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July/Aug/Sept 2015

The Official Publication of Drive-In Ministries

Volume 31/ No. 3

In This Issue

Directors Cut
- Pleasing God,

Influencing People

Coming Soon
Ministry Newsreel
U.S. Reports
- Allen Nye
- New Partner Update
- Alabama Property &

International Reports
- India (NIEA)
- Colombia
- Romania
- Nigeria (GOFAMINT)

Prayer and Praise

P.O. Box 680250
Prattville, AL 36068
O 334.361.1660
F 334.361.9578

Directors Cut by Mike Jones

Pleasing God, Influencing People

God has called each of

us to faith in Him for
salvation, and by faith
to live for Him each day.
Hebrews chapter 11 is
the Bibles signature
passage regarding faith. It gives us the definition of what faith is, a description of its importance, and many testimonials of believers
in Bible history who have demonstrated their
faith in life and whom God has listed as role
models for us to follow.
In verse 2, we find that it is through living
out our faith that we receive a good report
from God, a well done thou good and faithful
servant, because faith pleases God. Verse
6 tells us that without faith it is impossible
to please God. It takes faith to be saved and
faith to live in obedience to Him. In James,
Chapter 2, James teaches that living out our
faith is what proves we have it. Many people
say they are saved, but just saying it doesnt
make it true. Our actions of obedience to God
through faith are testimonies to others of our
relationship with God. Both unbelievers and
believers can be influenced for Christ when
we clearly and consistently live out our faith
and obedience to God in everyday life.
The clear testimony attributed to Abraham
was that he obeyed God. When God called
him to pack up and move, without knowing
where he was going, he obeyed.

When God told him to sacrifice his son, he

obeyed. Faith is obedience to the Word and
will of God in our lives.
Role models tend to influence others by their
actions, such as skill, passion, and achievement. They often influence us to be better,
work harder, and believe greater achievement is possible. When we live out our faith,
God does things in our life that clearly show
His presence and power on our behalf; answered prayer in special ways, divine provision, working out situations and timing in
supernatural ways that become testimonies
beyond coincidence, pointing to God.
I am afraid that far too many Christians today
are content with the doctrine of faith for salvation and not the practice of faith in daily living. We need to better understand that a life
lived by faith illustrates what our relationship
with God is supposed to be. God wants us
to not only evangelize the unsaved with the
written Word, but also with the living Word
Christ in us. This pleases God.
How many Christians do you know who are
struggling in their walk with God? Many
of them would find great encouragement if
other Christians would invest their life experiences of faith and testimonies into them
and influence them to greater faith. We need
each other to boost our faith and influence
those around us for Christ.

Coming Soon
Two new movies are coming out in August 2015.
Do You Believe, produced by Pure Flix Entertainment (the
makers of Gods Not Dead), will be on DVD Aug. 4th.
War Room made by Provident Films (the makers of Facing the Giants, Fireproof, etc.) will be in theaters Aug. 28th.


The Official Publication of Drive-In Ministries

Ministry Newsreel

New Partner Update by Allen Nye

U.S. Reports

church in Dover, Florida. They have been working on it to repair

A couple of months ago we delivered a retired Mobile Unit to a

the engine and re-model the interior. They only need to repair

Allen Nye
We are excited to have our 13 year old daughter, Danielle, train
for evangelistic outreach with
Child Evangelism Fellowship.
She went to Clearwater Christian
College for a week of intensive
training on how to present the
gospel and conduct a Backyard
Bible Club. She then went out
with a team of other teens to different locations. She had practical experience leading singing, fund raising, telling a bible
story, and presenting a missionary story.
They saw children trust in Christ, and got a taste of what it

the rear axle to put it back to work in their ministry.

They plan to have a special Back to School Rally and Mobile
Unit dedication service in August. I will attend the special event
and will train volunteers how to set up and operate a mobile
movie event.
Pastor David DelGado and the church
are so grateful to Drive-In Ministries
for donating the equipment. They look
forward to reaching many in the migrant camps as they return to work in
our area soon. Pray for them to have
an effective film and Sidewalk Sunday
School ministry.

takes to be a missionary. My heart was blessed as I saw her at

Alabama Property & Building

work! Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it entered

The construction of the new property facility building continues

into our hearts what God has prepared for her in ministry.

to endure set backs. Meanwhile, the Board has decided to go

I was priveleged to work with Film Evangelism and Gospel

ahead with some of the perimeter plans, so we can begin using

Magic in Kentucky this summer. We ministered at a camp dur-

the property for some ministry. This will include making a walk-

ing the day and a VBS club at night. I also went to Andrews,

ing track, constructing two pavilions, building the soccer field,

North Carolina, but unfortunatly our Mobile movie was rained

and clearing a place to have mobile movie meetings.

out. I then spent time at the Pinellis County jail with the prison

Please pray for grace to get the permit and other necessary

ministry. Please pray as we serve Christ in new places!

things to begin this work immediately.

