H)
Asthma oppression
- Breathing oppressed, as if from asthma. Belladonna (BE)
Asthmatic attack
- Shortness of breath, as if from an asthmatic attack. Hedeoma (A)
Asthmatic oppression
- Oppression of the chest as if asthmatic accompanied with strong palpitation of the heart.
Hyoscyamus (H)
Astonished expression
- There was an astonishing look, as if something extraordinary had happened and he had a
thoughtful appearance, which was not borne out by the answers to our questions. Plumbum
Astringent mouth
- Sensation of dryness on the tongue, with roughness and acidity as if after rinsing the mouth
with an astringent. Clematis (A)
- Sensation of constriction on the inner surface of the cheeks, as if from acids or astringents.
Tilia (A)
Astringent nose
- Nose and throat dry, and feel as though he had taken an astringent like tannic acid or alum.
Copaiba Officinalis (BR)
Astringent palate
- Puckered feeling in the palate as of something astringent. Arnica (A)
Astringent pharynx
- Sensation as if after applying an astringent to the pharynx. Ailanthus (A)
Astringent saliva

- Accumulation of saliva, causing an astringent sensation in the mouth, as if from metal.

Sabadilla (A)
Astringent stomach
- A sensation as if the stomach was coated with an astringent earth. Millefolium (A)
Astringent taste
- Bitter, astringent, metallic taste as of verdigris, exciting nausea and inclination to vomit.
Argentum Nitricum (A)
- Astringent and bad taste in the mouth as of bad eggs, with accumulation of saliva.
Muriaticum Acidum (A)
Astringent throat
- On anterior arch of the palate an astringent feeling as if from persimmons. Arum Triphyllum
- Pressure in the throat as if from something astringent. Lachesis (A)
- Constrictive sensation deep in the throat, as if the fauces were constricted, as if after
swallowing an astringent drink. Sabadilla (A)
Astringent tongue
- A peculiar sensation of dryness and contraction in the tongue, as if after an astringent liquid.
Agaricus (A)
- White tongue with dryness as if caused by something astringent. Kali Carbonicum (H)
- Sensation on the tongue, as though he had taken something astringent. Natrum Muriaticum
Astringents eyes
- Smarting and aching, as if from powerful astringents, in the eyes. Ailanthus (A)
Astringents throat
- Constrictive sensation in the back of the throat, as if from astringents. Aconitum (A)
- Constriction in the throat, as if from astringents, with small stitches, worse on swallowing.
Sulfur (A)
Asunder ankle
- Drawing and pressure in the lower portion of the right calf, extending down into the ankle,
with a feeling as if it would be forced asunder. Manganum Muriaticum (A)
Asunder body
- Uncomfortable feeling of pressure and pressing upon the inner walls of the trunk, as though
the whole body would be forced asunder. Zincum (A)
Asunder bones
- Pains in all the bones, as if every part would fall asunder; feels as if broken from head to
foot. Theridion (A)
Asunder ear
- Painful jerk in the ear, as if its parts would be pressed asunder. Magnetis Polus Australis
Asunder finger
- A very painful twinging in the second joint of the left middle finger, as if the joint would be
forced asunder. Laurocerasus (A)
Asunder head
- Headache in the morning as if the head was beaten or would be pressed asunder. Conium
- Pain in the upper part of the head, as if it would be forced asunder; that part of the head is
hot to touch, though he is generally chilly and relieved by external warmth. Kali Iodatum (A)
- Painful pressure in the whole head, as if it were forced asunder. Sabadilla (A)
- Pressure, tension and pressing in the head, as if pressed or forced asunder. Silicea (A)
Asunder malar

- Headache, at one time feeling as if the head was forced asunder at the malar bone, and
upper jaw. Thuja (A)
Asunder nose
- Pain in the bones on both sides of the nose, as if the nose would be forced asunder.
Pulsatilla (A)
Asunder occiput
- Pain in the left side of the occiput near the cervical vertebrae as if the parts were being
pressed asunder. Zincum (H)
Asunder teeth
- Boring in the teeth as if they would be rent asunder, if he takes anything cold or warm into
the mouth. Baryta Carbonica (A)
Asunder vertex
- Pain in the vertex, as if the parts were pressed asunder, when entering the room on coming
out of the open air. Ranunculus Bulbosus (A)
Atlas hot
- Sensation as though a red-hot iron rod was passed from sacrum up the spine to the atlas,
around the occiput, over the eyes from right side stopping at left ear, leaving a feeling as if
charred. Cannabis Indica (A)
Atmosphere dry
- All day, eyes feel as if they had been in a glare, or as if the atmosphere was too dry as if
parched. Chininum Sulfuricum (A)
Atmosphere hot
- Anxiety as if he were in a hot atmosphere. Pulsatilla (A)
Atmosphere oppressive
- In the morning she felt so languid that she scarcely was able to drag herself along, as if
oppressed by a sultry atmosphere. Magnetis Polus Arcticus (HCA)
Atrophic genitals
- The genitals became as if they were atrophic and erections and pollutions to which he had
been subject were never observed. Iodum (A)
Atrophied body
- Retraction of the muscles; the mouth and eyes are distorted, with a general sensation as if
the body was smaller and atrophied. Tarentula (A)
Atrophy limbs
- The paralyzed limbs were wasted almost to skin and bone; their integuments were of a
dingy flabby appearance, and as if fastened to the bones. Plumbum (A)
Atrophy muscles
- The radius and ulna can be made out throughout their entire length as distinctly as though
covered only by integument. Plumbum (A)
Audible abdomen
- Audible moving in the lower abdomen towards the genitals; followed by fine sticking as if
with needles. Coccus Cacti (A)
Audible flatulence
- Audible rumbling, and a tingling sort of straining from below upwards in the right side of
the abdomen, as if caused by flatulence. Calcarea Carbonica (H)
Audible inspiration
- Sensation on inspiration for sometime, as if the air-passages were contracted and thereby
the usually imperceptible inspiration was audible. Helleborus Niger (A)
Audible swallowing
- Sensation as if fluids were rolling audibly into the stomach. Elaps (JHC)
Audition closed

- Sensation as if the external auditory passages were closed, with crackling in the right ear.
Coccus Cacti (A)
Auditory concretions
- Feeling as if the auditory canal was stopped by concretions. Bufo (A)
Auger thigh
- Crawling pains by paroxysms, internally in the bones, recurring from time to time,
especially in the left thigh, above the knee, and in the left forearm, in the left thumb; the pains
are compared to a feeling of boring, as if with an auger. Plumbum (A)
Auricle sore
- The left auricle is painful, as if sore on a limited spot. Sulfur (A)
Aversion food
- Weakness of the whole body as if after a severe illness, with loss of appetite as if from
satiety, and aversion to food. Conium (A)
- Aversion to food, with shivering as though he would vomit. Dulcamara (A)
Avulsion teeth
- Feeling as of avulsion in all the lower teeth. Derris Pinnata (DM)
Awake dreaming
- Very vivid dreams, as if awake. Psorinum (HCA)
Awake illusion
- He thought he was awake, and with his physician; as in most complete consciousness, then
could remember every word of the conversation as if it all had taken place while awake.
Manganum (A)
Awakened frightened
- Frequent waking in the night, as if from fright. Euphrasia Officinalis (H)
Awakened music
- When he heard music he began to move accordingly, got up as quick as lightning, and
seemed as if he had been awakened by some frightful vision, and stared wildly about.
Tarentula (A)
Awakened often
- Woke up every five minutes, when it seemed to him as if hours had elapsed. Cannabis
Indica (A)
Awakens frightened
- In the morning he starts up from sleep as if in affright. Sabadilla (A)
- Waking at night, as if frightened by a sound. Sarsaparilla (A)
Awakes called
- Early in the morning he wakes at a certain time, for several mornings in succession, as if he
were called and is afterwards unable to fall asleep again. Rhododendron (A)
Awakes frightened
- He starts as if in affright and awakes, when he is just falling asleep. Belladonna (A)
Awaking difficult
- When he recovered consciousness it seemed as if he had lain in a deep sleep from which he
could scarcely arouse himself. Carbo Vegetabilis (A)
Awaking frightened
- Unquiet sleep, frequent waking as if from being frightened. Lilium Tigrinum (A)
Awl back
- Violent stitching as if with an awl, in the back, below the left scapula, extending through the
left chest and to the right side. Natrum Carbonicum (A)
Awl breast
- Several successive stitches as if with an awl beneath the left breast. Kreosotum (A)
Awl chest

- With every inspiration a stitch, as if with an awl, shoots upward in the left chest.
Ammonium Muriaticum (A)
- Small intermitting stitches, as if with an awl, in the right side of the chest. Niccolum (A)
Awl ear
- Stitches outward from the right ear, as if with an awl, several times. Ammonium
Muriaticum (A)
- Sharp stitches, as if with an awl, in the left ear. Magnesia Muriatica (A)
- A piercing stitch, as if with an awl, in the right ear. Natrum Carbonicum (A)
Awl flank
- Two single coarse stitches as if with an awl, above the left flank. Niccolum (A)
Awl head
- Stitches on the outside, as if with an awl, in a small spot of the left side of the head, close to
the vertex. Alumina (A)
- Severe coarse stitches as if with an awl in the left side of the head. Indigo (A)
- Violent stitches, as if with a large awl, on the anterior portion of the right side of the head,
so that she knew not what she did. Kreosotum (A)
Awl liver
- A stitch, as if caused by an awl, in the right posterior and lower lobe of the liver, which in
walking, takes away his breath. Prunus Spinosa (A)
Awl mamma
- Stitches as if with an awl, in the upper part of the left mamma, extending through to the
back. Bovista (A)
Awl orbit
- Frequent sticking, as if with an awl, above the left orbital margin. Magnesia Sulphurica (A)
Awl rectum
- A stitch as with an awl in the rectum during stool, which shoots from above downward.
Laurocerasus (A)
Awl temple
- A violent stitch driven suddenly through the left temple, as if an awl had been forcibly thrust
through the brain. Thuja (A)
Awls toe
- Stitches as if from awls, in the ball of the left great toe. Prunus Spinosa (A)
Awn throat
- While the muscles of the throat are in a passive state, a disagreeable, tickling sensation as if
an awn had lodged in the throat. Palladium (A)
Axe head
- Violent throbbing in the head, as if with an axe. Lycopodium (A)
Axilla blow
- Pain in a small spot beneath and almost in the right axilla, as if after a blow. Colchicum (A)
Axilla bruise
- Feeling of soreness, as if after a bruise, in a small spot in the axilla. Zincum (A)
Axilla bruised
- Pain as if bruised, behind the right breast, beneath the axilla, on pressure. Phosphorus (A)
- Pressure in the upper left chest, toward the axilla, mostly during a strong expiration; when
touched the part pains as if bruised. Sepia (A)
Axilla drawn
- Sensation in front of the axilla as of the skin being drawn up. Manganum (H)
Axilla flea
- Itching, as if caused by a flea-bite, at a place below the right axilla, in front. Asarum (A)
Axilla instrument

- Sticking in the right axilla, as if from a small sharp instrument. Lactuca (A)
Axilla pressure
- Pressure in the left axilla, as if with a rough piece of wood. Asarum (A)
Axilla pulled
- Twinging sensation in front of the left axilla, as if the skin were pulled up. Manganum (A)
Axilla sprained
- Pain, as if sprained, in the posterior wall of the right axilla, on muscular exertion, disappears
in rest. Argentum Metallicum (A)
Axilla strained
- Pain in the right axilla, as if strained or torn. Argentum Nitricum (A)
Axilla suppurating
- The axillary glands become swollen and painful to touch, as if suppurating. Kali
Carbonicum (A)
Axilla suppuration
- Pressive sore pain in the left axilla, as if suppuration would occur. Marum Verum (A)
Axilla swollen
- Pains, as if swollen and sore in right axillary joint. Cuprum (A)
- Tensive-pressive pain in the glands in the left axilla as though they would become swollen.
Mercurius Corrosivus (A)
Axilla ulcer
- Pain as if from a burning-biting ulcer in the right axilla. Ruta (A)
- Pain as if from an ulcer, under the left arm, extending into the chest, especially on going
upstairs, also on walking, so violent that she was obliged to sit down. Sulfuricum Acidum (A)
Axillae fist
- Intermitting pain in both sides of the chest, beneath the axillae, as if a fist were forcibly
thrust in. Dulcamara (A)
Axillae sore
- Severe aching pain in both axillae, as if a sore was forming. Artemisia Abrotanum (A)
Axillary glands
- Soreness and swelling as of the parotid glands and of the axillary glands. Kali
Phosphoricum (HCA)
Axillary thicker
- At the anterior margin of the left axillary cavity, a sensation as if it were thicker, as if there
was a round tumor internally, and painful on pressure and by motion. Tellurium (A)
Back air
- Sensation as if a draught of cold air was being thrown on the right lumbar region, and on the
right nates. Hydrastis (A)
Back asunder
- Feeling as if small of hips and back would fall asunder. Trillium Erectum (RB)
Back band
- After eating, a sensation as if a tight band was laced around the lumbar region, just above
the hip. Cina (A)
Back beaten
- When sitting and standing the back pains as if beaten, and the muscles of the legs are sore to
touch. Calcarea Carbonica (A)
- Pain in the small of the back, as if beaten, on commencing to move after lying down.
Digitalis (A)
- Pain in the back, as if beaten to pieces in various parts. Drosera (H)

