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Your section are tasked with securing the right flank of your platoon as it
prepares to carry out an assault manoeuvre from a position within a wooded
area. You identify a position along the edge of the tree line which offers good
visibility onto a nearby town and a stretch of the road 300m away. However,
the cover on your right is mostly sparse with slim tree cover and beyond that
is open clearing. The position is only large enough to fit half your section.
With this knowledge in mind, what orders do you give and why?

A1: I would give the order for Delta to move into the position along the
treeline, forming extended line with heavy right and covering off towards the
town. Charlie will stay in the treeline and cover Delta's right flank.

I would place Delta on the position to provide support for the rest of the
Platoon, the heavy right on Delta's extended line is to place more firepower
onto their right flank. Due to the fact only one fireteam will fit, I decided to
hold Charlie in reserves and to act as Delta's right flank security.

Q2. You are moving through a draw which extends from the South West to the
North East, with the North Eastern tip being the highest point and your
section is the last section within the platoons formation. As you move your
section roughly half way up the draw, you take fire from lower ground to your
rear South. What orders do you issue to your section?

A2: "Section, contact South, form extended line, Charlie left, Delta right
section rapid fire."

Q3. Your section have just taken a compound in a small hamlet surrounded by
steep dead ground on its North and North Western face, an embankment to
it's North East on higher ground and further surrounding buildings spread out
to its East, South and West. The walls of the compound you occupy only allow
for arcs to be set up covering North East and South West with a single two
storey building at its center. Your section takes contact from a fire team
strength enemy infantry force to your North 100m out and closing. What are
your next actions, including any QBO's and FCO's. Please also explain why.

A3: "Section, Contact North, 100m, Charlie on second floor, Deliberate fire,

Delta, compound security, have bods use the South Easten corner of the
building to cover North East, watch and shoot. Section, Section move."
(Once hostiles are seen within 30-40m on north side.)
"Section, Charlie hold pos, provide rapid fire, Delta, grenades over north wall.
Section go."

Explaination: I want eyes over the walls, thus placing Charlie (my Fireteam)
on the second floor will allow me eyes out, able to see the contact, call it to 0
then assess best course of action. Delta will provide compound security in
case an unseen contact comes in. I want them using the South side of the
building to provide some hard cover from the embankment to the NE.
If Charlie doesn't eliminate the contact and it keeps advancing, I would
increase the rate of fire and, due to gravity the grenades from Delta will roll
downhill and into the contact.

Q4. Your section are deployed to the front of the platoon in a base of fire
position suppressing a defended enemy location immediately 400m your
front East. You have just heard your Platoon Commander issue QBO's to the
other sections within your platoon, and shortly a friendly section on your right
flank South will be moving to carry out an immediate and deliberate assault
on the position. Can you please explain what your main concerns are before,
during and after the friendly section moves on your right?

A4: Before: Is the enemy location effectivly suppressed enough for friendly
forces to move? Will they have hard cover/natural cover? Do they know
where my right most man is?
A4: During: Are they crossing any of my rifles? Do all my bods have clear line
of sight?
A4: After: Do I have someone covering my flanks? My rear? If not, who can I
put there to cover it? When do I shift fire? (dealt with via COMMS)

Q5. You are in the middle of receiving orders from your Platoon Commander
whilst your section is in All Round Defense inside a densely wooded area. The
ground is patchy with variations of heavy undergrowth and dead ground, and
visibility is poor beyond 50m. You hear a rifleman call out contact and begins

suppressing. What are your next actions and which type of Fire Control Order
do you issue to your section.

A5: Tell my Platoon Commander. "0, 1/3, Contact, waitout." Find out who
called contact. Have the bods to his left and right suppress and throw
grenades. Everyone else to watch their sectors. Give Contact Report to 0 and
get QBO's.

Q6. What are the three Primary things that should be taken into consideration
when preparing for a section assault? Please also explain why.

A6.1: What defences do they have?

I need to know if my section can take the enemy alone or do I need
A6.2: How can I use the terrain to my advantage?
number one of PAWPERSO- Protection. Can I get there with natural cover? or
do I need to make my own? Is the enemy using the terrain smartly?
A6.3: Are there any friendly forces in the area?
Am I going to risk hitting friendly forces? Do I have someone I can call for
assistance if needed.

Q7. Is the following statement true or false. Please also explain why. "It is not
my responsibility as an NCO to correct members of another section"

A7: True.
I feel this would depend on the situation. If it is to correct information that is
given to his IC, then yes. If it is to do with his behavior, on or off the forums, I
would bring it to the attention of his IC first. But if it is about matter-of-fact
things that don't impact the game, then no.

Q8. A member of your section has been repeatedly absent for operations

over the course of four weeks, and has posted extremely little to no LOA's. Do
you: A) PM him, request he explain himself and request that he be more
active. B) Inform your Platoon Sergeant and request that he be transferred
onto Reserves. C) Send him a PM outlining the Activity Requirements within
the 16AA and issue a first official warning of discharge. D) Do nothing, he'll be
back in a weeks time.

