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Morris Philip Wolf and Shirley Kuiper define communication as a process of

sharing information through symbols, including words and message.
Communication may happen between superior and subordinate, between
peers, between a manager and a client or customer, between an employee
and a government
It may be done face-to-face, or through printed materials, or through an
electronics device like the telephone, etc. In management, communication
must be made for a purpose and because it has a cost attached to it, it must
be used effectively.

Communication may be used to serve any of the following functions:
1. Information function Information provided through communication
may be used for decision-making at various work levels in the organization. A
construction worker, for instance,
may be given instructions on the proper use of certain equipment. This will
later provide him with a guide in deciding which equipment to use in
particular circumstances. Another concern is the manager who wants to
make sure that his decision in promoting an employee to a higher position is
correct. Through communication, the information provided will minimize if
not eliminate the risk.
2. Motivation function Communication is also often times used as a
means to motivate employees to commit themselves to the organizations
3. Control function When properly communicated, reports, policies, and
plans define roles,
clarify duties, authorities and responsibilities. Effective control is, then,
4. Emotive function When feelings are repressed in the organization
employees are affected by anxiety, which, in turn, affects performance.
Whatever types of emotions are involved, whether satisfaction,
dissatisfaction, happiness, or bitterness, communication provides a means to
decrease the internal pressure affecting the individual.


The communication process consists of eight steps
FIgure 6.1 The Communication Process
which are as follows: develop an idea, encode, transmit,
receive, decode, accept, use, and provide feedback.
Develop an Idea
The most important step in effective communication is developing an idea. It
is important that the idea to be conveyed must be useful or of some value.
An example of a useful idea is how to prevent accidents in workplaces.
The next step is to encode the idea into words, illustrations, figures, or other
symbols suitable for transmission. The method of transmission should be
determined in advance so that the idea may be encoded to conform with the
specific requirements of the identified method. An example of an encoded
message using telefax as a means of transmission is shown in Figure 6.2.

After encoding, the message is now ready for transmission through the use
of an appropriate communication channel. Among the various channels used
include the spoken word, body movements, the written word, television,
telephone, radio, an artists paint, electronic mail, etc. Proper transmission is
very important so the message sent will reach and hold the attention of the
receiver. To achieve this, the communication channel must be free of
barriers, or interference (sometimes referred to as noise).
The next step is the communication process is the actual receiving of the
message by the intended receiver. The requirement is for the receiver to be
ready to receive at the precise moment the message relayed by the sender.
The message may be initially received by a machine or by a person. In any
case, communication stops when the machine is not turned or tuned on to
receive the message, or the person assigned to receive the message does
not listen or pay attention properly.
The next step, decoding, means translating the message from the sender
into a form that will have meaning to the recipient. If the receiver knows the
language and terminology used in the message, successful decoding may be
achieved. Examples of various terms encoded and decoded are shown in
Figure 6.3. If the receiver understands the purpose and the background
situation of the sender, decoding will be greatly
improved. In legal practice, for instance, the declarations of a dying person
have more weight.
The next step is for the receiver to accept or reject the message. Sometimes,
acceptance (or rejection) is partial. An example is provided as follows: A
newly-hired employee was sent to a supervisor with a note from hi8 superior
directing the supervisor to accept the employee into his unit and to provide
the necessary training and guidance.
As the supervisor feels that he was not consulted in the hiring process he
thinks that his only obligation is to accept the employee in his unit and
nothing more.

The factors that will affect the acceptance or rejection of a message are as
1. the accuracy of the message;
2. whether or not the sender has the authority to send the message and/or
require action; and
3. the behavioral implications for the receiver.

