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"Ring the Bells ...

let the whole world know"

News from George and Vera BaJenskI


Dear Christian Friends,


From the distant land of Poland, we greet you in the wonderfui name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Many things
have occurred since we last visited you by our September letter.
Some of these events were pleasant and joyous, others were

not so pleasant.

By God's grace, we are presently doing well and rejoicing

in the Lord, while doing his work. Since our arrival in Poland
last summer, we have spent much of our time with friends from

the USA who were visiting us here.

They were such a great

blessing to all of us in the services, in camp and during private

fellowship. We also spent a good portion of our time in theapartment, trying to tidy things up by doing some plumbing, wiring
and other necessary jobs. This, at least, provided us with necessities for our home. Furthermore, every Sunday I was visiting
and serving either in the local Warsaw church or in churches of
other cities or villages.
Things were going very nicely toward
autumn when suddenly we experienced great

sorrow. Unexpectedly, my father, who was very

active during the summer mohtiis in youth


camps in administrative matters, was paralized

on the right side. This made him helpless and

went, .to be

was a

our fam-

to our


My father became a

to be


this time, therefore, could attend the funeral,

for you see, when mother died some years ago,
J_was in the USA. TheLord gives"and"He takesI
Praise be unto His name!
Now, allow me to say a few words about
the camp property which was purchased last
year with the aid of many American Christians.
This property was very badly needed for our

future work among the young people.

In the

greetings and news via cassette

repair work which has to be made on an old barn and
house on the land. Many brethren and young people
are anxiously awaiting the spring during which time
they want to expend their energy by working at the

Now, concerning otherpleasantthings, in January we

past, camp time with the children and young

were unexpectedly visited by our father, John K. Huk.^

people in Poland was a blessed time. As a

direct resultof this activity, many young people

He came to see us without a single word of announcement and spept. ten days _with us. We were so glad to

were led to accept Christ and all were strengthened in their faith. There is still a good amount
to be paid on the property. Moreover, other
expenses are still outstanding, such as the

visit some churches in Warsaw with him. In our travels together we visited Bro. K. Jakoniuk and his church
in Bielsk-Podlaskl. Both Vera and 1 were so very happy
to see papa and to talk with him about many thingsin

expenses connected with the construction and

our work.

We sincerely appreciate your prayers on our behalf

in our work in Poland. For this we thank you from the
bottom of our hearts. We surely agree with Samuel who

once said:

"Ebenezer, hitherto hath the Lord helped

us" I Sam. 7:12.

In Christ and His service,

Vera and George Bajenski

P.S.Here are a few words from John K. Huk, Vera's father:

Since I was in Vienna in January of this year, fulfilling some
work for Toronto Christian Mission, I decided to visit Warsaw. It was

so good to see Vera and George. We had fellowship together with

them, as well as with many other brethren in several places. I

was really impressed by their work for the Lord. Vera's adjustment
to the new country and new language is coming along fine. They are
very happy in their work. John K. Huk

Winter Youth Camp Activities


Balance on hand Feb. 1, 1971

Receipts Feb. 1,1971 -March 1.1972

Living Link to George & Vera



March 1, 1971 -March 1,1972

12 mos. @ $600


Travel to arrive on field


Amt. used to (1) purchase equipment

(2) establish mission

Less Total Disbursements


(3) establish camp work

Total sent for camp work

Balance on Hand March 10

$ 1,755

U.S. Expenses
Printing, postage
Car lease for George & Vera
when traveling to churches in U.S.
Bank service charges

Emergency dental expenseGeor^



Total Disbursements

Lincoln Christian Church

Bulk Rate: Non-Profit


Box 147


Lincoln, Illinois 62656

Permit No. 1 48

Lincoln, II linols

Mission SorvicGS
Bo:^ 177


KciTiptDH, Ind.


The Christian Mission, Vol. 16, No. 8, August 1972

Page 13



In February 1972 a letter was

received for publishing in

Horizons as follows:

Christ, for conferences, special

courses, conventions, etc.

Brother Desmond Tease, minis

Dear Brothers and Sisters in

Christian Service Camps in
U.S. are one of the greatest
blessings to our churches. In
those camps thousands of young
souls are reached for Christ
and hundreds dedicate their lives

for specialized service.

With God's help we were able

to start this very important
ministry in Poland after the
return of Kostek Jakoniuk and

George Bajenski from U.S. Each

year hundreds of young people
come for two or three weeks to

learn about Jesus. Each year

many souls accept Christ. But
each year we had to rent facil

ities in different places, pay

ing a high price.
But this is just the begin
ning. In order to meet the re
quirements of the government

and to attract youth, we must

have more than just grounds.

t e r of the First Christian Church

in Tallahassee, Fla. visited Po

land in 1971 dJid was impressed

very much with the work in Po

land and the need for the camp
and here are his words:

"I have seen the camp ground

in Poland, and when I was there
this past July I was excited
over the wonderful addition to

the work the camp will become.

