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1. Zidovudine is a component of cocktail therapy vs. AIDS.

2. Atropine can induce tachycardia, dry mouyh

3. Lugols Solution (Iodine) can be used to treat
4. After long-term use of Glucocorticoids, rebound
phenomenon will occur if the dosage is reduced rapidly, it
is because glucocorticoid dependence
5. Codeine is addictive antitussive.
6. Pharmacological mechanism of cardiac glycosides is
inhibition of Na+-K+ ATPase.
7. Prostaglandins can be used for abortion.
8. Rifampin can inhibit the DNA-dependent RNA
9. The effect of Cholestyramine on blood lipid is reduce TC
and LDL-C
10. Hepatotoxicity is NOT a main adverse effect of
11. The most active aminoglycoside against M. tuberculosis is
12. The H2 receptor antagonists are mainly used to peptic
13. G+ coccus is susceptible to Azithromycin.
14. The most important mechanism of Cephalosporins
acquired resistance is active efflux system
15. Sucealfate has the mucoprotective effect for ulcer
16. The correct time for alternate-day administration of
glucocorticoids is 8:00 AM
17. The common effect of Nitroglycerin and Proparnolol in
angina trearment is decrease myocardiac oxygen
18. Bleeding is the adverse drug effect of Heparin.
19. Sulfinamides can inhibit folic acid metabolism.
20. Induction of abortion is NOT the clinical use of Oxytocin.

21. Albutamol inhalation is rapidly effective for acute

asthmatic attack.
22. Valsartan is Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBS).
23. For the roundwarm and pinwarm infection, preferred drug
is Piperazine
24. Penicillin G is the 1st choice against Hemolytic
25. The mechanism actiom of Heparin is Active the AT III
26. A 35-years-old female complains of itching in the vulval
area. Hangingdrop examination of the urine reveals
trichomonads, so Metronidazole is the preferred
treatment for trichomoniasis.
27. The mechanism of Glucocorticoids for asthma treatment is
anti-inflammation and anti-allergy
28. Adverse effects of ACEIs are including hypotension,
hyperkalemia, angioneurotic edema and cough but NOT
ventricular bradycardia
29. Inhibition of nucleoside reverse transcriptase is the
mechanism action of Zidovudine.
30. Aminoglycosides is an agents using should be cautious
about or avoided while patient underwent kidney
31. The mechanism of action Biguanides is Promote the
glucose to catalyze
32. Cardiac output is best increased by stimulation of beta I
33. The Thioureas can be used for hyperthyroidism
34. Amikacin is NOT a first-line anti-TB agents.
35. The mechanism of action of Sulfonylureas is stimulating
insulin release from pancreatic cells
36. Third generation of Quinolones is Levofloxacin is most
effective vs. G+ germs in the family, they act against Ggerms by inhibiting DNA gyrase, they act against G+
germs by inhibiting DNA topoisomerase IV, and they have

strong activity against G- germs. But NOT chlorine

derivatives of pipemidic acid
37. Polymyxin B act against bacteria mainly by interfering
functions of cell membrane.
38. Amphotericin B is effective against either systemic or
superficial fungal infection.
39. Sodium Nitroprusside is best to treat HT crisis.
40. Hypokalemia occurs with Bumetanide.
41. Prodrug-requires activation by microsomal enzyme
system cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan)
42. The clinical use of Choloramphenicpl is limited in
infectious disease because Severe adverse effects such
as irreversible marrow inhibition.
43. Wafarin dose NOT have the effect of antiplatelet
44. Asthma is NOT the adverse effects of Glucocorticoid.
45. Omeprazole is belonged to H+-K+ ATPase (Proton pump)
46. A 25-years-old female post-renal transplant shows signs
of acute renal allograph rejection. Cyclosporin A should
be administered.
47. By stage of initiation target Aminoglycosides interfered
with protein synthesis of bacteria.
48. The phase of the cell cycle that is resistant to most
chemotherapeutic agents ans requires increased dosage
to obtain a response is the G0 phase
49. Verapamil is preferable to use to treat Paroxysmal
supraventricular tachycardia.
50. Competitive inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl
coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase is Simvastatin
51. The effect mechanism of expectorant Acetyl cysteine is
increase airway fluid secretion
52. The clinical use of GC are anti-shock, anti-inflammatory
effects, anti-allergic effects and immunosuppressive
effects. But NOT inhibit the growth of bacteria.

53. Nitroprusside can increase NO.

54. Amphotericin B is most effective against systwmic
fungal infection.
55. Insulin is the first choice for the treatment of type I
56. Furosemide is highly efficacious diuretics.
57. To treat bleeding induced by Warfarin, should be used
Vit K
58. Vancomycin is the first choice against MRSA.
59. Gentamicin inhibit bacterial protein synthesis by binding
30S ribosomal particles
60. The most effective drug to inhibit gastric acid secretion is
61. Compare antibacterial characteristics of 4 generations of

62. What is the clinical uses of CCBs.

1. Angina
- inhibit the influx of Ca2+






Suppress the CC, reduces arterial pressure, reduce

oxygen consumption
- Expand the coronary artery, increase the blood
o Variant angina: spasm of coronary a. [N]
o Exertional angina: cardiac overload [N,V,D]
o Unstable angina: plaque rupture
- Site of action of CCBs.
o SA node and AV node: D,V[frequencydependent]
- Supraventricular tachycardias
- Dilation of resistant a.: N,V,D [do not evoke
postural hypotension]
- Voltage-dependent: reduce BP [stronger] [N]
- Dilation of kidney vessel
- Improve cardiovascular remodeling
- Decrease the morbidity of stroke
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Inhibit Ca2+ influx -> decrease Ca2+ overload
- Vasodilation -> decrease afterload -> increase EF
-> increase CO
- Reduce the release or suppress the action of some
important endogenous growth factors -> reverse
cardiac hypertrophy
- Vasodilation
- Dilation of coronary a. ->increase myocardial O2
supply [Amlodipine, Felodipine: CHF+HT or angina]
- controversial
Cerebral vascular disease [nimodipine, flunarizine]

- cerebral vasospasm
- Cerebral vascular migraine
- VBTI attacks
8. Other vascular disease [Nifedipine, felodipine]
- Raynauds phenomenon
- Primary pulmonary HT
9. Other Usages [Verapamil]
- Bronchial asthma
- Peptic ulcer
- Dysmenorrhea
63. List the adverse drug reactions (adverse effects) of GC in
long-term use.
1. Iatrogenic Cushing syndrome
- The major undesirable effects
Moon face
Buffalo hump
Skin thinning
2. Susceptibility to infection
3. Peptic ulcers
4. CVD complications: HT, atherosclerosis
5. Osteoporosis: decreased m. mass, delayed
wound healing, necrosis of femoral head.
64. Please describe the therapeutic strategies and drug for
peptic ulcer.
Drug therapeutic strategies for PUD
1. decreased aggressive factors
a. Neutraling over-secretion of acid
b. Blocking acid secretion: H2, M3, and G
antagonists (receptor blockers)
c. Eradication of H. pylori (antibiotics)

2. Increased Defense factors

a. Repair mucosa
b. Enhance mucosal protection and
alkaline barrier (Sucralfate, Bismuth)

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