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Upcoming Club


Notiziario Ufficiale del Circolo Italiano di Dallas Agosto 2015 Vol 36 Num 8

1 ,8, 15, 22, 29 - I Piccoli
3 - General Meeting at Club
3, 10, 17, 24, 31 - I Colori
5,12,19,26 - Pasta & WOW
5 - Fall of the Roman Empire
7,14,21,28 - Cena
2, 9,16,23,30 - Pasta & WOW
4, 11,18,25 - Cena
4, 11, 18, 25 - I Piccoli Colori
7, 23 - Hunger Busters
14, 21, 28 - I Colori
19 - Special Olympics Bocce
30 - Book Club

Come and Celebrate Ferragosto (Beach Party) on

August 14th at the Italian club of Dallas
For most people outside of Italy, the 15th of August probably doesnt mean anything in particular. For most
Italians, however, this is the day when we celebrate summer at its most glorious time, a day when families get
together for countryside walks and relaxing picnics. I remember spending my Ferragosto eating refreshing slices
of watermelon during the day and watching fireworks by the sea at night.
Ferragosto (feriae Augusti) goes back to Roman times when the Goddess Diana and the God Vortumno were
celebrated for fruitful crops and abundant harvest. Celebrations were much longer than just a day and used
to start on 26 July and ended on 15 September. During that time festivals, feasts and parades animated the
entire country and kept people awake for days. Still today it is easy to bump into some local festivities which
often involve the enthusiasm of the entire village and the general merriment. The Palio di Siena, the annual
rowing competition at Porto Santo Stefano or the Palio dell Argentario are just a few of the typical mid-August
And of course we all know that, where there are celebrations, there is food. And Italians always find a good
excuse to eat. So it is for Ferragosto! Being a celebration of summer and an auspice to good crops and nature, the
typical dishes that are traditionally eaten at Ferragosto involve wheat or spelt, fresh fruit, and roasts. Some of
these dishes might not even seem particularly summery being quite saucy and heavy and I, too, for example, was
surprised to discover that roast pigeon is the mid-August dish par excellence - A Ferragosto si mangiano i piccioni
arrosto says a popular proverb.

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Letter from the President

Culinary Events

We are now in the second half of our year and we have had a good first
half of the year thanks to our boards efforts, our wonderful members and
the sponsors of Festa Italia.

Wednesday ~ Pasta & Pizza Night: August 5, 12, 19, 26. Doors
open 6 p.m. Every Wednesday evening features our fantastic antipasti
bar and one of several pasta or pizza selections for a great price. Add
extras if the mood suits you meat, seafood & veggies. Pasta or Pizza Members $12 / Non-Members $16; Antipasti Bar only - Members $8 /
Non-Members $12.

Ciao a tutti

The good news from the first half is the ICD went from the red to the
black. The board members put together a strong first half calendar
filled with wonderful events featuring - Paul DiCarlos aka Jimmys wine
tasting dinner,Valentines Day, Limoncello Smackdown, Past Presidents
Cena, the Big Night, Opera On TapEaster and Mothers day bruncha
successful bake salejust to mention a few of the events.
Our two phase plan was to first have our monthly calendar events help the
Club bring in monthly revenue needed to handle our monthly expenses
with the second phase of the plan being Festa Italia (and later added the
Vespa Raffle) which could bring in a lump sum from outside revenue of
$20,000 or better.
Thanks to the support of our members and non members plus volunteers
from our membership base we were able to achieve our goals for the
first half. The Festa Italia and the Vespa Raffle net income to the Club
was over $29,000 and combined that with the monthly events revenues
collected we are in the black as a Club.

Call for reservations and large tables (972) 931-9167

or http://icdcena.eventbrite.com
Friday Cena Schedule & Pricing
Member Adult $20 / Non-Member Adult $28
Reservations are kindly requested as seating is often very limited.
August 07

Come, visit and enjoy the company of friends with a

glass of wine while waiting for the delicious meal
Chef Gerard and Chef Christian have prepared for
our enjoyment. Join us, you know you will enjoy a
FAMILY Its just a lot of fun!