Our people NEED a place such as
this where our young folk can
go for their summer conference
and camp, where the ministers
can gather for refresher courses,
where there can be expansion in
the form of additional accommo
dations for our Christian old
folk. Whatever the Christians

of this country can contribute,

sacrificially if necessary, i t
will be a tremendous blessing
to our wonderful Polish breth
ren i n Christ."


Desmond Tease, Minister

After much time spent in

prayer and consideration, it
was decided to purchase our
own grounds and in March 1971

First Christian Church

Tallahassee, Fla.
From Max and Gladys Randall:

we were able to purchase 12

acres of land with some build

ings for S3,000. It was the

Lord's answer.

Lately I received letters

from our preachers, especially

from George and Kostek who beg
for $10,000 in order to erect
buildings and to be able to
start a youth program in the
summer of this year.


Randall and I

were in

Poland almost six weeks during

the summer of 1971- Two weeks of
that time were spent in Christian
Service Camps in which a total
of 190 young people were in at
tendance. The churches of Christ
in Poland can boast of as fine

For $10,000 they will be

able to build a kitchen, dor

young people as any in the

church anywhere. They love the
Lord Jesus and long to worship
Him and serve Him, and they are
willing to sacrifice and suffer

mitories , a chapel and recrea


tional facilities.

"Their facilities for youth

camp have, so far, been very
poor. The two camps we attended
met in church buildings without

The facilities will serve not

only for camp purposes but also

for training new workers for



Page 14

The Christian Mission, Vol. 16, No. 8, August 1972

(continued from previous page)

adequate sanitation and accommo^
dation and with no recreation

facilities. Better things, however,

are in store for the future.

Near the city of Ostroda in

Northern Poland the churches have

recently purchased an attractive

and adequate campsite - actually

a small farm with a reasonably
good farm house and barn along a
small lake.

Considerable work will

have to be done, but it will make

an excellent camp.
To make the campsite useable,
however, considerable investment
must be made. We know many of the
young people and love them. We have
been personally at the camp site
and know of its potential. To build
the camp at Ostroda is a worthy
Max and Gladys Randall

Contributions to the camp in

Poland should be sent to

P.O. Box 629

Bel Air, MD


with the note: Designated to

Christian Service Camp.

Q?]ie Clrristian Mission, Vol. 16, No. 8, August 1972




"Ring the bells. Ring the"bells, let the whole world know."
George Bajenski, native of Poland,
son of Paul Bajenski, one of the
pioneers and leaders of the res
toration movement, made that song
popular among the Christian pop
ulation in the U.S. His inspir

ing messages in song and sermon

to the youth of the U.S. brought
the needs of the Polish churches
to the hearts of the Christians

Christ Jesus."

Out Christian congregation in

Warsaw asks for our prayers.

They ask the question, "George,

are there any good fundamental
Christian preachers who could
possibly come at this time to
preach for us."We would also
use him in other area churches."

This is a real need and oppor

tunity! God is opening doors

here. He came to this country

to study for the ministry and

where doors were closed for a

to prepare for his return to

long time.

Poland to witness and teach

the Word and to use his tre

mendous God-given talent for

the Lord.


The brethren in Poland wrote

that they were already making

plans for George's return. They
reported that the work of the


News was received from the

young people and their sponsors,

Kostik, Lonek and Paul's sister.
Donna who wrote of their great
program last summer, especially
of their camp activities held in
two different places. Fourteen
young people gave their lives to

Christian churches in Poland

Jesus as a

was really progressing in the

cities as well as the villages.
In August George's father, along
with a group of young people and
and few older Christians, spent
some time in. a small village
where the New Testament message
had not been preached for more
than thirty years. There was
no established congregation
there, but on the invitation
of some good people, farmers
mostly, they were able to arrange
meetings there. His father wrote
George, "The whole village came.
There were young and old present.
Bome were laughing at the mes

camptactivity. Altogether about

110 youth attended all five weeks
of the camp's teaching and fel
lowship. Because of this type
of program the local congrega
tions have stronger and more

sages but many were crying and inviting the Christians to come
again with their Gospel and
with Christian music. There is
a need in Poland for more evan

gelists and preachers who are


who would be willing to go and

make personal contact with those
people to show them the life in

dedicated, doctrinally correct,

fully committed to the Lord and

result of the summer's

active members.

Favorable com

ments were made of the groups of

students from Lincoln Christian

College and other Christians

that visited Poland last suimner
with the Toronto Christian Mis

sion tour. The only real com

plaint was that the tour wasn't

long enough; that there just

wasn't enough time for all the
needed teaching, preaching and
fellowship. When Brother A1
Hamilton was present in Poland
for two very important weeks of
preaching, and teaching, he
spread enthusiasm and life and

helped set the camp program on

a high spiritual level. Every
one loved him and the message

Page 10

The Christian Mission, Vol. 16, No. 8, August 1972

(continued from previous page)

he had to proclaim. Thank God for
men with vision. Now as summer is

ended, plans are being made for a

winter camp in the Polish mountain



In February 1971, George Bagenski

and his wife, Vera established an
Independent Mission program with a
personal forwarding agent. Lincoln
Christian Church is now home base.

