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656TH T. D.'BA~IOLifl!ll".






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> __.....







APO 230, U.



19 April 1945

SUBJECT. After Action Report.


The Adjutant General, Washington 25, D.C.

C.ttentiona Historical Section)
(Thru Channels).

. 1. In compliance with AR 345-105, 18 NOTember 1929,

aa changed by Change 4, dated 10 August 1944, the After
Action Report of the 656th Tank Destroyer Battalion for
the period 1-31 March 1945 'is forwarded herewith.
For the



Captain S-2

2 Incls.

1. After Action Report 656 TD Bn.

2. Maps.

' 51




. hEAD



APO 230, U. S. Army

2 April J.945




(.;am:paign \CIlI"l'er..t vam,faign in l1esterl1 J:/l.lrope)

GSGS 45\17, Sheets 20, 40, 60, 6J.'f 80,
81, lvO, lOll GtGS ~16, ~heet8 Q3,
R2, .1(3, S2, ~3.
uoit and vomwanders of ~roups:En uO
- ~t COl. ~ohn ~. Meador
Hq Co CO - Capt Archie ~. Benegar
.ncn (.;0 CO - 2n~ ~t J08e~h I. v~ar~
- uapt ~avi~ v. C.leary
~ Co CO
- Capt ~har~e8 u. Driscol.~
v Co CO
Ca~t .n.ichard n. Tugg.le

2. Lap .neferellcee:}.

Statis~ical ~ata





Mar 45







0 '0
0 0

C Elli







































v 0
0 0
0 0
0 0


" ....








o EM



.< .--.,. .",....





o EM






o EM








c 4




o 0



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.LO sseos



o EM

23 Mar 45

o EM o EM
















1 u.ar 45









.12 mar









o EM


















Pis Taken - 398 Aotual Count

200 Additional (Estimated)


Vehicular Replaoements.

__ ,





o EM








-\ ~:~~"-' .-'~'.

RF~~R~r.n:n ::



23 Mar 45







-- -- ". - - ' . ,_.-- -... -, - . ,-, . '..'--. , . -,- , - .-., , . .--Ti.:ff.rs

. , , . , ,.V:t,-,T, .3<.:....1.Y.2. .2.Y,2. .l,<>:-.T. ,~-8. ~18 _)4:-.20, )1-32 M-36 1 _.T, .1"1 0 Y4-'l'

Mar -4:5

o 0 0










~O~~O~~~O ___O~,~O~~O__~O~

Note: C Company did not :t'~c'?~Te one M-18 repl<.,;.cement. Company

tUX'Je (~, 11, 10 : '-18s all(~ l:'E c e:i ve <i 12 M-36s in return.

Vehicular Loaseal





_ _3/4
IV2 2V2 lo-T M-8 K-18 K-20 K-32 M_36Tra11
1_" U10 VI-'
Mar 45

,I .
~, . '~""no
.' '1 ', .







e. Vehicular Losses (Cont'd)

- ------_.





__ -.-------.....


3/4 10/2 20/2_________._
l8-r M-8 _M-lS
_ _M-20
_ . M-3S Trailers
1.-T_M-10 0/4


t. Ammunition Expended:

7 Smm HE
.,Sma APe


76mm HVAf


90mm HE


.ectioJ1 III
The organization tor combat ot the 656th Tank Destroyer
Battalion at OIOOOlA March 1945 waa aa tollow~t 6~6th TD Ba
attached to 9th Armored DiYision, Company A with the 3rd_Rca
Platoon, attache~ to ComQat Comman~ AI ComFany C with the 2nd
ReD Platoon, attached to Combat Comm~d B; Company B with the
1st Rcn Platoon, Headquarters Companj aD~ the compe~y headquar
ters of Reconnaissance Company remained under battalion control.
The Battalion CP and all the elements under ita control waa
~ttached to CC~~
III orderto mLiJ1tai. close liaison between the Co_anding
General ot the 9th Armored Division and the Commanding Otficer
of the 656th Tank Destroyer Battalion, the command group of
this organization was diTid.d into two elementa, the Batt_lioD
Forward CP which m.oyed with the DiTision Forward CP Cd the
Battalion Rear CP which remained.with Headquarters Co.paay.
The Forward CP Group waa,comprised ot the Battalion Comaaader,
S-3, S-2, Communications Officer and the CO ot Reconnaissance
Company while the Rear CP Group consisted of the Battalioa
Executiye, S-4 and 5-1.
At010001A March 1945 the Bn CP was located at GKY, GermaRy,
(1071399) haTing 1l0Ted there the preyious day fro. SPRIMOH,
Belgium (K5301.0). Wire com. ,unicaticn waa established, with
9th Armored DiYis.1oD upon arriYal at GET. The Liaiso. Officer
of this or&-.ization 'with the 9th Armored D~Ti8~OD reporte4 to
the B. Forward CP completing the ph7aical link betweem the two
headquarters. In order to maintain close contact with the 00.
panies the Batt_lion Commander lett the CP at OllOOOA March
19"-5 to Tisit the Commuci Post of Combat Command B aad the co.
mand vost ot C Company. The Bn CO returned to t~e Forward CP
in the afternoon ot the Same day. At Oll4.5A the BaA4jutaat
yisited the BJ1'Forward CP aJld reported that Headquarters Co"':'
pany and the Battalion Rear CP were 'located it ntIE5ElffiO'l'H,
Germany (1902351). It waa l~arned at thia ti.e_tbat . . .:18
destroye~ that the B~ waa ahort could not be draw. at thia time
since there was DO authorit7 for its procurement. The Ba CO
yiaited the Diyiaion CP 19l5A and returned at 20004.
Upon completion of the read march froll SPRnton, Belgiwa, '2.?
A Company went into an aa.embl7 area in YiC~Di~7 of DBOVl,
'~ ~ ~
~.~ 1:

. " .. . .: . . 1


(11437) in preparation of aupportine the attack of CCA

towards WOLLERSHEIM (F1730). After .atablishing the Company CP
at DROVE, ~~e cpmpanY,commander reported to the CO of the Co.~'
bat ,Command where he waa informed that the 1st Platoon would be
attached to the 60th Armored Infantry Bn, the 2nd and 3rd Plat
oons'would remain under the company commander's control and
would constitute the antitank rea.rTe of the Combat Command.
Upon the company commander's return to the Company CP the Com
pany commander informed the platoon leaders of the platoon at
tachments.. The 1st platoon leader reported'to the CO 60th Armd
Inf Bn at 010200 March 1945 and waa giTen the order to be readl
to mOTe at 0530A to Ticinity of BERG. This mOTe was made. The
remainder of the company r.malAe~ in position throughout the
day. There waano eneml aotiTity in Ticinity of the compa~'a
B Company closed in at FRIESENROTH, Germany (K3334) 282230A
March 1945 and took up d.fe ~T. positiona with fielda ot fir.
to the'S and. SEe At this time B CODlp~ta mission wa. to reach
FRIESENROTH and await further oJ'dera for commitment. At 011830A
March 1945 intormatio~ wasreceiYed at the company CP that e.
emy t~s .ere in an unknown location to the S and SE 'ot lRIES-
ENROTH. The Rca Platoon attached to Companl B waa SiTe. th.
mission of recoanoitering the road network &ad poaaible tank
as.embll area. to the S and SE of the"company positions. The
misaion waa dull executed but no tan...ere found.. the oo.~.,.
re~aine4 ia it. location tor t~ reaa1Ader of.the dar.
Compan1 C arr1?ed at SOLLER. Germaa1, (r1837) at OlOlaoA
March 1945. ' Uader co.-r ot 4&rkaa at 02QQA tnt three platooaa
mOTed into direct fire po.1tioa.. At the first light of daWa
the gun cOllDlaadera of the alld. and 3rd IUIla ot the b.d P1atooa
mOTed their guna to poait10ns affordiag better tir14 ot tire.
!he compul oOlllDlaader ot Coapuy C upoa Ti81t1Jac. the ~ of
~.bat Co_and B wa. 111formed tha t h1. coapaJQ' would form the
~! r.se~. of the Co.bat commael. .
At oa0950A Mareh 1946 a tel.phonag aa r.o.1ye4'f.aa
Lia1son Officer Ho 1 that ~ Ba Forward CP would aOT. w1th
DiTii10a tOrWird'CP fro. QBY to BOLLIa (X177aaO) at 1400A.
Later the ,ti. of .oftm.nt wa. chaage4 '0-1100A~hov.r.. the Ba
CO and s-a lett tAe Ba Cp'to Ti.1t A aDd C ComPan1e. aDd" did,
not retura until the, CP opened ia the new'loca\loa at aoLLla
.it 1600.1 the B" CP cloaed. at GET ud. under f,h. ooaaancl ot_the
B. 8-2 mOTed with th.-biT1.l0. CP to aOLLiR. Shortly atter
openiJ1g'of the C~-at aOLLBR at ~7aOA ~n._Ba CO, aDd. ...1 arri.ecl.
Iatoraatioa accu"lat.t,url-a ~he Tiait., w.. p10tte4 oa the
Situatio. aIld 0p.rat-1oaa Mapa. Routi.e Ti.lt. bl' t!i. L1a1aoa '
Oft1cer .ere made 4ar1ac ~be d.,.
At 020800A Maroh 1945 the oOJapaA7 co_aad.r ot Coap__ A
reported to .the CP of CCA. 'the tollow1a& attao:bae.ta weN ..4.
at that'tiae~~l.t Platooa wo~ld ramai. ia a.pport ot the aOth J
ArIId. IJLt Ba. the -2nd. aid- ard P1atoo. . .ou14 .pport the alO\k~'"

- " ..