- Aching pain and soreness, as if from having been beaten in the small of the back.
Eupatorium Perfoliatum (A)
- Pain in the small of the back as if the parts had been broken or beaten to pieces. Graphites
- Qualmishness and pain in the back, as if beaten, without emission of flatus. Hyoscyamus
- Pain in the small of the back, as if beaten. Lamium (A)
- Pains in the small of the back, as if contracted and beaten, especially while sitting.
Magnesia Carbonica (A)
- The back remained very sensitive, as if beaten. Natrum Carbonicum (A)
- Pain as if beaten, in the small of the back, on stooping and rising again. Natrum Muriaticum
- Pain in the small of the back and in the knees, as if beaten, while lying still in bed, no more
felt on rising and walking about. Pulsatilla (A)
- Pain as if beaten in the back and lower extremities on rising. Stannum (A)
- Pain as if beaten, in the back and abdomen, excited by motion. Stramonium (A)
- Bone pains, as if beaten in the back, arms, legs, etc. Syphilinum (BW)
- The back and inner part of the arm, and the corresponding side of the chest was much
ecchymosed, as though they had been beaten with a stick. Vipera (A)
- Pain in the small of the back, as if beaten. Zingiber (A)
Back bending
- A feeling as if the pain in the back would be ameliorated by straightening out and bending
stiffly backwards. Aethusa (A)
Back bloodless
- Pressive pains in the back opposite the pit of the stomach, with a feeling as if no blood
could circulate there. Thuja (A)
Back broken
- Early in the morning, when in bed, pain in the small of the back, as if everything were
broken. Angustura (A)
- Griping-tearing colic in the region of the navel and lower down on both sides, with pain in
the small of the back, as if it were broken. Chamomilla (A)
- Violent pain in the small of the back, as if broken, on moving about. Kali Carbonicum (A)
Back bruise
- Paralytic pain, as if from a bruise in the arms, and sometimes across the small of the back,
coming to the right upper arm and going to the left lower arm and vice versa. Alumina (A)
Back bruised
- Coolness of the hands and a feeling as if the hips and back and the anterior surface of the
arms were being bruised. Arnica (A)
- Severe pain in the back, at times on only one side, with a feeling as if bruised, as if
suppurating, almost like labor pains. Berberis (A)
- Pain in the side of the back, as if bruised. Carbo Vegetabilis (A)
- Pain in the back, on the slightest motion, as if bruised. China (A)
- Pain in the small of the back, as if bruised, not aggravated by touch. Cocculus (A)
- On rising in the morning, a sore feeling in the chest and back, as if the parts had been
bruised. Cornus Circinata (A)
- Pain here and there in the back, as if bruised. Drosera (A)
- Pain as if bruised in the head and small of the back. Gambogia (A)
- Pain in the whole back, as if all of the muscles were bruised. Macrotinum (A)
- Violent pain in the small of the back, as if bruised. Magnesia Carbonica (A)
- Pain across the small of the back, and both hips as if bruised. Magnesia Muriatica (A)

- The back was painful as if bruised, on waking in the morning. Magnesia Sulphurica (A)
- Pain as if bruised in the small of the back. Natrum Carbonicum (H)
- Bruised sensation in the thighs, arms and back, as if after great exertion. Oleum Animale
- During the menses she feels very sick with pain in the back as if bruised or torn.
Phosphorus (H)
- Violent pain in the back as if bruised when walking in the open air. Zincum (H)
Back bruises
- Pain as if from bruises in front of the chest and in the back. Conium Maculatum (H)
Back burning
- Burning, apparently between the skin and flesh, seeming as though it came from the small
of the back. Lachesis (A)
Back chest
- Pain in the left lung, with a sensation as if the back was pressed against the chest. Tarentula
Back cold
- Chilliness in the back, as if one had wiped her with a cold wet cloth. Castoreum (A)
Back congested
- Bruised pain in the back, still more painful when touched and on pressure as if congested
with blood. Nux Vomica (A)
Back crawling
- Crawling in the lumbar region, as if from beetles. Croton Tiglium (A)
Back creeping
- Creeping and itching on the back, as if from vermin, in the afternoon and evening.
Magnesia Sulphurica (A)
Back crushed
- Toothache, as if the nerve of the tooth was shattered and crushed; then it changes to similar
pain in the small of the back. Ignatia (A)
Back cut
- Violent pain in the small of the back, as if cut in two, during rest and motion. Hepar Sulf.
Calc (A)
Back dashed
- Sudden cold sensation in the left side of back, as if he had been dashed with cold water.
Crocus (A)
Back exercise
- Sensation as if from severe muscular exercise, especially in the small of the back.
Cimicifuga (A)
Back fatigued
- On standing, pain in the back, as if one were too much fatigued or had strained himself.
Cocculus (A)
Back flatulence
- Dragging in both groins, and pain in the small of the back, as if from flatulence, followed
by a hard stool. Magnesia Sulphurica (A)
Back flatus
- Stitches in the back, as if from incarcerated flatus. Caladium (A)
- After micturition, violent twinging beneath the umbilicus, extending into the small of the
back, and left hip, with a sensation as if an emission of flatus would follow, but did not.
Magnesia Carbonica (A)
- Drawing in the lower portion of the back, as if from incarcerated flatus. Natrum
Carbonicum (A)

Back gnawing
- Gnawing pain in the small of the back and whole back, as if in the spinal cord, extending up
to neck in the evening after lying down. Magnesia Muriatica (A)
Back hard
- Pains in the back, with sensation as though several places were hard. Coccus Cacti (A)
Back heart
- Feeling as if a heart were beating in the back. Lycopodium (MF)
Back heaviness
- Pain in the back, as if the intestines were being compressed, with a heaviness in the back, as
if he were not able to right himself. Ambra Grisea (A)
Back heavy
- Painful drawing in the small of the back, as if a heavy body broke down. Baryta Carbonica
Back ice
- Chilliness in the back, as if he had been touched with ice, not relieved by the warmth of the
stove. Cocculus (A)
Back injury
- Pain across the small of the back, on motion, as if he had injured himself. Cantharis (A)
Back knives
- After a fall, piercing pain, as of knives, in the left hip, in the abdomen, and small of the
back. Natrum Sulfuricum (A)
Back knocked
- Sensation as if the small of the back had been knocked away. Argentum Metallicum (A)
Back lancinations
- Violent lancinations in the back, as if from a penknife. Mimosa (A)
Back load
- Pain in the small of the back, as if from a heavy load or after long stooping. China (A)
Back menstruation
- Pain in the small of the back, when sitting as if menstruation would appear. Carbo Animalis
Back nail
- Pain in the back, as if from a nail, extending to the inter-scapular region. Lepidium (A)
Back perspiration
- Great heat in the face, a burning smarting, changing to heat flushing over the back, as if
perspiration would break out. Mercurialis (A)
Back pinched
- Pain in the middle of the back, as if one were pinched with pincers, which extends towards
the abdomen. Cannabis Sativa (A)
Back pressed
- Feeling in the morning, as if the small of the back were pressed inward from both sides.
Kali Carbonicum (A)
Back pressing
- Pressing pain in the small of the back, as if from much stooping. Carlsbad (A)
Back pressure
- Vague pains in the back and on the chest, with sensation as of pressure. Tuberculinum
Back relaxed
- Extending downward under the right shoulder, a sensation as if the muscles for sitting erect
had been overtaxed, and as if they were now relaxed. Ranunculus Sceleratus (A)
Back saddle

- Pain, as if from a saddle across the nape of the neck, shoulder and on the spine. Thuja (A)
Back screwed
- Sense as if screwed up in small of back. Aethusa (A)
Back shivering
- Shivering in the back, as if from listening to a horrible tale, not like a chill. Menyanthes (A)
Back splinters
- On the right surface of the back, a transient pain, as if coarse splinters were being forced
between the skin and the flesh. Agaricus (A)
Back sprain
- Pain as if from a sprain in the joints of the chest and back. Arnica (A)
- Backache, as if from a sprain in the back and scapulae. Muriaticum Acidum (A)
- Pain as if from a sprain, in the right hip, soon extending into the small of the back, so that
he could not rise from a seat without pain, and could not straighten himself up. Natrum
Muriaticum (A)
Back sprained
- Pain as if sprained in the left side of the back, during the first day. Conium (A)
Back stiff
- The whole back and small of the back painfully stiff, as if he had been stooping a long time.
Carlsbad (A)
Back stitches
- Stitches in the back, as if from needles. Causticum (A)
- Stitches as if from pins in the dorsal spine. Crotalus Cascavella (A)
Back stooped
- Pain in the left side of the back when sitting, as if one had stooped too long. Bismuthum
Oxidum (A)
Back stooping
- Bruised pain on the left side of the back, as if from much stooping, on motion, especially in
the open air. Mercurius Solubilis (A)
Back stove
- Burning in the skin of the whole back, as if he were sitting by a hot stove with sweat in the
face and moderate heat. Dulcamara (A)
Back strained
- Lameness and sensation, as if strained in right lumbar region. Aesculus Hippocastanum (A)
Back strengthless
- The back is very much affected, on stooping a sudden shooting in it, as if all strength would
leave him. Zincum Aceticum (A)
Back sweat
- Internal warmth in the forehead and in the back, as if sweat would break out, which soon
disappears. Causticum (A)
- Chilliness in the back, mingled with sensation of heat, especially in the middle of the back
and lower abdomen, as if sweat would break out. Coffea Cruda (A)
Back unsupported
- Aching of the back in the morning as if it had lain unsupported. Indium Metallicum (A)
Back warmth
- Sensation as if a pleasant warmth were creeping up the back. Laurocerasus (A)
Back water
- Chilliness and feeling as if cold water were poured down my back. Alumen (A)
- Shivering in the whole back, as if from cold water being thrown upon the person.
Anacardium (A)
- Sensation as if cold water was poured down her back. Arsenicum Album (A)

- A cold feeling in the back, as if cold water were poured upon it. Lilium Tigrinum (A)
- Chilly creepings, as if cold water were trickling down the back. Variolinum (JHC)
Back weariness
- Pain the small of the back, as if from weariness. Laurocerasus (A)
- Simple pain in the whole of the back as if from weariness. Sabadilla (A)
Back weary
- Heaviness of the back and limbs at night, as if weary. Carbo Vegetabilis (A)
Back weight
- Feeling in back as though a heavy weight were lying across shoulders and weighing him
down, so that his head sank forward. Carboneum Sulfuratum (A)
- Feeling of weight in the small of the back. Cimicifuga (A)
- While sitting there was some relief, but instead of stitches there was a sensation as of a
heavy weight in the lumbo-dorsal region. Colocynthis (A)
Back worms
- Crawling as if from worms on the right side of the back, close to the middle of the spine.
Mancinella (A)
Backache continuous
- Continuous pains in the back, when standing, walking or sitting as if he had been stooping
for a long time. Magnetis Polus Arcticus (H)
Backache deep
- Pain in the back, sometimes high up beneath the shoulder-blades, sometimes deeply seated,
as if in the region of the kidneys. Fluoricum Acidum (A)
Backache exertion
- Pain in the back, as if after immoderate muscular exertion, when turning over in bed.
Chelidonium Majus (A)
Backache flatulence
- Pain as if from incarcerated flatus low down in the lower abdomen, with pain in the small of
the back. Nux Vomica (A)
Backache flatulent
- Pain in the small of the back as if from flatulent distension, with a feeling as if bubbles
accumulated at the small of the back, with urgent desire for stool. Kali Carbonicum (A)
Backache leucorrha
- A white discharge from the vagina preceded by pain in the small of the back and heat of the
face; it runs from her as though she was having her menses. Kreosotum (A)
Backache shivering
- A kind of febrile attack; shivering and drawing pains in the limbs, as if caused by pain in the
small of the back, while lying down, with subsequent heat, without thirst. Nux Vomica (A)
Backache stooping
- Continuous pain in the back, when standing, walking or sitting as if he had been stooping
for a long time. Magnetis Polus Arcticus (H)
Backache straighten
- Backache, as if he could not straighten himself. Cobaltum (A)
Backward bent
- Pain as if from a sprain, in the muscles of the neck, or pain as if from having bent the body
backward in lying down. Agaricus (A)
Backward eyeball
- Sensation as if the eyeball was drawn tightly backward. Chamomilla (A)
Backward eyes
- The eyes feel as if enlarged, and as if pulled back and forward. Spigelia Anthelmia (RB)
Backward head

- The head constantly falls backward while sitting and walking, as if the anterior cervical
muscles were paralyzed and powerless. Digitalis (A)
Backward jerked
- He suddenly wakes in the evening after going to sleep, with a violent jerk in the muscles of
the head and neck, as if the head had been pushed back. Magnetis Polus Arcticus (HCA)
Bacon throat
- Oppression of the chest, as if it were fatty, or as if there were a piece of perforated bacon in
the throat. Nux Moschata (A)
Bad apprehended
- Anxiety the whole day, as if he had done something bad or apprehended it, or as if he had
been unfortunate. Causticum (A)
Bag brow
- Swelling above the eyes, below the brow, as if an over-hanging bag of waters. Cenchris
Contortrix (JHC)
Bag turns
- Whenever she turns in bed, feels as if a bag of water turns also. Ornithogalum (JHC)
Bags kidneys
- A sensation as if the kidneys were two bags of hot water. Helonias (A)
Baked tongue
- Tongue heavily coated white, brown at the tip, glazed and stiff, appearing as if baked, with a
hard crust formed on the surface. Secale Cornutum (A)
Balancing brain
- Feeling as if the brain were balancing to and fro. Aphis Chenopodii Glauci (JHC)
Balancing head
- Sensation of balancing, as if a board was on the head. Aesculus Hippocastanum (JHC)
- Vertigo only when sitting, as if the head were balancing to and fro. Carbo Vegetabilis (H)
- Jerking sensation in the head, with sensation as if something heavy were balancing to and
fro in the head. Lycopodium (H)
Balancing stomach
- After a meal, sensation as if the stomach were balancing up and down. Phosphoric Acid (H)
Balancing vertigo
- Vertigo as if balancing to and fro. Petroleum (H)
- Violent vertigo when sitting and closing the eyes, as if the sofa upon which he was sitting
was balancing to and fro. Thuja (A)
Balancing water
- A sensation of balancing to and fro as if on the water. Ferrum (A)
Ball abdomen
- Sensation as of a ball ascending from the abdomen into the throat. Argentum Nitricum (A)
- Sensation as of an empty ball, the size of a fist, in the abdomen. Scopolamine
Hydrobromide (HA)
Ball ascended
- Complains sometimes as if a ball ascended from the epigastrium along the thorax to the
throat, where it causes a kind of suffocation. Plumbum (A)
Ball brain
- Feels as if a leaden ball was rolling about in the brain. Hydrophobinum (A)
- Sensation as if a small leaden ball was rolling about in the brain. Lyssin (HCA)
- On shaking the head, there is a sensation in a small spot in the middle of the forehead as if
there was something heavy like a ball of lead in the brain which would not loosen.
Staphisagria (A)
Ball breast

