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Plano da Disciplina ............................................................................................................................................. 258


Texto 1: Comparing different types of texts ................................................................................................... 261

Texto 2: Dicas Tipogrficas .............................................................................................................................. 263
Texto 3: Pronomes Pessoais e Possessivos .................................................................................................... 264
Texto 4: Marcadores de Substantivo ................................................................................................................ 266
Texto 5: Formao de Palavras (afixos) ............................................................................................................ 267

Texto 6: Verbos I To Be, Presente Contnuo, Passado Contnuo, Imperativo, Presente ........................ 269
Texto 7: Cinco usos do ING ............................................................................................................................... 273
Texto 8: Verbos II Presente Perfeito, Passado Simples, Passado Perfeito ............................................... 274
Texto 9: Verbos III Futuro e Condicional ...................................................................................................... 277
Texto 10: Verbos IV Modais/Grupo Nominal .............................................................................................. 279

UNIDADE III - Exerccios

Extra Readings ................................................................................................................................................... 282

Referncias Bibliogrficas ................................................................................................................................ 301


Carga Horria Total: 30h/atividades
Crditos: 02

Relevncia da Disciplina
Vrios so os fatores que justificam a introduo do ensino da Lngua Inglesa: a formao do cidado que,
atravs da aprendizagem de diferentes idiomas, torna-se mais capaz de compreender no s a prpria cultura,
mas a pluralidade do patrimnio sociocultural de outras naes; o desenvolvimento da capacidade de interao
do cidado com o mundo globalizado; o desenvolvimento de um outro olhar sobre a lngua materna, bem como
a possibilidade de acesso a diferentes fontes de informao e recursos tecnolgicos fundamentais para a
insero no mundo acadmico.

Objetivos da Disciplina
Desenvolver a habilidade de leitura sem deixar de nos preocupar com o processo de aprendizado, pois estamos
interessados em como nossos alunos adquirem as competncias necessrias para lerem e interpretarem textos

Para cursar esta disciplina, alm deste material instrucional, voc precisar adquirir o seguinte livro:
GUANDALINI, Eiter Otvio. Tcnicas de leitura em ingls: estgio 1. So Paulo: Texto Novo, 2002.
A referida obra rene todos os textos e exerccios indicados e tambm servir de base para as avaliaes.

UNIDADE I: Conscientizao
Tempo estimado de auto-estudo nesta unidade: 6h/atividades
Objetivos: Conscientizar o leitor das estratgias de leitura que ele inconscientemente j utiliza na leitura de
um texto: conhecimento anterior, deduo, associao, etc.; comparar diferentes tipos de textos observando o
layout, a fonte, etc.; compreender textos de instrues e classificados de jornais; compreender e utilizar palavras
que indicam seqncia; praticar estratgias de leitura: skimming, scanning, prediction, etc.; reconhecer sufixos
e prefixos.

Quadro-resumo da unidade
Texto1: Comparing

Onde encontrar
Pgina 259

different types of texts

Texto 2: Dicas tipogrficas

Pgina 261

Texto 3: Pronomes pessoais

e possessivos

Pgina 262

Texto 4: Marcadores de

Pgina 264

Texto 5: Formao de
palavras (afixos)

Pgina 265

Atividades complementares
Filmes Indicados:

Sites Indicados:

1. Shakespeare in Love


Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes)

sofre um bloqueio que o
impede de escrever sua mais
nova pea, uma histria de
amor com fim trgico. Tudo
muda quando ele se apaixona
por Lady Viola (Gwyneth
Paltrow) e passa a utilizar suas
tentativas de seduzi-la como


2. Braveheart
No sculo XIII, soldados
ingleses matam mulher do
escocs William Wallace (Mel
Gibson), bem na sua noite de
npcias. Ele resolve ento
liderar seu povo numa
vingana pessoal que acaba
deflagrando violenta luta pela

UNIDADE II: Aspectos Lingsticos

Tempo estimado de auto-estudo nesta unidade: 6h/atividades
Objetivos: Identificar o sujeito, verbo e objeto na frase; reconhecer os tempos verbais; reconhecer noun
groups; compreender textos descritivos.

Quadro-resumo da unidade

Onde encontrar

Atividades complementares

Texto 6: Verbos I: To
be, Presente Contnuo,
Passado Contnuo,
Imperativo, Presente

Pgina 267

Filmes Indicados:

Texto 7: Cinco usos

do ING

Pgina 271

Texto 8: Verbos II:

Presente Perfeito,
Passado Simples,
Passado Perfeito

Pgina 272

Texto 9: Verbos III:

Futuro e Condicional

Pgina 275

2. The Age of Innocence

Texto 10: Verbos IV:

Modais/Grupo Nominal

Pgina 277

Nova York, 1870. Um advogado (Daniel Day-Lewis) est

de casamento marcado com uma jovem (Winona Ryder)
da aristocracia local, quando uma condessa (Michelle
Pfeiffer), prima de sua noiva, volta da Europa aps
separar-se do marido. As idias dela chocam a tradicional
sociedade americana e, ao tentar defend-la, o advogado
se apaixona por ela e correspondido.

1. Sense and Sensibility

Em virtude da morte do marido, uma viva e as trs
filhas passam a enfrentar dificuldades financeiras, pois
praticamente toda a herana foi para um filho do primeiro
casamento, que ignora a promessa feita no leito de morte
de seu pai que ampararia as meias-irms. Neste contexto,
enquanto uma irm prtica (Emma Thompson), usando
a razo como principal forma de conduzir as situaes, a
outra (Kate Winslet) se mostra emotiva, sem se reprimir
nunca com uma sensibilidade flor da pele.

UNIDADE III: Exerccios

Tempo estimado de auto-estudo nesta unidade: 4h/atividades

Entre em contato com seu monitor.


A professora Rosangela Ramos nos apresenta este material de forma integrada. Cada unidade tem um texto
para ser lido, desfrutado, estudado e analisado sob vrias perspectivas.
Primeiramente, cada texto traz um tema atual e universal que leva ao desenvolvimento do pensamento crtico
por meio de exerccios que trabalham os trs nveis de compreenso do leitor: nvel literal, nvel inferencial e
nvel apreciativo.
Segundo, pode-se notar que o vocabulrio trabalhado por intermdio de glossrios e contextos que facilitam
a compreenso e aquisio dos mesmos.
Em terceiro lugar, este material no deixa de lado a gramtica, trabalhando-a dentro dos paradigmas lingsticos
estruturalista e pragmtico. As atividades sugeridas pretendem desenvolver a conscincia metalingstica
mediante exerccios que levam ao aprendizado de estruturas em contextos oracionais e textuais. Agregam-se a
isso as informaes referentes s categorias gramaticais estudadas em cada unidade.

TEXTO 1: Comparing different types of texts

Ler um ato intelectual complexo. Essa complexidade aumenta ainda mais quando estamos lendo num idioma
diferente do nosso. Para facilitar o trabalho nesta unidade, solicito bastante ateno s estratgias de leitura
que indicamos a seguir:

Estratgias de Leitura
Prediction significa inferir o contedo de um texto
atravs de seu conhecimento prvio sobre o tema
(background); atravs do contexto semntico (palavras
de um mesmo grupo, por exemplo: hospital, nurse,
doctor, ambulance); contexto lingstico (pistas
gramaticais); contexto no-lingstico (gravuras,
grficos, tabelas, nmeros, etc.); conhecimento sobre
a estrutura do texto (layout, ttulo, subttulo, diviso
de pargrafos, etc).
Cognates so palavras de origem grega ou latina
bem parecidas com as do portugus. Ex.: different/
diferente, infection/infeco.
Obs.: Ateno com os falsos cognatos. Ex: "pretend"
no significa pretender, mas sim "fingir"; importante
observar se a palavra se encaixa no contexto.

Repeated words se uma palavra aparece vrias vezes

no texto, isto significa que ela importante para a
compreenso do mesmo.
Typographical evidences so smbolos, letras
maisculas, negrito, itlico, etc., que so dicas teis
sobre o texto.
Dictionary o dicionrio deve ser utilizado como
ltimo recurso para se descobrir o significado de uma
palavra ou expresso desconhecida.
Skimming leitura rpida para ter-se uma idia
central do texto.
Scanning leitura com o objetivo de encontrar
algumas informaes especficas no texto.
Selectivity leitura seletiva, isto , selecionar os
trechos onde se quer encontrar uma determinada
informao (pargrafos, por exemplo).

ao ou efeito de inferir;
induo, concluso

Leitura dos textos
880 milhes de analfabetos (pgina 14) , The Organized Phone (pgina 15)
Fonte: GUANDALINI, Eiter Otvio. Tcnicas de leitura em ingls: ESP English for Specific Purposes
estgio 1. So Paulo: Texto Novo, 2002.

