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‘unoustaw PetRoLeUM CORPORATION TA GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ENTERPRISE ‘ops fie 17, amshesi Tata Roe, Mumbai 00020 __weasrre wor hindecanptrteun.con, ral: corphgohl cin No: 25201NH1952601008858 TURAUDITEDFNAWCIAL RESULTS FOR THe GUANTER ENOED 3TH TUNE 7015 Panicle ‘vie Ee ere fraerr ‘A FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE (In Crores) Salesfncome trom Operations agemaz| —o1z0u77 mys ess tse Duty Paid sosss| assy | 208136 ro,ss075 {a)NetStes/ncome rom Operations “surmag| —tass025 | soar. 70638036 {0} otmeroperatingincome 2286 523 e107 Dasa Totltncame rom Operation inet) “sees. a6 | —aastsse| —seznran| rons 2 erpendine (a}cor afters conumes soeioos| —rorarsa| 13,903.28 seaseee (bjpurrases of tacintrase signoz| —2541300| 440501 927836 [chenangsin inventors of fishes god, workin progress and stockade wary] rassas an298 s7e908 lalempoyerbenetts expense ‘aoa ona Goaas Bane le) Depredaton nd amortiation sense ws0.78 ssiss sence aamias Morerepenaiure sorao| _29a3| 15218 9361.84 ‘orl txpenses agagior | —aiese29 | 5928730 202955.89 2 rofiyto5) tom Operations before Othe Income Finance Cost Exception Kem (22) aeaas| 295025 oas se2230 4 other income ‘091 ‘onan 9788 sexe 5 roto rom ordinary activites fore Finance Cost & sceptonal ems (34), zsisas| 348706 18.06 e074 6 Rance cast a7 18328 9s 70659 7 Proform ornary actus te Fnac Cos eeptonal items (6), pana] 320338 esa ‘sasea2 8 Exceptional items -Expensev(ncore) . - - : 9 Protos rom Ordinary Actives afore tx ora) aaa) — s288 sos ase 10 Toxeapense es2ae| taza zeae 22036 1 NetPro fom Orainary Attn ater tx (810) asesos| 236239 500 2733.26 22 Earaorinary tems net of ox expenses) = = . - 18 Net rofitas forthe peso 1-12) asseos| 226239 45.08 2733.26 11 ald vp Eulty Share Capt (ace val 10/-e2c) 33853 a8 nae we 15 Reserves exuding Revaluation Reserves 2s er lace Sheet 5503.08 26 toring ee share: () B2sc and luted before extraordinary tem 690 ese as son i) Base and ted ator etraorinary er) ‘90 eas as wor PHYSICAL PERFORNEANCE (in MRA) Crue Trupet a7 ass 328 3638 Maret Sales (cuding Exports) 836 3 838 a185 Pipgine Trost a4 383 00 rst an SELECTED INFORMATION FOR THE QUARTERENDED 30TH JUNEOIS "%PRRTTCUIARS OF SAREROTONG 1 Publ sharehoiing Namba of shares acsssoso0| sssnso0 | 365350500 165,550 500 Porantage of sharoholding¢X) aa89 or) 09 59 2 Pramotersand Promoter Group Sharcholng 2) Pledge encumbered = Nunber of Shaves ma ww Ne we + Percentage of shares me Nit Nt we 2) Non-encumbered Namba of Shares srsavs750| 173016750] 173,076,750 73006750, + Percentage of sates (a2 of total shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group) 100 200 00 100 "parantage of share (962% of tot share capita of the sat sun suas nal [= —nvesTOR COMPARE Pong a the begining Ofte quarter Receives during tbe quarter Dupoted of ring the quarter Romaring unrealed at the end of the quartr li 1 Average Gros Refining Mico rng he quarter ended June 5, were US $6 pe OL as apis US $2.08 pr BL during the cotesponding 12 During Api June 205, Sy from Govt of ison sl of PDS Kertene & Domest PG amounting to NIL Api - une 201837695 crores Ras een acount 1 During he perl Apr ne 2015, dicount fom upteam el company we, ONGC amoung to 21825 crores In respect of Cade Oi purchased from temas bea mzounted Dering Spl- lune 2016, scout amounting (0358569 cores om upstream oi compan, vit ONGCR GALL Inrospet of rude Ol POS Keroene, & Ooreste\P purchased fom them accu, 14 Gated on the epproval recived fom overnant of lathe Company ha accounted for Oudgetary Support amounting to e506 crores rng bor -lune 205 towards undersecovees on sale of POS S40 forthe perio Apel - June 2015. During Ap June 201, Sugeary Support ‘mounting C2516 crore wa secunted omar de under recararie le of POS SEO, Dom Subd LPG De “The Compl nd Autor General of nds har completed te supplementary aut on the uted accounts forthe year ended ist March, 2015 ‘nde sein 363 (6) ea with section 129) ofthe Companies et 2013 an has sued Mil Comments Cette “he fees othe quarter ended 3s March 2015 ae the balan figs between the auaited acount forthe Yea the