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Project: Water

Plan: My Plan is to install osmosis membrane water filter machine within the
work place and residential areas as it will increase the efficiency of using the
water again and again. Moreover, total value of 14,000 Gallon of water per
month can be recycled or retreated.
Passion: My passion is to create and awareness regarding how we can reserve
water and create awareness of less wastage of water.

Benefits for business and communities: There are many benefits of water in
human life that It is very hard for us to imagine a world without safe drinking
water delivered to our taps and wastewater smoothly taken away and treated.
Effective water infrastructure benefits the community in many ways.
Economic Benefits:

A secure, reliable water infrastructure system and a well-thought-out

plan for the future are essential to sustaining growth and business
investment in a community.

A solid, sustainable water infrastructure approach can result in better

bond ratings that help the community when it needs financing.
Environmental Benefits:

When infrastructure is not managed sustainably, we see increases in

pollution in our waterways that are harmful to wildlife and the

Sustainable water infrastructure helps ensure that community natural

resources and open spaces will be available and unchanged for use and
enjoyment by future generations.

Identifying resource usage- The main resource includes are as follows:

Water Mainly used in any industrial processes, taps and toilet flushing

The aim of collecting resource information is to identify whether the use of

these resources can be more efficient.
Water usage
Water supply invoices will provide information on water usage, which if we are
in an office situation will roughly equal our wastewater output as most water is
used for toilet flushing and hand washing.
We can also calculate your water usage by determining the number of toilets,
the size of the cistern (e.g., 9/6/4/3, etc. litre) and whether they are single or
dual flush. Calculate how many times a toilet would be flushed per day and we
have our per day toilet usage amount.
For example: 2 toilets flushed approx. 5 times per day on flush
(6 litre) = 60 litres of water per day.
Setting targets for improvements
Never dispose of wash water in a gutter or stormwater drain.
Never dispose of wash water to dry streambeds or where it can flow into
wetlands and waterways.
All wash water must be passed through a basket before disposal to
remove pet hair.
Pet hair should then be collected and disposed of in a garbage bin.
If you are working in an area where there is no suitable wastewater
disposal option, the water should be stored for later disposal.
Always use the smallest amount of shampoo possible.
This table highlights the preferred options for disposing of wastewater to
reduce the risk of pollution and give your business a greener, cleaner image.
If bath water contains

Shampoo only
Selected shampoo and
flea rinse
Medicated shampoo

Dispose to:

Septic tank



Ground where
water can soak







Water efficiency
Sustainable water usage has two main principles:
Using less water (water efficiency)
Reusing or recycling water (water reuse).

Using less water (water efficiency) - We can use less water in your work
practices by investigating anything you do with water in the workplace and
determining how to reduce this use.
For Example: In an office situation, this could be by installing dual flush
toilets, tap aerators, spring loaded taps and selecting water efficient dishwashers
(all water using appliances now have a water saving star system, similar to the
energy efficiency star system on electrical appliances).
Reusing or recycling water (water reuse) - Water reuse is difficult to achieve
in high rise office buildings or where you have a lease, however, there may be
scope in other facilities to install rainwater tanks for toilet flushing.

Monitor Performance: We regulate Northern Ireland Water (NI Water), which

provides water and sewerage services to the 655,000 households and 85,000
non-households across Northern Ireland. NI Water has dual status as a
government-owned company and a non-departmental public body. It operates
according to conditions outlined in its licence.
The following table provides an example of an environmental monitoring plan.
This may help with ensuring the key environmental performance indicators are
continually being measured throughout the year.
Monitoring Schedule

Water use

to monitor






Legislation and regulations- The Water Resources Act 2007 controls how we
can use water directly from water bodies including surface water and ground
water in the ACT. All water use from Territory water bodies including streams,
dams or groundwater is controlled by the Act. This includes the allocation of
water and the licensing of use; licensing of drillers; and licenses for the
construction of bores and waterway works (including farm dams and weirs).

