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(Note: LL indicates Lost Legion expansion - with some rules generalized to reduce excess 'fiddliness')
Advanced Action Offer Refresh whenever accessed, including End of Round, where the lowest Action in the
offer goes to the Dummy Player Deed Deck. The size of the Advanced Action Offer is always 3 cards.
Artifacts At the End of your turn draw awarded artifcats +1; Place chosen artifacts on top of your draw deck,
and return at least one to the bottom of the Artifcats Deck. Play upper regular effect normally; or use the lower,
more powerful effect at the cost of destroying the Artifact removing it from the game. Some Artifacts are
Banner Artifacts which attach to Units and modify their behavior in some way. These remain with the Unit, and
may only be removed to shuffle back into a Hero's Deed Deck at End of Round. These may then be reassigned
after they are drawn again, or, may be used for their ultimate ability if they have NOT been assigned to a Unit.
Assassination (Bloody Dagger - LL) All Wounds dealt by this Enemy type may only be assigned to the Hero
themselves never their Units.
Assault of Fortified Locations (Mage Tower, Keep, or City) requires Movement onto the site, and loses you 1
Reputation. ALL enemies present must be defeated, or Withdraw at a cost of +1 Wound per space withdrawn.
Be careful of Assault Movement which may provoke Rampaging Enemies causing them to join the battle.
Brutal Enemies (Red Fist) Deal TWICE the unblocked damage that regular enemies do.
Cities Require only 2 Movement to enter regardless of terrain. After moving into a City, place your Hero
figurine on the associated City Card. Assault rules for Fortified locations apply. When revealed, populate
corresponding City Card with number and type of Tokens dictated by City Level. Influence in a City equals
Reputation PLUS the number of Shield Tokens that Hero has in the City. Shield Tokens are gained at the rate of
1 per enemy defeated by that Hero. Hand size is increased by 1 if you are a conqueror of that City, or by 2 if you
are the Leader of that City.
Cooperative City Assault Each Hero participating must be adjacent to the City at the start of their Turn.
The Assault Action takes the place of the regular Turn for all participating Heroes. When the Assault Action
commences, each Hero is assigned a specified number of enemies to fight, with enemies being distributed at
random. Each Hero conducts all Combat phases against only their assigned enemies using only 1 Mana Die
from the source, and does not return it until all participants have completed their Attacks. If any enemies remain
after the Assault is over, all participating Heroes must Withdraw to their starting locations.
Cold Fire Attacks Only resisted if target has BOTH Fire and Ice Resistance, or Hero has Cold Fire Blocking.
Crystal Mine Awards +1 Mana Crystal of the indicated color if the Hero ends their Turn on the mine.
Cumbersome (Stone Boulder - LL) Due to this Enemy's lack of mobility during Combat, the Hero may
generate Movement to reduce the Damage dealt by this Enemy type.
Deep Mine (LL) Awards +1 Mana Crystal of any of the indicated colors if the Hero ends their turn on the mine.
Draconum (Dragon) Revealing causes 1 Red Token to be placed face up. Combat with Rampaging Enemies
may only be conducted from a space adjacent to this enemy type. Movement from one adjacent space to
another Provokes immediate Combat. Victory over Draconum gains +2 Reputation.
Dungeon (Stairs Down) Adventure Sites never impair Movement, but require a full Action to Explore.
Draw Brown Token upon exploration. Units cannot participate, and Night Rules apply. Encounters always end
with the enemy Token being discarded. First Victory awards Shield Token, and a Spell if Gold or Black is rolled otherwise an Artifact is awarded. Subsequent Explorations only award Fame for fighting Re-spawns.
Elusive (Faded Armor Icon - LL) The higher armor value listed as the faded value is always used, UNLESS
your Hero is successful in Blocking their Attack.

End of Round Announcement MAY be announced by Current Player if their Deed Deck is empty at the start
of their Turn, and MUST be announced if it is empty and they have no cards left in their hand. The Dummy
Player always announces End of Round if their Deed Deck is empty at the start of their turn. Announcing
End of Round forfeits your Turn, and allows all remaining players one more Turn before the Round actually ends.
Exploring New Tiles Costs 2 Movement. Additional Movement may be added to advance onto the new Tile.
Tiles must always be placed adjacent to 2 or more existing tiles if possible. If there are no more Tiles left in the
stacks, then additional Country Tiles may be pulled from the box first, followed by Core Tiles after those run out.
Fortified Enemies Are immune to Ranged Attacks during the Hero's Ranged Attack phase, and may only be
hit with Siege Attacks. Fortified Enemies in Fortified Locations are invulnerable to Ranged Attack phase
altogether. Note that Fortified status does NOT apply during the Player Main Attack phase.
Note: LL has UN-Fortified Enemies (Red X Fortification) which DO NOT benefit from Fortifications at all!
Healing May be performed anytime during your Turn EXCEPT during Combat. 1pt of Healing allows you to
Throw Away 1 Wound from your hand, or remove1 Wound from a Level 1 Unit. 2pts of Healing are needed to
remove 1 Wound from a Level 2 Unit, etc. 1pt of Healing may be bought for 3 Influence from any Village,
or for 2 Influence from any Monastary.
