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3-cinua/Ly 6, 198^

De.a/1 family In Ck/iUt

7iuly you have, made M a ^^al pa^t 0/ yoan. family In the loving
i^ay you have ideated u^ and ^uppo^ted u^ ove^ the Decemle^ holiday.,.
Thank you
gl^ti f.o^ ou^ school children, the Uim. the church,
(B.Llle^ loa all!) neu> iponio^i, lundi Ion. the 'new .iahool" Und,
Ion. the clinic. Ion wonk teami, personal gl^t^ and la^t Hut not least
youn. pnayeni.

Together, loe plant and together toe neap.

Ue now nejolce In the wonden^ul month ju^t pa.,sed. god les.,ed with
tLapt^^m^, two weddings and a laptUm Just alten midnight at oun.
watch-n.Lghf service. It was a man who gave hU testimony while .
stand.Lng In the laptlsm pool and It thnllled oun. heants. Pnalse the
Lond Ion the tlood ol U^us that can cleanse Aoffl all sin. He Is a
n&u) man In Ck/il/^t

Oun school chlldnen wene well led Ion the holidays and clothed Un
school and Sunday School Ion the new yean.
avenaged 310 In Sunday
School In Decemlen. ON the lanm ane the new occupants 0/ the pig
house. Ihe govennment had the ^naugunatlon Ion Haiti's swine nepopulat^on pnognam, hene at Chnlstlanvllle and gave us the Unst pigs.
3-un.Lon and Kip ane doing a leautl^ul jol coordinating the pnognam
Wh^ch Is Involving ovzn 80 ^anmens In oun anea. The chickens have

legun to lay and oun school chlldnen should have plenty 0/ eggs.

Ue an.e neachlng out towand ihe establishment 0/ <2 chunch about 6

m4.les up Into the mountains. Apoon noad exists, passaUe In the dny

Thene ane multitudes of. people thene and Uayne neponts that

on Unst Inqulney they know veny little of the evangelistic message

of. 3-esus Chnlst and His salvation. Thene .ls a gneat challenge Ion

Thank you once again fon caning..we pness on encounaged ly youn love,
nay the Lond lless you with health and happiness and the wanmth of
living SpX/tlt th/ioughout the, no-w yea/i,
Iri Chkl^tlan Iq.
Ca/iol, Uayns. and Ch/il4,


February, 1985
Dear Friends,

"Are you
rang out

down-hearted, no, no, no." The words of that little chorus

from the voices of 101 young people gathered for a two day
It was Mardi Gras time and school was closed. Our teenagers
for Bible study, prayers, messages and songs while others

went the way of dancing and pleasures of the "world".

From 8 a.m. un

til 10 p.m. both days our young people keenly enjoyed the things of

the Lord, We are truly proud of their growth and their desire to be

Christians, On the closing night there was an evangelistic meeting

with lovely music from our school band and choral group. Don Dugan
our field representative was here and brought the message.
Another work team from Indiana came and built our farm processing
building. It houses a feed storage room, walk-in-cooler for eggs and
meat, and a slaughter room for beef, goats and pigs. Our egg product
ion has now passed 150 eggs a day and our children are getting two
eggs each per week. Join with us in a prayer of thanks for God^s
goodness, V/e are now in need of a compressor for the cooler.,let us
pray together for this need.

Other highlights in recent weeks were an adult seminar with several

visiting preachers from the U.S., the wedding of David Marcelin, dental

assistant in our clinic and associate pastor for the cHiirch. Nanette,
his sweet wife has already begun her role as pastor's wife and "mission
ary. David has now completed three years working with us here.
fkiny 0-^ you uuti
Q/mndma UcWceA-, CoaoV^
iOrt-gf a/id
Jji ^amcu-caf Q/iandma A^e^t-i/iecl loXiJx

the. ^amXAy jji HoJAa., Nou> a^i,A. 4e.Deji ye.aAA ami kau-ing /ie.acheL iJ\&
to cxuie. ^o/i keji h&Ae.

age.- o/. oMo^t 88, It income.


ca/uiy on. olui loo/ik,

Q/iandma want to tive. at Ch/it^tlan

CJjt^, Atanta, a. In theU/i &.eaiiLt/.uJ. Nu/u>tn.g Home.* U-e. thank ou/i

ri&xLD&nAy f-atheA. ^o/i pA-Ov-utlng ^uch a home, ^q/i Q/iarvdmaf and loe.
tM. tove and c-oajb. ^he. ^ getting the/ie,

youf Q/iandma

Thank you for your loving support for us and Christianville. This
month we leave these two precious gifts with you - the love of a little

child for whom you have given a "cup of cold water", and the gratitude
of a new Christian for whom you have sent the Gospel message. We are
encouraged with the knowledge of your continued prayers for us and for

your love for the Christianville outreach.

In Christian love,

Jim and Carol, Wayne and Chris

Let us press on.

3 /37^

VOL. 3f
A Christian Quarterly
from the Caribbean

"Lei them give glory unto the Lord,

and declare his praise in the islands" (Isaiah 42:12)

Early morning on the farm at Christianvllle - a peaceful lovely sight. On the left is
the chicken house and on the right is the pig house. Behind the two is the nev/ tri
ple purpose building for feed storage, butchering area and cooler. A recent har
vest of fish from the pond brought several hundred pounds of fish for the school
and people of our area. Shortly before the sun rose on this scene the church bell

tolled its lovely sound to call our people to prayer. The early morning songs are
simply beautiful. Truly we are thankful for the blessings of our Heavenly Father.


^Lm and (la.xo[


We now have a new telephone at

home in Christianville. This number is

You may dial direct after nine p.m. or

person to person at any hour. Over
seas calls can be made direct at low


All funds should be sent to P.O. Box

13391 A, Orlando, Florida, 32859. You

may continue to send notes with your

gifts to us there, (vlail is hand carried
to us.

Tele, for Dugans 305'851-5430

Please do



packages to

HAYTI. Use Orlando Address.

prices. For calling Haiti dial 011-5091-26219. Please ask the operator about
time changes.

Leave Port-au-Prince on Carrefour

Road. We are 15 miles from down

town. Tap tap busses to Leogane

pass our big sign every hour. We are
1/2 mile from the highway.