The next step is for the receiver to use the information. If the message
provides information of importance to a relevant activity, then the receiver
could store it and retrieve it when required. If the message requires a certain
action to be made, then he may do so, otherwise, he discards it as soon as it
is received. All of the above-mentioned options will depend on his perception
of the message.
Provide Feedback
The last step in the communication process is for the receiver to provide
feedback to the sender. Depending on the perception of the receiver,
however, this important step may not be made. Even if feedback is relayed,
it may not reach the original sender of the message. This may be attributed
to the effects of any of the communication barriers.
Communication consists of two major forms:
1. verbal and
2. nonverbal.
Verbal Communication
Verbal communications are those transmitted through hearing or sight,
These modes of transmission categorizes verbal communication into two
classes: oral and written.
Oral communication mostly involves hearing the words of the sender,
although sometimes, opportunities are provided for seeing the senders body
movements, facial expression, gestures, and eye contact. Sometimes,
feeling, smelling, tasting, and touching are involved.
An alternative to oral communication is the written communication where the
sender seeks to communicate through the written word. The written
communication is, sometimes, preferred over the oral communication
because of time and cost constraints. When a sender, for instance, cannot
meet personally the receiver due to some reason, a written letter or memo is
prepared and sent to the receiver.
The written communication, however, has limitations and to remedy these,
some means are devised. Perfume advertisers, for instance, lace their
written message with the smell of their products. In the same light, the now
popular musical Christmas card is an attempt to enhance

the effects of the written note.

Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal communication is a means of conveying message through body
language, as well as the use of time, space, touch, clothing, appearance, and
aesthetic elements. Body language consists of gestures, bodily movement,
posture, facial expression, and mannerisms of
all kinds.
Nonverbal expressions convey many shades of meaning and it is to the
advantage of the communicator to understand what messages are relayed.
Various factors may impede the efficient flow of communication. Any, or all,
of these factors may, at any point, derail the process. Even if the message is
transmitted by the channel, the timing and the meaning of the message may
be affected by the factors. The barriers to communication may be classified
generally as:
1. personal barriers
2. physical barriers
3. semantic barriers
Personal Barriers
Personal barriers are hindrances to elective communication arising from a
communicators characteristics as a person, such as emotions, values, poor
listening habits, sex, age, race socioeconomic status, religion, education, etc.
Emotions cloud the communicators ability to judge correctly the real
meaning of messages received. People with different value will find it hard to
communicate with each other. Poor listening habits of a receiver frustrate the
communication efforts of a sender.
Physical Barriers refer to interferences to effective communication
occurring in the environment where the communication is undertaken. The
very loud sound produced by a passing jet temporarily drowns out the voice
of a guest delivering a speech. Such distraction does not allow full
understanding of the meaning of the entire message and is an example of a
physical barrier.
Physical barriers include distances between people, walls, a noisy jukebox
near a telephone, etc. An office that is too tidy may sometimes inhibit a

person from meeting the occupant of the office face-to-face, A menacing pet
dog (or secretary) posted near the door may also prevent a
person from directly communicating with the object person behind the door.
A communication channel that is overloaded may also prevent important
information to reach the intended user. Another physical barrier to
communication is wrong timing. For instance, how may one expect a person
who has just lost a loved one to act on an inquiry from a fellow employee?
Semantic Barriers is the study of meaning as expressed in symbols, words,
pictures, or actions are symbols that suggest certain meanings. When the
wrong meaning has been chosen by the receiver, misunderstanding occurs.
Such error constitutes a barrier to communication.
A semantic barrier may be defined as an interference with the reception of a
message that occurs when the message is misunderstood even though it is
received exactly as transmitted. For example, the words wise and
salvage will have different meanings to an English speaking foreigner than
to an ordinary Filipino.
When communication barriers threaten effective performance, certain
measures must be instituted to eliminate them. To eliminate problems due to
noise, selective perception, and distraction, the following; are recommended:
1. Use feedback to facilitate understanding and increase the potential for
appropriate action.
2. Repeat messages in order to provide assurance that they are properly
3. Use multiple channels so that the accuracy of the information may be
4. Use simplified language that s easily understandable and which eliminates
the possibility of people getting mixed-up with meanings.
Communication may be classified as to the types of flow of the message
which are as follows: downward, upward, or horizontal. Each of the types of
message flow has its own purposes and techniques.
Downward Communication refers to message flows from higher levels of
authority to lower levels. Among the purposes of downward communication


