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A discourse on The Dragon and the Sons of God throughout Prophetic History

By Martin M. Semugeshi
B.A English [Writing Emphasis]
July 29, 2015
[First edition]

Table Of Content



The Music of The Hamitic Tribes


Wheat Vs. Tares


The Vatican Classified Intelligence


The Truth Of Events In The Garden:


The Issues Around The Bible


Where Is The Race Of Cain Today?


What About The Biblical Flood?


Satans Seed Dominate The Earth






1. Daniel 2:43, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men- King James Version
2. To my reading audience you were born into an ongoing cosmic arena- a prison house. As you firm
yourselves for the struggles and challenges ahead you must also develop stronger Facts and knowing in
a power greater than man. Lets face it- our world is in trouble. The worst atrocities perpetrated by
humans throughout history has been the direct result of satanic influence. This is what you are taught to
think. But no one has ever shown or taught you how deep the rabbit hole goes. The Bible clearly depicts
the ongoing struggle between the forces of Good and Evil. As the United Nations is the policing body
for world countries there is also a united body in heaven that polices the universe of created beings.
3. This book is designed to help those true students of scripture who wish to obtain a clearer view on Bible
prophecy or world events. It is free for download, so reader do not waste this information. You can
check the facts here with the supporting scripture texts to back it up. Check it for yourself! It contains
current and perhaps shocking information you may be reading for the first time. I highly recommend
you investigate the subjects for your own satisfaction.
4. It is not good to be silent in the face of this information. Let me start by saying there are three kinds of
people in the world [or church]: Those that know the truth, those that think they know the truth;
those that don't have a clue as to what is truth.5% of all people in any demographic think. 10% of the
people in that demographic think they think. The rest would rather die than think.
5. There is a reptilian seed upon the earth that was fathered by an intelligent fallen angel called Lucifer.
He ranked 3rd in galactic command & He goes by other names, depending on the culture. This book is
titled The Two Seeds At War, Outlined In this book is the historic origin of the two seeds.

It is hard for some to see why there is constant strife, murder, stealing, war, tragedy and turmoil in the
world without first seeing the origin of the two seeds: Cains race and the race of Seth. Cains race
is the evil reptilians or the genetic offspring of the serpent. Scripture says a good tree [seed] cannot bring
forth bad fruit just as a bad tree [seed] cannot bring forth good fruit. So each genetic bloodline of people
on earth must bear fruit in the image of their genetic family tree. [John 8-44] most of the human race is
under the control and domination of a cruel and remorseless genetic Intelligence known as Sin [Nannar].

7. Though all men have sinned (transgressed), all men are not under the control of Sin, believe it or
not- you have those born as the direct blood [children] of God and then those others who are the direct
seed [children] of the serpent- in this is the Great Controversy in our world

Mind you some people are quick to believe that all the people upon the earth are good and God loves
everyone and that all can be saved, this is simply not true, most are deceived by these genetic reptilianhuman hybrids as they are unable or unwilling to see how this is impossible as a bad seed [tare] cannot
be saved any more than a lion can be tamed. In as much as these reptilian-human hybrids, have mixed
amongst the people of the Creator [Enqi] all sin is initiated by the contact [or influence]of these
reptilian races of men, who have not the spirit of God in them.By mixing their seed among the whole
world have poisoned the truth from the minds of Gods created beings passed down through successive
lower races.

9. You shall ALWAYS know a tree by its fruit, the result of cause and effect is all around us: the power to
gain and control the riches in this world was given to the serpent seed race and most of the
sheep [the good seed] are coveting the riches of the evil seed to their own demise and in this they err.
The church wants to be like the world, and so you have the two seeds- at war. One class wants
material prosperity and the other wants to serve God. Now nothing is wrong with riches if gained in
honest lines. The problem is it is impossible to do both [serve sin and God] at the same time. Unless of
course both are the same thing.
10. Listen then to what the parable of the sower means:
11. When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and
snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown along the path.
12. The one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the word and at once
receives it with joy.
13. But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the
word, he quickly falls away.
14. The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the
worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful.
15. But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands
it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown
16. Good seed can only produce good seed, bad seed bad seed.
17. Eve [the mother of all humans] is the victim woman [the experiment] the serpent used to father the Cain race
into the world; Cain was of that wicked one, [see I John 3-12]. Cain after killing Abel produced
offspring we call Reptilian, not like a real reptile but like a wild people, these children were wild party,
pleasure lovers-dancing and lusting after their idols. The reptilian beings [in human form] are now the
Controlling Factor in the earth behind world wars, governments, economy [ like IMF], entertainment
[the music industry, Hollywood] and the many churches of Babylon. Believe it or not.
[The reptilians have totally dominated the cities like New
York, California, France, Paris.. Any unprotected soul in
these cities cannot long remain under the control of God
and most of their children live there]

18. Africa is a mixed bred nation as are most of them. At the start of the Egyptian civilization right after the
Sumerian civilization the god-kings and Nephilim who ruled to mix breeding with the Israelites [Nubians]
[Most notable being King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba ] and who knows who else. Ham's son Canaan had
migrated to Africa, around the Nile and the rivers of Ethiopia and thus the mixed heritage of Ham's
lineage, god-kings, and later the Indians [Dravidians] are darker without woolly hair. All of Hams
[Abraham] seed were Nayga- BLACK, so only they could tolerate the heat in Egypt which could
reach 120 degrees. The Israelites were kin to the Egyptians and were of most black people, like most
Nubians, Puerto Ricans and Jamaicans today. The Nubians and Egyptians mixed and traded in and
around their homelands which stretched from the upper Nile down to Sawdan or Sudan. The people
there were considered Swarty because of their obvious dark appearance. The first black Pharaohs
were Nubians as well as those of Ethiopia who supplanted them as they were the dark kings who ruled

through Dynastys where one family rules. There was no democracy only kingships in the time of the
latter day pharoahs. There was Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt during the time of Moses and the
EXODUS. A king could rule upper while another lower. This is long before the Greek invasion into
Egypt, by Alexander and Ptolemaic.
[Since the children of Israel agreed to turn away from the Egiptian
deities they were worshipping they repented and agreed to right their
wrong, they were given the Ten Commandments instead of the 613
confession of the Pharoahs. The 613 confessions were promissory
statements, not commandments, they were oaths. They were given Ten
Commandments represented by the Hebrew letter Yod - y, which
means hand and has as a numerical value of 10; the number of fingers
on your 2 hands and 10 hours of the day]

19. Pleiades is found in Job 9:9, 38:31 And Amos 5:8 and is the word Kiymah in Aramic [Hebrew]
meaning Golden Ornament, its the ancient name of Egypt, Kemet. These beings from heaven came
down to this planet earth in Egypt and set up the Nubian culture,- Genesis 2:7
20. The planet was all one land mass and when it split people were trapped wherever they were. Many
migrated back, those that couldnt (as the land masses spread further and further apart) stayed- Genesis

A Nubian Family [how the original Egyptians looked]


21. The Egyptians mastered cloning which is why everyone borrowed information from ancient Egipt. The
masked beings that you see in Egipt are of cloned experiments. Like Sabak, who is a crocodile headed
being. Cloning was mastered in Egipt first. The first alchemists were in Al Kham.
22. ALL of the races of men in the world today have mixed breed children and lineages throughout their
populations to which they dont know how they came about. There is no person on earth today who is
totally pure and not mixed from Adam. This text is in Rom 3:23. Thus many today find themselves
helpless and hopeless within their inherited and cultivated tendencies to evil. The confusion of
intermixing and the cultural and spiritual consequences of amalgamation between the pre-flood tribes
brought wickedness and genetic evils [throughout generations] that could only be quenched by a flood. I
will highlight some of these evils [for the reader] as I go along.

The cultural intermingling [and intermarrying] between the Sons of Seth and the Sons/daughters
of Cain and also the seed of the "fallen beings" produced men in the image of God but the likeness
of Satan called Nephilim. The most ingenious, and gifted of these sons that the world have ever seen, like scholars,
musicians, athletes, architects, engineers, scientists of today have all in them one thing in common with the serpent-they
sought their own wealth, glory and forgot their creator. Like the generations and civilizations before the flood [the
primordial] these men of renown like men in our present day prefer service to self over God. In every generation these
blessed men [celebrities] exist.

[Note: Through the process of slow integration and assimilation "the sons of Seth" came to love
[feel affection for] the "daughters of Cain" that they lost their peculiar culture and fell corrupted.
Whereas MUTUAL trading was innocent & not a crime the habits of taste, dress and passions
known only to Cains posterity slowly crept into the camp of the children of Seth until the
attitudes and perceptions to evil become numbed. Over time they slowly lost their powers of
reasoning and their happiness at last was found wanting.
Dormant and evil passions were awakened in the line of Seth. Children became unhappy with their
spouses, fights, jealousy, tensions and greed entertained the hearts of the young and old even the
leaders. The only hope for Seth lay in the integrity of youths like Enoch who were taught the truth
from childhood and confirmed they would not defile themselves. Within their nations they hoped
to reach their fellow brethren and sisters with firmness of character, bravery and truth- and a life of
service was rendered in hope that-they [the people] would love and practice the old ways. Found
sitting in their circle were [few] whoever would hear.
So what is the result? They lost the knowledge of God through ignorance. The children born to
this alliance [daughters of Cain & Sons of Enos] in their generations felt no love for the God of
Adam or his ways, they each choose their own path. Sicknesses, premature death and lack of unity
[selfishness] was the final result of mixing with the Cain group and it did not stop here. The
demarcation between holy and unholy was faint, the curse was felt in the moral, physical and
intellectual feebleness of the future posterity. Unless a plan had been devised to recover the line of
Seth they would have drowned themselves with extinction]

24. The pre-flood generations had human hybrids [mixed races] and 'alien' hybrids [aliens bred with
humans]. Today you can't even tell who is what, most have several different bloodlines and seed lines,
appearances, attitudes running through their family genealogies. Everyone is mixed with everyone and
with the breakdown of the language barrier it is very hard to distinguish [trace] the true children of God
anymore. That is why the Apostle John proclaimed "For God so loved the world, that He gave His
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life"-John 3:16.

25. Reader you must use your own intuition to decipher between the two seeds. This writing will give you
the facts of the two seeds or races [in as much detail as possible] throughout their histories, so you with your
two eyes can put the pieces together and see the bigger picture.
26. All the children of colour are one family; yet they are not all children that are of Ham.
27. Now not all of the ancestors of the children of Ham were "Jewish." Referring to Genesis- Adam,
Abraham Enoch, Noah, and all of their subsequent genealogies throughout their generations were not
"Jewish, [or Christian ] they were pastoralists, or what you call naturalist- nomadic, they worshiped God
through nature and the senses. There was no accessible written information about God until after the
flood this is why the following knowledge will shock you. You must overstand although they were
darker in appearance and taller, their seed has gone into all the world through their disobedience.
Abraham was chosen to be saved out of his generation and before he was saved he was first a fire
worshiper of Zoroaster. His father Terah was a magi or magician, and it was not until Abraham
found the knowledge of God in the schools in Egypt, [Thebes] that he turned to the true God after his
initiation by Melechezidek. HE WAS NOW CALLED ABRAM- Gen 17:5. He eventually repented of
his polygamy and worshipped the true God of Heaven.
28. The 12 tribes of Ra [or Israel] are from Isaac they settled in Africa. The 12 Arab Princes from Ishmael
through Hagar rule the Middle East even today- they live in Dubai mostly & neighbouring Arab
countries. Most of north Africa is Arab ruled [Morocco, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania]. Both seeds were from
Abraham. Noah's son Ham and Isaac's son Esau interbred with Nephilim [Gen. 6:4] and Cain's races, [but
not all of them]. At one time the Middle East was dominated with the Nephilim and no one could
approach them. They built many cities similar to the ones today like Quatar, Dubai and inhabited the
earth as giants and god-kings. The remnants of the children of these god-kings were instrumental in the
creation of ancient Egypt, Central and South America and the Chinese [Asian] and Indian races. They
had great scientific and construction technology that we do not see today. They directed medical
procedures that doctors today have not yet discover. In-fact they built the first great civilizations
that are now wonders of the world.
29. They were almost perfect, however [like the men who build bombs and nuclear technology today] they went too
far in their thoughts and God destroyed them- Genesis 6:5.
30. At the height of every great civilization when men reach the apex of the gods and forget their simplicity
they always destroy themselves. History is bound to repeat. Destruction is a way to maintain order and
control genetics. When you want to build a house you first remove the ant hill the trees and birds from
the land. You destroy the life and home of a species in order to build your house. Its the same thing
with God. He removes or keeps what he wants, we are like his toy soldiers.
31. Remember the descendants of Cain founded the cities and were master engineers. Their progeny are
those who invented the cities of America and Europe we see today. The splendid constructions and sky
scrapers, this brilliance in craftsmanship is inherent in their seed. The descendants of the black men [the
Hamites] were great musicians and writers or poets. [As they recorded and kept the knowledge of God through
civilizations like; Egypt, Sumeria, Babylonia & Persia.] The Greeks borrowed some of their knowledge which
became instrumental to their progress and fame world-over. The seed of Ham they knew the secret of
how to move the spirit. Today the descendants of Ham created the forms of reggae and roots music and
tribal folklores customs like Nine Night, Kumina -as a result the people of HAITI are direct Hamites, they
mixed with French Europeans.

