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Project Test

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q.1 ASP.NET validation controls works (handle validation) at

A) Client side only. B) Server side only. C) Both client side and server side. D) None of the above.
Q.2 Which is the mandatory property for all validation controls?
A) ControlToValidate B) Message C) EnableClientScript D EnableServerScript
Q.3 Which validation control in ASP.NET can be used to determine if data that is entered into a TextBox control is of type
A) ValidationSummaryn B) CompareValidator C) RequiredFieldValidator

D) None of the above.

Q.4 If you want to validate the email addresses, Social Security numbers, phone numbers, and dates types of data which
validation control will be used?
A) RegularExpressionValidator B) CompareValidator

C) RequiredFieldValidator D) None of the above.

Q.5 Which object in ASP.NET provides a global storage mechanism for state data that needs to be accessible to all pages in a
given Web application?
A) Session B) Application C) ViewState D) None of the above.
Q.6 You are a Web developer for INTS. The data is stored in a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database on a server named INTS
and the Database name is TestDB. You connect to TestDB by using Windows Integrated authentication. You use a
SqlConnection object to connect to the database. You need to create a connection string to TestDB in the instance of SQL
Server named CareerPC. Which string should you use?
A) Data Source= INTS; Database=TestDB; Integrated Security=SSP1.
B) Data Source= INTS; Initial Catalog=TestDB; Integrated Security=SSP1.
C) Server= INTS; Database=TestDB; Integrated Security=SSP1. D) All of the above.
Q.7 How will you store and retrieve value in viewstate?
A) // Storing the data in viewstate
// Retrieving Value from a View State
Label1.Text = ViewState["SiteName "].ToString();
B) // Storing the data in viewstate
ViewState obj=new ViewState
ViewState [obj]=CareerRide;
// Retrieving Value from a View State
Label1.Text = ViewState[obj].ToString();
C) // Storing the data in viewstate
// Retrieving Value from a View State
Label1.Text = ViewState.ToString();

Q.8 Which ado.net class provide connected environment?

A) DataReader B) DataSet C) Command D) None of the above.
Q.9 Which ado.net class provide disconnected environment?
A) DataReader B) DataSet C) Command D) None of the above.
Q.10 What is/are the advantages of master page?
A) It helps to display common content in multiple pages.
B) They allow you to centralize the common functionality of your pages so that you can make updates in just one place.
C) It helps to create a common page layout.
D) All of the above.
Q.11 Which control is required inside a content page to reference ContentPlaceHolder control inside the master page?
A) Content control on a content page. B) ContentPlaceHolder on a content page. C) PlaceHolder control is required on
content page. D) None of the above.
Q.12 Choose the correct option about master page and theme.
A) A Master Page enables you to share content across multiple pages in a website and A Theme enables you to control the
appearance of the content.
B) Theme enables you to share content across multiple pages in a website and A Master Page enables you to control the
appearance of the content.
C) App_Themes folder contains skin files.
D) Option A and C are correct.
Q.13. Choose the correct option about DataSet object.
A) Provides Disconnected mode B) Can store multiple table simultaneously C) Consumer Object
D) All of the above.
Q.14. What are the steps to create a DataTable programmatically?
A) Instantiate a new DataTable and add DataColumn objects to the DataTable.Columns collection.
B) Run the Data Source Configuration Wizard. C) Instantiate a new DataSet object. D) None of the above.
Q.15 .The GridView control in ASP.NET has which of the following features
a) Automatic data binding

b) Automatic paging c) Both A) and B) d) None of the above

16) Which method do you invoke on the Data Adapter control to load your generated dataset
a) Fill ( )

b) ExecuteQuery ( ) c) Read ( )

17) How do you manage states in asp.net application

a) Session Objects

b) application Objects

c) Viewstate

d) Cookies e) All of the above

18) How do you explicitly kill a users session ?

a) Session.Close ( ) b) Session.Discard ( ) c) Session.Abandon

d) Session.End

19 What does IDE stand for?

a.) Integrated Development Environment

b.) Integrated Design Environment

c.) Interior Development Environment d.) Interior Design Environment e.) None of the
20 Which does the solution explorer not display?
a.) all pages b.) master page c.) database file d.) Tool box
21 . Which are the standard prefixes for the text box and label controls respectively?
a.) tex and lbl

b.) tex and lab c.) txb and lbl d.) txb and lab e.) txt and lab

22.Which property determines whether a control is displayed to the user?

a.) Hide

b.) Show c.) Visible

d.) Enabled

23.The analysis phase of software development involves:

a.) collecting the requirements about what the program will accomplish.
b.) creating a detailed plan on how the program will accomplish the requirements.
c.) writing the software with a program such as VB.NET.
d.) Both a and b.

e.) All of the above.

24. Which is a numeric data type?

a.) Floating point b.) Integer c.) Boolean d.) Both a and b. e.) All of the above.
25. With A = False and B = True, which statement evaluates as True?
a.) A AND A b.) A AND B c.) B AND A d.) B AND B

e.) None are true.

26Which database is the ADO.NET SqlConnection object designed for?

a.) Access

b.) Microsoft SQL Server

c.) MySQL

d.) Oracle

e.) None of the above.

27.The WHERE clause is used to restrict the number of ____ retrieved by an SQL statement.
a.) fields b.) records

c.) tables

d.) Both a and b.

e.) All of the above.

28.HTML stands for:

a.) Huge Makeup Language.

b.) Huge Text Makeup Language.

d.) Hypertext Markup Language.

e.) None of the above.

29. Which symbol is used to enclose HTML tags?

a.) ( )

b.) < >

c.) [ ] d.) { }

c.) Hypertext Makeup

30. A post back occurs when:

a.) a browser posts a form to the server. b.) a users action activates the handing of a
server event.
c.) a server posts a form to the client. d.) Both a and b.
31.Which is the file extension used for an ASP.NET file?
a.) asn b.) asp

c.) aspn

d.) aspx

32.Which language is used to create an ASP.NET code file?

a.) Visual Basic

b.) C# c.) C++ d.) Both a and b. e.) All of the above.

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