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The topic of consumer behavior is one of the massively studied topics by the researchers and
marketers in the past and still being studied. Researchers show different reasons as to why
consumer behavior has been the topic of many academics and researchers. One of the common
views is that understanding consumer behavior has become a factor that has a direct impact on
the overall performance of the businesses

One of the studies of consumer buying behavior has been conducted by Acebron et al
(2000). The aim of the study was to analyze the impact of previous experience on buying
behavior of Apparel, particularly Shirts. In their studies the authors used structural
equation model in order to identify the relationship between the habits and previous
experience on the consumer buying decision. Their findings show that personal habits
and previous experience on of the consumers have a direct impact on the consumers
purchase decision in the example of purchasing shirts. They also found that the image of
the product has a crucial impact on the purchasing decision of the consumer and further
recommended that the product image should continuously be improved in order to
encourage the consumers towards purchasing.

Another study conducted by Variawa (2010) analyzed the influence of packaging on

consumer decision making process for Fast Moving Consumer Goods. The aim of the
research was to analyze the impact of packaging for decision making processes of lowincome consumers in retail shopping. A survey method has been used in order to reach
the research objectives. In a survey conducted in Star Hyper in the town of Canterville
250 respondents participated. The findings of the research indicate that low-income
consumers have more preferences towards premium packaging as this can also be re-used
after the product has been consumed. Although the findings indicate that there is a weak
relationship between the product packaging and brand experience. However, it has been
proven by the findings of the research that low-income consumers have greater brand
experience from the purchase of premium products when compared to their experience
from purchasing cheap brand products.

Subrahamanyam& others (1982) conducted a study on Marketing of consumer goods

in Vishakapatnam. It was found that large number of respondents purchased consumer
products from private retail shop followed by super bazaar & consumer co-operative
store and housewife played a vital role in taking purchase decision.

Ramakrishna Rao, Rama Raju& Ram Prasad (1987) conducted a survey on

HusbandWife Involvement in Buying Decision Making. One of the major findings of
the study is husband who are young, highly educated & belong to high income group are
relatively less dominated than their older, less educated & low income counterparts.
Singh J.D. (1981) conducted a survey on A study of Brand loyalty in India. The study
concluded that Indian consumers have been found becoming more & more brand loyal.
Depending upon the nature of the product, they have single or multiple brand loyalty are
quality of the product, habit of use and regular availability of the product.
Debiprasd Mukherjee (2012) conducted a study entitled Impact of celebrity endorsement
on Brand Image. This study shows that consumers report higher self-brand connection
for brands with images that are consistent with the image of a celebrity that they aspire to
be like, particularly in the case when the image of the celebrity and the brand match.

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