To give instructions
To provide information about policies and procedures
to give feedback about performance
to indoctrinate or motivate

Among the techniques used in downward communication are as follows:

letters, meetings, telephones, manuals, handbooks, and newsletters.
Letters are appropriate when directives are complex and precise actions are
required. When orders are simple but the result depends largely on employee
Newsletters provide a mixture of personal, soda), and work-related
information. Articles about new hirings, promotions, birthdays of employees,
questions and answers about work related issues are presented.
Upward Communication
There is a need for management to provide employees with all the necessary
material and non-material support it can give. The first requirement,
however, is for management to know the specific needs of the employees.
This is the primary reason for upward communication.
Upward communication refers to messages from persons in lower-level
positions to persons in higher positions. The messages sent usually provide
information on work progress, problems encountered, suggestions for
improving output, and personal feelings about work and non-work activities.
Among the techniques used in upward communication are: formal grievance
procedures, employee attitude and opinion surveys, suggestion systems,
open-door policy, informal gripe sessions, task forces, and exit interviews.
Formal Grievance Procedures. Grievances are part of a normally operating
organization. To effectively deal with them, organizations provide a system
for employee to air their grievances.
Holley and Jennings define grievance as any employees concern over a
perceived violation of the labor agreement that is submitted to the grievance
procedure for eventual resolution. Grievances represent an open, upward
communication channel whereby employees can offer suggestions to
Depending on the size and nature of the company, the grievance procedure
may consist of a single step or a number of steps. Companies with a
collective bargaining agreement with its union must refer to the grievance

procedure spelled out in the law on labor relations.tm

Employee Attitude and Opinion Surveys. Finding out what the employees
think about the company is very important. The exercise, however, requires
expertise and the company may not be prepared to do it. If the
organizations operation is large enough to justify such activity, then it must
be done. If the assistance of an outside research firm is considered, a
benefit-cost analysis must be used as a deciding factor.
Suggestion Systems. Suggestions from employees are important sources of
cost-saving and production enhancing ideas. Even if majority of the
suggestions are not feasible, a simple means of acknowledging them
contributes to employee morale.
Open-Door Policy. An open-door policy, even on a limited basis, provides the
management with an opportunity to act on difficulties before they become
full-blown problems.
Informal Gripe Sessions. Informal gripe sessions can be used positively if
management knows how to handle them. When employees feel free to talk
and they are assured of not being penalized for doing so, then management
will be spared with lots of efforts determining
the real causes of problems in the company.
Task Forces. When a specific problem or issue arises, a task force may be
created and assigned to deal with the problem or issue. Since membership of
task forces consist of management and non-management personnel,
integration and teamwork are fostered, creativity is enhanced, and
interpersonal skills are developed.
Exit Interviews. When employees leave an organization for any reason, it is
to the advantage of management to know the real reason. If there are
negative developments in the organization that management is not aware of,
exit interviews may provide some of the answers.
Horizontal Communication
Horizontal communication refers to messages sent to individuals or groups
from another of the same organizational level or position.
The purposes of horizontal communication are:
1. To coordinate activities between departments
2. To persuade others at the same level of organization

3. To pass on information about activities or feelings

Among the techniques appropriate for horizontal communication are:
memos, meetings, telephones, picnics, dinners, and other social affairs.


it was mentioned at the beginning of this chapter that communication may
be used to serve the information function. This means that a way must be
devised to allow the organization to absorb information necessary for
effective decision-making. In this regard, companies of
various sizes have organized systems to gather information that will be
useful to management.
Management information system (MIS) is defined by Boone and Kurtz as an
organized method of providing past, present, and projected information on
internal operations and external intelligence for use in decision
The MIS currently used by corporate firms consists of written and
electronically based systems for sending reports, memos, bulletins, and the
like. The system allows managers of the different departments within the
firm to communicate with each other.
The Purposes of MIS
The MIS is established for various reasons. Wheelen and Hunger enumerate
them as follows:
1. To provide a basis for the analysis of early warning signals that can
originate both externally
and internally.
2. To automate routine clerical operations like payroll and inventory reports.

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