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23 Loading Methods for Effective Set and Rep Schemes

Ashley Jones

For a number of months now I have been asked by various people to detail some of my loading methods. Without further
ado, here they are in no particular order of importance or significance. I would love to build on this list, so if you have any
protocols that you have seen or used to good effect, please do not hesitate to write in and let us all know about them. I
am a collector. I am unsure as to the majority of original contributors for this list, but having all of them with various
athletes over the years, I can guarantee you one thing: they work if you will.

Rest Pause Style. 5 4 3 2 1 extended set. 15 seconds rest between each set start with a weight which is
approximately 80% of maximum and stay with the same weight through the set. Perform three to five sets with a two to
three minute rest between extended sets.


Drop Set Breakdown Style. 6 12 25 extended set. Minimal rest between each set start with a load of
approximately 75% and decrease by 10 15% each set. Perform two to three sets with a two to three minute rest
between extended sets.


Wave Loading Style. Near maximal weights used. Perform three sets with a 60 90 seconds rest between each
set in a 3, 2, 1 fashion loading approximately 90%, 95%, 97.5%. Then after a two to three minute rest repeat procedure
with a 2.5- 5% loading increase. This can be done for two to three waves.


Wave Loading Style. Near maximal weights used. Perform three sets with a 60 90 seconds rest between each
set in a 5, 3, 1 fashion loading approximately 80%, 90%, 97.5%. Then after a two to three minute rest, repeat procedure
with a 2.5- 5% loading increase. This can be done for two to three waves.


Wave Loading Style. Sub maximal weights used. Perform three sets with a 60 90 seconds rest between each
set in a 7, 5, 3 fashion loading approximately 70%, 80%, 90% . Then after a two to three minute rest repeat procedure
with a 2.5- 5% loading increase. This can be done for two waves.


Contrast Loading Style. 6/1, 6/1, 6/1. Perform three groups each with a 90 second rest between each set,
around 80% for six reps then above 95% for one rep, repeating the procedure three times and increasing the load by 2.5
5% each set.


Compound and Plyometric (Contrast) Style. Perform a set with a specific loading above 80%. Then with minimal
rest, perform a plyometric exercise for the same group of muscles. For example, band bench press for five reps then
clap chest push ups for five reps, then rest 90 seconds before next set.


Straight Sets Loading Style. Perform all sets for a given exercise before moving onto the next exercise. For
Box Squat
6 @ 100kg, then 5 @ 120kg then 4 @ 140kg. This can be done over a 3-week block where the subsequent weeks take
the loading down to a heavy double or single:
Week 1 - 6, 5, 4, 4
Week 2 5, 4, 3, 3
Week 3 4, 3, 2, 2


Complex Style. Using the beastly complex as an example: Six exercises performed without putting the bar down
between any of the movements for the duration of the complex set. Perform six reps on each of the six movements and
perform six rotations through with a set rest decreasing over time between each complex.
Beastly Complex 666
Power Snatch from Floor
Overhead Squat

Push Press Behind Neck

Combo Good Morning
Jump Squats
Romanian Dead Lift
10. Strength Drop Set Style. 23 RM loading. Rest 15 seconds drop weight by 5% perform as many reps as you can
keep dropping load and perform one rep until six total reps are performed.
11. Cluster Sets Style. Using 85% - 100% sets of two to six reps using an intra set rest period of 15 seconds perform the
required number of reps for each set. Can use up to eight sets, with a two-minute rest between sets.
12. Rest Pause Style. Can be a single, double or triple drop method to achieve the desired number of reps for the zone.
Decide which zone you need to work in to achieve the desired results, select from one of the following zones:
Zone 1: 13 reps
Zone 2: 46 reps
Zone 3: 68 reps
Zone 4: 812 reps
Zone 5: 1215 reps
Perform a set with set load then rest 15 seconds reduce weight by 10%25% and perform as many reps as you can to
failure repeat process until you complete the required number of reps for the zone you are working in.
13. Super-Set Style. Two exercises for the same or opposite group of muscles performed with a minimal rest <15
seconds between each movement. A pre-fatigue super set is where you perform an isolation exercise before performing
a compound movement, for example DB lateral raises before shoulder presses.
14. Tri-Set Style. Where three exercises for the same body part are performed with minimal (<15 seconds) rest between
each exercise. For example, three-way DB shoulder raise (plate front raise, DB lateral raise, cable bent-over raise).
15. Specific Number of Reps Style. Usually performed with body weight exercises, perform the required number of reps
on a given exercise in as few as sets of possible or in a set time. For example, 50 chins in no certain number of sets.
16. Westside Style. No explanation needed, simply one of the best ever.
17. Rule of 24 Style. A method utilizing a combination of sets and reps equaling 24 total reps, selecting the desired result
be it maximal strength, speed strength, size or endurance.
24 x 1, 12 x 2, 8 x 3, 6 x 4, 4 x 6, 3 x 8, 2 x 12, 1 x 24
18. Cluster Protocols. 4 x 6 either changing each week for a four week period or using a different method for each of four
total sets of six in one workout:
4 x 6 straight style with no rest in between each rep
4 x 3/3 3 reps rest 10 seconds then perform a further 3 reps
4 x 2/2/2 15 seconds rest in between each block of 2 reps
4 x 1/1/1/1/1/1 20 seconds rest between each single rep
Thornley Variation:
4 x 3/2/1 3 reps, add weight, rest 10 seconds, 2 reps, add weight, rest 15 seconds, 1 rep.

