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Case 1:15-cv-01241-RDB Document 43-7 Filed 08/18/15 Page 1 of 4

Scott Hinckley

LordofSatire [Iordofsatire@gmail.com]
Wednesday, July 01,201510:50 AM
Thomas Goulden
Scott Hinckley
Re: Complaint re: Harassment by a citizen of Shirley, MA


Ex \-tL '6\\



L\ ftMJeJ

Thank you for the e-mail.

Mr. Hinckley sent the photo [ enclosed in my e-mail to his wife of my Gail 15 days before she died to a
defendant in a Federal Lawsuit [ am prosecuting. As the photo was clearly labeled not for publication, and [
know none of the police officers [ included in the e-mail would do such a horrifying thing, [ have to assume that
either Ms, Hinckley or Mr. Hinckley sent the photo to the curator of the blog at http://thinkingmanszombie.com,
who is now using it in an extortionate manner.
[ am copying Mr Hinckley in my reply to you so that he and his wife will be prepared for the Federal Summons
the will soon receive. Other than that, [ have no wish to contact someone so obviously disturbed as to send that
picture to be used as a weapon against me.
Bill Schmalfeldt
On Jull,

2015, at 10:42 AM, Thomas Goulden <tgoulden@shirlev-mapd.org>wrote:

Mr. Schmalfeldt
1would suggest you take the following action regarding your email you sent to my attention. I would
contact your local police and file an incident report with them regarding what you allege Mr. Hinckley
has done as far as stalking you and harassing you in the jurisdiction your reside.
Mr. Hinckley came to the station to discuss his interactions with you as well this morning, he spoke with
an Officer and was told to avoid further contact with you and this should resolve the issue. I would
assume you would have no further reason to have contact with Mr. Hinckley.
If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact Officer Craig LaPrade at the Shirley Police
Chief Goulden

From: LordofSatire [mailto:lordofsatire@gmail.com]

Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 6:47 PM
To: Thomas Goulden
Subject: Complaint re: Harassment by a citizen of Shirley, MA
[am a 60 year old, disabled resident of Elkridge, Md. On June 17,2015, my wife of25 years
died of kidney failure. Before that date and certainly since, I have been subjected to stalking -Section 43. -- criminal harassment
-- Section 43A. (a) -- by a person I have identified as Scott
Hinckley, 31 Lawton Rd, Shirley, MA 01464 In addition to the harassment, [also believe Mr.
Hinckley has made some thinly veiled death threats against me. These statements were made in

Case 1:15-cv-01241-RDB Document 43-7 Filed 08/18/15 Page 2 of 4

the comment sections of three blogs Mr. Hinckley frequents under his User ID of"agiledog."-http://ho!!ewash.com -- http://thinkingmanszombie.com -- http://billvsez.wordpress.com.
This has been an ongoing course of conduct for more than one year.
There are hundreds of examples online.
May 27, 2015
At this point, the only thing he has a right to is a LONG dirt nap. I'd like to sec him
exercise that right.
https:1Ib iIIvsez. word press.com/20 I 5105/251never -Iet-anvone- te11-you -we-don I-adm it-it-whenbiII-schmal feldt-cven-comes-c Iose- to-thc- truthl
June 17, 2015 (a few hours after Gail died)
Gail Schmalfeldt is dead, and Connie Hoge is better.

I ...redacted

... J

We are not going there. Sorry. -the Staff

https:llbillvsez.wordprcss.comI20 15106/17 Igail-schmalfcldt-is-dead/comment-page-I

Feb. 6,2015
So his longest two terms of employment were military service? In other words, he couldn't
hold a "real" job, where they fire you for being a screw-up - what a loser. And why did
that second stint end at 4 years, 10 months? That is an odd length enlistment, isn't it? Did
he get caught doing something nasty with the Admiral's dog?
http://ihinkingmanszom bie.com/20 15!02/06li n-re-a-Iol-suitl
March 19,2015
The Rectal Mouthpiece just won't accept that, in fact, his every visit here, every FS hit,
every cut and paste of this site, is in fact him stalking us.
Bildo: you actually have to make a intentional effort to see things on this site, where it is
clear you are not welcome (being banned from commenting is a blatant sign everywhere
else on the web). Since YOU have to perform an act, the responsibility lies with you.
http://thinkingmanszombie.com/20 15103/ 18/hev-guess-whatlcomment-page-1 I
(BTW: Incorrect. One does not have to witness libel to claim libel. I check this website
frequently for reasons that will become clear as you look at it.)
June 25, 2015
And we know what you're doing in there, Bill Schmalfcldt.