32. The language of Haiti is a variation of French. Patois in Jamaica is a variation [dialect] of British
English. The English have maintained a strong presence in most of their former colonies. Most of
Jamaica mixed with Brits, Germans, Spanish, Chinese and Indians.

Pyramids at Giza, Cairo [Egypt]

The Nile River, Egypt.

DOHA Qatar [Nod], the Origin cities of Nod were thought to be Europe
But it is very much like Qatar, Dubai, which is the land of NOD.

The Music Of The Hamitic Tribes

1. Though the music of the Hamites is not the same- as it is mostly corrupt-through channels like reggae, it
is still is a force to be reckoned with.
2. All races of men share all the gifts of talent, skill and vocation yet there are extremities and specialities
within them. The tonation of each race is different, the inflection, pronunciation and vocal quality varies.
All races can make music, yet not all make the best kind of music. Without reserve music is a gift of
God given to exclusively the dark race. The Hebrew Israelite tribes counts from Africa. Africa is a
coined word and not original lexicon; all other races learnt music and rhythm out of Africa. The
remnants of these men are the soulful people, the greatest musicians the world had ever seen or should
I say heard, the Hebrew were herders as well as singers, psalters and dancers. Though greatly
inferior today, in stature they still have the genetic and spiritual ability to make the music worth hearing.
3. Reggae is the music of the Africans and the same root word as Rebel, it is rebel music, theres nothing
spiritual in its form today. The rebellious noise can make you mad. And even possess you. The music
was brought by slaves from West Africa, who practiced rituals-as tribal traditions. It was predominantly
drum sounds until it became synthetic and mixed then commercialized.
i. [The music merged with calypso from Trinidad and the samba from Central
America and evolved into Mento, which is guitar based. Mento was the first
form of commercial music to gain fame in Jamaica. It continued to deteriorate]

4. From Mento it became Ska and rock steady, Ska was influenced from Mento and R&B. Remember in
the 1950s stars like Byron Lee and the Dragonaires, Ska artistes like Leroy Sibbles emerged before
dance music or pop culture. Music crossed cultures and was enjoyed by other people not original to the
5. Then from Ska you had reggae, remember? Satan took over this art form in the person of Bob Marleyreggaes finest rebel. Most of the music of bob Marley has truth gems and facts, moral principles, yet it is
a web of deception. I know this is hard to swallow but keep reading. The artists of yesterday like today
were social commentators, reporting on the political and societal landscape. Bob Marley took reggae
universal. From Bob Marley you had artistes like Freddie McGregor, Dennis brown, Greggory
Issacs. Reggae became big business.
6. So Dancehall is now the youth music, and it came from Reggae, rebellion, rebels. Dancehall is called
dub, like Bennie Man, Yellow Man, - to eventually become Dub poetry like Mutabaruka, which is
conscious reggae- now intelligent rebellion. The only people making money in reggae is the record
companies. Dance music has an exciting, intoxicating effect on young people. It is dangerous and swims
on the borderline of the spirit world. Now you know.

7. The Chinese on the other hand were great hunters and technology or tool savvy [they were great imitators]
because they came from the monkey race otherwise called- Neanderthal man-they built planes and
weapons of mass destruction as well as nearly extinct the dog population. The monkey like Gibbon and
Chimpanzee are not original to Chinese, most of the population of central Africa today are closely
related to the species, the genetic information is the same. The Chinese were extremely cannibalistic
and aggressive and so they created martial arts and the famous fighting styles. They are not
spiritual people like they make you believe- they are a bad seed. Of course you have the Hindi or

Indians who are mostly mixed and grafted from the seed of Ham and well as those in-between who can
blend into any race.
8. From this the blood types moved further and further apart- all humans were originally made of one
[Such cruelty to animals were seen only before the flood,
today men practice the same cruelly as their ancestors]

Animal Rights Activists Protest Chinas Dog Killing

Vendor Protesting the Killing of Dog [In China]


Wheat Vs. Tares

1. First who are the tares? We know from Scripture that Satan's offspring had infiltrated the church and
were able to pose as Seth's seed because of intermingling and blood sacrificing. Jesus in the Bible often
rebuked the Scribes and Pharisees and referred to them as sons of the devil... his literal offspring.

Many in the churches today refer to the Tares as simply those who don't worship and follow Jesus. Well
the problem today is we all follow Jesus! Right? Everyone affiliates with Jesus for convenience or style.
Jesus should be the most know person in the world. Who hasnt heard of Jesus? Jesus is big business, it
brings in money and he makes people rich. In a nutshell, they're right and wrong at the same time. The
majority in the Cain races do worship Jesus under a religion we call CHRISTIANTY, Cain and Christ
start with the same letter. Both represent blood sacrifice, and both are cannibals. Keep reading.

3. The majority in Seths races, although they claim to and give lip service to following HIM...they pretend
just like Cain. The majority of the world is apostate through Christianity, Christianity is just like a mask,
entertainment. Most of the people in these churches are just pretending they know Jesus, they dont! The
Serpent Seed line, sons of Cain races are the Tares. The sons of Seth were lost unit the messiah came to
find them, they are slowly returning to truth. When Seth separates from Cain [i.e when the truth is heard in
all the world] then Satans world will end. They will fight each other to death. They will self-destruct from
within. Jesus said he came to bring division, and a sword NOT peace- Matt 10:34. Today the churches
shout PEACE!!
4. The devil and his fallen angels, are also Tares, including Alien hybrids, obviously. These are in human
form as well. Humans and devils co mingle in our churches. Did you know that? Only two main seeds
exist. Mankind [you] comes from one of these two seeds. The lord or Satan the good or the bad seed. Those
that are redeemable and those that arent. Those that are profit and those that are lost. The ones for the fire
and the ones for the barn.
5. The children of Satan are the freemasons. You heard me correctly. Freemasonry itself is of Cain as Cain
is a seed of Satan his father i.e. the sons of Cain [a child of Eve] formed the satanic root of freemasonry
popular in Europe today- Cains children are Europeans. They are the Jesuits and the papacy. They
work through religion and banking. There are other orders.
Read carefully the following

In Genesis 4 Cains offering was refused by the God of Abel so Cain became jealous and sacrificed his
brother instead- thus the first human sacrifice or blood sacrifice for fame. Notwithstanding the fact that
humans were created vegetarians [Genesis 1:29], only a false God could initiate a false command and
demand the killing of animals and for his vegetarian people to eat them. The church itself denies the
serpents seed as non-existent. The Jews of Israel [the one in the Middle East] are not the seed of JesusRevelation 3:9 confirms this. Satan himself does not want you to discover him on earth and the controversy
of what is really ongoing. The case of every person in the world is to be decided and there is a separation,
shaking as we speak.

7. There was a man called Nicola Tesla who was involved in a Philadelphia Experiment, have you heard of
him? Information was brought to the United States through German and other European scientist. Germans
were controlled by the fallen beings and who also controlled Hitler to commit his atrocities on the Jews.
Hitler was originally Austrian and not German. They released a movie in 1965 called Sound of Music
that tells the tale of an Austrian commander Von Trap who averted recruitment by Hitlers armies like The

third Reich of Nazi. In the movie Vontrapp He married a catholic women called Maria [or Mary???] who
was celibate??? Who was to be a nun but chose a worldly life instead.

Nicola Tesla: Engineer, Inventor [1856-1943]. Though in Human form Tesla himself is not original to earth.
Born of human parents- his intelligence is of different origin. Let it be known.


8. Hitler had in mind to win the war at any cost. Many of his scientists moved to Argentina and other South
American counties and continued their experiments on contacting familiar spirits [Julius Xezar]. Some of
the Jews went and created the HOLLYWOOD in America [in a place called LAS ANGELS] and recruited
actors to tell tales to the world. There was a craft created on their behalf called the Bell. There was a
society of women that were used to get in contact with these beings from Aldebaran [a race of fallen beings],
called the Thule Society and was led by a Madame Blatavatsky. They were 3 women with long hair of
different colours that had never been cut: auburn hair, red and white.
9. Cut a LONG story-there was a man who approached Hitler and told him to become powerful he need to
collect all religious relics. So he went on a quest to find the Ark of the Covenant of the Bible and was told
it was in Ethiopia - he didnt find it. He was told to search for the original cross that was said to have been
somewhere else. He didnt find that. Each time he went on a quest, he didnt find what he was looking for.
Hitler was originally from Austria yet German, hence the movie Sound of Music.
10. Once Hitler realized that the religion of the Jews was fake he went to Tibet and then to India searching.
Hitler so furious at the Jews [his own ancestry] being false he tried to kill all of the Jews, not just the white
ones Ethiopian ones too. He lost his mind and became demon possessed and [many dont know Hitler was an
occultist] went back to the worship of his gods Norse. The mystic told him your god is Odin. That is when
he was connected with the Thule society. The fallen angels used Hitler to do the work of death. Once he
came to what he did, he took his own life. This is the truth.
11. Hitler refused to live. The Dali Lama is always running he is Chinese calling on an Indian and he is not
12. The original inhabitants of Australia are the aborigines* and once those Europeans [pink skinned] invaded
[Australia] they tapped into their DNA as the aborigines have some of the oldest DNA on the planet. The
aborigines were dark people [lost remnants of Ham] that move down south from Africa after the great
continental split. They were literally off the map for thousands of years. When the Europeans came to
Australia they started breeding mixed children and then taking those children and converting then to
Christianity and breeding out of those children so by the fourth generation you have a very light, brown or
white Aborigine called Mulatto. These mulatto are still in Australia today.
13. There are people whose skin complexion is so dark they are considered blue. These are the Star Children
they are the original people. [The earth was replenished from the Hindu, Watusi and pygmy tribes]. There are two
groups: those that were short, the little people in Congo and those that were tall; like the Watusi in Uganda.
Originally the first earth was destroyed and the large species [like the dinosaurs] were extinct, by the great
extinction that occurred 17,000,000 years ago- the meteors and the thick black dust clouds left the planet
earths atmosphere Dark and void-Genesis 1:2 for the planet itself was emptied then re-constructed. Some
people survived- [two-thirds of the population died]- and were told to replenish [refill] the earth again- Genesis
1:29. The dinosaurs were a huge problem, eating people- and they were eradicated. This began the moon
cycle and the start of Adam and Eve story.
14. The Hindus that survived went to their planet Nirvana, in the Canis Minor star constellation. There were
many replenishing or cycles on planet earth. With each destruction only a few survive- As it was in the
days of Noah-Luke 17:26.


Watusi of Central Africa

Adolph Hitler represented a new form of Christianity that really hated the Jews
because they believed that the Jews were responsible for killing their God
Christ. So the Hitler movement was really a Christian movement for revenge on
Jews. The Klu Klux Klan, the Aryan nations, all celebrated Hitler because Hitler
studied Canaanite and Sumerian doctrine and sent his people to Tibet to study.
In his study of the Canaanite doctrine he found things that didnt sit well with
him, like the facts in a book called the Talmud, their book of traditions, which
is of the Russian Jews called Ashkenazims, originally khazars (Tsars) who
converted to Judaism in 740AD
The Nazi used the Celtic cross which is also the ankh which trickled down to the
Christian cross and other European crosses, all of the many crosses you see


The Christian Cross [came from the Celtic Cross]

The Christian cross is the swastika, originally the ankh of EGYPT. The cross is symbolic
of death & it is a Hindu symbol plagiarized from the ankh which represented the cycle
of life or 360 degrees of a circle- no beginning and no ending.
They took the symbol from Zoroastrianism and Hindu teachings to create the cross of
90degree angles- a symbol of death [bloodshed], a Celtic [ Caucasian] symbol
Wica produced Zoroastra [fire worship or demon worship] which came from ancient
Babylon. The English Bible is the exact rendition of Zoroastrianism to various degrees
because much of the pagan reptilian gods were intentionally placed in scripture- which
goes back to Wicaism, Vicar or vicarious and the sacrifices continue today in
the form of human sacrifices.
Ur of Chaldea the Chaldeans who worshipped many gods & sacrificed by fire. Chealdea
which is in Babylon?? The Chaldeans were a people with whom Judah sought alliance
but was condemned.


Dictator Adolph Hitler (1889-1945) the Austrian who wished to be German during world war 2, who became demon
possessed by evil fallen spirits, the same spirits that are responsible for the mistranslations of the English Bible,
mistranslating God as the devil and the devil as God, where God requires blood, animal & human sacrifices. This is one of
the greatest cover ups about WW2 by the Vatican. And what european scientists were doing at the time.

15. Beside Hitler was Guglielmo Marcony [1874-1937], an Italian inventor and electrical engineer also known
as the father of wireless telegraphy. Marconi was a student of Nikola Tesla, Marconi studied radio
transmission theory with Tesla and made the first successful radio transmission in 1926 A.D. Marconi and
tesla are both accredited with the discovery of the radio.