19. Accentuated Eccentric. 36 sets x 1. 6 reps at 80+% 1RM with a four to six second eccentric component
20. Mechanical Advantage
Style 1: Weight is kept constant for the complete set but the angle or the exercise changes. For example: High Incline DB
Bench Press/Medium Incline DB Press/Low or Flat DB Bench Press or Overhead Squat/Front Squat/Back Squat or
Incline Bench/Flat Bench or Front Squat/Back Squat. 36 sets x 36 reps on each angle or exercise.
Style 2: Same weight is maintained but resistance is changed by either adding assistance with bands or removing
resistance via bands or chains or weight releasers. For example: Back Squat + Band Assisted Back Squat, Chain Bench
Press + Bench Press. 36 sets x 36 reps on each movement.
21. Three-Week Wave Load
Week 1: 2 x (6,5,4) @ (75%,80%, 85%)
Week 2: 2 x (5,4,3) @ (80%, 85%, 90%)
Week 3: 2 x (4,3,2) @ (85%, 90%, 95%)
Week 1: 2 x (12, 10, 8)
Week 2: 2 x (10, 8, 6)
Week 3: 2 x (8, 6, 4)
Second wave on both styles of training increase weights slightly, ideally using fractional plates to ensure you are lifting a
small increase on each of the sets.
22. 30s Style. Select a weight to be used that allows you to get out a 68 repetition maximum on the first set, then rest
no more than 30 seconds and perform next set for as many reps as you can manage. Continue on in this manner until all
30 reps have been completed.
23. Ladder. Perform 1 rep, rest 10 15 seconds only, then perform 2 reps. Continue in this style until you have
performed a final set of 10 reps (you will have performed a total of 55 reps).

Protocols that I use regularly when a certain number of sets is required for the exercise in a priority listing such as the
Joe Kenn Tier System.
6 Sets
Three-Week Wave Load Cycle
Week 1 2 x (6/5/4), Week 2 2 x (5/4/3), Week 3- 2 x (4/3/2)
5 Sets
Three-Week Strength Cycle:
Week 1 5 x 5, Week 2 2 x 5, 3 x 3, Week 3 5/4/3/2/1
4 Sets

4 x 6 Cluster Cycle:
Week 1 4 x 3/3 20 seconds rest, Week 2 4 x 2/2/2 20 seconds rest, Week 3 4 x 3/2/1 20 seconds rest
4 x 6 Reverse Pyramid: Decrease weight on each set
3 Sets
Three-Week Strength Cycle (modified):
Week 1 3 x 5, Week 2 3 x 3, Week 3 5/3/1
Three-Week Size Cycle:
Week 1 12/10/8, Week 2 10/8/6, Week 3 8/6/4
3 x 8 Pyramid: Increase weight on each set
2 Sets
2 x 12 Plateau Load: Maintain the same weight for both sets



Box Squat (CT method)

Rack Dead Lift (three-week strength progression)

60-degree Incline Bench Press s/s Chins (palm facing you) (30s method)

Seated DB Shoulder Press s/s KB Renegade Row (three-week size progression)


Sprinters Squat (three-week strength progression)

Block Clean Pulls (CT method)

Standing Military Press s/s Towel Chins (30s method)

Close Grip Bench Bar Press s/s Prone Row (Ladder method)

Double Step Ups (three-week strength progression)

Romanian Dead Lift (three-week strength progression)

30-degree Incline Bench Press s/s DB One Arm Row (30s method)

Push Press with Thick Bar s/s Weighted Chins (palms facing wall) (three-week strength progression)



Overhead Pressing Complex

Military Press/Push Press/Push Jerk/Split Jerk

4 x 1/1/1/1 (use same weight)

60-degree Incline DB Press (30s method)

30-degree Incline Cable Flyes (Rule of 24 method)

Close Grip Bench Bar Press (three-week strength progression)


One Arm DB Power Snatch (CT method)

Block Cleans (Rule of 24 method)

Double Step ups (three-week strength progression)

Chins (30s method)

Bent Over Row (CT method)


Incline Bench Press (three-week strength progression)

Seated DB Shoulder Press (30s method)

DB Flat Bench Press (ladder method)

Seated DB Lateral Raise (three-week size progression)


Box Squat (Rule of 24 method)

Rack Deadlift (CT method)

Weighted Chins (three-week strength progression)

Start with a weight that is about 6RM, then go to failure with that weigh. Rest 30 seconds only and try and get as many
reps as you can each time, resting only 30 seconds between sets until you have completed 30 reps total.

