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Muhammad Mobin
Professor Moorhead
ENC 101@9:00am
08 July 2015
How to overcome cultural difference issues??
Everywhere in the world, small groups face the issue of cultural differences. Leslie Savan
states in her essay, Whats Black, Then White, and Said All Over? For example small black
groups have a large impact on white culture and society. Even Manuel Muoz states in his
article, Leave Your Name at the Border meaning that living in the U.S. requires blending into
another culture, rather than staying and following the cultural practices of your own group.
James Surowiecki expresses in his column, Committees, Juries, and Teams: The Columbia
Disaster and How small Groups Can Be Made to Work, the outcome of small groups and how
to reduce the risk of failed results because of their judgments. As individuals from different racial
groups work together, beliefs occasionally clash. Often we're not sensitive to the fact that these
cultural differences can cause miscommunication. When we do not appreciate each other we
sometimes respond in ways that can create an unproductive trust.
A Multicultural coalition includes two or more organizations working on an issue or a
mutual set of interrelated problems that they can't talk about on their own. The purpose is to bind
enough guidance and resources to have an impression on a topic beyond the understanding of
one individual alone. The existence of a union is usually shorter than the life of the compound
issue or topics it faces. When the issue is solved the association separates and the groups go their
separate ways.


A multicultural alliance is between small groups with followers included from different
cultural backgrounds (e.g., Native American Indian, white) or with aims or tasks oriented to
people with differing cultures (e.g., Asian-American). The cultural modification groups may
consist of ethnic custom, principles, civilizations, languages, history or racial arrogances. Any of
these cultural types can become obstacles in working together. Culture alone is one of the most
powerful forces in our world. It's vital to what we realize, how we perceive our world, and in
what way we prompt ourselves. As individuals from different racial groups work together, beliefs
occasionally clash.
In my view for a multicultural collaboration to be effective, the individual groups must
overcome differences to endorse a united effort. If we do not try to overcome the differences
miscommunication will be the final result. As Savan says in her essay The language of an
excluded people is repeated by the non-excluded in order to make themselves sound more
included.(436). She is also saying that when black culture was overwhelmed by white people
then black culture make its own way and the outcome was that white people start following black
Different skill levels and proficiency are required for collaboration; the collaboration may
not seem level at first. However as soon as you attempt to mix with other groups it will
automatically become a bridge towards better relationships. For example, University community
service, small group members like international students and large group members like local
American students were assigned to clean the ponds on the university grounds, if the members of
both groups do accept duties such as cleaning the dirt from pond, then misunderstanding would
not take place between them, everyone could achieve their common goal, to clean the pond.


A multicultural collaboration needs willpower to challenge old outlooks in new ways by

dragging in partners generally not involved. Even Manuel Muoz says in his article that My
stepfathers experience with the Anglicization of his nameAntonio to Tonyties into
something bigger than learning English. For him, the erasure of his name was about deference
and subservience. Becoming Tony gave him measure of access as he struggled to learn English
and get more fieldwork.(309).Even Muoz says about his stepfathers willpower to change his
name, only to reduce miscommunication, to change his identity to get him access to the
American society as a citizen. Small groups need certain tactics to reduce cultural differences,
otherwise they remained unaccepted by large groups.
The majority of the discovering that students do in university is extremely detached; they
are relied upon to sit back, tune in, assimilate, and review. Adapting effectively advances the
understudy in his or her learning process by opening the door for showing and figuring out what
to happen between associates. It results in good positive pressure on all individuals to achieve
common group goal. Even Surowiecki says in his column Instead of making people wiser,
being in a group can actually make them dumber (473). He also says what makes this
surprising is that one would think in a small group, one or two confused people could skew the
groups collective verdict in the wrong direction.(481). If possible, take in diverse groups at the
beginning, rather than later. This can confirm that your collaboration's progress reflects many
standpoints from the very beginning. It can also reduce real or superficial minimum effort,
overprotectiveness, and discrimination among the people who join later. It also supports each
member of the group to ensure about their ability to achieve certain goals, help to create linkage
between small group members and large groups members to achieve mutual goals. Thus it will
help to reduce miscommunication between groups, there will be a surplus trust between groups.