Influence Total = Influence + Reputation A Reputation of X means you cannot Interact with Locals AT ALL.
Interaction with Locals Counts as a Full Action, whereupon Unit Recruitment OR benefits from Villages,
Monasteries, Keeps, Mage Towers, and Cities may be procured. Remember that Reputation affects Influence!
Keeps Revealing causes 1 Grey Token to be revealed only when adjacent by Day. Assault rules for Fortified
locations apply. Victory awards Shield Token, and PRIVATE ownership (making them off-limits to other Players
unless attacked). Hero hand size is increased by 1 for EACH Keep owned, if the Hero is either adjacent to or
located with any one of their own Keeps. Only an owning Hero may Recruit Units in a Keep.
Mage Tower Revealing causes 1 Purple Token to be revealed only when adjacent by Day. Assault rules for
Fortified locations apply. Victory awards Shield Token and 1 Spell selected from the offer. Conquered Mage
Towers are PUBLIC, offering Unit Recruitment, and Spells at a cost of 7 Influence PLUS 1 Mana of same color
as the Spell being purchased. The Spell Offer is always refreshed afterward.
Magical Glade Heals 1 Wound from Hero's hand or Discard Pile if the Hero ends their turn on this space.
Note that Units may not be healed in this way! If the Hero starts their turn on the glade, they gain either 1 Gold
or 1 Black Mana Token for that Turn.
Mana Pool may only contain up to 3 matching crystals of any Basic Mana Color. Additional Mana gains
thereafter may only be gained as Mana Tokens.
Mana Source Must contain at least half Basic Mana Colors at the start of a new Round. Players may only use
one mana die from the source each Turn. The size of the source is always 2 plus the Number of Players.
Marauding Orcs (Sword) Revealing causes 1 Green Token to be placed face up. Combat with Rampaging
Enemies may only be conducted from a space adjacent to this enemy type. Movement from one adjacent space
to another Provokes immediate Combat. Victory over Marauding Orcs gains +1 Reputation.
Maze / Labyrinth (Numbers Shallow / Deep) Adventure Sites never impair Movement, but require a full
Action to Explore. To Explore, pay the indicated depth of Movement you wish to venture into the site beyond the
Movement required to get there. Draw 1 Brown / Red(Draconum) Token upon exploration. Only ONE Ready &
Unwounded Unit may participate. Encounters always end with the enemy Token being discarded. Victory awards
Shield Token, and in accordance with the depth ventured: 2 = 2 Mana Crystals of choice; 4 = Spell from the offer;
6 = Artifact. The Labyrinth awards an Advanced Action from the offer in addition to the Maze rewards just listed.
Monastery Revealing causes 1 Advanced Action to be added to the UNIT OFFER which may be purchased
for 6 Influence. Burning a Monastery loses you 3 Reputation, spawns a Purple Enemy in defense, but awards a
Shield Token and Artifact - but the Monastery is gone forever. Units may NOT participate in this heinous act.

Monster Den (1 Hole in Ground) Adventure Sites never impair Movement, but require a Full Action to
Explore. Draw Brown Token upon exploration. Units can participate, but only Victory causes enemy Tokens to be
discarded. Defeat causes both Hero and Enemies to remain. Victory awards Shield Token and 2 Mana Die rolls:
Black = 1 Fame, Gold = 1 Crystal of choice, otherwise Crystal indicated. No subsequent Explorations allowed.
Multiple Enemies May be defeated either individually, or combined as the player decides, with regard to the
Ranged or Regular Attack Phases. Their Attacks however be Blocked separately.
Multiple Enemy Attacks (LL) Must be Blocked separately.
Paralyzing Enemies (Stone Bust) VERY dangerous. Remove any Units they Wound from the game entirely,
or, if they Wound a Hero, that Hero Discards ALL Non-Wound cards from his current hand IMMEDIATELY.
Poison Enemies (Green Drop) Deal 1 ADDITIONAL Wound (added instead to your Discard pile) for every
Regular Wound they deal to your Hero, and 2 Wounds to any Units you assign Poison attack damage to!
Refreshing an Offer Means shifting all Cards in the offer down, with the Lowest Card being discarded, and a
new card revealed at the top of the Offer. Spell and Advanced Action Offers are refreshed whenever a card is
removed, but the Unit Offer only gets refreshed at End of Round.
Resistances HALVE Combat damage from damage sources of the matching color. Also, due to the powerful
nature of Fire and Ice Attacks, Physical Resistance is also only HALF as efficient against such damage. Where
Units are concerned, if a Unit is resistant to damage, then reduce that damage by the Unit's Defense FIRST. If
Damage still remains, assign the Unit a Wound, and reduce that damage YET AGAIN before proceeding on with
assigning the remaining Damage elsewhere as you may only assign damage to a Unit ONCE during Combat.
Refugee Camp (Colorful Tents - LL) This site that counts as ALL site types for the purpose of Recruiting
Units, but imposes additional costs: +3 Influence cost for City Units, +1 Influence cost for all other types of Units
except those that may be Recruited from Villages.
