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08 Game Dynamics Mastery 03

CJ: All right this is Captain Jack and this is the third game dynamics master call and in this call we're going to
cover more about game rules and the specific dynamics and how to tell when you're being cha llenged is not
the right wordbutwhenever a girl is trying to clarify the dynamic and how you can actually pre-emptively
clarify the dynamics. So thatyou don't have a lot of girls just kind of bowing out, which is what happens if
you're not doing it correctly. The original reason I started looking into where actually creating game
dynamics was I was trying to answer the question why does the set suddenly unravel I have been and sure
many of you have been and pretty much every single person who's ever mustered up the courage to try to do
this thing we call game has experienced if set was going really well but really unravelled right before our eyes
and that was the thing that I was experimenting with at that pointasking myself why would a set that was
going well unravel? And it didn't take me very long to realize that the reason why somebody extricate
themselves from a situation is because it wasn't going the way that they thought it was goingor the actual
interaction itself didn't have the same nature as they started withto begin with and the idea that someone
actually leaves a set in the middle is actually somewhat of a testament to their confidence about creating the
way they wanted to go. A person with a fair amount of self-confidence will hang in there actually a little bit
longer. Attempt to clarify and actually attempt to steer it back their wayand we used to consider that a call
that brain battles. That's whenever you haven't done a very good job of getting ports with the kindda game
you wanna playthen kind of realize where they're not sure they begin to put toward their kind of game what
they want to you know what they want to see happen and then maybe you're in this kind of back and
forth and the only way that will be settled is that one of you agrees to the others game. So, just make sure,
can you guys hear me?
S1: Yes we can hear you CJ.
CJ: Great, everybody is quite..soOkay, sothats what we get along that. That's right, I get a lot of that as I
want to know what the hell is going onwe are not gonna go into it too much but that's one of the things. The
way that you know that you are onto your valid theory is if it begins to explain things that were previously
unexplained. That gives you some idea that you're probably on the right track if you are looking at all the data
and then you come up with a theory and then it just seems to organize a lot of it. Makes sense a lot of
random in the random data then you know that. Testing has a merit and its worth further testing. And
hopefully all of you guys read my
CJ:my little experiment, that turned into a lay. Where I basically I just want to test something and I shall
wanted to watch basketball.but these were like really good looking girls and I figured I might test something
I had been wanted to testedanyway so it kind of worked out well, for everybody involved. You know and
that's the kind of a mindset that I want everybody to be in and I'm actually toying with the idea of doing more
of a scientifichow I test things outprobably I felt these kinds of problems and the kinds of thingsseemed
like people were fairly interested. Somebody got thatthough I would probably never hear from them again,
because they would go out and do so many experiments they would eventually solve all of their problems.
And we would never see them again. Most but, they dont have it. Yeah so that is not possible with what
we talked about earlier which was in first or the second callwhich was the spirit of playfulness. If it has
been extremely important to me either way that I later or then I get experimental data like it's almost as if
too much caring gets in the way. I was noticing this earlier somebody was that I was talking to a couple days
ago. You know there are accounts and they're not able to get very many new clients and me being who I
am I just began to read a lot bunch of very simple yet effective ways to do it and I was met at every turn with
the solidity of an obstacle. Well they can do that because you know one of the clients is a divorce attorney
right and when the economy is bad people start doing divorces therefore they're not likely to want to refer

08 Game Dynamics Mastery 03

me to other divorce attorneys. That's a solidity of an obstacle that doesn't even exist. At that point
because they haven't even tried it so they have no idea what they're going to say and they have no idea what
the other possible people that they were referring to were gonna say. So all of a sudden they have replaced a
goal with a solidity of an obstacle. Every single person on this tele-seminar is doing that including myself. I
forget sometimes. I catch myselfsometimes doing it and we instituting the spirit of play is paramount to
getting this done. As soon as you lose that trust(??) so I just want to reiterate to keep going and that right
after I mention that there's a bunch of people who did itand you know some of them reported it was the
most fun they had ever againever gaming... you know one or two person another person they've had a
good time in a long time sothey feel goodyou know as with most things they get on to other things and I
think they probably stopped. That is something that has to be continuously rehearsed. Any obstacle cant
really affects you as long as you're continuing to be playfullyou know not serious like I said before
seriousness is solidity. So I make sure that you guys get that back in andOkay do you guys here whenever I
do the tele-seminar comments. Did you hear that female voice going on?
S1: No.
CJ: Okay good. Just wondering. All right so before we begin. This one will take a long time because I don't
know it yet. But you pretty much haveyou have all the basics
CJ: you have everything I can tell you right now to work out every single game. Find out all the rules, find
out what all the possible obstacles are. Find out how someone was evaluating you as a player and whatever
game they're trying to play. You actually already have everything that you need to work that out and I'm
going to go through a lot of that with you because it's going to save you a few hours of kind of struggling doing
it on your own. Ideally I would have had you do it on your own first, do a little bit of the hard work
firstbefore we got a little bit off track and I also wanted to get to the list of sexual framing audio too in your
hands because a lot of people were feeling like they didn't have anything they wanted to go out and do all
the stuff the lack of having some scripting type of statements intelligence getting in the way. So I wanted
to give you that in hand as well. I wanted to give you another piece, it is a what you call meta-piece or
overarchingsomething overarching something that has a higher level of importance than even a goal or even
a game goal. You know game goal is short time frame sexual relationship, long term relationships you know
marriage that's the goalgirlfriendFByou know multiple L.T.R. Those are all considered game goals. But
there's even something else higher than that higher than a goal and that is a purpose. Now a purpose is
more along the line like a life theme or a personal value.. for example one of my purposes is to always
continue learning because I enjoy it because it fits in with a number of my purposes which is to help others.
So for those two higher level purposes. All my game goals have to align with those and when they don't I
don't have the same amount of power in executing them and sort of a bad example or I will give a good
example after this but if you look at the purpose of saya terrorist they have a purpose and you notice
that they have a very dedicated you know(unclear) much belief in the idea and the goaland there is a lot of
power behind it. You know they're not giving up. We keep at it, they keep going, they go through harsh
conditions. You could say the same thing about itsomething else Mother Teresa, you know she had a very
high purpose for her which is to help the poor and she subjugated a lot of the other conditions in her life to
that but it's what kept her going. You know many other people like Donald Trump. His purpose in life is to
get media attention I suppose or build a great real estate whatever it is but you can see how these higher
levels, once theyre connected, if your game goals are connected to the higher level purpose, you have a lot
more powerget it through. I can tell you this right now I've had the female thing solved for me for quite a
while now. The only thing that keeps me going is that there are people

08 Game Dynamics Mastery 03

CJ: who I want to help people, and people who want to be helped and people that can be helped and are
willing to put forth the effort so that I can see improvement and the fact that I have helped them. If that
wasnt there. That higher purpose wasn't there. I wouldnt be doing a lot of stuff that I'm doing. Most parts,
its still finethere is still a sex drive and all that, but, probably helping and training guys wouldnt be there. So
that higher level purposes kept me doing something that I would not otherwise had done. That just to kind of
show you that there are a lot of caring power a lot of staying power in a purpose. Now the thing is, that you
are always fulfilling your purpose or are moving along the lines of your purpose. But if you haven't real ly
given a whole lot of thought, if you have a few words(??Unclear) you're more likely to get pulled in a bunch of
other directions. You know you've got what your family thinks you should do. You've got other things that
you were talking to maybe in your past so that was a good idea that hasn't lined up, a lot of happiness and
none happiness or unhappiness simply comes from the idea that you're not making any progress to a goal that
is just related to your purposes, and that's essentially what unhappiness is. Unhappiness is not making
progress towards a goal thats aligned with your purpose. But we say happiness is someone who is making
more progress when the goals thats aligned with their purpose. Right? So that's another one of those things
that I've broken down. I have taken a word where a lot of people happiness what it is? It's a feeling I feel
happy. Okay, greatbut what is a definition of it.thats something if I end up doing that scientific or
whatever...am gonna call ittele-seminar, is going to definitions and how to define things so that they are
actionable. That in itself would be a skill that would put you like above pretty much every human being you
know. Take a lot of these words that are used every day but haven't ever been really defined or have been
defined in a actual actionable way that you actually can began to do things. So, given like what I just gave
you like real definition of happiness. I now have the power to teach someone how to be happy. You
know look there are other methods as well but that's one, that now they know they can grasp, they can
understand, they become unhappythats what they can check. Shit am I making goals and I'm making
progress to mine own goals. Are they in line with my purpose? Oh! Man! No am not! Wonder why
thisthis sucks and it also becomes a point of choice. Right. You've got all of these possibilities. You've
got all these demands on your time and on your physical location, and your money, and your future, Its got a
lot easier to look at ityou know what, that doesnt fit inand I know, I'm not going to be happy it's not
gonna bring me towards a goal that aligned with my purpose. I cant do that. That would be dumb. The
amount of clarity that it will give somebody making their own choices, as well. Okay, so the game dynamics.
You're sure that you're player in the game. And the player in the game. What we're kind of taking that's
actually a game dynamic one is the one that I'm satisfied withif am gonna redo itno its kindda caught
(??unclear) but If I redo it, its probably going to be like six.because I think the first one is the weakest
one...but we just have to run with it player in the gamebut really what we are saying is thatYou're
CJ:A player in some kind of an art for our purposes. Some kind of a male female relationship game. Okay,
that happens to you if you can prove it for one then you're kind of in for any of them were kind of lucky
and that's the way it works in a sexual game. That wouldn't be true for other types related games necessarily.
So kind of dodged a bullet on that one but the way to show that you're a player in the game is basically to be
participating in what's going on. If you're a spectator if you're not interacting, if you're not communicating,
if you're not extroverted. Then they probably just gonna think they're not in..okayyou know a lot of
those people still believe that people do go out and they do go out just to stand there and drink and you
know so that would be the first thing is like oh he is not doing anythingjust standing there and drinking not
really communicating. He's a spectator. That's it. They'll not see you probably for the rest of night.