. .... ..'


... ~


IatutrJ Re,iJlent 1a tbe attack Oll WOLLEBSBllli (r1730). the
2nd .,l-latoo. w.. put i. direct apport . ot the. 3rcS. BJL SlOth I.t
and the 3rc1 Platoon i. dir.ct support ot'the 2nd. ~BIl.' 110th, I.t.
Strong resistance wa. encoant.re4 atter the jump ott at OaoeooA
Maroh 19'5. The to. . ot .OLLEBSHEIM tell to the attack1_, toro
by 1700A ad ~he attack w~s 9arr1.4. oa to LANGEIDORr (ra031) ~ ..
the a:ad Platooll, Coapuq A. 1a coajanotloa, with Co It ~rd Bat
:5l0thIat oaptued the to... ot LANGEllDOar bt 2000.6. l).ours. Ia
this e.gagement la prisours we" tu,a Q7 the 2id Platoon. the
TD .Pla.tooa ill the attack oa UNGSNDORl' was emplo7i4 i. the to1
lQw1ng manner. 'roa a rang. 9t 800.to.1OOO yards the 4troyera
tired HI ahel~.~into tGe buildi_,_ ot t~etow.a uader attack
.ltt.r this preparation. the aupported Iataatr7 aOTe4 ia &ad took
the to_. J. total ot 26 round. ot HI tmauaitioa were expeaded
. auriag the ~NGENDORF operatio
The l.t-and 3rd Platooa. did not e.c&&e i .., tire tight
duriDg the period 012400A to oaa,ooA Karohla4S. Ia order to
keepclo.e to the thr.e Tn Platoo._ the Coap.., CP.at 0I2100A
..arch 19'6 1Il0",ed to !HUIl. (1'160131) ~
Comp~ B roa1Jled WId.r battalion ooatrol during th.peri04
012400A to Oaa,OOA Karch 19'6. The ooapaJly reaaiud ia po.itl0.
ia yicinity ot raIBSENRotH uatl1. IOIOA whell a .0........ ua4.ertalt
tor d1aplac....~ to NIDKNEAU (P188~~). B Coa~ arrl~ at
NIDENBAU 2330A and aOTed iAtO tiriag posi~i~...
At 020130.1 Karoh 19'5 the CO eoapaay C reported to COB CP
as'requested. the CO Compa., C wa. dir.cted to mo",. hi. coap--r
to the TiclllitY,ot l?I ~ERNICH (ra"5386).~Upo. hl. retva to
the compaq CPt th.Qoapuy ooaa.xu1er d1rected hi. coapaay rear
CP to reaa1a. at SOLLER. The r.ul.ias thile. platooll. d.part.el
trom SOLLER at 0230A hour. aDd arri",.4 at DISTERlICH at 0300.
Direot flre poaitlona w.r. take ith tle14, ot t1re to the _.
Since the positio"-re aubjeoted to iateraittent artill.rJ"
tire all peraonnel dug tox holea. At about ~OOA C Coapa.,.
sutfered ita tir.t casualty whe. a sun ore. meaber reoeiTed a
slight .. ok would troll enellT SP artill.P7 tire. 'The au.pect.4
10cat1o& of the SP ~ wa. takaa und.r tire b7 th. 1st gull ~t
the 2nd Sect10. ot the 3rd Platoon. ri",e rounds ot HI were tlred.
The resulta ot the tiring re not" ia",e.tisat.d but the 8P art
illery tire stopped. At 021100A March 19'5 CoapaDT C coamander
waa put i. commaDd ot aTaak Fo~ce ooaaiatias ot hl. owa ooapa.r.
CompaDy D, 14th Taa][ Ba, assault gua platooa, .o~tar platoca a.d
. Olle platoon of". ~h1. task torce constituted the reaerYe ot
Com~&~ Co~and B.
The ta~~ !o~c . . . . not committ.d as such aa4
waa disbanded 030200 Karch 1945. The lat Pri80 ~ wa. takea b.J
C Company whea,a Germaa Ordaaace L1eu\.~t surrdared to the
company mail clerk and a compaBY headquarters aectio. dri....r at
2300A. The prisoner waa turned o",er to . . lIP. The COJllPaD rear
CP mOTed from SOLLER to VETTWEISS (F197385) at 020~OO Karch 11'1.
EtfectiT8 032400A )larch 1945 .Batta11oaH.adquarter. od llCl
CompaDJ ~el'a l:'e1ie",.d tro. COR control &JU.i ;.,laoed Ullder coatJ'ol,. 1
ot DiTlaion Headquarters. One M-18 waa r80.i..4 031020A Maroh /

. -

- 6


;- ~~."",-r~
1 ~~ "~"
~ L ;,
~. '."


1945 and deliTered to A Coapaq. This brought the total llumber

of destroyer. t.o 36. Vi.it. to A pd. C \';oJlpuie. .ere mad. by
tt.e Bn CO and the Bn 8';':3; Visita co t1:e Bn CF "9:"'8 mad. bT the
Bn ExecutiTe Offioer and the Bn Surgeon.- At 1530 the Ba Liaiso.
Officer reported the location ot B COl1pall7.waa to be at. KJUPD
ROF (F202359).
At 030800.1. March 1945 Co.bat Command A aad the 310th I.t Rect
l~ched aa attack tro. LANGENDORF (12031) ia a BE direotioa
towards MERZEJlCH (F2231). LighteJl.~ oppositioa was encount
ere4 u.d bY' 103O.A. YERZENICR fell to our foroes.'fhe 2Dd and
3rd Platoons ot Co.pany A, 656th TD Ba, supported this attack
and aided materially in the to. .' a capture. The taotios emploT
ed were the aamaas preTioualy me~tioned. Sp9radio artille~,
mortar and small arms fire was directed at the taak dtroyer
During thia engagement a sua commander ot the 3rd Platoo. re
ceiTed injuries fro. mortar tir. aDd wa. eTaouated to aa a14
.tation &Ad the. to the 13th Hospital. At lSOQl tba'3ad Platoo.
aasisted i. the takiag ot FLOREN. I. the aotioa agait MERZ
ENICH and FLORSH 30 rounds ofRl and 11 rouada ot APe were t1red.
The 1st Platoon remai.ed attaohed to the SOth ~ Iat Ba which
was in CCA reaerTe at WOLLERSHEIM (1'17::~~. !h. CQIlp~ CP
left THUIR (1'160331) aDd arriTed at WO
HElM (1'17.308) at
Since cca remaiaed ia re rYe tor ith Arm DiTia1011, CoapallT
B participated ia no aotio. but adTaaoed w;th i'. Coabat Co....d
wben the DiTiaion reaerTe mOTed forward. .1t OaOO1OJ. Maroh li4S
B Compaq ,w. . directed to mOTe to VE!!fDI8 (Pli711!). the mOTe
me.t wa. du17 exeouted &ad tn. oo.~ clo~,~ oa ti!tllli8 0310A.
Positions. 1& thi8 t.o. . .er. ocollpl.cl uatl1 15S0 whea t_.oo.p~.
wa. directed to IEIrlPERHOF (raOIa&e). B Co~~ .oy.d ad. 00 __
p1ed positiona ia.Ticiait7 ot IBMPlRHOF wlthtield. ot t1r. to
the B aad SB. The poa1t10aa at KEMPBRHO' are Goo1lpied uatl1
O.133OA Maroh 11.&. Ia all .OT....t. ot B CoapaaJ the attaeke4
1st Rca Plat.ooa executed the n8c8&r7 ro.4 r.ooanai...... ...
ecured the area 1a whioh the Qompaay had tak t1r1ac po.tt1....
At 030200A Maroh 1;.5 the 00Jap&B7 oo_ander of .c Coapaa7 . ..
1af'orud that tM f&at: 1'01'0. he co_-lIded. had bee. Uabaad.d..
Co.bat COJl!llaac1 B 09atia_d its attaok toward. ramSBUK <"240).
The m1.sioa of C CO.P&a7 upoa di8baadaeat ot th.!a8k.Poro. .. .
to proTide tn. ~T .re..ne tor Co.bat Oo. . . .d B. Ia 1ta clr1.... to
the B, Co.bat Coam.-d B waa not oontroated wi~h .., arao.-4 'hreata
therefore, CoapiD7 C took up poalt1ona to the I'ear ot ceaa tN
ward ale.eats. At 030800A Karoh le.. S Coa,.., C ao~ troa D!I
TElUlICH to FBEISH!Ii (1'3140). !he cO.PIUq e.t.Hel PBZtalDJIII. at
1000.1. Platoon po,1t~_' were reooanoit.red ai4tk_ oonp1....
All tank approaohes ...r. 00"re4 'b7 at 1eaat 0.. .oti.a of Ba.
The attached Rc. Platooa p.rtor..d the road "ooaa&1....o. t~
DISTERNICH to J'BIISDDl aad. th aoYeeliato a ~. . ."U po.1
tion i. wood. (r3~8418). The 00.p&AT ood.r 1. aatl01pat1ag
further aOTementa to the I. laTe the Rca Plat.oo. a .18.10a ot