TEXTO 2: Dicas Tipogrficas

As marcas tipogrficas so elementos que, no texto, transmitem informaes nem sempre representadas por
palavras. O aspecto visual, as ilustraes, o tipo de letra usado, as aspas, os nmeros, etc. ajudam-nos a
descobrir muito sobre o contedo do texto.

Text: Energy from the sun

Almost all our energy originally came from the sun.
At the Sun's centre, nuclear reactions give enormous
amounts of energy which radiate from the surface as
heat and light. There is enough nuclear energy left in
the Sun to keep it shinning for another 5,000 million
years. On average, each square metre of Earth's surface
receives the same energy from the Sun as it would do
from a one-bar electric fire.

Reading Strategies

Leitura dos textos
Antibacterial Soft Scrub (pgina 18)
Stress Relief (pgina 19)
Introducing the first multivitamin that gets to the
heart of good health (pginas 20 e 21)
Fonte: GUANDALINI, Eiter Otvio.
Tcnicas de leitura em ingls: ESP English for
Specific Purposes estgio 1. So Paulo: Texto
Novo, 2002.

1. Circule as palavras cognatas no texto:

2. Utilizando a estratgia "skimming",
a) Qual o tema do texto?


3. Utilizando a estratgia "scanning", responda:

Tipografia - Arte de
imprimir com tipos;
Sun - sol

Surface - superfcie

Earth - Terra

Shine - brilhar

a) Qual a causa do calor e da luz que recebemos na


Fire - fogo
On average - na medida


TEXTO 3: Pronomes Pessoais e Possessivos

Em ingls, todo verbo pede um sujeito expresso. No se admite sujeito oculto, salvo em rarssimas excees
e em linguagem muito informal.
Leia com bastante ateno o material indicado e, em caso de dvidas, consulte o seu monitor.

Personal Pronouns






Me (me)


Mine (meu, minha)



You (te, ti)


Yours (seu, sua)



Him (lhe, o)


His (dele)



Her (lhe, a)


Hers (dela)



It (lhe, o, a)


Its (dele, dela)



Us (ns)


Ours (nosso(s), nossa(s))



You (vs)


Yours (seus, suas)



Them (lhes, os, as)


Theirs (deles, delas)




Personal Pronouns

1. Substitute the words in bold type. Use PERSONAL


This magazine is on computing. It is on computing.

-This is Mrs. Brown. I know her.

a) The analyst is talking to the operator.

Peter and I are here. You can talk to us.

b) The boys are sending the reports.
Possessive Adjectives
(precede o substantivo)

c) Sheila and I are secretaries.

Paper tape has its disadvantages.

d) This is my document. Give it to Mr. Green.
Possessive Pronouns
(substitui o substantivo)
This is your address. It's yours.
Reflexive Pronouns
The system itself is very complex. (funo enftica)

2. Choose the correct alternative:

a) Among the four of (we us) candidates, only one
will be selected.
b) Punctuality is practiced by Phil and (I me).
c) Edmund and (I me) are operators.

I hurt myself with a sharp blade. (funo reflexiva)

My children go to school by themselves. (funo


a) Jim can send _____ curriculum vitae.
b) I have _____ duties here in ____ office.
c) Lana and I are teachers; ____ students are doing
____ tests.
d) Paper tape has ____ disadvantages.

4. Fill the spaces with POSSESSIVES:

a) He's a programmer. _____ job is to determine
objectives of the project.

d) The manager __________ answers the phone.

e) We always enjoy __________ at parties.

b) This machine calculates Mrs. Smith's wages. It

calculates ____ wages. I calculate _____.

5. Fill in the blanks with reflexive, empha-sizing or

idiomatic pronouns:
a) The system _________ is very complex.
b) I hurt _______ with a knife.

Ver explicao nas pginas 23 e 24.
Fonte: GUANDALINI, Eiter Otvio. Tcnicas de
leitura em ingls: ESP English for Specific
Purposes: estgio 1. So Paulo: Texto Novo, 2002.

c) My children go to school by ___________.

Entre em contato com seu monitor.



TEXTO 4: Marcadores de Substantivo

Substantivo a palavra que designa pessoa, lugar, objeto, evento, substncia ou qualidade.
Os marcadores de substantivo podem ser: artigos, pronomes possessivos, adjetivos, nmeros cardinais,
pronomes demonstrativos, quantidades.

Demonstrative Pronouns

1. Use this, that, these or those:

This (este, esta, isto)
That (aquele, aquela, aquilo)

a)________ is a computer. (este)

b) ________ are computers. (estes)
c) ________ is a printer. (aquele)
d) ________ are printers. (aquelas)

These (estes, estas)
Those (aqueles, aquelas)

2. Insert a or an:
a) ___ envelope
b) ___ car

Indefinite Article (A, An)

A usamos antes de som consonantal.

c)___ telephone
d)___ umbrella
e)___ secretary



3. Use the definite article where's necessary:

high-level language

a) ____ book on the table is mine.


b) I need ____ book.

European device

c) The teacher has some reports on ____ North Pole.

d) I need ___ pen.

An usamos antes de som vogal.



analog computer


Definite Article THE (o, a, os, as)

This is a book and a dictionary; the book is on
I study computer languages but the COBOL
language is not easy.

Leia com ateno as explicaes nas pginas 29 e 30.

Fonte: GUANDALINI, Eiter Otvio. Tcnicas de
leitura em ingls: ESP English for Specific
Purposes: estgio 1. So Paulo: Texto Novo, 2002.

TEXTO 5: Formao de Palavras (afixos)


Algumas palavras que aparecem nos textos demandam um pouco mais de ateno para inferi-las e reconheclas durante a leitura. So as chamadas palavras derivadas, ou seja, palavras que apresentam componentes
denominados genericamente de afixos, que podem ser prefixos ou sufixos. O conhecimento da formao das
palavras muito til, sem dvida, para sua compreenso. Isto significa que necessrio reconhecer os afixos,
mais comumente usados na lngua que se quer aprender e, naturalmente, seu significado.

Formao de advrbios

Disagree - discordar

-ly (-mente) carefully

Misunderstand - entender errado

-ward (em direo) downward

Nonsense - sem sentido

Uncommon - no comum

Formao de substantivos

Overdone - exceder




Freshmen - calouro

-er / -or



Downward - para baixo



Development - desenvolvimento



Desirable - desejvel



Childhood - infncia



Carefully - cuidadosamente













O prefixo muda o significado da palavra primitiva
mas no muda a classe gramatical.
a (sem) amoral
anti (contra) anti-nuclear
dis (oposto) disagree
il, ir, im, in, (no) illegal
mis (errado) misunderstand
non (no) nonsense
un (no) uncommon
over (excesso, alm) overdone
pre (antes) prefix

Formao de adjetivos
-able, -ible



-an, -ian














O sufixo pode mudar a classe gramatical da palavra
sem mudar-lhe o sentido primitivo.
Formao dos verbos


Ver lista de prefixos e sufixos mais comuns na lngua
inglesa nas pginas 37, 38 e 39.
Ler o texto "An Equal-Opportunity Tragedy" e fazer
os exerccios, dando nfase a quando usar esses
tempos verbais.


Ler o texto
"We plan to use our spare time..." (pginas 46, 47 e
Fonte: GUANDALINI, Eiter Otvio. Tcnicas de
leitura em ingls: ESP English for Specific Purposes:
estgio 1. So Paulo: Texto Novo, 2002.

Who can get AIDS?

AIDS is an equal opportunity disease. It is caused
by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). AIDS can
infect anyone who has vaginal, anal, or oral sex without
using a condom. It can infect anyone who shares an
HIV drug needle. Whoever you are, whatever your
age, race, or sex if you have sex without condoms, or
share needles, you can get aids.

1. Utilizando a estratgia "scanning", encontre no
texto as seguintes informaes:
a) Por que a AIDS considerada uma doena de
oportunidades iguais.
b) A nica maneira 100% segura de no adquirir AIDS.



Aspectos Lingsticos
Nesta unidade, estudaremos o verbo To Be, Presente Contnuo, Passado Contnuo, Imperativo e Presente,
dando nfase a quando usar esses tempos verbais.

O 6: V
erbos I T
o Be, Presente Contnuo,
Passado Contnuo, Imperativo, Presente

Verbo to be (present tense) - ser ou estar

1 pessoa do singular

I am

I'm (eu sou, eu estou)

2 pessoa do singular

You are

You're (voc , voc est)

He is

He's (ele , ele est)

She is

She's (ela , ela est)

*It is

It's (ele/ela , ele/ela est)

1 pessoa do plural

We are

We're (ns somos, ns estamos)

2 pessoa do plural

You are

You're (vocs so, vocs esto)

3 pessoa do plural

They are

They're (eles/elas so, eles/elas esto)

3 pessoa do singular

* Usamos o pronome it quando nos referimos a coisas ou animais.

