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'A Garage Man Testing A Car's Battery With A Hydrometer.'


February 14, 2010


Dear All,

Apologies first of all for not getting out a blurb for last month's New Moon in
Capricorn, which took place on January 15 - and for this month's New Moon blurb
being rather longer than usual as a result.

Just before the New Moon in January, I was in Brisbane for the Federation of
Australian Astrologers biennial conference, and I was much caught up in the net of
the stars while there - to the degree that it was impossible to write about them with
any useful degree of clarity. There was so much going on!

There's certainly been a great deal of planetary activity of late and the energies have
not been subtle.

We have, for example, experienced the first two supermoons of three, in a row.

The term supermoon was coined by astrologer Richard Nolle. It is defined by him on
his website astropro.com, as " a perigee-syzygy, a new or full moon (syzygy) which
occurs when the Moon is at 90% or greater of its mean closest approach to Earth

When a supermoon occurs, the Moon can appear brighter and larger than usual
because of its relative closeness to the Earth.

Historically, supermoons have corresponded with the incidence of very severe

weather and seismic events. Hurricane Katrina in 2005 occurred days after a
supermoon and the Boxing Day Tsunami in 2004 took place midway between two

The two recent supermoons occurred on Dec 31 and Jan 30. The Haiti earthquake
took place midway between these two dates, on Jan 12. Almost perfectly coincident
with the Jan 30 supermoon, floods struck Peru. The Eastern seaboard of the US was
also blanketed by record snowstorms during this period.

As well as having an association with extreme weather events, in astrological terms,

supermoons correspond to times when the watery, psychic energies of the Moon are

The unconscious mind is particulary active, and so are emotions. There is a

heightened psychic atmosphere and a lot of deep unconscious forces are in play.

I'd like to share a personal anecdote about this.

Just after the FAA conference in Brisbane, but while I was still immersed in the
experience - and not long after the January 15 supermoon - I had a very watery
'disaster' dream. In the dream, I was wading in the shallows of a calm, beautiful

New Moon in Aquarius 2

tropical beach, while working on my laptop computer. Without warning, a tsunami

came from nowhere and swept me under, so that I was physically turned upside
down, span in every direction like a starfish, and was driven deep down by the force
of the water. I lost all spatial sense of which way was up. My computer was torn
from my grip. Eventually when the currents stopped tossing me around and the wave
passed, I bobbed to the surface and went looking for my laptop. I found both it and
the case floating nearby, undamaged except for cracked hinges in the lid.

When I came out of this dream, I felt thoroughly groggy and quite disoriented. It was
as if I had actually been through such an experience. The sense of this stayed with
me to some degree the whole time while I was in Brisbane - an inexplicable feeling
that things were changing for me in an elemental way over which I had no control,
and that I was stuck where I was, in the middle of a mysterious, unqualifiable psychic
process which was going to complete itself no matter what. My deep unconscious, in
symbolic form, was telling me something my conscious, rational mind couldn't.

I have no doubt, that as a Moon ruled Cancerian, I was under the powerful sway of
the supermoon energy.

Since returning home from the Brisbane conference to Melbourne, I have been
contemplating that experience of feeling 'out of my depth' and pulled every which way
by deep, elemental psychic forces which make a mockery of any conscious attempts
to control them.

Many of us can relate to that strange experience of getting knocked over and dragged
under by inexplicable waves of feeling, so that it is all we can do to hang on to who
and what we believe we are. When the surge passes, we scramble to whatever shore
we can find, and contemplate what's been washed up out of our emotional depths -
and also what has been lost. The structures we build in our lives can get washed
away by these psychic deluges without warning, and while this is happening, we have
no sense of which way is up.

The unexpected and hidden gift of such an experience is, that when we look around
finally and get our bearings, even though our psychic landscape may have changed,
we may also find things have been washed up onto the shore of consciousness which
we weren't aware of before, because they were deeply submerged.

So then, we pick our way along that new shore, beachcombing, seeing what we can
salvage, and sometimes finding unexpected treasures which inspire us to move
forward in a fresh way.

A New Moon is a very good time for finding signposts to direct us in moving forward,
as a New Moon is symbolic of all new beginnings.

At this New Moon in Aquarius, however, things are a bit jumbled and contradictory.
The psychic tide remains high with the supermoon energy, as there is still one more
supermoon to go in this series, on Feb 28. We're not going to dry out quite yet, and
there are a number of planetary indicators for this.