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Okayso the actual movement in the engagement in the being extroverted and actually looking at people and
sort of just right in front of them or opposite sideyou are actually looking at the people and you knowif a
girl is shifting her body to you you should shift your body, if she's looking at youyou are looking back. She
smiled a little bit. You smile back. Reciprocation comes even before you know the actual words that are
coming out of your mouth. So all that will get you potentially into the game that you want. Are there any
other questions about that? Okay, there's a couple more points I want to make about it now. In this last lay
report I mentioned that I was wearing tight jeans and a t-shirt and I had a hat in my hand(??) That is not that
dirty like visible turn on it was actually made that way..after that I was like.they're going to think, like am
a dirty person now. Its one of those hats thats likepurposely made...you know kind of like jeans that comes
with the holes in them .kind of like it's just a look and a dirty or something. I suppose not everybody would
know, but that was the case, so they may have thought, I was dirtyI don't know. But I kind of make it a point
sometimes to elaborate on those things that I don't really dress up. I don't really.I have kind of a normal
style like I have right nowI just comb back. I've had the full hog out before I had the spiky. Which show
where the people are from New Jersey.these guys..(unclear) I've had that before. You know so I have done
things, I don't play because I don't want people to get caught up in it because on the level of importance it's
somewhat low. It doesn't mean you shouldnt do it, I just don't want you to spend all this time on it and then
say, well she's got to this typeI dress this wayblah...blahblah Its not that important. However I will
say that it can help you a little bit. If you are going out and you are super stylish and there are certain cliques
you know like to give an extreme example like the girls you have to tattoos and nose piercing. If you're not
dressed in a way that her click is dressed you know a little bit more of a problem on dynamic one. You know
by any means you stand in front of heryou expand your space you're talking directly to her, doing your thing,
like I said in one of the last callsall of a sudden the idea that you don't dress that way because the very
reason why she's so attracted to you it must be real. you know it just sliped..
CJ: So I just gotta make that point on the lower importance level(unclear) can help and I'm not trying to
advocate that everybody else are dressed up like a star.eitherI just want to show you that skill set is a lot
more important thanhairstyles and clothes and so forth. Especially if you're talking to them, once you talk to
them its over. Thats the way it should be, thats the kind of model you should have. Once I start talking to
her, it doesn't matter nothing mattersDoesnt matter how tall I am, how short I am, how fat I am, how
much money I have and what kind of car I drive. Because I'm talking to her that is all that matters. All that
matters is what I gotta make her feel likethat is pretty one of my all my modelsall I gotta do is make her
feel it. Everything else is secondaryif she feels it doesn't matter. Okay..Do we have any questions so far?

I have a question CJ.

CJ: Sure
S1: So for the player in the game dynamic say, you look at her, you smile at her, and like is there something to
dothe way you look at her? Something that you do specificallyis it just normal eye contact or is it like
staring down orI dont knowsexual eye contactsomething you do?
CJ: Its not even anything that I am focused on her whole lotthe thing is that you when somebodywhen a
female looks at you...right. She's just kind of looking at you. She thinks that she is basically throwing
herself at you. In her mind that's what she's doinglike in her mind she is giving in the most obvious thingall
right. In some cases. So if you don't acknowledge it if you don't like to let her know. I've noticed that
you're looking at him and I'm enjoying it and I'm looking back at you if you don't give it that muchshe will

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shutdown should be like oh he doesn't get it and he's not interested. You know remember they h ave to
have critical voices as well like you know so if you're not returning then they're like, oh hey may be he is not
my type...he doesnt likes meam not good at the dating game you knowshift her to doubt herself and
then, she will be like, Okay, I dont mindhe is out So, you cant let those windows closed. But you know.
If she start trying to do anything like or something like it will probably be too much too fast I wont do that
either. That answers your question?...you therecan anybody hear me?
S1: Yeahyeah I can hear you CJ. I have a question. If I cannot get out. But you know as usual in the first like
two minutes you just answered one of my questions because I was screwed one game dynamics one because I
never reciprocate before I talk to a girl. I mean it just I know right now when I go out tomorrow night, a lot
of things will be fixed. So thanks, but my question is in the beginning you said you weren't that satisfied with
the game dynamic one and I didn't get why like compared to the other three dynamics.
CJ: Okay, basically it's not a game dynamic one doesntit wont hold true for games that are not sexual in
nature. But whenever I am developing something and fleshing it out I try to make, I try to do it with enough
rigor so that if you wanted toall that sudden switch to say business context I would have to change any of
the dynamicsyou see what I mean?
S1: Right.
CJ: But it just so happens that in the sexual arena that we're talking about it is actually, it's okay because
normally if you're considered to be if you're out playing a sexual game you're kind of automatically qualified
for any of the possibilities at least for the validated purpose.
S1: Oh! Cool So because like with all your audios and what not I mean I have applied to pick up but I have
also applied it to my schoolwork and my hobbies than you know in my business and everything like that.
But like how do you like modify the game dynamic one for a business situation?
CJ: Well, to businesses is a lot more complexlikeif you're in a business type arena and you're out there and
you're engaging with people and you know you're communicating with a lot of people it doesn't mean that
the business person playing a business type game is automatically going to say, okay that is a potential player
for me to engage with. There's going to be a lot more evaluationtheres going to be a lot more matching
up you know, but I don't have it fleshed out how it changes. It's more of a gut feeling that game dynamic
wouldn't way its converted now(??unclear) One wouldn't stand up to all the different types of games that
could be playedIf possible it wouldI don't think it would.
S1: Okay, just before you go ahead, I just have a little bit of a testimonial. I use the alpha male audio like two
weeks ago when I got it and then I switched I'm a college student and I switched, I started my own
business and now I work only six hours a week and I made five times the amount of money I was making
before I listened to this. Alpha male audio, so thanks
CJ: Oh, yaits awesome!!
S1: yeah, thats how actually I was able to be on this call.
CJ: There you gothis is whats amazing to me is!! Something small, something simple It's actually making a

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big difference. You know there's a lot of people who go for more volume and you know it's just you know
when they're buying something they'll be like twelve they want to for volume you know if it's a three
hundred page book it's got 29 hours of audio you know and so forth and so on then it must be more valuable
then that 35 minutes audio you know because the value of an ideais so hugeone simple idea you
know like I just told everybody basically on this call not even ten minutes ago that they can ensure that
they're happy for the rest of the life knowing that they could probably help everyone else around them. Be
happy for the rest of your life
S1: I think there is static on this call, right nowcant hear clearly.
CJ: Can everybody else hear clearly?
S2: Yeah, I can hear crystal clear.

