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Health: the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being

Wellness: an overall state of well-being, or total health

Prevention: practicing health and safety habits to remain free of disease and injury.
Goals: something you aim for that takes planning and work
Role Model: someone that can help a person develop positive values, a commitment to
learning, and confidence in future success
Values: ideas, beliefs, and attitudes about what is important that help guide the way you
Heredity: all the traits that were biological passed onto you from your parents
Environment: the sum of your surroundings, including your family, your neighborhood,
your school, your job, and your life experiences
Decision Making Skills: steps that enable you to make a healthful decision
Mental/Emotional Health: ability to accept yourself and others, adapt to and manage
emotions, and deal with the demands and challenges you meet in life
Stress: the reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands
Stressor: anything that causes stress
Suicide: the act of intentionally taking ones own life
Self-actualization: the striving to become the best you can be
Mental Disorder: an illness of the mind that can affect the thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors of a person, preventing him or her from leading a happy, healthful, and
productive life
Depression: a prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness
Empathy: the ability to imagine and understand how someone else feels
Anxiety: the condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen
Stress Management: ways to deal with or overcome the negative effects of stress
Food Guide Pyramid: a guide for making healthful daily food choices
Nutrition: the process by which the body takes in and uses food
Food Allergy: a condition in which the bodys immune system reacts to substances in
some foods
Body Mass Index: a ratio that allows you to access your body size in relation to your
height and weight
Nutrients: the substances in food that your body needs to grow, to repair itself, and to
supply you with energy
Anorexia: a disorder in which the irrational fear of becoming obese results in severe
weight loss from self-imposed starvation
Body Image: the way you see your body
Overweight: a condition in which a person is heavier than the standard weight range for
his or her height
Cross Contamination: the spreading of bacteria or other pathogens from one food to

Dietary Guidelines: ABCs of good health: aim for fitness, build a healthy base (food
pyramid), and choose sensibly
Prejudice: an unfair opinion or judgment of a particular group of people
Peers: people of similar age who share similar interests
Conflict: any disagreement, struggle, or fight
Stereotype: an exaggerated and oversimplified belief about an entire group of people,
such as an ethnic or religious group or a gender
Communication: your ways of sending and receiving messages
Peer Pressure: the influence that people your age may have on you
Abstinence: a deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors, including sexual activity
before marriage and the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs
Conflict Resolution: the process of solving a disagreement in a manner that satisfies
everyone involved
STD: infectious diseases spread from person to person through sexual contact
Tolerance: the ability to accept others differences and allow them to be who they are
without your expressing disproval
Depressant: a drug that slows the central nervous system
Substance Abuse: any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for
nonmedical purposes
Stimulant: drugs that speed up the central nervous system
Inhalant: substances whose fumes are sniffed and inhaled to achieve a mind-altering
Physiological Dependence: a condition in which the user has a chemical need for the
Narcotics: specific drugs derived from the opium plant that are obtainable only by
prescription and are used to relieve pain
Designer Drugs: synthetic substances meant to imitate the effects of hallucinogens and
other dangerous drugs
Psychological Dependence: a condition in which a person believes that a drug us
needed in order to feel good or to function normally
Addictive Drug: a substance that causes physiological or psychological dependence
Hallucinogens: drugs that alter moods, thoughts, and sense perceptions including vision,
hearing, smell, and touch
Sobriety: living without alcohol

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