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Language Ecology as Linguistic Theory (Mark Garner)


Mark Garner
School of Language and Literature University of Aberdeen
Scotland, United Kingdom


Language ecology was proposed by Einar Haugen in 1972 as the study of the
interaction of any given language and its environment. Despite some use of the term in
the literature, sociolinguists have failed to develop the potential that Haugen saw in an
ecological approach. Recent developments in ecological thought, however, when applied
to language, raise questions about many basic assumptions of conventional linguistics.
For example, from an ecological perspective, language is not a rule-governed system,
but a form of patterned behaviour arising from the needs of human sociality: communi-
cation, culture, and community. As Haugen foresaw, language ecology offers an exciting
alternative approach to linguistic theory.

Key words: language ecology, patterned behaviour, holistic, dynamic, and interactive

1. Introduction With a few exceptions, however (e.g.,

In an article published in 1972, the Mackey 1980; Haarmann 1988; Nelde 1989;
Norwegian-American linguist, Einar Haugen, Mühlhäusler 1996; and my own doctoral the-
proposed a new approach to the study of sis and derived publications—see Garner
language in multilingual societies. He called this 1988), linguistic researchers have failed to
approach ‘language ecology’, and defined it as develop the potential that Haugen saw in an
‘the study of the interaction of any given ecological approach. One difficulty is that, in
language and its environment’. Haugen’s exten- his article, Haugen appears to be unsure
sive writings in linguistics and philology were pri- whether he is proposing, on the one hand, that
marily concerned with the ways in which it could provide a theoretical basis for a dis-
different languages, in their spoken and written tinct discipline and, on the other hand, that it
forms, co-exist and interact in a multilingual com- was an interesting metaphor for some aspects
munity. The focus of language ecology as he of societal multilingualism. Subsequent writers
conceived of it was communal and cultural have failed to clarify the issue by analysing the
interaction, and the term has been used from concept thoroughly. The result is that, although
time to time in the literature devoted to the study the term ‘language ecology’ is common enough
of multilingual societies (a recent Indonesian in the field, writers have used the term loosely
example is Wijayanto, 2005). and in a generally ill-defined manner. Edwards

Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra, Vol. 17, No. 33, 2005: 91 - 101

(1995) was right to point out that, twenty years leave such matters to anthropologists, sociolo-
after it first appeared, language ecology had gists, and their like, but he argued that there was
made no really significant contribution to the ‘a strong linguistic component in language eco-
study of multilingualism. The theoretical poten- logy’ (1972: 325. All references to Haugen in
tial of the idea was not fully explored until my the remainder of this paper are to the page num-
own recent study (Garner, 2004). Terms such bers of this 1972 article). In simple terms, he
as ‘language (or linguistic) ecology’, ‘the eco- made no distinction between theoretical linguis-
logy of language’, and (with a different em- tics and sociolinguistics.
phasis) ‘ecolinguistics’ (Fill and Mühlhäus-ler Haugen was proposing some sort of
[eds] 2001) have gained some currency. an analogy with the natural world, and the
Linguists’conceptions of ecology, however, have term ‘environment’ of language makes one
not been informed by recent philosophical ad- think immediately of the physical surround-
vances, have been generally left as imprecise ings in which language is spoken. However,
and limited as they were thirty years ago. he defined environment in a different, and
This paper makes two broad points. at first sight somewhat surprising, way: the
First, I examine the causes of the uncertainty environment is not the physical setting but
about what language ecology means and the social and cultural setting in which the
what it implies for linguistics. These causes language is used. In other words, the envi-
are to be found in Haugen’s idea that ecology ronment is the speakers of the language:
is a metaphor, because it is a metaphor that
does not quite work. Secondly, I show how The true environment of a language is the
ecology can now be given a central role in the society that uses it as one of its codes.
study of language. This is possible because of Language exists only in the minds of its
significant developments in ecological thought users, and it only functions in relating these
in the past three decades since Haugen’s ar- users to one another and to nature, i.e.,
ticle appeared. Ecological philosophy no their social and natural environment [...]
longer sees ecology merely as a feature of the The ecology of a language is determined
natural environment that can serve as a meta- primarily by those who learn it, use it, and
phor for other phenomena, but as a distinct transmit it to others. (325)
way of thinking, with far-reaching implications
for many disciplines, including the language sci- A language should not be treated
ences. simply as a structural system (phonology,
morphology, syntax, etc.) which exists
2. Haugen’s Proposal somehow independently of its speakers. It
Haugen was dissatisfied with contem- is, he says, impossible to understand the
porary approaches to linguistic description. Lin- language without the speakers. This claim
guists, he said, too often treated the speech com- was not original to Haugen, but it had
munity of a language as nothing more than a bit largely been lost sight of, particularly in
of incidental background to what they saw as America, in the preceding half-century or so
the real job of linguistics. They were ‘too eager since Saussure (no date [1916]) outlined the
to get on with the phonology, grammar, and lexi- foundations of linguistics as a ‘scientific’, struc-
con’, to give more than passing acknowled- turalist discipline. Haugen did not argue that
gement to the fact that languages exist because linguists should not be interested in structure—
they are used by real people in communities in he himself was an expert in phonetics and pho-
order to communicate. Linguists were happy to nology—but he was attempting to restore a