Benito Musolini [1883-1945]

16. In June 1936 A.D. Marconi demonstrated to the Italian leader Benito Musilini a wave gun device that
could be used as a defence weapon. In the 1930s such devices were popularized as death rays. Tesla was
known for a project he invented and worked on called the death ray. The death ray was capable of
destroying 10,000 airplanes at 250 miles distance. It was intended to combat any threat from outer space
and inner space.
17. Pope Pius XI heard about the invention and took steps to have Musolini stop Marconis research. In 1930
A.D. Marconi and Cardinal Pacelli who was the secretary of state to Pope Pios XI, arranged with Marconi
for a powerful short wave radio station to be constructed In the Vatican city so roman catholic opinion and
the voice of the pope himself could be broadcast directly to the most parts of the world. When the station
was opened in 1931 A.D. It gave the Vatican a means of world communication independent of the Italian
government. Musolini wanted to broadcast his propaganda ideas but it was during a time when the
enormous influence of the Pope being against Fascist activities in the Vatican.
18. The irony is the fact that Marconi was later criticized for supporting Musolini strongly and Pacelli
who was Pope Pius XII, during the time between 1939-1945, was condemned for not denouncing the
Nazi more strongly.
19. Marconi visited the United States 40 times in 20 years. Marconi was really respected in the country [United
States]. It was once said that he might become an Italian ambassador in Washington during World War II.
This twenty year time frame made Marconi a real student of Tesla. This emphasized the ties between

America and England and France. It is a known fact that Musolini and Adolph Hitler worked together
during World War 2. Hitler and Mussolini were two men that History books claim were tyrants and evil.
And they were in league with the forces of evil.There are some things you should not know but If you only

Guglielmo Marconi [1874-1937] Italian inventor and electrical engineer



[This information to follow is a summary of files the Vatican generals have
hidden from the world. This is basic information I have gathered from my
research. I am sorry I cannot give the source and full length at this moment. The
facts are exhaustive and perhaps not best to be disclosed in certain circles.]

There have been many reports of crafts or [unidentified flying Objects] sky vehicles along the mountainous
jungles of the Eastern Andes, from Bolivia to Venezuela.Some of these crafts were made on earth. Others
dont have earth origin. The earth made vehicles have steam, the others some fire infolding, of luminous
brightness, some type of clean fume coming out of it. They are swift vessels. During World War II, Germany
constructed many crafts that were similar to UFO. The Germans were not working alone. They had
visitors.most of them not friendly. not born on earth. Within [inside] the earth there are 6 caverns, 4
occupied 2 unoccupied in 1970 A.D.
There are subterranean worlds that do exist. Again this information is classified.. not common. There are many
different species living within this world. Not just on land or sea or sky, but beneath the crust. Our world is so
diverse, and we have visitors from other worlds within human population some benevolent, some malevolent.
The planeteirs [earthlings] are not ready to know these things, some dont want to know, some are searching,
most are still asleep. They will know in time and the time is nearing, but will they know too late? The [visitors
from space] beings will return- the Anunnaqi of Genesis, the starters of the human race [family tree]. In the
Bible the Christians call it-the return of the messiah. It is a return, but for whom? Those enemies are here. The
galactic war is nearing its close. Mankind is not ready, there is great death coming, not all will live. Are they
peaceful? We dont know? Will they destroy us? Maybe so. The earth beings will one day have their wings
returned they will one day mount the sky like doves both the living and the dead. They will be freed from the
condition of sickness from their cage like weak birds.
In the Bible in Isaiah 26:18, it says In the Earth and the inhabitants of the world showing those in the earth,
inside the earth lives the ancient racesthey do have the ancient machines which increases intelligence. The
machines themselves are corrupted and evil things result. There are many points on the earth that sit directly on
major points or vertices of the energy grid, these grids control the weather, and they are being manipulated to
cause droughts, rain, snow [in unusual places] and earthquakes, as well as temperature hikes. Places such as
The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt; The Bermuda Triangle at Bimini; Gabon, in West Africa, which is a
natural atomic reactor because of the high levels of uranium; Easter Island in the Pacific oceana, and German
underground basis in Antartica to name a few all the beings in their different species occupy the under
The Underground Facilities.. some details..It is a fact that governments of major countries have built
underground tunnels for a variety of reasons. The Chinese, Russians and Vietnamese all built subterranean
tunnels and bases. Reports in the August 7, 1989 A.D. edition of U.S News and World report.. the article states
that in the case of a nuclear attack, or any attack from outer space [ extra-terrestrial attack] special teams
equipped with war planes, military codes and other essential data would accompany each designated
presidential successor to secret command posts around the country, besides the president of each major country,
those deemed important enough to be evacuated [military, banking members, scientific people, and
entertainment heads] would have a hiding spot, a shelter. In the case of a meteoric attack only officials named in
the joint Emergency evacuation plan [JEEP] would be evacuated. There are 50 of these underground command
post bunkers located in 10 different regions of the country [United States]. Each is linked via satellite or ground
wave relays
Revelation 6:16 says, they called to the mountains and the rocks [caverns] hide us from the face of him who
sits on the throne, of the one who comes with great glory

20. Originally, Enqi (God) made 14 different species of man of the reddish shade, the original man was of the
earth color [just look at the soil]. The original man did not work the gold mines In Zimbabwe they were to
till the garden in Eden as farmers. We started heavy labour after the fall and not before that is when
humans began to perspire as we were not in our original climate. The black people were the first to sweat
and perfuse once they left Sudan towards Nubia [where there is gold] moving on foot southward towards
the equator the hottest section of the planet [From Nigeria toward Congo], the outer garden was hotter and not
like the cool garden which was their home [the Watusi]. The area in northern Africa is oil rich from the fossil fuel
of the dinosaurs buried by the great destruction. The Nubians were nomadic wanderers, the first pilgrims. The
Watusi are themselves Nubians from the Nile [or nine] & were the cattle herders, the original children of
the Neterus (Gods)
21. In the time of the slave trade [1700s] they couldnt use the dark Negroes to mix with as when they did their
genes were dominated [over-powered] - meaning they were not natural to the environment and Nature
made them a Recessive Gene. The immune system of Africans is the strongest of all races, mixing with
other races weaken this strong immune system as Africans mostly maintained the same climate and food
for generations. So, Europeans they went back and took Nubians from Morocco, who were like Spanish
and French and mixed them and the result led to smallpox. There are many numerous diseases that wiped
out the indigenous natives/ tribes of America such as: typhoid, measles, influenza, bubonic plague,
malaria, tuberculosis, mumps, yellow fever, hirsutism and an unusual and rare type of syphilis.

A Bangladesh child infected with smallpox, 1973

22. They brought the Chinese to help re-build the railroads in America and they mixed in with the Native
American and Latinos were the result. The Latinos are blacks and blended so naturally they fit anywhere.
Then you have Latinos like Jenifer Lopez, Selena, Salma Hayek. You find some Latino women have
bigger breast compared to Caucasian women and are more shaped that the Caucasians since they are
not full whites but mixed. They tried to mix in with the Cubans yet the Cuban people are mostly black
and come from Nigeria as they were straight revolutionaries. Some Cubans fled to Florida. While others
fought with Fidel. They managed to integrate. When the European Spaniards mixed their cursed seed into
the women in the colonial Islands [like Jamaica] many of the disease were passed into the blood. Today you
have mixed people and even straight Negroes with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, sickle cell
anaemia, leukaemia and they dont know how it came about. Well you have the Europeans to thank for that.

With correct living you can control your fate, you are not a victim to your genes. Yet you are what you are
by nature
[As you see I am skipping allot of information. You must put the rest together]

23. For some Caucasians no mixing helped. They maintained a dog like appearance with eyes of different
colour, some with blue, green and mixed colours of eyes. They are going to places like Alaska because
there is 6 months of darkness and the sun actually hurts their eyes they are like anti-sun creatures,
nocturnal, [the dog is a nocturnal creature that sleeps in the day and roam in the night]. So dont be
surprised when people stay out late to party, drink, smoke and sex. Then they die violently in a car accident
on their way home. At night is when some people are most alive. They are night creatures. They have
exposed themselves to evil and cannot escape that life. It is their nature to be wild and not yours. You must
sleep at night to renew your body. They must drink at night to feel alive. Like others of them, they have to
live their lives inside a bubble because they have no immunity against common diseases of the area. As
well as the sunlight is bad for them. From the Caucasus Mountains they stayed until they moved to colder
places. They are actually being told to stay off the beaches. Some Darker people can actually see in the dark
after nine minutes of being in it.

Caucasian with recessive

24. There are people in Africa called the San people who are the Ptahites of Botswana and you have the
Kalahari Bushmen who are of Zimbabwe. These people look the same because they are the same seed.
These people have all the genetic markers that you see as traits for the human race. They have the nappy
hair of Negroes the slanted eyes of the Asians, the three marks in the brow of the Aborigines and the chin
of the Indians.
The first race on earth was Negroids and had 9 species [or tribes] and
The next race is the Aborigines and Dravidians who had 8
The Asians have 7 species
The Caucasian woman [coming from the Asians] has 6 like the Vikings, Celtics, tribes
The Caucasian men have 5
Theres another species that has 4 but I will not mention that now
[In-fact most Bollywood actors you find
resemble Caucasian people having blue eyes
and blond hair and very light skin- these are
Caucasian people from Asia]

25. More number of the spiritual seed the less spiritual. The less number the more spiritual. Just as everything
in nature has an opposite and a correlation to nature itself. They are moon flesh [vs] sunlight or darker
skins. Most of the African races those that mixed less are made of the dominant gene of the pure blood or
WHEAT as they ONLY mixed amongst themselves. They didnt go too far animalistic. Like The Kalahari
Bushmen of the Kalahari and various other peoples as well and are trying to get away from people so they
moved into the bushes and are never seen or heard. They are actually endangered species.
26. Because most Caucasians are of the recessive gene and are no longer pushing the blonde hair blue eyed
female in the culture and Hollywood medium. They are pushing red hair and green eyes [like Rihanna who
is mixed, like Beyonc, Shakira] - these they put as the standard of beauty. Yet it is too late. Nordic Adamites
are already on their way to extinction sometime after the year 2000 they will not exist.

Hollywood Celebrities [red hair]

Angelina Jolie [Green Eyes]

[The Media Promotes Red hair and Green Eye to Change the culture of Fashion]

The Truth Of Events In The Garden: Cain, The Seed Of The Serpent.

Genesis 3:1-6 says, (In part) Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD
God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?.....
[In Hebrew the word serpent is Hebrew word # 5175: nachash (naw-khawsh'); a snake
(from its hiss). From # 5172: nachash (naw-khash'); a primitive root; properly, to hiss,
i.e.: whisper a (magic) spell; generally, to prognosticate: to practice divination, to divine,
to observe signs, to learn by experience, to diligently observe, to practice fortune telling,
to take as an omen.]

2. The serpent description is the description of a person and not a real reptile. The serpent is a man but no
ordinary man- he is Satan.
3. The serpent is not like any snake- it is Satan himself. Satan as a divine being is called a serpent and he
was a creature who could shape-shift, he has other names depending on the culture and language.
[The word tree is Hebrew word # 6086: `ets (ates); a tree (from its firmness) from #
6095:`atsah (aw-tsaw'); a primitive root; properly, to fasten (or make firm), i.e: to close
the eyes. figuratively: The spine giving firmness to the body (The body is the trunk, and
the arms and legs are the limbs]

4. Symbolically tree represent people, people can be good or bad depending on their fruit or character.
All people are not alike as you can see they also do not look the same in appearance. All people have
different family trees with different roots or genealogies, genes.
Isaiah 61:1-3 says 1The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings
unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the
prison to them that are bound; 2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to
comfort all that mourn; 3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for
mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of
the LORD, that he might be glorified. (KJV)

Back to Genesis 3: v 2And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:3 But of
the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye
[The phrase fruit of the tree is Hebrew word # 6529 periy- fruit, in a wide sense: a) fruit,
produce (of the ground), or b) fruit, offspring, children, progeny ( used of the womb), or
figuratively c) fruit (of actions). The phrase eat of it is Hebrew word #398; 'akal (awkal'); this word has many uses, among which, one use means to lay with a woman (which
is a sexual act) touch is Hebrew word # 5060; naga` (naw-gah'); Properly, to touch, ie: to
lay the hand upon (for any purpose); euphemism for: to lie with a woman. v 4And the
serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:]

So the word serpent is Satan. That is clear. The phrase Ye shall not surely die is the first lie in the Bible,
and it was Satan as the serpent that uttered it! Satan is called "The father of lies. Satan said, "For God doth
know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil

The phrase your eyes shall be opened is the second lie in the Bible, and Satan is also the author of this one.
Remember from verse one, that the tree that the serpent wants Eve to partake of means: "To close the eyes,"
as in being deceived, and losing sight of the only commandment from God at that time: Remember God said
to Adam in Gen 2:17, "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that
thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Anyway on to verse 3:6

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food Dont be fooled and think it was a literal
tree or literal apple. It was a drug like a poppy seed plant commonly called Opium that is very addictive and
gives a certain euphoria. It was this drug that led to Eve demise as she was drugged then raped and this
changed her appearance.