Grandma Walker as she was so af

fectionately known, went to be

with her Lord March 29,1985. She
would have been 88 on April 5th.
Grandma was a missionary volun

teer - a dedicated, hard-working

soldier laboring side by side with

Jim and Carol for 24 years. She
was born in Buffalo, New York,




married and had four children. She

leaves daughters Carol, Mrs. Betty

Hamilton, and Mrs. Adele Hill.
It was in her home that inspiration

was planted in Carol's heart for

the mission field. Every mission

ary who visited our church was invlted home to have dinner with us.

ik% Mother was a loving hostess.

After her children were grown she moved to Florida and was in business there un
til her husband died. It was then that she joined the family at the Jamaica Chris
tian Boy's Home and there she labored tirelessly for 17 years. She supervised the
kitchen and took complete charge of the Home when Jim and Carol were In the
mountains all summer working with youth camps. Grandma was an excellent Bi
ble teacher and taught an adult class most of the years she spent in Jamaica.
Grandma Walker moved to Haiti with the family and there again made her dedi
cated contribution to the work. Her last loving efforts were made peeling eggs for
500 school children each week...children she loved.

Grandma had been falling and we felt she deserved more professional care than
we could give so she went to Christian City Nursing Home In Atlanta, GA.. It was a

sad parting for us but we rejoiced in the loving care she received the few weeks
she was there. The end came much earlier than we expected but we are thankful

that our prayers were ansewered...God quietly and tenderly took her. Those of you
who know Grandma will share our loss but will also rejoice in her reaching her re
ward with the Lord.


Our teens are hire to help us build tomorrow.

There were 101 of them at our Teen Time Retreat a gathering that would uplift
and gladden the heart of any dedicated Christian. Lool< around and see what we

see...boys and girls stretching into manhood and womanhood, boys and girls who
four years ago were just learning to read and write, learning to live with hope and
a bright future, learning the joy of having enough to eat. There are the boys and
girls who once knew more voodoo than Christianity and now know the Lord Jesus
as Saviour and Friend.

The retreat opened on Tuesday morning with breakfast at 7 a.m. Bible Classes,
prayers, singing, testimonies continued for two days and nights. Teenagers were

Especially thrilling were the messages brought by some of the older teens real
evidence of the beautiful natural talent that lies ready to be discovered in the

Haitian people. Hour after hour they were attentive, hungry for Spiritual things,
tireless. On the closing night at 10 p.m. they gathered at our home for hot dogs (a
rare treat) and closing songs and prayers.
Can you see why our teens are very special to us?
Yes, they are building tomorrow...they are the hope of tomorrow.


On Fridays our school chapel is a joint assembly of all of our school children
except the Kindergarten. On the other four days the younger half meet In the
school hall with Christine, or "Madam Wayne" as the children respectfully call
her. Meanwhile David Marcelln teaches the older children in the church building.
Once the children are settled in their seats there Is no discipline problem. Haitian
children are attentive and respectful in their school chapel time.

It is here that young hearts are taught and challenged for Christ. What serious

thoughts are in the minds of our chiidren'as they bow in prayer? Only our Father
knows and so it should be. Yet we know that He promised that His Word would
not return unto Him void.

Decisions are being made and lives...young precious lives are being changed. The
door of opportunity is open and we are thankful for a Government that allows and

encourages the Gospel message. Let us be thankful together.


At the end of 19?

tianville. It was f
we needed. The



$35,000.00 from
God blessed out
the doors to 200



greater for our cted,

teachers e

Beverly Bell of
establishing the
By the following
200 children and

of 1984 we werf

children, and 10



By December we
for the school

IHerget was chos

of Arts Degree Ir
learning the lan^

tire school progr

building which
space not only f.
classes that are;

a time they will r.

prepared with th
classes are dolnj
an excellent fieU

Yes, our kids e

shadow of the ci


Our 5th Year

9 we moved into our new home here in Chris-

sr from being finished but it gave us the start

'oilowing year found us plunging deeply into



our new schooi, funded with

friends in Canada of our co-worl<er, Sam.

efforts and by January of 19B1 we opened

children, it was a great day for us but even
liidren. Booths were purchased, uniforms fit-

mpioyed and we were off to a good start.


New Orleans, Loulsana took the iead In

curriculum and organizing the school.

year we were prepared to take the second

squeezed in an additional 30. By September

ready for our new Kindergarten 60 more

nore in the regular school rounding us off at

realized a serious need of an administrator


and God wonderfully provided. Christine

en for the position. Christine has a Bachelor


I Education and is doing an excellent job in-

uage. At this time we are stabilizing our enam in preparation for the addition of our new
s to accommodate SOOstudents. We need

3r new students but for the extra curriculum

>0 needed for our growing teens. In too short

eed to leave school and we want them to be

e tools to make a living. Music and sewing

] well, agriculture is necessary and crafts are

] for exploitation.

fe growing up, and beautifully so-in the


We have to be fast with the camera when It

comes to co-worker Sam getting caught. But

we did catch him this time unloading gas tanl<s
with the help of his brother-in-law. Below you
see Sam's sister who, with her husband, came
for a working holiday from Edmonton, Canada.
At the end of a hard day's work they settle
down to hold the babies Nurse Sandy collected.
When she finds these little ones so terribly
malnourished and with little chance of sur

vival, we take them in and care for them until

we feel sure they can "make it" Little Astrid

stayed four weeks with us. Seems that Sandy
has a different one every week.

Wanda and Manfred have been a great help this past month, Wanda in the office
and Manfred side by side laboring with Sam. Seeing their sponsored child was a
special joy for them, too.

Others come,too. Many others. And we are finding moreand morehow very help
ful it is when friends come to work here. There is much that can be done byshortterm workers. You are invited to share your profession here...write to the Dugans
and come join us.

Charlta had been paralyzed for several years. No one quite remembered how long.
But it had been long enough that Charita had given up hope of ever doing anything
except iying on the ground in her straw-roofed hut. She had grown to accept her

But one day our Dentist, Virgii Uilom, heard about her and began to minister com
passion and love to her. He talked with her, took her little treats of food, prayed
with her and finally told her he was bringing a surprise for her on his next trip from
Florida to the dental clinic at Chrlstianville. And that day came.

We drove as near to her house as we possi

bly could and then carried the sturdy wheel

chair the rest of the way. Charita could hard
ly believe her good fortune. It took tender
loving care to move her from the ground in
to the chair but it wasn't long before Charita
saw the full light of the day, the blue skies
above, the lush green mountains off in the
distance...for the first time in years.
A few days before this a dear little goat was
born in our yard. The mother died and the
baby was hungry. GieGie, our mother dog,
had just had pups and so had enough milk
to share. The pups moved over and let the
little goat share their dinner.
It was a beautifull scene - so much like God

would have us all to be. And like we said,"

Love runs in the Christianviile family."


