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Cneprnn XI-1

Special llleasures to enhance rnarititne


Authorization of recognized organizations.


Enhanced surveys.


Ship identification number


3-1 Company and registeredowner identification number


Port State control on operationalrequirements


Continuous SynopsisRecord



to enhance
ChapterXI-1: Specialmeasures

Regulation 1
Authorizationof recognized
Organizations referred to in regulation I/6 shall comply with the guidelines adopted by the Organization by
resolution A.739(18), as may be amended by the Organization, and the specificationsadopted by the
Organization by resolution A.789(19), as may be amended by the Organization, provided that such
amendmentsare adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordancewith the provisions of article
VIII of the presentConvention concerning the amendment proceduresapplicableto the annex other than

Regulation 2
Ilulk carriersas defined in regulation IXl1.6 and oil tankers as defined in regulation II-1'12.22shall be
subject to an enhanced progiamme of inspections in accordance with the guidelines adopted bV -h9
Assembly of the Organizitton by resolution A.744(1.8), as may be amended by_the Organiz-atron,provided
rhat such amendmentsare adopted,brought into force and take effectin accordancewith the provisionsof
:rrticleVIII of the presentConvention concerningthe amendmentproceduresapplicableto the annex other
than chapter I.

Regulation 3
Ship identification
4 and 5 apply to all shipsto which this regulationapplies. For shipsconstructedbeforg 1 J"lV
2t)galthe requiremenii of paragraphs4 and 5 shallbe complied with not later than the first scheduleddryt'locking of the ship after 1 July 2004)
shipsof 100 f;rosstontlageand upwardsaud to all cargoshipsof
This regulationappliesto all passenger
-300grosstonnagc and upwards.
Every ship shall be provided with an identifrcation number which conforms to the IMO ship
identification number schemeadopted by the Organization.l
The ship's identification number shall be inserted$on the certificatesand certified copies thereof
issuedunder regulation Il12 or regulation I/13.
The ship's identification number shall be permanently marked:
. 1 in a visible place either on the stern of the ship or on either side of the hull, amidshipsport and
starboard,"bon. the deepestassignedload line or either side of the superstructure,port and
starboardor on the frontbf the superstructureor, in the caseofpassengerships,on a horizontal
surfacevisible from the air; and
.2 in an easily accessibleplace either on one of the end transversebulkheads of the machinery
in the caseo_ftankers,in
spaces,asdefined in regulationll-213.30, or on one of the hatch\yays_or,
regulationll-2f3.41, on
tLe pump-room or, in the caseof ships
one of the end transversebulkheadsof the
b.l The permanent marking shall be plainly visible, clear of any other markings on the hull and shall be
painted in a contrastingcolour.

to MSC-MEpC.5lCirc.2 on Guidelines for Administrations to cnsure the adequacyof transferof class-relate-d
Refer to MSC/Circ.655 on Guidancefor planning the.enhancedprogrammc of inspectionsduring surveysof bulk cat'riersand oil
tankersand MSiJ/Circ.686, Guidelineso,-rih. t-tt..trr of accesstu rirnCt.r..r for inspectionand maitrtenanceof oil tatrkersand bulk
I Refer to the IMO ship identification number schemeadopted by the Organization by resolution A.600(15).
\ Refer to MSC/Circ. 1142- MEPC/Circ.425 on Marking the ship's plans, manuals and other documents with the IMO ship


ChapterXI-I: Specialmeasures
to enhance
5.2 Thc pcrmancnt marking referred to in paragraph,1.1shall be not lessthan 200 mm in height. The
permanent marking referred to in paragraph1.2 shallnot be less rhan 100 nm in height. The width of the
marks shall be proportionate to the height.
5.3 The permancnt marking may be made by raisedlettering or by cutting it in or by centre-punchingit
or by any other equivalent method of marking the ship identification number which ensuresthat the
marking is not easilyexpunged.
5.4 On shios constructed of material other than steel or
method of markinE the shio identification number.

the Administration shall approve the

Regulation 3-1,
Companyand registered

This regulation appliesto Companies and registeredowners of ships to which chapter I applies.

For thc purpose of this regulation, regrsteredowner shall be as specifiedby the Administration and
Company as defined in regulation IX/I.
Every Company and registered owner shall be provided with an identification number which
conforms to the IMO Unique Company and RegisteredOwner Identification Number Schemeadopted
by the Organization.*
The Company identification number shall be insertedon the certificatesand certified copies thereof
issuedunder regulation IXl4 and section A119.2or A119.4of the ISPS Code.
This regulation shall take eflect when the certificatesreferredto in paragraph4 are issuedor renewed
on or after I Janurry 2009.

Regulation 4
Port Statecontrolon operatilnalrequirementsl
A ship when in a port of another Contracting Government is subject to control by officers duly
authorized by such Government concerning operational requircments in respcct of the saferyof ships,
when there are clear grounds for believing that the master or crew are not familiar with essentialshipboard
proceduresrelating to the saferyof ships.
In thc circumstancesdefined in paragraph1 of this regulation, thc Contracting Government carrying
out the control shall take such stepsas will ensurethat the ship shall not sail until the situation has been
brought to order in accordancewith the requirementsof the present Convention.

Proccduresrelating to thc port Statecontrol prcscribedin regulationI/19 shallapply to this regulation.

Nothing in the present regulation shall be construed to limit the rights and obligations of a
Contracting Government carrying out control over operationalrequirementsspecificallyprovided for in
the regulations.

Regulation 5

Every ship to which chapter I appliesshall be issuedwith a Continuous SynopsisRecord.