- a -'

At 041230A March


Coapany B directed to mOTe trom

KEMPERH~r to _~ESSENICH (1'238354).

The company cleared KEMPERHOF
1230A ~ rea~h~~ B~SSEN1Cg 1430A. Direct tire positions .ere
takea in an ope.tie~~ . Siace .~ cOTer was aT3ilable, tor holes

were dug. Theae poal.tiona were occupied for tour da1'a. 'fhe mia
sioa ot the company dUI'ing that period was to remai. as the A'f
rese". for CCR. Sillce CCR itaelt was 1a Di vi.ioll reserTe B Co__
pany had not.had action a,ainat the enemy . B Company remai.ed
at BESSENICH until 0707l5A March 1945.
At 030800A March 1~45 C COJlpaDY' receiTed orders to mOTe to
DILBR AUF D' .EBENE (F2"53~7). 'fhe compa.y departed iro. rREIS
HElM (F319400) 0830A tDd mOTed a~ong the route FREISHE~, BORR
('301381) SCHERB ~F288382), WEILER AUI'D' EBED. The 2nd Rca
Platoon mOTed at the head ot the compaay Qolumn aDd marked the
route. C Compa~ closed at WEILER Atrr Dt EBENE at 1230A and re
mained i. billets ia the SW part of to~ for the reaaiader ot
the day. .
The 5th of March marked the first day"ot tunctioniag of the
CP Group aa one uait. 'fhe Ba CO learned at the DiTiaion CP
that a new Bn Fwd CP Group would accomp&ni the D1Tiaion Fwd CP.
The n... Bn CP Group would consiat of' the Bn CO, .one additioJLal
efticer and s8Teral enlisted men. This plaa was to go i_to it
'fect on the' next diaplacement of the DiTisioia.. Pl.......ere made
to haTe a Liaison Officer accomp.., the BJL co aDd four enlisted
men trom ~essage center. At 05092SA March 1945 a representatiTe
from 8th TD Group arriTed to coordinate the actiTities ot thia
battalion and other TD organizations 1. the III Corps. Plaa
ere alao discussed ~ regards to establishi.g.aa Iatelli,e.c.
radio ne t The Bn CO made a Tis i t to EUSKERCHE!f -..c:t A Company.
The Bn CO returned to the Bn CP at 14551.. Other routi.. Tiaita
were made bW the B." staft otf~cers to tI:w' GUJil Companie s~
On 05000LA March 1945 A Company was disposed ia the tollow
ing mannerl Company Hq attached to 19th Tank Bn at NEMMENICR
(F259329)5. 1st and. 3rd Platoons at EUSKIRCHEr {~3329)i !at Plat
OQa attached to 60th Armd Inf Bnl 3rd Platoon attaohed to 3rd
Ba, 3l0th Inf and the 2nd platooa ill position at NEMMENICH. At
0730 CCA j~mp.d off attacking to the Eaat. Atter cros.iag the
ERFT Canal elements of the 310th Iat attacked ROITZHEnl (F3427).
HeaTy resistance was encountered trom the enemy withi. the to. .
and in ground fortification on the outskirts. The 3rd Platoon
of A Company supported elements ot the 3rd Ba, 310th ID.t, in
this attack. Tactics of the sup)orting TDs were the ,as. aa
preTiously men~ioned. Atter the TDa had ,~peD.ded -to rounds of
HE, th. Infantry adTanced into to~n. The enemy launched two
counter-~ttack. but both were driTea back.
ally cleared at 19301.. The 3rd Platoon thea mOTed iato the to. .
and took up der.nsiTe tiring positions with fields ot fire to
the East. Elements ot the 2nd Bll, 310th Inf, at 13001. attacked
in the directionot lfEIDBRSHEIK aad CUCHENHEIK ("528). aeaT7
resistance was also encountered ia this .ector. The 2nd Plat
oon, CompaD.Y A, gaTe ciose support to the attacking Iat aDd by~)
- 8



~ ... ~ ~:

1830A both towns were take.. Ia the attack on CUCHENHEIM con

tact was lost betweeA the sUpPQrtiDg TDa and the attack~Ag
Iafantry. After firing a 25 round pr,paration iato the to. .
the 2nd Platoon adTance1 towarda the objectiTe but could not
find any iatantry. The platoon neTertheless entered the tow.
cleared out some snipera and then took up positions. The lat
Platoon remaiAed at EUSKERCHEN ~oughout the day. Ia order
to keep close contact .ith the platooJl the cCM1any Cp left
NE:~L~lnCH at l600A and arriTed at EUSKERCHEN at 1800A..
B Company remained at BESSENICH (F238354) 5 March 1945.
CCB reTerted to DiTision co.trol 050600A March 1945 and
attacked across the F;RFT CANAL ia all Ea8terly directiJn. Ea
e~ resistance waa lig~t aDd the to. . ot LUDENDORF (F406300)
was take. at 2200A.. At l7S0A C Company attac~d to CCB was giTe.
the order to mOTe to KLEIHBULLESHEIM (F368309). The compD7
mOTed out ot WEILSR AUr D' EBENE'(F274389) at 1920A proceediag
to NIEDEBERG (F318378). SiDce the~e was high o.ercast and no
moon the road march OTer the road was extremely difficult. At
2030A the coap&a7 coam~der halted the columa and summo.ed t~e
platoon leaders to his Tehicle. The platooa leader aDd, hi.
driTer of the 2nd Platooa while p~oceedi.g to the head ot ~e
company columa was injured by a 2V2-ton truck towtag a cwa.
The towed gun ran OTer the platoon leader and his driTer. The
platoon leader'a collar bone was brokea while the driTer .utter
ed internal iajuries. Both ae ere e.acuated to the Combat
COlllll. .d's Aid Statio::>n.
the COIllP~ clo.ed at KLBINBULLlISBBDI
060l00A March li45 and mQyed into positioJls wi~~ field ot tire
to the liE and 1i.