Actually you might want hang(unclear)

S1: Yeah, I got disconnected last timebut ya...okay It's like one of the users like.. on mutes I get static when
these muted I don't get static...I dont know who it is exactly.
CJ: Well, star six will mute, and then star six will alos unmuteless people on unmute will make it sound
better. Star six and then star six will umute. So again dynamic two, alright, you and her must agree you're
both playing the same game together. Now, so you've cleared, you are done withclarifying and clearing
game dynamic one and you do that almost just by virtue of being an interactive. If you're out and interacting
you're not standing up against the walldrinking. You're not actually even just talking to friends and
ignoring the whole room which I see quite a bit actually.
Am not talking about pick-up artists, I go out there will be a of three or four people and you can tell that
there's nobody else in the room. Now there is a certain idea in pick up that when you're out with your buds
or in your group that you guys are the
CJ:shit and nobody else is there nobody else matters as well .you might have fun people might look at you
and say, oh look at them they are having fun. But you probably dont get laid that night because it requires
you to actually interact with the people. So it's cool you guys are being. You're not a player in the game in
that case because you're not going outside of your group. You could have done that shit in your home saves
a lot of time and money and space and so forth. The purpose of going out into the environment, is to connect
with other people so you gotta be playing now interacting, noticing people, noticing when they notice you
acknowledging that they have noticed you. All that stuff you're pretty much cleared on game dynamic
one they're saying this person is out there to play a male female game. Therefore they are player, they are
player in one of these games. Whats going onokaynow you've got to get the girl to agree to the game that
you want to play. That requires talking to her. So for the most part I am working on a technology where
you do not have the structureyou just show up points and then take her homelike thats wherekindda
where Im headed. Hold your breath and it is possible I suppose. Okay, you and her must agree that you are
both playing the same game together. Okay, so this is known as for clearing game dynamics you are
clarifying now sexual training which is the most developed game that I've done. It really helps you with two
and three, a great deal and it's pretty hardcore laid out whenever you are telling her sexual statements the
only thing I told this girl the other night was, Oh I didn't hear what you're sayingat last minute I was
distracted by your lips. And I am looking at her lips and that's a sexual statement. Women spend time on

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their lips, they wonder if their lips are swollen upor are they too full or are they wearing t he very kind
lipstick. Are they wearing a right lip-lineryou knowwomen don't when they get their lips as they have
surgery on it.(unclear) They know its a sexual thing. So me saying that.bam! its just sexual, we are making
out just like thatright. So whatever the game goal is you've got to have a series of statements that will help
clarifyto help it clear because you don't want to get into to clarify something if you can avoid it. Now just
so that I can remind you that clarification is usually an attempt by the other person to find out what's going
on which means they are somewhat confused or for some reason they really want to know before they put
themselves out there. Ideally you don't want it to get to that point because it interrupts flow it becomes
like a jag of interaction instead of something that is smoothand the smoother you can make something
more likely it is to come off. These things can happen really fast really smoothly. It doesn't have to take
four hours or seven hours. It really doesn't it doesn't even take more than like an hour thirty minutes to an
hour. It should be pretty much done. Really I mean that's how it is when its really smooth. So clarifying
is a skill that you're going to need. But it's sort of like you need it because you're not smooth enough. Your
eventual goal will to be just to go in and clear it and keep it smooth and take it all the way to wherewhatever
your game goal is. Her viewpointIt happened so naturally and so smoothly...


CJ:that its just meant to be. That's kind of just likejust happened. It just happened is the greatest
compliment a girl can give you as far as your game goes. It just happened. Sometimes used like a cop out..
like you know why did you cheat on me with my brother. Oh it just happened you know. So take that
connotation away from it. Thats not what we need. I meanshe needs to feel like she can't pinpoint any
game that you did, she cant point any time when you tried hard, she cant pinpoint any time where you went
too fast or you went to slow. So, you have the sexual framing audio thats exactly same night lay. What
about long term relationships what will that look like. Okay, so long term relationship would be one along the
lines of when a girl asks you what your interests are or you ask her what her interests are when they ask
about your future plans or when you talk about your future plans. When you start talking about each o ther's
families and whether or not you want to have kids how long do you think somebody should be going out
before they get serious whether or not people of different religions can have a good marriage? You know
those are all clear things that are saying, this is L.T.R. now a place that screws you up. Now if you, start in
on that right if you feel like.oh! so tell me about your parents. you know that's already started going into
a evaluated frame or it's sort of like evaluating you as a player and for the game of long term relationship.
Some people have the idea that if a person's parents are still together they'll make better marri age partners.
The reason why I use that example. So now if you have said, Hey! Hows it going.whats uphows your life
going? You kindda got her open, she is talking, smiling and saying about what you were talking about, Oh
ya!...you know where else do you go on like this and say something like Yeah I don't go out that often
you know I just got on with a relationship. This is kind of not my thing you know I kind of prefer to have a
girlfriend. What you are already showing is, the game am most comfortable with is this other oneright? So
now its kindda like a fork in the road right? Most people believe that if that's what you're more comfortable
withthat's the the road you're are going to go down. So you just keep going down. If you are going to play
a same night lay game I would tell you.Do not ever fucking say what I just said because it's going to be very
difficult for you to get yourself out of that. So you are going and say like so you know what your family
like you know you're going down that road. So they know what the deal is. That would be good if that's
where you're going because now she knows where you're going. She doesn't know it like super-consciously. It
Activates the related ideas in her mind so that intuitively she is getting it.right, so she doesn't need to clarify
now what she could do is she may want sex. Or she may not be down for that so she might throw it just like

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out there Well well it's time to have fun then isn't it? Well you know if she came back and said
something like that then she's kind of trying to throw you back the other way and she is gonna see what you
sayand if she says, well oh hell yeah! you know let's have a shot then its kindda go invite that way If
you're saying well, I'm open for anything but that's actually what I actually like is

CJ: you know I work a lot so I actually like to have to come home to kind of act that way(unclear). So you
can probably see, how if you add things that on topic as far as your game goal goes itit will be fairly easy to
spot it. Now I cant tell you that if a girl has evaluated you for you for a L.T.R. I cannot possibly give you all
the possible ways and statements that she might make but if you map out the major things you could pick on
it fairly easily. Even what do you do for a living? You know sometimes thats like small talk. Y'all gotta worry
about it. But if that comes in a package either before or after of... a lot of other things when they're trying to
see what it is your entire life like you're being evaluated more for like a longer term dealyoure trying to
seedo I fit inis this something that I want to be a part of you knowso those are the types of things like
you know switch(unclear) to game goals go long term relationships what would you want what kind of
person would you want (unclear)..life to look like those are the types of things to try to figure out what
are their major interests...politics You know I got at that because I'm not a Democrat or Republican am a
Libertarian and all those chicks are weird and they're usually not very good looking sothats the reason I
stay away from L.T.R. Okayso knowing what those evaluated things are will help you to spot it and you want
to spot it when its happening because you've got to clarify it a female who you're talking to is probably
going to be down with more than one option and the worst thing you can do is confused her because she may
be thinking you know her way of figuring something out might be to get into a relationship for a while and
see how it works out. She may not have a whole lot of he have to be a Republicanhe to have a good
familyblahblahblahhe has to like sportsshe doesnt has any of that. She might be more of an
emotional thing it might be more of a how do we interact with each other. So her idea might find someone
that she feels comfortable with and justhanging out for few months to see what happens. But now there's a
rule between L.T.R. and S.N.L. A lot of times, a girl she thinks that you want an L.T.R. or that you would want
an L.T.R. If the girl was good enoughwas special enoughand you also get a same night lay she's going to
figure out which one she wants. and if she wants L.T.R. then she's probably inand you are going for same
night layshe is gonna give you a lot of L.M.R rightthats one area where L.M.R comes from is. They dont
know exactly what the deal is, they dont know what game we are playing. Okay so whatever the game goal
islike I saidyou gotta think about what those things are think about how someone evaluates someone
in light of those and you gotta begin listening for them so if you want SNLs and you get a lot of girls
someone emailed me a couple days ago. He has gotten very very good at same night lays. Where he had this
strange thing where he gets a same night layhe wants that Bsyou knowF.Bs so he gets a same night lay,
and then on the day two.and this has happened quite a few time he told meon the day two they wont
have sex with him because what's happening there is thenthey want like more of a commitment. Pretty

CJ: Okay, So those are the kind of things that you wanna avoid(unclear), sotalk about L.M.R Sothe
thing is you dont wanna cross the game goal. or if she is not sure you want an L.T.R or you want a same night
lay and she will be cool with either one of them, she is gonna try to clarify and you get into a sexual situation

08 Game Dynamics Mastery 03

she is going to give you L.M.R. because she is just not sure. And she can always go back later and have sex
with you. But if you have a rule that you're not going to have an L.T.R. with a girl who is ED(??) Then she cant
take that backyou get L.M.R OK So you want to keep those things in the clear.

CJ: Yeah
S1: How would you clarify it I mean I understand clarify for a same night lay or L T R. How would you clarify
for like a F.B.? kind of between those (unclear)
CJ: Yeah so for an FB
S1: Because actually that's what I'm interested in.
CJ: Ok So there are a couple waysthe easiest ways to go for S.N.Ls.to begin with and then just keep on
calling them over and try to get try to have sex with them three times in one week and that will usually make
a girl F.B. If you can manage that. That's like a very mechanical way to do it. So as clarifying you need to
have something in there that says that that you don't mind what people do as long as well as long as they
don't promise not to do something you know as long as they have broken an agreement like you're fine
as long as it's directly hurting someone. You know something like that and you also want to say that yo u're
not judgmental you can say stuff likeone of the time creates I really like is 1960s as it was more about free
love and people werent so possessive that right there would clarify have pretty strongly. Most people
know it's like free love and people not getting possessive, what it really implies is people having sex with lot of
other peoplethe statement like that when they get it out there. If her I.Q is above 90, should probably get
itshe cannot thoughbut you are going for the S.N.L and then you also wanna call to her attention to
anything that she does this kind of after you have sex with her but sort of back toif she is not being an F.B,
then she hasnt been clarified that anything is. kind of smacking an exclusive relationship you want to come
out and get it out there like I know that sounds like girlfriend talk. Silent you know ha ha ha something
along those lines.you gotta let her know.