August 14
Beach Party

Come celebrate: Ferragosto, is an Italian national

holiday celebrated on August 15. Many Italians head
to the beach for Ferragosto, so the coast are usually
very crowded. Traditionally, Ferragosto marks the start
of Italy's vacation period so if you're in a city during
the second half of August, you may find a number of
restaurants and shops closed for vacation. BEACH
PARTY at the Club

August 21
Guest Cena
*** Raffle

Guest Cena, bring your friends, your neighbors, your

coworkers, its a great event to introduce them to our
treasured Italian Club of Dallas.

Once again all we can say to everyone is GRAZIE MILLE.

Our second half plan is to watch our expenses during the Summer months
and into the Fall months because our Clubs expenses still continue
through these slow months, so we need to budget our money while many
of our members travel.
Then focus on our 4th quarter plan which includes our Fall Gala on
October 17th, increasing our membership base and to participate in our
November and December events so we can enter 2016 with money in the
bank be in the black.
2015 is shaping up to be a good year for the ICD but it is just a start of
what 2016 can be as long as we stay with our plan for the 2nd half of this
year. All or any of our successes to date is because we kept our eye on our
goals and focus on the positives. I like the wonderful saying that Luigi
Mungioli kept repeating at our Festa Italia meetings that he learned from
playing soccer. Keep your focus on the ball and keep looking forward
toward the goal.
Lets follow Luigis counsel and stay focused on the goals ahead of us:
Budget our money in the 3rd Qtr
Make this 4th Qtr our best Gala and enjoy the November and
December events
Start the planning stages of Festa Italia - 2016 in November
Learn from our past experiences (positive or negative)
Im looking forward to a wonderful Fall Gala, an exciting 4th Qtr and a
great 2016, and thanks again for all your help and support you give each
and every week to our Club.
All the best and safe travels during these summer months
Ken Venuso
President ICD

*** What a great time to regift your extra gift that you
have no use for, bring them at the club, we love to
make some money from your donations, we will raffle
them and make someone very happy.
August 28

What a great way to celebrate any occasion at the

Italian Club, come and have a great evening. Each
Friday, we make special time to enjoy Cena (dinner)
with famiglia e amici (family & friends). Visit the
Club for a delicious four-course menu, enjoyed
insieme (together). Join us to savor the taste of
authentic Italian dishes from fresh ingredients &
recipes old and new, prepared by our Chef. Share the
joy of good food, good wine and good company ~
Weekly menu available via Club Mail. Reservations
recommended at (972) 931-9167 or online at

A Special Olympian Shares Her Story

On Saturday, June 13 at our Clubs Festa Italia,
Stacey Johnson a thirtysix year old Special
Olympics athlete shared with us what Special
Olympics means to her and how over time Special
Olympics helped her overcome personal mental and
physical challenges going on to achieve world class
status and national recognition as an Equestrian.
She earned Gold and Bronze medals for her team in
the 2003 Dublin, Ireland Special Olympics World
Games and has won many National High Point
awards and trophies from the American Quarter
Horse Association. Stacey was the first athlete with
disabilities to win all four National High Point
awards in one year from the AQHA.
Thomas Edison once said Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. Stacey
attributes Special Olympics to having taught her to never give up, to do her
best, practice hard, be courageous, and with a sense of self esteem achieve
anything she puts her heart and soul into. These attributes demonstrate the
strengths that have held her in good stead and have helped her accomplish
still more beyond her Equestrian awards. In Staceys own words; as long
as I have tried my best, I am a winner.
Being a winner includes her competing in other Special Olympics such as
bocce, track and swimming,; also being a Special Olympics Equestrian and
Athletic coach; a Global Messenger teaching Special Olympians public
speaking skills; president of the Athlete Leadership Program; and being a
member of the Greater Dallas Area 10 Family Committee. Quite a resume.
Stacey went on to say that volunteers are the heart and soul of Special
Olympics and that without volunteers athletes like her would not be able to
compete in the sports they love. She stressed the importance of volunteers
who act as coaches, help at competitions, help raise funds, and are themselves
donors. She enjoys talking to the volunteers she meets, many of whom have
become her friends. Stacy feels the athletes are lucky to have these volunteers
who give of themselves making this world a better place for the athletes.
Fifteen years ago Stacey suffered a devastating physical setback having to
undergo a cranial operation from which doctors said she would never fully
recover. In trying her hardest and never giving up, Stacey underwent rigorous
therapy and surprising her doctors, restored her physical abilities to sit, walk
and ultimately ride.
She still has issues with her physical ailments but every day when she
awakens feeling good she has Special Olympics and riding to look forward
to and she knows its going to be a great day.