Marie is sick. It has been the custom of her

mother and her grandmother and her great

grandmothers way back to African days, to go
to the witch doctor for treatment. He has some

very strange medicines and strange things to

do to drive away the evii spirits he thinks are
making the people sick. Before we came to
Christianviile many peopie went to the witch
doctor. After we began the clinic people came
to us for for medicine but sometimes they were
not sure they could trust the medicine and they
were afraid to leave the witch doctor. Now after

seven years most of the people have iearned to

trust the missionary's medicines. They have

also learned that the government medicine is
the same as the missionary's and that it will
them get well. Marie is at the clinic and with

medicines and prayers she should get well.

Thank you for helping us care for Marie.

Pigs, pigs, pigs. The pig house is fuli of them.

And pretty soon our big fat mothers will give us
lots more pigs. Out in the mountains are many



children waiting for their

daddies to have pigs, too.
As soon as our mother pigs
have babies we will give
each farmer one baby girl
pig. He will then raise his
to have more. After awhile

our poor families will have

some pigs to sell to help
them buy food for all their

When we help our people it

makes them know that Je
sus loves them even more

than we do. He loves them

just as much as He loves

you. Isn't that good news?
He will be their friend and

Saviour and will give them

eternal life.


Recently the United States sent a gift of hundreds of tons of raisins to Haiti for
needy children. We received 200 weighing 30 pounds each. Now raisins have al.ways been a luxury and many Haitian children had never tasted them. They are full
of vitamins that help our children and so we are very grateful to the United States
for their gift. Here you see two of our young students stuffing their cheeks with
the lovely fruit.

TEENAGERS Wewish you could visitour teen class on Sunday mornings. At

tendance runs from 65 to 80 each Sunday. They are great kids and eager to learn
from their Bibles. Here you see Minister Don Hardison from Corinth church, Loganville, Ga. bringing a lesson to the class when he visited with his team. (That

was the hard-working tearn'

that built the pig house and
the put all those benches in

the church building.) Pastor

David and Mommy Herget
share the class which is from

8:30 to 10:00 each Sunday.

More than half of the class

are now Christians. They sing

in Church and are eager
helpers when needed.



Mr and Mrs James Herget, Managing directors

Mr Robert C. Shannon, Largo, Fla., U.S.A.
Mr Fred W. Smith Jr., Jacksonville, Fla., U.S.A.
Mr Donald Wheeler, Orlando, Fla., U.S.A.

Mr Elvin Gray, Tampa, Fla., U.S.A.

Mr L6on Dorl6ans, Haiti.

Missionaries and Sponsoring Churches

James Herget, First Christian Church, College Park, GA.
Carol Herget, First Christian Church, Largo FL.
Sam Streu, Volunteer

Wayne Herget, Kenwood Christian Ch., Fayettevllle, GA.

Southwest Christian Ch., Jackson, MS.
Christine Herget, Englewood, Jacksonville, FL.
Sandy DeVinney, Christian Church, Colorado, Arizona.

Dr. Virgil Ullom, Dental Outreach, Babson' Park, FL.
School AdmlnistratorChristine Herget

Mr and Mrs Les Lumsden, P.O. Box 812, Punta Gorda, FL.
Mr and Mrs James Aberle, Williamsviile, N.Y.
Mr and Mrs James Wook, Decatur, GA.


Jean-Claude Leger, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Editor nThe Evangel Mrs Carol Herget

Haiti Address

Forwarding Agents

P.O. Box 1690, Port-au-Prince, Haiti


P- D3

H- tr
W 0^

P.O. Box 13391 A

ORLANDO, FL. 32859




1-3 ih-


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w 5





1S- O

^ Evangel
VOL 31

A Christian Quarterly
from the Caribbean

Happy, healthy children they are. But day before yesterday they were tiny little ones
with little hope for the future. Your "care" shows here. After four years in school the
sunshine of God's love has brightened every area of their lives. Their smiles tell the

On the cover yousee our littleAstrid. You will remember the sadness of her young life
weighing only 12 pounds at the age of two years Astrid had little hope of living.
See what God has done ! He has provided the food and care through Christianville and
now Astrid has made a change. Her four weeks in our home was a joyful service shared
by all of our family. One day we hope there will be room for her at Christianville School...
room for her to find continued health and fulfillment in life with Jesus as her best friend.


and Claxol

Ail funds should be sent to P.O. Box

13391 A, Orlando. Florida, 32859. You

may continue to send notes with your

gifts to us there. Mail ts hand carried
to us.

Tele, for Dugans 305 851-5430

We now have a telephone at home in

Christianville. The number is 2-6219

You may dial direct after nine p.m. or

person to person at any hour. Over
seas calls can be made direct at low

prices. Please ask the operator about

time changes.

Leave Port-au-Prince on Carrefour

Road. We are 15 miles from down

town. Tap tap busses to Leogane

Please do not mail packages to

pass our big sign every hour. We are

HAITI. Use Orlando Address.

1/2 mile from the highway.


Like the many sides of a beautiful prism, education enlightens the lives of our
Christianville children. Above you see eight of our young gentlemen en route to

the National Palace to perform fortheir PresidentJean Claude Duvalier on Haiti's

Flag Day.

And they had a right to be. They w/orked hard for that day and it v/ill be long
remembered, perhaps evento the day they will tell the tale to their own sons. They
were specially chosen from our school band for good performance and the
Minister of Youth provided uniforms and treats.

But this isonly a small part of the story of education at Christianville. It is a well
rounded program of the 3 R's, sewing, music, agriculture and crafts. And the sum
mer program magnifies each effort. The slower learners are diligently working to
"catch up", the sewing classes are learning new techniques and the agricultural
classes divide their time from the field to the classroom. At the close of each

day's work the children assembleinthe church for theirSpiritual lessonand song


Yes, a lovely dinner, fun and songs and the sheer Joy of being a part of a bright
hope for the future.

These are your kids and ours. Love them with us !


They are always together...these three. Mischief dances in their eyes while a com
pelling spirit leaps from them toyour heart. You just can'thelp loving every inch ofthem.

