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ver het aantal engelen bestaat veel onduidelijk. Zeker is echter wel dat het er heel veel zijn.

Hieronder volgen de belangrijkste op alfabetische volgorde. Ook is aangegeven wat hun functie
Achaa: engel van het geduld.
Adnachil: aanvoerder van de (bescherm)engelen.
Aftil: engel van de schemering.
Amatil: engel van de waarheid.
Anal: engel van het huwelijk.
Anani: afvallige engel.
Anpil: engel van de vogels.
Aral: engel van de vogels.
Aril: [leeuw van God] engel van de genezing; soms genoemd als volgeling van
Armisal: engel van de baarmoeder; engel van de bevalling.
Asda: engel van de voeding; engel van de hongersnood.
Azal: afvallige engel.
Azaril: engel van Neptunus; engel van donderdag; engel van de verbeeldingskracht
en mystiek.
Azral: engel van Pluto; engel van dinsdag; engel van voorzienigheid.
Barachil: aartsengel; de helper; engel van het toeval.
Baradil: heerser van de derde hemel.
Barbil: aanvoerder van de krachten.
Batral: afvallige engel.
Behemil: engel van de tamme dieren.
Cassil: engel van Saturnus; engel van zaterdag; heerser van de zevende hemel.
Cervil: aanvoerder van de vorsten.
Ezeqel: afvallige engel.
Fanul: engel van de hoop.
Gabril: [macht van God] aartsengel; de afgezant; engel van de geboorte en de
zwangerschap; engel van de dood; engel van de maan; engel van maandag; engel
van de aspiraties; engel van de dromen; engel van het water.
Gargatel: engel van de zomer.
Guabaral: engel van de herfst.
Haamiah: engel van de spirituele kennis; engel van het koor der machten.
Habil: engel van de overgave (aan de liefde).
Habuhiah: engel van de landbouw.
Hagil: [genade van God] engel van Venus; engel van vrijdag; heer van de krachten;
heer van de vorsten; engel van het huwelijk.
Hamalil: aanvoerder van de krachten.
Itqal: engel van de harmonie.
Jehudil: aartsengel; de vergelder
Jelial: engel van de hartstocht.
Kemul: engel van Mars; engel van dinsdag; aanvoerder van de machten; soms
genoemd als volgeling van Lucifer.
Kerubil: aanvoerder van de cherubijnen.
Lahabil: beschermer tegen het kwaad; staat onder rechtstreeks bevel van

aartsengel Michal.
Lahabil: engel van de bescherming.
Laila: engel van de conceptie; engel van de nacht.
Librabis: engel van de voorspoed.
Lucifer: [Lichtbrenger ,Morgenster] Afvallige aartsengel, aanvoerder van de duistere
machten; later ook wel de Duivel genoemd.
Maktil: engel van de bomen.
Malizian: engel van het gezichtsvermogen.
Mataril: engel van de regen.
Metatron: aanvoerder van de serafijnen.
Michal: [Wie is als God] Grootste aartsengel van het licht; de zegerijke;
aanvoerder van het leger Gods; weger van de zielen; heerser van de zesde en
zevende hemel; engel van de zon; engel van zondag; engel van het vuur.
Mir: engel van de vriendschap.
Moria: engel van de wind.
Naharil: engel van de stromingen.
Och: engel van de genezing.
Ofanil: aanvoerder van de cherubijnen.
Oril: engel van het lot.
Orifil: engel van de wildernis; aanvoerder van de tronen.
Raduril: engel van de zang.
Rafal: [God geneest] aartsengel; aanvoerder van de krachten; de genezer; engel
van de geneeskunst; engel van de kennis; engel van de wetenschap; engel van
Mercurius; engel van woensdag; engel van de dageraad; engel van de lucht; engel
van het reizen.
Rahab: engel van de zee.
Rahmil: engel van de mededogen.
Ramil: engel van de donder.
Ramul: afvallige engel.
Rehal: engel van de gezondheid.
Riddia: engel van de regen; engel van de droogte.
Risnuch: engel van de landbouw.
Rosjel: engel van de verloren voorwerpen.
Rubil: engel van het toeval.
Sabral: aanvoerder van de krachten.
Sachlop: engel van de planten.
Samsil: engel van het daglicht.
Sealtil: aartsengel; de biddende.
Semandiril: engel van de vruchtbaarheid.
Semeyaza: afvallige engel; een van de legeraanvoerders van Lucifer.
Serafil: engel van de vrede; aanvoerder van de serafijnen.
Shalgil: engel van de sneeuw
Sujel: engel van de aardbevingen.
Taharil: engel van de zuiverheid; engel van de kuisheid.
Temeluch: engel van de zwangerschap.
Teratel: engel van de vrijheid; aanvoerder van de overheden.