Hunger Busters R esumes in September and

Special Olympics Bocce September 19
Volunteers Needed For Both
Hunger Buster - Volunteers please confirm to me (at the below listed
numbers) that you are able to resume your First Monday or Fourth
Wednesday duties at Hunger Busters. Hunger Buster Manager Gumaro
Castillo will advise shortly as to the need (or not) for our First Monday
volunteers to work on Labor Day, September 7.
We are in need of additional volunteers to augment our current group
helping at Hunger Busters. Wont you please join us for a few hours one
morning a month to help provide a third meal of the day to food insecure
children at a dozen DISD schools?
Special Olympics Bocce This year the North Texas Area 10 Special
Olympics Bocce Tournament will be held on Saturday, September 19 again
at Oran Good Park in Farmers Branch. As many as thirty Italian Club
volunteers will be needed to staff the morning and afternoon segments
of the Tournament. This event is one of the most uplifting events in our
charitable outreach calendar. Please read the article in this issue of the
overwhelming positive impact Special Olympics has had on the life of
one Special Olympian. Her inspirational story must perforce entice you to
volunteer to help other mentally and physically challenged Special Olympics
children and adults to compete in the tournament. Details of the tournament
times, segments, etc. will be made available as soon as received from Special
Olympics. In the meanwhile contact me at the numbers listed below and tell
me you are volunteering for the tournament.
All volunteers please contact me at either (972) 699-0243 or e-mail me at
Ben Parlapiano - Chair, Charitable Outreach

September 6, 2015 ~ West, Texas
Come join the celebration for Labor Day weekend at the town of West, just
south of Dallas on I 35. It is a traditional Czech festival but many ethnic
groups contribute, especially those who have roots in Texas.
I Colori Italiani and I Piccoli Colori will be performing September 6,
Sunday afternoon, at 3 pm.
Come enjoy the entertainment and Czech food.
Call Maria or me for more information. (972) 235-4920, (972) 242-8283

Stacey, thank you for your truly inspirational story.

Ben Parlapiano Chair, Charitable Outreach

Save the Date for

Mothers Day
Brunch on May 10!

Attention All Club Members

We have a tremendous amount of history in our Club and many
wonderful members who donate their time and money to help spread our
Italian Culture and make this Club a place for all of us to come to enjoy
with our extended familyour membership.
Our purpose is to respect, honor and cherish our history and past
members who have helped build this Club. In addition, we also want
to acknowledge people from our current membership base. We have
many members who give their time and efforts to this Club freely and do
things for the Club because they want to do it. The Club is like family; if
someone needs help we go over to their house and help out.
The Board selected two individuals for this month. We have an open
door policy on nominations so anyone can nominate someone and give
their name to the Board.
Keep in mind there is no specific order or rules to go by here, its just a
simple criteria of saying GRAZIE MILLE to a member who help makes
this Club a better place for this month or since they have been a member.
Ken Venuso President

Grazie Mille - Member Of The Month

This month the Board wants to recognize a person who took an old idea
or you could say a concept that has been used before in our Club and by
other Clubs here in DFW and in Houston and gave it a new look.
He came to me and we discussed a venue that could generate outside
income and become a determining factor of stabilizing the Club
financially and become a viable fund raising event in the future on an
annualize basis. That idea became FESTA ITALIA and our Co
Chairman of the event is our GRAZIE MILLE honoree this month

So the next time you see Charlie lets not just say Ciao or Bona Sera but
also thank him for wonderful work he did to make FESTA ITALIA
a success and a venue that we can repeat year after year and enjoy the
success it brings to the Italian Club.