The B. CO~d party lett the B. CP at 061060A Karch 1145 to

repo~t to D~.i.io. CP to till hi! asaisaa~.~ a~ the D1.1s10.
ATO. the Ba Executi.e Officer aaauaed responaibilitT to~ the
functiQRia, ot the rear CP Group, Headquarters Company and Roa
Headquarter~ a.ctio..
Future mOTe ere to be mad~ bl all .
_lements as one uait. A-represe.tatiYe tro. 8th !D Group .1.
ited the B. CP .ith additional i.tormation i. reS$r~. to the
proposed G~oup I.telligence Net. The 656th TD B. report~ iato
the net at 1930A.
At 1116 the CPwaa alerte4 tor aoyement to
EUSKIRCHBH (F3330). Preparatio. . tor mOTemeat were 1aaediat~ly
unde~take. and at 1230A the Bn CP' closed atZULPICH (F233333).
A quarterillg'partl under the. eOIa!iland of Rea Co. CO let~ ZULPICH
at 1100 hours and :net" the CP Grou.p 019. arl"iTat at the oLltski~ts
of EUSKIRCHEN. The Bn CP o~ud at EUSKIRCHEN at.-06150OA Karch
1945. During tbe day the B. Kotor Ottio,r.Ba Surseon and the
Bn 3-4. Tisited the' giln- companies.
Atter consolidating its Dositions E of ODEBDORF (F3928) CCA
launched an attack at 0700A to the E with BHBIKBACH aa the ob
jaetiTe. The 1st and 2nd Platoons of COlllp~.Asup:?orted the
.attaok. Resistanoe allcouatered waa 8trong~ ~lements from th&
'attao~in6 toroa .era diTerted N to attaok OBE~BEES (Pl22?).
The 2nd Platoo. supported this attaok a6aillst ~tron6.~naml.res:rJ
istance. 3ne~y' mortar and artiller7 tire wa. extremely heayY.~

_ 9 -

.. ~


o .

n~ ~TRrrT~"o

The 2nd PlatooD. ad'Y'anced on t.a.e tOVin ff.~ose .!.)r':J:x:~:!uty to the

_ ~1.,.J~ .nt~-1 IL.:'uL.t . .;,-.
At liJOOA with t:le attaok wall under wa.y
tl.1.e 3rt la$tro,fer )f t.l:&.e 2nd. -:>13t) n beoa.ne i~obi11zed due to
a faulty generat.)r.
'l'he deatroyer cO;Il:aanrler and his crew ~.kdla
U: ;.3r Cjij,3t&.uc.. ",rti:l?r./ an:l jlortar fire contil111ad firing into
ti 'o~ to'l1l1 .l,lt il tb~ eueul.l~ ~ICl.S d.ri ven oack.
The Intantr1 took
the town at l200A. A total ot .1 rounds OE wer~ rir~d. An
aak:no\fJl JluIBber of ene:uy ....,ere ~illed and all unknow. number of
ene~y homes da...llaged.
The 2nd Plato.)R contiJlued the support
duriac the attaok OR RaEIRBACH. FiriRl
the7 adTaaced the
2nd Plato:.). e.tared RHEllfBACH 1400A. The supported lat took
the to~ at 1320A. the.platoon then mOTed to the E ,ad ot town
~~ formed a ro::.. C!l block cUlllnand1D -the road intersection at
di'v5l254). A total of 74 rou.n.cis of a:s were expanded. 'rhe 1st
~la.tfJ)u ]1\)Tel froJl ::rJSKIRCamr to ODENDORF (1'398280).
The com
pany ~p iUuTea. from ~tJ3KI~~.:r31i leaving _the tQ-.m at 1700Aand



at 'J3.~RJ:B~S 06180:)& ~!Iarch 19,(5.

There -was no chant,e in B Company' 8 dif31Josit1on er attacbmeat.

C Co.pany remained in ILEINBULLESHEIM (1358309) untl1 06
0730A. March 1945. A.t that_time the company.commaner wa. ,iTen
trJ.e order to dis: V,~e his company to LIEDENDORF (F406289). Since
CCB was advancine acai.at the eAe~ w~~h 0&17 ,1~lht re.1.taac.,
Co_pany C attached to CCB was kept la clos. proxlmitT to the
combat eleaeata of the Combat CommaBd but Bot coaaltted to
actio.. The Coapaay CommaDder of the Coapaay decided to keep
his CP at KLEINBULLESHEIM and mOTed his coapaa7 aa directed
to LUDENDORF. The compB.lly less CP departed trom XLEINBULLBS
HElM at 060815A March 19.5.aad arriTed at LUDENDORF'at l200A.
The platoo.s l_ediately mOTed iato firi.g positi~.s. COB.
ele.ents kept oa adTanci.g alai.st light realata.ce aad at
2400A the compaay cOllDlaader waa sUllDloned to the Co.bat C._aad
Routlae staft actiTit1ea were performed dur1.g the period
070001 to 072400A March 1945. !he Ba motor officer Tislted
the oompaaiea. The outstaadi.g eTeat of the day waa the receipt
of the &aws that the LUDENDORF BRIDGE OTer the RHINE RIVER was
captured iatact. This information was brought to the Ba CP by
the B. CO wheD he Tis1ted the Ba CP at 1820.. It waa turther
disclosed that the 9th Arad DiT was to aOTe to MECKEHHEIM (P49
CCA......~iawtd the at tack to the SE after taltiag BOLINGEN
(F5319) l~:"the attack; conti.ued to the high ground. of BAD
NEUEN.AP..R (F5716). The att, ck on E~ t:JEUENAHR got umerwq
at 071200A March 1945. The to... was heaTl1y deteaded with'
lat. SP guns and taaks. The 3rd Platooa whila suppo~iag ele
ments of the 3rd B. t 3l0th Iat ia the attack on BAD NEUENAHR .
was under constaat artillery aad small aras aad aortar tire.
At approximately l600A the first gun of the 3rd Platooa rece
iTed a mortar hit on the rear of the turret. The platooa .er
geaat aad ODe gunner were killed aad two other ore. meabers
injur.d. The rell1ailli.g TDa of the 3rd Platooa coatiaued the ( ..,
attack. The towa was takea at 1630A. 42 roullda ot HI were '-f.r
fired. Three prisoners were takea aad aa eatiaated 25 e.amy .
were killed. The disabled de.tro1'er was:eTacuated to BOLINGElI'
ad turaed ia to OruDce. !he 1st Platooa of A Coapaay aup
- 10 _

.", .f"'~~)
". !'"r,1
~ ~ . ~'O

1. 7 ~".





'., \ t



'" ,"



port8d 81ea8ats of th8 60th Armd Iat Ba ia the attack from

RHEINBACK to BAD NEUENAHR. The supported Iaf adTaaced agaiast
light oppositioa cODsistiag ~ostly of small aras aId SP artil
lery fire. A colum. of eDemy was sighted E ot BOLINGEN aad im
mediately attacked. IA this eBgag8meat OAe 50. . AT gua was
destroY8d by the 1st Platoon. The platoo. the. adTaaced ia the
directioa ot BAD NEUENAHR. Duriag this adTaace a 20. . .aemy AA
iastallatioa coasistiag ot 5 AA guas was fired oa aad oTerrua
aear LANTER SHAFEN .(F555l75). Cae maa was iajured by small
aras tire at Boliagea. Presum8d to b8 .aiper fire. The 2ad
Platooa was mOTed t~o. RHEINBACH to HEIMERSHEIM. The road
march was uaeTeatful aad theplatooa closed at HElMERSHEIM. A
Comoaay's CP mOT8d trom OBERDREES (F.2127.) to BOLINGEN (F537
189). The compaay CPopeaed at BOLINGEN at 071320A March 19.5.
At 0707l5A March 19.5 the coamandiag ofticer Coapaay B re
ceiTed Terbal orders to mOTe his compaay troB BESSENICH to Lon
ENDORF (F.06299). COBpaay B departed fro. BESSENICH aad atter
aa uaeT8atful road march reached LUDENDORF at 1020A. B Coapaay
cOBstituted the AT reserTe ot CCR. Duriag the road aarch the
1st Rca Plat attached to Co.paay B preceeded the guacoapaay ia
its road march aad secured the to... upoJLLarrlTal at its deala.
tio.. B Co.paay reaaiaed at LUDENDORF uatil 11 March 19.5.
The stay at LUDENDORF was uaeTeattul wlth the exceptioa ot the
capture ot oAe priaoaer by a Rca Plat guard durlag the aight
ot 11 March 19.5. The prisoaer was dressed ia ciTiliaa clothe.
with his aray uaitor. uaderaeath. Upoa questioaiag the prisoa.r
reTealed that he deserted his uait to retura to hi. hoae which
was.aearby. The followlag moraiag 12 March 19.5 the prl.oaer
wa. turaed OY8r to the MP detachmeat tor co.duct to the PIE.
Upoa reportiagto "the Coabat Co_aad CP the Coapaay Coamaad
8r Coapaay C was iatormed that he would moy. hisco.paay te
STADT MECKENHEIM (F.95225). The tollowiag attachaeats were
aada. 1st Plat attached to 52ad Arad lat Ba. 2ad &ad 3rd Plat
OODS attached to lat Ba, 310th lat . The 2ad aad 3rd Platooa.
&ad the 1st Ba 3l0th Iat constituted the reserTe ot CCB. The
co.paay oomaaader returaed to his co.paay aad mOTed Gut t arda
STADT YECKE~rlEIY. The attached 2ad Rca Plat was ciT.a the al.aloa
ot curiag the road. Wnile the rout. takealed through t.rri
tory co.trolled by the eay .0 reaistaace or oppos1tioa was
set &ad the three platooas arriTed at STADT MECXENHElM at 07
0539A March 19.5. The 2Bd aad 3rd Platooa. t09k up.poaitl.a. la
the "NW sector ot to. . while the 1st Plat coatiaued the aarca
to ADENDORF. (F5252.2) ia support ot the 5aad Arad Iat Ba. Tae
52_d Arad Iat Ba cOBtiaaed its adT.ace towards SIHZIG (P655l65)
with the 1st Plat, Coapaay C, 1& support. While adTaaciac te
ward. 'he objectiy. aloBg the BAD NEUBNAHR - BADENDORP road,
the colusa was tak.a uader eaeay .ortar tire ia the Tiola1t7
ot HEPPINGEN (F595l70). The adTaace wa. held up. Upo. requeat
by the sup orted Iat a suspected OP, a church ateeple at (P515
170) was takea uader tir.. !he tirst rouad hit the tower. two
additioaal rounda .ere tired betore the steeple toppled. Wlth
the de.tructioa ot the steeple the aortar tlre ceed aad the ~~
- 11