Tezalel: engel van de trouw.

Turil: engel van de wilde dieren.
Tzafkil: engel van de dood; aanvoerder van de tronen.
Urakib: afvallige engel.
Uril: [God is licht] aartsengel; de krachtige bondgenoot; engel van onheil;
beheerder van de sleutels van de hellepoort; engel van Uranus; engel van zaterdag;
engel van de aarde; engel van de donder.
Vasiaria: engel van de genade; engel van de gerechtigheid; engel van het koor der
Verchil: aanvoerder van de machten.
Yehudia: engel van het verlies (van een persoon).
Zacharil: engel van het geheugen; aanvoerder van de overheden; heerser van de
tweede hemel.
Zadkil: engel van Jupiter; engel van donderdag; heer van de vijfde hemel; heer van
de overheden; een van de belangrijkste legeraanvoerders van God; engel van de
genade; engel van de gerechtigheid.
Zafil: engel van de regen.
Zagzagul: engel van de goddelijke wetten.
Zahakil: heerser van de vierde hemel.
Zamil: engel van de orkanen.
Zaruch: engel van de kracht.
Zuflas: engel van de wouden.
Cassiel is

the ruling Prince of the Seventh Heaven who appears as the Angel of Temperance and
Prince of the Order of Powers. The Angel of Saturn is said to bind together the unity of the
Eternal Kingdom. Saturday, the day of the Sabbath, brings us together with the forces that
Charge the Angels of the Day to Power. The Birth of Creation then begins on Sunday. In Genesis,
all life begins within the mind of our God on Saturday, in darkness, where, on this day in rest, the
charge of thoughts and ideas for the coming week are planned. From this day, forces are unified
and organized for the new week when the Angels are charged to Power.
luck, and as such can become a source of our
good fortune. Cassiel is a patron Angel for the investor, stock broker, or gambler. Self-discipline
and temperance are the two sources of good fortune, or luck, and when they are lacking, bring
our sadness and anger.
Cassiel is the Angel ruling over games of chance and

Cassiel rules over the elements of Earth and salt and the metal lead. Our intentions on the days and
hours of Saturn should involve Penitence, Meditations, Maturity, Science, Investing or Business, Planning
and Crystallizing. Clothing worn should be wine, magenta, or black in color. Diamonds or black colored
jewelry should be worn. In order to be lucky, one must act lucky and bring "good luck" to all those around
him, for the benefit of all

Angel Aniel is considered to be Governor of the Second Heaven, Chief of Principalities, Prince

of Archangels and controller of Kingdoms, Love and Fertility, Pleasure and Health. This Angel
of Love rules over the Air and the Earth, and the metal copper. Love is the source of all intuition,
learning and knowledge, as well as pleasure and joy. We truly know only that which we first
love. Anael, as the Angel of Love, brings a secret knowledge and virtue to all those who love
others as themselves. Clothing worn on Friday should have green, pink, copper or rose as the
major color.
Our intentions on the days and hours of Venus will involve Love, Health, Romance, Fertility,
Beauty, Money, Jewelry, Cosmetics, Pleasure and Friendship. The tool of Friday is incense,
which is commonly burned through ritual or as an offering of Love to the Infinite unseen forces
around us. These forces will bring us all up together for the harmony of the World. If we will
forgive, we will be forgiven. Love and Peace, Bliss and Joy, Health and Harmony are yours for
the giving and taking on this day.

