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internal energy of a
Specific heat capacity
Specific latent heat of
First law of
Hookes law

Newtons first law of

Newtons second law
Newtons third law

linear distance travelled from a defined reference point, along a specific direction
sum of a random distribution of kinetic and potential energies associated with the molecules of a system
the heat per unit mass required to raise the temperature of the substance by one unit of temperature.
the quantity of heat required to convert a unit mass of the solid/liquid, at its melting/boiling point into liquid/gas as the same
Internal energy of a system depends only on its state, increase in internal energy of system,U is the sum of work done on the system
and heat supplied to the system
the force applied is directly proportional to the extension in a material if the limit of proportionality is not exceeded. ( F=kX )
resultant upward force on a body when it is immersed in a fluid due to the pressure difference of the fluid at the top and bottom of
immersed portion of the body.
the product of the force and the perpendicular distance between the axis of rotation and the line of action of the force.
Conditions for equilibrium of a point object:
1. The vector sum of all forces acting on the point object must be zero
Conditions for equilibrium of an extended object:
1. The vector sum of all forces and external torques acting on the extended object must be zero
a body will continue in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless a net external force acts on it
the rate of change of momentum of a body is proportional to the resultant force that acts on it and has the same direction as the
resultant force.
the product of the average net force and the time it acts on a body (p=<F>t)
that when body A exerts a force on body B, then body B will exert the same type of force of equal magnitude but opposite in
direction on body A

The principle of
conservation of
Work done
Newtons law of
Gravitational field
Gravitational field
Gravitational potential
Gravitational Potential
Simple harmonic

that the total momentum of a system is constant, provided no external resultant force(eg, friction) acts on it.


the distance between successive crests/compressions, or the distance between successive troughs/rarefactions, or the distance
between any 2 successive points on the wave that are in phase.
angular measure of how 2 points on a wave are moving with respect to each other.
rate of energy flow per united perpendicular area.
formed by 2 progressive waves of equal amplitude and equal frequency travelling in opposite directions
when 2/more travelling waves of the same type meet at a point in space, the resultant displacement at that point is the vector sum
of the displacements due to each of the wave at that point.
bending or spreading of waves when they travel through a small opening or the spreading of waves round an obstacle.
difference in the distance travelled by two different waves from their respective sources to the observer
region of space where a charge will experience an electric force due to the presence of the field of force set up by a charged object,
either positive or negative
magnitude of the electrostatic force between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely
proportional to the square of their distance apart.
the electrostatic force per unit charge exerted on a positive test charge placed at that point.
work done W in bringing the charge q from infinity to that point.

Phase difference
Stationary waves
Principle of
Path difference
Electric Field
Coulombs Law
Electric field strength
Electrical Potential
Energy, U
Electrical Potential V
Equipotential line
Electric Current
Potential Difference
Electromotive Force
One Volt
The Ohm
Magnetic Flux Density
One Tesla
Magnetic Flux

the product of the magnitude of the force and the displacement in the direction of the force.(WD =FscosA)
the force of attraction between two point masses is directly proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to
the square of the distance between them.
a region of space in which a mass experiences a force due to the presence of another mass.
the gravitational force per unit mass acting at that point. (gx = Fg/m)
the work done in moving unit mass from infinity to that point
of a body of mass m at a point is the work done in moving the body from infinity to that point.
type of motion in which an object moves back and forth over the same path repeatedly in a regular manner
an oscillatory motion taking place in which the acceleration of an object is proportional to the displacement of the object from its
equilibrium position, and the acceleration is always directed towards that position
occurs when the driving frequency of a forced oscillation is equals to the natural frequency of the oscillating system, maximum
energy is transferred from the periodic force to the system, which cause the system to oscillate with maximum amplitude.