Here he was a student member during

college days at Lincoln Christian
College and was ordained as a min
ister. Jim Emerson is now forward

ing agent for the


P.O. Box 147

Lincoln, IL 62656
On Nov. 27, 1971 George received
the sad news that his father, faith
ful minister, pioneer and leader of

the Restoration Movement in Poland,

had gone to meet his Lord and Saviour.

Today his son, George Bajenski,

' ^

carries on the work with the support

and prayers of Christian friends in
the United States.

The Christian-Mission, Vol. 16, No. 8, August 1972


Page 11



Boleslaw Winnik, producer of

the Polish language program
broadcast over Radio Monaco,
t e l l s us that he had received

of Christ in Baltimore and

a l l Christians and ministers
in the brotherhood in America.
In the name of our ministers
of the Churches of Christ I

word that young people hearing

the program in Iron Curtain
countries are recording it so
that they may "pass it on."

express our sincere thanks for

your care of us and our work

(Listen, Oct. 1971)

great and it is hard to describe

how much effort you invested in

Polish broadcaster, Boleslaw

Winnik, sent this news, "I thank
God for your work and I am happy
that I

can be co-worker in this

^eat ministry. Radio is very

important to reach people for
Christ in most parts of the
world. I see from our ministry
it's importance. Many people
write to us from Europe and how
good i t is to know that because
of this ministry many people
accept Christ as personal

the Lord.

Your actual con

tribution toward our work i s

our work. Xou did much and we

see the fruits of this work across

the land as we saw it during our

50^^^ Anniversary in Poland. We
saw i t in the dedication of a

new sanctuary in Bial, in Youth

Camp, in our baptismal services
and in our worship services. All
brethren are very happy and
thank God for you and your coworkers.



One listener writes, " I do

not know why, but I must write
to you because I feel a special
sympathy to you. I like your
broadcasts very much, especially
the Word of God which is pre
sented in such a


wonderful and

clear way. Many of your mes

sages and beautiful songs I put
on tape. I would like to ask you
to send me "Life of Christ Vis
ualized" which I would like to

use and give to others."

A.K. (A Roman Catholic priest)

Brother Winnik says, "I
prepare each program prayerfully
and with great care and effort.
We try to do the best and the
Lord is helping. I would like
to ask you to pray that our

radio ministry will reach many

more for Christ."


Dear Bro. Bajko, I greet you

and your family in the name of
our Lord. Please also greet from
us Bro. Winnik and the Church

"I am a

faithful reader of the

Polish magazine 'Drogowskaz.'

I treasure and love this maga
zine because there are not

many magazines in the Polish

language, and they are needed
so badly for each Christian
as well as other people. I
would like to have my part in
this magazine by writing short
articles from my observation
and experience in my life
which can help others in fol
lowing Jesus."
Yours in Christ, M.D.


"Dear Priend, Thank you very
much for the Polish Christian

magazine. I trust you will send

i t to me regularly. In the
neighboring parish I saw your
beautiful songbook. I like
those songs vBry much. Please
send me several copies, so I
can teach my people to sing
such great religious heart-

Page 12

Tlie Christian Mission, Vol. 16, No. 8, August 1972

(continued from previous page)

searching songs. I listen to your
"broadcast faithfully and thank you
very much for the great messages
from God's Word. May God "bless you
"I want to congratulate you on
the establishing of Center for
Evangelism in Austria. Our old
continent is full of churches,
church organizations and church
missions, but we need more evan
gelism now than any other continent.
I am sure that your center will not
do the whole work of evangelism in
Europe, this work needs a lot of
people and means, but I am sure
also, that it might be, and will
be, a great contribution to that
holy endeavor.
"I have one suggestion more
concerning the work of center of
evangelism. I

think i t would be

better if you, I mean the center,

invite sometimes other yoimg peo
ple besides Churches of Christ.
It: will enrich the fellowship and
help for some other Christian
groups in Poland and Europe.

"I shall be very glad to visit

"Vienna someday and I want to
express my gratitude to you in

remember s t i l l our

talks. (Report from Toronto)

Ring the Bells ... let the whole world know"

News from George and Vera BaJenskI


Dear Christian Friends,

We greet you in the Name of our Newborn Saviour. This is the time of year when our personal
wish is to be with family and friends. Since we are so many thousands of miles apart we have
to be content with a short letter to all of our friends in the U.S. and Canada. We are both well

and after an extremely busy summer (as reported in our last newsletter) we are well into our
routine of local church activities' in Warsaw. Regular services, special services, conferences,
choir activities and visitation tohomesand outlying areas are all a part of our everyday activ

ities and programme. Our wish from the heart is to thank you all for your prayers, loyal support
and love, without which it would be impossible for us to carry on. Christmas wishes and God's
blessing for the coming New Year. We remain.
In Christ and His Service,

Vera and George Bajenski

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