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Symbolic Healings awakening the golden aura people

The Basic concept of these 4 symbols is to bring the higher spectrum of energies to the
practioner and all we encounter. The first master symbol of axiatonal alignment was to initiate
the meridian activation to connect a person to higher vibrations of universe. Healings and
upliftment was part of the process. While the technique works for 2-3 hrs the work at level of
spirit is a initiation to higher levels. The process might work for a few months before this stage
of completion and complete fusion of oversoul. Golden keys at stage 11 of ascensions starts
expressing as part of progress. These keys and sacred geometry symbols brings higher
manifestations and energies to the person. Its normally prescribed to not force the process and
work with energy healings for a short term so that the person stays in the flow of the initiation.
Its the path of a person that decides what he gets out of this initiation. Releasing the old grudges
and lower thought pattern will be easier and the best thing to work with in this time. The next
stages are not controlled by the lower mind but its the flow of spirit that continues. Appearance
of golden symbols in heart chakra is what I encountered in this process. Various keys and
symbols keep appearing in time spreading to other chakras. In mean time at physical level too
much changes could be felt. The higher chakras get activated allowing more flow of cosmic
energies. Further step turns the entire being to a golden aura. In the 4 sessions people might go
through the awakening experiences.
Lots of other experiences could be expected. A lots of frustration too appears at times
when the mind need things to be happening and be faster. The process goes on its own plan.
Nothing to bother about and couldnot be forced. This completes the 11 level to ascension and
many of you start receiving message from higher realms and masters. When I am complete
through the process, the next query in all minds will be. What next??? And the answer is always
around. You are to help others to be raised now. This is the first picture that I came across when I
thougth what next???

When the first symbol was to do so much of the work, what is the need for next three?
The reason was, every new student or client comes to you with a unique issue. Not everyone
responds well in time, you prescribe to see results and lose heart and step back. The other reason
was it sounds a good idea to spread it to all we have known through us and its possible beyond
time and space. After the first symbol work is complete most people could do healings beyond
time and space.This is a good chance to heal the root causes than to try long term healings for a
new student. The second symbol was for anscestral healings and the basic idea was to send the
first symbol initiations to all your ancestors. The possibility of them getting healed brings a lots
of blessings and healings to you too. Atleast some people who were non responsive earlier now
started responding to healings. The third symbol was to get the symbols to heal all you have
encountered with and also heal the relationships with people and past memories. The third
symbol coming to play has reason that some of the clients you meet might not like you, and a
possible reason not to accept healings from you. The major part is this brings the energies to a
large populations whom you have ever met.
The fourth symbol was meant to heal the soulmates karma and bring them together. Rather its
more of a concept to balance the male and female version of your body and soul. This last one
has been quite powerful to work with. Most felt a deep connection and a feeling to have both
version of masculine and feminine energies in the same body. It also brings the feeling of
equality to your partner and knowing that at a higher level your are undiffrentiated. The major
process here seems to work through the higher male and female chakra balancing and fusing.
The final symbol initiations also helped some people initiate to express golden keys. Only four
symbols till date has been passed down to me.
No symbol was needed to be used for second terms and was found to go very intense with
multiple trials.
There are also some minor symbols that could be used at daily basis when required in the process
of healings and meditations.

Axiatonal alignment and oversoul connection symbol- activation of meridians

Activations: First central dot, the upright triangle starting from top vertex (each vertexes drawn as three
rounds anticlockwise). Then the inverted triangle starting from lower vertex. All drawings directed
anticlockwise, the final 3 circles starting from the top vertex and ending at this point. Completing the
symbol itself activates the energy program. Asking for help from universe and masters is a good idea.
Show gratitude for what you receive.

Ancestral healing

Activations: The lower dot is the client, then the first floor dots (left mom right dad) then third floor
dots, forth floor. The four generations healings is more than enough. Then the three anticlockwise
circles starting from the top.

Relationship healings

Activations: Central dot, three dots to form the upright pyramid, three dots to form the inverted
pyramid. 3 anticlockwise circles.
Balancing ying yang, merge the soulmates

Activations: The left half of heart first then the right half and three circles. The left is feminine and right
masculine energies. Most people who received it might feel as both male n female bodies together.
Some also wake up identifying who their soulmate is. The final thing is a awareness that there has never
been a separation, the soulmates were always together. The feminine and masculine energies of source
finally merges.

Minor symbolics
Moldavite energy for people who couldnot get a hand on real moldavites

Activate: draw the M then three anticlockwise circles. The attunement gives a connections to 4 gram
moldavite energy and stays with you for 30 days after a activation. In this period you can will to move
the moldavite energy to any chakra and affected regions for healings. Again a warning is moldavite could
be too powerful for some. This symbols can also attune normal crystals n objects with the energy.
People who hardly ever show reactions to energy healings could be given a moldavite prior a day or two
before healings. This raises the energies to good extent.
Chakra opening claring and balancing symbol

Terms and conditions:

1: This symbolic work doesnot belong to reiki energy groups.
2: one person needs to receive a symbol only once.
3: the symbol energies could stand too intense for multiple and mixed use, a gap of 2-3 days between
use be allowed.
4: its advisable to stop energy works for a certain time as the symbolic allows higher flow of energies in

5: the work is to be kept for personal uses and should not be sold or reproduced in other forms.
6: Alternative therapy is not a substitution for medical assistance.


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