Bright asa nine-pence wo used to say in Jamaica days but hearts as soft asmush. They

want attention, hugs, kisses, and are prepared for a little correction, too. No, they don't
complain about that. In class they do well, these three. But look out, teacher, you might
find a lizzard in your hand-bag ! Or maybe a little lovenote Inside your study book.
No time for girls, thesethree...too many birds to chase and toomuch watching to do.

Uncle Sam is always doing something interesting and they follow him around like the

pied piper. If you pass them on the road you can always get a merry hello and a hug if
you are near enough.

What will they be someday ? Chief of the area, "Chef section" to be exact in French.

Perhaps a good farmer ora craftsman. Christianville school offers more each year of its
life and therein lies the responsibility of us all. They are watching us...looking to us for
guidance. No "welfare state" forthem. No, they will learn each one to provide for them
selves, for their future families. They will learn to work, to be creativeand to use the hid

den talents that lie within. And God will help them. He is there in every activity, loving,

They will work hand in hand with Him. Watch and see I




God's Spirit doesn't feed hungry children or give medicine to the sick, or
love to the elderly. God doesn't build schools or Nutrition Centers, or
preach the Gospel.

But God who "so loved the world" has commissioned us to be His hands

and feet and voice -carrying the Gospel and reaching out a hand of love to
the uttermost parts of the earth.

Thank you for holding up our hands, for ministering so lovinglyto us, for
sharing in the financial load... for just being there and caring. We send you
our loving appreciation.

Beth Mayhood has joined with

us in a new area of our service.

She will be working several mon

ths out of each year in organizing
experimental gardens and a craft
industry. Health reasons keep her
from being with us full time. Beth
is also translating tracts and study
lessons since she knows the lan

guage well having served in Haiti

for many years. Welcome Beth.



George Poston, Northwest Haiti Christian Mission, was res
ponsible fororganizing the excelient 1985 Retreat program and
Christianviile provided the hospitaiity. Bob DeVoe, Lifeline
Christian Mission, was elected cochairman with Leon Dorieans
for the 1986 Retreat. Norma Alexander, Aiexanders in Haiti,
was chosen secretary and Caroi Herget, Christianviile, statis
tics registrar. Our "Missionary Army" in Haiti is gaining

strength we now have 20 fuii time missionaries, 5 U.S. resi

dent heads of missions, and 15 U.S. Bible Coliege trained and
supported Haitian missionaries. A fuil report of our growth is
forthcoming in the Christian Standard. And it is all possible
because of the beautiful "open door" given missionaries by
the Haitian Government.



s the story of our love and

Eleven missions represented

' tor a second annual retreat at


workshops and



ddelow, former missionary to

gsident of the Missionary Con

ed speal<er. We met from Tuesiday May 17th. To encourage

jliowship in the total missions
voted in a quarterly all day
the annual retreat,

he Christian Church-Churches

the retreat and all are invitefi

end. But fellowship goes even
ur own work. We were surpris-

,ck when we first came to Haiti

tionship that existed between

-arious denominations. In our
lent us a car for two months,
ven cows, and still others lent

We have a goal in sight a joint prayer and

hope for a Bible College here in Haiti. It first
was a dream but it has graduated into a real for
ward march. The "Retreat" chose a committee

who are searching for land and for qualified

men to take the reins. Our togetherness is en

couraging and we pray for it to become the

tower of strength with which God would be
pleased. Our plea ? - in matters of faith, unity,
in matters of opinion, liberty, in all things love.

jght us food. And the door was






It takes a heap of plannin' to keep Christianville rolling along. And we are wide open to
good advice, new ideas and Spiritual encouragement. Bob Puckett came to visit and was

a pro in all three of these areas. Bob, Jim and Carol were "best friends" in school days at
Atlanta Christian College and the friendship grew In time to include Bob's wife, Doreen.
They were married after school days.

Our friendship never faded and now after these many years we are deeply grateful for
a visit Bob made to Christianville. Bob has been Executive Director of Christian City
since its beginning. And Doreen has been his wonderful helpmeet. This multi-faceted
Christian outreach for senior citizens, convalescents, and for hundreds of children in

need, is truly an outstanding work in Atlanta, Georgia.

We have always been proud of Bob's work and so we were also proud to choose the
name Christianville, a second for Christian City.
Thanks for coming Bob. Your continued help and encoi/Tagement has blessed our
work through the years.

Don and Virginia Dugan have covered a tot of

ground in the past few months. In addition to

Don's spending five weeks on the field here, they


have held Vacation Bible School, been the "mis

sionaries" for Camps, and presented Christian
ville at the North American Christian Convention.

They are open for speaking dates write for their

excellent program for your missions program,
Class meetings or Faith Promise Rallies. Also:
Offer your services on a work team for Haiti. There
are great opportunities.

The word "missionary" is not in the Bible. Jesus said, "You shall be my "witnesses".
And this is our commission here in Haiti.

Christianville witnesses the love of Christ to His children, the compassion of Christ to
the suffering and the salvation of Christ to "whosoever will." Each week a preaching or
teaching message is given in four outreaches in the mountains and in ten different
classes or chapels here at "homebase" as well as in a full day of Sunday services.
A few days ago we visited our Nutrition Center. Every bench was full... full of mothers
and babies or fathers and babies. The singing was beautiful and was followed by prayers
of several who were Christians already and a message by our Pastor. And he is a Pastor

In a real sense, reaching Into the lives of these desperately needy people and offering
them Spiritual help.

We need your prayers as we continue to be witnesses for Christ, reaching out to other
areas needing help.


Our production here at Christianville is very rewarding. One field of our newly
acquired land is full of ripened corn for the chickens while the other is full of

bananas. l[hirty-four dozen eggs are collected daily from the hen house, the pigs
will soon deliver their young and the fish pond is full of fish. The fisheries depart
ment of United Nations is headed by Mr. Jim Miller who supervises our pond. He
promises that our August harvest will bring two ton of fish.
Yes, we are experiencing showers of blessings for our work with the poor. But
the physical food is matched nicely with the Spiritual as we reach into the hearts
and lives of so many with the Gospel.



Children of Christianvllle School are having a really nice summer. Classes were ar

ranged for sewing and agriculture for the older children, music classes for the school
band, (Big brother Jerome who is home from BibleCollege teaches them) while many of
the younger group are "catching up" in summer school classes. But there is still a small
group of the bright boys who spend their days playing around the school and mission
lands. And they are eager workers. Building, is going on in three places... at the new utili
ty building,at the new apartment for David who works in the dental clinic, and at another
very important building...a new kitchen for the school.
Now there are things that boys can do, the main one being carrying water to the ce
ment mixer. Round and round it goes drinking many buckets of water. Meanwhile the

men keep shouting for more cement and more water I Oh, how those boys have to hus
tle. All of children are eager to see their new kitchen finished. And we are, too, for it will

be a big help. The old one was much too small and crowded for cooking for so many
children...440 I The other children eat in the Nutrition Center.