Language Ecology as Linguistic Theory (Mark Garner)

balance with his notion of community-as-en- elements: (1) an organism, (2) its environment,
vironment as one of the central elements in and (3) the process that connects them (their
linguistic description. interaction).
When I first came across these ideas, In biology it is possible to describe the
I was working on my doctoral research into nature of an organism, such as an animal or
immigrant communities and their languages. plant, in terms of its physical and genetic make-
Haugen’s paper seemed to encapsulate an idea up. It is also possible to describe the nature of
for which I was searching, and it promised the the environment: the topography, climate, flora
ideal theoretical framework within which to and fauna, and so on. The life history of any
conduct my fieldwork. I was surprised to find, particular organism arises from the interaction
then, that although Haugen’s paper had already of the two. A cat in the wild, having to find and
been in print for some years, no-one seemed fight for food every day of its life, is quite a
to have attempted to develop his schematic different animal in physical appearance,
ideas into a systematic theory. In my thesis, I personality (if we can use this term), and
spent some time trying to do this for myself, behaviour from a well-fed pet cat. In turn,
but with limited success (Garner 1986, 1988) the environment in which each cat lives is
Nonetheless, I found the general perspective affected by that cat. For example, the wild
on the dynamic, interactive nature of language cat kills other animals, alters the vegetation
and community very valuable in integrating a to some extent, and so on; the house within
range of social, cultural, and historical charac- which the pet cat lives is affected by its pre-
teristics of the communities under study and sence, as are the lives of its owners. The dif-
relating them to a range of observed linguistic ferences are determined by the interactions
features. between each cat and its environment.
A specific theoretical model, how- Haugen proposed that language
ever, remained elusive. As mentioned could be thought of as an organism, and its
above, Haugen used the term ‘ecology of community as the environment. The task of
language’ rather ambiguously. This is not linguists was to describe the characteristics
surprising: when a really rich idea first ap- of the two entities and to show how the in-
pears, it tends to lack clarity: it points in teraction between them gives rise to different.
too many directions at once. But if, as he How valid was this claim?
proposed, language ecology was to become Haugen argued, quite rightly, that
a ‘scientific study in its own right’, the eco- there is a long in language study of treating
logy metaphor needed to be clarified and sys- language metaphorically as if it were a living
tematized. As I attempted to do that, however, organism. Terms like the ‘birth’ and ‘death’ of
it became clear that the metaphor does not languages, ‘language family trees’, and so on,
quite hang together. As I said earlier, the pro- attest to this. Scholars did not, of course, as-
blem lay in thinking of ecology as a metaphor. sume that language actually is an organism, but
In terms of metaphor theory (Kövecses 2002), found it helpful to liken it to one. The problem
the terms of the source domain (biological eco- with the ecology metaphor, however, lies in how
logy) cannot be properly mapped on to those we view the environment. This, Haugen says,
of the target domain (language as a social phe- is not a metaphor:
In what ways did Haugen think eco- the true environment of a language is the
logy could be a useful metaphor within linguis- society that uses it (329; italics added).
tics? He saw ecology as consisting of three

Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra, Vol. 17, No. 33, 2005: 91 - 101

