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Clasa a VI-a

1. Fill in the blanks with am, are, is,m,re,s.

a. I.....Tom. I.....a student in the 5th grade.
b. You.....my brother. You .....very intelligent.
c. He......my best friend. He.....a boy.
d. She.....Ana. She....very pretty.
e. It....autumn. It.....cold.
f. We....pupils. We....going to cshool now.
g. They....in the classroom. They....writing. ( 14p)
2. Fill in the blanks with have / has.
a. I... a dog. It..... a long tail. ( tail= coad)
b. You...many friends. Ana....many friends too.
c. We.... some apples on the table.
d. They...some interesting books. ( 6p)
3. Put the right article a/ an in front of the following nouns:
a......egg, b.......book, c.........Indian, d........umbrella, e.......cat,
f.....orange. ( 6p)
4. Give the plural for the following nouns:
a. pene. countryb. busf. childc. dayg. toothd. watchh. man-


5. Put the verbs in brackets at present simple or present continuous)

a. I......(go) to school every day except on Saturday and
b. He......( read) a novel now.
c. It.........( not/ snow) in summer.
d. ......they.....( sing) now? Yes, they........( sing) a song.
e. ......you........(like) English? Yes, I...../ I....(like)English. (8p)

6. Write the appropiate pronoun for the images below ( scriei pronumele potrivit pentru imaginile de mai jos).

eu (5p)
7. Write the three forms of ten irregular verbs( scriei cele trei forme
a zece verbe neregulate.) ( 18p)
8. Translate into English using past simple: (15p)
Ieri Tom a splat un mr.
Ieri eu nu am fost acasa.
A mers Mihai la coal ieri?
9. Describe what Tom is going to wear tomorrow. (10p)

( 10p din oficiu)

Clasa a VII-a
1. Fill in the blanks with am, are, is,m,re,s.
a. I.....Tom. I.....a student in the 5th grade.
b. You.....my brother. You .....very intelligent.
c. He......my best friend. He.....a boy.
d. She.....Ana. She....very pretty.
e. It....autumn. It.....cold.
f. We....pupils. We....going to cshool now.
g. They....in the classroom. They....writing. ( 14p)
2. Fill in the blanks with have / has.
a. I... a dog. It..... a long tail. ( tail= coad)
b. You...many friends. Ana....many friends too.
c. We.... some apples on the table.
d. They...some interesting books. ( 6p)
3. Put the right article a/ an in front of the following nouns:
a......egg, b.......book, c.........Indian, d........umbrella, e.......cat,
f.....orange. (6p)
4. Give the plural for the following nouns:
a. pene. countryb. busf. childc. dayg. toothd. watchh. man-


5. Put the verbs in brackets at present simple or present continuous)

a. I......(go) to school every day except on Saturday and
b. He......( read) a novel now.
c. It.........( not/ snow) in summer.
d. ......they.....( sing) now? Yes, they........( sing) a song.
e. ......you........(like) English? Yes, I...../ I....(like)English. (10p)

6. Put the verbs in the brackets in the right tense:

a. Yesterday my brother .........( break) a glass. My mother.......
( punish) him.
b. Tom ........( just/ wash) his car.
c. If I.......( have) money, I........( buy) a car.
d. Last year I.....( not/ like) Spanish.
e. Tomorrow I.......( go) to the circus. (7p)
7. Put into the passive voice the sentences:
a. Tim broke a glass yesterday.
b. Eva washes clothes every Saturday. (10p)
8. Describe the images below using adjectives and their degrees of

Use the adjectives tall (nalt), elegant, old. (20p)
9. Write the forms of the following irregular verbs:
a. be
b. Have
c. drink
d. Eat
e. go
f. come
g. read
h. learn
i. say
( 9p)
( 10p din oficiu)

Clasa a VIII-a
1. Fill in the blanks with am, are, is,m,re,s, was, were.
a. I....... a boy. I.....a good boy.
b. She....my mother. She.... a good teacher. Last year she....
not a teacher.
c. It.....autumn. It......very cold. Yesterday it....sunny.
d. We....pupils. We....having a good time at school.
e. Two days ago they.....at the circus. Now they.... at home.
f. He.....my best friend. He....14 years old.
( 14p)
2. Fill in the blanks with have/ has(got), had.
a. I......a sister. She.... a little boy called John. Last year
John..... smallpox.( varicel)
b. Yesterday we.... a serious accident. Today we... problems with the
3. Make this sentences negative, interogative. Use present simple or present
a. I like going on trips.
b. She is watching tv now.
4. Use the right tense of the verb in the brackets:
a. I......( read) a book every week but I....( not/read)
b..........you......( like) chicken? Yes, I..../ I ....( love) chicken.
c. She......( go) to the museum every Saturday but She....
( not/ go) to the cinema.
e..... He.....( swim) in the river? No, He...../ He.....(not/swim)
in the river.
f. Yesterday Tom......( break) a glass. His mother ....(not/
punish) him.
g. I................( just/ wash) my blouse.
h. Tomorrow They.......( come) to your party.
i. If I.....( have) money, I......( buy) a car.
j. Tom........( help) you if you ......(ask) him to but you never
ask him something.
5. Turn into indirect speech:
a. He is a student Mary says.
b. Who are you? He asked me.

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