Neither are current planetary signposts necessarily pointing in the new direction we
think we'd like to go, even if we think we know what that might be.

This is because the other planets are continuing to make some high tension aspects,
and in the past month or so, there have been a number of planetary sign changes and
direction changes (retrogrades) in the mix as well.

This cumulative energy of hindrance is reflected in the Sabian symbol for this New
Moon: 'A Garage Man Testing A Car's Battery With A Hydrometer.' Keywords for this
degree symbol include 'testing our earthly vehicle for its roadworthiness, 'situations
which have boiled over and come to a stop', 'breakdowns and the need for repair'.

New Moon in Aquarius 3

There certainly has been cause for pause - whether we liked it, or not.

Mercury, which rules all forms of communication, turned direct and speedily moved on
through Capricorn and into Aquarius, taking us out of the holiday season and back to
the necessity of resolving a bigger pile of leftover business than usual, remaining from
last year.

The delays we experienced when it was retrograde may have been due to money
issues or differing perspectives as to what takes priority and who is in charge.

During January, Mercury was in tight aspect relationship with both the Sun (which
rules will) and Venus (values and relationship). Both Mercury and Venus began new
cycles by conjuncting the Sun in Capricorn, setting new phases in motion whose
intention is to manifest their planetary principles in a tangible way (Capricorn is an
earth sign).

However, it certainly was hot in the proverbial kitchen when these cycles began, one
on top of the other. In medieval astrology, there is a concept called combustion,
where, if a planet is within 8 degrees of the Sun, it is combust, or on fire, its energy is
compromised and it cannot function properly. The origins of this came about via
visual astronomy, as observers on Earth could not see a 'combust' planet because it
was obscured by the Sun's light. Symbolically, combustion came to represent a
planet's energy being 'burned' in some way.

In January, both Mercury and Venus were combust, and dialogues we had (Mercury)
about our needs and desires (Venus) and about what should get done and how and
who is in charge (Capricorn), had a tendency to become heated, while the real issues
became obscured and confused, especially while Mercury was also retrograde.

Capricorn's ruling planet, Saturn, also turned retrograde in the relationship sign of
Libra on January 13, while still in tight and tense square aspect to power planet Pluto
in Capricorn. This brought a stand off quality to matters which peaked on Jan 31,
when the square perfected.

During this period the red planet Mars, associated with assertion, drive and battles of
all sorts, moved towards its own perigee (or closest approach to the earth). Mars
turned retrograde on December 20, and since then there has been a greater than
usual level of frustration among us Earthlings, at not being able to move directly
forward with plans and projects in some area of our lives. This reached a peak when
Mars reached its perigee at the end of January, and made a very bright conjunction
with the supermoon of January 30.

Mars, while still very bright in the sky, is now fading back to its normal brightness as
it moves away from perigee. It is still retrograde - forcing what seems to be
backward steps when we'd rather be taking forward ones - and will turn direct on
March 10.

Jupiter, meanwhile, has also changed signs (on January 18) and moved into its
traditional sign of rulership, Pisces. In ancient Rome, Jupiter was known as the god of
thunder. In astrology, Jupiter is associated with blessings and bounty and business
matters, but also largesse which can turn extreme, especially when it comes to

Before Jupiter's sign change we did have rain in many parts of the country which have
suffered long drought, and there has been some flooding. Since then, in Melbourne,
we've had several substantial storms in a matter of weeks, we are being told it's been
the wettest summer in four years, the average rainfall for February has already been
reached, and that water restrictions may be eased if the falls continue. The farmers
are finally beginning to smile, and believe that the water situation may be improving

New Moon in Aquarius 4

at long last - belief and faith is another aspect of Jupiter's rulership.

At this New Moon in Aquarius, which takes place at 1:51pm on February 14 in

Melbourne, Jupiter is in conjunction with Venus. Venus moved from detached, airy
Aquarius to watery, emotional Pisces on Feb 11, and Pisces is its sign of exaltation. A
planet in exaltation is in its most fully developed expression, and when Venus moved
into Pisces, we experienced a shift from not really caring about something one way or
another and being very easy come easy go, to suddenly caring a great deal, far more
than what we might have been used to, and being very sensitive, perhaps even teary.