This environment, he says, comprises behaviour Haugen was interested in. In any
two components: the psychological and the case, the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis has been
sociological. These two overlap at many points, hotly debated for half a century, and con-
but in general they can be understood as clusive evidence either for or against it has
follows. The psychological component is con- proved very difficult to find.
cerned with the language as it exists in the mind This leaves the object of study of the
of the speaker: his or her use of the language proposed discipline of language ecology
to make sense of the self and the world; its undefined, a problem that Haugen seemed
interaction with other languages in the mind; unaware of. This is clear from his sugges-
and the speaker’s attitudes towards the tion that linguistics could make a major
language. The sociological component is con- contribution to the discipline of ‘human
cerned with the language as it exists within the ecology’:
speech community: how it is used between
people. It includes the where, when, and Language ecology would be a natural ex-
why a language is used and not used, and tension of this kind of study [i.e., human
how these are related to the patterns of the ecology], and has long been pursued un-
speakers’ social behaviour. In other words, der such names as psycholinguistics,
there is an actual (and not a metaphorical) ethnolinguistics, linguistic anthropology,
relationship between community and language. sociolinguistics, and the sociology of lan-
This is the conceptual problem at the guage (Haugen, 1972: 327).
heart of Haugen’s idea. On the one hand
there is a metaphorical entity: ‘language- The human ecology school of sociol-
as-organism’, and on the other, a literal en- ogy, centred on the University of Chicago,
tity: what we might call ‘environment-as- studied patterns of urban human settlement.
itself’. Where does that leave the ontologi- Human ecologists saw that a city is the ‘natu-
cal status of the third element (interaction)? ral’ environment within which urban humans
If the interaction is a literal process, how live. This led to a deeper understanding of the
can one describe an interaction between a effect of the built environment on human social
metaphorical entity and a real entity? What behaviour. In other words, human ecology is a
specifically happens in the language-com- literal application of biological ecology. Human
munity interaction, and what are the mecha- beings are, in fact, organisms (even if orga-
nisms by which it takes place? It is relatively nisms of a special kind), and they interact with
straightforward to show how the characteris- their physical environment just as all organisms
tics of a community (its history, sociology, de- do. Of course this interaction is more complex
mography, cultural values, religion, and so on) than, for example, that between a cat and the
influence the language use. But is the influence wild. The environment for humans is complex,
mutual: in other words, ecological? If so, it as it comprises both man-made and natural
would imply that communities are affected by environments, and interactions with them are
the languages they speak. To an extent, this is mediated by a range of cultural values and psy-
the claim made by the ‘Sapir-Whorf hypo- chological processes that are not present in the
thesis (Whorf 1956), but the hypothesis is li- cat. Nonetheless, human ecology is not a meta-
mited to questions of psychology: an individual phor.
speaker’s perception is guided (or determined) Haugen’s language ecology, by con-
by the particular language he or she speaks. trast, involves a metaphor, and an incom-
There is little stress on the sort of communal plete metaphor at that. As a result, the re-

Language Ecology as Linguistic Theory (Mark Garner)

mainder of his article is devoted to discuss- the totality of relations of organisms with
ing social influences on language. Neither the external world in general, with the
language-as-organism nor ecological inter- organic conditions of existence; what we
action is examined further. He concludes it have called the economy of nature, the
with a taxonomy of some social aspects of mutual relations of all the organisms which
language, with no attempt to integrate them live in a single location, their adaptation
theoretically. to the environment around them, the
So, although Haugen hinted that the transformations produced by their
ecology of language could go beyond be- struggle for existence (quoted in
ing merely ‘a descriptive science’ and be- Hayward, 1995: 26).
come a ‘predictive and even therapeutic’
science, in reality he could go no farther than Thus, ecological thinking is con-
using it to describe various strands within cerned with phenomena that are:
the language sciences. This can help to en- 1) holistic ( ‘the totality of relations …’);
courage the cross-fertilization of ideas, but 2) dynamic (‘the transformations pro-
it does not provide a theoretical framework duced by their struggle for existence’);
that integrates them. We cannot blame 3) interactive (‘the mutual relations of all
Haugen for this: the idea of applying eco- the organisms’);
logical thinking beyond biology was in his 4) situated (‘relations with the external
time more or less unknown. He was right world’; ‘organisms […] in a single lo-
to recognize that there is something inher- cation’).
ently ecological about language, but we Let us look more closely at these
have the opportunity now to do re-examine characteristics in terms of what they imply
his original suggestion in the light of later for an ecological understanding of language.
3.1 Holistic
3. A Non-metaphorical Language Ecology The philosopher Hayward (1995)
The modern ecological movement is contrasts ecological thinking with so-called
based on the conviction that it is only by adopt- ‘Enlightenment’ thinking, based on empiri-
ing this cast of mind that humanity can truly cal natural science, which has predominated
understand the world and save itself from an in Western thought since the eighteenth cen-
impending catastrophe. Thus, a philosophical tury. Enlightenment thinking is an analyti-
movement has grown out of biological eco- cal approach to learning:
logy, and ecological thinking has begun to be
applied in many fields far beyond its origins. Modern classical science works with an
Language ecology can, I believe, contribute atomistic materialistic ontology; this onto-
to linguistic theory, but only if we apply eco- logy is also reductive, implying that any
logical philosophy to the description and ex- composite body is ontologically reducible
planation of language. Though ecological phi- to its simple constituents; and mechanistic
losophy has many versions, which go by vari- […] This metaphysics has also informed
ous names, it can be characterized by four the view of living nature as, in effect, an
common features. Interestingly, these features elaborate machine (Hayward, 1995: 29).
can be discerned in the very first formulation
of ecology in 1866 by the biologist Haeckel: As formulated by Saussure (n.d.
[1916]), linguistics was to operate along the

Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra, Vol. 17, No. 33, 2005: 91 - 101

lines of classical science, in two ways. First, 1995 p. 29). In other words, it is the dyna-
the task was to isolate language, as the ob- mism of the system that determines the nature
ject of study, from all non-linguistic con- of any part at the time it is being observed. A
siderations, including the community of significant justification of this view is given by
speakers. Secondly, it was to identify the developments within modern physics, for long
entities that make up language (its pho- the benchmark of scientific thought, which is
nemes, morphemes, lexemes, and so on) increasingly concerned with variability in enti-
and formulate the rules that govern their ties and the unpredictability of much of the
relationships in any given language. universe (see, for example, Dupré 1995;
Ecological thinking is concerned Ladyman 2002, esp. part II ). Each particular
with complex wholes and systems. There situation is, in this view, unique and differs, even
are different opinions about what these if only slightly, from every other situation in-
wholes and systems are and how they might volving the ‘same’ parts.
be best understood. Nonetheless, ecologi- As applied to language, the principle
cal thinkers agree that it is only through of dynamism means that we treat each utteran-
understanding complexity, diversity, and ce as in an important sense unique. The tradi-
interrelationship—rather than entities in tional and commonsense view of linguistic
isolation—that we can properly understand communication is that a speaker wishes to ex-
our world. press a particular meaning, consequently
In a linguistics informed by an ecologi- chooses from the words of the language, ap-
cal view, language arises from the complex in- plies the rules for combining them, and thus
teraction of community, culture, and commu- creates the utterance for expressing that mean-
nication. Language exists because people com- ing. This is a very misleading picture. In every
municate, in real situations. Every instance of interaction, the nature of the utterance is de-
language is language in use, and is in principle termined by a hundred and one factors: the
inseparable from its use in the particular situa- physical setting as the participants perceive it;
tion. The individual linguistic elements and the the participants and their perceptions of one
rules governing their combination are of no sig- another; the means other than language that
nificance in themselves, but only insofar as they are available; the perceived intention of the
are manifestations of the whole communica- communication; and so on. As well as se-
tive process (Halliday, 1994). This sort of lecting words from the vocabulary avail-
linguistics attempts to understand the nature and able, speakers constantly ‘misuse’ and in-
workings of language by studying meaningful vent words, ‘break the rules’ of morphology
human interactions, characterized by diversity, and syntax, and integrate linguistic and non-
variation, and complex wholes. linguistic elements into a seamless communi-
cative act.
3.2 Dynamic Language is very repetitive: people
Classical scientific thinking led to say the same things over and over again.
the view of nature as a machine, with well- We can often predict what a person will say
defined and unchangeable parts working along if we know enough about the situation. This
constantly repeated and predictable lines. By repetitiveness has been taken as evidence
contrast, in an ecological perspective the parts that the language is following a set of rules.
are fluid, with changing characteristics and iden- However, if we assume that people are
tities, which are ‘systematically integrated [to motivated by ease and efficiency in under-
one another] and mutually defining’ (Hayward standing one another rather than by an in-