Now we do not use our good drinking water for building. We have a hand pump on a

small well that gives water good enough for building. And the boys like to pump the
water and watch the buckets fill.

Summer is a time when we work and play, study and pray. Just before lunch each day

the children gather in the church for a song-time, a story and a Prayer. We hope you are
having a good summer, too.



MATT. 19 :


Boys and girls, it was Jesus who said these beautiful words. This is a good verse for
you to learn. Jesus loves you and He also loves the little children in this Island of Haiti.
At Christianville there are hundreds of children. Some of them are fat and happy and at
tending our school. But many are still sad and hungry for love and attention. One of
these fine days we believe that God will allow us to build a new school building for 800 of
these children. In the meantime we are getting ready for the children. We have already
dug down deep into the earth to find water, and God has provided. Now we must pump it
up into the big tank.

In September we want to take more little ones into the kindergarten. Sometimes they
come and stand at the gate to look in and to wish that they could come in. Will you pray
with us that soon we will be able to build the first classrooms ? And when God answers

our prayer, we will all be happy.

In the picture above you see one of our precious little girls resting on Uncle Sam's
shoulder during the church service. We sneaked up quietly behind them to snap this pic
ture for you. Do you like it ?




Mr and Mrs James Herget, Managing directors

Mr Robert C. Shannon, Largo, Fia., U.S.A.
Mr Fred W. Smith Jr., Jacksonville, Fla., U.S.A.

Mr Donald Wheeler, Orlando, Fla., U.S.A.

Mr Elvin Gray, Tampa, Fla., U.S.A.
Mr L6on Dorl6ans, Haiti.

Missionaries and Sponsoring Churches

James Herget, First Christian Church, College Park, GA.
Carol Herget, First Christian Church, Largo FL.
Sam Streu, Volunteer

Wayne Herget, Kenwood Christian Ch., Fayetteville, GA.

Southwest Christian Ch., Jackson, MS.


Christine Herget, Englewood, Jacksonville, FL.

Sandy DeVinney, Christian Church, Colorado, Arizona.
Dr. Virgil Ullom, Dental Outreach, Babson' Park, FL
Mr and Mrs Les Lumsden. P.O. Box 812, Punta Gorda, Fl.
Mr and Mrs James Aberle, Williamsville, N.Y,
Mr and Mrs James Wood Decatur, GA,
Jean-Cfaude L6ger. Port-au-Prince. Haiti

Editor The Evangel Mrs Carol Herget
Haiti Address
P.O. Box 1690, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Mr and Mrs Don Dugan, CHRISTIANVILLE

Forwarding Agents

P.O. Box 13391 A

ORLANDO, FL. 32859




CO cn



w ?















3 Yi'y




Dear Friends,

In our last letter we told you that Grandma Walker

went to live at Christian City, Atlanta, GA,
their beautiful Nursing Home.


God provided the

needed strength for her to travel and we were thank

ful that she had two weeks of carefree days there.

she developed problems and spent ten days

in the hospital but recovered enough to go back to

the Home.

Then only two days later God gently and

tenderly took her home.

left with!

What mixed emotions we are

There is the joy of knowing she has gone

to her reward and that she is happy and strong again.

But there is the sad, so very sad loss that we must learn to live


I miss her terribly.





Mother was buried in Deltona, FL.







here at the same hour as the funeral using the same songs.



We appre

ciate your love and prayers more at this time than ever before.

The work moves ahead.


There have been four baptized already this

new Nutrition outpost established,

increased attendance in

the church and foundations completed for the new much needed utility

Government has given us another six acres of land and i t

has been plowed for planting.

There is new "music" coming from one of

our bedrooms - a tiny miss of 2 years has come to us for probably two
months while we nurse her back to health.

She weighs 13 pounds.

If we

we can get her well we will return her to her mother and then give the

mother a part time job so that she can feed the baby.
troubles have come from starvation.
your prayers.

Little Astrid*s

Thank you for your gift and for

They have been a real blessing.

May He bless you,

With love



in Christ Jesus,



June 1985

Dear Friends,

United we stand, divided we fall.

These are famous words but even more

famous is the prayer of our Saviour..."that ye all may be one." John 17.
God answered our prayer for unity at the Retreat in May for our fellow

They gathered here at Christianville and for four days we

had sweet fellowship studying the Word, praying and planning together.
Harvey Waddelow, past president of the Missionary Convention and former
missionary to Central Africa was our inspiring speaker.

is so very contagious.
one another.

His enthusiasm

Everyone went home filled with joy and love for

How we do thank God for this unity and love I

The Minister of Youth in the Haitian Government invited our

School band to play for Flag Day at the Palace.

The boys were

so happy and proud in their smart uniforms given by the Govern


And we were proud of them.

Month by month our school

children progress in their education and in their Spiritual


It is beautiful to watch them.

We have been blessed with good help this year..Doctors, Dentists,

builders, office workers and volunteers willing to do any job.

One special joy was in having Sam*s sister and husband from
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - hard working,.loving people, sweet

How thankful we are for all who come to labor with us.

Our vine

yard will be filled this summer with workers and there-should be progress.

Thank you for your loving gift that has helped to carry the load. We are very

grateful and so are the precious little ones in the Nutrition Center, the old
people who come each day to eat, the sick who crowd in the Clinic.

Yes, we are

thankful for your special care for us.

We also appreciate your comforting letters and cards in our time of sorrow. We
are encouraged and press on the task is so great, the need tremendous and the
challenge gets more exciting as the days go by. We had 250 in church this morn

ing and over 300 this afternoon for a Mothers Day program. Our childrens*
Sponsors would have loved hearing them sing and recite!
Thanks again...your prayers are felt..please continue to lift us up.
In Christian love,

JimWd Carol, Wayne and Chris

"And this commandment we have from Him^ that he who loves God must love his
brother also,"

I John 4:21



Here am I LORD, send Aaron!

Seriously, what can

do on the Mission Field?
Are you willing to get dirty for the LORD? If you are, read on!
Can you do tho'se tasks that have no glory or honors attached?