- Sensation of a small ball, two centimeters in diameter, under the left breast. Hura
Brasiliensis (A)
Ball epigastrium
- Twisting as with a ball in the epigastric region, above the umbilicus. Inula (A)
Ball eye
- Sensation as if a ball were lying upon the left eye. Magnesia Sulphurica (A)
Ball forehead
- In the morning nausea and sensation as of a round ball full of pain in center of forehead.
Lac Vaccinum Defloratum (HCA)
- Sensation as of a round ball in the forehead. Staphisagria (MR)
Ball head
- Sensation of shaking, as if a heavy ball was in the head. Bufo (A)
- Feeling as if the head were a big, heavy ball, flopping and rolling on its cervical attachment.
Scopolamine Hydrobromide (HA)
Ball hypochondrium
- Sensation as of a ball in the left hypochondrium. Bromium (A)
Ball intestines
- Distension as though a ball was in the intestines on the right side beneath the liver; together
with a sensation of creeping and crawling as if from something living in the abdomen.
Cyclamen (A)
Ball mounting
- Sensation as if a ball was mounting from the umbilicus to the head and spreading a coolness
over it. Actaea Racemosa (JHC)
Ball mouth
- Clear white mucus, without cough, feels as if it were a round ball and rushes into the mouth.
Syphilinum (BW)
Ball nasal
- Feeling of fulness in the upper nasal passage, with a feeling as if a ball were forcing itself
down the nasal canal. Agaricus (A)
Ball neck
- Intense pain as if a ball had been driven from the neck to the vertex. Actaea Racemosa
- Sensation as of a ball, with strong and visible pulsation in the carotids. Derris Pinnata (DM)
Ball oesophagus
- Nausea, with a sensation as if the oesophagus were pressed asunder by a large ball.
Anacardium (A)
- Frequent inclination to swallow, which always causes pain on the left side of the
oesophagus, as though a small ball was being pressed through its wall. Croton Tiglium (A)
- Feeling as if a ball of red-hot iron had lodged in the fauces and whole length of the
oesophagus, when swallowing. Phytolacca (A)
Ball perineum
- Sensation of swelling in the perineum on sitting, as if a ball was pressing against it.
Chimaphila Umbellata (JHC)
Ball rectum
- Urgent inclination to stool, felt as though there were a great ball in the rectum. Saccharum
Lactis (JHC)
Ball rising
- Sensation as if a ball rose from umbilical region and spread in cool air over vertex and
occiput. Aconitum Napellus (A)
- Sensation as if a ball were rising from the stomach to the throat. Asafoetida (JHC)

- Sensation as of a ball as large as the fist rising up in the pharynx, with oppressed
respiration. Colocynthis (A)
- Sensation as if a hard ball were rising from the pit of the stomach into the pharynx.
Lycopodium (H)
- Sensation as of a ball of slime in the upper abdomen coming up when vomiting.
Scopolamine Hydrobromide (HA)
- Sensation as if a ball was in the stomach, rising up into the throat. Senecio (A)
Ball rose
- Feeling as if a ball rose from below up into the throat. Lycopodium (A)
Ball skull
- On beginning to walk a painful shattering in the brain, as if a ball was beating against the
skull. Platinum (A)
Ball sternum
- Sensation as if a large ball rose from the lower end of the sternum to the upper end of the
oesophagus. Lac Vaccinum Defloratum (JHC)
Ball stitches
- Burning like fire in the ball of the left foot, with stitches. Mezereum (A)
Ball stomach
- Continued sensation of a hard ball or load in the stomach. Aethusa (A)
- Sensation, as if a ball was pressed against the inside of the wall of the stomach, at the
pyloric region. Apocynum Cannabinum (A)
- Sense as of digging in the pit of the stomach, and as if something were being rolled up like
a ball. Arnica (A)
- Twisting sensation in the fauces and stomach, as if a thread were rolled up into a ball.
Arsenicum Album (A)
- After half an hour the sensation as of a ball in the stomach disappeared and gave place to a
severe pressive pain in the left side of the chest. Bryonia (A)
- Sensation of a large ball in the stomach, with nausea and very fatiguing hiccough. Curare
Appendix (A)
- Pain in the stomach, squeezing, as if a ball would come out. Lachesis (MF)
- A sensation as though something were drawn up into a ball in the stomach and intestines
almost every day. Lachesis (A)
- While sitting the food lies like a stone in the pit of the stomach as if collected into a ball.
Mercurius Solubilis (A)
- Suffocative feeling, as if from a ball in the pit of the stomach. Panacea (A)
- Sensation as if a ball was in the stomach, rising up into the throat. Senecio (A)
- It seems as though he had swallowed a small ball, which remained in the pit of the stomach.
Terebinthina (A)
- Pinching in the upper abdomen, with sensation in the stomach as if a ball was rolling about
there, during the menses. Tongo (A)
Ball suffocation
- A ball, as it were, rises from the stomach up to the throat, seems to threaten suffocation.
Lyssin (HCA)
Ball throat
- Sensation as of a ball in the throat. Actaea Racemosa (JHC)
- Sensation as if a ball of mucus had lodged in the throat. Arsenicum Album (JHC)
- In the evening, a hysterical rising in the throat, as if a ball or large body ascended from the
stomach to the sophagus. Asafoetida (A)
- Sensation in the oesophagus, as if a ball filled with air was raised into the throat by the
contraction of the oesophagus, with great anxiety. Chamomilla (A)

- Sensation as if a ball were rising in the throat. Kali Phosphoricum (JHC)

- A feeling as of a ball rising up into the throat, but without the least nausea Kalmia (A)
- It seemed as though the bowels were cut to pieces; on stretching out the body the pain
extended over the whole abdomen and into the groins, with heat in the head and at last it rose
into the throat like a ball and almost took away her breath. Magnesia Muriatica (A)
- Pressure, from within outward, in the throat as if from a ball that continued to grow larger
and would burst the throat open. Paris Quadrifolia (A)
- Had a feeling as if a ball were coming up to the throat. Physostigma (A)
- Sensation as if there was a ball or lump in his throat, so that he could not get to sleep.
Stillingia Sylvatica (A)
- Constrictive burning pain in the throat, with a sensation as if a ball was sticking in it.
Stramonium (A)
- Fulness of the throat as if from a ball. Thyroidin (RB)
Ball trachea
- Deep, heavy, stertorous breathing accompanied by a very peculiar rattle, as if there was a
ball rolling loose in the trachea. Chenopodium Anthelminticum (A)
Ball umbilical
- Sensation of pulling and kneading as if something drawn from the limbs was being
collected into a ball in the umbilical region. Nux Vomica (A)
Ball urethra
- He is not able to hasten the emission or to press out the last drops of urine and without any
pains in the urethra except the sensation as if a cylindrical body was pushed through the
urethra. Stramonium (A)
Ball vision
- He was unable to read either day or night, and the light appeared like a luminous ball.
Cyclamen (A)
Balls bruised
- Pain in the balls of the left toes as if bruised. Bryonia (A)
Balls ears
- Sensation as if little balls circulated in the ears. Galvanismus (JHC)
Balls head
- Sensation as if heavy objects and balls moved about in the head, especially at night, and
when he lies on the right side. Anantherum (A)
Balls intestines
- Sensation as if cold balls were running all through the intestinal canal. Bufo (A)
Balls sore
- The heels and balls of the toes are painful, as if sore, on stepping. Phosphoricum Acidum
Band abdomen
- Feeling of tight band about the lower abdomen, on deep breathing. Natrum Muriaticum (A)
Band ankle
- Sensation as of constriction with a broad band above the ankle. Chamomilla (A)
- Sensation as of a tight band around the left ankle. Heloderma (JHC)
Band arms
- Feeling as though the arms were compressed with an iron band, or forcibly drawn out.
Gastein (A)
Band axilla
- Constriction as if from a band just beneath the axilla. Magnolia Grandiflora (JHC)
Band bladder

- Obliged to urinate very frequently, with a sensation of a band across the bladder, by which
the urine seems to be withheld. Thuja (A)
Band body
- Sensation as of a hoop or band around the body or about any part. Anacardium Orientale
- Constrictive feeling in the right and left hypochondriac regions as though a band was passed
around the body. Lilium Superbum (A)
- Drawing tensive pain, as if from a very tight band, in several parts. Manganum (A)
Band brain
- Pressive headache; it feels as if the base of the brain was tightly compressed by a band.
Sulfur (A)
Band calf
- Falling asleep, extending from the calves to the feet, as if the circulation were arrested by a
tight band below the knee. Phosphorus (A)
Band chest
- Feeling of constriction around the chest as if from a band. Aconite Napellus (JHC)
- Sensation of pressure, as if from a band around the chest. Aethusa (A)
- Constriction as of a wide band around the chest. Aragallus Lamberti (G)
- A stitch as if from an electric spark in the pectoralis major muscle, followed, after an hour,
by a similar stitch in the region of the right nipple; afterwards a sensation of tightness as if
from a band about the lower third of the chest, with difficult breathing. Natrum Muriaticum
- The chest is constantly tense, as if a band were about it. Phosphorus (A)
- Chest feels tight, as if encircled by a band. Picricum Acidum (A)
- Sensation as if the thorax were compressed by an iron band and the lungs depressed and
torn in various places. Robinia (A)
- Tightness of the chest on walking in the open air, as if constricted by a band transversely
across it. Zincum (A)
Band ear
- Tension in the lower portion of the outer ear, as though a band was pulling downward.
Thuja (A)
Band ears
- Deafness, as if caused by a band over the ears. Magnetis Polus Arcticus (JHC)
Band ensiform
- Sensation as of heavy weight or a wide band on the chest in the region of the ensiform
cartilage. Aragallus Lamberti (G)
Band eyeball
- Edges of lids feel contracted, and convey sensation as of a narrow band drawn tightly across
eyeball. Lac Vaccinum Defloratum (HCA)
- A sensation as of a band around the eyeball, mingled with some stitches. Laurocerasus (A)
Band eyeballs
- On closing the eyelids, painful pressure, as if the lids were short laterally, causing sensation
as of a band pressing upon the balls. Lac Vaccinum Defloratum (JHC)
Band forehead
- Sensation of tension, as of a band passing around the forehead, and made fast at each
zygoma. Aethusa (A)
- Headache as if from a band compressing the forehead. Antimon et Potass Tart (A)
- Had a headache most of the night; feels as if a band was around the forehead. Carbolic Acid
- Pressive pain above the eyes as if from a band compressing the forehead. Cedron (A)

- Sensation of constriction, as if with a broad band, in the forehead. Chamomilla (A)

- Sensation of tension over forehead as if an india-rubber band were stretched over it. Coca
- Pain in the forehead, as if a band about an inch wide was drawn across from temple to
temple. Helonias (A)
- Pressive pain as of a tight band over the forehead. Ichthyol (DF)
- Sensation as though the head was bound about the forehead with a band. Indigo (A)
- Whenever attempting to laugh a sensation as though a band drawn tightly around the
forehead prevents. Iris Versicolor (A)
- Sensation as of a band round the forehead just above the eyes. Kali Phosphoricum (JHC)
- Headache in upper part of forehead, with sensation of a broad band pressed firmly across
forehead from one temple to the other. Lac Caninum (HCA)
- Feeling of a tight band across the forehead; as if the front half of the brain would come
through the forehead. Medorrhinum (HCA)
- Feeling as though a band were drawn across the forehead, on drawing up the skin of the
forehead. Millefolium (A)
- Singing in the ears, accompanied by a feeling of tightness above the eyes, as if a band was
drawn tightly over the forehead. Sulfur (A)
- Violent pain in the forehead, as if encircled by a band of iron. Tarentula (A)
Band head
- Headache, as if the skull were laced externally with a band. Aconitum Napellus (A)
- At times during the day felt as if a band was tied around head above ears. Ammonium
Bromidum (A)
- Feeling as though a band was tightly drawn about the head. Amyl Nitrosum (A)
- Peculiar headache; strong compression as if a band of iron two inches wide passed entirely
round the head just above the ears. Berberis Aquifolium (JHC)
- It seems as though the scalp was too tight, or as though a band was tied around the head.
Bromium (A)
- At noon, the head feels compressed as by a band tied at the nape of the neck. Cervus (A)
- Dizzy heaviness on the top of the head in the morning and sensation as if a band were
around the head. Chelidonium Majus (A)
- A feeling as of a band around the head. Echinacea Angustifolia (BO)
- Sensation as of a band around head causing intense headache. Francesca Uniflora (H)
- Sensation as of a band around the head. Heloderma (JHC)
- Headache as if a band were tightly bound about the head. Iodum (A)
- Head felt as if enclosed with an iron band. Juniperus Virginiana (A)
- Headache in the evening, as if the brain were bound by a band and constricted. Mercurius
Solubilis (A)
- Vertigo; the head feels as if tightly bandaged. Raphanus (A)
- Sensation as if the head were bound by an iron band, with contractive pains in the temples.
Sarracenia (A)
- Sensation of a band tied about the head. Spiranthes (A)
- Cramplike pains, as if the head were externally constricted by a band. Stannum (A)
- Sensation as of a band pressing about the head. Theridion Curassavicum (BO)
- Sensation as if a band was tightly encircling the head. Variolinum (JHC)
Band hypochondria
- Long-continued burning and stitches in the right hypochondriac region, as if it were deeply
cut into by a band. Alumina (A)
- Painful tension about the hypochondria, as if from a constricting band. Conium (A)
- Tension as of a tight band in the hypochondria, with oppression of the chest. Graphites (A)