Negative form
I am not

I'm not

You are not

You're not

You aren't

He is not

He's not

He isn't

She is not

She's not

She isn't

It is not

It's not

It isn't

We are not

We're not

We aren't

You are not

You're not

You aren't

They are not

They're not

They aren't

Interrogative form
Am I?
Are you?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?
Are we?
Are you?
Are they?

Entre em contato com seu monitor.


Verb to be (past tense)

Se o verbo terminar em -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -z ou o,

acrescenta-se -es:
Example: kiss kisses

I was (eu era, eu estava)

Fix fixes

You were (voc era, voc estava)

He was (ele era, ele estava)
She was (ela era, ela estava)
It was (ele/ela era, ele/ela estava)
We were (ns ermos, ns estvamos)

Se o verbo terminar em -y precedido de consoante,

troca-se o -y por -i e acrescenta-se -es:
Example: try tries
hurry hurries

You were (vocs eram, vocs estavam)

They were (eles/elas eram, eles/elas estavam)

Se o verbo terminar em -y precedido de vogal, seguese a regra geral:

Negative form

Example: play plays

I was not

I wasn't

You were not

You weren't

He was not

He wasn't

Exceo: verb to have (verbo ter)

She was not

She wasn't

I have

It was not

It wasn't

You have

We were not

We weren't

He has

You were not

You weren't

She has

They were not

They weren't

It has
We have
You have

Simple Present Tense

They have

Formao: verbo no infinitivo sem to. Na 3 pessoa

do singular recebe s ou es:

Affirmative form: You study English.

Negative form: You don't study English.
Interrogative form: Do you study English?

I walk
You walk
He walks

Affirmative form: She plays tennis.

She walks

Negative form: She doesn't play tennis.

It walks

Interrogative form: Does she play tennis?

We walk
You walk
They walk
O Simple Present Tense usado para expressar
aes habituais. geralmente empregado com
advrbios de tempo: always, often, usually, frequently,
sometimes, never, every day, on Mondays, etc.
Example: He works every day.
I usually walk to school.

Nota: Usamos o auxiliar DOES na 3 pessoa do


Present Continuous Tense

Formao: presente do verbo to be + o particpio
presente do verbo principal (verbo + -ing):
I am studying now.

Para formar a 3 pessoa do singular de alguns verbos

acrescenta-se -s:
Example: walk walks

O present continuous tense usado para

expressar aes que esto acontecendo. geralmente
empregado com advrbios de tempo: now, at this
moment, etc.
O present continuous pode expressar tambm
aes futuras:

Affirmative: Let's visit Nancy.

Negative: Let's not visit Nancy today.


I am working next Saturday.

She is leaving tomorrow.
Affirmative form: The user is working.
Negative form: The user isn't working.

1. Complete the sentences with the Simple Present of

the verb to be:

Interrogative form: Is the user working?

a) A minicomputer _____ much smaller than the



b) An automatic pilot ______ able to keep an airplane


Se o verbo terminar em -e, ele perde o -e ao

receber -ing:
She is writing a letter now.
Se o verbo terminar em CVC (consoante-vogalconsoante), dobra-se a ltima consoante e acrescentase -ing:
He is swimming now.

c) Today, computers ______ used extensively in

many activities.
d) The hardware and the software ______ parts of
the D.P.C.
e) A computer without software _______ like a car
without gasoline.
f) Computers _______ machines designed to
process information.
g) Microcomputer ______ smaller, simpler and less
flexible than minicomputers.

Past Continuous Tense

h)Compilers ______ indispensable to a computer


Formao: passado do verbo to be (was/were)

+ particpio presente do verbo principal (verbo + -ing).

i) The processor _____ the central component of a

computer system.


j) A disk _____ faster than a cassete tape.

He was studying one hour ago.

Negative form: He wasn't studying one hour ago.
Interrogative form. Was he studying one hour ago?

2. Change the sentences to the negative and

interrogative forms:
a)The users are late.

Como se forma: verbo no infinitivo sem to.

b) It is an analog computer.
c) File is a collection of records.

Example: Come! Go! Speak! Help!

Affirmative: Go home!

d) They are users.

Negative: Don't go home!

O imperativo usado para expressar uma
ordem ou um pedido.
Example: Clean your room!
Please, help me!
A forma imperativa let's + verbo usada para
expressar uma proposta ou convite.

e) I am an analyst
3. Complete the sentences with the Simple Present
Tense of the verbs in parentheses:
a) The user ___________ the computer. (fix)



b) The secretary _________ the letters. (type)

c) They always ____________ the bus. (miss)

e) Turn off the radio.

d) The children __________ in the park. (play)

e) He _____________ for the exam. (study)
4. Supply the Present Continuous Tense of the verbs
in parentheses:

f) Let's go.
g) Call me in the morning.
h) Tell me about Mary.

a) The children ________________ (swim) in the

b) I ________________________(cut) apples to
make a pie.

7. Change these sentences from the negative to the

affirmative form:
a) Don't open the door.

c) He ____________________(take) a walk.
d) We ____________________(leave) for school.

b) Don't close the window.

e) The baby ___________________(sleep).

c) Let's not visit her.
5. Supply the Past Continuous Tense of the verbs in

d) Don't come early.

a) The children __________ (cry) 5 minutes ago.

b) The boys _____________(do) their Japanese

e) Don't help him.

c) Roy ________________(wear) the brown shirt.

d) We _______________(read) the newspaper one
hour ago.
e) Jane _______________(prepare) dinner.
6. Change these sentences from the affirmative to
the negative form:
a) Go outside.
b) Give this to him.
c) Put your books on the table.
d) Buy that newspaper.

Ver Verbos I nas pginas 49, 50 e 51. Texto: Where
the books are (pginas 52 e 53)
Fonte: GUANDALINI, Eiter Otvio. Tcnicas de
leitura em ingls: ESP English for Specific
Purposes: estgio 1. So Paulo: Texto Novo, 2002.

TEXTO 7: Cinco usos do ING


Nesta unidade veremos os cinco possveis usos do ING em ingls.

1 - Gerndio: geralmente com o verbo "to be"

antecedendo-o. Ex.: He is reading a very nice book.

2 - Adjetivo: sempre acompanhando um substantivo.

Ex.: "Reading Strategies".

3 - Aps preposio: nesse caso a traduo no

infinitivo. Ex.: He always reads it after reading the
Exemplos de preposio: in, on, at, of, for, up,
down, with, without, after, before, away, back, off,
by, from, beyond, etc.

Veja as explicaes quanto aos cinco possveis
usos do ING nas pginas 55 e 56 do seu livro.
Ler os textos:
"When it comes to healthy vision, it may be smart
to keep an eye on Lutein" (pginas 57, 58 e 59)
"Smoking" (pginas 59 e 60)
Fonte: GUANDALINI, Eiter Otvio. Tcnicas de
leitura em ingls: ESP English for Specific
Purposes: estgio 1. So Paulo: Texto Novo, 2002.

Exceo: to
4 - Aps certos verbos: h verbos que exigem o uso
de ING aps seus usos. Nesse caso a traduo, como
no item anterior, tambm no infinitivo. Ex.: He started
reading that book one week ago. Exemplos de verbo
start, begin, keep, continue, quit, enjoy, suggest, avoid,
feel, like, look forward to, etc.
5 - Substantivo: possvel traduzir analisando o
contexto ou se houver algum marcador de substantivo.
Ex.: The reading of that book is recommended to all
languages teachers.

1. D a funo das seguintes palavras com ING e
seus significados no contexto:
a) Kill bacteria without killing your tub.
b) Walking causes your brain to produce...

Entre em contato com seu monitor.

c) ...help prevent you from becoming depressed...

d) We were waiting for them for an hour.


O 8: V
erbos II Presente P
Passado Simples, Passado Perfeito
Nesta unidade, estudaremos os verbos no Presente Perfeito, Passado Simples, Passado Perfeito, dando
nfase a quando usar esses tempos verbais.

Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs)

Affirmative form: We danced a lot last night.
De modo geral, acrescenta-se -ed ao infinitivo dos

Negative form: We didn't dance a lot last night.

Interrogative form: Did we dance a lot last night?

I walked
You walked
He walked


She walked
It walked
We walked
You walked
They walked
O passado simples usado para expressar aes
acabadas em um tempo definido. geralmente
empregado com advrbios de tempo: yesterday, ago,
last..., etc.
Example: I walked to school yesterday.

1. Complete the sentences with the Simple Past Tense

of the verbs in parentheses:
a) I __________ (study) for the test.
b) ______ you ________ your grandmother last
week? (visit)
c) Jane _______________ to play tennis yesterday.
(not, like)
d) The students _______________ (copy) the
e) He ______________ (wash) his car last night.