Those same old chores you often dread at home need to be done on the Mission
Field: cooking, cleaning, laundry, mending...all on a larger scale.

Our Medical Clinic has need of volunteer RN's, LPN*s, Doctors...

The Dental Clinic is pleased when Dentists and hygenists come.
Send in advance copies of your license and diploma.

Auto or appliance - something is always in need of repair.

Maybe your talents are farming and ranching - there are cows, pigs, goats
and chickens to be fed, eggs to be gathered, cleaned and sorted. The pig
and chicken houses need cleaning and the fish need harvesting. In our
tropical climate we are in the process of planting, weeding or harvesting
almost continually.
Do keep in mind we have on the job training - male or female in most jobs.

If you haven't found your place of service why not talk to us about a par
ticular project for your church. They could raise the funds and perhaps
send a group to work on that project.
Now you have read the challenge - read below how you can reap the blessings.

Family devotions each week night - a Spiritual Feast. (You may share
in this.)
Church - observe how the Haitians love the Lord. The singing will melt
your heart.
Visit a Haitian in his-hut and experience the joy at your interest in him,
Walk and talk with our school children and bask in their love.

See first hand the school, clinics, nutrition center and the church in

progress, all to the glory of our Lord and Saviour.

Teams are limited to 25 persons - why not contact us soon?
Join us in one of these teams or arrange your own.

August 31, 1985

August 24
November 23

February 22
May 24

August 30 "

August 23
November 22

November 30 "
March 1, 1986
May 31

November 29 "

Telephone Dugans 305-851-5430 - or write

or our travel agent Don Orlasky Work-305-877-3500
Home 305-877-3491

Jim and Carol Herget

3y j^y



Dear Friends,

",1 have chosen you, and ordained you that you should
go and bring forth fruit, that whatsoever you shall
ask He may give it to you." John 15:16

Truly we have realized the bearing of fruit in our summer program,

Christianville is reaching out in various places with the Gospel. A
new exciting work has been started at Ti Cousin in answer to a plea

fromthe people there for us to come. Wayne and Chris are leading
in this. Christianville church members have been travelling by foot
to work with a group in the mountains while Jerome, our Bible College
student held a week of meetings in a new church in Gressier just two
miles from us. Salnave Desarraes started the work and we are assisting*
In July Lifeline Christian Mission held another great Bible Seminar
here at Christianville.

We like the promise in our opening verse:."that whatsoever you shall

ask, He may give it." We have brought forth preciaus fruit and now we
can rest in His promise. We are on the second step toward our new
school building. First we drilled a new well and now we have con
tracted for the necessary water tank for storage and gravity flow. Be
fore the end of the year we should be ready to begin the first class
room unit.

And none too soon, either.

Our older children are fearful about their

future for they realize with the little ones pushing up, there is no
room for their higher classes. Our answer to them is to have faith and
trust that God will meet every need.

Thank you for your loving care. The summer is rich in activity with
agriculture, band and sewing classes, daily chapel times with some VBS,
and summer school for the slower learners.

Also, a new effort has been

launched - a 4 H group for Christianville,

This should be an exciting

and wonderful opportunity for our kids.

V/e are your servants - thank you for putting the tools into our hands.
And do remember us in your prayers. Our special thanks go to the
churches who have sent their members on our CIY and other work teams

this summer.

We are grateful for the labors of all.

Hay the Lord watch over you and bless you.

Yours in Christian love,

Jim and Carol Herget


P. 0. Box 13391 A

Orlando, Florida, 32859


Cfctober, 1985
Dear Friends,

It's been a wonderful day, I'd say, its been a wonderful day. Remember
that chorus?...Jesus has come and my cup's over run... Well, it truly has
been a great day to arrive back home in Haiti after a quick trip to the
Missionary Convention, our first one, and to spend a week with First
Christian Church at Boca Raton.

It was their idea and Elder Bob Weineschki

was our wonderful host all the way.

It was a real family time with the

church and with our loving friends at the Convention.

at Johnson Bible College was there to greet us.

Jerome, our "Timothy"

He played his cello for the

But coming home only confirmed again our joy in serving the Lord here in

School has settled down now, uniforms all in order, the new kitchen

almost completed, the water tank ready for use and Sam happy to have us back
to share the load.

He did a super Job while we were away for those two weeks.

There is a very special challenge facing us at the moment.

Our Nutrition Outpost has developed into an urgent outpost

of need for a church.

The people are hungry for the Gospel

and have already begun taking up a collection to build a


sHARiMg im

biuH A Hmgny

They have nearly five dollars after several weeks

of taking offerings.

Would you like to visit?

It is two hours

on foot if you hurry and it is a rough way to go.

We will,

with God's help, be working with them to establish a church.

Their hearts have been reached through the Nutrition work and
the love it has expressed.

Meanwhile Wayne and Chris have continued strong efforts with a new work at
Ticousin which is about 12 miles from us, and are having good success.
are realizing now the fulfillment of our dreams for evangelism.


The time has

come to stretch out from our evangelistic efforts here at Home b^se and it is
an exciting venture.

To you we say another loving thank-you for the support you have given

this past month.

Tour children are full of joy in their new school year, the

church is growing nicely with five baptisms this past month and every area of

Christianville is being blessed.

Thank you all.

We love and appreciate you.


Jim and Carol Herget

DBCSraB^ 1965
at Christianville

Dear Friends, .

How rich and full this year has been! Now we have nearly reached
the end which is always climaxed with the beautiful season of
Christmas.,.the reminder that our Saviour Jesus came to the world
to save us.,.to offer us the gift of eternal life.

Praise His Name!

We are thankful for many things this year;

For you and your sacrificial giving;
For nearly 600 children in our school;

For rich Spiritual growth of our children;

For God*s answer to prayer for our daily needs;

For good results in our evangelistic thrust;
For excellent work done by dozens of short term workers;
And for the deep hope we have that promises the continued
answer to prayer for the new school building.

What are your plans and dreams for the new year?
trip to ilaiti?

Do they include Christianville in your budget for

Would you include a pledge to pray for the needs for our

school building?


Do they include a

V7e have barely a third of the money for the first

Please pray with us that we will keep going once we start.

Would you be willing to come and work on a short term basis?


this is a wonderful gift of love to Haiti - to come and give your

labor and lose your heart t'o our beautiful island and to our precious


And now, let us wish for you God's richest love and care at this

happy season.