2.1 The Continuous SynopsisRecord is intended to provide an on-board record of the history of the ship
with respectto the infbrmation recorded therein.

of the IMO Unique Company and Registered Owner Identification
Refer to rcsolurion MSC.160(78) entitled
Number Schemc".
+ Refcr to the Proceduresfor port State control adopted by the Organization by resoiution A.787(1,9),as amended by resolution A.Ui:t2(21).


to enhance
ChapterXI-1: Specialmeasures
2.2 For shipsconstructedbefore l July 2004, the Continuous SynopsisRccord sl-rall,at least,providc the
;ristory of the ship as from l July 2004.
The Conrinuous SynopsisRecord shallbe issuedby the Administration to eachship that is entitled to
r1r'its flag and it shall contain, at least,the following information (the Continuous Synopsisl\ecord shall
iontain the inforrnation in paragraphs3.7 and 3.10 when it is issucdor updatedon or after 1 January2009):

the name of the Statewhose flag the ship is entitled to fly;


the date on which the ship was registeredwith that State;


the ship's identification nurnber in accordancewith regulation 3;


the namc of the ship;


the port at which the ship is reg;rstered;


the name of the registeredowner(s) and thcir registercdaddress(es),


the registeredowner identification number;


if applicable;
the name of the registeredbareboatcharterer(s)and their registeredaddress(es),
rhe name of the Company, as defined in regulation IX/1, its registercdaddressand the addrcss
(es)from where it carriesout the safery-managenentactivities;


,10 the Company identification number;

with which the ship is classed;
rhc name of all classification
.12 the name of the Adrninistration or of the Contracting Government or of the recognized
organization which has issued the Document of Compliancc (or thc Interim Document of
Compliance), specified in the ISM Code as defined in regulation IX/1, to the Conrpany
op.r"litrg the sliip and the name of the body which l-rascarried olrt the audit on the basisof
which the Document was issued,if other than that issuing the Documcnt;


.13 the name of the Administration or of the Contracting Government or of thc recognized
organization that has issued the Safcty Managcment Certificatc (or thc Interim Safery
Minagement Certificate), specified in the ISM Code as defined in regulation lXl1, to the
ship and the name of the body which has carried out the audit on the basis of which the
Certificate was issued,if other than that issuing thc Certificatc;
.14 the name of the Administration or of the Contracting Government or of the recognizedsecuriry
organizarion that has issued the Intcrnational Ship Securiry Ccrtificate (or the Interinr
Iniernational Ship Security Certificate), specified in part A of the ISPS Codc as defined in
regulationXl-211.,ro the ship and the name of the body which hascarriedout the verification on
rhe basisof which the Certificate was issued,if other than that issuing the Ccrtificate; and
.15 the date on which the ship ceasedto be registeredwith that State.
4.1 Any changesrelating to the entries referred to in paragraphs3.4 to 3.I2 shall be rccorded in the
Continuous SynopsisRecord so asto provide updatedand current information togetherwith the history of
che changes.
4.2 In caseof any changesrelating to the entrics reGrrcd to in paragraph4.1, thc Administration shall
issue,as soon asis practicallypossiblebut not later than three months from the date of the change,to_thc
ships entitled to fl1, its flag eiiher a revised and updated version of the Continuous Synopsisll.ecord or
4.3 In caseof any changesrelating to the entriesreferredto in paragtaph4.1, the Administration, pending
rhe issueof a revisedand updatedversion of thc Continuous Synopsisllecord, shall authorize and require
cirher the Company as defined in regulation IXll or thc master of the ship to amend the Continuous
SynopsisRecord to reflect the changes.In such cases,after the Continuous SynopsisRecord has been
.rinended,the Company shall,without delay, inform the Adrninistration accordingly.
5.1 The Continuous Synopsisllecord shall be in English, French or Spanishlanguage.Additionally, a
rranslationof the Continuoui SynopsisRecord into thc oflicial languagcor languagesof the Administration
rnav be provided.


to enhance
5.2 The Continuous SynopsisRecord shall be in the format developedby the Organization and shall bc
maintained in accordancewith guidelines developedby the Organization*. Any previous entries in the
Continuous SynopsisRecord shall not be modified, deleted or, in any way, erasedor defaced.
Whenever a ship is transGrredto thc flag of another Stateor the ship is sold to anothcr owner (or is
taken over by another bareboatcharterer)or another Company assumesthe responsibilityfor the operation
of the ship, the Continuous SynopsisRecord shall be left on board.
When a ship is to be transGrred to the flag of another Statc, the Company shall noti$' the
Administration of the name of the Stateunder whose flag thc ship is to bc transGrredso as to enablethe
Administration to forward to that Statea copy of the Continuous SynopsisRecord covering the period
during which the ship was under its jurisdiction.
When a ship is transferredto the flag of another State the Government of which is a Contracting
Covernment, the Contracting Government of the State whose flag the ship was flying hitherto shall
transmit to the Administrarion, as soon as possibleafter thc transGr takes place, a copy of the relevant
Continuous SynopsisRecord covering the period during which the ship was under their jurisdiction
together with any Continuous SynopsisRecords previously issuedto the ship by other States.
When a ship is transfcrredto the flag of anothcr State,the Adrninistration shall append rhe previous
Continuous SynopsisRecords to the Continuous SynopsisRecord the Administration will issueto the
ship so to provide the continuous history record intended by this regulation.
10 The Continuous SynopsisRecord shallbe kept on board the ship and shallbe availablefor inspection
at all times.


Refer to resoiution A.959(23) on format and guidelines for thc rnaintenanceof thc Continuous SynopsisRecord (CSR), as
arnendedby MSC.198(80), and to MSC/Circ.11i3 on Guidance to port Statecontrol officcrson the non-securiryrclatedelemenrs
of the 2002 SOLAS amendnrents.


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