A Look Back Grazie Mille

As a Club that stands for Italian culture we have an obligation to honor
and cherish our past. We have a group of individuals who are known as
Founders, lifetime members or long-time members.
They helped establish and build the Club. They helped create what we
have today, a Club that is a place to enjoy being around friends and family
and the Italian culture. It is up to our current and future members to learn
from our past and to remember what these individuals created,
Once again we are challenged to select someone who was there at
the beginning or at an early stage of the Club or a member we all
know; however, our aim is not to single one person out, because their
contributions are greater than someone elses. Our focus is on honoring
and cherishing people from our past or current membership base but in no
specific order.
It is with pride the Board announces our Honoree this month of A

The Italian Club was created for
people of Italian heritage to share
their knowledge of Italian culture
and traditions, speak the Italian
language with other members, have
fun and above all be Italian.

We are recognizing Charlie
for the month because his idea
became a reality on June 13.
Festa Italia was a one day event
but the time and energy and all
the planning that went into it
took many weeks going back to
In June we saw how focused he
was and determined to make this
event a reality. What most of
us did not see was the positive
attitude, the determination, and
the hours of researching other
festivals in Dallas, in New York
and in Florida to help plan our own fesFesta Italia.
Charlie put together the initial plans, forecast and budgets and then each
day and each week he worked toward the goal of having a Festival.
He built a team that created a Festa Italia website and helped form
mastermind alliances with committee members as he worked relentlessly
toward the goal.
He was instrumental in getting with the Special Olympics of Texas and
seeking their support. Having the Special Olympics involved added a
new dimension to the Festa Italia. It not only became a fund raising event
for the ICD but also a fund raising event for the Special Olympics Texas.
The Festa Italia is the end result we all saw and we had many, many
members and volunteer members working very hard to help make the
Festa Italia a success, but the determination and dedication to the
objective of finding a venue that could help stabilize the ICD financially
and become a viable future fund raising event has come to fruition in
great part to Charlies efforts.

Ron is one of our members who

continually says what can I do
to help the Club be that place to
have fun and continue our Italian
traditions. He is a busy individual
outside the Club with his business
and travel schedule yet Ron has
always finds time to help our Club.
Ron is a Lifetime member who has served as a board member and as
President of the Club. He gives his time to the Club and supports the
Clubs activities. If he is unable to attend or help, he is quick to offer
help to keep the Club clean or offer help to send some of his staff to do
volunteer work.
If a challenge presented itself to the Club, Ron is one of the first to offer
help or suggest ways to improve on our events or offer financial support.
Whether you see him enjoying a Cena or working hard as a volunteer like
he did at the Festa one can see that the Italian Club of Dallas has a special
place in Rons life. He shows he cares about the Club and the individuals
in the Club.
Our Club has many members who are wonderful and I believe we can say
Ron is special to the Club and we appreciate what he brings and continues
to bring to our Club. From all of us at the Italian Club of Dallas,

News of Members
Roseanne Terry, wife of Enio Elisei, has been ill, in and out of the
hospital. The doctors are not sure what the problem is at this time.
Roseanne, I hope you are better soon and ready to welcome your first
Grandbaby. Daughter Katie and her husband are soon to be parents.
Joe Manginelli recently had a pacemaker implanted. He continues to do
dialysis. He would enjoy your well wishes by a phone call or card.
Antonio and Antoinetta Evangelista recently welcomed their first
grandchild. Brianna Buckley, daughter Rosanna and son in law Braxton
are the proud parents.
Please send me any news of members so we as a Club Family can share
each others joys and sorrows.
Carrie Pollinzi Harris
Email: marcar32@verizon.net
Or call at 972-242-8283 and leave a message

Club R ental
Did You K now?
Dont forget the Italian Club facility when planning an event. Many
of our members do this on a regular basis. We thank members and
non members for considering the Italian Club for their celebrations and
You can also sponsor friends and family to rent the Club. The price is
right for the value you will receive by using the Italian Club. It will help
to support the Club. See the brochure at the desk as you enter the Club
A Taste of Italy food package and prices. Tell you friends and business
Melissa Partin Stoa, the banquet manager, can work with everyone to
come up with the ideal price and the right meal.
Call Melissa for more information or an appointment at (972) 931-9167
or email at mlpartin1@yahoo.com.