Let us pray for one another. ,^^e thank God for you

In Christian love,

and Carol Herget

VOL 31

No. 3

A Christian Quarterly
from the Caribbean



Thirty-seven years ago the Lord set before us an open door... and the Caribbean
became our home. God has given us 29 years with Jamaica and now nearly 8 years
in Haiti. They have been marvelous years, filled with joyful service, great answers
to prayer, and exciting experiences as we have chosen the servants' roie In mis
sionary ilfe. We are thankful to God for the privilege of bringing the Gospel to a
small part of the world and thanl<ful for you who have made it financially possi
ble. We face the new year with even greater hopes and dreams than ever before.
Thank you for sharing with us. Let us joyfully press on!


We now have a telephone at home in

Christianvilie. The number is 2-6219


You may dial direct after nine p.m. or

^'un tuid ClaroL

person to person at any hour. Over


seas calls can be made direct at low

prices. Please ask the operator about

time changes.


All funds should be sent to P.O. Box

13391 A. Orlando, Florida, 32859. You

may continue to send notes with your

gifts to us there. Mail is hand carried


Leave Port-au-Prince on Carrefour

to us.

Road. We are 15 miles from down

Tele, for Dugans305:851-5430

town. Tap tap busses to Leogane






HAITI. Use Orlando Address.


pass our big sign every hour. We are

1/2 mile from the highway.


Recently we read these words, "I wonder at times if we cannot avert a lot of the
violence in our midst by listening to and motivating ourselves to appease the cry
of the poor." Truly this is food for thought. Empty tummies ache. Hungry people
cannot understand the meaning of love. Hurting hearts need to be mended by
human compassion before they are able to understand a loving God. We believe
this and so at Christianville we are providing basic meals for over 900 children...
God's little ones. We tenderly reach out to touch these hearts and to help heal the
hurt. And the leaven is working.

With the assistance of surplus grains, milk, beans and oil gifts from caring peo
ple of the U.S. and Canada, added to our part of providing meat, vegetables and
eggs, our children are getting a well rounded diet. Parents are feeling and
understanding now the meaning of our being here... and the meaning of our
message as we bring to them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Lives are being chang

Our children are reaching toward adulthood and in this process are learning
character building lessons that will stay with them and help them to be true to
their faith and to themselves as well. We want to believe that in our little corner of

God's great world we can help avert the violence that comes from the anger and
frustatlon of hurting people.
Come and dine.

This is the call when the school lunch bell rings. But it is also the call of the

Gospel. The table of the Lord is spread with lovely things that bring life and joy
and peace. Yes, and courage, too. It dispels the darkness of sin and superstition,

of violence and hatred, of selfishness and greed.

Life Is

beautiful inside our school.

But outside are still hundreds of little

children...gaunt eyes, sunken cheeks, still waiting for the hope of a larger school
to be realized. We are on the way - hurrying to accomplish our goal and we believe
God will provide.

Believe with us! Share the longings of our hearts to really bring about a substan
tial change. Share the burden and heat of the day with us. Share and care with us
as we build.

Jerome Prinston is a Junior student at

Johnson Bible College In Knoxville, Tenn.

and a "Timothy" of Jim and Carol Herget
and Sam Streu. This promising young man
dedicated his life to the ministry of the
Gospel making It priority over his musical
talents. He plays cello professionally and
has taken considerable work in music at the

University of Tenn. This past summer

Jerome spent his holidays from school
working at Christianville. He did an ex

cellent three months' work always making

himself available for counseling young peo
ple and preaching. In this picture Jerome
was holding a week of meetings at a new

church in Gressier about three miles from

A few months prior to this Wayne and Chris

began working with a group of people who
came to us seeking Spiritual help for their
district some twelve miles away. It was a
heart-warming call and we are thankful that
Wayne and Chris have responded.

Growth has been very noticeable on several fronts at Christianville this past three
months. The new school kitchen is almost completed, the water tank for the new

school is completed, and the foundations for the new Dental Clinic are being laid.
But growth is not confined to buildings. Down in the pig house things have been
happening...and now there are over 70 baby pigs. The program is off to a good
start and the farmers are delighted to be included. We are also raising some of the
castrates for the school kitchen.

Christianville School has made progress, too. A new class of Kindergarten kids
has been enrolled and we are also starting an evening class for early teenagers
who have not as yet had the privilege of going to school. We are looking for spon
sors for these children because we would like to provide the same for them as for
our other children. Hopefully we will be starting our first school unit by January
and we are trusting the Lord to provide.
The heartbeat of each little child is individually important to the Heavenly Father.
He has sent us here to care for them, to love them and to lift them from their

hopelessness. With your help we are making great strides and the total picture is
encouraging. Let's keep holding the life-line!






of the work at
Christianville is en







, ih ^-it'ilkfk , *.. .
4 Irt




see two




Here you



work designing a com

mercial stove hood for
the new kitchen at the
old school. (We say old
school because we are

getting very near the

beginning of our first

FIRST THE DESIGN IS MADE ON THE TABLE new school unit.) The kit
chen is sorely needed since the first small onewas designed for 200 studentsand
it is now serving 480. The heat from thestoves will rise and escape through a wind
turbine in the roof. Thisshould make working conditions inthe kitchen much bet

Jim Aberle and Frank Temple are both long-time employees in Management and
Engineering with Union Carbide Company. Jim and his wife Ernie comeevery year

to help with the reopening ofschool In September...Jim at Sam s sideand Ernie is

suing uniforms, socks and shoes. The temples made their first trip this year and,
having just retired from work, offered to return for any special work-need.
You bet we will be calling them!




It happens to all of us. Suddenly we look at our

kids and wonder how they got so tall and when did
it happen. It's a big scale thing with us... over a
hundred of them got there seemingly all at once.
Now we must hurry and think about their future.

Classroom education is not enough. They need

the skills to earn. So we are investigating every
possible area that will give us income earning
power for our kids. There are good possibilities in
crafts, in sewing, art work and tailoring. It will take
careful planning, funds and much research to suc
cessfully get our kids into fruitful motivation.

A positive beginning was made h

greatest area for our kids to cons

DuringJuly and August the boys j

in the classroom. It was a great
augurated a 4H program. Three y

youth group in the church took a i

drip irrigation and in forming an^

Now they are ready to teach the fu


continue their own course of st

from our school were chosen,

designated and now they are at v,
Agriculture is the most Important
they can be Involved. It will hold th

and the other small trades they le

Some of our girls are now in an a
making clothes for sale. Their worl

it should be a means of making t

comfortable living. When block he

replace mud huts and straw rc

easier. Food every day rather than

comfort to any one's living. Anc

message of Christ finds greater n-


Our new school building efforts must include provision for our
trade school classes...craft work-areas, machinery and storage
for equipment. It is all a part of the total education necessary.
)8t summer in the one

studied in the field and
start. Now we have in3ung men in the older

What then about the future?