S1: Okay, Thank you. Is there a difference between a girlfriend and L.T.R or its the same thing?

CJ: Girlfriend and L.T.R.girlfriend and L.T.R is a same thing. But actually it's a L.T.R. or relationship but I'm of
the opinion that it would be better to talk especially to her in terms of girlfriend because that's a title. A
relationship is sort of a noun and its sort of disconnected. But if you say things like well you know.One of
the things that I like girlfriends to do is to. blah blah blah. That's a title

CJ: that's a lot better because that gets her tittle to kind of live into. You know one thing I like girlfriends to
do is send me a goodnight text. Even if we've been talking to each other all dayeven if we are seeing each
other all day you know that gives her an action to kind and then to start to take the title. Now if you

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say something like I believe communication is important in a relationship. Well we're back to some of that
other stuff like be Alphabe confident and be happy. You haven't said shit but if you say I like my
girlfriends you knowgive me a compliment you know because sometimes I get tired of getting myself
out know youit can be funny. But that's something that I would say because I just like having fun but as
soon I mean I give them a title. Now they got a titleright and here's what I'm doing now am living into
it.you got action, you got something that can be done to make something more real. Like a lot of this stuff
is supplying useful communication to get something done to get something readable(??) but a lot
ofunclearAlright!! So, Game Dynamic 2: agree that you're both playing the same game together. So a
kind of gone over that you need to have those kind of statements kind of like planned outyou need to have
an awareness of those major scenes when someone is gonna approach so that you can hear what she's
trying to clarify because you need to clarify one of the assignment, I dint get any feedback on it so I'm not
sure if it was too hard or what that was to notice the first time someone tries to clarify something. That's
an exercise you need to do because it's going to take a little bit of both over heresometimes in a
conversation you know you're going back and forth and you happen to kind of fastyou kindda wanna hear
when someone is trying to clarify you knowit could be a simple thingwho are you here with, that could
go a few ways.you know that is actually an opportunity for you to saykind of clarify its like well I came
here with one of my friends but you know we go separately. You're leaving it kind of open. You are telling
that, we go separately, not a big deal I'm open hereyou are even there giving a little bit of like. I'm down
for something, that kind of deal. Sounded like somebody wants to ask a questiongo ahead.

S1: I guess I got that question a lot and I had never realized that it's the attempt on clarifying the goal and I
(unclearoverlapping) I get the idea. I go out alone, and I saw that the results started to go off the roof , so I
started to go out alone. I assume it's because they thought maybe clearing the goal out alone, talking to
girlsso obviously he is trying to get laid or something but I never realized how to answer that question So if
I am out alone, do I say that am out alone or would you describe something more with that.

CJ: Well you know there are bunch of things that goes with your personality I mean you could say well am
here with yougive her a bare hug.if that fits your personality. or you could say well I came here alone.
But I know people that happen to be true. But I'm out I'm actually meeting people because that what I
do.you say, am out here meeting peoplethat's fine you know that question itself...you don't know
exactly where they're coming from at that pointbut you know you want to you can even ask them why
do they ask? what would they come up with because I want you to get away from the feeling that I have to
do it rightIt's fine if you can experiment.Oh, why do you ask?...


CJ: it's just me and my imaginary friend. But if you care too much about whats going on, things are too
slow...they are too serious. You can never get into any of this experimentation that's actually a lot of ways is
going to actually teach you something a lot more valuable you know. I'm pretty convinced that there's like a
torpedo that where you can walk in and basically you know walk out. ten fifteen twenty minutes later with a
girlam convincedI mean, I have seen Sinnand I have seen John do it with a very high sexual framing stack.

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Very in your face you get a fair amount of blow out as well. A fair amount of sets that kindda shutdown so
you know that it can be done one way so definitely possibleits been done guys do it all the time
actually like ten or fifteen minutes after talking to a girl not a big deal. What I'm talking about is more
like amore torpedo approach.with a lot more certainty about whats going on. that kind of thing can
never be done without more playfulness and experimentation. So game dynamic 3: make sure you value her
game goal. This one right here is extremely important and if you do that one correctly. That one actually
might be the linchpin, that one right there might befive times more important than any others. But for one
because one if you're not even interactingyou knowits right that offthat might be five times more
important, because a person wants to be valued. Well there's that old saying that you know
nobody(unclear) know their own name. Validationif you're a leader validation will give you validating the
people around you will get you more in terms of output and loyalty than anything else. Showing someone that
they are valued can actually cause them to raise up something called the Pygmalion Effect which was a study I
don't have it right off the top of my head so might be entirely accurate but I know that I got the gist of it. and
what they did was they took kids who were actually not very good at school and they took these kids they
havent taken the test and then they basically lie to them and they said that they did fantastic and now they
were gifted and they were going to go into a special gifted program for gifted kids. And categorically. These
were schoolers, they became a lot more interested in studying it they came a lot more passionate they help
themselves to a higher standard and it was basically just because they were told that they were valua ble and
that they were valued. So value her game goalwhat does that mean? Well its very simple...if we use example
of L.T.R. relationshipgirlfriend if you said something simple as. No everymanyou know.I heard someone
say that behind every good man there is a good woman and when I look back at times in my life when I've
done the best is whenever I actually have had a girlfriend that I really felt was behin d me and supporting me
and it's not necessarily easy to find. You know when you have it its really great. I just said that I value having
a girlfriend. I have also put a little bit of a challenge in there too and actually it comes natural to me. You just
said I value this, this is something thats goodyou know. I wanna be a good man, I wanna do well


CJ: and I think I can do better if I have a good girlfriend by my side. That actually will actually melt her,
especially if she knows thats what you really want and then she wants it tooand you have been going down
that linethat willthat valuing the game goal that will get you a girl. That's why I say I don't worry like, I
wanna be married, I will be married probably like a couple of weeks. I might have a girlfriend, I will go out
couple of nights with a girlfriend. This is the stuff, this is what you gotta do. And sometimes you know my
main I have two main points of frustration. As far as guys and as far as gaming goes and teaching gameis
that people still don't have enough, high enough level of action and they really tend to overcomplicate things.
I think that goes back to this(unclear). If you lay down what's necessary for game dynamic one to four. As
far as positive statements actual things that you have to do and say you know you're not you're not talking
about more than like six or eight possible things you have to throw out there. The flip side is you can't
unwittingly agree to something else to some game that you don't want to play with her you know. But
that is just a matter of being in the field and hearing it and knowing whenever you have to go the other way.
You know thats all that is. So then I get to understand because I was in the middle as well and that's one thing
about ..That's kind of one thing about confidence and confidence is whenever you're not certain tha t you
can produce an effect, you tend to overcome that with a transformation and a lot of extra steps and a lot of
extra unneeded things. The complexity of something rises in proportion to the degree that you can actually
look at it.right.if you are trying to paint a certain a picture or draw a specific picture. If you were sitting

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there and you're looking at it and you have the basic skills of drawingit is fairly simple but if I put on some
glasses that were kind of funky then you would have to do some other things like you know have a certain
measurement rulefollow a certain amount of stepsand have it kind of mapped out so that you can
reproduce it. So increasing your ability to look at what's actually happening. And to be thereright there in
the interaction, knowing what your goal is, it simplify your game to such a great degree that there's nothing to
it. I wanna put that in your head because some people actually get stuckto the point where they get good
enough and good enough. And then they invalidate themselves for going to the next level because they keep
on describing everything that happened as a flukeit can't be that easy. And actually whenever I really first
started getting good...at sexual framing and same night lays, there were actually the few lay reports but I
never wrote down because this one looked so easy. like just like an accidentor that was she was just
definitely out to get laid. I didnt do anything.


CJ:So like the one last night. so like my last last ten or fifteen or twenty I don't know a whole lot doesn't
have to happen you knowkindda get out of your way(??)give a little show here and there and you are
having sex. The very first thing that we covered was the basic requirement of sex which were what? Man and
woman in a place where they're both willing to do it and I dont even know if there is anything elseI think its
probably about it. about it it's just. I mean I thought there is something else there..no!! This is it right?