~t tJ:j~l~at

adTaace coatiaued. The platooa leader

led hi.
platooa ia a quarter toa. Upo. rouadiag a bead ia the road ia
the Ticiaity of (F608l67) the platooa leader raa iato a all
emy half-track. The target was i ediately take. uader ~ire
with a ~30 cal .achtae gu. at a ra.ge of about 100 yards.
Three 3.e.1 soldiers leaped out of the half-track. The platooa
leader toased a greaade i.to the Tehicl a he passed by. Two
of the \hree e.e.y raa iato the path of the 1st destroyer &ad
were killed by the tracks.' The 1st Plat alao destroyed 3 e.
e.y aachiae gua aeats ia subsequeat actioas. !he objectiTe waa
reached a.a take. by l600A. The 1st Plat expeaded ,7 rou.da ot
APC aad 17 rouada HE.
At 0730A the co~paay co.ma~er se.t the security sergeaat
back to KLElNBULLBSHEIM to briag the coapaay CP torward to
.ad arriTed at its de8tiaatio. 071500A March 1945. At 1930A
the coapaay coaaaader waa ordered to adTaace his coapaay to
SINZIG. The 2ad aad 3rd Platooas departed troa STADT MEOIIB
HElM towards SlNZIG. While oa the road the coapa~ o...aBder
receiTed a radio .essage to report to the CP of the 14th Taak
B.. Upo. reportiag the compa.y coamaader .as iator d that he
was attached to the 14th Taak Ba aad that he would proceed to
RE~~GEN (F644200). This iaforaatioa .as cOATeyed to the two
platooas which proceeded to REMAGEN. The 1st Plat reT.rted
to compaay control aad the platooa leader reported to the CO
at 2400A. The 2.d aad 3rd Platooas arriTed at HEWAGE. at
2300 aad secured billets for the aight.
At 081048A March 1945 the 2Dd Plat Leader Co.pa~ B report
ed to the B. CP statiag ia eftect that B Compa~ waa relleTed
fro. assigament to CCR aad had reTerted to Ba coatrol. A a.a
sage fro. the CO was receiTed to _oTe the Ba CP aad Hq Co to
ELSDORF (1484220) or ALTENDORF (1490218). Upo. receiTi., thia
iaforaatioa the Ba S-3 ordered liai80a established with B Co.
paay. A quarteriag party coasistiag of the Adjutaat, aad Hq
Co CO &ad seTeral e.listed aea were dispatched to the aboTe
aentioaed towas tor billets. The B. ExecutiYe Officer lett
the Ba CP at 0815A to aake a tour of the coapaaias. While ia
the Ticiaity of STADT MECKENHEIM the B. Executiye reported to
the CO. UpOD. his retura the Ba Executiye i_for.ed the Ba S-3
that it was impossible to aOTe the OP aad rear achelo. because
of the traffic co~itions. The Ba S-2 was told to report to
the Ba CO &ad giTe the latest dispositioa of the compaaies aad
thea report to ~iTisio. G-4 for road clearaace. The iaatruo
tions were carried out by the S-2 a.d upon returaiag to the
Ba CP the S-2 reported that road clearance could aot be aecur
ed tor the preseat. Plaas were made to sead the Ba
to check
with the G-4 for road clearaace oa the followiag day.
After the capture of the LUDENDORF BRIDGE the 310th (-)
chaaged the direction of the attack to the South wide.iag the
bridgehead. The 1st Plat, Coapaay A, ramai.ed ia SINZlG
(F655l64) foraiag a road block OD. the road rUJUliag parallel J t4
to the RHINE RIVER. The 2nd Plat outposted HElYERSHEIM. The '


- 12 -


Jt:Si niGTfD

3rd Platooa reaaiaed ia BAD NEUENAHR (F580166) aa a. AT det....

agaiast aay e.eay armored couat.r-attack froa the South. The
compaay CP departed froa BOLINGEN (F538l88) l~OOA &ad arriwed
B CO.~./aay remaiaed at LUDENDORF (F~05300) duriag the period
08000lA March 19.5 to 082~OOA March 19.5. No chaage ia dispos
itioa or attachaeata.
At 080025A March 19~5 a ruaaer tor the l~th TaAk Ba summoaed
C Coapaay Coaaaader to the CP ot the l.th Teak Ba. Iastructio
were receiTed that C Coapaay would cross the LUDENDORF BRIDGE
as soo. a8 pos8ible. Upon his retura the Coapaay CO co.veyed
the iatoraatioa to the Platooa Leader of the 3rd Platooa aad
the actiag platooa leader ot the 2ad Plat. Both Platooas were
to be attached to the l~th !aak Ba upoa reachia, the tar shore.
At 0230A the 2ad Plat reached the bridge aad .iac. it waa ex
tremely dark aa e.giaeer gui~e led the destroyer. oato the
bridge. The bridge itaelt was uader iateraitteat artillerT,
eaeay AA aad autoaatic aaall a~. tire. 5iace the plaAkia,
o. the bridge was barely wide eaough to coatai. the destroyera,
the progress aoross the bridge was extre.ely slow. Whea about
3/~ of the way across the leadiag destroyer ot the 2ad Platooa
broke through plaBkiag laid oyer a previously aade ahell hole.
This breakthrough iamobilized the destroyer aad halted all trat
tic oa the bridge. The actiag platooa leader directed the .x
tricatioa ot the iamobilized de.troTer which wa. fiaally pull
ed oa to so~ footia, at 0530A. The actia, platooa leader thea' .
directed seftral ot his platooa'. aea ia aidi.g t~e .a,iaear.
to plaak over the hole. The 2ad Plat resuaed ita . .roh aeroa.
the bridge ud upoa croseiag at 0600A' the actia, platooa le.d.r
reported to the CO, Coapaay A, 14th Taak Ba, tor laatruct10
ia regards to ployaeat. A road block was set up oa the BRPBL
LINZ road 500 yards I ot ERPBL. !his road block wa. aaiata1ae4
uatil about 081630A whea the actiag platooa l.ader rece1ved
iastructioa. to take his platoo. to ERPEL (P 645205) . .d repapt
to the co~a.y CP. While occupyiag the road block positioa the
destroyer tired om e~eEy aircratt attackiag the bridee. Soae
small aras tire was receiTed froa the hi~h grouad to the N aad
E but BO casualties were sustaiaed. Upoa reportiat to the eoa
paay CP the actiag platooa leader was iaformed that he would
sUlJ-ort the attack ot the 27th Arad Iaf Ba i. the dlrectioa 'ot
UNKEL (F63~22~). At 082300A March 19~5 the 2.d Plat lett IRPIL
ia the directioa of UNKEL. Atter crossla, ~he 3rd Plat~o. took
up roadblock positioBS oa the . . ed,e ot BRPEL coamaad1a, the
ERPEL-UNKEL hishway. At 0800A a river boat cue arouad the
bend ia the river traTelia, up8treaa. ~e platoo. leader ot
the 3rd Plat identified a aaa i_ a Germe. uaitora oa the boat .
aad ordered the first ~a'of the platooa to opea tire. Due to
trees i. the liae of tire the tirst ~. could BOt tire, aad 80
the secoad ~a of the 3rd Plat took the boat .ader tire. fhe
~. hit the boat with the tirst rouad but 8iace APC was tired
the shell exploded i. the water atter paasiJll through the boatlaL"
superstructure. lfeverthelea., a white tlae wa. rua up by the "" J
boat. The second rouad used waa BE &ad with a lower sight pic
ture a hit below the water liae was secured. !he third shot