published unavled fant este for te nine month ended 31st December 2014 7 Thereareno reportable spent athe han dowrstream pt oleum 5 per AS ~17 on Seemet Reporing. § igre forthe previous periods have been egroupea/resiled wherever recs ‘he Foal Result forthe quarter have been subjected to LmiedRevow by the Corpoation Statutory Autos. ‘he above reps hve been reviewed and recommended ty the Au Commie ins meeting held on August 11th, 2015 and approve bythe card ofDecorsatits meeting held on Agus ith, 2035, by ordeef the Boar G. M. Kapadia & Co. CVK & Associates 1007 Raheja Chambers 2, Samarth Apartments, 213 Nariman Point D. S. Babrekar Road, Mumbai 400021 Off Gokhale Road (North) Dadar (W), Mumbai 400028 To the Board of Directors Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Mumbai Limited Review Report of the Statutory Auditors on the Unaudited Standalone Financial Results for the Quarter and three month ended June 30, 2015 Introduetion 1. We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited standalone financial results (the Statement’) of HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 except for the disclosures regarding (a) Physical Performance disclosed in para B of part 1 of the Financial Results (b) ‘Public Shareholding’ and ‘Promoter and Promoter Group Shareholding’ which have been traced from the disclosures made by the management but have neither been reviewed nor been audited by us and (c) ‘Average Gross Refinery Margin’ stated in Note no. 1 of the Financial Results, In this Statement are incorporated the results of the Visakh Refinery, which have been subjected to a limited review by the branch auditor of the Company. The branch auditor’s report dated August 5, 2015 was forwarded to us and the same has been dealt with in preparing this report, in the manner considered necessary by us. The Statement is the responsibility of the Company’s Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on August 11, 2015 and been initialled by us for identification purpose. Our responsibility is to issue a report on this Statement based on our review, Scope of Review 2. We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements (SRE) 2410 “Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity” issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This Standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provide less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and, ‘accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion, Conclusion 3. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us. to believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards notified under section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 and other recognised accounting practices and policies has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement. Emphasis of Matter 4, Without qualifying our review report, we refer to Note to the Statement relating to review and recommendation of the financial results to the Board of Directors by the Audit Committee of the Company. The Company has only one independent director. The Audit Committee consisting of only one Independent Director recommended the results to the Board of Directors of the Company. However, as per clause 49 III B of the Listing Agreement, minimum two independent members should be present to form quorum of the Audit Committee and accordingly, the said meeting had no requisite quorum in terms of the provisions of the Listing Agreement. Other matters 5. The accompanying Statement includes Company's share of expenses and income aggregating to Rs, 11.17 crore and Rs. Nil crore respectively for the quarter/three months ended June 30, 2015 in respect of 23 unincorporated joint ventures, which have been included based on unaudited / unreviewed financial statements »“ For G. M. Kapadia & Co. For CVK & Associates Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants uy -Bivin Registration No: 104767W Firm Registration No: 101745W Stace ye Apoe CAR tha, Rajen Ashar A.K. Pradhan Partner Partner Membership No. 048243 Membership No. 032156 Places bel Dard ut Seale dis

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