Learning Lessons From the

Fall of the Roman Empire
No one has ever run an empire as big and as for long as the Romans.
The European Union, in comparison, is a pale imitation of the power
of Rome. So how did this powerful society decline so dramatically?
Many of the explanations of the end of the empire do not hold up
to historical scrutiny ~ moral decadence; decline & fall; massive
corruption; and the transformation of Roman society do not adequately
explain why the Roman Empire in western Europe found itself under
new (and barbaric) management. Any of the recent comparisons
between the United States and the Roman Empire can only be in
general terms as the two are completely different.
The surprising reasons that lead to the end of Romes Empire in the
West are not well known. Join us at the Clubhouse on Wednesday,
August 5, at 7:00 p.m. when Lloyd Chappell, ardent student of all
things Roman and frequent presenter at the Italian Club, explores the
real causes of the decline and fall of the great Roman Empire. The
presentation is offered free to ICD Members and guests, and, since its
the Clubs regular Pasta & Pizza Night, antipasto, beverages, pasta and
pizza will be available for purchase before and after Mr. Chappells talk.
Contact Mary Ann Webster at culture@italianclubdallas.org or Carrie
Harris at (972) 931-9167 with any questions.
Although no historical situation ever repeats itself exactly, much can ~
and will ~ be learned from the Fall of the Roman Empire!


Ricotta, Gorgonzola, Honey & Apple Crostini

Paired with a cool Pinot Grigio will sure make a great hit for
a summer snack
15 oz Ricotta cheese
6 oz Gorgonzola cheese, crumbled
1/2 tsp thyme, crushed
1/4 tsp rosemary, crushed
1 Tbsp honey Crostini breads
2 apples
Sliced Walnuts, toasted
36 toasted baguette slices
In a large mixing bowl, beat the ricotta with an electric mixer,
on medium speed, for 2 minutes. Stir in the Gorgonzola,
thyme and rosemary until thoroughly combined. Fold in one
tablespoon honey, then cover and chill for about an hour.
Spread the chilled cheese mixture onto the crostinis, then top
with sliced apple, walnuts and a drizzle of honey.

vespa winner
Happy Raffle winner Ron Smith
is getting ready to go for a ride
on his new Vespa Primavera 50.
Enjoy your new Vespa Ron &

Make our family, your family

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Promotional pricing applies to service rates only and excludes taxes,
equipment fees and other charges including a $49 service activation fee,
city video cost recovery fees, where applicable, and a Broadcast TV surcharge. Credit restrictions may apply. Pricing, programming and features
subject to change at any time without notice.

ICD Board

Mailing Address:
ost ffice ox allas, Texas

14865 Inwood Rd.

Ken Venuso - President

Carole Strippoli - Vice President
Barbie Gumin - Secretary
Joan Seley - Treasurer
Paul DiCarlo
Al DeMarzo
Francesca Barone

The Mission Statement of the Italian Club of Dallas

To explore, preserve, and promote Italian culture, language, history, and traditions; perform charitable works; and foster
social interaction within the community.

La Missione del Circolo Italiano di Dallas

Conoscere, conservare e diffondere la cultura Italiana, la lingua, la storia e le tradizioni; fare opere benefiche; promuovere i
rapporti sociali all'interno della comunit.

Did You Know?

Readers of Il Cicerone can click anywhere
in the Upcoming Club Events column (see
highlighted area below) of our monthly
newsletter and make an online reservation to
any ICD event right then. Give it a try ~ this
feature is available already!
Dont forget to Like Il Cicerone and Share
it on Facebook, too - just click on the latest
issue from ClubMail or the Web site, or find
your favorite issue on www.Scribd.com by
searching Italian Club of Dallas, and then
hit the upper menu button for Share with
social networks (square with arrow) to
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