Notas: Se o verbo terminar em y precedido de

consoante, troca-se o -y por -ied:
Carry carried

2. Change the sentences from exercises 1 to negative

and interrogative forms:

Study studied
Se o verbo terminar em -y precedido de vogal, seguese a regra geral:
Play played
Se o verbo terminar em slaba forte formada por
CVC, dobra-se a ltima consoante e acrescentase -ed:

Simple Past Tense (Irregular Verbs)

Os verbos irregulares no seguem regras para a
formao do passado.
No passado os verbos tm a mesma forma para
todas as pessoas.

Stop stopped


Occur occurred

Drop dropped


Permit permitted

We have studied


You have studied


They have studied


Afirmativa: They have studied.


Negativa: They have not studied.


Interrogativa: Have they studied?

Negative form: I didn't speak English.

Formas abreviadas: haven't (have not), hasn't (has

Interrogative form: Did I speak English?


O particpio passado dos verbos irregulares
igual ao passado simples.
Play played

1. Complete the sentences with the Simple Past Tense

of the verbs in parentheses:
a) He _____________ a letter to Mary. (write)
b) They ___________ a book last night. (read)
c) Carol ________________ her car to the gas
station. (drive)
d) I _____________ my finger with a knife. (cut)
e) We ____________ late yesterday. (weak up)

Study studied
O particpio passado dos verbos irregulares no
segue regras (ver a lista de verbos irregulares no final
da apostila).
O presente perfeito usado para expressar:
a) aes que comearam no passado e continuam
at o presente.
Ex.: I have lived here since 1990.

2. Change the sentences from exercise 1 to negative

and interrogative forms:

b) aes que aconteceram num tempo indefinido no

Ex: I have studied English. (tempo indefinido)
c) aes que aconteceram vrias vezes no passado.
Ex.: We have seen that film many times.

Present Perfect Tense

Como se forma: presente do verbo to have + particpio
passado do verbo principal.
I have studied

O presente perfeito usado com as seguintes

a) Since (desde): I have stidied English since April.
b) For (durante): I have studied English for two years.

He has studied

c) Just (acabar): They have just arrived from


She has studied

d)Already (j): They have already arrived.

It has studied

Have they already arrived?

You have studied

e) Yet (j, ainda): They haven't arrived yet.

Have they arrived yet?



Passado Perfeito
Had + Verbo no Particpio Passado
I had done the exercises when he arrived.
Usamos o past perfect para expressar um fato que
aconteceu no passado antes de outro que aconteceu
no passado (passado anterior a outro passado).
Convm salientar que o past perfect, que expressa o
primeiro fato, estar sempre em correlao a um simple
past, que expressa o fato posterior.

1. Choose the correct alternative:

d) Has she left ________?

5. Na seguinte historieta (fato verdico) tirada da
Reader's Digest (Sep.1997), voc ter a oportunidade
de colocar no tempo adequado os verbos dados entre
parnteses no infinitivo, sem to. Com exceo de
apenas um, todos devem ficar ou no simple past ou no
past perfect.
My sister's home .... (just be) ... (burglarize). When
the crook ... (arrest) and the police ... (discover) that
he ... (be) a frequent "visitor" in the area, they... (take)
him on a drive through the neighborhood for him to
point out the houses he...(hit)
Anne, who... (work) for the state's criminal justice
department, later... (find out) that the burglar... (have)
no problem remembering her house. "That's the one",
he ...(say), "with the nice little dog that... (follow) me
from room to room".

a) Paul (wrote, has written) his name in my book.


b) I (visited, have visited) Miami many times.

To burglarize arrombar para furtar

c) He (went, has gone) to Miami last week.

Crook patife

d) She (lived, has lived) here all her life.

Neighborhood vizinhana

e) We (started, have started) studying Germany last


Burglar ladro

2. Supply the Present Perfect Tense of the verbs in

a) Karl _________ just ________. (arrive)
b) I _______________ (wait) for you for two hours.
c) _________ they ___________ (buy) their house?
d) We __________________(be) to the zoo twice.
e) It _____________________(snow) since
yesterday morning.

3. Supply since or for:

a) We have lived there ______two years.


b) We have lived there _______ last year.

c) The bell has rung _______ half an hour.
d) It has rained ______ three o'clock.

Leia com ateno observando os detalhes nas

pginas 61 e 62.
Texto: Drugs, politics and big

4. Supply yet or already:

money (pginas 63, 64)

a) I've __________ done my exercises.

Texto: A once-in-a-life opportunity (pginas 65 e 66)

b) She hasn't answered the question _________.

Fonte: GUANDALINI, Eiter Otvio. Tcnicas de

leitura em ingls: ESP English for Specific
Purposes: estgio 1. So Paulo: Texto Novo, 2002.

c) They've ________ talked to me.

O 9: V
erbos III Futuro e Condicional
Nesta unidade, estudaremos os verbos no Futuro e na Condicional, dando nfase a quando usar esses tempos

Tempos verbais

Simple Future Tense

m) Sally ______________ (make) a cake.

n) They ________________ (help) us tomorrow.

Como se forma: will + verbo principal

I will study the lesson.

Conditional Sentences

I'll study the lesson.

Negative form: I won't study the
Interrogative form: Will I study the

O futuro simples usado para expressar uma

ao futura:
They will arrive tomorrow.


A orao condicional expressa uma condio e

sempre aparece ligada a uma orao principal.
As oraes condicionais podem expressar:
a) condio provvel, usando o presente simples e o
futuro simples.
Ex.: If she has money, she will go to the movies.
b) condio improvvel, usando o passado simples
e o condicional simples.
Ex.: If she had money, she would go to the movies.

1. Supply the Future Tense:

a) I ____________ (arrive) at 10 o'clock.
b) We _____________(be) ready in ten minutes.
c) ______ it __________ (cost) much money?
d) She ____________ (finish) the work tomorrow.

c)condio impossvel, usando o passado perfeito e

o condicional perfeito.
Ex.: If she had had money, she would have gone to
the movies.

e) He ______________ (not, be) there after dinner.

f)They ______________(eat) in that restaurant.
g) The girls ____________(not, talk) to you.
h) It _____________(rain) tomorrow.
i) _______you_______(help) me?
j) We ____________ (see) you in the morning.
k) You _____________ (learn) mathematics.
l) I _____________ (pay) the bill.

1. Supply the correct form of the verbs in
a) If he ______________ (call), I will speak with
b) If you _________________(study) hard, you will
pass your examination.


d)If we had time, we ________________ (visit) her.

3. Supply the correct form of the verbs in


e) If you arrive on time, we _________________

(have) lunch together.

a) If it had rained, you __________________ (have)

a bad time at the beach.

c) If I find your money, I ________________


2. Supply the correct form of the verbs in


b) If he __________________(arrive), he would
have looked for you.

a) I would buy a car if I ________________ (know)

how to drive.


b) We ___________________ (go) to the beach if

we hadn't so much work to do.

Texto: Anti-foreign-word legislation in Brazi and

teachers of English (pginas 70, 71, 72 e 73).

c) If I ________(have) money, I would travel abroad.

d) If we met her, we ______________(give) her your

Veja os Verbos III na pgina 69.

The Civil War (pginas 74 e 75).

Fonte: GUANDALINI, Eiter Otvio. Tcnicas de
leitura em ingls: ESP English for Specific
Purposes: estgio 1. So Paulo: Texto Novo, 2002.

Entre em contato com seu monitor.

O 10: V
erbos IV Modais/Grupo Nominal
Nesta unidade estudaremos os verbos modais e os marcadores de substantivo.

Verb can (poder)

b) Possibilidade mais remota: It might rain tonight.
Example: I can play football.

Can (poder)


a) Capacidade: She can swim.

a) Capacidade: She can swim.

b) Permisso / possibilidade: You can leave now.

b) Permisso / possibilidade: You can leave now.

Negative form: I can't /can not /cannot play football

Could (podia)

Interrogative form: Can I play football?

a) Capacidade: She could swim years ago.

b) Permisso/possibilidade: You could leave five
minutes ago.

Must (dever)
1. Change the sentences to negative and
interrogative forms:
a) He can speak English.

a) Obrigao. Everybody must pay his bills.

b) Deduo: You are pale. You must be sick.
c) Proibio. You mustn't smoke here.
d) Conselho: You must be see that play.

b) She can play the piano.

Ought to (dever)
a) Conselho: You ought to visit your grandmother.
b) Dever: You ought to do your homework.

c) They can drive a car.

Should (deveria)
a) Conselho: You should visit your grandmother.
d) Bob can spell his name.

b) Dever: You should do your homework.