International Reports
India - New India Evangelistic Association by John Kalloor
A very effective Outreach ministry was held along the coastal villages of Trivandrum from May 16th to 23rd, under the charge of
the New India Bible Church, Shanthipuram, Trivandrum. Gospel films were
shown in eight of the 20 places, and follow up meetings were held by the
church volunteers. Gospel was preached, youth were cautioned against criminal activities including use of drugs, and films were shown all along. Gospel
tracts and NTs were distributed to those who do not have them, especially
non-Christians. Report for the eight film locations:
Attendance: 1000+

Tracts Distributed: 800

New Testaments Distributed: 370

The outreach team also visited some of the remote villages of Viruthunager District July 6th-8th.
Three different places were visited and movies were shown. At these locations:
Total Attendance: 225+ people

Decisions Made: 50

We were the first team with the gospel to this village of mostly Telugu speaking people.

Colombia by Stephen Jones

This summer, as part of my internship at Drive-In, I went on a missions trip to Colombia, South America, with my brother Sam.
It was my third and his second time going, so we were both very excited to reunite with our brothers & sisters in Christ there at
Renacer Baptist Church. The church and ministry in Ambalema (the town where the church
mainly uses the mobile unit with the purpose of evangelizing and planting a church) continues
to grow. We worked in Ambalema for 4 days. In the mornings we worked with children doing
VBS, while another team did door to door visitation and evangelism. Sam made an unfortunate
mistake at VBS, and drank some koolaid that was made with the
town water (the kids can handle it but our stomachs arent used
to it). He was sick for a few days, but helped whenever he was
feeling better. He was well by the time he left to come back to the
U.S. After VBS, we would all reunite for lunch, then go back out
together to do more door to door visitation. The first two nights
we showed a movie, one in the town square and one in their poorest neighborhood. The last two
nights we had a special time of worship, with singing and preaching. Sam and I both came back
refreshed, knowing that we are making a difference in the lives of the people in Ambalema. We
want to express our gratitude and appreciation to all who have helped make this experience possible in our lives.

TBBI - Timisoara Baptist Bible Institute

by Bill Fortner
A team of 20 from Grace Gospel Church in WV ministered
doing VBS in three villages in
Romania where TBBI graduate Gigi Negrea is Pastor. They
were divided into three groups
and did VBS in Surducu Mare,
Binis and Doclan. Over 40 children were ministered to in each village. Bible stories,
chalk talks, puppets, face painting, games, and Christian films
were used to present the Gospel
to children who had never heard
the Good News of Christ. Pastor
Gigi and his team will do follow
up on these children. This ministry would not have been
possible without the Mobile Unit. What a wonderful evangelistic tool our Mobile Unit is.

JIM2ROMANIA by Jim Morgan

Hello from sunny and hot Romania! Our summer work
is well underway here. We have 9 villages to visit this

month of July, and have been in 5 of them so far! We

have 5 villages lined up for August and can take 2 more,
then have 2 weeks in September to work before school
begins again.
God has given us a good team and good pastors to work
with. For the first time ever we had a policeman on our
side! The photo shows him with our team in the village
of Pleniti. God has been working, bringing about 100
people to see the films each evening. We are thankful for
this. We are also thankful for the support that has been
given for our work. We can use about $1000 more.
Last night in the village of Oridel, a Christian man was
helping us, who is
in very bad need
of a new roof on
his house. We
went to look and
yes, it is very bad,
but the house is
small and about
to fall apart. He has 6 children. I spoke with his pastor
and he is aware of this situation. Please pray with us
about helping this man! God bless you!

Prattville, AL

P.O. Box 680250 | Prattville, AL 36068

Return Service Requested

Nigeria - GOspelFAithMissionINTernational
by George Adeniyi

Ministry Report for May 28-July 1, 2015

The Lord touched many people and they gave their lives
to Him.

The report is as follows:

May 28th-30th
Attendance: 377
June 3rd-5th
Attendance: 893
June 7th-10th
Attendance: 696
June 14th-17th
Attendance: 602
June 24th-27th
June 30th-July 1st Attendance: 361

Decisions: 25
Decisions: 50
Decisions: 25
Decisions: 32

Prayer and Praise

Nigeria(WATS) -

Mobile Unit needs to be replaced.

$15,000.00 is needed. A recent gift of $10,000.00
was received! Praise the Lord!! $5,000.00 is still needed.

Haiti - New contact looks promising.

Pray for wisdom for Board decisions.

West Africa - New contact in Senegal, West Africa.

Pray for wisdom in continuing dialogue.
If you would like to receive the Focus by email, or would like
to be removed from the Focus mailing list, please contact us by email or phone.

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