Based on 24 method with a twist:
Week 1: 4 x 6
Week 2: 4 x (3/3) with 15 20 seconds intra set rest
Week 3: 4 x (2/2/2) with 20 30 seconds intra set rest
Week 4: 4 x (3/2/1) with 30 40 seconds intra set rest (increase weight slightly within the set)
Week 5: 4 x (1/1/1/1/1/1) with 30 45 second intra-set rest

Use a set and rep combination that adds up to a volume of 24 reps for that exercise:
1 x 24, 2 x 12, 3 x 8, 4 x 6 (more for size/endurance)
6 x 4, 8 x 3, 12 x 2, 24 x 1 (more for strength/power)
Three-Week Strength Progression or Progressive Wave Load
Week 1: 6/5/4/4 or 2 x (6/5/4)
Week 2: 5/4/3/3 or 2 x (5/4/3)
Week 3: 4/3/2/2 or 2 x (4/3/2)
Three-Week Size Progression or Progressive Wave Load

Week 1: 15/12/10/10 or 2 x (15/12/10)

Week 2: 12/10/8/8 or 2 x (12/10/8)

Week 3: 10/8/6/6 or 2 x (10/8/6)

Perform 1 rep, rest 10 15 seconds only, then perform 2 reps. Continue in this style until you have performed a final set
of 10 reps (you will have performed a total of 55 reps).
Selection of Programs Using A Selection of the Methods Listed

Rule of 24 Maximal Strength and Power Program



Olympic Snatch

Safety Bar 30-centimeter Box Squat (three-week progression: 6/5/4/4, 5/4/3/3, 4/3/2/2)

Thick Bar Zercher Lift and Squat (five progressively heavier singles)


Power Snatch + Push Press Behind Neck

Power Snatch + Snatch Balance

Power Snatch + Over Head Squat

Use a variety of sets and reps. Could be 1 PS + 1 each of the others, or as written above, but 3 bars set up with
different weights and do the three doubles with 10 - 15 seconds rest between each, then 3 minutes between sets, or treat
each double as a separate exercise)

Military Press (three-week progression - 6/5/4/4, 5/4/3/3, 4/3/2/2)


Clean & Jerk

Cambered Bar 45-centimeter Box Squat (three-week progression: 6/5/4/4, 5/4/3/3, 4/3/2/2)

Rollouts (weighted or unweighted, change each session)


Barski Cleans (three squat clean reps from different hang starts usually high to mid thigh)

Borreginne Complex: 1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat (can be singles, doubles or triples)

Burgener Complex: 1 Front Squat + 1 Split Jerk (can be singles, doubles or triples)

Three-day Per Week Power/Strength/Size Program


Snatch clusters 20/20 style (3 x 5, 5 x 1)

Military Press (30s style) s/s

Chins (30s style)

Squat @ 90-110% of your 1RM C&J for 3 sets of 5 reps

Front Squat @ 90% of heaviest recent weight used for 3, for 3 sets of 3 reps

3 x 5 snatch grip Deadlifts


Pulling Complexes from three positions (3 x 3 each complex)

A) Power Snatch (top of thighs)/Power Snatch (knees)/Power Snatch (ankles)

B) Power Clean (top of thighs)/Power Clean (knees)/Power Clean (ankles)

Over Head Pressing Complex

Military Press/Push Press/Push Jerk/Split Jerk

4 x (1/1/1/1)

Over Head Squat 3 x 3

Good Morning Combo 3 x 4

Kneeling Squat 3 x 5

Sprinters Squat 3 x 6

Tri Set of seated DB shoulder press (30s style)/chins (30s Style) / one-arm DB snatch (4 x 6 multiple

Week 1: 4 x 6

Week 2: 4x (3/3) 20 seconds intra set rest

Week 3: 4 x (2/2/2) 30 seconds intra set rest

Week 4: 4 x (3/2/1) 40 second intra set rest

Seated DB Lateral Raise 2 x 12

Rollouts 50 reps (any combination just get 50)


Clean Clusters 20/20 style (3 x 5, 5 x 1) s/s

Push Press 20/20 style (3 x 5, 5 x 1)

Incline Bench Press (30s style) s/s

Chins (30s style)

Front Squat @ 90-110% of your 1RM C&J for 3 sets of 3

Back Squat @ 90% of heaviest recent weight used for 5, for 3 sets of 5

3 x 5 Clean-Grip Deadlifts

On the Straight Sets Loading Style (6/5/4/4, 5/4/3/3, 4/3/2/2), after the 3 week block would you then deload on week 4 or just restart at
week 1 with increased loads? if so what sort of set/rep/load scheme would you use for the deload?
I would go back to the first week and start over but change the exercise for the same movement category, or change the bar for the
same exercise, if you needed a de-load I favour 4 x 6 on a step load from 60 - 75% over the 4 sets, cheers, ashley

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