the work done in bringing a unit positive charge q from infinity to that point.
imaginary line linking up all the points that have the same potential.
quantity of electricity
rate of flow of charged particles Q with respect to time t
quantity of charge which passes any section of a conductor in one second when a current of one ampere is flowing.
the energy converted from electrical energy to other forms of energy when unit charge passes from one point to the other.
the energy transferred by a source in driving unit charge round a complete circult.
the potential difference between two points in a circuit in which 1 joule of energy is converted when one coulomb passes from one
point to the other.
the ratio of the potential difference across the conductor to the current flowing through the conductor.
the resistance of a conductor through which a current of one ampere is flowing when the potential difference across it is one volt.
the force acting on a conductor of unit length, carrying unit current, placed perpendicularly to the magnetic field. (F=BILsinA)
the magnetic flux density when a conductor of length 1m carrying a current of 1A, placed perpendicular to the magnetic field,
experience a force of 1N
product of the component of the magnetic flux density normal to the plane of the surface and the area of the surface. (BAcosx)


The Weber
The Magnetic Flux
Faradays Law of
Lenzs Law
(r.m.s) value of an a.c
Photoelectric effect
A Photon
Work Function
Threshold frequency
Stopping potential (Vs)
1 Election-volt (eV)

flux of a uniform magnetic field of flux density 1T, through a plane surface area 1m2, placed normal to the flux density
product of the number of turns of the coil of wire and the magnetic flux through each turn of the coil of wire. (NBAcosx)
the induced e.m.f in a conductor is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux linkage of the rate of cutting of
magnetic flux.
induced current always flows in a direction so as to oppose the change that produces it
the steady d.c which would dissipate the same average power as the a.c in a given resistance.
emission of electrons from a metal surface when it is exposed to electromagnetism radiation of sufficiently high frequency.
a quantum of electromagnetic radiation with energy given by E=hf where h is the Planck constant ( h=6.63x10-34Js )
minimum amount of energy needed to liberate an electron from its surface.
minimum frequency of the illuminating light source that will cause a photoelectron to be ejected
value of negative potential difference which just stops the most energetic electrons from reaching the anode C.
the energy gain by a charge equal to that on an electron moving through a potential difference of one volt.
refers to the most stable and lowest energy state available

Ground state of an
Ionisation Energy
Metastable state
Population inversion
The Mass Number A (or
Nucleon Number)
The Atomic Number Z
(or Proton Number)
The Neutron Number N

energy required for an electron to escape from the atom surface.

long-lived excited state.
the phenomenon where a much larger number of atoms exist in the metastable state compared to the lower energy state.
process in which tiny amount of impurities is introduced into the crystal structure of a semiconductor, causing its conductivity to
increase significantly.
specify an atom with a particular proton-neutron combination, that is, a particular nuclear structure.
number of nucleon (Protons + Neutrons) in its nucleus.
the number of protons in the nucleus. This is equal to the number of electrons in a neutral atom of an element, and so determines
the chemical nature of the element.
the number of neutrons in the nucleus.
are nuclides with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons. They are chemically indistinguishable since they
have the same electronic configuration.

Unified Atomic Mass

Unit, u,
Binding Energy of a

1/12 the mass of a Carbon-12 atom

Binding Energy per


minimum amount of energy required to remove one nucleon from the nucleus

Radioactive decay

is the minimum amount of energy required to break the nucleus into its constituent particles. It is also the energy released when a
nucleus is formed.

the process where elements with low mass number can combine to produce more stable, heavier nuclei, releasing energy in the
the process where heavier nuclides disintegrate into lighter, more stable nuclides, releasing energy in the process.
is a process whereby an unstable parent nucleus undergoes spontaneous (Decay process is not affected by external factors) and
random (Impossible to say exactly which nucleus and exactly when a particular nucleus will disintegrate) disintegration.

The Decay Constant,

The Activity A of a
radioactive source

fraction of the total number of atoms that decay per unit time.
the number of disintegration it undergoes per unit time.

half-life t1/2 (physical


time taken for the active nuclide to disintegrate to half its initial value.


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