This report assesses the current trends, drivers, obstacles, mechanisms, impacts,
costs and benefits of stakeholder engagement in the water sector. It builds on
empirical data collected through an extensive survey across 215 stakeholders,
within and outside the water sector, and 69 case studies collected worldwide. It
highlights the increasing importance of stakeholder engagement in the water
sector as a principle of good governance.
Funding Details
Funding opportunities related to research and development, innovation and
rebates related to recycled water use in Australia.
Stormwater Harvesting and Reuse
The Australian Government's ten year, $12.9 billion Water for the Future plan
provides a national framework integrating rural and urban water issues, and is
built on four key priorities: taking action on climate change, using water wisely,
securing water supplies and supporting healthy rivers. The National Urban
Water and Desalination Plan is a key component of 'Water for the Future' and
will provide investment of $1 billion to establish new sources of water supply
through the use of desalination, water recycling and stormwater harvesting. The
Government has committed a minimum of $200 million under National Urban
Water and Desalination Plan for urban stormwater harvesting and reuse projects
that reduce the demand on potable water supplies.

Implementation Policies

USDA is committed to protecting streams, rivers and lakes through agricultural

conservation, and has a long history of working with partners to implement the
practices and policies needed to meet water quality goals. One of these policies,
water quality trading, can help communities develop innovative, practical
solutions for improving water quality, while generating environmental benefits at
lower cost and increasing investment in rural America. At least twelve states have
established one or more water quality trading programsbut creating the trading
rules, working with stakeholders, and running a trading program can be difficult.

Costs involved in start-up and maintenance of the project: for water

consumption Mainly, The prices depend on the type of property you have. You
generally pay:

fixed service charges for your connections to our systems

fixed stormwater charges if you're in our stormwater area

water usage charges if you use water.

Water usage charges
If you have a meter, you pay for the amount of water you use. If you're in a
recycled water area, you'll also pay for the recycled water you use.


You pay

Your water usage

$2.232 a kilolitre Help


Your recycled water


$1.781 a kilolitre

Time and training involved in start-up and maintenance of the project- Its
a time consuming process and totally depend upon machine which is purifying
the water. This process is depend upon reverse osmosis .so, precise maintenance
is required while changing the filter of machine. As, this operates 24*7.

Project 1

Positive Impact

Negative Impact


Benefits from

Water Scarcity


New strategy for water

sensitive cities

Changes in key Drivers


Investment in new

Water Trading


Significance of Benefits. Even in a region as water rich as the Great
Lakes basin, the benefits of water conservation appear to be profound
across a range of areas, including supply reliability, reduced pumping,
and reduced treatment. Large-scale industrial water conservation efforts
should be pursued across the nation, regardless of regional water scarcity,
but care must be taken to ensure the viability of the affected water
Untapped Opportunities. This project assessed only five industries.
Other high-water-use industries, such as food processing, dairies, cheese
making, meatpacking, concrete batching, and pharmaceuticals, should be
explored and assessed as well.
Protected Wastewater Stream. Filtering, treating, and re-using water on
site not only reduces water consumption, in some instances, it can also
remove dissolved and suspended solids and BOD from the wastewater
Explore Areas with the Potential to Have the Greatest Impact. While
the benefits of conservation are apparent everywhere, they are most
profound in areas with stressed supplies, especially where utilities draw
water from and release water to streams or aquifers.
Explore Utility Territories with the Greatest Potential Benefit from
Conservation. Since some utilities will realize greater benefits from
large-scale industrial water conservation efforts than others, those are the

utilities that should be targeted in subsequent efforts. Specifically, these

are utilities in either water-stressed areas or those experiencing rapid
growth. The environmental benefits will have value to all regions, but
not equally.
Storm water Capture. Capturing and using rainwater on site requires
minimal treatment and may be used for cooling towers, irrigation, or floor
washing. This practice not only reduces the need for treated water, it also
provides additional protection from storm surges and combined sewer
overflow events. This practice is now a recognized Best Management
Practice in the new EPA storm water programs.




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