Poppy seed fruit (opium)

Pomegranate apple

6. Satan himself is a personality he is a manly figure. The phrase pleasant to the eyes = Hebrew word
#2530; chamad: To desire, to covet, to take pleasure in, to delight in, to be desirable, to delight greatly,
to desire greatly, desirableness, preciousness. The word desired = Hebrew word # 8378 ta'avah (tah-avaw'); from 183 (abbreviated); to yearn for, to lust after (used of bodily appetites) a longing; by
implication, a delight (subjectively, satisfaction, objectively, a charm): a desire, a wish, longings of one's
heart; lust, an appetite, covetousness (in a bad sense), to covet, to wait longingly.
[To make one wise = Apple trees don't make you smart but Satan can give you forbidden
knowledge. The word took = Hebrew word # 3947 laqach (law-kakh'); a primitive root;
to take (in the widest variety of applications): to take, to lay hold of, to receive, to marry,
to take a wife, to take to or for a person, to procure, to get, to take possession of, to select,
to choose, to take in marriage, to receive, to accept.
This passage in Genesis makes it appear like Eve was eating an apple, all the language of
the book is figurative or what you may call poetic and must be sifted though and through.
[This is what happened in the garden- for the lay people- here is the truth. Keep

7. Eve had sex and lost her virginity to the serpent who is Satan himself also called Sin (Nannar) in the
Bible. Nannar is the father of Cain and Nannar is a jealous God- Exodus 20:5.
8. Yet being a son of Nannar and Eve, Cain killed his brother out of jealousy and offered him instead
because he was of a jealous god. As mentioned in [highlight jealous]

Exodus 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God a jealous God, visiting
the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

10. Now why would a God be jealous? He gave man power & dominion and now he is Jealous? Of what?
The root of Cains name Qanan, is Qanna and jealous in Hebrew is Qanah meaning, jealous. Both
words come from the same root however because none can bind partners with god this jealous
attribute is said to be exclusively to god. The fact is it - there were more than one god even during this
brief trial.

11. Satan was the first jealous being in heaven as he was jealous of his creator and wanted to be not like him
but greater than him. So what did he do? Satan created his own people with his own blood. Cain was in
the image of God but the likeness of Satan, because Satan is the father of Cain, those of the flesh.
Genetic tampering passed the ways of the serpent onto Cain. And the evidence of this is found in
Roman 9:8
12. There is no apple mentioned in scriptures. It is nowhere to be found. Nowhere does it say Adam and Eve
ate an apple. However most artwork shows Eve enjoying an apple. Which makes most people believe
the apple is poisonous. This is madness. It says Adam also took of this forbidden fruit, but he didnt!
13. See, Adam was smarter than Satan because he was made as Gods first child, he did not fall to Sin
[Nannar] yet he chose sin- there is a difference. He knew what Eve had done and the result of Eve spelt
death. It was true Adam loved Eve why he choose not to separate and die instead.
14. Friends Satan is a divine being possessing extraordinary mind. He can confuse even the angels of God!
Now what chance do you have? Eve partook of the fruit Satan gave to her, she was tricked by
Lucifer to have sex, and then she had sex with Adam and introduced him to the act of sex. This
brought pain and death to the human race, ALL of us.
15. The fruit it was a drug, like a poppy plant [Opium], that gave a pleasing effect, and caused the part of
brain responsible for reasoning to hallucinate - she was attracted by how it looked and felt. Eve was the
first mad woman-Junky.
16. The creator had a set time for them to procreate and they went out of cycle violating the order. So
She [Eve] got pregnant and conceived by the serpent and had son called Cain, then she conceived a
second time this time from Adam. It is not medically impossible that Eve got pregnant from both Adam
and the snake at the same time and hence she conceived twins called Cain and Abel, as well as
[Note: Cain was more rebellious than Abel because he had the serpents blood in him. Adam knew this but Cain did not
know this. Cain was more of a flesh eater, Abel was more a vegetarian this is tricky because the Bible says Cain offered
fruits making you believe he was pure in heart. Not so. He was rebellious by nature, there was no helping Cain, his genes
were twisted. He could not help his nature.]

Genesis 3:7-13, says 7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they
sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

17. Apples dont make you ashamed of being naked. Losing your virginity and innocence will make you
ashamed and exposed to many things- like a different frame of mind for instance. Clothes were given to
them to cover their private parts, because they were now exposed to the elements [weather] outside of
the garden. They had to have a covering to protect their body from the climate, they were now
susceptible to disease as they were now not protected by their usual surrounding.
[The lands mentioned would have been Kush and Ethiopia surrounded by Pison and the Gihon rivers mentioned in Genesis
2:11 and Genesis 2:13. Strongs #2341 Yemen; Nubia where theres gold. Now in Genesis 2:9-10 it mentions the Garden
found in Gan (Hebrew Strongs #1588) and it means Enclosed Garden. And in the quotes that mentions the rivers,
encompasses the whole land, compasses (Hebrew Strongs #5437) Gabad. It is referencing the lands circled or surrounded
by that particular river.
This field outside the garden refers to an area, a meadow, cultivated by the people who lived there. Adam was brought to this
enclosed garden to live and named all of the garden. He did not go into the outer garden or field until Adam and Eve were
cast out of the garden - Genesis 2:20.


Sawda is Sudan or Sawdan which is the land of the two blacks (Egipt and Ethiopia). The people there were considered
swarty because of their obvious dark skin. All of Africa was the Dark Continent actually during this time in America
and Arabia, all of Africa was all one continent]

18. Simply eating an apple does not do this to anyone! Fruit does not make one aware or conscious of
whether they have clothes on or not.
[In Strong's, #398 the term "eat" means to eat, also to lay. The term "touch" in Strong's is #5060 which means naga, to touch,
also to have sexual intercourse. Both terms had and have sexual connotations to them.]

19. Beguiled used in this text is the same as "seduced." Furthermore, the Bible says Cain "was of that
wicked one" he was a son of Satan through the seduction of Eve. The term "of" is the same that means
20. Cain is nowhere listed as a posterity of Adam which makes the case Cain was not a son of Adam, he
was a bastard child, gotten out of wedlock. Adam was a son of God [Luke 3:38], he was a natural
seed. Medically or genetically Adam could not have a son that was unlike him in nature, his wife was
unfaithful and gave birth to a rebellious boy called Cain, the boy was so rebellious he slew his brother.
He is a father of all the rebellious ones. He was a bad boy from birth and it is not his fault, he was the
first bad man.
21. Again Cain is not mentioned anywhere in the descendants of Adam which strongly indicates Cain was
not his son. The official beginning of the wheat and the tares began with Eve. The tree of
knowledge was the means to sexual knowledge they received from Lucifer. Knowledge means
knowing, knowing means perceiving, experiencing, learning, tasting. It is also used to mean to know
someone sexually as when Adam knew his wife. The term eat, know, and touch are interchangeable
for sexual relations or pleasure.
Gen 3:14-15, 14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above
all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of
thy life
[The phrase upon thy belly shalt thou go is Hebrew (figure
of speech) for utter defeat as in Ps 72:9 & Isa 49:23. The
phrase dust shalt thou eat = A Hebraism (figure of speech)
meaning an ultimate term of degradation, as in Ps 44:25]

22. Now the next verse will also show us the first mention of the promise of the Messiah Jesus Christ. From
the Christian point [of view] the word Jesus is used, however he goes by other names. This verse also
contains the first prophecy in the Bible: 15And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between
thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy. head and thou shalt bruise his heel
[The word enmity is from the Hebrew word #342 'eybah (aybaw'); from 340; hostility: a primitive root; to hate like racism
(as one of an opposite tribe or party); hence to be hostile. The
phrase between thee and the woman = Not enmity between a
garden snake and a woman, that doesn't even make sense! But
enmity between the offspring of the serpent (Satan) and the
offspring of the woman (Eve, through Adam, and thus of
God). Between thy seed and her seed = seed: Hebrew word
#2233 zera`- seed, sowing, offspring, a sowing, seed, semen
virile, offspring, descendants, posterity, children. From
#2232:to become pregnant, to be made pregnant.]


23. The seed [or offspring] of Satan are called Kenities which means Sons of Cain- the first murderers.
They were part albinos. These Kenites had children as usual and in time went on to mix with the
descendants of Seth, the third child of Adam- a pure seed from God. By this [the ways of God] became
distorted as the two tribes mixed and had less boundaries meaning the children from this alliance were
weaker than those born of Seths line and very corrupt though not hopeless.
24. Seths line was pure, and they dwelt in the mountains and were mostly herders and singers. They were
the children of the spirit- Romans 8:14. They made a living from the earth and ate mostly
vegetables and fruits. [They were introduced to other foods after they ventured out from their environment].
25. Seth had a son called Enos-[Genesis 4: 26], the forgetful ones
26. The children of Seth worshipped God the best way they could and they were very benevolent, hospitable
and humble children. The Patriarchs came from this tribe or bloodline. They were tall, beautiful and
very intelligent. Out of the line of Seth came the great thinkers, scholars and Mathematicians. Their
minds were extraordinary. They could memorize entire stories and they wrote the knowledge of the
creator in their hearts. They knew how to dance as well [this is not a sin].
27. When they mixed their daughters and sons with the children of the city dwellers of Nod they became
weaker. They changed their simple diet for heavy food and their simply dress for exotic apparel. Now
nothing was wrong with Jewellery, Jewellery was plenty and worn freely on the neck and ear and
finger of men and women. The daughter of Seth wore Jewellery and it looked good on them. This is not
a sin. When they sinned is when they learned the foul practices of the daughters of Cain- fornication and
boastings also called fashion or modelling. Thats when sin got into their head and heart and they lost
their simplicity and fragrance of spirit. And the fact that they were children of Eve meant the nature was
in them to sin, thought it remained dormant and under control by their diligent lifestyle, the nature was
in them.
28. The Enoshites are descendants of Enos of the Bible. They were made to forget that they are the children
of the Jabarians (Ghibborians) whose insatiable appetite could not be satisfied and began to eat people.
This is very horrific to imagine. They only have recollection of religious cathedrals and who built them.
29. Satan was allowed, in the book of Job, limited access to the 3rd heaven in order to present the case of Job
to God. In this passage chapter one the phrase Sons of God is used in v 6 to mean angels of a higher
order; man in the Bible is described as an angels of a lower order [in Hebrew 2:7; Psalms 8:5]. Both man
and angels share a genetic connection. Demons or angels were considered sons and not all were good
sons that mated with earth women in Genesis chapter 6, called Sons of God, and not the sons of Seth
who were sons of Adam, the first son of God.
30. It is therefore untrue that the Sons of God were mere humans [sons of the line of Seth], in regard to
those that came down in Genesis 6. Normal people dont have children that turn to giants and eat human
flesh. The Sons of God mentioned in 6Th chapter of Genesis were GENETICALLY PECULIAR
[different] compared to humans. They were inherently evil as well as Giants. The fact they were eating
human flesh is one reason what caused the destruction of the race before the flood, as they were
contaminating the genetic line of Gods holy people with their rapes, abuses of animals and violence.
How so? Because their progenitors were satanic beings, and not descendants of the holy seed of Seth,
the unlawful birth of the giants were result of genetic manipulation to which effects are still felt today in
some races of men. The Anunnaqi were doing numerous unlawful experiments on the human
population. The Anunnaqi were not all serving good.

31. For example the Anunnaqi were creating many cross breeds of animals such as the Pegasus or winged
horse the Minotaur which is a man with the head of a bull, the Centaur which is the upper body of a
man and lower body of a horse, the Tamara, the monkey and a man, the Griffin a creature with the
head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion.
32. Satans work in the days of Noah was to uproot the physical and spiritual attributes of the human family
tree by interbreeding with humans creating a master race of Giants. This interbreeding was an effort to
erase the original genetic code of the creator Enqi. It is the same thing he does today, through the
culture of mental takeover or what some may call subliminal brain washing.
33. Infiltration today is more covert and deadly than it was in the days of Noah. Today Satan uses
MUSIC, FOOD, FASHION and other distraction to make demons and spirits interact with human beings
and the youth. Many of the youth are simply out of their minds. The more diluted the human gene the
harder sin to resist-the easier for people to be controlled, manipulated and deceived, evil wills will reign
and Satan will have power only when man does not follow the laws of his creature [body].
34. Cains line was warlike, they were engineers mostly and hunters, they killed for sport and ate what they
killed. They are called in scripture children of the flesh as they were confusing flesh without limit.
They were also very immoral and sexually expressive. They had no absolute morals when it came to
sexual relations like most of the earlier cultures. They were very wild children, daredevils. They
fornicated with the children of Seth, and as well as the daughters of Enos, multiplying themselves in the
earth and became unruly until God decided to wipe them out.
35. The earth mourned for their wickedness there was no peace in the land.
36. You dont have to look around very hard to see the same trend occurring today. The Bible is only
repeated history written for our learning, nothing new can happen. Everything occurs cyclically.
Everything unfolds like a movie script.
37. In Genesis chapter 5 we get a full description of the line of Adam through Seth, Cain is nowhere in it.
Instead you see the world Cainan in v 12 who lived 70 years the son of Enos, Cainan the father of
Mahalaleel, father of Jared the father of Enoch. All these families are tribes within themselves
38. At this time of great moral calamity some of Seths seed separated to keep the ancient way alive,
39. However you had Methuselah fathered by Enoch [From Cainan] and others like Noah fathered by
Lamech [all of Ham], the darkest people on earth, they were farmers, and craftsmen- they determined
not to mix in and corrupt themselves so they lived in the country side, not as saints either, for they had
their ways, marrying more women than they could care, still they were the best in comparison to those
Baal worshipers.


Cainan is of Seth, but Cain is of another tribe, the Canaanites.