r-' ~,'

hit hoae aad "the Germa.s raised eTerythi-. they had that s
white". One NaTal Officer a.lId oae sold.ier~ calle ashore ud .ere
takea.prisoaers. the boa,t settled aad aa .a~iaeer boat went out :
to get ~he relll.aiai~ priso.ers. Six prisners were brou~ht aahore.,
The Platooa remaiaed ia the road block positioa until about l800A
whea the plato,.a leader was directed"to report to the Coapaay CP. '
The 3rd Plat was ~1Tea the .1asioa of direct support of the 311tll
Iaf i. the attack to the North ia ealars1a& the brid,ehead. !hi
platoo. leader recoaI01tered tor ~ pos1t10a. at the iat.rsec
tioa of the UNKEL-RHEINBREITBACH roads (F6392l'). At 2~30A the
platooa leader receiTed word that the ~llth Iat attack was beiag
held up by eaemy machiae gua tire. !akimg t~o destroyers the
platoo. leader left tor thelocatioa of the e.emy machi.e guas.
Atter complet1a~ ita act10. at SIRZIG the 1st Platoo. reported
to REMAGEN where 1t crossed the bride .t 081300.1 Ma'rch'19'(5.
The 1st Plat was uader compaay co.trol &ad waaasaigaed the .ia!
_ioa ot set ting up a road block o. the ORSBERG-ERPEL road. The
', I;
1st Plat remaiaed therefor the reaaiacier ot the da7. a7 plues f':'l'~
attackiat the brid~e re take. uader tire. the Co.paay CP aOTed
MECKENHEIM at 1230.1 ud arriTed at REMAGD at 1""5.1. .Aa'~ artilleryi
&ad aa air attack waa receiTed by the CP Group at 1800.1 aad be
tore haTia\:. time to disperse ita Tehicles aad aa M-20 rec.iftd '
a hit aBd begu to bur.. The aaauBitioa ia the bur.iag ..hicle
be~aJl exploding fro. the heatot the fire.
AA M-20 parked close
to the oae oa fire begaa to bur The secoBd M-20 had attached
to it &a M-10 trailer tull of 76J1l1l aamuaitio.. A. ulTer tro.
CompanJ Hq section got into the second M-20 and drove it to the
far edge of the field where he extinguished the, fire. Interait
tent ahel1ing was received during the remainder ot the day.
The following changes in A Coapany'_ order ot battle were
aade 9 March 19451 1st Plat relieTed trom attachment to 60th
Ar~ Inf Bn, reverted to coapany control; 2nd Plat, relieTed
fro. attachment to 2nd Bn, 3l0th Int, and reverted to company
control; 3rd Plat relieved froa attachilent to the 3rd Bn, 3l0th
Int, and reverted to CO.llPany control, Coapany CP relieved troa
attachment to 14th Tank Bn and reverted to ceA control. There
was no change in location in any of the platoon positions or in
the 10cat10n of the company CP.
B Company haTing reverted to battalion control as of 082400A
March 1945 remained in lJ1ace. However, upon being alerted tor
movement to ERSDORF (f4B4220) a billeting detail was sent forward
to secure billets. Tiae was spent on motor maintenance and the
maintenance of arllS and eqUipment
'While supportin~ the attack of the 27th Arad Inf Bn along
the ERPEL-UN}~L road, the 5-2, 27th Arad InfBn, sent for the
platoon ser&eant, then actin~ platoon leader, requesting him to
temporar1ly support a coapany of Inf fro. the 311th Re~t which
ran into aachine guns in the town of UNKEL (F836229). the actg
platoon leader reported to the CP where he receiTed instructions
to proceed. down the road until he aet a ~ide. This was done
7 ""
and the guide led the platoon serteant to the street where the ~,~
aachine guns were .aplaced. Two guns were aoved into position



- 14

I(t~ I fllfil tl1


The night was extremely dark as there waa no aoo. and the aky
was overcast. Upon pulling irJto position the destroyers becan
receivin~ automatic saall arms fire.
The enemy saall arms tracer
fire was coming up so it was presumed that the machine guns were
in the cellars of the houses. The platocn sergeant ,could not ~et
per.i~sion to fire HE into the suspected machine ~n emplacementa
as it was suspected that there were several injured friendly
troops on the street. Both tuns beganfiring APC into the house.
8uspected of containing the 11achine gun positions. L!J.ter on
several Int men crept down the street and set 'otf phosphorus
grenades. The phosphorus grenades revealed that the street was
clear of friendly troops. The platoon sergeant"was then granted
permission to use HE. However both guns jaamed and the .50 cal
machine guns were brought into use. The .50 cal aachine una
were tired until all aaaunltion was exhausted. Three of the sua
pected five machine gun nests were neutralized. Just about the
tiae the .50 cal machine gun aaaunition gave out the ~rd Plat
destroyer cue up aDd continued the tight. At about 0320A the
plato;~n sergeant, 2nd Plat, reported back to.the CP of the 3l1th
Inf and reported the situation. Upon completion of this aission
the 2nd Plat aoved into UNKEL and occupied billets. A total of
24 rounds of APe were expended. Unknown number of eny were
killed. The 2nd Plat remuined in UHKEL until OB20A when the
acting platoon leader recei~d instructiona to aove back to UNKEL~
The platoon spent the remainder of the day at UNKEL.
After being giTen the aiasion of supporting the attack of the
3rd Bn, 3llth Inf, to the N the platoon leader reported to the
Regimental CP 1irhere he waagiyen an additional aission of .ettin&
up a road block. The position was occupied at 082030. The to.n
of UNKEL was under attack and the supported Inf could not .ate
aDJ advances againateneay"machine guns 10cate4 in buildinc At
090010 the platoon leader was requested to reduce strone point.
in the t01t'll of UNKEL. Taking his platoon the plato:~n leader led
the destroyera to fir in, positions. Upon his arriTal at the
scene the 3rd Plat leader learned that the 2nd Plat just finished
firing a aission in the aaae location but was forced to withdraw
due to aechanicsl trouble with the guns. The 3rd Plat took up
the tight firing both HE and APe into the buildincs houainc the
eneay aachine ~ns. The ready rack of the destroyer waa tired at
a range ot 15 teet. The flash ot the gun coapletely blinded the
entire crew. Aa one destroyer pulled back to cover the second
destr~yer moved into a tiring position.
The first deatroyer then
reloaded ita ready rack. !he 3rd deatroyer sprayed the buildings
with .60 cal aachine ~n tire. All three destroyer ere under
amall arms fire. ET.n with this close dir.ct BY tire the ene.,
would not abandon hia position. The destroyer. withdrew fro. the
fi!ht during the reaainint hours ot darkne aad reaa-ed the actio.
at dayli~ht. Additional round. ot HE .ere tir.d. 11chty ene.y
prisoners were force4 out of one atreet aDd a total of 200 out of
the town. No caaualties were .uttered in the platoon in thia en
A total of 108 rounds of aamun1t1oa .ere expended.
Three aachine gun .aplaoe..nta destroyed, a nuaber ot ho.... 4e..
troyed or .et on fire. At the coapletiaa of this a1s.10a aDd