Used to (costumava)

Anomalous Verbs

a) Hbito passado: He is used to swimming in the


May (poder)



1. Write the appropriate ANOMALOUS VERBS.

a) Permisso: May I come in?

a) They _________________ (podem) write

b) Possibilidade: It may rain tonight.

programs to handle invoicing.

b) The programmers _____________(devem) write

Might (podia)
a) Permisso mais formal: Might I come in?

programs that work and leave them fully documented.

c) Your program_______________(pode) be easily
taken over by another programmer.



d) The test for the last card ___________ (deve)

come immediately after you've read each card.

A very difficult research was made by them.

f) Preposicionado (usado aps o substantivo):

2. Supply with the required ANOMALOUS VERBS:

_________________ be obeyed to achieve a given
result. (obligation)
b) Electronic sensing devices _____________ read
magnetic ink printed on checks. (capability)
c) Variations of the input/output instructions
______________ be devised to apply to different
peripherals. (possibility)

A girl with long hair came to see you.

Men in black.

1. Localize os grupos nominais nas seguintes
sentenas e classifique os modificadores:
a) The effort produces some of our most memorable

d) Libraries on banking store _____________ hold

all types of utility routines. (capability)
e) A computer program _______________ work out
Mr. Jones' pay for the week. (possibility)

b) The leading cause of acquired blindness.

Grupo Nominal
Modificador(es) + substantivo

Tipos de modificadores
a) Adjetivo:
Small firm.
Clever wife.
b) Substantivo:
Job hunting.
Pay increase.
c) ING:
Joking remark.
Living quarters.
d) 3 forma dos verbos:
combined incomes.
lost money.

Ver: Verbos IV (pginas 77, 78, 79, 80 e 81)
Grupo Nominal (pgina 82)

e) Advrbios (acompanha outros modificadores):

A well done work is always remarkable.

Texto: Stem Cells relieve Parkinson's in rats (pginas

83, 84 e 85)



Ler o texto: "Grove-based information processing in healthcare" (pginas 87, 88, 89, 90 e 91)
Mrs. Williams is very proud of her clean and tidy house. One day, when she saw a little mouse run across her
dinning room, she felt terribly ashamed. She called her daughter and said to her: "A terrible thing has happened!
I saw a mouse in our dining room a few minutes ago. Let's catch it at once! Go to the village shop and buy a
mousetrap but don't tell anybody what it is for.
1) Traduza o texto acima:

Rosngela Ferreira Ramos Mestre em


Ernesto Assumpo Especialista em Lngua

Inglesa pela PUC/RJ; e Proficience University
of Michigan.


Extra Readings
Nesta unidade, voc poder por em prtica tudo que aprendeu.

The Prince Regent, Dom Joo VI, shortly after arriving in Brazil, required a Royal Gardens, later designated the
Botanical Gardens. Much remains today from that period, particularly the central fountain of molded bronze, the
first two statues cast in Rio by Master Valentim and most importantly the road beginning at the main entrance
lined with palm trees. The Palma Mater, planted by Dom Joo VI, was destroyed by lightning in 1973. The 340
acres contain trees and plants from around the world and Brazil. If you are lucky, your visit will coincide with the
blooming of the largest water lily in the world, vitria-rgia, from the Amazon region. Its immense rose-white
flower is surrounded by leaves large enough to hold a child. When you get to the center of the gardens, look
up. You can see Corcovado. The Botanical Gardens open daily from 8 a .m. until 5 p.m.; main entrance, with
parking lot, is located at 1008 Rua Jardim Botnico. Within the gardens is the Kuhlmann Botanical Museum with
an excellent exhibition of dried plants. Tel: 274 8246.
This month January 1994

1) Responda em ingls de acordo com o texto:

a) Who planted the Palma Mater?
b) How many acres are there in the Botanical Gardens?
c) If you look up when you get to the center of the gardens, what can you see?

2) Escreva (V) para verdadeiro e (F) para falso:

a) The Botanical Gardens open at the weekend from 8 a .m. until 6 p.m. ( )
b) Kuhlmann Botanical Museum has an excellent exhibition of dried plants. ( )
c) The Palma Mater was planted by Dom Joo VI. ( )
d) The Botanical Gardens contains trees and plants from around the world and Brazil. ( )
3) Escreva certo ou errado de acordo com o texto:
a) The Prince Regent, Dom Pedro II, shortly after arriving in Brazil, required a Royal Gardens, later
designated the Botanical Gardens.
b) If you are lucky, your visit will coincide with the blooming of the largest water lily in the world, vitriargia, from the Amazon region.



One day a beautiful young lady went to a famous artist and said, "I want you to paint a picture of me. How
much will it cost?"
"Five hundred pounds", said the artist.
"Oh? ", said the lady. "That's a lot of money. " Then she thought that, as she had a very beautiful body, the
artist might be happy to paint her picture more cheaply if she wore no clothes while he was painting it. So she
said, "And how much will it cost if you paint me without clothes on?" The artist thought for a moment. "One
thousand pounds", he then said. "But I shall have to keep my socks on, because my feet get cold: and I shall
have to wear something to put my brushes in."

1) Marque a resposta correta:

1. A young lady wanted a famous _____________ to paint a picture of her.
a) lawyer

b) doctor

c) teacher

d) painter

2. He wanted to keep his ___________ on because his _____________ would get cold.
a) glasses; nose

b) coat; wagon c) clothes; brushes d) socks; feet

3. A thousand ___________ should be _________ money.

a) neighbors; happy

b) clothes; cheap c)pounds; a lot of d) bodies; without

4. ___________ does this picture ____________?

a) Why; cost

b) Where ; wear

c) What; think

d) How much; cost

2) Escreva (V) para verdadeiro e (F) para falso:

1. The artist misunderstood the lady's suggestion. ( )
2. The artist wanted to wear his socks to put his brushes in. ( )
3. The young lady thought the artist could paint her picture more cheaply than five hundred pounds. ( )
4. The artist thought that he himself should wear no clothes while painting the picture. ( )


Computers are electronic machines that process information. They are capable of communicating with the
user, of doing five kinds of arithmetic operations, and of making three kinds of decisions. However, they are
incapable of thinking. They accept data and instructions as input, and after processing the information, they
output the results.
When talking about computers, both hardware and software need to be considered. The first refers to the
actual machinery whereas the second refers to the programs that control and coordinate the activities of the
The first computer was built in 1930 but since then computer technology has evolved a great deal. There are
three different kinds of computers in use today: the mainframe, the minicomputer and the microcomputer.
However, the dividing line between these has become blurred; a modern micro is often powerful as a mainframe
was tem years ago. All three have one thing in common they operate quickly and accurately in solving

Machine mquina
User usurio
Data dados
Input entrada de dados
Output - sada dos resultados
Hardware partes eletrnicas e mecnicas de um
sistema de computador
Software programas associados com a operao
de um computador
Whereas enquanto
The first o primeiro
The second o segundo

1) Responda em ingls:
1. O que um computador?
2. O que os computadores so capazes de fazer?
3. O que eles so incapazes de fazer?
4. O que o computador aceita como input?
5. O que significa output?
6. O que significa hardware?
7. O que significa software?
8. Quais os computadores que existem atualmente?
9. O que os computadores tm em comum?

Has evolved tem se desenvolvido

Mainframe computador de grande porte
Minicomputer computador multiusurio projetado
para atender s necessidades de uma pequena
companhia ou departamento.
Microcomputer qualquer computador que tenha
a unidade aritmtica e lgica (ALU) e a unidade de
controle em um nico circuito integrado denominado
Blurred obscurecer(-se)
Quickly rapidamente
Accurately precisamente
To solve solucionar



North American Indians lived in the "New World" a long time before Europeans arrived there. Many centuries
before Columbus, Indians hunted, fished and planted corn in America. They killed the buffalo for food. They
fished for salmon in the rivers of Canada and they farmed the land in Arizona. Before the white men arrived, the
Indians lived in peace. They were the masters of the North American continent.

1) Indique o corresponde em ingls destas palavras ou expresses:
1. muito tempo antes:

a) a long time before

b) a long time after

2. chegaram

a) lived

b) arrived

3. muitos sculos

a) many years

b) many centuries

4. caavam

a) hunted

b) fished

5. pescavam

a) fished

b) planted

6. milho

a) corn

b) popcorn

7. matavam

a) died

b) killed

8. para (servir de) alimento, para comer

a) for food

b) for bread

9. rios

a) ships

b) rivers

10. cultivam a terra

a) planted corn

b) farmed the land

11. paz

a) war

b) peace

12. senhores, donos

a) masters

b) centuries

2) Responda em ingls de acordo com o texto:

1. Where did North American Indians live?
2. Did the Europeans arrive there the Indians?
3. What did Indians do in America before Columbus?
4. What did they kill for food?
5. What did Indians do in the rivers of Canada?
6. Where did they farm the land?
7. When did Columbus arrive in the "New World"?
8. Who were the masters of America then?
9. How did the Indians live?


