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Dear President Obama,

Youve said the achievable goal in Afghanistan is to make sure its

not a safe haven for terrorists and that the Afghan people can determine their
own fate.
Recent reports reveal that most al-Qaida operatives in Afghanistan
have fled into Pakistan and other places. Is it really worth the resources of
the United States Military to go after these terrorists throughout the Middle
East and beyond? As for letting the Afghan people determine their own fate,
how does it look to them when we support the corrupt and incompetent
government in Kabul? The Taliban are oppressive, religious
fundamentalists, and not particularly popular, but no Afghan wants a foreign
army coming in and telling them how to live and govern.
Terrorism is a problem for law enforcement. It was the Bush/Cheney
cabal that put forth the misguided notion that terrorism was something
requiring military occupation. As we have found in Iraq, occupying a
country does more to foster terrorism then to abate it. Ive heard you make
this case while you were running for President. The Taliban are a regional,
tribal affiliation while Al Qaida is a multinational gang of criminals bent on
wreaking havoc and death on the West. Lets go after them wherever they
are, just as wed go after any other criminal group through international
law enforcement.
I know youre trying to hear as many opinions about what to do as
possible. Many people will say we cant allow terrorists a safe haven
Afghanistan. Ask them about all the other countries where al-Qaida
operatives are known to reside like Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan and Algeria.
Are we to use our military to occupy those countries as well?
Next someone might argue that the Taliban is oppressive and brutal,
particularly to the women. Meanwhile, the Saudi Arabians treat their
women like second class citizens and I dont see anyone talking about
invading Riyadh -- even though most of the 9/11 hijackers were from that
country. It is the Taliban who are winning the hearts and minds of the
Afghan people. Do you think the Afghans cant see that the government we
have propped up there is corrupt and ineffective? We can see it from here so
I have no doubt they can see it themselves.

So just what is the mission in Afghanistan and who are we fighting?

Weve been there 8 years and very little has changed. General McChrystal
says he can win if he has 40,000 more troops. Can he really succeed
where the British and Soviets failed? What will he win? How long will it
take? A couple of years? Eight more years? The rest of this century?
Suppose he can turn the place into a 51st state resembling Vermont, is it
worth the blood and treasure to do so? Is that what you think, Mr.
President? I hope not.
And think about who youre sending our young men and women to
fight. Theyll be fighting a generation of young men raised on hate and
Muslim fundamentalism. These kids were born among the bombed out ruins
of a war zone left behind by the Russians. Our soldiers will be fighting on
their turf unable to identify who is who. Furthermore American military
superiority doesnt mean much in those mountains.
And how many deployments can our soldiers and their families
survive? Those who volunteered for a four year term in the military are now
being mandated to stay in the service. Meanwhile, military enlistment is
currently on the rise because our desperate American youth cant find jobs.
Many of them are a burden to their families. The military offers large cash
bonuses, money for college, the promise of health care and many other
incentives. Plus theyve lowered the standards to allow recruiting goals to
be met. Do we want an armed service full of young people who simply had
no where else to go? Do we want servicemen and women who feel like their
country is taking advantage of them?
So beware, Mister President. I know you like to reach out to the other
party, and as usual, theyll be sure to encourage escalation, but remember
what their Republican President Eisenhower said as he left office, Beware
of the Military Industrial Complex. And now, 50 years later, another
famous Republican General, Colin Powell, has warned to beware of the
Terrorism Industrial Complex. This is the seminal moment of the postBush/Cheney era. This is where you will determine the direction of your
nation and the world.

Are the lessons of Vietnam to be forgotten? President Johnson didnt

want to be the one to pull out of Southeast Asia even when he knew it was
the right thing to do. Is that the legacy you want to leave behind, Mr.
Leaving will not be easy, just as the fall of Saigon was not easy, but it
was necessary and long overdue. When General Douglas MacArthur wanted
to escalate the Korean conflict, President Truman sent him packing. The
easy thing will be to do as the Generals ask; the courageous and honorable
thing to do will be back away and bring the troops home where they will no
longer be targets for insurgent killers. We need our troops home with their
families and ready to deploy for missions more worthy of their bravery,
talent and dedication.
Thanks for listening.
Allan Rich

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