- 15


after the Inf cleared the town the 31'4 Plat ad~anced to RHEI'
BREITBACH (r643244). The platoon closed at RHEINBREITBACH at
1030A hours. TheIst Plat remained in its original position.
Enemy air activity over the brid!e 'was intense. The 1st Plat
expended 8000 rounds of .50 cal machine ~un aamunition tiring
on the attacking planes. The Cospany CP soved fro. REMAGEN and
crossed the RHINE RIVER to !RPEL at 1330A. While crossing the
bridge enemy aircraft attacked with bo.bs. AA ~ns were manned
and fired. No bomb hits were aade on the bridle.
The outstanding event of the 10th of ~arch 1945 was the rec
eipt of reenforpementa. The battalion received as its first re
enforcements 1 officer, 1 Staff S~t, 1 Cp1, and 17 P~ts. The
personnel were brought to the Bn OP by tl.le Personnel Officer at
101743A March 1945. The officer replacement was a former meaber
of this organization. The Bn 8-3 after an absence of one day
returned to the Bn CPo Since the 5-3 went acro.s the RHINE R
he had soae difficulty in returning. Road clearance to move the
Bn CP, Hq Co and B Company could not be had this day. The coa
pany commander of B Coapany arrived at the Bn CP to coordinate
movement of his company once road clearance was received. CO
Company B returned to his company at 1400A.
A Cospany'a disposition at 100001 March 1945 was aa tollowsl
1st Plat at SINZIG ,(F655l64); 2nd Plat at HEIMERSHEIM (F603l63);
3rd Plat and Coapany Hq at BAD NEUENAHR (F577166). The aiasion
of the cospany during this period was to provi~e AT defense on
the S flank of the Corps boundary alainat any enemy armored
,counter-attack fro. the South. With the advancement of the T
Corps front to the-. bank of the RHINE R,the threat of an eneaJ
counter-attack was nullified. The 2nd Plat of A Company at 0930
aoved from HElMERSHEIM to BAD NEUENAHR. There was no other act
ivitJ durir1b the reaainder of the day.
No change in B Coapany'. attachment or disposition occurred
during the period 100001A to 1024COA March 1945.
There were no unusual activities in C Coapany.durint the
period 100001A to 102400A March 1945. The location of the coa
pany elements were as follows: 1st, 2nd Platoons and Coapany CP
at ERPEL (F646205); 3rd Plat at RHEINBREITBACH (F643244). The
3rd Plat remained in that pOSition for three days. There was
a consicerable aaount of air activity over the brid~e but no
bo.bs fell in the vicinity of any coapany installations. Enemy
planes were taken under .50 cal machine !un fire.
The new officer replace.ent visited tbe Bn CO at BAD NEUENAHR
and upon his return to the Bn CP inforaed the Executive Officer
that be was assilned to C Company. Road clearance was final17
received to move Hq and the Bn CP, Hq and B Coapcny to BAD NEU
ENAHR. B Company CO reported to the Bn CP and was given the
tiEe of ~eparture for his organization and the route. The Bn CP
closed at EUSKERCHEN l01745A March 1945 and opened at BAD h~UEN
AHR19l0A hours of the saae day. Hq Co and the Rcn Hq Co section
preceeded the CP in the aoveEent. Upon arrival at BAD NEUENAHR
- 16

the Bn CO aet the Bn Executive and 5-3 and informed thea that the
Division CP was located in the saae town. The Bn CO then checked"
the company billets and returned to the Division CP.
Upon reporting to the CP of CCA the CO A Company w~s relieved
of attachaent to CCA and attached to CCB. At 111445A March 1946
A Company was alerted to move across the KHIKI R. No destination
was ~iven at that time except that the company CO was to report
to CO 899th TD Bn tor disposition. Since two platoons, 2nd and
3rd were at BAD NEUENAHR it was necessary to move the 1st irtD a
posi tionwhere it coulc. join the' remainder of the company. The
3rd Rcn Plat was at that tiae with the 1st Plat at SINZIG. An
order was dispatched to the 1st Plat to join the company at REP
PINGEN (F595170) for the _arch to REMAGEN. The Company Hq, 2nd
and 3rd Platoons left BAD NEUENAHR at 1700A. The 1st Plat and
the 3rd Rcn Platoons joined the company at the der.. i@;nated spot
as scheduled. While on the aarch to RE~~GEN, the cowpany column
was strafed by enemy planes. The. 50 cal MGs fired on the plane
with no i.mediate results. There were no casualties in the coa
pany froa the strafing attack. Due to the congested traffic con
ditions the rate of Ilar.ch lias slow with constant stol,s. The lead
ing ele.ents of A Coapany crossed the LUDENDORF ,.BRIDGE .at 112400
March 1945.
B Company re.ained in pOSition at LUDENDORF (F405299) tor
tour days operationally inactive. At 111154A March 1946 B Coapany
CO received the order to move to BAD NEUENAHR and assemble there
with Bn Hq and Hq Co. The co.pany departed fro. LUDENDORF 1815A
and after a difficult road march reached its destination 120130
March 1946. The road march was aade difficult b the travel
over secondary and tertiary country roads durin~ the hours of
The Company CP an(~ the 1st Plat C Company remained in ERPEL
during the period 11000lA to 112400A Karch 1945. Eneay air act
ivity ~as in evidence most of the day and was taken under tire
by the company CP installation and the .50 cal MG. ot the 1st
The 52nd .Arllu Inf Bn was giTen a mission to .relieve ele
ments of the Z95th Inf at DALTE~'13ERG (F676174). The 2nd Plat
left ERPEL in sU,t)port of the 52nd Arlld Int Bn at 1820A and arr
ived at DALTENBERG at 2130A. Upon reaohin~ the destination
~ns were aoved into tiring positions with field of tire to t~
N and NE. The town was shelled by the eneay throughout. the nl.ght
but no caaualties or daaa~e to equip~ent was sustained. The 1st
Plat C Coapany moved to BRUCKHAUSEN (F659226).
Routine staff functions oarried on at the Bn CP during the
period 120001 to122300A Maroh 1945. The ATO Officer III Corps
and a representative trom the 8th TD Group vi'sited the Bn CP as
well. Visits to the oompany CPs 'were aade by the 5-4, aotor
and medical offioers. The CO of Rcn Co was evacuated to the 9th
Armd Div clearin& station on account ot illnesa.
Upon crossing the RHINE R at 120130A March 1945 the co.pany
coamander A Coapany assembled his coapany in ERPEL and reporte~q

- 17

""" r_ _ .""\'T ,..",,,.,...

, ,,
to the CO 899th TD Bn for instructions. The co:upany ther,taoved
to ll)SBACH (F664203) where the company CP was set up. The 1st
and 2nd. Platoons .noved. to OHLENBfi;RG (F678212) deepenin.g the
defenses of the 899th TD Bn. The 3rd Plat moved to OCK~~NFELS
(F672189) These pos i tions weI'e maint ained throughout the day.
There was no enemy ground activity although enemy air activity
was quite extensive.
B Company closed at BAD NEUENA..'iR at l20l30A March 1945 com
pletin~ its road march from LUDBNDORF.
The vehicles were dis
persed in open fields and the men moved into their billets.
At daybreak all vehicles were draped with shrimp nets. The re
mainder of the day was spent performing maintenance on vehicles
ani ar:ns.
The l3t Plat of C Company remained in firin~ position at
BRUCY~AUSEN throughout the day.
The position occ~pied covered
the RJ at the NE end of town against any armored at tacks. The
plato~n serE;eant then acting platoon leader reported at 120800A
March 1945 to the CP of 27th Armd Int Bn for further instruc
tions. Orders were given for the 9latoons return to UNKEL under
the platoon sergeant's control and await the arrival ot the 27th
Ar~d Inf Bn.
At 1400A the 2nd Plat was relieved from assign
ment to the 27thArmd Inf En and reverted to company control.
The platoon sergeant upon arriving at the Co Cp was told to
~ove his platoon to BRUCKHAUSEN (F659226) and take up firing
)ositions on the lffi sector of town. The Company CO accompanied
th.e 'platoon sargeant to his positions. Upon the arrival of
thepl~toon at BRUCKHAUSEN the platoon command was assumed by
the officer replacement. The 3rd Plat of Company C remained
in the road block l)osition in the vicnity ofRHEIl'ffiREITBACH.
The CO, 8th TD Group, was given cOmilland of TD battalions
under Corps control. In anticipation of attachment to the III
Corps and in turn reassinment to the 8th TD Group, the Bn CO
visited the Group CP for a conferenoe on employment ot this
organization. The Bn less A and C Companies was alerted for
~ov&~ent across the RHINE R.
Arrangements for road clearance
to move the battalion was to be made by the III Corps. In an
ticip~tion of the move a billetinKparty was organized to move
~cross the &~INE on the morning of 14 March 1945.
It was an
tioipated that A and B Companies would revert to battalion con
trol ~hen the Bn CP crossed the river. The Bn CO v~sited the
Bn CP and informed the S-3 to anticipate making plans for the
employment of the battalion. Routine visits to companies were
:nade by the Bn 3-2, S-4 and !lotor Officer.
Due to the crowded conditions at KASBACH the Company CP
of Co A moved to OCKENFELS 13 March 1945. An enemy counter
attaok was expected fromthe East. The 2nd Plat was moved to
LINZ and occupied positions covering the RJ at F69ll99) since
only three g.lns were available for the 2nd Plat a section of
tha 3rd Plat was moved to LINZ (F670l86). One section of the
3rd Plat remained at OCKENFELS (F673200). The 1st Plat main
tained )OSitions at OHLENBERG (F678212). There was no enemy ~O