S1: Yeah, there are only two things that you said.
CJ: Ya, and there we are. So, value her game goal, you know what the game goal isif its an L.T.R. I have a
good relationship, I have a girlfriend a girlfriend that supports you. For same night lay, you value sexuality
itselfyou value sexuality for FBs, since you valuesexuality openness and a free expressionnon
possessivenessthose kinds of thingslist them out, no matter what game you are playing. You can also
along with that...think about anything else that would get in the way for example. Same night laysone thing
that can get in the way in her fear she's going to be judged which is why I say, I am not a judgemental thing.
I believe as long as people are indirectly very fluentokaySo you want to get that in there as well. What
could be preventing her? How can she invalidate herself?her own action. No as far as this game goal
goesL.T.R the only thing that I can see is as far as L.T.R goes that can get in the way is if you don't actually
happen to be her specific type. A lot of times with L.T.R there are more rules than a same night lay. Everybody
thinks its the other way for some reason. I don't know why but, same night lay you have to be like a hunk.
Who is rich, has a Lamborghini, lots of money and ass.you know but that would be more along the lines of
L.T.R. But not even then necessarily because it comes down to how they feel so way that I would shift it
is likegame goals as far as L.T.R goes is that you know you have all these people and they have all these
rules about what makes a good partner but we know that most of those rules can't be right because it's all
fifty or sixty percent of marriages end in divorce. So obviously what society thinks about picking a
partneris pretty badI think that you go out with the person, you interact with themyou have fun with
them And you see what happens. That's how I would take care of that is I would shift away from society
things. Any idea that has any kind of quality technology about how to pick somebody and that really would
blow away her strategy for finding a partner and seeing things that you have in your car at that point is you're
in her presence and you have the ability to affect her, so you are more real point especially if you've blown it

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away. Like I just told you that phrase you're more real you have the ability to affect her at that point
you just said.. study doesn't know shit they don't know how to pick partneryou should see how it feels in
front of somebody and the you are saying something like It's important that you have someone that you can
go after your dream goals because.


CJ: What good is it if you're getting all these dreams and you're getting all the goals and you dont have
someone quality by your side(unclear)you knowso, then you are effecting heryou value that game
goaltold her thatnormal strategy for dealing with choosing partners is not right. Then she go by how they
feel. Now you have made her feel something and (unclear). So many questions on game dynamic 3you make
sure you value her game goal.

S1: CJ, I just have a really quick question, you have gone over FBshow to clarifyhow to clarify for a
girlfriend and how to clarify for same night lays So I guess you just get all of them like how would you clarify
for multiple LTR?

CJ: Multiple LTR for me I don't I don't usually distinguish that much between an FB and an LRT. There is a
further level of distinguishment which would be that it's sort of like FBs who know about each other or
something like that you know or use where there is like a girlfriend. Well the girlfriend type component
you know one of the rules that I have is I never go out without having sex with her. But in LRT if there is
somebody that you would go out with and potentially maybe not have sex with that night you know maybe
you do move like a movie on a weeknightbecause you both gotta workyou knowyou go for a movie and
you kiss each other and then you are off and then there's the but what do you had an idea that you guys can
still see other people. Yeah the way you do that you'd actually have to do it fairly early it's likeyou know
Mystery had a deal where he talks about being polyamorous which means that people can be in love with
more than one person at a time. And I actually think that's a good thing and not a negative thing as long as
people know about it. That something that you actually have to sayyou will actually have to get it out there.
You make her a FB first and then do it that way.

S1: Okay, thank you.

CJ: And you know, she is probably gonna, kindda just do it. Actually if you guys are having sex and you're not
with her on the weekends. But she knows that you're going out, she is probably gonna assume it. So its
really upto you whether you wanna do it or not like explicitly acknowledge it or not. I think more like a
preference because I don't see any need to actually specifically acknowledge it(unclear). Game Dynamics 4:
You must demonstrate that you can carry her through the obstacles, first my handling them in her mind then in the
immediate environment, and all the time. A lot of people put a ton of existence on logistics. I really think if you

have really done with the first three, logistics shouldn't be that much problem for anybody. Very easiest way
to demonstrate that you can handle logistics is to move her around the venueyour are talking to her and you

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just say, lets go over here let's go over there. you know if she has friends around and you're interacting
with the friends but still keeping control of the conversation with her and kind of showing demonstrating
that you can handle it. The idea that you cleared game dynamic two and three and especially three whenever
you've taken both sides of the goal anything that would show her that you don't value the goal. She
knocked it out or anyway she might go back
CJ:from allowing herself to value that goalif you have cleared thosethen you've already begun the
process of kind of showing her that you're handling obstacles both in her environment and her mind already.
The point you don't get to the emphasis on just fix in the community comes fromthey haven't done the
work on game dynamic one two and three. They're trying to overcome that unravel thing that I talked about
earlier. Now when I talked about why does a set extermely going so well suddenly unravelif you are having
questions that really gave the game dynamics kindda moulded into theme (unclear)They're trying to avoid
that. Logistics blah blah blah you gotta nail it downget asideno do your work...do it properlythen
what?... and then you don't need to worry about it. And but I will give you as far as logistics go specifically
same night laysyou know really if you talk about LTR and girlfriendslogistically you're not trying to pull that
night normally anyway but you could. My preferred method is to use same night lay or pick up more and
more over time and then eventually at another but she's my girlfriend. That's the way I would do it . But if
you're going like straight four girlfriends then you're cool either way, like if you are hanging out that night,
thats fineif you are not then thats okay too because, you got her numberyou got the time
bridgeright...you are still not leaving that out...you are playing the time bridgecause she gotta fear that you
gonna make her your girlfriend. So you are cool either way, but as far as same night lays goits pretty
simpleI will look at the watch or ask her what time it isthey will say whatever and am likedamn! !...it
kindda slices getting late Im having so much fun I don't want the night to end. I think I covered that on the
same night lay audio. And I get lots of opportunity like .yeah I know that's a bummer. Which is just like
you might want to set the ball up on the T(??) and hit it on the wall because then you're sayingya..keep
going you knowmy place or whateverso that we can get explicit. The simplest way is walk into the car.
Talk to her some more. If you guys have been making out(unclear) kiss her or make out over there.hey
lets get in the car, lets talk some moreget in the carmake out over thereyou know, driving my carI will
drive in the parking lotand say, you know went, lets just go to my place and get my car laterget my car in
couple of hours or something like that and you will be surprised when, a little objection you get. And
remember where does your objection come from for the most part is going to come fromyou have not
cleared game dynamic 2 and 3. So it's not the time to try to get super smooth on the logisticsit's just a time
to say what I have not cleared herewhat I have not done.You're also going to make allowances for some
other things like if its late at night, she may have to get up in the morning and she's a responsible person and
that's just how it's going to be. I have to make some announcements for that not too many because you
don't want to give yourself too many excuseswhere you go get your game of top notch. But these are the
possibilities too like she on her period(unclear)sat downso they don't get into that kind of embarrassing
situation so it doesn't go down you know so you make a little bit of allowance for that. But really if you're
trying to pulland logistics get in the way...you really gotta go back to game dynamics 2 and 3 and saydid I
miss something?...



08 Game Dynamics Mastery 03

CJ: Do we have the same goal? Did I tell her value it? You analyse and see where you have messed
upusually it should get pretty smooth towards(unclear). Okay, so any questions so far?
S1: CJ, I have a question. In game dynamic 4 it says you must demonstrate that you can carry through her
obstacles. Say you really destroy the game dynamic 1 through 3 like you really nail it and you really torpedo
them all if you really do a very good job on the first three game dynamics, what are the possible obstacles that
she could have buy the time you get to game dynamic 4?
CJ: Well, the only obstacles that you're going to have are the ones that are related to kindda like what I
mentioned was. She does in fact have to be up early in the morning. She is on her period. There's another
one here that I didn't mention because I kind of prefer not being open minded but(unclear)anywaysshe
may have a boyfriend.or she may be married and it was pretty smooth all way through and now it's going to
come to that point to where, you kindda built this thing on quicksand. She she wanted to tell you but then
she didn't tell you. Now she feels like if she tells you are going to be (unclear)she knows that if you go
home and she's going to have sex with you or that she's going to feel guilty you know something like that.
So what can you do with somebody who was holdingyou cant really do muchunless you're gonna put into
your plans to ask a girl she has a boyfriend or she is marriedyou know which is a little the extra level
complexity which I don't recommend. It might be one of my experiments where I should try. That kind of stuff
might be very interesting to find out, that a girl could say yes and you could say something like, Well that's
okay because I'm not trying to be your boyfriend. and then you it her with two or three sexual framing
statements, in the open, now you are building agreement on the idea that well she said it. She's like you
know you said you're not trying to be her boyfriend, this is a sexual frame this is almost like on a different
wavelength for different band of relationship and they can actually justify it that way. We were notthey do
think that way. Logic is primarily reserved for men. So, if you really filter them and you still get some kind of
obstacle thats not related to those, it's going to be something else that just wasnt handled or couldnt be
handled because you didn't know it was there.
S1: Thank you.
S2: CJ, I have a question. So I feel like shooting for SNLand asks, What do you do for fun? Is that violation
of dynamic?
CJ: Well, what do you do for funthats why I make statements where It could be small talk, it could be just
like a question that they ask people, kindda like a automatic thing or it could be an evaluation. So at that point
I would just take it as a signal in this manner and answer kind of matter of fact and then I'm going to get back
on my game. So, what else do you do for fun? you know I really like seeing moviesso I have kind of
answered. And then I'm going to go back to something else that we were talking about. We're going to use
that as a point to say something like you know we should talk about us being in dark placesthat could have
turned up well. You know if you just talk about movies and dark place take her to a dark corner and do bad
things to her, a lot of times I have said that. So, somehow these things is kind of swinging her
CJ: back to, you and me in the dark places. You just say, you and me in dark places.you got a dirty mind but
I like it. You kindda go back to that sexual framing.
S2: Actually I started asking this question, I think that might be putting them in confusion. One of the things
that pointed out is I might be confusing them, may be I should stop asking this question.
CJ:..Ya, if you going for SNL then you are asking what do you for funya...it definitely could be...we normally

08 Game Dynamics Mastery 03

take more than just one statement. It would kinda have to be a little bit of scene But you definitely want to
look at everything and take it as likeif somebody problem is (unclear)are we going to happen over the
course of an hour right. But if you were to smash them all down and you're like lay down those things on a
piece of paper, written more quickly and say What is this person getting at right..and if your conclusion is
trying to find out like where they're going to go on a date then you know you're off your base

S2: Okay, I got it!