Band ilium
- A pain as if a band were drawn from the crest of one ilium to the other. Eugenia Jambos (A)
Band iron
- Violent headache, as if from compression by an iron band. Guano (A)
Band leg
- Sensation on walking, as if the limb was too short, or was tightly bound with a broad band.
Tilia (A)
Band lumbar
- After eating, a sensation as if a tight band were laced around the lumbar region, just above
the hip. Cina (A)
Band mastoids
- Sensation as though a hot constricting band extended from one mastoid process across the
occiput to the other. Coccus Cacti (A)
Band midscapulae
- Pain in the small of the back as if broken; it extended up to between the shoulder-blades, so
that she could not move the arms without pain as if a band was between the shoulders, which
made stooping difficult. Kreosotum (A)
Band neck
- Pain in the small of the back, like labor pain, as if a band passed through the small of the
back and everything was constricted, taking away her breath. Pulsatilla (A)
Band nose
- Stupefying tension across over the root of the nose, as if laced with a band. Antimon et
Potass Tart (A)
Band occiput
- Dull pressure above both eyes, afterwards in the occiput, as if a band were tied about the
head. Conium (A)
- Sensation as if a band was across the forehead and occiput. Primula Veris (JHC)
Band parietal
- A sensation as of a band passing along the right parietal eminence. Picricum Acidum (A)
Band pharynx
- Constriction in the pharynx, as if pressed with a broad band, with frequent yawning.
Bryonia (A)
Band stomach
- Pain as if a band were pressing over the stomach on both sides. Magnetis Poli Ambo (H)
Band temples
- Feeling as if a hot band was drawn across the forehead from temple to temple directly over
the eyes, with sensation of a burning ring around each eye. Chloralum (A)
Band thigh
- Aching pain in thigh, as if a broad iron band was firmly bound around it. Teplitz (A)
Band thighs
- The thighs feel as if constricted with a band. Sulphur (H)
Band throat
- Sensation as if a tight band were about the throat, associated with a stupid feeling in the
head. Opium (A)
Band toe
- Pressure in the ball of the great toe as if it had been frozen or as if an iron band were about
it. Petroleum (A)
Band toes
- Sensation as of a rubber-band around the toes. Syphilinum (BW)
Band uterus

- Tension in the uterine region, as if from a short band. Hypericum (A)

Band vertex
- Feeling as though a band were tied tightly over top of the brain. Gossypium Herbaceum
Band waist
- Pressure as if from an iron band around the waist. Paullinia Pinnata (A)
- The waist feels constricted, as if by an iron band, with painful heaviness in the liver,
extending up to the right shoulder. Thuja (A)
Bandage abdomen
- From the small of the back, around the abdomen, especially below the stomach, a sensation
of constriction as if from a bandage, after she had had no stool for several days. Psorinum
Bandage calves
- Cramplike contraction in the middle of the thigh and below both calves, a sort of tightness
as if the parts were compressed by a bandage. Nitri Acidum (H)
Bandage chest
- Feeling as if a tight bandage at the nape, around the chest or abdomen, etc. Platinum (ST)
- Sensation as if the lower part of the thorax was surrounded by a bandage. Thuja (A)
Bandage eyes
- Dimness of vision, as if a white bandage were over the eyes; when she looks up the sky
seems gray. Lepidium (A)
Bandage head
- Feeling as of something tightly bound around the head. Colchicum (ST)
- Constricted feeling in the head, as if some tight bandage was tied around it. Physostigma
Bandage knees
- Paralytic and painful weakness of the knees, as if a bandage were tightly compressed above
them. Aurum Metallicum (JHC)
Bandage stomach
- Pain, as if from a bandage over the stomach, in both sides. Magnetis Poli Ambo (HCA)
Bandage calf
- Right calf feels as if tightly bandaged. Natrum Phosphoricum (A)
Bandaged knee
- Weakness of the right knee, and a feeling as if bandaged. Magnesia Muriatica (A)
Bandaged knees
- Painful uneasiness around the knees, with sensation of stiffness, as if bandaged or made
tense, when sitting. Anacardium (A)
- Sensation around the knees, as if they were bandaged very tightly. Arsenicum Album (A)
- Uneasiness in the lower extremities, late in the evening, as if the joints, for example, the
knees, were tightly bandaged. Natrum Muriaticum (A)
Bandaged legs
- Sensation as if the lower limbs were tightly bandaged. Benzoic Acid (A)
Bandaged limbs
- Pain in the limbs as if tightly bandaged. Arundo Muriatanica (A)
- The hands and limbs become faint and paralyzed when pressing upon them or when placing
them in a constrained position as if the circulation were arrested by a bandage. Nitri Acidum
Bandaged thighs
- Tight pressure in the thighs, as if from a tightly-drawn bandage. Aconitum Napellus (A)
Bananas taste

- Taste as of bananas in the mouth. Magnesia Phosphorica (JHC)

Bands heart
- A very strange and unusual feeling in the heart, something like bands compressing it, in the
middle of the chest, and as if needles were sticking in it, a dull kind of stitching pain. Lyssin
Bands navel
- Sensation as of bands around the abdomen, fastened at the navel. Crotalus Cascavella (A)
Bar abdomen
- Pain as if from a bar in the abdomen with digging and starting in the right hip, followed by
internal pains. Ginseng (A)
Bar chest
- Sensation as if a bar lay transversely across from the region of the heart to the right side,
with acute pain in the left upper portion of the chest. Haematoxylon (A)
- Sensation on the chest, as if a bar pressed across it, preventing respiration. Vichy (A)
Bar head
- Sensation as if a bar of iron was pressing on the head in the direction of the ears, with
hardness of hearing. Belladonna (A)
- Very painful sensation as if from an iron bar, compelling the head to bend forward. Paullinia
Pinnata (A)
Bar heart
- Sensation as if a bar lay across the heart or chest. Haematoxylon (JHC)
Bar hip
- Sensation as if an iron bar was driven into the leg, from the hip to behind the knee. Cubeba
Bar jaws
- Sensation as if a bar through the jaws, from ear to ear, with constriction of the head. Hura
Brasiliensis (A)
Bar loins
- Sensation as if an iron bar were pressing on the loins. Elaps (A)
Bar navel
- There is a feeling as of a bar lying across under the navel, succeeded by a pain rising
towards the stomach. Plumbum (A)
Bar sacro-lumbar
- Pressure as if from an iron bar, upon the sacro-lumbar articulation. Solanum Tuberosum
Aegrotans (A)
Bar stomach
- A sensation as if a bar lay over his stomach, with profound anguish. Ricinus (A)
Bar throat
- Feeling as of a bar across the back of the throat. Lac Caninum (HCA)
Bare brain
- Sensation as if the brain were laid bare, and currents of cold air passed over it. Anantherum
Barley anus
- Diarrhoea, with tenesmus and excessive burning, during and for some time after a stool, as
if grains of barley were sticking in the anus. Niccolum (A)
Barley fauces
- Scraping feeling in the left side of fauces, felt as though an ear of barley or something of the
kind was lying behind the palate. Phosphoricum Acidum (A)
Barley throat

- Rawness in the throat, almost like a sticking on swallowing, as if a grain of barley were
sticking in it. Magnesia Carbonica (A)
Barrel empty
- Whizzing in the head, and sounds, as if in an empty barrel. Pimpinella (A)
Barrier objects
- A kind of stupefaction as if there was a barrier between his organs of sense and external
objects. Aethusa (A)
Bassoon throat
- On quietly inspiring, two tones as if from a bassoon, a low and a high, sounded at the same
time from low down in the throat. Argentum Metallicum (A)
Bat ear
- A sound as if from a bat in the left ear, so that she started up in fright; afterwards when
laughing a sensation as if cold air passed out of the ear. Millefolium (A)
Bath air
- Broke out in a warm sweat all over, feeling as if in a hot-air bath. Iris Foetidissima (A)
Bathed eyes
- Eyes as if bathed in hot water. Natrum Phosphoricum (A)
Bathing weakness
- After bathing she became so weak that she felt as if all the vitality had passed out of her and
she was scarcely able to speak. Magnesia Muriatica (H)
Bats ears
- Ringing in the left ear in the bedroom, sounds as if bats were flapping about. Phosphoricum
Acidum (A)
Battery arm
- Felt two shocks down wounded arm as if from galvanic battery, clear to the finger ends.
Lyssin (HCA)
Battery arms
- Numb, tingling sensation in the arms and hands, as though the poles of a galvanic battery
were being held. Aconitum Napellus (A)
Battery discharged
- He only needed to close his eyes to be wide awake; the most vivid images passed before
him; at one time it seemed as if a battery were discharged. Spongia (A)
Battery leg
- Trembling in right arm and leg, as if a galvanic battery was attached to the extremity.
Doryphora (A)
Beard air
- Sensation of a cobweb, or a draft of cool air, in the beard on the left side of the face.
Mezereum (A)
Beard pimple
- Smarting sensation in the beard, as if there were a pimple at each hair. Hura Brasiliensis (A)
Bearing abdomen
- Violent pains in the right groin, a burning and bearing-down as if the intestines, which felt
as if they were moving, would issue at that part of the abdomen. Graphites (H)
Bearing down
- Pressure in the uterus, as if everything would issue through the vulva. Sepia (A)
Bearing pelvis
- Sensation of cutting through the pelvis to the scrotum, with a feeling as of pressing and
bearing-down. Digitalis Purpurea (H)
- Pressing and bearing down sensations of pregnant females as if a load were falling into the
pelvis. Kali Carbonicum (H)

Beat brain
- Sensation, during motion, as if the brain moved and beat against the skull. Arsenicum
Album (A)
- Sensation as though the brain moved and beat against the forehead. Natrum Muriaticum (A)
Beat head
- She felt as if she could beat the head to pieces, towards morning. Nitricum Acidum (A)
Beat himself
- He constantly felt as though he could beat himself, his whole life angered him and he
preferred to have no existence at all. Natrum Arsenicatum (A)
Beaten abdomen
- In the morning slight diarrhoea, whereupon the abdomen becomes internally sore and pains
as if beaten. Ammonium Muriaticum (A)
- In the morning, sensation in the epigastric region, and in the whole abdomen, as if it were
all beaten, with sense of fulness in the former, and eructations. Asafoetida (A)
- Pain, as if beaten in the dorsal and abdominal muscles, even when not touched. Nux Vomica
- Whole abdomen distended and painful, as if beaten, immediately after breakfast. Sinapis
Alba (A)
- Pain as if beaten, in the back and abdomen, excited by motion. Stramonium (A)
- The abdominal muscles are painful to touch, as if beaten. Sulfur (A)
Beaten anxious
- Anxious dream, as if she would be beaten, so that she perspired all over, and even remained
anxious all day. Natrum Muriaticum (A)
Beaten arm
- A short paralytic drawing on the outside of the left upper arm; on pressure it pains as if
beaten. Argentum Metallicum (A)
- The arm upon which he lies in bed pains as if beaten. Cocculus (A)
- Shocks in the arm-joints and head as if those parts were beaten with a light and small
hammer. Magnetis Poli Ambo (H)
- Pain in the arm, as if beaten and bruised. Platinum (A)
- The back and inner part of the arm, and the corresponding side of the chest was much
ecchymosed, as though they had been beaten with a stick. Vipera (A)
Beaten arms
- Red and violet spots on the arms, as if he had been beaten. Anantherum (A)
- Soreness of muscles of upper arms, as if beaten. Strychninum (A)
- The arms pain as if beaten. Sulfur (A)
- Bruised pain in the upper arms, as if they had been beaten blue. Thuja (A)
- The arms were painfully lame, as if beaten; he could raise them up and hold them only with
effort and with pain. Veratrum Album (A)
Beaten axilla
- After rising in morning, pain as if beaten in right axillary joint, as if she had fallen upon it.
Cuprum (A)
- In the left upper arm, about axilla pain as if beaten and lame. Lyssin (HCA)
Beaten back
- Back feels as if beaten. Aconitum Napellus (A)
- Back feels as if beaten, must extend and stretch himself. Apis (A)
- The small of the back pains very much as if beaten. Argentum Metallicum (A)
- The small of the back is painful as if it had been beaten. Arnica (A)
- Pain in the small of the back, as if sprained or beaten. Granatum (A)

- Constant pain in the small of the back almost as if beaten, especially when sitting bent. Kali
Iodatum (A)
- Pain in the small of the back, as if it had been beaten. Kali Nitricum (A)
- Back extremely sore as if beaten. Lyssin (HCA)
- Pain in the small of the back, as if sore and beaten. Magnesia Muriatica (A)
- Pain along back, as if beaten. Malandrinum (JHC)
- Pain in the small of the back and knees, as if beaten and bruised, mingled with some
drawing pain. Nux Vomica (A)
- The small of the back is painful, as if beaten, while sitting, relieved by walking.
Phellandrium (A)
- Pain in the back, as if beaten and torn, drawing in the whole body. Phosphorus (A)
- Pain in the small of the back, on grasping it, as if the flesh had been beaten to pieces. Rhus
Toxicodendron (A)
- A pressure as if beaten, in the small of the back all night. Staphisagria (A)
- Pain in the small of the back as if beaten, together with pressure in the lower abdomen.
Strontium (A)
- Pain in the back and small of the back as if beaten to pieces. Sulfur (A)
- The left side of the small of the back is painful as if beaten. Veratrum Album (A)
Beaten body
- Weary, as if beaten. Ammoniacum (A)
- Blotches and swellings on various parts of the body, as if he had been beaten. Anantherum
- Very violent sore throat; soreness over whole body, as if beaten. Hydrophobinum (A)
- General lassitude and sensation all over as if beaten. Zincum (A)
Beaten bones
- After repeated doses he feels, over and over as if beaten, stiff and sore in all the bones.
Lithium (A)
- Sensation in the bones, as if they had been beaten. Veratrum Album (A)
Beaten bowels
- The bowels are painful as if beaten after the stool. Oleum Animale (A)
Beaten brain
- Headache in the morning, as if the brain was torn and beaten, as if in pernicious fever.
Muriaticum Acidum (A)
- Pressive headache here and there, changing to a pain, as if the surface of the brain were
beaten and bruised. Phosphorus (A)
Beaten calves
- Especially in the calves an excessively weary pain as if beaten. Staphisagria (A)
Beaten chest
- The anterior portions of the chest and the sides up into the axillae are painful to the touch,
as if beaten, as if the pains were seated between the bones and the flesh. Aloe (A)
- Pain in the chest internally, as if beaten, on inspiration, on which account she is unable to
take a deep breath. Kreosotum (A)
- The whole chest is full, painful, as if beaten, with slight trembling in it. Lactuca (A)
- Chest felt as if beaten. Lyssin (HCA)
- The forepart of the chest is painful as if beaten, especially on inspiration and whenever there
is flatulent colic. Nux Moschata (A)
- Pain in the side of the chest, below the shoulder, as if beaten and bruised worse on motion.
Nux Vomica (A)
- The whole chest is painful, as if beaten. Oleum Animale (A)
- The chest is painful as if beaten even on breathing. Silicea (A)