Grandma was ninety-two years old when she won two million dollars on the lottery. Our family was extremely
worried about her heart and nobody wanted to tell her the news. We thought that it might come as a shock to
"We mustn't forget that she has a weak heart. I think we should call in Dr. Jones to tell her the news,"suggested
my father.
The doctor soon arrived and we explained the situation to him.
"You don't have to worry about anything,"said the doctor. "I can tell her the news gently. Everything will be
all right if you leave it to me."
The doctor went in to see the old lady and gradually brought the conversation around to money.
"Tell me", said the doctor, "what would you do if you won a fortune on the lottery - say, two million dollars?"
"I would give half of it to you, naturally,"answered Grandma.
The doctor fell down dead with shock.

1) Responda em ingls de acordo com o texto:

1. How much did Grandma win on the lottery?
2. How old was Grandma then?
3. What was the family worried about?
4. Did anybody want to tell her the news?
5. What did they might happen?
6. What did Father say they should do?
7. Did the doctor accept the responsibility?
8. What questions did the doctor ask the old lady about the lottery?
9. What was Grandma's answer?
10. What happened then?

A boy was sick and the doctor had come to examine him. After a short time, the doctor came out of the boy's
room and asked someone to get him a screwdriver. The boy's father did this, and the doctor went back to the sick
boy's room.
A few minutes later, the doctor came out again and asked the father for a hammer. After the father had brought
the hammer and given it to him, the doctor returned to the boy's room.
A few minutes later, he came out again and asked for an ax.
It was impossible for the boy's father to resist. "My God!" said the father, "what's the matter with my poor
I have no idea, "answered the doctor, "I simply can't open my new medicine bag."

Screwdriver = chave de fenda
Hammer = martelo
Ax = machado
Medicine bag = mala de remdios

1) Responda em portugus:
1. Quantas vezes o mdico saiu do quarto do doente e por qu?
2. Em que ocasio o pai perguntou ao mdico sobre a doena do filho?
3. Para que o mdico queria as ferramentas que pediu?
4. Como deveriam estar o pai do garoto e demais familiares at o mdico explicar o que estava acontecendo?



Bill likes football very much, and he often goes to matches in our town on Saturdays. He does not go to the
best seats, because they are very expensive and he does not see his friends there.
There was a big football match in our town last Saturday. First it was very cold and cloudy, but then the sun
shone, and it was very hot.
There were a lot of people on benches round Bill at the match. Bill was on one bench, and there was a fat man
on a bench behind him. First the fat man was cold, but then he was very hot. He took his coat off and put it in
front of him, but it fell on Bills head. Bill was not angry. He took the coat off his head, looked at it and then
smiled and said, Thank you but where are the trousers?

1) Escreva (V) para verdadeiro e (F) para falso:
1. Bill plays in football matches in our town. ( )
2. He sits in the cheaper seats. ( )
3. Last Saturday the weather was very hot, and then it was very cold and cloudy. ( )
4. The benches round Bill were almost empty. ( )
5. A fat mans coat fell on Bills head. ( )
2) Responda em ingls:
1. Where does Bill go on Saturdays?
2. Why does he not sit in the best seats?



One morning a lion almost stepped on a mouse in the forest. Please, Mister Lion, said the mouse. Dont eat
me, Im so small. Youre right, said the lion, and he carefully stepped around the tiny creature.
Later that same day, the mouse found the lion trapped in a net prepared to capture wild animals. With his sharp
teeth, the mouse soon gnawed the threads of the net, and the lion was free.
Thanks a lot, little friend. Now how can I repay you? the lion asked . Never mind, the mouse said. After all,
you let me go free earlier today, and one good turn deserves another.
Little kindnesses often have big results.
Adapted from Listen to Aesop, in Forum, v.XX, n.4, Oct. 1984.
1) Responda em portugus:
1. Em que circunstncias ocorreu o segundo encontro entre o rato e o leo?
2. O rato libertou o leo?
2) Marque a traduo correta das expresses em itlico:
1. One morning a lion almost stepped on a mouse in the forest.
a) pisou em um rato
b) escorregou em um rato
c) matou um rato
2. The mouse found the lion trapped in a net.
a) dormindo numa rede
b) enroscado numa rede
c) rasgando uma rede
3. The mouse gnawed the threads of the net.
a) enrolou-se nos fios da rede
b) comeu os fios da rede
c) roeu os fios da rede
4. The lion carefully stepped around the tiny creature.
a) desviou da criatura enorme
b) desviou da minscula criatura
c) desviou da criatura grande

5. With his sharp teeth, the mouse gnawed the threads of the net.


a) com seus dentes delicados

b) com seus dentes grandes
c) com seus dentes afiadas
6. The lion was free when the mouse gnawed the threads of the net.
a) preso
b) livre
c) amarrado
7. The net was prepared to capture wild animals.
a) animais grandes
b) animais selvagens
c) animais domsticos
8. You let me go free earlier today, the lion said.
a) voc me deixou livre
b) voc me torturou
c) voc me aprisionou

3) Complete as frases com as palavras corretas:

wild tiny sharp - free
a) A _____________ insect was in my soup.
b) Lions are considered _____________ animals.
c) Alan cut the bread with a _____________ knife this morning.
d) The prison door opened, and he was a ______________ man.

4) Escreva (V) para verdadeiro e (F) para falso:

1. ( ) One afternoon a lion almost stepped on a mouse in the forest.
2. ( ) With his sharp teeth, the mouse gnawed the threads of the net.
3. ( ) The following day the mouse found the mouse trapped in a net.
4. ( ) The mouse found the lion trapped in a hole.

5) Escreva M para mouse e L para lion de acordo com o texto:

1. ( ) Dont eat me, Im so small.
2. ( ) Youre right.
3. ( ) How can I repay you?
4. ( ) Never mind



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once a month. Just a few drops on the back of the neck of your cat or dog, and fleas start dying. Within 24 hours,
your pet is flea free! Advantage works all month long. It keeps killing adult fleas, before they can lay eggs,
breaking the flea cycle. Its odorless, too. Get new Advantage from your veterinarian. Just ask for it by name. For
more information right now, contact us at our home page at www.nofleas.com. Or call 1-800-NO-FLEAS.
Fonte: Readers Digest, October 1996.

1) Responda em Portugus:
1. O que mais chamou sua ateno nesta propaganda?
2. A palavra howllelujah, em destaque, resulta da fuso de duas palavras. Que resultado foi conseguido com
essa fuso?

3. Voc tem idia do que seja Advantage? Tique a alternativa mais provvel:
a) alimento

b) inseticida

c) vitamina

4. O que Advantage?
5. Quantas vezes ao ms deve-se usar o novo Advantage?
6. Dentro de quantas horas seu animal de estimao estar livre das pulgas?
7. Quem pode fornecer o novo Advantage?
8. Quais os meios de fazer contato com a empresa que produz Advantage?

2) Marque a traduo correta das palavras em itlico:

1. Advantage works on contact.
a) age atravs de contato
b) trabalha o contato
c) surte efeito contrrio
2. Use Advantage on the back of the neck of your dog or cat.
a) na parte posterior do pescoo
b) nas costas e no pescoo
c) na parte anterior do pescoo
3. Within 24 hours your pet is flea free.
a) por 24 horas
b) dentro de 24 horas
c) s 24 horas


4. Your pet flea free.

a) animal carnvoro
b) animal selvagem
c) animal de estimao
5. Advantage works all month long.
a) durante o ms todo
b) nos meses longos
c) todo ms longo
6. Advantage keeps killing adult fleas before they can lay eggs.
a) depois que elas pes os ovos
b) enquanto elas pem os ovos
c) antes que elas possam pr ovos
7. Advantage is odorless.
a) sem odor
b) sem cor
c) sem gosto
8. For more information, contact us right now.
a) dias depois
b) imediatamente
c) certamente
9. Dont give fleas a biting chance.
a) chance de beliscar
b) chance de morder
c) chance de fugir
10. Check with your veterinarian for availability of the product.
a) disponibilidade
b) indisponibilidade
c) aval
3) Complete as frases usando as palavras abaixo:
within before back once a few
1. Anne has a paint on her _________.
2. Jane finished her work __________ dinner.
3. There are only ___________ roses in the garden.
4. The Johnsons go to the beach _____________ a year.
5. Your bus leaves ___________ two hours.