The Canaanites are Baal worshipers and their children are the
Russians and Jews of today. The present day Jews in Israel are
not ancient Hebrew [or Israelites] but rather Khazars of
Russia who converted to use the name Ashkenazan the other
sect is the Sepharadim. True Hebrew and Israelite doctrine
got lost in the Babylonian captivity. The scripture you call
the Torah is merely a copy from memory. During the
translation of the King James Bible in England in 1611 this
error was introduced to cover up the two predominant seeds
on earth. One tribe created by God [Enqi] were vegetarians,
the other tribe were flesh eaters and sacrificed blood. The
demarcation between the two tribes became confused through
THE commercializing of RELIGION. Through religion they
rewrote the story [His-story] from a Jewish angle put Jesus
on a cross and made the world believe he died in that manner.

40. Separation for the posterity of Lamech, Enoch, Methuselah and Noah was not very easy, as they had to
prove they could work the earth, [which became a curse] they chose the harder way over the city way. Most
of the sons and daughters of Enoch, moved away from the country and retired to the city, some listened
to their fathers wisdom, and stayed in the way of safety. Others could not bear it. And moved to the
41. This long life of the patriarchs was evident in some of the longest life spans of the patriarchs of the Bible
whose life spans drastically dropped once expelled from the Garden paradise.
42. The oldest man in the Bible was named Methuselah who lived to be 969 years of age [Gen 5:27]. He
didnt want to die yet the woes of the earth were too much and so he died. He was the son of Enoch who
walked with God and was not because he went with God and while in the heavens he was given
something to drink [Elixir] [Gen 5:22]. He returned to Earth and was able to share it with his son
Methuselah. Methuselah was drinking gold which was a part of the water as a mineral that was found to
prolong life and that is a secret he kept as to why he lived so long. He also was pure vegetarian and
would practice a form of Karate which made him extremely fit.
43. Gold is the most recognized metal of all metals and is mentioned throughout the scripture in the making
of Jewellery [Gen 24:53]. The temple decoration [2 Chronicles 4:19], Monetary usages [2 Kings 18:14] and as
a reward for the obedient in paradise- [Rev 14:14].
44. Women, why would God not want you to wear Jewellery? Gold was a gift to rulers it also had a
symbolic meaning, it is a sign of royalty in many cultures like Egypt, it was hammered into thin sheets
to decorate the burial masks for the dead. Many Christians orthodox Jews claim the wearing of Gold is
sinful. This is not true.
45. Christians give gold rings in marriage and the Jews or Hebrews give dowries of gold and so do Muslims.
Do not be fooled by men who write their own laws to suit themselves. Gold jewellery has been used
throughout the ages. Proof of this is found in the Torah when the servant of Abraham Eleazar took
golden Jewellery to Rebecca when she consented to be the wife of Isaac. [refer to Genesis 24:22, Exodus


[Enochs life span was recorded at 365 years. There

is no record of his death anywhere.
Lamech, a son of Methuselah and father of Noah
lived to be 535 years.
Noah lived to be 950 who was considered perfect in
his generation, genes or genealogy in Genesis 9:29.]

46. Without perfect genes you will not make the appearance or the second coming, are you perfecting your
soul? Perfect genes can only happen if you adhere to a perfect diet, and live close to the way of truth.
Through a perfect life you can correct evil habits and inherent tendencies.
47. After this the lifespan of man was 120 years [Gen 6:3]. The secret of Gold Elixir vanished from the
earth for a time. So gradually the lifespan of man decreased up until today where it is a breaking record
for people to live to be 112 years old, which is the record for the oldest woman in Japan and 116 for the
oldest man. The introduction of flesh foods shortened the life of man, as God did this to contain their
wickedness from spreading. As a result of Enochs purity they [of Seth] kept the intellectual culture, and
increased in power & wisdom and learning. Encouraged by the steadfastness of Enoch others were soon
persuaded to walk his way. Enoch never died & was the greatest teacher in all his generation, its said he
studied the works of God more fervently that the angels. Not only was he found righteous, he terrified
the seed of Cain with his sharp utterances.
[And there were none found to confound Enoch who had the wisdom of Angels]

48. Satan knew that the Messiah Christ would come through the lineage of Eve. This was the first attempt
by Satan to destroy the pure seed line that Yashua is to come through, so he killed Abel who was good.
Abel was so good he had no sense to evil. He could not even see his brother wanted to kill him. Able
was wholly good and denied the evil was in him. Seth was good and also knew evil. Seth could
interchange on either side when necessary and not very easy to persuade. Seth knew fight but he would
rather have peace, he was a peace lover.
49. Many readers are hearing this for the first. Most of the churches wont tell you these truths even though
it is in your Bible. Murder as well as Sexual relations is the reason for the fall of man, as sex itself is
not sin but the wrong use of it is corrupting by genetics. Genetic played a key part in Gods creative plan
as creator did not want his people mixing with those of another origin.
50. Lo. The Devil has even tarnished the name of our Masters wife [Mary Magdella] with Slander and
propaganda! This is the lowest form of hate and disrespect.
[For example: There is another story to the Mary and Joseph story and the birth of Jesus. Joseph was
actually a widower. His wife Halsa died leaving him children, James, Joses also known a Barnabas, Simon
and Judas and sisters who did not convert. Matthew 13:55-56. Joseph was a carpenter who lived by the
water. Marys mother knowing of Josephs situation would send food and send Mary to get water. Now
once the situation changed and Mary became with child, the Levitical priest went along with the
immaculate conception story and told Jesus to go to Egipt just in case and bring the child Jesus back when
he was 13 for his Bar Mitzwah. While Jesus was in Egipt he met his wife as a child Mary Magdellah, a
place in Ethiopia. His name was Sanan RE and Son of God which became known as Sananda and he
went to a school called the Pyramid Peach School. Many of our people have returned to this past school of
thought. It is necessary that we explain and reach out to them in order to guide them forward]

51. The Black Madonna is the wife of Jesus, Mary of Magdalene in Ethiopia and not a prostitute and her
daughter by her name Sarah. This Jesus, Yashua passed 114 AD at the age of 120 in Maghat, Egypt (?)

[If a person kills another person, when they die all the lives they have taken, those people will be waiting
for them to torment them for the lives they took from these people. A question was asked: If you kill
someone in self-defence there is there no justification for murder?
Answer: You must do everything in your power to defend yet now take a life]

[Yet, the police killings in the news have already drawn a line between them and civilians. The news is
filled with the killing of black people and burning churches to incite racial wars, to instil marshal law
which is already activated in places like Camden, New Jersey]
[Yet in third world countries like Jamaica you also hear of police killing civilians, police killing
police, the drought, weather, and climate. Third world countries are to be greatly affected
[Jay Z did an interview and they asked him about who was his inspiration and he said The Jazo who was
the fastest rapper, these rappers today are like Prophets as their fast slinging wordplay is a spiritual giftalso called spiritual mechanics]
[We mentioned Ebola, another wave came back into Liberia because it was cured then still spread though
the diamond mines or what is called, Blood Diamonds*. India had Red Rain* after which people became
sick. What about the Enterovirus [D68] where all the young children in Colorado were dying. Nature is
on a mission to cleanse herself of the plague of people on her back it will only get worse]
[China had a small problem with the US and Japan decided to step in to assist. The next thing you hear is
Japan has some storms and now nothing has been heard since. The HAARP Project is real and it is used
against whom they feel and is used against. The Japanese still remember what America did to them in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.]
[From the year 2000 up until now (2014) it is hotter than it has ever been. The climate change and the
increase in the deaths of millions of people worldwide is the reason for the heat. The cycle changed in
1970- were are in the final years. Ice caps are melting and the west coast is going to be hit. As result the
sea levels are rising and in few years small islands like Jamaica or Cayman will not be found as the water
will reclaim its boundary migrate inland. The tornadoes are occurring more because the plates of the earth
are shifting, earth-quakes, volcanoes are other natural disasters occurring more frequently as a part of the
day and times we are in.]
[Galaxies overlap so they are really closer than we realize. They are coming in from Sirius in clouds from
beyond the milky way in [the chariots of the Gods will return make no mistake] every eye shall see themRevelation 1:7]

52. Its all about genetics and genetic nature is expressed in human nature. You are what you are by
53. People who are considered bipolar are not what is prescribed as being crazy. In fact, most mixed
people are bipolar. They are at war inside with their family, maybe you had great uncles who were
drinkers so you find yourself over drinking, or your mother is an overeater so you have the tendency to
over eat. Your mother was the neighbourhood lady so you adapt the same life as her daughter. The way
you process you desires, colours, food and even how your taste buds work is based upon your genes, and
environment and even your diet. This is the truth. If they do not convert the children can be visited up to
the fourth generations to answer for the sins of their parents.
54. God wanted a pure, clean people, so he had to preserve the seed of Noah from mixing with the seed of
Cain. This is basic copyright. You can be blind to what is going on in the world today between the
serpents seed line and the rest of the human race are mingled together.


55. When Adam knew his wife Eve, who was pregnant by Samael (Satan), and she conceived and bare
Cain, and he was like the heavenly beings, and not like the earthly beings, and she said, I have gotten a
man from the angel of the Lord. Lest there be any doubt in the readers mind as to the identity of Satan.
56. They tried to reform him Orion [heaven], Lucifer was born to two parents. He is a genius. He was very
disagreeable so they took him in to see if they could reform the evil out of him. It did not work.


The Issues Around The Bible

1. As you know there has been mass effort throughout history to thwart the purposes of the creator by
way of falsifying scripture. The Holy Scriptures seem to be vulnerable to evil mens tactics, just as
are his people.
2. Biblical tampering is nothing new. Tyndale commonly called Williams Shakespeare [pen name]
was guilty of intentionally mistranslating the Bible on the commission of King James who
produced a Bible with his own private Agenda. King James was a private man. Tyndales
mistranslations is one thing that eventually led to his death at the stake!
3. They claim that the two words under two different Strongs numbers mean the anointed.
Christ actually comes from Krishna as Christianity came from Hinduism, and Hindi is a blood
religion, a shadow or moon religion just like Christianity today. The customs and rituals remain
intact. Nothing has changed, the beast is still the same, and he wants to take it all. That is true
because the Hindus are Cainites and Cain is Krishna. Cains children are also the lighter skinned
Hindus, and they are famous in Bombay, Mumbai of the Bollywood industry. All the children of
Cain are a united front in their way of life.
4. These Bibles of today were translated from many languages in time; if you only knew! First from
Cuneiform to Ugarit to Chaldean to Phonecian to Canaanite to Aramic to Hebrew to produce your
Torah or Jewish. Then you had your English versions that went from Hebrew to German and then
English. Then you had the ones by William Tindale and John Wycliff to Latin and then English.
And the ones by Martin Luther in German [1552] many of these reformers suffered horribly
and died by fire.
5. You have John Huss and Jerome of Prague, both tricked and killed, and other reformers they were
terminated by fire, on the charge of heresy otherwise known as blasphemy- and they were
Protestants trying to leave the filth of Catholicism. The youth should TRY to know these things. The
freedoms you enjoy today someone died so you can have it.

[All proper scholars of world history know the ancient

cuniform tablets are the original accounts from where the
bible creation story came from. All of the essential ancient
cuneiform tablets can be found in SELECT libraries across the


[The Jews are the religious clans made up of the Germans, French and Hebrews. Most of the
Jews were occultist. In fact, Hollywood is the biggest occultist organization run by JEWS.
Companies like Walt Disney, the Music Industries like Sony, Def Jam are all Jewish owned. The
first bible was printed in German by Martin Luther, a monk, then translated to other languages.
They mixed all the clans across Europe who had no diseases. The blood had to be pure yet with so
much mixing you had Jews with blonde hair and blue eyes then the children were like; what are
we. You have two main sects; the Sephardim and Khazers]
In Christianity the 3 Jesuses were Simon Bar Jesus (Acts 13:6), who was a magician, a magus
and was not religious and was spotted by Peter and was stoned in Rome. The second Jesus was
the son of Cleopatra and Mark Anthony who wanted to rule ancient Egypt and was not allowed
because his father was a ghost theme, a foreign seed. He was rejected as a mixed seed. This
Jesus also called Jesus Justus went off to India and became known as Saint Issa and passed in
Kashmir, India, buried there.
The Catholics worshipped the Sphinx as the Holy Cat not knowing that the Sphinx was a dog in
Ancient Egypt, which scientists are speaking about today as they realize the current head on the
Sphinx is disproportionate to the rest of the body and was in fact a canine like Anpu, Anubis, his
representation of Sirius, the dog star - a star system from where that women came.
[The Jesuits founded by Ignacius of Layola created the Society of Jesus(1534)- hence Jesuit
from Zeus, a Greek myth god. The council of Nicea appointed with Constantinople who mixed
pagan barbarisms with new Christian principles out of ROME. Paul the saint of the roman
monarchy helped deceive the first Christians and watered down the true testimony of the followers
of the man from heaven. Paul was a master deceiver-with a double tongue- Satan in the flesh.
The forged origin of the NT started when the 72 books of the Hebrew Bible were reduced to 66,
which gave you the mark of the beast coming out of England from Rome -666. The Jesuit
obedience to the Pope is the central key as they have pledged allegiance on the vow of life to bring
the world under the papacy. What better way than to create a bible with 66 books?]
The synoptic or synopsis [summary gospels] are just that- Summaries. They are not factual or
first-hand documents. In the 1600s the new reformers or protestors came out of the Catholic union
and were many groups- Baptist (1638 A.D.), Methodist (1739 A.D), Mormon, Anglican,
Pentecostalism (1800s), Adventists (1844 A. D), Jehovahs Witness (1916 A. D) Presbyterian some of these migrated to America and set up colonies, their ancestors came here on ships. The
word of God lives in the hearts and minds of his people and in nature even; even if they corrupt a
book God has ways of reaching his people. Do not dishearten by these facts. You are not saved by
a book]
[The masons realized that they needed to make a better people and replenish their population. You
had the Jews in France who again sent the Statue of Liberty to America. The Jews were the
keepers of the law and the Masons had the rules]