- Pain in the chest, as if beaten, while riding in a carriage. Zincum (A)

Beaten debauch
- The whole body feels beaten and weak, as if after a night's debauch, also mentally very
indolent. Lachesis (A)
Beaten elbow
- Pain, just above the elbow-joint, as if bruised or beaten, increasing and decreasing in waves.
Platinum (A)
Beaten epigastrium
- Aching in the chest over epigastrium, as if parts had been beaten. Ambra Grisea (HCA)
- Pressive pain in the pit of the stomach; with a sensation as though the epigastric region had
been beaten. Kali Bichromicum (A)
- Pressive pain in the epigastric region; on pressure it is painful internally as if beaten. Sabina
- Whole abdomen very sensitive to touch, especially the epigastric region, which pained as if
beaten. Sinapis Alba (A)
- Fatiguing paroxysms of cough, so that the epigastric region was painful as if beaten.
Stannum (A)
Beaten extremities
- Pain as if beaten in the back and lower extremities on rising. Stannum (A)
- Bone pains, as if beaten in the back, arms, legs, etc. Syphilinum (BW)
Beaten eye
- Pain in the left eye, as if beaten, with purulent mucus in the external canthus. Nux Vomica
Beaten eyeball
- The right eyeball is painful at the outer canthus, as if beaten, in repeated paroxysms.
Veratrum Album (A)
Beaten eyeballs
- Pressive pain in the eyeballs, and a feeling as if beaten when touched. Hepar Sulfuris
Calcareum (A)
Beaten eyes
- Pain in the eyes, as if beaten black and blue. Lycopodium (A)
Beaten femur
- The femur pains as if beaten, while walking, sitting and lying, even in the morning in bed
on waking. Silicea (A)
Beaten fingers
- The fingers of both hands feel tense on bending them and pain as if beaten. Thuja (A)
Beaten forearm
- Pain, as if beaten, in the bones of the left forearm, aggravated by touch. Natrum Muriaticum
- Pain, as if beaten, in the left forearm. Rhus Toxicodendron (A)
Beaten forehead
- It seems as though the forehead had been beaten together with pains in the eyes, if they
becomes moistened. Hippomanes (A)
- Confusion of the head and pain in the forehead as if it were beaten to pieces. Pulsatilla (A)
Beaten hand
- The left hand is painful as if beaten. Niccolum (A)
Beaten head
- Feeling as of being beaten and bruised in the whole head. Actea Spicata (BO)
- Dull pain in the forehead, as if some one had beaten him on the head. Antimon et Potass
Tart (A)

- The head is painful, as if beaten. Helleborus Niger (A)

- A shock in the left side of the head, in a small spot, then a feeling in the same side as if
beaten. Laurocerasus (A)
- Headache in the morning in bed, as if the head had been beaten with an axe, disappearing
after rising. Nux Vomica (A)
- Bruised sensation all over the head as if beaten, with pain extending to the top of nose.
Plantago (A)
- A sharp stitch in the upper part of the right side of the head, after which the part pains as if
beaten. Ratanhia (A)
- Soreness as if beaten in the right half of the head, extending a little beyond the middle line
on the vertex. Syphilinum (HCA)
Beaten headache
- Qualmish nausea, trembling of the whole body, headache pressive and as if beaten, retching
in the throat, burning in the eyes, with weakness as if sleepy. Kali Nitricum (A)
Beaten hip
- Acute pain in the hip-joint every morning in bed as if it were beaten asunder. Ammonium
Carbonicum (H)
- Soreness and pains as if beaten about the hip-joint. Guaco (JHC)
- Pain in the hip, only on motion and touch, as if it had been beaten blue, or as if he had fallen
upon it. Sulfur (A)
- Sensitiveness of the left hip to touch, as if beaten. Thuja (A)
- Violent pain in the hip-joint as if beaten. Zincum (A)
Beaten hips
- The painful parts, especially the hips and bones of the legs, are sore, as if beaten whenever
touched. Ruta (A)
Beaten humerus
- Pain as if beaten in the middle of left humerus. Baryta Acetica (A)
Beaten intestines
- Pain as if the intestines were beaten, even in the loins, with a kind of nausea in the morning
in bed. Nux Vomica (A)
- Pain in the abdomen, as if the intestines had been beaten to pieces. Sepia (A)
Beaten jaw
- Pain as if beaten to pieces, in the body of the left lower jaw. Argentum Nitricum (A)
Beaten joints
- Pain in joints, etc., of head; sensation as if beaten. Asafoetida (A)
- Painful tension here and there, in the joints, as if the tendons were too short, or as if he had
been beaten. Natrum Muriaticum (A)
Beaten knee
- The knee is painful to touch, as if beaten. Spigelia (A)
Beaten knees
- The knees feel as though they would suddenly bend forward, and as if beaten. Camphora
- Violent drawing-jerking in the tendons of the bends of the knees, accompanied with a pain
as if the parts had been beaten. Magnetis Polus Australis (H)
- Pain in the small of the back and in the knees, as if beaten, while lying still in bed, no more
felt on rising and walking about. Pulsatilla (A)
Beaten legs
- Legs tired and aching; feel as if beaten. Lyssin (HCA)
- The lower limbs pain as if beaten; she desires to sit down, and when sitting she feels as if
she must stand up. Sepia (A)

Beaten limbs
- Limbs feel as if beaten. Anthracinum (HCA)
- Pain as if beaten in lower limbs. Apis (A)
- Limbs feel as if they had been beaten. Kalmia (A)
- All the limbs feel beaten, as if she had run a long distance. Kreosotum (A)
- Pains in limbs as if beaten. Lac Caninum (HCA)
- Painfulness of all the limbs, feeling as if beaten on motion. Lachesis (A)
- Aching through the limbs, as if beaten, with a feeling as if the menses would appear.
Palladium (A)
- Drawing fine sticking pains in the limbs, especially in the joints, that are painful to touch as
if beaten. Pulsatilla (A)
- The flesh on the limbs pained as if beaten to pieces. Rhus Toxicodendron (A)
- Loss of power, as if the limbs were beaten. Stannum (A)
- In the morning, all her limbs felt as if beaten. Sulfur (A)
- Debility, with feeling as if beaten in the limbs. Thuja (A)
Beaten lumbar
- Pain as if beaten, in the small of the back, on stooping and rising again. Natrum Muriaticum
- Pain in the muscles on the side of the lumbar vertebrae, as though he had been soundly
beaten with fists. Nux Moschata (A)
- Pain in the small of the back, as if beaten, while standing and sitting. Sulfuricum Acidum
- Pain as if beaten in the small of the back, worse when stooping or rising from a seat. Thuja
Beaten lung
- The lung feels as if beaten or bruised. Medorrhinum (HCA)
Beaten midscapulae
- Sensation as if beaten between the shoulders, all day. Magnesia Sulphurica (A)
Beaten nasal
- Soreness on the back of the nose, as if the nasal bone had been beaten. Silicea (A)
Beaten neck
- Soreness of the back, especially of the back of the neck, as if he had been beaten.
Arsenicum Iodatum (A)
Beaten occiput
- The whole head is painful, as if beaten, especially in the occiput all day Niccolum (A)
Beaten parietal
- The parietal bone is painful to touch, as if beaten. Natrum Muriaticum (A)
Beaten rectus-cruris
- Paralytic, painful drawing, as if bruised, one hand - breadth above the left patella, in the
rectus cruris muscle. Argentum Nitricum (A)
Beaten scapulae
- Pain between the scapulae as if beaten, while sitting and lying. Kissingen (A)
- The scapulae are painful, as if they had been beaten. Kreosotum (A)
- Violent pressure as if bruised and beaten in the scapulae. Veratrum Album (A)
Beaten sensation
- The parts which had been attacked with pains now pain as if beaten or sore. Tellurium (A)
Beaten shoulder
- Lame pain as if beaten in the left shoulder and arm. Calcarea Arsenicosa (JHC)
- Excessive drawing pain in the bones of the shoulder and arm on raising the arm after eating;
on touch the parts are painful as if bruised or beaten. Cocculus (A)

- Pain in the shoulder-joint as if wearied by work or as if beaten, if the arm hangs down, on
walking in the open air. Nux Vomica (A)
Beaten shoulders
- Feeling in the shoulders, as if beaten, particularly in the left shoulder. Cannabis Indica (A)
- Frequent yawning; while lying down pain as if beaten in the nape of the neck, shoulders,
and limbs. Lycopodium (A)
- As if beaten in the muscles of both arms and shoulders to the elbows. Palladium (A)
Beaten soles
- The soles of the feet are painful, as if beaten. Pulsatilla (A)
Beaten spine
- The spine is painful as if beaten while sitting and walking, a pain that takes the breath away.
Ruta (A)
Beaten sternum
- On leaning forwards, the place under the sternum pains as if beaten. Sulfur (A)
Beaten stomach
- Aching in the chest, over the pit of the stomach as if the parts had been beaten. Ambra
Grisea (A)
- Pain in the stomach, as if beaten, shortly before eating, disappearing on eating. Nux Vomica
Beaten thigh
- A tensive pain in the muscles from just above the knee to three inches above, which is
painful to pressure with the hand, as if the flesh had been beaten loose. Kreosotum (A)
- The pain is dull and the thigh feels as if it had been beaten. Mercurius Iodatus Flavus (A)
- Pinching stitch on the forepart of the thigh, very high up, as if beaten, more on touch than
when walking. Taraxacum (A)
Beaten thighs
- Rheumatic drawing across the thighs when walking, as if they were beaten. Athamanta (A)
- The anterior muscles of the right leg sore as if beaten, and a contracted feeling, sore upon
going upstairs or walking. Badiaga (A)
- Pain across the anterior surface of the upper third of both thighs as if he had been beaten.
Calcarea Iodata (A)
- The thighs are painful in the middle, as if beaten. Laurocerasus (A)
- Violent bruised pain over the whole body, especially in the thighs; it seems as though he had
been beaten to a jelly, for several days. Mercurius Solubilis (A)
- The muscles of the thighs and knees are painful, as if beaten, more on motion than during
rest. Nux Vomica (A)
- Whenever he stretches out the limbs, even a little, the thighs are painful as if beaten to
pieces. Ruta (A)
- Pain as if beaten above the middle of both thighs, while walking in the open air. Thuja (A)
Beaten throat
- Sore throat, constant desire to swallow; much saliva and feeling as if beaten. Lyssin (HCA)
Beaten vertex
- Throbbing pain on the right side of the occiput, extending towards the vertex, where it
continues to pain for a long time, as if beaten. Causticum (A)
- Headache externally; the scalp on the vertex is painful on touch, as if beaten. Nux Vomica
- Pressure, as if from a weight in the head, from above downward, or as if the upper part of
the head had been beaten. Phosphoricum Acidum (A)
- A circumscribed spot on the vertex, and another on the middle of the forehead, painful, as if
beaten with a hammer. Thuja (A)

Beaten wrist
- Pain as if beaten in the wrist-bones. Asafoetida (A)
Beaten wrist-joint
- Drawing pain in the radial part of the left wrist-joint, while at rest disappears on moving the
hand, and on pressure, pains as if beaten. Argentum Metallicum (A)
Beating aorta
- Suffocative swelling up in the middle of the chest, behind the sternum, taking away the
breath, and when violent becoming painful, as if from the beating of waves in the aorta.
Limulus (A)
Beating arm
- Sense of fulness and puffiness in the arm, as if the arteries in the arm were beating.
Magnetis Polus Australis (HCA)
Beating arms
- Bruised pain in different parts of the arm, as if from a beating. Cubeba (A)
Beating back
- Feeling as if the heart were beating in the back. Lycopodium (MF)
Beating brain
- Feeling as if the external portion of the brain was inflamed and beat painfully against the
skull. Daphne Indica (A)
- Pain, especially in the temples; on shaking the head there is a feeling of looseness, as if the
brain beat against the skull. Nux Moschata (A)
- Painful sensation on shaking the head, as if the brain was loose and beat against the skull.
Stannum (A)
- Pain as if the brain were beating against the skull, always on nodding the head. Sulfur (A)
Beating carotid
- Throbbing pain behind the ears, on the side of the neck, as if the carotid were beating.
Angustura (A)
Beating chest
- After dinner he feels a violent beating in the chest, as if caused by congestion of blood, with
inclination to lie down. Ranunculus Bulbosus (A)
Beating chilblains
- Violent pain in a chilblain in the summer, as if from most excessive cold, a kind of beating
in it. Nux Vomica (A)
Beating ears
- He hears frequently a noise as of waves beating against the shore, with a deafening sound,
which prevents him from hearing a word. Anantherum (A)
- Violent din in the ears, as if some one were beating against the gate of the house.
Antimonium Crudum (H)
- Sometimes it seems to him as if he could hear every artery of his body beat. Physostigma
Beating eyeball
- Pressing and beating, as if small pulse is felt in and around the eyeball, as frequent as 100 a
minute. Arsenicum Album (JHC)
Beating eyes
- Sensation as if something were beating over the eyes. Coca (A)
Beating finger
- Beating as if from a finger, on the right side of the chest, while sitting. Phosphorus (A)
- Beating pain in the right middle finger as if in the bone. Sabadilla (A)
Beating head