The goal of science is to understand, to put things in order. The goal of technology is to create, to apply that
scientific understanding to some purpose. And no purpose has greater demand, and greater reward, than
Through history, advances in technology have been applied to learning. Printing generated the demand for
universal education; the phonograph, the photography and television brought a record of sound and motion
into the classroom; the space race spurred increased interest in sciences and engineering; and the computer
has become a tool for bringing all of this together in a wide variety of disciplines. In advanced countries such
as Japan and Germany, children begin to work on computers from a very early age. The uses of this fabulous
invention in education are limitless.
But the question lots of people are asking themselves around the world is: Will computers substitute for
teachers? The answer is: No, they wont. Machines will never replace teachers: the process of transferring
knowledge and inspiring achievement will always be a human one. But technology has already proven its value
in expanding opportunities for learning by gathering and presenting information in creative ways, by making
some of the routine tasks of drill and testing more interesting and by simulating events to provide people with
realistic problem-solving challenges. If scientists will improve this process, generations to come will certainly
live far better than us.
Before investing in the high technology employed by computers, all advanced countries first invested in the
human being. In these countries teachers are respected and incentivated. Had some Third World countries
done the same, they would have achieved a higher degree of development.

Goal = meta

To spurr = estimular

To apply = aplicar

Advanced = desenvolvido

Demand = demanda, procura

Achievement = realizao

Purpose = motivo, propsito

Drill = treinamento

Record = registro

Challenge = desafio

Race space = corrida do espao


1) Copie do texto os pargrafos que possuem as idias expressas abaixo:

1. O objetivo da cincia aplicar o conhecimento a determinados propsitos. Entre estes est a educao,
que sempre se favoreceu dos avanos tcnicos. Atualmente, o computador est assumindo todas as
funes antes executadas pelos humanos no processo educativo.

2. As conquistas tecnolgicas sempre foram aplicadas ao processo de aprendizagem. Atualmente, os

computadores desempenham papel nesse processo, mas nunca assumiro todas as funes inerentes a ele.



Christ the Redeemer statue, standing guard over Rio on top of Corcovado (hunchback) Mountain, a 2.330 foot
peak, is the most memorable attraction in Rio de Janeiro. From the summit one can see all of Rio the bay, Niteri
Bridge, Yacht Club, Sugar Loaf, the south zone with the Jockey Club, Botanical Gardens, and, of course, the
Atlantic Ocean and beaches. The 1931 statue stands 125 feet tall, weights 1.145 tons and contains a 92 foot
tunnel in the outstretched arms. A visit to Corcovado can be made by car via a paved road through Tijuca
National Park or on a Swiss-made funicular, which ascends through dense jungle with sporatic glimpses of the
city slipping away to the ocean. Interestingly, this four kilometer roadbed dates from 1885, when a small
wooden train puffed up the mountain with the assistance of steam. Automobiles are permitted on the Corcovado
road until 8 p.m. Estrada de Ferro Corcovado operates cog trains every 30 minutes from 8:30 a .m. until 6:30 p.m.;
the ride takes approximately 20 minutes. Be aware that upon arriving at the parking lot one has to walk up three
flights of stairs, or 225 steps, to the statue base and viewing platform. 513 Rua Cosme Velho (Cosme Velho). Tel:
This month in Rio January 1994.

1) Responda em ingls de acordo com o texto:

1. What one can see from the top of Corcovado?
2. Until what time are permitted automobiles on the Corcovado Road?
3. How long does it take to get to Corcovado by train?
2) Escreva o significado das palavras abaixo:
a) mountain = __________________
b) glimpse = ___________________
c) bridge = ____________________
d) steam = ____________________

The second most south-after landmark in Rio de Janeiro is Sugar Loaf, a huge granite rock rising from the
entrance to the bay, reached by cable car. A daring English woman scaled the rock in 1817 and planted the
English flag. It has been removed and replaced many times by other climbers. In 1912 a German-made cable car
first carried visitors to Urca and in 1913 it was extended to Sugar Loaf. The bubble-like, panoramic 75-passenger
Italian cars were installed in 1972 from which everyone has a good view. The trip to the top is in two stages, the
first to Urca Mountain, 770 feet high, with playground equipment for children, an outdoor theater, a restaurant,
a discotheque and an opportunity to record your visit on a picture plate. A second cable car ride of 2.688 feet
and you step onto Sugar Loaf, 1.300 feet above sea level, with an excellent view of Copacabana and Leblon
beaches, the Christ statue, Yacht Club, military club below and across to Niteri and various forts and islands
in the bay. An excellent time to visit is late afternoon when the city lights flicker on and the sun silhouettes the
Any city bus marked Urca takes you within blocks of the cable car entrance and taxis drive directly to the
station. The cable cars operate daily from 8 a .m. to 10p.m. 520 Av. Pasteur (Praia Vermelha). Tel: 295-8244

1) Responda em ingls de acordo com o texto:

1. The trip to the top of the Sugar Loaf is in two stages. What can we find at the first stage?
2. What can we see from the top of Sugar Loaf?
3. When were installed the panoramic 75 passenger Italian cars?

2) Traduza a frase abaixo:

Any city bus marked Urca takes you within blocks of the cable car entrance.
3) Correlacione:
(1) excellent view

( ) ilhas

(2) mountains

( ) viagem

(3) sea level

( ) excelente visa

(4) islands

( ) nvel do mar

(5) trip

( ) montanhas




En route to and within the Tijuca Forest (extending from Alto da Boa Vista to Corcovado) are many tourist
sights. The Chinese Lookout, with views of Corcovado, Ipanema, Leblon and south beaches, reminds one that
during the early 19th century Chinese immigrants worked tea plantations in this area. Ascending further into the
forest are the Emperors Table where Emperor Dom Pedro I and Empress Leopoldina escaped the heat and
picnicked; the Taunay Waterfalls, named after the French artist, Nicolas Antoine Taunay, who lived nearby, and
Mayrink Chapel, once part of a coffee plantation, with murals by Brazilian painter Candido Portinari. (Portinari,
with architect Oscar Niemeyer and landscape designer Roberto Burle Marx, formed the celebrated trio that
collaborated on many urban projects; the most touted being the capital city of Braslia and in Rio, the Flamengo
Park.) One can drive into the forest from Rua Pacheco Leo to the side of Botanical Gardens; joining a tour is the
preferable means of sightseeing in the forest.
This month in Rio January 1994.

1) Responda em ingls de acordo com o texto:

a) What can we seen from the Chinese Lookout?
b) How can one drive into Tijuca Forest?
2) Correlacione:
(a) coffee plantation

( ) sculo

(b) immigrants

( ) projetos urbanos

( c) urban projects

( ) plantao de caf

(d) waterfall

( ) imigrantes

(e) century

( ) cachoeira

3) Qual o significado de::

a) nearby
b) heat
c) Sights
d) Painter


Edward Summers was a special athlete. He had only one leg, and he played basketball in wheelchair. He played
in the Paraolympic Games, for handicapped people. He trained basketball for three hours every day. He lifted
weights for two hours and he wrote a book about his life for four hours every evening. He thought that he was
really lucky, because he had a good life, a lot of friends in the team and people who helped him in his training
sessions. The most important thing, he said, was that he accepted his life and he was happy about the things
that he could do. He never thought things that he couldnt do. He used his time to do and thought things that
were good for him. This was the secret of happiness for Edward.
Jean Boudin lived in France. He was a musician and he taught special children. He woke up at 5:00 every day
and took a cold shower. He ate very fast and took the "metro" in Versailles, the town where he lived.
He arrived at his working place in the other side of Paris at 7:30, after one hour in the subway train. He usually
read the newspaper in the train. He worked in a school for special children as a volunteer twice a week, and he
was always there. "I love these children ", he declared, "they are sensitive and they need a lot of affection. I give
them all my love and devotion". He thought that money was important, but he said: "What I receive in this work
is only satisfaction and the smiles in the faces of the kids when I play songs for them. This is more important
than money for me."

Responda s perguntas a seguir, de acordo com as instrues de seu professor:

1. Justifique o ttulo do texto: People who make a difference.

2. Responda s perguntas abaixo, em ingls:

a) Who was Edward Summers?
b) What did he play?
c) What was the most important thing for Edward?
d) What did Jean teach?
e) What did he do in the train?
f) What did he say about the children?





Mark lived in Vancouver, British Colombia. He was a very nice boy but he had an obsessive fear of germs. He
washed his hands and body hundred of times a day. He cleaned his shoes every time he stepped outside his
house. He did not go to school and he did not have a job. He just helped his mother at home.
At that time, all psychiatrists agreed that the best way to control this disease was a surgery to remove a part
of the left lobe of the brain. Nowadays, there are effective drugs to control this kind of disease.
One day Mark was depressed and told his mother he wanted to die. His mother did not think it was serious and
answered: "Go and shoot yourself". Mark listened and decided. He immediately walked to the basement,
opened his mouth and after that his mother heard the shot.
Miraculously, Mark did not die. The bullet completely destroyed the part of his brain where the problem was,
but it did not affect any other part of the organ.
A famous medicine magazine reported that Mark's suicide attempt was a "successful radical surgery". Mark's
doctor reported that three weeks after the "operation", he did not have any problem.
Mark died a long time after the "surgery" because of a heart attack.