Angel Sachiel, which means "the covering of God," is of the order of the Cherubim, resident of
the First Heaven. The Angel of Thursday rules over wealth or affluence and charity, for there is
never one without the other. Sachiel is the Angel that uplifts us by guiding us to Wealth, Riches,
Dignities, and Goods of all kinds together with great tranquility of mind, for the benefit of all who
fear God and do his will. Sachiel rules over the air, earth, fire, and water. With this kind of Power, Sachiel
is the Patron of the powerful and affluent. One should dress in blue clothing wearing lapis, turquoise,
amethyst or some type of blue jewelry, tie or scarf. It is a good time to do affluent things or pursue plans
involving wealth building or Charity. Assured vision comes from oneness with our subconscious.
The tool of Thursday is "a helping hand." We must remember that by lending a helping hand to others
opens the way for us to be helped also. As we uplift others, so shall we be uplifted.
Our intentions on Thursday should involve Affluence, Charity, Home, Society, Money Making, and all that
which uplifts us and those around us.
and in any field of endeavor in the liberal arts or sciences. Raphael has the Caduceus, the medical
symbol, or healing hands as the tool to be used on Wednesday. One must remember that as we heal and
bring understanding to others we shall also be healed and ourselves become knowledgeable

Archangel Raphael, which means "the shining one who heals," was also an early Chaldean God who
came to be recognized by Jewish and Christian scholars as the Angel of Healing. This Ruler of the
Second Heaven was considered to be the Guardian of The Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. Raphaels
attributes are to bring us understanding, knowledge, chemistry, and medicine.
Raphael is one of the six great Angels of Repentance, Prayer, Love, Joy, and Light. This great Angel of
Mercury is the patron of the doctor, scientist, writer, and in any field of endeavor in the liberal arts or
sciences. Raphael has the Caduceus, the medical symbol, or healing hands as the tool to be used on
Wednesday. One must remember that as we heal and bring understanding to others we shall also be

healed and ourselves become knowledgeable.

Our intentions on the days and hours of Mercury should involve Wisdom, Knowledge, Psychic Power,
Healing, Communication, Creativity and Intuition. Colors for clothing should be mixed or purple/violet. An

opal or purple stone, or mixed colored jewelry should be worn. On this day, we usually find out what we
need to know about daily matters during the week. In order to understand Raphaels attributes of healing,
knowledge, and understanding we must first receive them and then give them to others, the Golden Rule.

(Sammael), Ruler of the Fifth Heaven, has been regarded as one of the greatest and one of the most
dreaded Angels operating in Heaven. Samael represents the severity of God, but also the power to
achieve Victory over Adversity and Adversaries through Virtue with great Power. Hence, this Angel should
be a Patron to all those who do battle on the battlefield, in the courtroom, and in all occupations of Law,
Politics, Government and the Military. Samael was regarded as the serpent who tempted Eve in the
Garden of Eden, drawing to himself the position and distinction as Chief of Satans.
By the very nature of Mars, its days and hours, our intentions will involve Romance, Health, War, Passion,
Law, Power, Force and Courage. The forces of empowerment and protection in all partnerships, in our
Bodies, and marriages are activated by this Angel. Clothing, the home and furniture as protective forces
should also be considered on Tuesdays along with proper exercise and nutrition to attain good health. A
color of Red should be worn this day with ruby, garnet or red jewelry of some kind. The tool of Mars is the
sword, gavel, or pointer, and commonly finds its place in many daily rituals and functions.

Thousands of years before the revelations of Copernicus, the Ancients realized that our Sun is at the
Center, and is the source of all being and existence, - where we come from, and where we will go back to.
The Archangel Michael was worshipped as an early Chaldean god and has come to be recognized by
Jewish, Christian and Islamic scholars as the Chief of the Order of Virtue, Chief of Archangels, Prince of
the Presence, and Angel of Repentance, Righteousness, Mercy and Satisfaction. This great ruler of the
Fourth Heaven came to be considered as the Angel of Sunday, the day of the Sun. Michael serves us as
the Angel of the Day when life on earth began. Sunday, is the beginning of the week and the day to be
thankful for the beginning of our creation and for freedom from all the fetters that hath bound us in the
past. The Earths source from the Sun is now believed by science, but was originally a virtue of Ancient
Occult Wisdom, and its talents.
Our intentions on the day and hours of the Sun should involve attaining Radiant Health, Wealth,
Righteousness, Success, Jewels, Creativity, and Illuminations, for ourselves and our neighbor. At our
place of worship and in our homes we commonly light candles as tools of our faith on this day. Yellow,
Gold or Orange colors should be worn with gold Jewelry on this day. Righteousness and Success should
be kept in mind throughout the day while allowing creativity and illumination to lift all adversity from us breaking the bonds that keep us from entering the pathway leading into great Affluence and Happiness.

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