CJ: Okay, so any other question on those 4 dynamics? The reason I'm asking is cause its going to take a little
bit of a tangent not really tangent, but I was going right into a agreement. But, any other direct questions on
game dyncamics one to four?

S1: On the game dymanics 4 on the blog post, you have written either you make the group like you or you not
to let against her objections. What were you exactly replying to like just what you told us right nowsame
objections or was it something specific? You have also mentioned like FR calls girlsI havent read that but,
dont know what exactly you are talking about?
CJ: Yeahokay.. so if you havent kind of gotten good with the group. Like I don't like groups anymore I'm
used to because it was part of a standard Mystery method win the group over. Make everybody like you
and then you kind of take the girl. Maybe to solve some problems but it actually creates a lot of other
problems. Actually it takes too much time.
So what I decided is am gonna go for the girl and then I'm
going to handle anything else that comes up. I feel like the other way is more like handling something you're
changing your course of action or something that may or may not happen or that happens with a lower
probability. So I flipped it. So if I kindda go inI mighthey whats upto the groupI might kindda talk to
them and I'm going to shift over to the girl really quickly and then I'm going to get her engaged in a one on
one conversation and pretty much going to be annoying in one group. I may or may not take her away.
Now here's what can happen. You guys are bonding. They see her becoming more and more attracted.
They see you. Doing things to get her more attracted and maybe you guys touching each other whatever.
Now they're saying oh my goodness. We've got to save her we are going to rescue her. We got to go see
what upwe gotta slow this down whatever. If I notice the group paying a little bit more attention to us
looking a little bit more worse somebody even attempts to come in and normally I can.. the first attempt
to come in I can refuse him on the way. The thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to say something along the
lines of you know whatyou and I are having a good time.and we have these feelings that are going on
and that you knowit is real to us.
CJ: But your friends over there, I can tell they care a lot about you they don't know what we're
experiencing what we talk about how we feel. They don't know that, they just know we can talk. So at
some point I might try to bit myself(unclear). And you know I might just leave it at that. I might just make
her aware of itright because I'm essentially telling her that possibility exists. Now it's gotten a good stay
and she becomes aware that she's going to create the solution for itshe is gonna think.Yeah I cant let that
happen. I gotta let them know that I actually like him. So now when they come in, she's already thought
about it, she really got in her mind. They come in and I'm not going to do anything because she's going to do
something. She is going to send them some signal or say oh no we're finewe feels good.dont worry about

08 Game Dynamics Mastery 03

me, I will be back in a second. So that would be one way to handle a group obstacle. Probably you want a girl
to handle her group because if it starts to get any kind of power struggle between you and the group
assuming you have little loyalty to them(unclear) go after you guys I just think she's done a really really
good job of attracting her, so she will actually do it without you having to do anything, but it might be good
just to kind of take a little bit of safety specially if you see the group acting up.

S1: Well, that's good that you mention that, because now I have started to realize that my last few sets the girl
actually, the group says, yeah, lets go to the restroom or drink or whatever and she wouldtake care of
ityeah you guys go ahead am goodI hold the spot or something like really ridiculous excuses. She was like
this is really good spot, you hold it for us or we will lose itthat also was a excuse of her not going with the
group. And I was just like Quack Duck from inside. But, now I know, that means attractionshe is really into

CJ: Yeah, I mean..(unclear)I think we have a fair amount of proof from this you under estimate
yourself(unclear)becauseyou turn into laythe girl with a boyfriendright

S1: She is coming back for this weekend, and you are rightshe broke up with her boyfriend. And she told us
I don't feel guilty anymore and he was boringwas ridiculous this and that So, she has basically convinced
her friends to come to L.A. So, we were texting and probably she is gonna stay for 3 nights here.

CJ: Oh! My God!

S2: Thats awesome man!
S1: Yeah thats awesome!
CJ: Ya, so really I mean really, lot of these things that are happening that you're looking at especially in a
case like you know it's kind of ridiculous right. Like this is a really good spot we're going to save it. When
those type of things happening and you kindda think about, if I were to assume that she was really attractive
to me, what would that mean? Those kind of things when you are thinking about and you are analysing it
You look at it because you know obviously that's what she's family the group.(unclear) Actually she's really
feeling whatever it is that you're doing. She doesn't want it to get interrupted, she will just handle the
group, so thats fabulous.

S1: I don't know why but I'm getting this question from every set like how old are you? Every other setand
this is likeeven from my last LR which happened like two nights ago, I emailed that to you, she is like twenty
years old. She asked me and even the other girls who were 31 she asked me, that how old are you.
CJ: Oh, you are the one that closed 20 year old waitress.
S1: That must be someone else, she is not a waitress.

08 Game Dynamics Mastery 03

CJ: Okay, so I get that, I'm thirty five so I get it fairly often too. I think you know I just don't know exactly
how to take it. My thing is always take it to bizaree(unclear)just am gonna take it. Its on and they are just
CJ: like they're feeling some level of attraction and it's just kind of curious about it. Again, it could be one of
those things that somebody asks as a way to keep the conversation going. You got to consider all those as

S1: Okay, so that's not something explicitly clarifying on anything...like game dynamic or anything. I dont see
either, but just wanna make sure.

CJ: Yeah you know it's one of those things where you have to have to look at like she statements and get like
a general theme or general direction we're headinglike how old are youdo you have any kids. Are your
parents still alivewhats your religionyou know all those to get like a good picture of somebody.
S1: Thanks
CJ: Okay, so one my little experiment had to do with the agreement. Im gonna assume that all of you
(unclear)lay report. So, I wanted to know how important agreement is this is only one test. I imagine three
or five morebut probably really shored up but before. Okay, so at the beginning you had two main
school of pick-up you had the seduction guys and you had basically the mystery method guy. And I studied
both, and used both. I found Mystery method to be better in my opinion. Because it handled more situations,
it had more of a formatspeed seduction as far as getting a girl connected and turned on was actually pretty
good. But those were the kind of the two main schools that taught, sort of at the beginning and the idea of
both of them basically would be, that you have to have rapport, you had to be getting along with someone
and this was another thing that was somewhat confusing becauseyou had girls who didn't even really
seemed to like (unclear).am talking about me personally. They still seem to like me but I would just keep
on going and keep on going and keep on going then you can have sex. Not even necessarily have anything in
common and like that and it's still happening so one of those thing didn't fit like the prevailing idea and so
whenever I thought about agreement you know and see it has the glue in terms of the dynamics and I felt
like I had gone full circle. And that's one reason why I wanted to find something to disagree with a girl
about, it just so happened that we both really agree with what we're talking about and sort of like. I guess
trying to believe something you know.. I didn't think the college players, should be paid(??)unclear but I do
think that if T.V. networks and you know Nike and Reebok and sponsors are going to make a shitload of
money, that actually goes to the players as well. She really believedreally believed the opposite and felt like
they were a whiny bitches in this. That's a quote from her. If they were complaining about that because
they got a free college educationetcetc.. So it just turned out that we really found something that we
really both thought about often and disagreed on
CJ: and I wanted to know how would that affect you. Regular lay report is actually(unclear). So much so
that people from the other tables were actually looking over and taking notice of our spirited debate and
whenever I deliver the sexual framing statement it's like an atom bomb and I think you knowit had to do

