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Email: ebmdeolhonofuturo@gmail.com

PROFESSOR(A): Francimar de Oliveira DISCIPLINA:____________________________

SRIE: 1 ano
BIMESTRE: __________
DATA DA APLICAO: ____/ ____ / _____


Prefixes and suffixes are sets of letters that are added to the beginning or end of another
word. They are not words in their own right.
1) PREFIXES - Prefixes are added to the beginning of an existing word in order to create a
new word with a different meaning.
RE Indica repetio. acrescentado a verbos e substantivos. (p.19)
Exemplo: Write: rewrite
Count: recount
IN, IM, UN Significam no, o oposto de. Acrescentados a adjetivos. (p.72)
Exemplos: Active: inactive
Able: unable
Possible: impossible
MIS Indica falta de. (p.82)
Exemplos: Behave: misbehave

Information: misinformation

2) SUFFIXES - Suffixes are added to the end of an existing word. The addition of a suffix often
changes a word from one word class to another.
FUL Significa cheio de. acrescentado a substantivos. (p.29)
Exemplos: Beauty: beatiful
Care: careful
ION, ATION Indicam ato ou estado de. Formam substantivos. (p. 55)
Exemplos: Irritate: irritation
Graduate: graduation
ER, OR Indica quem pratica a ao. acrescentado a verbos. (p.71)
Exemplos: Run: runner
Teach: teacher
LESS Indica sem, falta de. (p.83)
Exemplos: Home: homeless
Finger: fingerless
LY acrescentado a adjetivos formando advrbios. Indica circunstncia de modo,
tempo, etc. (p. 99)
Exemplos: Final: finally
Quiet: quietly
NESS Significa o estado, a qualidade de. Forma substantivos.
Exemplos: Dark: darkness
Weak: weakness

1) (CEV-URCA - 2012 ) The prefix antiin (a clear anticommunist choice) means:

a) against

b) twice

c) many times

d) similar

e) distant

2) ( FUMARC - 2010 ) The word sustainable in Sustainable energy is an adjective formed by sustain+ the
suffix able. Choose another word from the list below that can form adjectives with the suffix able.
a) Beard.
b) Comfort.
c) Legal.
d) Wood

3) Aqui esto apenas alguns, presentes na prova da UERJ 2008. Voc consegue identificar a funo dos afixos?
a) EN-/EM-: ensure (como em enable, enlarge, enrich; similar a encircle, encase, endanger)
b) UN-: unexpected (como em unable, unhappy, unpleasant)
c) FUL: youthful (como em powerful, colourful, beautiful); handful of (como em mouthful/ spoonful of)
d) LY: sorely (como em extremely, quickly, angrily; diferente do ly em weekly meeting e fatherly advice)
e) MENT: resentment (como em management, disappointment, achievement)
f) NESS: weirdness; freshness; boldness; wickedness; loneliness; quietness

) makes an adjective into a noun which refers to a quality or condition

) forms a noun which refers to an action or event

) used to make adverbs that mean in the stated way or adjectives

( ) adds meaning of not, lacking or the opposite of


) having the stated quality to a high degree, or causing it OR having the stated amount

) forms verbs which mean to cause to be something OR to put into or onto something

4) Answer the questions about prefixes and suffixes in your book.

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