Language Ecology as Linguistic Theory (Mark Garner)

ner drive to follow abstract rules, the re- concerned with how social factors influence
peated patterning of language appears in a language forms and usage. A more appro-
different light. priately ecological approach is to study the
Patterning makes communication nature of the interaction.
easier and more efficient by reducing the Language is a fundamental aspect—
effort required by the speaker in choosing but only one aspect—of human sociality.
what to say, and by the hearer in predicting From the very beginnings of language in
what is coming next. Patterns are habit-go- human pre-history, its nature has been de-
verned behaviour: they are manifestations of termined by interaction. Every other func-
the natural tendency for all organisms to do tion, such as private monologue, verbal
what they have done before. Unlike rule- thinking, or (in writing) personal diaries, is
generated behaviour, patterns are inherently derived from this. Linguists sometimes give
changeable—in fact, no two patterns are the impression (and a few even explicitly state)
ever exactly alike. Every situation is inherently that interaction is irrelevant, or at the most in-
dynamic, and there is always a potential cidental, to understanding language itself. There
unpredictability in every interaction. I refer to is among contemporary linguists much more
this dynamic unpredictability as ‘creativity’ interest in language use—for example, in dis-
(which is rather different from Chomsky’s use course analysis, socio-linguistics, and pragma-
of the term [1968, 1976]). Both predictability tics. Nonetheless, for centuries the study of
and creativity in patterning are fundamental language has been so occupied with linguistic
ecological principles of language. elements such as words and rules of syntax
and morphology, that they have been treated
3.3 Interactive as if they had inherent meanings, and using the
A dynamic system is self-evidently language is merely a matter of following the
a system characterized by interactions. One rules. The implication is that language exists
of the implications of Haugen’s proposal for the purpose of creating well-formed sen-
was that the focus of linguistics, as in eco- tences, and conversely that a well-formed sen-
logical biology, should be on interaction it- tence will be automatically meaningful. This
self. A biologist who wants to understand view still persists in some linguistic theories.
how and why an organism is affected by its From an ecological perspective,
interactions with its environment examines language exists because people need to inter-
the nature of the interaction itself. Is it, for act. It is a vital and by far the most significant
example, extended or brief; one-off or con- aspect of our interaction, and in almost all in-
tinual; voluntary or unavoidable; hostile or stances interaction would be impossible (or at
amicable; solitary or in company (and, if least very constrained) without language. But
so, in company with what)? The answers to interpersonal interactions comprise much more
questions like these are essential to under- than the linguistic element within them. Because
standing the system as a dynamic whole, as of this, the form any language takes depends
well as the characteristics of the entities on the particular interaction of which it is a part,
within it. which provides the environment for the
Haugen’s discussion of language language being used. We need to consider,
ecology centres on language and commu- therefore, within that environment, also the in-
nity as separate entities, each of which he terplay and mutual determination between its
treats as an object of study. The ‘ten ques- linguistic and non-linguistic features. The
tions’ he poses at the end of his article are language interacts with all of the non-verbal

Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra, Vol. 17, No. 33, 2005: 91 - 101

aspects—eye contact, facial expressions, match. The match is the continually chang-
bodily posture, gestures, and the like—as well ing process by which all of those elements
as with the participants’ perceptions and as- (and, of course others) interact for a speci-
sumptions about themselves and one another, fied period of time. A manager may analyse
and the physical, social, and cultural setting. what an individual player did, for example,
All of these, and more, work together to cre- by counting how many of his (or her) passes
ate the complex whole which is the interac- reached their intended target, but a full ap-
tion. preciation of his performance can be
achieved only in the light of the whole situ-
3.4 Situated ation. The manager will need to take into
The concern of ecological thought account such things as what other players,
with situation arises from, and summarizes, both team-mates and opponents, were do-
all of the foregoing. To say that a phenomenon ing at the time, the state of the game, the
is situated is to say more than everything has pitch conditions, and so on. Subsequently,
to be somewhere. It implies that whatever we at practice, the player may be given a lot of
are interested in understanding, whether it be training drills to improve his passing skills,
a physical object like an organism or some- but until they are successfully tested in an-
thing intangible like an idea or a feeling, occurs other match, they cannot be said to have
in a setting, and that the setting is an important improved.
part of the phenomenon. It should be clear from In the same way, to treat language
what has been said so far that situation is more as an abstract system that exists indepen-
than the physical location. Indeed, Haugen dently of its setting misses the main point.
excluded the physical environment from his It may tell us a certain amount about some
discussion, but it has a role to play in the eco- theoretical principles that can be applied to
logy of language (Sapir, 1949, is an enlighten- language, but little about language as we
ing but rather narrowly focussed discussion of actually experience and use it:
this role).
The holistic, dynamic, and interactive To separate languaging from the particu-
focus of ecological thought means that we re- larity of its context is to obscure its be-
gard the situation as an integral part of lan- ing’ (Becker, 1991: 232).
guage. It is helpful sometimes temporarily to
‘remove’ language from the situation, as it 4. Conclusion
were, in order to examine it more closely. Un- Language ecology has not lived up to
like much traditional linguistics, however, an the promise of the original proposal by Haugen.
ecological linguistics will ‘put it back’ into the It has remained a marginal and ill-defined ap-
situation, in order to understand it as part of proach, mainly in the study of multilingual so-
the whole system of interaction. Otherwise, we cieties. Adopting an ecological philosophy of
are left with only a part of the picture. language, however, offers richer possibilities
A rough analogy may make the point for advancing the study of language than sim-
clearer. If you wanted to describe a football ply employing ecology as a metaphor.
match, it would not do to describe the play- Language is part of the complex of hu-
ers, playing conditions, and ball, and per- man behaviour, and like all other aspects of
haps summarize the rules of the game. All behaviour, it comprises patterns that are learned
of those elements are essential to making it through interaction within a community of
football, but they do not constitute the users. Continuous patterning on many levels