- Violent, heavy beating in the head, from the back to the front as if it would crowd
everything out at the forehead. Glonoine (A)
- Beating in the right side of the head as if it were a pulsation. Magnetis Polus Australis (H)
- A sensation as though some one were beating upon the head with the finger. Natrum
Muriaticum (A)
Beating heart
- Violent beating of the heart, so that it seems as though he felt it in his head. Antimon et
Potass Tart (A)
Beating legs
- In the joints of the feet, and in lower parts of the legs, a great turmoil and dull beating, as if
from great fatigue. Argentum Metallicum (A)
Beating liver
- Beating and bubbling in the liver, as if in a sore finger. Laurocerasus (A)
Beating neck
- Drawing rheumatic pain in the left side of the neck on moving the head, together with a
sensation of beating in the muscles of the neck and in the left ear. Cyclamen (A)
Beating occiput
- Headache as if from something beating in the occiput, thence the pain spread and extended
to the forehead. Moschus (A)
Beating shoulder
- Beating in the top of the shoulder, with sensation as if it were being torn. Magnetis Poli
Ambo (H)
- Remarkable sensation in the left shoulder, as though one were beating upon it with a
knuckle of the finger. Plectranthus (A)
Beating stomach
- Pain in the stomach as if the arteries were beating against the abdominal muscles as far up
as the praecordial region. Mezereum (A)
- Sensation in the pit of the stomach, as if he felt every beat of the heart through the whole
chest, as after being greatly heated. Oleander (A)
- Pain as if from a beating in the region of the stomach. Paraffinum (JHC)
- Dull beating as if with a hammer in and near the pit of the stomach in the region of one of
the cartilages of the ribs. Platina (H)
Beating temples
- Beating in both temples, and at the same time a sensation as if the blood was rushing
violently to the throat and the top of the chest. Chelidonium Majus (A)
- Painful beating in both temples when walking, with an indescribable pain on top of head,
almost like suppuration, as if the top of the head would split. Natrum Sulfuricum (A)
Beating umbilicus
- Pain on the right side near the umbilicus as if there were a beating from within outwards.
Cannabis Sativa (H)
Beating vertex
- Intolerably beating and lancinating pain in the vertex as if the head would burst. Carbo
Animalis (H)
- Beating in the top of the head, very painful from the slightest motion, on turning the eyes
and on moving the head or body, as if it would force outwards. Sepia (A)
Beatings arm
- Beatings, as if with a heavy body, very painful in the middle of the left upper arm.
Anacardium (A)
Beatings head
- Sensation in the head, as of the beatings of the pulse. Ferrum (A)

Beautiful visions
- It seemed as though everything had become more beautiful and brighter before his eyes, and
the sky and trees more joyous and clear. Eugenia Jambos (A)
Bed board
- Sensation on waking in the morning as of having lain on a hard board. Sanicula (JHC)
Bed body
- Sensation as if she covered the whole bed. Pyrogenium (JHC)
Bed face
- Starting in sleep, also in falling asleep, as if he would fall out of bed. Arsenicum
Sulphuratum Flavum (JHC)
Bed fall
- A start on falling asleep in the evening, as if he would fall out of bed. Arsenicum
Sulphuratum Flavum (A)
Bed falling
- Complained of a sensation as if falling through the bed and floor. Benzinum (A)
Bed fright
- She awakes in the night full of fright and fear; it appeared to her as if there was something
under the bed which made a noise. Belladonna (A)
Bed hard
- Pain as from a contusion in shoulder and hip-joints, after sleeping, as if the bed had been
too hard. Aconitum Napellus (A)
- Sensation as if the bed is hard, no matter how soft it may be. Arnica (JHC)
- Pain in the pectoralis major muscle as if from a hard bed, with soreness on touch. Borax (A)
- Bruised pain in the arms and legs, it seems as though he would feel better by lying in some
other position than that in which he is. Bryonia (A)
- Aching of all the limbs upon which he lies, as if the bed were too hard, and he had not
enough to lie upon. Drosera (A)
- Pain in the occiput, as if it was lying upon a stone, and as if the bed was too hard. Lamium
- Was constantly obliged to toss about as if the bed was too hard. Laurocerasus (A)
- Lower extremities and arms are sore, as if she had slept upon a hard bed. Nux Vomica (A)
- Pain in the left side of the neck, as if from a hard bed, or as if he had lain in an
uncomfortable position. Thuja (A)
- Pain in the limbs upon which he lies, as if the bed was stony hard. Veratrum Album (A)
Bed heat
- Sensation as of heat in the evening in bed. Tuberculinum (N)
Bed illusion
- Sensation as though the prover were walking or gliding through the air, or as though he did
not touch the bed when lying. Lac Caninum (JHC)
Bed moving
- Uneasy night, with constant waking from sleep, from anxious dreams and sensation as
though the bed and ground were moving. Clematis (A)
Bed sprang
- She frequently sprang out of bed, because it seemed as though she would feel better out of
bed. Pulsatilla (A)
Bed turning
- Sensation as if the bed was turning rapidly in a circle, within ten minutes after going to bed.
Solanum Nigrum (A)
Bed wood
- All her body feels painful as if she had been resting on blocks of wood. Sabadilla (A)

Bee ears
- Humming as of a bee was heard. Absinthium (CS)
Bee humming
- Soon after a dose, heard a noise like the humming of a bee. Artemisia Abrotanum (A)
Beef tongue
- The tongue is red, and looks as if it were a piece of beef. Eosin (W)
Beer abdomen
- Rumbling in the abdomen, as if from foaming beer, followed by sudden urging to stool,
accompanied by cutting colic. Sulfur (A)
Beer bladder
- Extraordinary pressure in the region of the neck of the bladder, with excessive pressure to
urinate, as if after drinking new beer. Carlsbad (A)
Beer colic
- Painful colic in the lower abdomen, as if from wind, at night, after the usual beer. Natrum
Muriaticum (A)
Beer drunk
- Headache, as if after becoming drunk from beer. Eupion (A)
Beer excess
- Feels and walks as if he had taken too much lager-beer. Cajuputum (A)
Beer intoxication
- Dull sensation in the head, as if after intoxication by beer. Glonoine (A)
Beer throat
- Formication in the throat, as if beer were effervescing there. Crotalus Cascavella (A)
Beer urethra
- Disagreeable twinging sensation, as if after taking new beer, along the course of the urethra
in the morning. Lycopodium (A)
- Burning through the whole urethra while urinating at night, as if after new beer. Natrum
Muriaticum (A)
Beer urine
- Very profuse discharge of yellow, foaming urine, as if after drinking beer. Chelidonium
Majus (A)
Bees ears
- Roaring and humming in the ears, as if from bees. Nux Vomica (A)
Bees head
- Buzzing in the head, as if from bees. Carbo Vegetabilis (A)
- He felt as if he had bees in a great hollow in his head, as well as a slight headache. Opium
- Humming in the head, as if from bees, with a stopped sensation in both ears, apparently
accompanied by diminished hearing. Opium (A)
Bees sting
- Face swollen as if stung by bees. Magnesia Phosphorica (JHC)
Beetles back
- Crawling pain as if from beetles in the back. Aconitum Napellus (JHC)
Beetles chest
- Crawling in the chest as of beetles. Aconitum Napellus (H)
Beetles lips
- Crawling on the lips as if from beetles. Borax (A)
Beetles lumbar
- Crawling in the lumbar region, as if from beetles. Croton Tiglium (A)
Befogged forehead

- Dulness of the head, as if befogged mostly in the forehead. Helleborus Niger (A)
Befogged sleepless
- Confused feeling in the head, as if he had not slept enough, in the morning after rising, and
a feeling as if befogged, with loss of liveliness. Kali Carbonicum (A)
Behind illusion
- Starting, because of a feeling as if someone was behind her. Adaxukah (HA)
Behind impression
- The mental symptom was a constant feeling as if something was behind her. Medorrhinum
Belching impossible
- Disagreeable pressure as of a weight in the pit of the stomach, desire to belch wind, with no
result, seemingly powerless to do so. Picricum Acidum (A)
Belfry ear
- Ringing in the right ear, as if near a belfry. Natrum Sulfuricum (A)
Bell ear
- Noise in the ear as if from the ringing of a bell, or from a storm of wind. Ledum (A)
Bell ears
- Sensation as of ringing of a bell or a mill in the ears. Citrus Vulgaris (H)
- Roaring in the ears, like the sound of a bell, so violent that he could not lie down at night on
account of it. Silicea (A)
- When talking, ringing as of a bell in both ears, and re-echoing through the whole head.
Spigelia (A)
Bell illusion
- Illusion of sense, as if he heard the stroke of a bell, or heard things move that were lying
high up near him out of sight. Phosphoricum Acidum (A)
Bell ringing
- On washing, a deadness of little finger of left hand, with sensation of great enlargement of
the same; further a sound as if from a middle-toned ringing bell. Coca (A)
Bell struck
- A kind of tingling in the head, as if a large bell had been struck. Sarsaparilla (A)
Bellowing ears
- Constant roaring and rumbling in the ears, as if she frequently heard the bellowing of cattle.
Thuja (A)
Bells ear
- Ringing in front of the left ear, as if from small bells. Bryonia (A)
- Sound in left ear as of distant bells. Natrum Sulfuricum (A)
- Noise in the right ear, as a clear ringing sound of bells, when waking up. Tarentula (A)
Bells ears
- Roaring before the ears, as of large bells, early in the morning after rising. Alumina (A)
- Noise before the ears, as of many large bells. Arsenicum Album (A)
- Sound as of little bells in the ears. Arundo Mauritanica (A)
- Perceptions of noise, tinkling sounds as of bells, etc., in the ears. Atropinum (A)
- Ringing in the right ear, as if full of bells. Bromium (A)
- Noises in the ears, buzzing sounds, as if bells were ringing. Chininum Sulfuricum (A)
- Sounds as of pounding or bell-ringing in the distance. Coffea Tosta (A)
- Sounds in the ears as of bells. Hyoscyamus (A)
- Ringing in the ears, as of great bells, followed by sleep. Illicium (A)
- Ringing, as of bells, in the ears. Phosphoricum Acidum (A)
Bend ankle

- Drawing pain in the ankle when sitting, with sensation on stepping, as if the leg would bend
under. Causticum (A)
Bend double
- The heart feels as if it was squeezed in a vice; blood seems to have all gone to the heart,
causing a feeling as though he must bend double. Lilium Tigrinum (A)
Bend elbow
- Boring in the tip of the left elbow with a sensation as if it would force him to bend the arm.
Causticum (A)
Bend feet
- When walking upon an uneven road the feet feel as if they would bend over. Carbo
Animalis (H)
Bend teeth
- Toothache when eating; all the teeth feel as if they were loose and as if they would bend
over. Magnetis Polus Arcticus (H)
Bent abdomen
- Pain extending from the right hip to the hepatic region, as if he had a long time bent far over
to the opposite side. Gratiola (A)
Bent back
- Pain in the right side, near the vertebral column, in the shoulder-blade, as if from
continually sitting bent. Anacardium (A)
- The small of the back is painful when sitting, as if the back had been bent too long, and as if
one had been lying upon it too long. Rhododendron (A)
Bent elbow
- Tension on the inner surface of the elbow, as if it had been kept bent for a long time.
Carduus Benedictus (A)
Bent nails
- Transverse depression on nails, as if they were bent. Medorrhinum (JHC)
Bent penis
- Cramplike pain in the penis, which lasted several minutes, during which it seemed as if it
was bent double. Colocynthinum (A)
Bent position
- Oppression of the chest, as if after sitting bent over. Dulcamara (A)
Bent teeth
- Dull sensation in the teeth, as if they were soft and became bent and moved in their sockets
on chewing. Armoracea Sativa (JHC)
- While eating, great sensitiveness of the teeth in chewing, as though they were loose and
would be bent over. Calcarea Acetica (A)
- Dull sensation in the teeth, as if they were soft and became bent on chewing. Cochlearia (A)
Bent vertebrae
- Drawing and pulling in the dorsal vertebrae as if he would be bent backward. Juncus (A)
Benumbed brain
- Headache, a tearing in the forehead, in the brain as if benumbed and heavy. Magnesia
Carbonica (A)
Benumbed fingers
- The fingers move without difficulty but less nimbly than usual, and as if benumbed.
Plumbum (A)
Benumbed hand
- One hand becomes ice-cold and insensible as if benumbed. Aconitum Napellus (A)
Benumbed hands

- Sensation as though benumbed; on touching objects, it seemed as though he had on gloves.

Aconitum Ferox (A)
Benumbed head
- Head cloudy, as if benumbed. Argentum Metallicum (A)
- Dull pain in the head, as if benumbed. Sarracenia (A)
Benumbed legs
- While riding one leg over the other, the right thigh seems benumbed, afterwards a sensation
as if the left leg would fall asleep, with rush of blood in it, prickling, etc. Nux Moschata (A)
Benumbed mouth
- Feeling as if the mouth were furred and benumbed. Theridion Curassavicum (BO)
Beside himself
- Shuns business, is irresolute, with sighing respiration and a feeling as if he were beside
himself. Pulsatilla (A)
Beside oneself
- Sad, weeping mood, full of care, as if beside oneself. Causticum (A)
Besotted mind
- Restless, suspicious, and very irritable character, or apathetic and as if besotted.
Anantherum (A)
Bewildered impulse
- Almost immediately afterwards, as if moved by a sudden impulse, he rushed wildly out, but
after going a short distance stopped suddenly as if bewildered. Agaricus Stercorarius (A)
Biceps bruised
- Intolerable pain as if bruised in the biceps muscle of the upper arm upon which he does not
rest. Magnetis Polus Australis (H)
- Biceps feel as if bruised. Radium Bromide (DF)
Biceps drawing
- Pain as if bruised in the bends of the elbows, when writing, afterwards extending as a
drawing pain along the biceps muscle of the upper arm. Valeriana (A)
Biceps knife
- Pain as if from a cut with a penknife, with itching over the right biceps. Lepidium (A)
Biceps lancinations
- Burning lancinations in the right elbow-joint, as if in the tendon of the biceps muscle.
Raphanus (A)
Biconvex body
- Tensive pain in the right side of the abdomen, as of a hard, biconvex body. Medorrhinum
Big head
- Head, feels big, confused. Apis (A)
- Head feels as big as a windmill with mental depression. Echinacea Angustifolia (JHC)
- Feeling as if the head were a big, heavy ball, flopping and rolling on its cervical attachment.
Scopolamine Hydrobromide (HA)
Bilateral headache
- Headache, tearing, with a sense as of pressing from both sides. Alumina (A)
Bile stomach
- Sensation as if the stomach were full of bile. Kali Iodatum (A)
Bile stool
- Stool watery, slimy, brownish-black, of a serpentine look, feculent, as though mixed with
fresh bile or fresh blood. Colchicum (A)
Bile vomiting
- Bad digestion and regurgitation of bile, as in vomiting. Sarracenia (A)