[The plan to repopulate was created in the New York from Yorkshire, England. They met at the
Apple Tavern, symbolic apple of the garden in the Bible. This of course ties back to the two
families of the Yorks [White Rose] and Lancasters [Red Rose]. The red blood is pure of the
Puritans [Protestants] and the blue blood stained/stayed in Europe (?) One family were
hemophiliacs so they did not want to mix with the weaker blood of the other tribe. Today you
have the one world order otherwise called the United Nations]

[America was a beautiful idea or land for ALL immigrants. However, racism is destroying the
country of America. You have Laws versing Rules. Gad is God which is symbolic of Gad-Oden
and Dagan and later became G/D. They say In GOD We Trust on the walls in the courtroom,


yet Church and State are supposed to be separate. The GOD there, is the (G)overnment,
(O)rdinance and (D)epartment of Justice. Laws versus Rules. ]
[The Levites were the priests who kept the Laws of the Bible. They have you following the Law
and they follow the Rules. Yet they need you to be obedient thus have you swear in the courtroom
by putting your right hand on the Bible - yet determine who should and should not die. Yet in the
Bible they have you swear on, it says, thou shalt not kill.]
[You are dealing with two minds, seeds and the conflict between these two brothers continues
today. Cain is religious (Keep the people from knowledge; have them just accept and listen). Seth
is scientific. Cain in the bible was the son of Nannar and Enqi tried to warn him to do the right
thing because Sin (your father) is at the door waiting for you. He didnt listen and killed Abel
anyway. ]
[The Vikings or 6 Kings, tribes of the Celtics came over conquering land and raping as they go
about the world over. The Brits and French came in as well and eventually, the Native
Americans sided with the French]
[Then the Portuguese with their slave trade came to America and they stopped the indigenous or
aborigine people from speaking their languages as well as those from Africa, just as they are
trying to do today. There is power in the tones of the African languages. The Europeans
Spaniards tried to convert the Maya to Christianity and taught them about the Sacred Heart. Most
of the slaves who came to the islands as indentured have culture lost their culture and identity
through brainwashing. The Christian tradition is a Celtic practice, it is not tribal as most think]

6. The original Bible was in Cuneiform. As the book of the Torah came from the Enuma Elish and
the Gilgamesh Epics and was named after Terah the father of Abraham by the Jews in Israel
and given the 6 point star which they called the star of David- falsely. The Jews themselves are not
a people as many believe but a race that supplanted themselves through the Slave trade.
7. This is why you find in the book of Ezekiel 8:14 the women are weeping for Tammuz who was
appointed Yahweh for the Enoshites. The issues around the Bible is it has lost its cultural meaning.
Without a culture you cannot have a functioning people. Religion does not offer any people any type
of culture except formality and race supremacy. Religions are race traditions, rules from the priest
or Lawi. Religion is another form of racism, sectarianism, sexism, socialism, barbarism,
tribalism. Nothing is wrong with that- all thriving people on earth practice the first law of
nature- self-preservation, of self and kind.
8. What is the big deal about Hilary running for president? What is the big deal about a woman being a
Pastor? The bible states women should not usurp authority or teach over men yet females are the
first teachers and the ignorant devils know it. As long as the Bible says that a woman cannot pastor a
church. They go after the woman when they need to renew their seed or they will fade out of
existence, which is inevitable anyway. So when they needed to mix their seed, they went after the
Native American women such as Sacajawea and Pocahontas who went back to England and
married an Englishman, changed her name and died there. All these Puritans brought to America
was their diseases. They were not pure like the natives.
9. This suppression and killing women in cultures is from those in authority and stems from the
Anunnaqi. Look at the word Authority [Au is the symbol for Gold]; Thor-ity is the Nordic God
(Son of Odin). God breaks down as
G - Gad (Canannite God),
O - Odin (Norse God),

D - Dagon (Fish God, Dragonians).

10. In Hebrew the word for God is Gomer, Oz, Dabar. Logos is also the same as Dabarwisdom,
power by the word. God is a HE and not a SHE being given your own culture will save you,
knowledge gives you TRUE power to guide you. There is no woman in the European God equation.
The 66 books are all dominated by men, European men were racist to their own women and they
kept them from working, driving, voting, learning, even speaking and marrying who they loved.
11. Yet in America if you touched or even looked at one of their daughters they will want to hang you
without remorse. Racism is still a problem, need I say.
12. They will fall if they deny their own mother, the blue eye blond hair cacas-u. There is no respect for
women in their Bibles, King James and the rest were all faggots, homosexuals.


Where Is The Race Of Cain Today?

1. Now if Cain is Satans seed [son] and Satan is the Father of His race where are they today?
2. If you picked anything from what you have been reading you will see Cains children are the majority of
those in the first world countries. Cains children control the earth. In fact there are many: I John 3:12 says
"Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his (half) brother.". Who is killing who in the world today? Here
the word "of" in Greek is #1537 in the Strong's Concordance. When used implying a person, it means "a
son of or offspring."
Compare this with other translations: The New Testament in Modern English: "We are none of us to have the
spirit of Cain, who was a son of the devil." Satan is the god of this world, remember, father of the children of
disobedience- says 2 Corinthians 4:4.
Living Bible: "We are not to be like Cain, who belonged to Satan.- 1 John 3:12"
The Wycliffe Bible Commentary page 1473: "He (Cain) is said to have belonged to the family of the wicked
one." These families are the ones in control of the banking sectors, finance, money, wall street- Jude
[Note: Every seven years the Bilderbergers have a meeting and they are the ones who
control the world. The last meeting was in 2008 prior to the economic crash. In John 8:44
Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees and proclaimed, 'Ye are of your father the devil.."
The term "of" meaning generation, offspring. They were of the physical seed (genes) of
their father the devil]

3. Before Adam could bless his wife [Eve] with a knowledge of God, she ventured out and gained a
knowledge of Evil, she was soon impregnated with the seed of the serpent, Lucifer, and bore a child called
Cain. [Adam failed by not staying close to his woman]. And from this seed is where the satanic bloodlines
originate. Esau or the red people are the Celtics of England, predominantly the Anglos and Saxons,
England is an Anglo-Saxon [colony] island. The children of the Caucasians are the direct seed of Cain, is
this not obvious, they shed the most blood and they cause the most problem. It is the bloodline of CAIN
[Europeans like Russians, Germans or the Celtics, the Vikings, and the Jews] who work together through
the control of vast wealth around the world that is bringing the antichrist together through The Sunday Law.
Most Protestant Groups like Seventh-day Adventist believe this law will be passed by Congress in America, and it will
happen in America first. We have no query with this. However we are not sure if it is practicable to be a global law.

4. In Genesis 5:1, nowhere is Cain mentioned in the lineage of Adam because he was not Adams child, but of
another seed, an implanted seed he is, what Jesus in your Bible called a TARE, very destructive.
[Cain slew his brother Abel so will the ROMAN CATHOLIC
CHURCH SLEW the saints at the time of the end]
5. We are told in 1 John 3:12: Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one and slew his brother. Also in John 8:44
we read: Ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the
beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his
own, for he is a liar and the FATHER of it

[The Pope Is the father of the Roman Catholic Church he represents the Devil and his seed]
[The Seed is all the fallen churches of Babylon]

6. The seed of the serpent is a term that includes or alludes to all those who are of the race of Sin [Nannar] who
is Satan-whether direct or indirect of the fallen angels of Genesis 6 who have interbred with the daughters
of Enos [man] for the past 6000 years. These children have more inclination to rebellion than they are
aware. By eating their foods, listening to their music, accepting their teachings, mortal man falls a victim to
their possession and influence.

[There are many caverns within the earth like Dulce New Mexico, Australia, Egypt,
Alaska and others that the fallen angels use to abduct people and carry out hybrid genetic
experiments on human beings and animals. The hollow earth is not a theory it is fact.
There are caverns within the earth, loops, and gates, like airport tunnels- the triangle of
Bermuda were they say planes go missing. They abduct people, pull planes from the sky
and even use them for food and genetic research. It is the time of Noah all over. These
are the direct fallen spirits now on the earth in the form of men. They work through the
governments, media and religious groups like Islam to cause terror and violence. Do you

7. The Parable of The Wheat in Matthew alludes to these two bloodlines and the sub races produced from
them and how the world is wicked because of the mixing in of the holy children of Jehovah God and the
children of rebellion fathered by Satan, his blood is in them, hence their unrepentant nature. They are what
they are by nature and you are what you are by nature. And they will not reform. You cannot reform
the devil. The Prophets have all tried and died. There was no apology given by the United States to Iraqi
civilians when those bombs were dropped on them. They still have their nose in other peoples affairs. They
are still in Africa terrorizing the local people, and raping the resources of the earth. They have not changed
in 6000 years. And they grow bolder with each day. The fact the creator of heaven and earth is so silent
should arouse Christians to their senses. A calm always comes before a storm.
[The issue with Iraq and Sadam Hussein is that he was a monster because he was using
gas and chemicals against the indigenous tribes that would not submit to him. Sadam
Hussein was considered a heathen, not a religious man or Muslim yet was not under
America. He was no threat to the west. It was the same thing with Gadhafi who like
Sadam Hussein was interested in their culture. He was trying to rebuild the temples in
Timbuktu and Sadam was trying to rebuild Babylon and was into Sumeria and its
culture. But America its not about acquiring more land and they could have taken the
smaller surrounding land around the borders like the lands of the Caribbean]


There were several declarations made in this parable that the churches often ignore.
a. Jesus fathered the good seed through his son, Adam, a man in his likeness-SETH
2. The good seed, The Adamites through SETH are the genetic sons of the Elohim
3. The tares [Cain's seed] are the Genetic sons of Satan.
4. The enemy that fathered [planted] the tares is the same serpent of Genesis 3:15
5. The sons of Adam [wheat] will eventually inherit the Kingdom after the tares [sons of Cain] are
destroyed at the end of the world, the end of 6000 years. They are being removed as we speak.
b. The seed of Cain know they have a short time, as time is against them. Again, as stated in verse 38, "The
field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one"

This is not only a physical lineage, but a spiritual one as well.

Yashua [Jesus] told the Pharisees of His day, ".ye are not my sheep" in John 10:26. In Josephus, Wars
2:8:2 Jewish Historian Josephus makes it quite clear the Pharisees and Sadducees were not Israelites by
birth: For there are three philosophical sects among the Jews. The followers of the first of whom are the
Pharisees; of the second the Sadducees; and of the third sect, who pretends to a severer discipline, are called
Essenes. These last are Jews (Judah) by birth, and seem to have a greater affection for one another than the other
sects have

9. The real Jews of Jesus's day had absorbed those with contaminated Kenites/Edomite hybrid blood, and
therefore these could claim both Abraham and Isaac as their fathers. The woman of Samaria as indicated in
the parable was a mixed blooded Jew who partook in a polygamist culture- John 4. Many of the priests of
Israel were born by unholy marriages and the seed of God became scattered throughout Phoenicia and
became suppressant by roman brutality through Jewish religious authority. The work of Jesus was to find
these lost sheep and educate them.
10. The children of Satan are literally living side by side, to this day among the children of Jesus, the true
Israelites people, they mascaraed as members of the bride of Jesus in ALL the churches and races that are
mostly dark skinned. The children of Cain were warned not to touch the children of Seth and they did not
listen. Because of shedding the blood of Gods holy line they are at their end, and they know it. The beings
of heaven are coming from the other side of the asteroid belt to clean this earth on many levels. And they
will not escape. Satan is doomed!
11. Some of the serpents seed will be eaten by the birds of heaven- Revelation 19:18, these are not actual bird,
they are creatures [Gargoyles] God created for one purpose- to consume the flesh of men. Most of the
humims [humans] on earth are food anyway. Some people find it laughable that human beings will be
eaten. They think they are high and mighty. Well, just like you kill and eat a chicken or goat or cow without
remorse, there are beings out there that can eat you. Oh, and they cant wait!
12. Of the world in all races of men the wheat and the tares will continually grow and live together until
the end of the age when the angels will separate them right now. This is the end of the 6000 years we
are in. I hope you follow?