Culture and small groups are interlaced in three ways. To start with, diverse societies
have distinctive conceptualizations of small groups and the standards overseeing those
gatherings. In this way, small groups will likely share some similarities, yet display contrasts too.
Secondly, individual group members bring their own cultural backgrounds and practices with
them to a small group which will in itself display similarities and differences among its
associates. Third, every small group will build up its own particular unmistakable society, clear
in standards of association, dialect utilized, stories told, customs watched, and practices took
after. In spite of the fact that we can watch similitudes crosswise over small groups, we can
likewise watch contrasts established in the unique interaction of small group members
Deliberately give priority to collective diversity. Study all the different dimensions of diversity
when recognizing, choosing, and employing potential collaborative members. Set ground rules
that preserve a safe and cultivating atmosphere. Eventually it will increase trust between small
and large groups.
To satisfy small groups and to reduce the culture difference risk respecting the rights of
members of group to keep their own separatism if they wish to do so. When they agree their own
administrative perspective or stage of structural development, they may desire to work strictly on
that particular issue, rather than to link a multicultural teamwork. Try to start a relationship that
forges a stronger coalition in the future.
To reduce the difference between small groups, we dont only have to raise a voice for
them but also prove by action. For example Religious practice is one of the most important
issues which small groups face in every country. Minorities have always had some restriction for
their practices, for example, in the U.S.; Muslims could not deliver Azan on a loud speaker. In
Muslim countries delivering azan on a loud speaker is consider as a part of religion. If we want


to make the small groups happy we should become part of their religious festivals, enjoy in their
happiness and thus will gradually increase the trust between small group and the society.
Miscommunication is the major issue between two gatherings. At the point when
individuals don't give others a chance to say in regards to their way of life and they are judged on
what they think or feel, this will dependably make misconstruing conflict between two
gatherings. So correspondence is abundantly expected to know one another and to cooperate. It is
the base of making new relations outside our experience.
At the point when individuals are judged on their external signal this prompts separation.
Segregation is another enormous issue of Multiculturalism. There is age, sex, society and race
separation when there are numerous society living respectively. In any case, when individuals
know one another this kind of burden will decrease and a helpful workplace can be made. On the
odd chance that individuals don't see one another and they say numerous things in regards to
other then there are possibilities of uproars, war and numerous things which prompt decimation
of both the gatherings and prompts more conflict.
This distinctive society can never get along everlastingly due to diverse accept
framework yet they are as one and inviting everybody. This will make social differences in the
world. Social differences implies that the vicinity of an alternate society, conventions and ethnic
values inside of a group that accepts other groups views and framework. It changes the conduct
of individuals as they find out about new culture. The greater part of the understudies are getting
their degree in top world colleges with respect to culture, on the grounds that they believe that
social joint effort can roll out a nations improvement. Social assorted qualities dependably
brings new and imaginative thoughts regarding understanding society contrasts.


I feel that Multicultural joint effort is the most ideal approach to bring the diverse piece
of world under one shed so there is not so much clashes but rather more of helpful environment.
This helps individuals to live respectively and have no second thoughts against one another like
race, sex and religion.

Muoz, Manuel. Leave Your Name at the Border Emerging Contemporary Readings for
Writers. 2nd ed. Ed. Barclays Barrios. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martins, 2013. 307-315.

Savan, Leslie. Whats Black, Then White, and Said All Over? Emerging Contemporary
Readings for Writers. 2nd ed. Ed. Barclays Barrios. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martins, 2013. 434-451.

Surowieckis., James Committees, Juries, and Teams: The Columbia Disaster and How small
Groups Can Be Made to WorkEmerging Contemporary Readings for Writers. 2nd ed. Ed.
Barclays Barrios. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martins, 2013. 471-484.


Proofreading Check List

Original Error entire

Correction entire sentence

Grammar Rule

sentence copied & pasted in


copied & pasted in

Once the student receives

page # - Rule #
The antecedent of a pronoun is

Once the student receives

credit for the class there is no

the word the pronoun refers

credit for the class there is no

connection on how that can

to. A pronoun and its

connection on how that can

help her in the future.

antecedent agree when they

help them in the future.


are both singular or both

Once the students receive


credit for the class there is no

Page 30 - Rule #12a

connection on how that can


5 million people died during

help them in the future.

5 million people died during

Error of punctuation. Comma

partition of sub-continent only

partition of sub-continent,

page 57- Rule #17e

because of difference in their

only because of difference in

Whereas the concept of two-

their culture
Two-nation theory which

Error of Clarity. Untangle

nation theory which states that

concept state that Urdu should

mixed constructions. Page 9

Urdu should be our national

be our national language.

- Rule#6b

Pakistani cuisine is not only

Error of Clarity. Balance

Pakistani cuisine is not only

well-known but it is also

parallel ideas. Page 5Rule

well-known but it is also

delicious in taste. Whoever


delicious in taste , whoever

comes to Pakistan always

come to Pakistan always

remember Pakistani cuisine.

remember Pakistani cuisine.

The international student

The international student,

Error of Punctuation. The

move from his native country

move from his native country

comma Page 55Rule#17e

to another country.

to another country


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