Bilious exhaustion
- Feels bilious, as though he was "going to pieces." Malaria Off (HCA)
Bilious nausea
- Feeling of nausea, as if going to have a bilious attack, with inclination to diarrhoea.
Plantago (A)
Bird drum
- Pressive, painless throbbing and whizzing in the left, seldom in the right ear, as if the air or
the wing of a bird struck against the drum, with a feeling of dryness and coldness in the ear.
Berberis (A)
Bird ear
- Fluttering in the right ear, as if from a large bird, three times in succession. Magnesia
Carbonica (A)
- Fluttering as if from a large bird before the left ear; at the same time warmth extending into
the ear, as if she were near a hot stove, gradually disappearing. Manganum (A)
Bird ears
- Fluttering as if from a bird in the ears, followed by a moist discharge and very clear hearing.
Spigelia (A)
Bird heart
- He could feel his heart fluttering like a wounded bird, and his brain beating and throbbing
with an irregular motion as though at every beat it would burst. Strychninum (A)
Bird room
- Sound in the bedroom, at night, as though a bird or bat was flapping about endeavoring to
escape. Phosphoricum Acidum (A)
Bird rustling
- Sensation as if the ears were stopped and it seems as if a bird were rustling and fluttering in
them. Chamomilla (A)
Bird talons
- Sensation on the posterior surface of the thigh, as of the talons of a bird being thrust in.
Conium Maculatum (H)
Bird vision
- Letters change in little black points or small round gray spots or as if a little bird was flying
from right to left. Calcarea Phosphorica (A)
- Frequent appearance as if a bird was flying before the eye. Thuja (A)
Birthmark skin
- Redness of skin as if from a birthmark. Arundo Mauritanica (R)
Bisected body
- Pain in the pit of the stomach, as if the body were cut in two. Lepidium (A)
Bite elbow
- Burning in the right elbow, as if from the bite of ants. Calcarea Phosphorica (A)
Bites body
- Elevations and painful swellings on several parts of the body, as if from the bites of
venomous insects. Anantherum (A)
Bites finger
- Itching as if from burning nettles, on the left thumb and index finger, followed by formation
of two pimples as if from insect bites. Lachesis (A)
Bites intestines
- Often but single stitches, or more accurately bites, as if an animal was snapping and tearing
off little bits from the inside of the intestines. Palladium (A)
Bites skin
- Sensation as of stings and bites in various places. Chlorum (A)

Bites sore
- Small elevations on the skin, as after the bites of ants, appear at the extreme end, over the
left eyebrow, pain as if sore, and are very sensitive to pressure. Apis (A)
Biting abdomen
- Biting as if from fleas, on the hips and on the abdomen. Bovista (A)
Biting anus
- Biting in the anus, as if from worms. China Boliviana (JHC)
Biting canthus
- Biting in the external canthi, with lachrymation as if from smoke. Lycopodium (A)
- Biting pain in the inner canthus as if it were sore. Pulsatilla (H)
Biting chest
- Stinging and itching about the chest and back as though some insect was biting him. Rhus
Venenata (CL)
Biting eruption
- Biting itching over the whole body, as if from an eruption, on undressing compelling him to
scratch. Oleander (A)
Biting eye
- Frequent biting in the left eye, as if from something corrosive. Phellandrium (A)
Biting eyes
- After rubbing there is biting in the eyes, and the whites look as if much inflamed with
pressure as if there were sand in them. Kreosotum (A)
- The eyes look watery as if from weeping, with biting in them. Marum Verum (A)
- Biting in the eyes, especially in the external canthi, as if from salt with lachrymation. Nux
Vomica (A)
- Stitches deep in the right eye, followed by biting in the eyes, as if they would become
inflamed and water. Rhus Venenata (A)
Biting fauces
- Sense as of biting in the back part of the fauces, between the acts of swallowing. Ambra (A)
- Sensation as of tingling, biting, of tongue, lips and fauces. Echinacea Angustifolia (JHC)
Biting labia
- Violent itching and biting between the labia; posteriorly it is a burning, as if pepper was
sprinkled upon a sore place. Kreosotum (A)
Biting lobule
- Biting in the lobule of the right ear, with a feeling of fierce eating. Actea Spicata (BO)
Biting nates
- Burning-itching biting on the nates, as if rough woollen were drawn over the skin.
Staphisagria (A)
Biting nose
- The nose is obstructed in the forepart of both nostrils; sensation as of biting in the left
nostril. Argentum Metallicum (A)
Biting occiput
- Corroding biting in the skin of the occiput, with a sensation as if something was crawling
about in the hair. Thuja (A)
Biting periosteum
- Biting and gnawing deep in the left humerus, as if in the periosteum. Actea Spicata (BO)
Biting pudenda
- Pain in the pudenda, as if sore and biting. Thuja (A)
Biting pudendum
- Stitching, biting and itching of the pudendum during the menses, with sensation as if the
parts were swollen. Zincum (H)

Biting spasm
- Countenance distorted, with peculiar tetanic spasms of the jaws as though she was
endeavoring to bite everything within reach. Antimon et Potass Tart (A)
Biting thighs
- Discharge of an acrid water from the vagina, which caused a sensation as of biting down
along the thighs. Antimonium Crudum (A)
Biting tongue
- Sensation as of biting on the tongue. Armoracea Sativa (JHC)
- Biting, pricking and burning on a small spot on the left side of the tongue, as if the spot was
sore. Glonoine (A)
- Biting on the tip and forepart of the tongue, as if from pepper. Indigo (A)
- On the left side of the tongue, far back, sensation as if from biting on it. Lachnanthes (A)
- Biting on the tip of the tongue, as if from salt water. Natrum Carbonicum (A)
Biting urethra
- Sensation in the tip of the urethra as if a biting drop were forcing its way out. Selenium (A)
Biting urination
- Cutting while urinating, as though something biting passed from him. Guaiacum (A)
Biting vulva
- A sensation as of crawling biting tickling in the vulva. Menthol (GG)
Bitten body
- Sensation as if bitten in various parts of the body. Bufo (A)
- Biting sensation in different parts of the body, as if bitten by bugs. Syphilinum (HCA)
Bitten chest
- Violent itching of the neck and on the chest, as if she were bitten by fleas. Alumina (A)
Bitten dogs
- The painful spot feels as if dogs had bitten it. Hura Brasiliensis (A)
Bitten dream
- Anxious dreams as if he had been bitten by a dog. Mercurius Solubilis (H)
Bitten face
- Feeling as if bitten in the face, left side of the mouth. Hydrophobinum (A)
- Sensation as if she had been bitten in the left side of face near the mouth. Lyssin (HCA)
Bitten hands
- Itching here and there on the backs of the hands, with irritation to scratch, as if bitten by
fleas. Borax (A)
Bitten lip
- Sore pain in the vermilion border of the lower lip, as if he had bitten it. Euphorbium (A)
Bitten nipple
- A violent sore pain in the right female mamma, with a feeling as if the nipple was bitten off.
Tabacum (A)
Bitten stomach
- Sensation as if the stomach were bitten in different places and the intestines pricked and cut.
Anantherum (A)
Bitten teeth
- Pain as if he had bitten something between the teeth. Spongia (A)
Bitten thigh
- Sensation in the thighs, as if bitten by dogs. Hura Brasiliensis (A)
Bitten tongue
- Pain in the tongue on the left side as if he had bitten himself. Causticum (A)
- Pricking-biting on the tongue, as severe as if he had bitten it sore. Glonoine (A)
- Burning in the tip of the tongue, as though he had bitten it. Plumbum (A)

- For three consecutive nights awakened by a severe pain in the tongue as if he had bitten it
during sleep. Syzygium (PW)
Bitter stomach
- Sensation as of something bitter in the stomach. Cuprum (A)
- Bitter water comes every morning into the mouth, as if from the stomach, so that she is
obliged to bend out of bed in order to spit it out, as if in water-brash. Lycopodium (A)
- Bitter taste in the throat, as if coming from the stomach. Silicea (A)
Bitter taste
- An intensely bitter taste on the tongue, as of the mother tincture. Bryonia (A)
Bitterness chest
- Pressure in the stomach, with a feeling as if a hard, very bitter substance rose up into the
chest, with frequent uprisings of mucus, which afterward are felt only in the throat.
Sulfuricum Acidum (A)
Bitterness indigestion
- Bitterness in the mouth, as if from indigestion. Anthemis Nobilis (A)
Black cloud
- Sensation as if a heavy black cloud enveloped the head. Actaea Racemosa (JHC)
Black dots
- On smoking or chewing tobacco he begins to see double, and a kind of dimness or
confusion of sight as if black dots filled his visual field comes on. Tabacum (A)
Black eye
- Pain in the eyes, as if beaten black and blue. Lycopodium (A)
- Black about the eyes and as if ecchymosed. Robinia (A)
Black eyes
- Darkness before the eyes, felt as if she would have an attack of apoplexy. Ferrum (A)
- Before his eyes there are floating spots like flies, or black points, or dark streaks. Psorinum
Black finger-tips
- Finger-points as if touched by Argentum Nitricum. Tuberculinum (HCA)
Black lips
- Lips dry, black, fuliginous, as if in typhoid fever. Robinia (A)
Black nose
- The tip of the nose, the hands, from the tips of the fingers to the knuckles and the toes to the
tarsal joints, become quite black as if regularly dyed. Solanum Nigrum (A)
Black toes
- The tip of the nose, the hands, from the tips of the fingers to the knuckles and the toes to the
tarsal joints, become quite black as if regularly dyed. Solanum Nigrum (A)
Black urine
- The urine discharged was almost black, it appeared as if a few drops of sulphate of iron had
been put into an astringent infusion. Chimaphila (A)
- The urine became black, as if saturated with burnt coffee, and was completely opaque.
Natrum Muriaticum (A)
Black veil
- Indistinct sight, as if a black veil was drawn before the eyes. Aurum (A)
Black vision
- On suddenly rising, vertigo came on to such a degree that everything appeared black, as if a
dark curtain was slowly let down before the eyes. Ferrum (A)
- A sensation in the eyes, as if everything was too clear and black. Helleborus Niger (A)
- It seems as though it would become black before the eyes. Oleander (A)
Blackberries nails

- The lips and nails purple, as if stained by blackberries. Benzinum Nitricum (A)
Blackness eyes
- During dinner, which he swallowed with haste as if in ravenous hunger, the head became so
dizzy that it seemed as though his vision and hearing would vanish, especially as if it would
become black before the right eye. Oleander (A)
Blackness vision
- Blackness before the eyes, with pain in the forehead, so violent that the head seemed as
though it would burst. Chininum Sulfuricum (A)
Bladder affected
- Sensation as if the bladder were affected. Lithium (A)
Bladder bearing
- A very disagreeable sensation in the bladder, with a bearing-down in the region of the
sphincter. Apis (A)
Bladder break
- Obstinate retention of urine, with lancinations and pulsations, in the bladder as if it would
break to pieces. Curare Appendix (A)
Bladder burst
- Sensation in the left thigh as if a bladder rose under the skin and suddenly burst. Silicea (A)
Bladder clawing
- A clawing low down in the abdomen as if in the bladder. Ledum (A)
Bladder discomfort
- Apprehension and discomfort in the region of the bladder, as if before a stool. Mercurius
Corrosivus (A)
Bladder distended
- Dragging sensation in the bladder as though it were distended; not relieved by frequent
micturition. Digitalis (A)
Bladder distension
- Distension and sensitiveness of the lower abdomen the whole afternoon, feeling as if in the
bladder. Franzensbad (A)
Bladder dragged
- Gripping deep in the lower abdomen in the region of the bladder, with pain on every step, as
if the internal parts were dragged down by a weight. Calcarea Carbonica (A)
Bladder empty
- Micturition difficult, as though there were almost no urine in the bladder and yet there was
great urgency to urinate. Digitalis (A)
Bladder flatus
- A constant dull stitch in the neck of the bladder, as if from incarcerated flatus. Pulsatilla (A)
Bladder full
- Passed water in immense quantities with distress, as if so full that he could scarcely contain
himself. Kali Bromatum (A)
- Sensation after urinating, as if bladder were still full. Lac Caninum (HCA)
- Frequent desire to urinate, so that he could scarcely reach the closet, but only a few drops of
urine were passed followed by a sensation as though the bladder was full. Plectranthus (A)
- Feeling as if the bladder was too full. Sabal Serrulata (JHC)
- Desire to urinate as if the bladder were full, but the urine was scanty. Stannum (H)
- Urging to urinate; at times dribbling of urine, always followed by a sensation as if the
bladder was not yet empty, for some dribbling continued. Staphisagria (A)
- Frequent sensation as if the bladder was full. Uranium Nitricum (MM)
Bladder fulness

