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THBT there should be mandatory jail penalty for those who will pollute the

Our penal laws originated from the Spanish Penal laws. Just like its ascendant, our
present penal law mainly adhere to the classical school of thought which provides
that penalties are imposed mainly for punishment of wrongful acts. Under the said
school of thought, it is presumed that a person has free will so that a person has the
freedom to choose between right and wrong. It is also presumed that a person not
only knows the law but is also reasonable. Due to this presumption of
reasonableness, it is presumed that a person would consider the consequences of
his act before committing the same. Penalties are therefore imposed to serve as a
deterrent to committing future acts in violation of the law.
Mandatory imprisonment is a proper penalty for polluting the environment. The said
penalty is not too harsh since it would be made commensurate to the wrongful act.
It might be asked why the harsh penalty of imprisonment should be imposed
instead of a simple fine? As it is commonly said, prevention is better than cure. A
harsh penalty greatly helps prevent future violations of environmental laws. We
need not wait for the violators to actually pollute the environment. It is a better
option to let them consider in advance the harsh penalty of imprisonment. In
accordance with the classical school of thought that guides our penal laws, a harsh
penalty is proper in order to discourage the violation of environmental laws.
As previously stated, penalties are made commensurate to wrongful act done.
Pollution of the environment is a serious offense. Pollution or the destruction of the
environment affects not only the right to a healthful ecology of the present
generation but also that of the future generations. While our generation has the
right to use the earths resources, as a trustee and depository, we are also duty
bound not to misuse or exhaust it, so that those of our species to come in much
later years will still have something to use. The act of polluting the environment is
not a simple wrongful act since it affects not only the present generation but also
the future generations.
Pollution is a serious offense which is properly punished by imprisonment since it
involves the destruction of the environment with our natural resources, the
backbone of our economy. Our country is an agricultural economy wherein large
areas of our country are devoted to farming and fishing. Pollution should be heavily
punished since it would greatly affect the livelihood of thousands of Filipinos.
Pollution will destroy the bodies of water on which the fisherfolk communities
depend for their living. Pollution would contaminate the soil and the water for
irrigation of the crops used for the production of rice, sugar, fruits and other crops
which not only give farmers their livelihood but also feed the millions of Filipinos.
Imprisonment is not too harsh of a penalty compared to the harmful effects it has to
the health of millions of people. People building factories for them to earn as much

as they can without thinking where will they put their chemical excess or garbage,
some they just tend to throw it in the bodies of water which results to contamination
of the water we drink and the water we use everyday when we take a bath, when
we cook, when we wash our clothes, and when we prepare our baby sisters milk or
prepare our grandmothers medicine. People smoking cigarettes tend to enjoy
themselves doing that but little did they know that they do not just harm the
environment they also harming their own health and much more harming the health
of others. Studies from the Department of Health shows that THERE IS NO SAFE
LEVEL OF EXPOSURE TO SECOND-HAND SMOKE. Six hundred thousand people die
from exposure to second-hand smoke every year. The International Labour
Organization estimates that at least 200,000 workers die every year due to
exposure to SHS at work. The United States Environmental Protection Agency
estimates that SHS is responsible for approximately 3,000 lung cancer deaths
annually among non-smokers in the USA, and that up to one million children with
asthma have their condition worsened due to SHS exposure.
Filipino citizens enjoy freedom to do and enjoy many things but it has always been
taught that freedom is not always absolute. In order to have true freedom not just
for ourselves but also for others, we must sacrifice a portion of that freedom so as
not to violate the rights of other people. People nowadays are abusing their freedom
to do whatever they want to do in the environment. Imposing limitations on the
freedom to enjoy and exploit the natural resources of our very own countrys
environment is necessary for every citizen to enjoy the same freedom. The
imposition of the penalty of imprisonment is an appropriate tool to protect such
freedom of every Filipino.
. Every person bears a solemn responsibility to protect and improve the
environment for present and future generations. To rely solely on governmental
efforts to preserve and protect the environment is being negligent of each of our
own responsibility. Yes, it is the duty of the government to provide workers who will
clean the environments but do you think those workers can clean the trash of every
98.3 million citizens of the country? We have to help each other. Pick-up a trash,
search for a trash can, or put your trash in your bag, even if it is only a candy
wrapper you do not know how big of a help that is to the environment.
Implementing a mandatory jail penalty will serve as a reminder to everyone that we
have a responsibility to preserve the environment not just for ourselves, or for our
country, nor even for the world, but also for the next generation. Without this,
people will tend to abuse the environment and if a mishap will occur, whether
natural or not, they will blame the government. If you want change, change yourself
too. But there are a lot of people who will never be disciplined just by stating what
or what not to do. A signage is not enough, a seminar is not enough, an awareness
campaign is not enough. In order for them to learn, discipline the people who will
pollute the environment. Implement a mandatory jail penalty. Through this, people

will be frightened to violate environmental laws. People will tend to be more

disciplined and will be obliged to give care for the environment.
Again, this House believes that there should be a mandatory jail penalty not just
fine nor community service for those who will pollute the environment. Its
implementation serves as a reminder for everyone that we should take care of the
environment because the environment is not only the backbone of the economy,
but also it comprises the very place in which we live in. The air we breathe in, the
water we drink, the scenery we see, the sound that we hear, are all part of our
Without proper usage or preservation, we are not just impairing our
own right to enjoy it, but we are also depriving the chance of the future generation
to enjoy it, use it, and live with a healthful and balanced environment.

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