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The full The Health Benefits of Tackling inactivity and lessen the impact of

series of Climate Change health-damaging air pollutants while

articles can also making the roads safer for
be In December 2009, a series of pedestrians and cyclists.
downloaded studies was published in The Lancet
at examining the health implications, Scenario testing with more walking
climate- in both high-income and low-income and cycling and less vehicle use in
change countries, designed to reduce the London generates a fall in heart
release of greenhouse gases, such disease (10-20%), breast cancer
as methane, CO2 and NO2. The (12-13%), dementia (8%) and
following is a concise summary of depression (5%). Similar results are
the studies that covered four generated for Delhi, with reductions
sectors in which greenhouse gases in heart diseases and diabetes (10-
can be reduced. 25%, 6-17% respectively). Thus
major public health benefits will
Household energy emissions depend on the introduction of
Household energy use is responsible policies that combine reduced
for a significant amount of motor vehicle use, more walking
greenhouse gas emissions in both and cycling, and low-carbon-
high-income and low-income emission motor vehicles.
countries. In the UK, residential
buildings account for just over
Yiding a is a healthcare
Jiang Low-carbon electricity
actuary and is currently
quarter of the total emission reading
of COan2. MSc in generation
Health Policy at London School of
The simple stoves used Hygiene
in theand Tropical
study and London School
concentrates of
solely on
poorest half of the Economics.
world’s He canthe be contacted
health ateffects
yi- of emitted
households are low in energy airborne particles through electricity
efficiency and produce many health- generation. One emission control
damaging airborne particles which scenario consists of full carbon
induce acute respiratory infections trading and only 50% of existing
in young children and chronic targets imposed, with reduced
respiratory and heart diseases in emission made wherever it is most
mature adults. cost effective to do so. Projections
show that this scenario will lead to
In the UK, a program that improves reductions in airborne particle
household energy efficiency can emission which will save an extra
reduce CO2 emissions by a third 100 life-years per million in the EU
(encompassing more house in 1 year (6000 life-years for the
insulation, better ventilation and UK), with results for China 5 times
heat recovery, a switch to electric better than the EU and India 10
heating, a reduction in household times. The biggest health
temperature of 1˚C). In India, a 10 improvements would be in
year program to introduce 150 cardiopulmonary diseases followed
million low-emission cook stoves by lung cancer, two of the major
may reduce the burden of burdens of disease.
respiratory and heart diseases by a
sixth. Food and agriculture
Agriculture and food production
Urban land transport accounts for 10-12% of greenhouse-
Transport accounts for almost a gas emissions, with livestock
quarter of all fossil fuel greenhouse- farming responsible for 80% of
gas emissions. Reducing motor these emissions. Increasing
vehicle use by encouraging more affluence is set to push meat
walking and cycling (potentially consumption even higher.
through incentive programs), will
diminish emissions and reduce The study identified four changes to
obesity, lower the rate of chronic reduce emissions: greater efficiency
diseases caused by physical in livestock farming; more carbon
capture through changes in land-
use practices; better manure
management; and less dependence
on fossil fuels. However, these will
unlikely be sufficient to meet the
target, recommended by the
Committee on Climate Change, of a
30% reduction in greenhouse-gas
emission by 2030. Nevertheless, a
30% reduction in livestock
production and consumption will
reduce heart diseases by around
15% in the UK and Sao Paulo, Brazil.
The result would be even better if
second order effects such as
reduced obesity and diet-related
cancers were incorporated.
Important to note is that due to
global inequality in the availability
of food provision, only concerted
worldwide policies will generate the
desired impact.

Climate change not only impacts
general insurance and investments,
but also morbidity and mortality
risks as well as workforce
productivity. Furthermore, as these
studies demonstrated, there can be
health benefits to tackling climate
change. These will translate into
lower healthcare costs, improved
productivity and quality of life and
less employee churn. In our
capacity as corporate advisors on
issues of employee benefit,
retirement and healthcare,
actuaries should highlight to clients
the importance of tackling climate
change and that concrete actions,
such as those suggested in these
studies, can translate into material
financial gains.

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