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Dates for your Diary

Slip Stitch - Knitting and sewing group, next meeting Wednesday 5th August at
11:30 in the church hall. Everyone welcome, enjoy a chat and a cuppa!
There will be a series of Jewellery Making sessions for children aged 6 to 12
years, to be held in the Church Hall on the following dates: August 10th, August
17th and August 31st. The children can attend as many sessions as they wish.
All equipment is provided, there is no charge, however if you can afford a
donation towards costs it would be appreciated. If you have children that would
like to attend, please see Margaret Ingram or call on 01827 704858.
Nuneaton Methodist Church in aid of the CHINTHOWA DEVELOPMENT
TRUST, a good social occasion, please come along, (the cakes are always


Tel: 01827 713177,
Website: st-benedicts-atherstone.org

Finance Secretary: Jo Howe 01827 750214

Newsletter: Brian Ingram 01827 704858
email: brianingramocds@gmail.com
Items for inclusion in the Newsletter by Thursday Noon

19th Sunday of the Year (B)

Graeme and Francesca.
MARRIAGE is not a purely human institution despite the many variations it may
have undergone through the centuries in different cultures, social structures
and spiritual attitudes. These differences should not cause us to forget its
common and permanent characteristics. Although the dignity of this institution
is not transparent everywhere with the same clarity, some sense of the
greatness of the matrimonial union exists in all cultures. "The well being of the
individual person and of both human and Christian society is closely bound up
with the healthy state of conjugal and family life."


Saturday Mass.

4.00 pm

Vigil Mass

Sun 09th Aug

9:30 am

18th Sunday

Mon 10th Aug

Sat 08th Aug

For the Parish

7.00 pm Prayer

Meet in Church, all



Service of Holy

Saint Maximilian


Saturday Mass.

Assumption of the

4.00 pm

Vigil Mass

Blessed Virgin Mary


18th Sunday of the year

Tues 11th Aug

Wed 12th Aug
Thurs 13th Aug
Friday 14th Aug
Sat 15th Aug

We extend a warm welcome to everyone worshipping here this

weekend, refreshments are served in the Church Hall after 9.30am
Mass, please come and join us, ALL ARE WELCOME.

Saint Dominic

Sun 16th Aug

10.00 am


The Liturgy & the of the Church

Readers this week:

Readers next week:

Sat. S. Callery
Sun: A. Senter
Sat: S. Machin

T. Willmott

Offertory Procession this week: Jo Howe & Co.

Next week: A. Senter & Co
Eucharistic Ministers
T. Wright
D. Dickens
Next Week
M. Bourne
M. Reed
Church Cleaning Mr. & Mrs Wrobel
Altar Society Mrs. A. Senter"


The Sick and their Carers

Please pray for Father Andrew, Pat & Maureen Burke, Bridie Symmons,
Ada Russell, Winifred Jones, Charlotte Smith, Kath Ford, Ursula Cope,
Patricia Carter, Christina Chetwynd, Olive Fortune, Victor John Zeslawski,
Val Horton and Father Paul. Please remember our housebound
parishioners in your prayers: Marion Burrows and Marie Aherne .

We pray for all our deceased relatives and friends especially those
who's anniversaries fall at this time, Harry Smyth, Pat Hanlon, Mary
Ellen Breen, James Turner, Henry William Farrugia May they Rest in

Money Matters
Collections last week: 1st - 241:02
153:62 - thank you!
Honesty Boxes
Votive Candles
June Direct Debit receipts were: 1st collection 417
2nd. 44
TOTE: 2/08/2015.

PRAYER GROUP - The prayer will take the basic format of Evening
Prayer of the Church with the opportunity to extend the various elements
of the Prayer (Praise and adoration, listening to Scripture readings and
Intercession for our various needs).

"That in all things God may be glorified St. Benedict

Real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist

Jesus continues to show himself to us in the Eucharist as a true
friend as presents to his or her beloved. The Lords presence is
re-echoed in Hebrews 13:18 when it said: Jesus Christ is the
same yesterday, today and forever. St. Pope John Paul II tells
us in his encyclical letter, ECCLESIA DE EUCHARISTIA no.9
that: The Eucharist, as Christ's saving presence in the
community of the faithful and its spiritual food, is the most
precious possession which the Church can have in her journey
through history. He not only provides himself as our earthly
food but also goes with us to the heavenly banquet. As if to
assure us of this, Jesus says I am the living bread that comes
down from heaven, anyone who eats this bread will live forever
(John 6:51). It is the source and summit (LG 11) of the
Churchs actions as a result of the real presence of Christ. Jesus
is here with us and continues to accompany us in our entire lifes
journey. May we allow ourselves to be fed by the bread of life.
Fr Raphael Imoni

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