- A feeling as of fulness and somewhat painful sensation from bladder to back. euonymus
Atropurpureus (BL)
Bladder griping
- Griping deep in the lower abdomen as if in the region of the bladder frequently repeated.
Calcarea Acetica (A)
Bladder lip
- Watery bladder on the upper lip, as if from cold. Plantago (A)
Bladder obstructed
- Sensation as if the neck of the bladder were obstructed by polypi. Bufo (A)
Bladder overtaxed
- Bladder feels sore, as though it had been overtaxed or strained. Lactic Acid (A)
Bladder pain
- After urinating, a pain as if it were above the neck of the bladder. Fluoricum Acidum (A)
Bladder powerless
- When urinating there is no stream or desire, as if the bladder had lost all its power to expel
the urine. Helleborus Niger (A)
Bladder pressure
- A peculiar pain on urinating, as if it were impossible to evacuate the urine, with an
unpleasant pressure in the region of the bladder. Cantharis (A)
- Pressure upon the bladder as if the urine would come out immediately. Conium Maculatum
- Sharp pressure under the bladder, as if from incarcerated flatus, after supper. Ignatia (A)
- He woke, at night, with pressure in the lower abdomen, almost as if upon the bladder.
Phosphorus (A)
- Constrictive pain in the abdomen extending as far as the bladder with pressure as of a stone.
Pulsatilla (H)
Bladder relaxed
- Urine expelled with little force, as if muscles were relaxed and had lost power of action.
Apocynum Cannabinum (A)
Bladder retention
- Tension in both groins, though more in the right, as if one retained the urine during
micturition; on stretching out a sensation as if it would burst. Magnesia Sulphurica (A)
- Sensation as if the bladder were not yet empty, with dribbling of urine. Staphisagria (MR)
Bladder sensitive
- Pain in the lower abdomen, even to touch; it seems as if the uterus was the seat of the pain,
but it is in the bladder. Tarentula (A)
Bladder stomach
- Violent pressure in the stomach, with fulness as if it would burst; then crawling beneath the
right mamma, and a sensation as though a bladder formed. Lactuca (A)
Bladder unemptied
- Passed a large quantity of urine, with constant desire and feeling as if the bladder was not
emptied. Brachyglottis (A)
- A sensation as though the bladder was not entirely empty, and even after urinating there
remained a feeling of heaviness in the region of the bladder. Bryonia (A)
Bladder unrelieved
- A sensation as though he could not finish urinating, as though some urine remained in the
bladder. Calcarea Carbonica (A)
- After micturition the urging continues as if more urine would come. Ruta Graveolens (H)
Bladder urge
- Sensation in the bladder, as if one must go again soon. Berberis (A)

Bladder urine
- After micturition, sensation as if bladder still contained water. Cubeba (A)
- The urine is passed without any power; he was able to retain it but still felt always as if he
had not the power to retain it and to close the neck of the bladder; sometimes a sensation as if
the urethra was too narrow and unable to expand. Stramonium (A)
Bladder weak
- By passing urine, pain in the bladder and soreness in the urethra; feeling as if the urine
could not be retained. Brachyglottis (A)
- Urging to urinate, it seems as if he could not hold the urine. Calcarea Carbonica (A)
- Emission of urine slow, as though the bladder had no power to expel it. Muriaticum Acidum
Bladder worm
- Sensation of turning and twisting in the bladder, as if from a large worm, without desire to
micturate. Belladonna (A)
Blade sternum
- Pain as if from a small blade two inches at the left of the lower portion of the sternum.
Ailanthus (A)
Blades neck
- Lancinations in the lateral portions of the neck, as if iron blades were run through them.
Curare Appendix (A)
Blasts air
- A cold feeling, in shoots, as if from a blast of cold air. Linum (A)
Bleached tongue
- Tongue white, not coated; looked as if bleached. Veratrum Viride (A)
Bleed nose
- Feeling of warmth in the nose, as though it would bleed. Cannabis Sativa (A)
- Constant sensation as though the nose would begin to bleed. Kissingen (A)
- Much sneezing, crawling in the nose, and sensation as if the nose would bleed. Nitricum
Acidum (A)
- A sensation exactly as if the nose was going to bleed, and the peculiar taste which goes with
it. Physostigma (A)
- A pressing forward and a sensation of heaviness in the tip of the nose, as if it would bleed.
Sambucus (A)
- Great heat in the head, in the morning with a sensation as if the nose would bleed. Sepia (A)
Bleeding lips
- A pinching point in the right side of the lower lip, on rising, with a sensation as if it were
bleeding. Rhus Toxicodendron (A)
Blended sensation
- Intoxicated sensation, that was not definitely nausea or dizziness or faintness, but as if a
blend of all three. Scopolamine Hydrobromide (HA)
Blew air
- Sensation in the thighs as though they were covered with cold sweat when walking in the
open air, as if cold air blew against the sweaty parts. Capsicum (A)
Blighted age
- Feeble in walking, as if suddenly blighted with old age. Arnica (A)
Blind rolling
- She could not be restrained in one position but was rolling about the veranda as if she was
blind. Stramonium (A)
Blind suddenly
- In the open air he suddenly became as if blind and deranged. Nitri Acidum (H)

Blind twilight
- In the evening at twilight, she felt as if she would become blind. Argentum Nitricum (A)
Blinded eyes
- Peculiar sensation in the eyes at first they seemed to be suddenly blinded, as on going
suddenly from the dark into bright light; then it seemed as though sparks were floating about
in the air. Digitalis (A)
Blinded light
- Obscuration of the eyes frequently, especially if he looks at the light as if he were blinded
by a strong light, and could see nothing. Causticum (A)
Blinding eyes
- Frequent blinding and a sensation as of a gray covering before the eyes. Phosphorus (A)
Blindness lights
- Sight lost, with feeling as if from long exposure to strong electric arc-lights. Oxytropis
Lamberti (JHC)
Blindness transient
- Almost complete blindness for six hours; then a pressure as if from the middle of the
eyeball at every change of light, either going into the sun or suddenly into the dark.
Stramonium (A)
Blinking eyes
- Dull pressure in the left eye, succeeding a shooting headache in the left temple and orbit
with a sensation as if lachrymation would set in and a kind of weakness which obliges her to
close the eye frequently. Baryta Carbonica (H)
- Frequent blinking as if from twinging in the eyes, during the day. Euphrasia (A)
- He looks as though he had not slept enough, or had been revelling all night, with sunken
blinking eyes. Opium (A)
Blister anus
- Pain in the back, just above the anus, with a warm itching-burning sensation, as if from a
blister. Colchicum (A)
Blister band
- For four fingers' breadth around the wrist it looked as if a blister had been applied to a stiff
skin, and blisters upon blisters had accumulated in the form of a band around the arm. Rhus
Toxicodendron (A)
Blister chest
- Itching upon the chest, as if a blister were healing. Antimonium Crudum (A)
Blister face
- Red, smarting rash on the face and neck, a uniform redness, with a tendency to blister, as if
from a mustard-plaster. Natrum Hypochlorosum (A)
Blister finger
- After violent itching, which causes him to scratch, a red pimple appears at the first
metacarpal joint of the ring finger, which soon afterward becomes white as if from a waterblister, surrounded by a red areola. Cyclamen (A)
Blister hand
- Vesicles on the fingers, especially those of the right hand, as if caused by burns or a blister.
Ranunculus Bulbosus (A)
Blister leg
- Sensation as if a blister were on the outer side of the right leg, which is painful, especially
when touched. Gastein (A)
Blister lip
- Feeling as if there was a blister on the right side of the upper lip. Strontium (A)
Blister lips

- Pricking in the lips as if a blister would develop. Mezereum (A)

Blister neck
- Blister on the right half of the chest and at the neck, accompanied by a sensation as of
burning pain. Alumina (H)
- Painful stiffness of the neck as from a blister. Berberis (A)
Blister nose
- He felt as if the mucous membrane detached itself from the bone and rose as a blister, at the
same time frequent sneezing. Sulfur (A)
Blister oesophagus
- On coughing, an aching, with sore sensation in the oesophagus, as when a blister bursts and
leaves a sore place. Ferrum (A)
Blister palate
- Pain on the side of the palate, when touched and on talking, as if from a blister or painful
pimple. Pulsatilla (A)
Blister prepuce
- Great swelling of the prepuce, as if it were distended with air or water to a blister.
Mercurius Solubilis (A)
Blister sacro-iliac
- Blister as if from a bug-bite between the sacrum and ilium. Asclepias Tuberosa (A)
Blister scapula
- A blister forms upon the left scapula with a sensation of stinging, as if from fleas.
Ammonium Carbonicum (A)
Blister throat
- Pains in the throat, on swallowing as if a blister were in it. Carbo Animalis (A)
Blister tongue
- Burning on the tip of the tongue, as if it was raw or covered with blisters. Kali Carbonicum
- At the spot of the tongue where the powder fell, there is a sense of rawness as if it would
rise to a blister. Naja (A)
- Blister on the tongue and pains as if burned. Sepia (A)
- Tongue on forepart very sore; feels as if he had a small blister on the tip of the tongue.
Sinapis Nigra (A)
Blistered feet
- A tendency for the feet to become inflamed, as if likely to be blistered by the boots when
walking; the boots seem tighter than usual. Mercurius Sulfuricus (A)
Blistered tongue
- Tongue feels as if it is blistered. Berberis Aquifolium (JHC)
Blisters abdomen
- Sensation in the left side of the abdomen as if blisters were forming there, which afterwards
burst again, without any pain. Cuprum (H)
Blisters breasts
- Little blisters on the breasts, full of water, without inflammation; slight itching as if from a
flea-bite. Raphanus (A)
Blisters burns
- Blisters, as if from burns on various parts of the body. Belladonna (A)
Blisters eyelids
- Small round blisters, with itching and pressure, as if from a grain of sand on the inner
margin of the lid. Selenium (A)
Blisters gum
- The gum is painful in several places, as if there was blisters upon it. Oxalicum Acidum (A)

Blisters gums
- Inside of the gums feel as if full of blisters. Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris (JHC)
Blisters lip
- Lips swollen, with two large blisters, as if from a cold, one on the right edge of the upper
lip, the other at the left edge of the lower lip. Arsenicum Album (A)
Blisters mouth
- Blisters in the mouth, which pain as if the place were burnt. Ambra Grisea (A)
- The inner mouth is very much affected as if filled with blisters, or as if he had burnt his
mouth. Thuja (A)
Blisters soles
- Blisters form in the night all over the soles, as if caused by fly-blisters. Arsenicum Album
Blisters suppurate
- On a formerly ulcerated spot, on the inner portion of the leg, a thick scabby skin appeared,
with blisters about, as if burnt, and underneath the black blisters begins to suppurate with
redness around it. Thuja (A)
Blisters throat
- Severe pains in the throat on swallowing, with sensation as of small blisters. Kali
Phosphoricum (HCA)
- Sensation as of a plug or hair together with blisters in the throat. Natrum Phosphoricum (PI)
Blisters toes
- Feeling as though there were blisters on the toes, as if after walking. Zincum (A)
Blisters tongue
- Sensation on the tongue as though there were blisters on it. Arsenicum Album (A)
- The tongue is painful, especially in the middle and on moving it, as if blisters had formed.
Mercurialis (A)
- The tongue burns, as if covered with blisters, on the tip. Natrum Sulfuricum (A)
- Burning biting on the tip of the tongue, as if from blisters. Phellandrium (A)
- The tongue feels sore and as if full of blisters. Sabadilla (A)
- Soreness, as if from blisters, in the mouth and on the tongue. Saccharum Lactis (JHC)
- Biting as if from blisters, on the tongue. Sulfur (A)
- Tongue suffers from stings like blisters; red spots and white blisters on the top of the
tongue; excessively painful as if scalded with boiling hot liquid. Thea (A)
- The patient complained of pain on the tip and under surface of the tongue and as though
burnt and as if there was blisters on it. Vipera (A)
Bloated abdomen
- Soreness in the lower abdomen as if bloated, with intense pain on placing her hand there.
Natrum Hypochlorosum (A)
- Sensation when raising himself after stooping as if the abdomen were bloated with a warm
feeling in the chest. Rhus Toxicodendron (H)
Bloated body
- Body feels puffed away out and bloated all over. Santal (MO)
Bloated bursting
- Sensation as of being bloated to bursting, relieved by lying on abdomen. Kali Phosphoricum
Bloated face
- Face feels as if bloated. Arsenicum Metallicum (A)
- Face as if bloated. Carboneum Sulfuratum (A)
- Bloating of the face, as if intoxicated. Cenchris-Contortrix (KN)

- Sensation of heat all over the body which was cool to the touch, with sensation in the face
as if swollen and bloated. Ferrum (A)
- He had a sensation as of being bloated about the face. Oxytropis Lamberti (CU)
- Face feels as if bloated and burns. Santal (MO)
Bloated feet
- Feet burning hot, feel as if bloated. Arsenicum Metallicum (A)
Bloated hands
- Hands and fingers feel as if bloated though not the least so to inspection. Santal (MO)
Bloated head
- During uneasiness the head feels bloated and burning; next morning the face is covered
with spots as if scarlatina would break out. Ammonium Carbonicum (A)
- Head feels as if bloated all over. Santal (MO)
Bloated illusion
- Bloated sensation as if everything was distended without being actually larger. Armoracia
Sativa (JHC)
Bloated lips
- Lips burn and feel bloated and as if they set way out. Santal (MO)
Bloated stomach
- Stomach feels as if bloated and stretched. Adaxukah (HA)
- Sensation in the stomach as if bloated to bursting. Kali Phosphoricum (JHC)
- Slight pressure in the stomach, with a sensation as if it were bloated. Sabadilla (A)
Bloated umbilicus
- Feeling at the umbilicus, as if bloated. Sarracenia (A)
Blocked air-passages
- Sensation as if something were seated in the air-passages, which could not be discharged by
coughing. Hyoscyamus (A)
Blood arrested
- Pain in the arms, as if the blood in the arms had been arrested, now in one and then in
another place. Magnetis Polus Australis (HCA)
Blood ascending
- A kind of vertigo as if he were intoxicated and as if the blood rushed violently to the head.
Bryonia Alba (H)
Blood black
- Haemoptysis; the blood black and thick, or pale, as if full of water. Sarracenia (A)
Blood boiling
- Sensation as if blood was boiling hot in his veins. Medorrhinum (JHC)
Blood brain
- Burning prickings in the outer and right side of the hairy scalp, accompanied with a
sensation as if the blood rushed into the brain. Ranunculus Bulbosus (A)
- When stooping it seems as though he could not rise again; and it also seems as though blood
rushed into the brain. Rhus Toxicodendron (A)
Blood canthus
- Sensation as if the blood went to right inner canthus and temples and could get no further.
Syphilinum (JHC)
Blood ceased
- Vertigo in the head, continuing for a few moments, as if the blood ceased to flow, and as if
the ideas were arrested. Senega (A)
Blood chest
- Heaviness on the chest as if from an accumulation of blood. Ammonium Carbonicum (H)

- It constantly seemed as though the blood were rushing to the chest, with which she felt cold
within the body. Carbo Vegetabilis (A)
- Feeling as of excessive accumulation of blood in the chest, without palpitation. Cuprum (A)
- Tightness of the chest, as if from a rush of blood. Phosphorus (A)
- Oppression of breathing as if from great rush of blood to the chest. Teplitz (A)

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