Rest (Standard Recover) Perform NO Movement, NO Actions, and Discard 1 Action to Discard ALL Wounds.
Rest (Slow Recovery) If you have ALL Wounds in your hand, you may Discard 1 Wound provided you
perform NO Movement and NO Actions this Turn. This condition is otherwise known as EXHAUSTION, and is
the ONLY time you may end your Turn without requiring you to Discard an Action Card.
Ruins (Rubble) Revealing causes Yellow Token to be placed face up by Day, face down by Night. Adventure
Sites never impair Movement, but require a Full Action to Explore. Ruins either contain an Altar, or Enemies. If
an Altar, pay the amount and color of Mana indicated in order to gain the Fame indicated, and mark the site with
a Shield Token. If Enemies, draw Tokens indicated upon exploration. Units can participate, but only Victory
causes enemy Tokens to be discarded. Defeat causes both Hero and Enemies to remain. Victory awards Shield
Token, and rewards indicated by the Yellow Token. No subsequent Explorations or Altar visits allowed.
Sideways Any Action Card may be played Sideways to provide 1 Move, 1 Physical Attack, 1 Physical Block,
or 1 Influence only not Ranged, or Siege, or any other effect. Wounds can never be played Sideways.
Skills with an Arrow on the Token are only used once per Round - other Skills may be used once per Turn.
Skills with an encircling arrow mean their effects persist until the start of that Hero's next Turn!
Spawning Grounds (Multiple Holes in Ground) Adventure Sites never impair Movement, but require a Full
Action to Explore. Draw 2 Brown Tokens upon Exploration, and BOTH must be defeated in a single Turn in order
to purge the grounds, and gain rewards of a Shield Token, an Artifact, and 3 rolls of a Mana Die: Black = 1 Fame,
Gold = 1 Crystal of choice, otherwise Crystal indicated. No subsequent Explorations allowed. Note that if
Combat fails and a single Enemy remains, a second Brown Token is spawned face down, and both remain.
Spell Offer - Refreshed whenever accessed. At End of Round, it is also Refreshed, with the Lowest spell's color
matched as a new crystal in the Dummy Player Mana Pool.The size of the Spell Offer is always 3 cards.

Special Actions (+ sign) May ALWAYS be performed at anytime during your turn
Summoner Enemies (Dungeon Icon) Are especially vulnerable to the Ranged Attack phase, as they do not
spawn their Brown Token champion until the Enemy Attack phase to deal damage. However, this champion does
not apply to the Player's Main Attack phase.
Swift Enemies (Bow & Arrow) Require you to Block TWICE as much of the damage they deal!
Tactics Determine Order of Play, starting with lowest number. New Tactics are selected at End of Round.
Tomb (Stone Doorway) Adventure Sites never impair Movement, but require a Full Action to Explore.
Draw Red Token upon entry. Units cannot participate, and Night Rules apply. Enemy Tokens are always
discarded at the end of the encounter. First Victory awards Shield Token, and a Spell if Gold or Black is rolled,
otherwise an Artifact is awarded. Subsequent Explorations award Fame only for fighting Re-spawns.
Units Wounded Units may not use their Abilities or take on additional Wounds until Healed. Unit Abilities may
only be activated once per Round, with these Spent Units being Readied at End of Round. Units regardless of
their state - may be freely disbanded and replaced with newly recruited Units. Elite Units come into play only
once a Core Tile has been revealed, and a new Unit Offer is being created. In this case, alternate Units dealt to
the offer, starting with Elite Units. Also note that Units may only be assigned damage once per combat
regardless of whether or not they actually took a Wound.
Unit: Magic Familiar (Purple Circle) (LL) Can ALSO be recruited from Magical Glades in addition to their
listed recruitment locations. One additional requirement of the Magic Familiar Unit is that you must pay an
upkeep cost of one basic Mana color at the start of each New Round in order to keep them.
Unit: Thugs & Heroes (Thumbs Up / Down) Reputation has the OPPOSITE effect on hiring Thug Units, and
TWICE the effect upon hiring Hero Units.
Unit Offer is NEVER Refreshed. Gets Replaced at End of Round with [# of units] = [# of players + 2];
along with a [# of Advanced Actions] = [# of Monastaries]; Elite Units are included only if a Core Tile lies
revealed, in which case Elite Units are alternated with Regular Units in the offer.
Village Villages are good for Recruiting Units, Healing for 3 Influence, or Plundering as the last step during the
End of Turn Sequence - which loses 1 Reputation, but awards 2 extra cards drawn from the Hero's Deed Deck.
Wall (LL) Cost 1 extra Movement to cross, and add Fortified status to any Enemy you choose to Fight or
Assault while there is a Wall intervening. As with regular Fortifications, Enemies already Fortified AND behind a
Wall are considered Doubly Fortified, and so gain complete immunity during the Hero's Ranged Attack phase.
Withdrawal At the End of their Turn, a Hero is required to vacate any space in which they are not the sole
occupant, at the rate of taking 1 Wound per space retreated until they can end their Withdrawal in a legal space.

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