08 Game Dynamics Mastery 03

with the contrast so agreement really is about the actual nature of the relationship or the nature of the
interaction. You don't have to agree with anybody about anything else and I would say he probably be a
really bad idea to you know fake agree with somebody just because you're scared that agreeing or getting in
an argument is gonna effect you. So that's something I found truly interesting and with the amount of effect
it had, would be worth it to wonder if it wasnt a good idea to do it. In almost every interaction especially
given the level of agreement that you're generating as to the nature of an interaction and nature of the goal,
because what people don't like is somebody who they feel like is agreeing with them just to just get
something from them. That's the fake rapport of the snake oil salesman or a used car salesman that
everybody kind of you know Sugar's away from him. So when you talk about agreement we're talking about
the nature of the interactions. We are talking about the nature of the game goal and that you value the goal
and that you feel like that she is somebody that you wanna play the game with, and thats really where it
ends. So just another little point of clarity as far as that goes it's very interesting. There is little bit
of(unclear)Alright, so what you guys really need to do is look at those again and then write down those
type of things those type of areas those types of statements and question that people have made. Where
they would be either letting someone else know thats how they felt We're trying to find out if it's the other
person trial(??). and this will actually sensitize you to what happened in the field so that you will begin to
catch it and also be a lot more likely to say the correct things for the game that you are playing and not say
those things those would confuse. You know and it gets so good on the next one to three you're not terribly
worried about four time spent on especially two an especially three will handle almost your problems on the
court so I don't think you need to spend too much time worrying about just worry about the other things.
Those are the things that I want to focus on and go back and replay in your mind if you have field reports and
this weekend also I don't want you to think so much about the interruptions in the fieldyou might just go
out and do whatever it is you do and then look back on things and say Remember the key is where did this
go wrongwhere was it going right and started going wrong. that's going to tip you off. Right
CJ: normally right before(unclear) completing jobs or she blows out of there or she turned suddenly cold or
something like that little bit before that there was an attempt to clarify. So that sort of like your
clueman, everything was going well, now it doesntwhat happened? You start looking back to the
memoryokay she said thisshe asked thisI said thatI said that what happened and you wont actually
even need to see very many of these before it really like straighten things out for you. That's what's cool
about. This is a very very fast way to get very very good because if you spot those, you are spotting the exact
spot where people just take a wrong turn.,. once you spot ityou know itI took a wrong turn
thereokay I cant never tell themI am trying to have sex with themI can never tell them that I hate my
sister cause she is a slutyou know. That's not a good idea. So, that will give you the exact point. They want
that they wont be then playingnormallyso you gotta take a look at it and figure it outYou know, you
are a few of those here on the next level, you are so that that should pump you uplets get pumped up
because you see a few of those and foreight nights now you knowwe are talking about if we're going out
two or three times a week we're talking about two or four weeks. Now thats set me on another level. I don't
know if I gave out the link to sticking point analysis. Sticking point analysis is on my You Tube, its on my blog,
on the right hand side there is YouTube button, go in there, I think its (unclear)you might wanna get that.
But what I just told you is probably plenty. We're using game dynamics sticking point analysis was created
using Mystery Method and I was heading quickly towards sexual framing so it might be a little really complex
but might help you so take a look when you have time. Do we have any other questions.
S1: I have one it's a little bit I guessin the vein and what's going on. I just have a quick question. I read
one of your blogs about the vector approaching technique and when I was reading it I have noticed a lot of
how you came up with it I see a lot of connections between that and the alpha audio and force and

08 Game Dynamics Mastery 03

magnification and stuff like that. So can you talk a little bit about the vector approaching technique?
CJ: Actually refresh my memory because I cannot remember and I don't
S1: Okay, I have referencesStep 1: Find hot girls, Step 2: look at the hot girl up and down, Step 3: imagine her
smiling and introducing myself to you. Step 4: Ask yourself if she likes me how would she want me to
approach her and Step 5: smile and do it.
CJ: Yeah, okay now I know exactly what you are talking about. Women are reallywhats the date pu t on it
S1: Its February, nineteenth, 2010.
CJ: So,(unclear)long agofor some reason I felt like, Well I've probably experimented with it in early
2009 or something. If I wrote about it in 2010 usually its about a year off. Okay, so that right there. There's a
lot to it actually, this is fairly short but, what it does is you notice extroversion right?
S1: Right
CJ: You are looking at the girlfinding you are looking her up and down so there's the extroversion piece and
then there's this imagining her doing something which is ideal scene to you. And then the other part is,
being the most interesting because I almostreleased(do it on this call, may be on the next call) I almost
released something
CJ similar to that which isask yourselfwhat was the actual statement there
S1: It is ask yourself if she likes me how would she want me to approach her.
CJ: Right, so, that that's actually a very interesting thing because it's it's kind of a mind readingrightpoor
guess!! But they way you have done it is actually pull a lot of information in that moment you actually
looked it over and you've taken a whole lot of information in and you've got your scene there and now your
are supplying actionwhat that does thoughit shuts down or its an attempt to shut down a circumvent all
of the considerations that are going to rush in at you about the time that you decide to approach her. So what
I'm trying to do at that point which is related to the exercise I am gonna give in the next call istrying to preemptively blow out the consideration that has something else in its place before they can actually fire or to
balance them out and overcome them when they do fire which is where the vector comes then you know
vector is magnitude and direction. We're trying to go in a certain direction and we're trying to get enough
force to overcome that resistance, its gonna need itwhich is the consideration.

Oh wow.

CJ: Thats why its called the vectordid anyone comment on this?
S1: Comment on the on the post itself?
CJ: Yeah.
S1: Yeah, I mean they commented but no one who commented actually tried it. They were just trying to
analyse it so I didn't really take much of what they are trying so say because they were just debating about it
but no one tried it and then commented on it.

08 Game Dynamics Mastery 03

CJ: Okay, so actually I think we should just go ahead and add that as one of the exercises. Read it to me again,
when you guys do this
S1: Okay, cool
CJ: At least six times before the next call.
S1: Okay we're ready.
CJ: Yeah
S1: Step 1: Find hot girls, Step 2: look hot girl up and down, Step 3: imagine her smiling and introducing myself
to you. Step 4: Ask yourself if she likes me how would she want me to approach her and Step 5: smile and
do it.
CJ: There you go. So, at least six times and I want you guys to do it. My blog and has like thirty five hundred or
so machine readersand this moron like different email list(unclear)its probably over 5000 (unclear) I
mean not including the people who kind of bounce in and bounce out and nobody commented that they had
done anything.how sad is thatvery simple thingsome people might have done itand they may have just
not got around to posting. But there's a lot behind that little exercise. There's a lot to it. Even the smiling
and doing it and you know the smiling that's there for a reason. Its there for two reasons actually that I can
tell you, one of the things is that when you smile that's another way to blast out considerations as well. If
you're in a certain state considerations are going to come out and if you're smiling at the same time that's
more force in a different direction. Other is that when you approach smilingbecause well you know
specifically for showing teeth also it actually makes the person feel a lot more comfortable when you are
approachingit alters their state as well so at least six times, go and do itsee what happens. This is part of
the experimentation of trying somethingyou know before you do it. Think about, what happens when you
normally approach
CJ: kind of like when you consider your normal standard approachdo it six times and I can almost promise
you will be approaching differently as a result of the exercise. I can almost promise you that six solid
repetitions of that, your opens will go a lot smoother. So at least six times.
S1: I found it last night and I saw like the potential that it had and how it kind of related to all the stuff you've
been doing. But, I didn't really know exactly what it was that's why bought up nowbut I can see that a lot
of shit in thereyou know

CJ: Yeah
S2: Question CJ!
CJ: yeah
S2:I do like opening and then sticking point analysisI don't know maybe just how you analysis stuff and
I'm still stuck in my head like analysing stuff in the old way. Like say like there is some problem, I will still go to
like Oh maybe I wasn't very confident maybe my body language was not goodsomething of that sort.
And I just wanna likepick a simple situation that I know for me has been giving me different results, and then

08 Game Dynamics Mastery 03

how would you see it and analyse it. So, when I open and if I go on say likejust hi! and then look at all the
people have two girls or one girls just look forlike five seconds and say nothing smile and then says
anythingit really goes well and then I just go in and say Hey guys what's up! Or likehey, what are you guys
celebrating it's kind of lukewarm or like the openings are not that smooth and I was like analysing it and I
really cannotafter analysing my frame work how would you start analysing it? Like what's going on there
like what's the difference.
CJ: Okay, you have got two ways, first way is, you just come, walk up and you say hi and then what do you
S2: I just look at them and smile at them and then I say anything like what are you celebrating or what brings
you here tonight? Any of that sort of thing.
CJ: And that's the way that goes well?
S2: Really well, yeah
CJ: Okay, and then whats the other way?
S2: I will just go in and say like, hey, guys, what are you guys celebrating tonight.
CJ: Okay, so in one way you do it with like the pause and then after they say something then you're saying,
what you're celebrating or something..?
S2: Yeahthey generally smile, give a really big smile and they're likehi!! The girls will be really excited and
say hi!! Even, sometimes with their hands out and stuff and then I throw out a comment. It's the same
comment but its just that one differencejust a difference of saying his first and then waiting for like till
they respond.
CJ: I thinkyou know.the first thing I would be looking at is... the differences and what's expected of them.
In the first instance they wouldthey're actually required to do something sooner but there's not a it's not a
very high bar. When someone says hi to you, you know what you gotta do, you gotta say hi back. It is not
very difficult. In the second instance when you're coming in and then you're asking them kind of a question.
She said hi. You haven't given them a chance to respond first of all they might feel little bit cut off and then
and then you're asking them kind of a question that they have to put thought into . They're not formulated.
At that point an answer for that night think about that if somebody else comes later and says, what you are
upto they will answer very quickly because they have answered that before, but this might be the first
time. So those are the kinds of things I am asking like I'm asking myself, What's required of them as far as
response goeswhat burden Im putting on them as far as calculation goesyou knowthe first way to
describe this is probably a little closer to how I open
CJ: and hows it goingwith the pause and then let them answer and then I would probably say after that,
So, what you guys are upto? what you're doing earlier.
S2: Yeah.
CJ: You spit or swallow.(no, I dont do thatits a joke). So, thats the kind of things I would be thinking
aboutthats what required