A8: A

Q9. As an NCO, what is the single most important expectation placed upon
you by the 16AA?

A9: Lead by example.

Q10. A friendly section has just taken a series of casualties nearby whilst
holding the Left Flank of the Platoons current position. What are the
immediate concerns to you, and what orders (QBO/FCO's) do you issue to
your Section, if any?

A10: Does the friendly section need support? Is my left flank now exposed?
I would make sure my left most man is watching that arc and give my CTM an
order to stand by for further QBO's to assist with the casualties.

Q11. Explain in detail the Breaking Contact Drill and explain how and why you
would use both Bounding and Tunnel Methods.

A11: The Breaking Contact Drill is to get a section out of immediate hostile
fire to a safe location. No matter the method used in Breaking Contact
(Bounding or Tunneling), the Section will laydown rapid fire and pop smoke to
cover their movement.
Bounding: The Bounding method is used generally when the Section is in an
extended line formation. The Section will laydown suppressing fire onto the
enemy and deploy smoke, once the smoke is effectively covering the Section,

one Fireteam will get up and run appox 50m to the rear and again form
extended line and resume rapid fire, once the first Fireteam is "set" and firing,
the other will move past them to the rear. The Section will keep doing this
until they are out of view or behind hard cover of the enemy.
Tunneling: The Tunneling method is used generally when the Section is in
Sigle or Staggered File. The Section will go to ground and the forward most
men will laydown rapid/burst fire to suppress the enemy while the man
behind them deploy smoke between the man in front of them and the enemy
contact. Once the smoke it effectively covering the Section, the lead men will
get up and run to the back of the Section (through the middle of the Section if
in Staggered File). The men who are now at the front will immediantly
laydown rapid fire once their arcs are clear. After appox 5-10 secs, the new
lead men will follow the same route to the back of the Section as the man
before them did. The Section will continue in this way until they are out of
view or behind hard cover of the enemy.

Q12. A member of your section has just been Reinserted and has decided to
return to his Section by himself without receiving permission to move by an
NCO or Officer. How do you respond to this?

A12: Give him a quick sharp word, tell him we will have a more detailed chat
after the operation and have him fall in. I will then inform my Platoon
Commander that my reinsert is now back with the Section.
Once the Operation is done, I will have the chat with the individual involved
and explain that this is not acceptible and that I will be informing HQ. Then
procceed to inform HQ about the incident.

Q13. Explain in detail the Drill for conducting an Obstacle Crossing, and give
an example of when it would be used safely

A13: An Obstacle Crossing is a method used for moving across roads or

similar open areas. Before performing an Obstacle Crossing the Section will
form an ARD or similar defencive formation near the Obstacle that needs to
be crossed. The IC will then call two men (normally the last two men) and
have them move up to the edge of the crossing. These men will move to the
obstacle and go prone, with one covering up the obstacle and the other down
it. They will leave a gap of appox 5-10m between themselves for the rest of

the Section of move through. Once they are set and informed the IC it is clear
to move, the Section will move between the cover men, in Single File. The
first two men over will take identical positions as the cover men but on the
oppisite side of the obstacle, the rest of the Section will move into the wood
or over cover and form the base of an ARD or other formation set by the IC
before crossing. The last two men will follow on the Section once the new
cover men are set. Once all bods are over, the cover men will move off back
to the Section.
An example for using this Drill would be to cross a road.

Q14. You are carrying out a Deliberate Assault onto a fixed enemy position.
Your Charlie Fire Team are tasked with clearing the location, and Delta is in a
covered location in a tree line North of its position providing support. Explain
the primary responsibilities of both the Section Commander and the 2IC
including QBO's, FCO's and Drills before, during and after this engagement.

A. Before:
IC - Choosing the best approach onto the enemy position, taking in terrain
and enemy firing ARCs. Choose ground for ARD once the assault is done.
Deciding when Delta should shift fire off the position once Charlie get close.
(On COMMS/grenade/sight).
2IC - Making sure his Fire Team have a clear line of sight onto the position.
A. During:
IC - Keep spacing and keep the aggression up.
2IC - To give FCO's to his Fire Team to keep the enemy suppressed and to
order a Shift Fire when needed.
A. After:
IC - Get the Fire Team back to Delta and move the Section to the pre-planned
ARD location. Once there give SITREP to the Platoon Commander.
2IC - Once the Section is together in ARD, he will get AMCAS report to 0B and
make sure people are covering their ARCs

Q15. When is the best time to pass on information to your Section?

A15: When on the move and/or when not being shoot at.

Q16. When should a Contact Report be given, and what should follow
immediately and why?

A16: As soon as it is possible. SITREP. To inform my Platoon Commander of

what has happened, what I have done, if I need any assistance and what I
intend to do now.

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