We need your care. We need more sponsors for our children

not yet in the sponsor program. We need buildings, equipment.
We need God's smile on our hopes and dreams and we need
His Hand on your shoulder. Will you hear Him?

raining course in both

J leading a 4H group,
ndamentals while they
udy. Twelve students
a plot of iand was

jccupation with which

9 priority in our school

arn will be in addition.

Ivanced sewing class

is truly excellent and
leir bread and even a
uses and metal roofs

3fs, living becomes

or 4 days a week is a

in the process, the





Things are buzzin' around the clinic these days. One roof just cannot continue to
cover our dental and medical activities. We knew a year ago that something had to
be done and now the Lord is providing. F.A.M.E., that dedicated organization for

medical evangelism has given us the basic funds for a new dental clinic building.
Our orthodontist Dr. David Leever backed it with another generous gift, and Dr.

Virgil Uliom and his Dental Outreach are gathering equipment. Foundations are
already dug and by the time this reaches you, the building should be nearly com

This will be a great blessing to Sandy in the medical building. That angelic little
nurse who has been doing a magnificent job will be most happy to spread her
wings over two extra rooms.

The outreach continues to be deeply meaningful to thousands of needy people.

Now over 35,000 people are registered. And with a dedicated staff such as we

have, the people are understanding our whole purpose for being here.The love of

Jesus really shines through. We

are thankful for the many visiting
Doctors and Dentists who have

come to help and for the gifts of

medications and funds to keep the

clinics operating. Our


find comfort and security in hav

ing medical care so close - oh, how

many times we have led crying
children to Sandy with pains in the

tummy, ear aches and various

fevers. Truly it is a haven in a
storm to children as well as to

adults. Thank you for caring - for

giving to help others in their need.

There's Leonard Beattie repairing the electrical line to the water pump. And that
fixed a big problem. Work teams in fact, fix a lot of our problems here at Christianvile. We find our North American team workers hard-working, dedicated and very
capable. Leonard welded ali twenty of the pig-cribs and just in time, too, for the
mother pigs to farrow. It was a close call. And while he was in the pig house others
were painting, sewing, and doing dozens of jobs. Betty Gray from Tampa was the
leader that week - a great week it was.

Have you heard about C.I.Y.? (Christ In Youth) This Is a new overseas group that
sends out youth to mission fields. And this was their first year. They did a great
job...hard working kids, eager to please. Kalas and Cindy Alexander were team
leaders. (Kalas in center front.) We hope C.I.Y. will come back next summer and
share the workload again.

JUNIOR 'fllHffKllTlK

Boys and Girls, If you just want a fun
afternoon you must come to Chrlstian-

ville and spend a few hours. On the way

in you would first pass the medical and
dental clinic and then move down the

road a bit and find the Nutrition Center.

Here we will stop and take a picture for

you. Our baby in the scale has been in
the Nutrition program for some time now
and has gained weight nicely. The babies

are all weighed regularly and their diet is carefully watched so that they can be
healthy. There is a big crowd in there and the mothers are having a lesson on how
to feed their babies correctly. They hear a message from God's Word, too. Our
darling Kindergarten kids have gone home by this hour, so you can't see ihem

But what is that we hear? The school band is practicing...let's hurry to the church

and listen. We knew you would like it. But did you hear that complaint they made?
They want violins so they can have a real orchestra! Let's tell all of our friends
about it and maybe they will know where we could find those violins.
Let's go on through the big gate now see the cows! Yes, they look very fat and
healthy. But let's go on down to the pond and watch Uncle Sam fish. He takes that
basket with the long handle on it and stays quiet around the area where the fish
like to hide.

There he is now...watch how dark the water gets with fish when the feed washes

down those pipesl In a minute you will see him dash that big iron basket into the
water. There it goes, and up comes the basket with a catch. There are thousands

of fish in this pond and

almost every day Sam

catches a big pan full for




breakfast. They eat fish

in a sauce over thei/ cornmeal



are two kinds of fish in

the pond..Talapia and

Carp, Some of the Carp
weigh 3 pounds and they
taste delicious.

Come, let's look over here at the baby pigs. There are dozens of them..ten big fat
mothers, each one in her own farrowing crib with babies all around her getting
their milk. In fact, we counted 78 pigs one day last week. As the babies get big

enough they are given to the poor farmers to raise and that makes the farmers
very happy.

Hey kids, turn around and look over there...see those lovely chickens! Yes, there
are about 600 of them. (And if you will look at the picture on the first page you will
see eggs on the plates of the childrens' dinner.)
Now let us walk back to the chapel where the children are singing. It is lovely to
hear them. In their prayers they thank God for good and loving care. And in our
prayers, we thank God for you and for the good help you are giving our children.
Come now the sun has been very hot. We will go up to the mission house for a
cool drink and we will tell you some stories about our children.



Mr and Mrs James Herget, Managing Directors

Mr Robert C. Shannon, Largo, FL.

Fred W. Smith Jr., Jacksonville, FL.

Donald Wheeler, Orlando, FL.
Elvin Gray, Tampa, FL.
L6on Dorl^ans, Haiti.

Missionaries and Sponsoring Churches

James Herget, First Christian Church, College Park, Ga.
Carol Herget, First Christian Church, Largo, FL,
Sam Streu, Volunteer

Wayne & Chris Herget, Kenwood, Fayetteville, GA. S.W.

Christian Jackson, MS. Englewood Christian, Jax. FL.
Sandy DeVinney, Christian Church Colorado, Arizona.
Dr. Virgil Ullom, Dental Outreach, Babson Park, FL.
Building Consultant Mr Nazih Chamy, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Mr Jean-Claude L6ger, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Mr and Mrs Les Lumsden, Punta Gorda, FL.
Mr and Mrs James Aberle, Williamsville, N.Y.
Mr and Mrs James Wood, Decatur, GA.

Editor "The Evangel" Mrs Carol Herget

Haiti Address
P.O. Box 1690, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Mr and Mrs Don Dugan, CHRISTIANVILLE


P.O. Box 13391A

Forwarding Agents

















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