Brain: crebro

Agree: concordar

Bullet: bala de revlver

Surgery: cirurgia

Lobe: lbulo

Shot: tiro

Disease: doena

Shoot: atirar

Happen: acontecer

Fear: medo

Report: reportar

Heart attack: ataque do corao

Step: pisar

Basement: poro

Attempt: tentativa

Hundred of times: centenas de vezes

Die: morrer

1) Responda s perguntas a seguir, em ingls, com base no texto:

1. What was Mark's problem?
2. What did his problem cause?
3. What was the best way to control this disease?
4. When and why did Mark die?
2) Responda s perguntas a seguir, em portugus, com base no texto:
1. Como Mark foi curado?
2. Voc acha que esta histria real?
3. Voc conhece alguma histria parecida com a de Mark? Como ela ocorreu?
4. Qual a diferena entre o tratamento dado a esta doena na poca do fato relatado e hoje em dia?



The year was 1959. Location: the central African city of Leopoldville, now called Kinshasa, shortly before the
waves of violent rebellion that followed the liberation of the Belgian Congo. A seemingly healthy man walked
into a hospital clinic to give blood for a western-backed study of blood diseases. He walked away and was
never heard from again. Doctors analyzed his sample, froze it in a text tube and forgot about it. A quarter-century
later, in the mid-1980s, researches studying the growing AIDS epidemic took a second look at the blood and
discovered that it contained HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
And not just any HIV. The Leopoldville sample is the oldest specimen of the AIDS virus ever isolated and may
now help solve the mystery of how and when the virus made the leap from animals (monkeys or chimpanzees)
to humans, according to a report published last week in Nature. Dr. David Ho, director of the Aaron Diamond
AIDS Research Center in New York city and one of the studys authors, says a careful genetic analysis of the
samples DNA pushes the putative origin of the AIDS epidemic back at least a decade, to the early 50s or even
the 40s.

(from Time, February16, 1998.)

1) Whats it all about?

Em resumo, o artigo da revista sobre o qu?
De que ano a primeira amostra de sangue infectado e em que cidade ela foi colhida?
Quando se descobriu que esse sangue continha HIV?
2) Relacione os nmeros e datas com os dados a que se referem.
(1) portadores de HIV na Amrica Latina

( ) 10

(2) portadores de HIV na frica

( ) 1940s

(3) subtipos do vrus que causa a AIDS

( ) More than 30,000,000

(4) portadores de HIV no mundo inteiro

( ) 1,300,000

(5) suposta poca de origem da AIDS

( ) 21,000,000

3) Com base no texto, escreva V para as afirmativas verdadeiras e F para as falsas:

1. A epidemia de AIDS teve origem no continente africano. ( )
2. Mais de 30 milhes de africanos j contraram o vrus da AIDS. ( )
3. possvel que o mais antigo subtipo de HIV tenha sido contrado de animais. ( )
4. Kinshasa, capital da Repblica Democrtica do Congo (ex-Zaire), chamava-se Leopoldville antes da
independncia. ( )

5. O homem que doou sangue com HIV parecia no estar doente. ( )


6. O homem que doou sangue contaminado nunca foi identificado e sumiu. ( )

7. A amostra de sangue de Leopoldville talvez ajude a cincia a descobrir como o vrus passou dos animais
para os seres humanos. ( )
8. No Brasil, o percentual de Aids por transmiso heterossexual e homossexual o mesmo. ( )
9. Na Amrica do Sul, no existem pases em que a Aids tenha crescimento percentual mais rpido do que no
Brasil. ( )
10. 4% dos aidticos no Brasil so crianas que contraram a doena diretamente das mes. ( )

Referncias Bibliogrficas
GUANDALINI, Eiter Otvio. Tcnicas de leitura em ingls: ESP English for Specific Purposes: estgios 1 e
2. So Paulo: Texto Novo, 2002.
HORNBY, A S. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987.
MUNHOZ, Rosngela. Ingls Instrumental: Estratgias de Leitura, mdulo I. So Paulo: Texto Novo Editora, 2003.
MURPHY, Raymond. Essential Grammar in use reference and practice for intermediate students of English.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Bibliografia Complementar:
Liz and John Soars,american HEADWAY 1-Oxford editora
Terezinha Prado Galante e Svetlana Ponomarenko Lzaro,Ingls Bsico para Informtica-Atlas editora
Alberto Goncalves,Ingls Jurdico-Prol Editora Grfica.Website-www.speedystudy.com.br
David Grant and Robert McLarty,Business Basics-Oxford Editora/Ingls para viagem-Berlitz Publishing
Company Ltd.
Sugesto de um pequeno texto introdutrio: My name's Rafael Ramos and I'm a doctor.I'm 30.I'm married and
I have two children .I live in a house in Toluca in Mexico.I want to learn English for my job.



Gabarito Unidade III

1- a) Dom Joo VI
b) 340
c) Corcovado

2- a) f
b) v
c) v
d) v

1- d) 2- d) 3- c) 4- d)

2- 1) v
2) v
3) v
4) v

1- Computers are electronic machines that process information.
2- They are capable of communicating with the user.
3- They are incapable of thinking.
4- They accept data and instructions as input.
5- Output means sada de dados.
6- The actual machinery.
7- The programs.
8- The minicomputer and microcomputer.
9- They operate quickly and acuratily in solving problems.


1) 1- a) 2- b) 3- b) 4- a) 5- a) 6- a) 7- b) 8- a) 9- b) 10- b) 11- b) 12- a)
1- They lived in the new world.
2- No, they didnt.
3- They hunted, fished and planted corn in America.
4- They killed the buffalo for food.
5- They fished for salmon in the rivers of Canad.
6- They farmed the land in Arizona.
7- Many centuries before.
8- The Indians.
9- They lived in peace.

3- a) Errado
b) Certo


1- She won two million dollars on the lottery.
2- She was ninety-two years old.
3- The family was worried about her heart.
4- Nobody wanted to tell her the news.
5- It might come as a shock to her.
6- We mustnt forget that she has a weak heart. I think we should call in Dr. Jones to tell her the news.
7- Yes, he did.
8- What would you do if you won a fortune on the lottery-say, two million dollars.
9- I would give half of it to you, naturally.
10- The doctor fell down dead with shock.

1- 4.
2- No final.
3- Para abrir sua maleta.
4- Nervosos.


1- 1) v
2) v
3) f
4) f
5) v

2- 1) He often goes to matches on saturdays.

2) Because they are very expensive.


1- O rato encontrou o leo preso em uma armadilha.
2- Sim.
1- a)
2- b)
3- c)
4- b)
5- c)
6- b)
7- b)
8- a)

a) tiny
b) wild
c) sharp
b) free

1- v
2- v
3- f
4- f

1- M
2- L
3- M
4- L


1- O ttulo.
2- how + llelujah = latido de alvio.
3- b) inseticida.
4- Um inseticida.
5- Uma vez por ms.
6- Dentro de 24 horas.
7- O veterinrio.
8- Atravs de e-mail ou telefone.

1- a)
2- a)
3- b)
4- c)
5- a)
6- c)
7- a)
8- b)
9- b)

10- a)

1- 1 pargrafo.
2- 2 pargrafo.

1- They can see Rio de Janeiro.
2- Until 8:00 p.m.
3- 20 minutes.

a- Montanha
b- Vislumbre
c- Ponte
d- locomativa

1- We can find a playground equipment for children, an outdoor theater, a restaurant and a
2- Copacabana and Leblon beaches, the Christ Statue, Yacht Club and a Military Club below and
across to Niteri.
3- in 1972.
2) Qualquer nibus da cidade escrito Urca leva voc at a entrada do bondinho.
3) 4 - 5 - 1 - 3 - 2

1- back
2- before
3- a few
4- once
5- within


a- Corcovado, Ipanema, Leblon and south beaches.
b- One can drive into the forest from rua Pacheco Leo to the side of Botanical Gardens.
2) e - c - a - b - d.
a) Prximo
b) Quente
c) Vistas
d) Pintor


1) O texto fala de pessoas com determinadas deficincias que venceram os preconceitos e hoje fazem a
a) He was a special athlete.
b) He played basketball in wheelchair.
c) The most important thing was that he accepted his life and he was happy about the things that he could do.
d) He taught special children.
e) He usually read the newspaper in the train.
f) He said that the children are sensitive and they need a lot of affection.


1- He had an obsessive fear of gums.
2- He weshed his hands and body hundred of times a day.
He cleaned his shoes every time he stepped outside his house.
He did not go to school and he did not have a job.
3- It was a surgery to remove a part af the life lobe of the brain.
4- He died a long time after the surgery because af a heart attack.
1- Ele tentou suicdio atirando na boca. A bala destruiu a parte do crebro onde estava o problema
2- Pessoal
3- Pessoal
4- Pessoal


- Aids
- 1959 / Leopoldville
- In the mid - 1980
2) 3 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 4
7- V
10 - V

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