Language Ecology as Linguistic Theory (Mark Garner)

gives us humans the capacity to recognize and to say that all of these different disciplines are
interpret the patterns of our own and others’ in fact the same, but that each has a great deal
behaviour. Any one action is meaningful only in to contribute to the others. Culture, continuity,
the context of the totality of behaviour; the pat- and change are most gainfully studied, not as
terning of language is meaningful only in the con- linguistic phenomena in the narrow sense, but
text of the patterning of the totality of communi- as ecological processes within the broad and
cative behaviour. multi-disciplinary study of human sociality. Such
All of these patterns rely on constant an approach to the human sciences is a deeply
repetition, and predictability is one of their ecological concept.
essential characteristics. The formulaic, or In defining itself as a ‘scientific’ en-
predictable quality of all communicative terprise, linguistics has adopted the atomistic,
behaviour, including language, is essential reductionist, and mechanistic approach of En-
for continuity of communication, culture, lightenment empirical science. Language has
and community. Without it, meaning would been abstracted from its situations of use and
be impossible. One concern of the ecology from its communities of users. Much progress
of language is with an understanding of the pro- has been made in understanding language
cesses of patterning themselves, and how they through this approach, but much has also been
relate to the situation of use. Patterns are ge- ignored or defined as outside the scope of the
neral regularities, which can be varied, how- discipline. In a short article like this, there is no
ever slightly, with every repetition. The tradi- space to develop the implications of an eco-
tional concern of linguistics is with grammars, logical view for the future directions of linguis-
or sets of abstract rules, that are said to un- tics; a more detailed treatment can be found in
derlie every instance of language, is superseded Garner (2004). Language ecology does, how-
in an ecological approach by an interest in the ever, promise to fulfil the wish for the sort of
ways in which patterning of language and all ‘new’ linguistics that the Spanish social theo-
behaviour serves to make it meaningful. rist, Ortega y Gasset, expressed more than
Linguistics has long been successfully four decades ago:
established as an independent, discipline. So
much so, that other disciplines that also have For quite a number of years now I have
an interest in meaningful human behaviour (such been asking for a linguistics that should
as sociology, psychology, and anthropology) have the courage to study language in its
occasionally describe aspects of behaviour by integral reality, as it is when it is actual
analogy with the rules formulated by linguistics living discourse, and not as a mere frag-
(see for example Giddens, 1984). ment amputated from its complete con-
An ecological view, as we shall see, figuration. […] But it is obvious that
goes farther than simply seeing parallels be- linguistics has not […] come to know lan-
tween different sorts of behaviour. It suggests guage except as a first approximation,
that all meaningful behaviours, whether ‘linguis- because what it calls ‘language’ really has
tic’ or ‘non-linguistic’, are manifestations of the no existence, it is a utopian and artificial
same processes. They can therefore most pro- image constructed by linguistics itself
fitably be studied in the same way. This is not (Ortega y Gasset, 1963: 241-2).

Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra, Vol. 17, No. 33, 2005: 91 - 101


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