Knight Templar Cross

13. The word Knight is a German word knecht. And the word Night is synonymous as the absence of light, or
darkness. Yet SUN light, is always present. So the word night really means shadow hour, for there is no
time when sun light is not present except at NIGHT. For that darkness you see is a shadow.
14. The original Muslims [not the ones existing today] were the true holders of the original doctrines and
teachings of Yashua called Hamashiach- Jesus Christ.
15. Simply because they were shared the language, syllables, of that language,

16. It was when the Catholic Order started that history was stolen; manipulated, twisted, & literary corruptions
entered the records. This is important to know
17. Some of the Knight Templars sided with the ancient Shriners and learned some of the secrets about
Jesus recorded in tablets and had to go through tests of loyalty or initiations before many of the secrets
could be handed over from these protectors- [just jumping down history]
18. King James is a king and not a reverend or translator. King James did not profess to be a Baptist, he was an
Anglican. Anglicans were a branch of Roman Catholics who broke off, King James used the Roman
Catholic bible [from Latin] so when he decided to do his version of the Bible he decided to leave some
books out and include ONLY 66 books, for many books were taken out. The Apocrypha was not included
in newer translations as it was in the 1611 version. This is a game to these people. But they dont know
what they do.
19. All this history is part of the pieces of the puzzle of a beast that is destroying the whole world, a system of
the beast that rules the world or at least that is what they think
And this beast operates through FREEMASONRY
[The knights Templar was influenced out of Spain first,
where they found the Moors and the Moors taught them
and they became the catholic order]
20. Britain is from Hebrew briyth or ber-eeth and means covenant, so what this means is the devils empire is
ruled by a queen who sits on a throne, the queen sits on three steps, this throne rules all the kings of the
21. Dressed in a scarlet robe with all kinds of jewels on it which symbolises her riding a beast with seven
heads and ten horns which are kings and nations.
22. Symbolically this woman is the mother of harlotry and pornography, she moved through France to
America an orient of European free masons (Scottish rites) who put her symbol in New York of
America, old York shire in 1717 where they organized their lodges to worship Lucifer hosts, the fallen
spirits which now have the whole world in bondage.
The French revolution of Europe is what sparked the reconstruction of their constitution

23. All this took place in Great Britain; all this evil is what made their forefathers to run away from England
to colonize the west called America. Many of them were protesting so they were called Protestants and
fled away from the home country England in hope of a new life of freedom.


What About The Biblical Flood?

1. The flood of Genesis 7 destroyed the majority of the seed of Cain; this restarted the population again
with Ham and his wife and their children and their wifes. They were given orders to replenish
[repopulate] once more. Polygamy was practiced much in those days before the flood sanctioned by
certain cultures, even today. Polygamy itself is innocent and only became a curse after the high standard
of Seth became perverted when their sons primarily intermingled with the daughters of Cain- the light
skinned race. For example. Abraham had a wife named Sarah who was a Dravidian or Indian [a dark
skinned woman & very beautiful] and they shared the same father with different mothers. He had other
wifes and other children- like Keturah in Genesis 25: 1, who was sent away and other concubines who
had children in Genesis 25:4. Scripture says there were giants in the land before the flood and even
after. Fallen angels resumed having sexual relations with human women after the flood. Where do you
think Goliath Came from? This proves that the whole earth was not destroyed as other seeds of men
lived in other lands that remained intact of the flood.
2. The only thing the Lord put between his people and the people of Satan or between the womans seed
and Satan's Offspring, Descendants, Posterity, and Children is racism, hatred. And enmity. It says, And
I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt
bruise his heel [Gen. 3:15]

3. It cannot be clearer that Satan has his own children his own offspring who do his works on the
earth today.
4. And that is why our adversary hates you to know this truth that he coexists among the generations and
nations because they rule and control the very world [as far as permitted] you call your home to bring
about Satan as the power of the antichrist. This world is not your permanent home.
5. If people knew that over 50,000 pastors and ministers from every denomination is a direct initiated
member of masonry would you support the ministry? In fact many of you do. Almost all of the mega
churches have pastors and ministers who are direct freemasons.
6. The TBN [Trinity Broadcasting Network] is mason controlled. Almost all of the southern Pentecostal and
Baptist preachers and pastors are masons. Most of Protestantism are rebels, wolves in sheep clothing.
ALL masons worship Lucifer as God. And those who worship Lucifer as their father [the devil] belong
to Cain. Remember, am I my brothers keeper?
7. How can people support wolves if they know they are wolves? Dont you know that the churches will be
the main supporters of the new world order under the world wars and the beast mark economy? Can you
know this truth and continue to fund them having a good mind for God?


Satans Seed Dominate The Earth.

1. Who is running the White House? Look at America today, the Edomite JEWS and the sons of Cain
through Canaan are running the show. The fallen angels are directly in league with Cain and have
communicated with the sons of Cain [the political leaders]. They are the highest ranking council of
Lucifers generals and armies that rule over the earth under politics [UN], military [Nasa] and religion
[Roman Catholicism].

2. The Lord Enqi [God] had forbidden ancient Israel from intermarrying with the bad seed, they even went
to many wars [In Old Testament] to completely destroy all men, women, and children of the bad seed as
Enqi directed them to. Today, the bad seed is so intermingled with the good seed you can't tell who is
what, you cant tell a true Christian from a pretender. Thus the parable of the Wheat and the Tares.
3. Today, as in the past, the bad seed dominates religions, politics, economics, entertainment and society
in general. The good seed is surrounded, infiltrated, dominated, downpressed and even led astray by the
bad seed posing as Christians, Jews, Muslims, Adventist, Catholic, Baptist, Mormon, Anglican, Methodist and
many more. The good and bad are mixed leading the sons [and daughters] of Israel like sheep to the
slaughter by the very ones they call their 'own.'
4. Are you getting truth in your church today or self-help feel-good Psychology? Many people raise the
hand and declare themselves as children of God while drowning in ignorance of the real truths of the
5. Do you HEAR Satan's hiss in the churches today? Do you feel the danger our world is in. Do you
hear God calling you to come out from them? To seek him personally and investigate these things
for your own souls salvation. Then do not turn your heart from his call.
6. The very reason why you feel strange in your church or unwelcome is because of the spiritual
pollution and insincerity that many tolerate for the sake of fellowship, social wellbeing, finance and
other motives. People go to church for different reason. What reason do you go to church my friend?
7. From this book I hope you can now quickly develop a picture of the world. The evil seed dominates [the
banking, economics, religion, politics, military, entertainment, fashion, music] - the minds of men. No way can Gods
children be in these mentioned categories. How? Look at the music of today. Enough said. Look at the
fashions, and state of the younger generation totally corrupted by the wicked seed!
8. Isnt it interesting how the old rappers like KRS One, Common, Public Enemy, etc. were pushed out?
They did not pay them like they paid Ice T, Ice Cube, Snoop, Eminem, and Dre and those that didnt
bring a message to their people. KRS One and they fought for us. Tupac and Biggie were the last to
fight for the darker people. And you know what happened to them. Most of the rappers, DJs and
artistes of today are promoting the reptilian agenda of money, sex and alcohol. If they refuse they are
character assassinated.
9. Fifty cent [the Get rich or die trying rapper] was recently in the news over charges and had to file for
bankruptcy. He often brags about how much money he has. Why did he have to file?
10. They are all slaves of fame and they promote a false life to the youth. They must comply to keep
their wealth. Many of them are actually sorry and cannot exit their contracts and have to count their
words carefully. They have lost their soul. For what? Money!

11. The Anunnaqi Gods had among them good and bad children. The angels were free moral beings as
they could be good or bad as they liked. The wicked fallen angels present through the children of Cain
have also corrupted the children of Seth in their appearance making them paint their face and dance in
music videos of some of these rappers as they are very beautiful women like Naomi Campbell, Megan
12. When the Anunnaqi do arrive on earth [according to the prophecy of their return] it will be a devastating
time, for most of the world, but a short one, as almost 2/3 of the population of earth will be wiped
out/destroyed by Lord Enqi and his host- Romans 9:28. The demonic armies described in Joel 2 and
Revelation 9 are to bring the famines, plagues, wars, diseases and forced submission that is prophesied
as the mark of the beast, that will nearest make humanity extinct. It is the plan of Satan to reduce the
world to 500 million people as the issuing of homosexual law in 2015 [President Obama announced the
decision on June 25, 2015] ruling Gay marriage as a victory for America. The next thing is food shortages,
diseases will only wipe out mankind in a kind of slow death. Jesus promised to save his elect-Matthew
24:22 and to make the days short, for the sake of his waiting people.
13. Most of the animals [like birds, bears, Dogs] we use to see are no longer here. Where are they? Well, they
are dying off. Most of them are effected by the climate, the drought caused by the heat. Most the
population is attacked by the sun, like India recently where thousands died from heat waves, most the
food is nowadays poisonous and of no substance and hospitals are filled with sick people. Can humanity
continue like this?
14. In Noahs day, Noahs family were the only ones found pure enough to start the population again. Over
time the giants were shorted to live to 120 years, as most of the people were reduced and given a shorter
lifespan although there were those who defied the odds and lived past the prescribed age. Short lives
was for our own good. The deception became more subtle as far as the two seeds and their character.
They interbred still but the nature was tamed and now you have no way to tell who is who. Over
thousands of years the contamination of mixed DNA has covered mankind and their lines. Man has
reduced in strength both mental and physical. He is not inclined to his original diet. He smokes, drinks
and ushers himself to an early grave. The seed of the serpent can easily be seen through their technology
that they use to hunt [or make war] with those lesser than them. China has the most tech power, as well
America and Russia. These are the countries to watch. They also eat the most meat and build the most
15. We were designed to eat according to how we were built genetically. To violate this law is to violate the
laws of nature.
[The apparent issues with, (or against) same sex marriage is far more than one can
reason. For instance, the Caucasians have the lowest birth rate yet the highest
homosexual rate. If all of them married the same sex, that would end their population
faster. Now, with this right being granted, it also closes the doors to practices like
polygamy. So you have one side of their family being for gay rights and the other side
trying to save the extinction of their race]

16. The Book of Revelation is actually a book for Jesus signified by an angel of Jesus and given to John,
while he was imprisoned on the Isle of Patmos [In the Aegean Sea]. There were many other books of the
Bible however many were Epistles or letters written between people that are not actual books and had no
business being in the Bible. The first year of this last 6,000 year cycle is 2014, the beginning of

18.This is the End Notes on Prophecy. Ive tried to put as much content in one book. The
information I am sharing isnt something I came up with. This information is in the Bible, for the most
part and I feel that the Spirit of truth has revealed these facts of prophecy to me and others. It is my hope
that you found the book informative, helpful and relevant.


1. Many of the prophecies we deal with center around 2 genes in the Bible. You have the Abraham who was a
Persian/Chaldean son of Terah or Tir.hu which as you can see from the name is where the word Torah came
from. Then in Genesis 3:15 it says And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed
and her seed; it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel
As Jacob grew older he conspired with his mother to steal his Brother Esaus birthright. This same seed
wrestled with god and asked him his name and for a blessing and was renamed Israel. El that means he was
of Enlil (Baal). It is the war between the two seeds. However both sides were concerned with obtaining a pure
seed. On the side of Isaac through Jacob you have the 12 sons of Israel and one pure seed the Tribe of Judah.
During the time of Solomon there was a conflict, was the seat to be in Jerusalem with Solomon or his son
Adonijah of the Tribe of Judah. So the Tribe of Judah moved south and set up the city of Judea.
Now this seed went into bondage and it was in Egipt for 430 years from the hairy seed and broke up into two
groups. Jeremiah 27:18-21 mentions Judah. Now in the book of Luke 3:38 it speaks about Adam being a son
of God and in Genesis 6:5-6 it speaks about the sons of god came down to earth.
Now Abraham had another seed, a son named Ishmael by Hagar, the Egiptian - a pure seed. From Ishmaels
12 sons the seed of Kedar was pure. So you had Moses who was trying to save one seed, yet wasnt allowed in
the Promised Land and then you had Muhammad who was also looking for a particular tribe for a pure seed
that descend through Ishmael through his son Kedar.
Today they are the Lemba or Buba Tribe that practice Judea-Muslim customs today and the males share in the
Y or Yap chromosomes found in males of this tribe, yet the Mitochondrial DNA of the women does not. The
bondage of this seed was for 400 years in America, as is mentioned in Genesis 15:13 And he said unto Abram,
Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them and they shall afflict
them four hundred years;

The tribal name changed to names like Moors and Shabazz and mixed in the indigenous people here. Then you
had the Japanese migrate over and settle in South America. The Chinese came and then mixed people in and
became known as the Toltecs, Maya and Aztecs. They made large structures showing acceptance of the
Negroes and called them Olmecs. Then from sailing east to west on the African current you had Kan Kan
Mansa Musa who also mixed in with the indigenous people to America. All mixed in and all got along. 55,000
years ago they came here across the desert of the Sahara which wasnt a desert then and took an Utla or
vacation. The Greeks called it two lands to Utlan or Atlantis, meaning North and South America, other called
America the Land of Frogs from what was heard at night.
13. The bondage of the two seeds ends up in America as America is the last kingdom on Earth. Daniels
Prophecy or the Prophecy given from [Gabriel???] by Daniel talks about four MAIN Kingdoms:

The Babylonian empire

The Medo Persian Empire
The Greek Empire where Alexanders armies conquered ALL Asia
The Roman Empire which is Conquering America, the islands, Europe and rule through her and
the spiritual entities.