08 Game Dynamics Mastery 03

S2: Awesome, yeah thank you have clarified, I was thinking the totally wrong direction. I was thinking in the
terms of likenot coming to office to somethingI dont know some wired shit
CJ: Coolso a few more questions would tend to say more than two hours and fifteen minutes. Couple of
more questions and then I will recap the homework and then we will be done. So, do you have any other
S1: Yeah a really important question so last week I had pulled a girl and I don't know if I can call it a lay but
it was a really smooth and easy and she came over andbasically we did everything, but she was giving me
too much resistance to go inside her. I dont know why. SoI finger fucked her and everything that could
possibly doexcept like she kept pulling tellingNo I dont this unless I am in a relationship, I will do with
only one guy I am in a relationship with. What's going on here? I dont understand, and she wants to hang
out again, she is like a FB but, I dont know what going on with her.
CJ: Okay, was it the first time you had seen her?
S1: Yeah.
CJ: You pulled her that time?
S1: Yup
CJ: If you get into that situation a couple of times you can get in. So, its just the matter of how manyyou
knowhow much time you wanna spend with heractually wanna lay her. There could be a couple of things
here You could have gotten your games mixed up and you could have given her a little bit too much L.T.R
possibility, and she doesnt do that she wants she wants to be considered for an L.T.R. and she doesn't want
to risk it. But still she is really attracted to you. So, there could be that and then some people just have die
hard rulesyou knowif you met her three months later after you've gotten going smootheryou might lay
her that night. This might be a little bit above your skill level at this point. It could be thatyou know but, I
wont dig too much into it, I mean you met her and you got herpretty much everythingeverything bought
upso its a big win.
S2: Yeah, there is no rapport, I really dont know much about herjust sheshe was cool with it, I dont think
she is looking for an L.T.R because I made it with her, she was likeyaaawe didnt try to get to know each
other too much. Mostly like kind of FB thing.
CJ: She might have that kind of rule and it just totally triggered. You know, so, but you know I mean she is hot
and you get her and if you see her couple more times you will get her. So, good job.
S1: Thanks to you dude.
CJ: Clean it up!!
S1: I want toyeah Its definitely getting better because we have cycles, two weeks agoone of the week was
really really badI dont know what happened, I was just regretting and I was likefuck everything I will just
go out and ...and started getting good again. So...its cool
CJ: All rightany other questions? Alright, so am gonna recap the homework...so, pick a couple games and you
can just do that. L.T.R and S.N.L I mean I guess there's really onlybesides of that there is F.B and
L.T.Rwhatever else you can imagine basicallyIf you think just like S.N.L and L.T.R and you went through the

08 Game Dynamics Mastery 03

dynamics two three specifically and he really got an idea of
CJ: what you would say to clarify it. And what other person might say to clarify or what they would ask or
the type of comment they would make to clearly clarify it and pick up in terms of themes will put you really on
the road to being able to first of all make sure that you don't mess things up that you don't send mixe d signals
and then also you are getting a better idea of when somebody was trying to clarify or clear some dynamic.
So that's part of the homework and then to go out after having done that and. Try to spot the first time
someone tries to clarify it. Because spotting when someone tries to clarify is what's going to give you really
a lot of your insight into how you're going to handle it where you're not yet clearing dynamic quick enough or
where you might be throwing more confusion into it with some of your statements or actions and spotting it
is gonna go a long way towards figured out what's going on and then if you're going out and you are having
a set that something(unclear) think of what happens it's going well and suddenly it unravels then really
all you need to do is think about where it was going good and then where is started to kindda going off and
left the areatwo minutes or five, ten, fifteen minutes before that examining what you might have said or
done or what kind of clarification you may have missed. So, that set unravelled on you. And if you find few of
thoseyou are on your way, to be hitting like the next level maybe a little bit below and going even higher.
So that's the main basic homework, the other homework is the vector approaching technique which we
coverdo that that at least six times before the next call on Thursday and then be ready with your
observation. Is that post actually called vector approaching technique.
S1: yes, it is.
CJ: Okay so if you search for it, I will send an e-mail as well because one of you read it on the blog and get
ready to send e-mails about what happened and also what you experienced on the call. We need to know.
But I also there's a lot and I think that actually can help you. It's also going to be related to a new technique
that I'm going to release in the next Thursdays call which is awesome because it's sort of like that
synchronicity thing and when this came up and saw something related to something a little released so that's
cool cool one thing it's kind of dovetail when it comes together . So, that is the homework and you know I
wanted to reiterate also to get that spirit of playing and keep it in, thats something if you don't want to use.
And stay away from the seriousness that's the leader(unclear)more real than they need to bethat you
are inflexible to the relationship with barriers, and that's when you get creamedyou are not gonna get to the
goalif you are solid in relation toyou are inflexible to the relation with the barriers. Alrightsomeone
wanna say something?
S1: Yeah, question actually. I dont know if you feel its similar, I dont know I started to get more comments to
a question like, do you have a new girl every night with you or something of that likewhat number am Iall
of that kind of questionsthey just assume like, I fuck a new girl every night or somethingfor some reason I
dont know why.
CJ: That's a sign of
CJ:your going a little bit faster than they are. So they're not outright objecting to it but i t's almost like this
is the way he thinks and he is good at it obviously am not exactly feeling it yet. So they kind of bring it up
you see...
S1: Because am not feeling it?

08 Game Dynamics Mastery 03

CJ: Whats that?
S1: You said, not feeling it.means they think that I am not feeling it
CJ: No, no nolike you are going in that direction and you're very good at ityoure actually acknowledging
that you're actually very good at what you're doing you know when you've got them going to a certain extent
but you don't have them all the wayright Because if you had them all the way then will they will be along
for the ride. They wont bring anything out necessarilyand if they were not engaged at all they will just shut
you downor they will just totally ignore it. Somewhat no knowledge of what you're doing but you don't have
enough agreement with them actually at that point you have some but you're not fully there but it's a
good sign actually.
S1: Again, I will just go through and see what I did in the last ten fifteen minutes to see if I broke any
CJ: No, in that case no because that shouldn't kill the set, I mean after that the set shouldnt be unravelling on
you. If it's unraveling on you it would be because probably because you're letting it affect you too much or
something. At that point when she's saying that it's not unravel. An unravel is when they leave before that
they can really shut you down. And that's an unravel. Or the vibe drops so bad it's like painful to be in the
conversation where you're like fuck man and it like five hundred other girls I could be talking to right now.
S1: No, its just like they are just kind of teasing meor testing meI dont knowkind of, it doesnt
diecurious for the answers maybe that's what the feel I get, but I dont know if I am just projecting out
CJ: Yeah, most people go through that. Because they start to get smooth, they are having enough...they're
having an effect, but they're not yet exactly smooth enough and the girls are noticing the effect and also not
noticing the smoothness(unclear) So, its actually a good sign. That will actually smoothed outif you
actually keep on doing what you are doing and and it will just smoothen down on a point.
S1: Cool.
CJ: All right guys. So we gonna wrap up here. Email me with observations and idea especially if it's related to
the homework because if I see a pattern with a few guys and I know that probably more than having it so I
could kind of adjust and clarify something for you guysso
S1: Actually I have a question on thaton the exercise, not this one butsomething which we talked about, I
think probably on your blog postregarding the intention of getting laidgoing out with the intention of
getting laid and going out to just have fun. And if I go out with the intention of getting laidstill being not
consciousI guess. I'm not not coming off as creepy but something was off I don't know why and then I just go
back to my own thinkinglike fuck everything go as per I likemy experiences goes really goodbut you
recommend like have a intention of getting laidthats kind of conflictingI dont know why
CJ: Well becauseactually in both cases you do have the intention to get laid, its just one of them. You
become serious after all. When you're going out with the intention to get laid you are getting serious.
S1: Okay.
CJ: And then when you can ask yourself if you went out with the intention to get laid and you didnt get laid,
would you be upset or irritated with yourself or at life.

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S1: Yeah...I see
CJ: Yes, All right guys, so that's going to wrap it up. We will have the work and final call next Thursday
same time and go out and have a lot of fun. Well it would be cool. I will talk to you guys later.
S1: Thank you CJ, you are awesome!!
S2: Yeah, thank you CJ!
CJ: Bye
S1: Have fun guys, bye!


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