Stop it this minute, or you'll go

You cruel, evil person. insinuating that Bill is masturbating when he has publicly declared
that he hasn't been capable of an erection for some years now. (Who does such a thing'!
TMI!!!!!) That is libel per se! Defamation! Butthurt in the Second Degree!
https://billysez. wordpress.com/20 15106/24/we-get-results/comment-page-l

Case 1:15-cv-01241-RDB Document 43-7 Filed 08/18/15 Page 3 of 4

Jan. 9,2015
"DAMN, but BilI SchmalfeIdt is a fucking idiot."
This just can't be said enough. In fact, it should be tattooed on BilI's ass (maybe even his
http://thinkingmanszombie.com!20 15/0 I109/0h-what -fresh-brain-damaged-poop-smearedmadness-is-this/comment-page- II
June I I, 2015
BilI doesn't seem to understand that "Asshole" is completely different than the items listed
for him. Someone can stop being an asshole - BilI can't stop being a sociopath, and a liar,
and a bully, and a coprophiliac, and a .....
I'm embracing the power of "and"!

15/061 IO/bilI-schmalfeldl-ends-the-trucel

June 11,2015
Even if it was his right to control his image and publicity, it is beyond his skill or selfcontrol to do so.
hllps:1fbiIlvscz. wordprcss.com/20 15/06/1 IIcan-bi II-schmalfeldt-spell-strcisand-effect/
June 18,2015
... , but we share with him a common basic humanity.
Assumes facts not in evidence. The day and evening his wife died, he was trolling on the
'net. Who does such a thing?
I hope he finds something new to do with his life, and he does not darken our threshold
again. But I ain't betting on it....
https:1IbiIIysez. wordpress. com/2 0 I 5/061 I 8/the-rest -0 fobiII-schmal feldts-Iife-starts- tom orrow I
June 30, 2015
"I love podcasting more than Gail"? He readily admits it? What an eater of bags of dicks.


II is even necessary 10 insuII Ihe choice o/urn I picked/or

June 30, 2015
And into the evidence folder ... "

uck -501

my wife's ashes.

Case 1:15-cv-01241-RDB Document 43-7 Filed 08/18/15 Page 4 of 4

Evidence folder? The rest of us call it an urn .....
And a cheap, ugly one, at that.

-j ust -hit -pacer/

And tormenting me is FUN!!!

June 29, 2015
However is gas lighting Bill as JR, I say: Well Done!!!!!
Of course, it's about as hard as catching bluegills or pumpkinseeds
hey, it's still FUN!

in any given lake, but

(Same post)
Bill Schmalfeldt is a big, fat, bald pussy.lfhe
sexual interest in him.

weren't so old, TK would probably take a

hltp://thinkingll1anszombie.coll1/20 I5/06/29/ good -morni ng-dumbfuck-49/

And one final "hope he dies" two days after my wife passed away
June 19,2015
I feel a small amount of satisfaction that Bill continues to prove he is such vile scum. But
this is overcome by my disgust at his lies, contradictions, and evasions.

The world will be a better place when Bill Schmalfeldt

leaves it.

hltps:/lbi Ilvsez. wordprcss.com/20 I 5106/ 18/the-rest-of-bill-schll1al fcldts-I ife-startstomorrow/#ll1ore- 328

These statements have caused me a great deal of stress, heaped atop the other pain and grief
caused by my wife's sudden death. They lack any sort of human quality and are designed for the
purpose of alarming, disturbing, annoying and threatening me.
1 have contacted this person by phone and e-mail and demanded he cease his stalking, harassing
activities. No response.
Please advise me of any action you take. And thank you.
Bill Schmalfeldt
Elkridge, MD

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