14. The last kingdom is the end of the moon cycle that began in 1970 AD - [the end of 6000 years on earth]
the earth will repopulate and the new surviving people will continue. The Kingdom of America

began in the 1600s officially in 1776 [July 4] and was ushered when the Declaration of independence
was said to be signed in CONGRESS by George Washington is where they got the name
WASHINGTON DISTRICT OF COLOMBIA. It was not signed, its a fraud!
15. Religious, economic, and political freedom [life, liberty & pursuit of happiness] was promised to the
people & migrants of America, and that promise is yet to be done. Its all about Freedom of
Worship, its the Garden of Eden all over again.
16. This is not a direct cause of the Papacy but for other political and economic reasons and religious
troubles in Europe. It was the Spaniards of Spain that brought the slaves to build America. As well
as others in the Carib lands like Jamaica, were used as slaves to build the new world. The knights
Templar cross is on the coat of arms. Jamaica is not independent. Its a fraud!
17. In the case of Jamaica the slave trade was a race war as well as a religious war in which Europeans
and white Christians plotted conspiracies that would destroy every black civilization in the new
world-with their theology. The Pope authorized it in 1491. Europeans like Christopher Colombo
crusaded on commission of the Queen against the black civilizations to exploit her majestys fortunes
and treasures.
18. This so called independent Jamaica started out bankrupt. The 1962 independence declaration is a
scam. Many Jamaicans are unaware of this today. Emancipation did not relinquish the Queens claim
of domination on the island. It did not return the land ownership and resources to its people. It did
not recompense the natives for the wealth stolen in slavery. It did not remove the queen as head of
state. It did not cancel the governor general as lord of the land. And most importantly it did not
resolve the debts accursed to the people.
19. This is what the independence declaration did. The Government of Jamaica and the Bank of
Jamaica soon began borrowing large sums of money from predatory multinational lenders like IMF,
World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank. These loans carried high interest premiums and
harsh penalties called Structural adjustment policies, which forced a selloff of major assets held
by the people: bauxite, tourism, land, agriculture, airports, & highways.
20. This is where Christianity came in. And this is the point of focus. Christian doctrine was used to
teach the natives that god (Jesus) looked like their slave master and therefore their enslavement was
the will of god. And the Bible is conveniently full of scriptures like 1 Peter 2:18-20 (NIV) that made
people accept all this rubbish without question. This is not the word of God and it cannot be.
21. The introduction of the cross shipped terrorism to the shores of the West Indies. The indigenous
peoples were not terrorists, wild savages as styled by their white lords, they terrorized no one and
were quite normal until the British Pestilence called Christianity infested their minds to this day.

22. The masons with the fallen angels [of Jude 1:6 & 2 Peter 2:4] have been running the show on your
planet for 2000 years through the banking, political & religious systems of Europe. The end of the
world is the end of their seed, the seed of Cain and the rise of another, the Seed of Seth.


[Have you noticed Greece is in the news? They actually went bankrupt because of the
deal that was made for their tennis shoes and sport clothes worn and was by black
entertainers. Sean Puffy Combs and Kanye West are responsible for that by changing
the style of dress, wearing black orange suits and dress shoes. The Pope Francis is to visit
the White House on September 23, 2015 and is to be hosted by President Obama. This is
something to watch as the next move could be a possible religious negotiation and debt
pardon. Jamaica is seeking debt pardon and so are other third world countries? Debt
pardon comes only after they economically starve a country. There is a price for pardon.
The historic visit marks the third time a Pontiff has visited the White House.
He [Pope Francis] is also scheduled to attend the world meeting of Families in
Philadelphia and a meeting with the United Nations in New York City on September 25,
2015. Something to watch.
Originally Greece was known for its yachts. Every country was known for something;
France was known for airplanes - Concorde Jets. Israel was known for its military at one
time. When scientists like Telsa passed, his blueprint and ideas were passed around.
Some ideas went to Israel like that Telsa Ray they had. The United States, they received
the atomic bomb.
Israel was also known for controlling the cinemas or the movies so they are responsible
for the portrayal of different characters and the idea of beauty. Golda Meir was the
name of the first Prime Minister of Israel and the motion picture company, Golden Mer]
Speaking about the Cinemas hmm

Diagram: Cross section of the brain with Hippocampus

Tones, colours, as you sit and watch TV or a cinema, youre not thinking
how the colours or lights you see, each have an effect on your brain, your
mind, emotions, feelings, moods. Just sitting and watching colours change
before your eyes, and the sounds of their voices, the music they [producers]
choose behind what youre watching, all these elements are taking control
of your sub conscious mind, controlling your very emotions, what goes into


your brain, into the hippocampus part of your brain which controls the
processing of all your creative thinking.
The evil forces move into your subconscious mind into your dreams,
emotions where you process them as real, you cannot detect them and so by
that accept what they put there. What you see, hear, taste, feel or smell is
You must break the spell. Look around you, open your mind eye, he
[Satan] chose the shapes of building, sounds on radio, the music you think
you like is what he plays on the air waves.
The actors or actresses you see and say, I like him or her, are because he
let them have a part in his world, for a time, a movie, cinema, or play that
he approved of, not created, and he fears you using your own mind. Sounds,
lights, are feelings under his control, pictures & words are spirits he uses to
invoke his magic spell on you. Dress, music, foods, language, culture are all
in his web to spin and hold you in the forbidden lifestyle, until it is too late.
The perception of what is good and bad he shapes before your very eyes

1. Once the extra-terrestrials [angels] mixed their own 46 chromosomes to match the new axis of the
planets 23 degrees, you have 23 + 23 = 46 chromosomes

And the outcome of the Simian 48 and the Pleadians 46 with the Anunnaqi 47 was a Savant, a person
with the mind of all three and often under developed physical actions. Savants have fragmented angel
DNA in them. They are not like us humans.

3. The mind of the Simian a 3-6 old, the mind of the Pleadian, a wicked evil extra-terrestrial. The result
was a gene called now DUF1220 that they have knowledge of the Genome or Qi-nome, Earth name naming each of the genes of the genome and the helix - naming things able to speak.
4. They programmed this new race of a kind of man, an ape to be slave workers, entertainers, like those of
the music industry today. Single ladies- by Beyonce [pop singer] is a robotic dance of mind control.
Notice in the video of Single Ladies they [the dancers] all look the same- clones??? Yes.

5. So they design genes like savant to serve them as servants, slaves, tillers.
6. Yet the actual minds of the males of the Adamite race of caucasians never get older than that of a 13
year old of other races. He must have toys, play games, contests, danger, fight or like a child - act like an
adult. So they created a game - the cinema where they can act out being super heroes of all kinds.
7. The genes today is seen or thought to be: 1. Hobbies, 2. Talents, 3. Skills
8. These were all programmed into the mixture from the savant part of the gene pool. The result is you
see people of all races who are obsessed with something.
9. Some are obsessed with drumming, dancing, singing, cooking, sewing, painting, fighting, killing,
serving and sporting games and so much more even sexing or nymphomania results in many cases as
whores or prostitution or girls who just go from boy to boy or man to man called boyfriends, my lover.
She is a sex slave to males in her genes. Others just imitate.
10. So they took Enosite female not Adamites, the only daughter of Enos.
11. 200 of them came down fallen angels, Nephilim


12. The offspring turn out evil and wicked, human flesh eaters, Nepham, giants called Ghiborites, mighty
ones. They had to be killed to stop this gene from spreading. The creator stepped in and wiped
them out.
13. They became long-necks* of the ones tall, wicked, evil by mixing with their parents
14. So the Gene was for this planet or the 24+24 = 48 chromosomes of the Simian creatures, with 23 + 23 =
46 chromosomes of the humanoid creature, with the 23 + 23 = 47 chromosomes of the Anunnaqi
15. Then later more cross breeding was done for the next freak show and mixing in Egipt of this humanoid
mankind with; canine, porcine and simian or dogs, pigs, monkeys and a new creature was made - a beast
man. The confused species were cut down by the flood. Some escaped, however.
16. Not humane - he is humanoid, he never can be civilized. A flesh eater, a drug taker, alcohol drinker,
lives by danger, greed, lust, killing, the race of devils on Earth - mans kind, a kind of man, beast.
17. He mixes his genes with all others to spread his mental disease [and culture] the world over
18. Of the 24,000 genome he only uses 6,000 of the human genes - the rest is beast nature.
19. His mental age is only 13 so he calls it the age of the devil in their religious book, in their religion, Bar
Mitzvah males, Bat Mitzvah females
20. Later the evil offspring of their religion from Torah laws to gospel laws change it to 21 for males and
18 for females; a multiple of 6 + 6 + 6 = 18. Yet their minds never get above age 13. To them life and
death is a game of chance.
21. All this cross breeding results in virus and diseases
22. They were given 6,000 years from 4000 BC to take control of the whole planet [i.e 6000 years of sin],
the 7th day is the end of their rule over the seas, sky and land and all the people of other races on planet
earth. The black race Africans, the brown race Indians, the yellow race Asians - all by the year 2000
AD. They fail in all ways. And are falling apart before our very eyes.
23. And now [they] are being removed from world power, wealth and rule. The power role dominion is out
of their reach as they fade from existence. The world looks on as they in fright seek others to back them
in objective except those with much of their DNA ruling their genes by mixing
24. Yet their own conception of god and religion is working against them now, Mosesism - Old Testament,
Jesusism - New Testament, Mohammidism -Last Testament - has them all fighting and killing each
other, as the rest of the world; Hinduism, Buddism, Animism, Adventism stand off from afar and watch
them destroy themselves. The fallen is fallen - their self-destruction has begun.
25. Holding their bible, Apollyon, the Greek for the New Testament, Revelation 9:11 and Abaddon, the
Hebrew for Old Testament, Rev 9:11, for destruction. It was 9:11 [2001] when the Mohammadians of
the Last Testament; the Quran, attack the Christians and Jews World Trade Building. Revelation
speaks about that Last Testament, Revelation 10:2. The Quran, the Little Book only 114 chapters
compared to the Old and New Testament. It is little and brings on the Seven Thunders. Its
According to their own books, their final hour or 60 years. I said the final hour or the beginning of
sorrows is 60 years from 1990 or 2001 [the end of their world]. This is a promise.
[The Great controversy will end. All this began by extra-terrestrials coming down to
this planet, which many have been doing for many millions of years as a vacation resortGenesis 6:2. For many other star systems bringing with them things from their own
world, some transplanted here on Earth, some creatures also placed in the waters or on
land. Fruits came prepared to eat and the Reptilians who ate and still eat humans as
meat, food. They [reptilians from Draco] abduct people from the sky and can take
huge planes out of the sky without a trace. Hunger, the word in the bible covenant
of flesh, offering sacrifice as; abduction, missing people - by the thousand each month
the world over. Also the Pleadians are cannibals as well the Aldebarians who made
deals with the Nazi up to 1945 AD, then with the USA when the Nazi defected to
America under what was called operation Paper Clip]


[They put USA in touch with Aldebarians who work with the Pleadians and Reptilians,
those that left their first habitation- Jude 1 v6. This all ended for the cursed seed of
Canaan; the Amorites for their abuse of the Ptahite race called Negroes-Genesis 15:1316, Amorites, Canaanites; Genesis 9:25, the curse with leprosy Leviticus 13:1-59 who
mixed with the others to make hybrids; mulatto - the new race of Neutronoids, an
attempt to prolong their race. The Neutronoids are the pale faces you see on TV as news
reporters, anchors.]

26. Enqi [God] warned Nannar [Satan] to his face not to touch the primary seed of his creation, he
[Enqi]warned, Do not touch my children. And now Africa has AIDS, EBOLA. The children of Enqi
are the peculiar treasure he created unto himself. Satan violated an agreement and touched the children
of Enqi. Today as the custom of the Anunnaqi it is still eye for eye. Lord Enqi said You hurt my people
and now I will destroy yours.
27. Canaanites have tried to prolong their stay as a species on Earth many times before yet they found out
mixing with the Indians did not work, mixing with the Asian did not work, mixing with the Africans did
not work. So they resort to violence as a final resort, persecution of those not in favour of them.
28. So now they plant and mix with sub races they mixed with before; Celtics, Keltics, Seltics took over the
Spaniards - became two groups of Jews today: the red skin ones called Ashkenazim. You look at the
state of Israel today you see red skin and the white skin. Jewism is not a race, its a religion.
Adamites -red skin, ruddy.
Canaanites - white skin, albinos, and pale white lepers. The Canaanites are the race of men that will
be eaten by the lords [Gargoyles] that fly in the sky- Revelation 19:18. These birds [Gargoyles] will be
filled with their flesh.

28. Those are Genesis 1:26-27, - ruddy, reddish.

29. Those are Genesis 6:1-5, - mix can be both.
30. Those are Genesis 9:25, - lepers, white. These are the seeds of the genes made for show to other
extraterrestrials and as slaves, workers, entertainers, sexual pleasure, warriors, protectors, pets and even
food. The seed of the Adamites and those who joint unto them; levi, leviathan - jointed on to the
Draconians, his laws and ways of living, cultures, religion and image of the beast.
Giants in the Bible
Nephilim; Those who fall (7-9 Feet) (Genesis 6:2 & 4),
Mighty men which were of old, men of renown Those of the rocketship
*The Anakim; The Long Necked Evil Ones (Deut 1:28, Deut 2:10-11 & 20-21, Deut 9:2)
The Anakites; Those of the Necklace
Anak The Devils wife. (Numbers 13:28-33)
Emims Terrors
Zamzummims Plotters/Schemers
Rephaim Giants Healers (Genesis 15:18 & 20, 2 Samuel 5:18)
Philistines Immigrants (1 Samuel 17:4)
6 Fingers & 6 Toes (2 Samuels 21:20), (1 Chronicles 20:6),
Cubit = Elbow to the tip of the middle finger 18-21 (inches)
Span = Tip of the little finger to the tip of the thumb 9 (inches)



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