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ENGLISH 110-04, (CRN 34324)
Mrs. Terry Bening

Office: 24-231 (Music Bldg.)

Hours: T/TH 7:00-7:45 a.m.
T/TH 12:00-1:30 p.m.

Bening, Terry. English 110 Handbook. (Buy at Bronco Copy N Mailnear pizza parlor)
Bullock, Richard, et al. The Little Seagull Handbook with Exercises. 2nd ed. New York: W.W. Norton,
Goshgarian, Gary. The Contemporary Reader. 10th ed. New York: Pearson, 2011.
Greene, Stuart and April Lidinsky. From Inquiry to Academic Writing: A Practical Guide. 2nd ed.
New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 2012. (NOTE: red cover)
One colored pen (red, green, or purple)
One student writing guide folder
One large Blue Book
One manila folder
Helpful Websites:
dictionary.com (phone app)
Oxford English Dictionary OED
DESCRIPTION: Social Construction of Self and Society
We will be reading a variety of texts (written and visual) which explore a number of cultural and/or social
issues that we face in America today. In order to glean the most from these texts, I expect all students to
read the texts thoroughly, annotate the readings carefully, do all of the homework assigned, engage
thoughtfully in class discussions, and write insightfully. After we have read and discussed the readings,
you will be expected to produce insightful, well-written essays, each of which argues a position. Each
essay must contain a thesis statement which makes a provable assertion. In addition, we will cover in detail
the items listed on the Portfolio Handouts and the EFL Stretch Composition Program chart appropriate for
our course (see English 110 Handbook).
Email: Please check your Cal Poly email daily, and please use formal language when writing me.
Blackboard: Our course will be supported by a Blackboard site. Some assignments may be posted on this.
You will be required to access and print out items from this site.
Reading: Selections MUST BE read before class on dates indicated. All readings MUST BE read at
least twice and annotated with care. Quizzes may be given on the reading selections.

Essays: There will be two out-of-class essays. All students are required to attend writers workshop and
bring two typed copies of a rough draft, three pages or longer, and one typed Formal Outline.
Students who come to class without meeting these requirements will be asked to leave. In addition, paper
grade will be lowered by 10 points if either of the criteria is not met. If the student misses the workshop
and has official documentation (a doctors note or police report), see me. Place All final papers, the rough
draft I have marked, the Formal Outline in a Writing Guide. Papers are due during the first five
minutes of the class period. Essay must meet the length requirement of 1300 words or it will receive
an F. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. All writing assignments must be typed in MLA
format and turned into turnitin.com or NO credit will be given. Finally, because we spend
approximately two weeks working on the writing process, I DO NOT permit students to rewrite essays.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism (passing someone elses work off as your own) is a serious offense, and it will not
be tolerated. There are different kinds of plagiarism: copying directly from a text, changing part of a
published text to make it your own (without giving the author credit), having someone else write the paper
for you, and turning in a paper which you have written for a previous class or instructor. Plagiarism will
result in an F for the course.
Attendance Policy: Regular attendance is required. Those students who have more than two absences
will receive an F for the course, regardless of documentation. Excused (written official documentation)
absences are required for Writers Workshop and the Midterm Essay. Students who come late (more than
five minutes) or leave early (more than five minutes) will receive an absence. Students who arrive more
than 15 minutes late are absent for the day. Finally, students who come to class without their textbooks and
handouts will be marked absent for the day.
Electronic Devices: Must be turned off and stored out of sight at ALL times. Do NOT pull them out
during class to check them or I will mark you absent for the day!
Conferences: Students MUST HAVE attended the Writers Workshop with a fully developed essay
in order to meet with me one-on-one for a conference.
Other Considerations: Instructor will work closely with the campus academic support services to provide
special accommodations for any students who are physically or mentally challenged. In addition, we will
meet at a designated spot if an emergency, such as a fire or an earthquake occurs.
Final Course Grade: Students are required to earn a grade of C or better in English 110. Students
earning a C- or lower will be required to repeat English 110 in order to fulfill the general education
first-year composition requirement.



GRADING POLICY: NOTE: Your final grade is based on these percentages NOT on total points.
Essays (90%)
Out-of class essays (2)
MLA Works Cited (10)
Portfolio (10)
Total (100%)

200 points

300 points (approximately)

Grading Criteria:
A Clear, concise, addresses all aspects of the question/prompt, well organized, well-detailed, displays
originality, grammatically accurate; paper is superior in every regard.
B Competently written with some minor lapses, such as minor grammatical inconsistencies; paper may
not address all aspects of question; paper is very good overall.
C Addresses the paper topic in a general and superficial manner. Possesses more than a few
grammatical errors or is unclearly written. Paper is somewhat vague and general.
D Paper exhibits serious weaknesses in structure, grammar, diction and/or development.
F - Paper shows very little understanding of the questionincompetent in structure, grammar,
development, and diction.


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