In traditional astrology, such a conjunction between Jupiter and Venus is one of the
most favourable aspects to have in a chart. Jupiter and Venus are known as the
greater and lesser benefics respectively and are associated with all kinds of blessings
and abundance. Jupiter bestows luck, opportunity and optimism, while Venus brings
grace and a strong desire to to connect with others emotionally. United, these two
are a prosperity, success and happiness magnet.

Occurring in combination with the New Moon and also at Chinese New Year, the
emphasis on new beginnings and new intentions to manifest what we desire, is
particularly strong.

However, giving a clearly defined and manifest expression to these energies is going
to take some effort, because Jupiter and Venus are in inconjunct aspect with both
Mars and Saturn. Mars, the action planet is still retrograde in Leo, the sign of creative
self expression - and Saturn, the planet of reality checks and limitations is still
retrograde in Libra, the relationship sign. Mars and Saturn themselves are in a
harmonious sextile relationship, but there is a strong tension between them and the
Jupiter/Venus conjunction, with the pressure being felt most strongly on the
Venus/Jupiter end as it is channeled through from Mars and Saturn. (This aspect
pattern of two inconjuncts with a sextile is known as a Yod or Finger of God.)

The tension in this yod pattern equates to the necessity for some sort of adjustment
between what we feel we want, and what needs to be done to honour what we want
and to have it. Getting what we want is one thing. Learning to live with it and within
it and to hold it, is quite another.

Our yearnings, whatever they are, might be on a bit of a collision course with our
actual circumstances at present. What we envision won't necessarily fit into the time,
space, energy we have available for it right now. We might have to drop some or all
of our fantasy about having everything we want right here and right now, and do
some more work, making more room in our lives for more of our true abundance to
manifest in time. We might have to be satisfied with continuing to do the work of
making ourselves ready to have what it is our souls really want.

In this New Moon chart, the planetoid Chiron, known as the Wounded Healer in the
astrological pantheon, is in exact conjunction with Neptune, planet of dreams and
ideals, and in very close conjunction to the Sun and Moon.

We might now also be bumping into some inexplicable feelings of woundedness as we

try and conceive of a new balance between what we envision and the demands of
manifest reality.

The dreams we have now are compelling, however dreams are not without their
suffering. Whenever we move towards bringing them down to earth, we also bring to
consciousness the memory of any past dreams which suffered disappointment and
which were not realised. Chiron's conjunction with the New Moon shows this
homeopathic principle of like curing like at powerful work. (Chiron rules homeopathy
as well as all forms of natural healing and medicine.)

We can't move forward with our dreams unless we acknowledge the pain we have

New Moon in Aquarius 5

around the ones which never came true. This New Moon - with its powerful emphasis
on the element of water and the sign of Pisces - is an excellent time to pay attention
to them and to do any kind of healing work. Whatever heightens your sense of
wellbeing, balance and integration, do it now because it will be particularly effective
and beneficial.

In paying attention to these old wounds of ours, we can develop the gift of being able
to move between psychic worlds which were previously separate for us.

As a celestial body, Chiron travels between the orbits of Saturn, the ruler of
limitations and Uranus, the planet of breaking rules. Chiron's symbolism is also that
of a maverick - one who is able to move between tradition and innovation according
to need and desire, while not being constrained by either.

Chiron and Neptune conjunct the New Moon this month is a signpost that if we pay
enough attention at this time, then whatever wound we have around having our
dreams come true, can and will transform into a key. This is a key which can open
the lock on a doorway into new ways of being which are inclusive, which honour all
aspects of the self, which are empowering, and able to clearly channel/manifest our
soul's desires.

The potential outcome of this process, if we surrender to it, is shown by the Sabian
symbol following that of the overheated car in the service garage. It is, 'An Ancient
Pottery Bowl Filled With Fresh Violets'. It is a symbol of renewal and reconnection;
one of the keywords of this symbol is 'Returning to ancient sources' while the flowers
themselves are simple, natural embodiments of freshness and purity, which honour
the the ancient vessel they are in.

May your stars bless you this month,


With thanks to Lynda Hill for the material in her book 'The Sabian Symbols As An Oracle'

29 902 114 770

**Astrology**Business Astrology**
Life Coaching ** NLP**

Mob 0434 330 548

Email starprintslc@gmail.com


spinning lamps in the sky
lighting my way

© Sandra Kozmits 2008


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