ground activi~..,. in tlie vicinity ot the pCJ.....ltion occupied b7 A

Company's plat;)ons. The air activity waa quite intense. Enemy
:jlanes were engi:1ged by .50 cal MGs but no direct results can be '
attributed to the fire.
B Company remained at BAD NZUENAHR during the period l30001A
to 132400A March 1945. Routine company function carried on.
The attached 2nd Rcn Plat was .,ivided into two secti.ons;
1st section attached to 3rd TD Plat, 2nd section attached to the
1st Plat. The 311th Inf maintained its attack towards the East.
The 2nd Rcn section was given the mission of maintaining contact
between the advancing Inf and the 3rd TD Plat. Moving towards
the East the Rcn element was fired upon by enemy In! at F691242.
The fire was returned. One enemy was observed to be hit. This
action was reported to the supported Inf. A patrol was sent out
to clean up this pocket of resistance but the enemy withdrew.
An OP was es'ablished by the Rcn element at F646233 but no enemy
activity was reported. There was no enemy aotivity of the 1st
Platoons's gun positions at BRUCKHAUSEN. The 2nd Plat, C Company
maintained its position in the HE sector of.BRUCKHAUSEN. There
was no enemy active during the 13th of March 1945.
At about IOOOA the 3rd Plat was attached to the 311th Inf to
support its advance to the North. The attached Rcn element re
connoitered a route up to the forest line around HONNEr (F6427).
The 3rd Plat left its road block position of RHEINBREITBACH and
assembled on the ~art of HONNEF awaiting the advance. The ad
vance however did not materialize. At 1900A the platoon was
relieved from its attachment to the 311th Tnf and returned to
its original positi-)n. This position was aaintaine,d until the
followi:lg day.
In anticipating the muTement across the RHINE R the Bn CP
sent the S-l and a billeting party to reconnoiter tor billets
in the vicinityof UWEL (F633225). The billeting party left
BAD Ih'UEiTAHR 140927A March 1945. A verbal order was received
at l010A that the 656 TD Bn would be attached temporarily to the
8th TD Group for operati:)nal control. A confirmatory written
order was to be published later. All companies would revert
to Bn control and the Bn would be gi'ren missions in the Corps
sector. The Bn CO confir~ed this order at1200A. The Bn CO, 3-3
ana. the Liais'Jn Officer No 1 1 eft for the 8th TD Group to confer
with the Group commande~o At 1419 in response to a telephone
call the 3u S-2 reported to G-4 III Corps and received road
cle arance to ::nove the' Bn CP, Hq and B Companies and the Rcn de
tachment. No destination was given. The column was to have
Jloved across the bridge over the S pontoon bridge. A represent
ative from the 8th TD Group was to have met the head of the Bn
colu:nn upon crossing the river. The En CP closed at l419A at
Order of march for the move: 1st Rcn Plat, B Com
pany, Bn CP and Hq Co. The Bn crossed the RHINE R on both bridges o
13 COJapany eros sed on the North bridge while the remainder of the
battalion crossed on the South bridge. The Bn then proceeded to
Ul\.i':SL where it assemoled and awaited the arrival of the Group,: I

- 19


representative. At 1930 the Bn CO arriYed and directed the Bn

to move and occupy billets in RHEINBREITBACH (F633256). The Bn
CP opened at 142000A March 1945. Hq Co occupied billets in the
vicinity of the Bn CP. B Comoany moved North and went into posi
tion in the vicinity (F632260). A and B Companiea reverted to
Bn control as of 141100A March 1945. A Coapany was put in sup
port otCompany B, 899 TD Bn, deepening the AT detenses in the
9th Inf Div sector. C Company was to 'remain in place and deep
en the AT defense in the 78th Div sector. B Company waa alert
ed to move at a moments notice to relieve Company C. The 656
TD Bn constituted 1/2 of the AT reserve in the III Corps sector.
Orders for employment of the 656 TD Bn from 8th TD Group were
that the Bn was to support the action of the 78th Inf with one
company and sup;Jort the action of the 9th Inf Div with one com
pany. One company was to be kept in reserve ready to move to
any part of the Corps sector upon the Group Commanders order.
An enemy counter-attack formed in the 9th Inf Div sector on
the morning of 14 March 1945. In order to block the avenue ot
approach towards the bridge a!ainat an armored break-through
the 1st Plat Company A upon the request of the CO, 899 TD Bn,
was moved from OHLENBERG (F6721) to support the 2nd Plat at
LINZ (F6819). The counter-attack was repulsed and the Inf ad
vanced to the East. At 1200A the company commander received
the order that A Company was under battalion control attached
to the 899 TD Bn. The 1st Plat was alerted to move to HARGAR
TSN (F7l20).
A daylight reconnaissance of the route to the
position was made by the platoon leader. The Platoon moved out
at 2300A and under the cover of' darkness occupied position at
PJffiGARTEN at 142330A March 1945.
The 2nd Plat remained at LINZ
(F672186)1 The 3rd Plat moved to positions in ST KATHARlNEN.
B Company performed normal duties on the morning ot 14
March 1945. At about 1245A one man was killed and another in
jured when a grenade accidentally discharged in the 'pocket ot
the man who was killed. At 1420A the company was alerted to
move with the Bn elements across the RHINE RV The company
moved out at 1530A and closed at an assembly area in the vicin
ity of RIIEINBREITBACH. B Company was alerted to move at a mom
ents notice to r01ieve C Company, however, the company remained
in its position until the following day.
C Company reverted to company control at 1100A 14 March 1945,
C Company was given the mission of supporting the attack of the
78th Inf Div. The 1st and 2nd Platoons were put in direct sup
port ot the 309th Inf Regt while the 3rd Plat remained in sup
port of the 3llth lnf Regt. A warning order to move was sent
to the 2nd and 1st Platoons. The objective of the 309th Inf
Regt was the high ground in the vicinity of HIMBURG (F695281).
The order to move to HIMBURG was received at l800A. Upon re
ceiving that order the 1st and 2nd platoon leaders and the Rcn
Plat attached went forward to reconnoiter routes of approach
to this area. ~o suitable roads were found on which to move
the platoons.that night. Roads were blocked with vehicles
- 20




that had bo~~ed down. A trail WBS found but at that time it
was bein , usee. by the Medical detachment of the 309th Inf for
evacuation ;;urpose;:-,. Another trail was tound. Upon completion
the reconnaissance platoon leader returned to their flatoons
and moved out towards their destination. The trail used was
hardly wide enough to accomodate a deBt110yer and since the
ground w&s soft, traction was difficult. The platoons moved
along the trail with the 3rd Plat leadin~. It was decided that
thjBroute couldnot be used to reach HIMBURG. At l42300A "March
1945 the platoons were ordered to assemble at R!IEINBREITBACH
until the road through RONNEF to P.I1ffiURG became opened. The
2nd and 3rd Platoons re[lched RHEINBREITBACH 2345A.
The Bn CP displaced from F633256 to F641249 at l51130A
March 1945. Upon occupation of the new CP.plans were drawn up
for the employment of the battalion. Based upon a conference
between the Bn CO and the CO 309th Inf the following plan was
put into effect: Elements of th,e 656 TD Bn would support the
advance of the 309th Inf until the platoons of Band C Company
could occupy positions on high ground covering the REICHAUTO
BARN hi~~hway. This p~an was put into effect. C Company was
to support the attack of the 309th until the desired positions
were cleared of enemy troops. Company B would remain in rend
ezvous in vicinity of F688280 until such time a~ B Company'.
position could be occupied. A Company would remain in support
of Company B 899 TD Bn until such time as A Company's position
~ could be occupied.
The plan was put into effect. The CO 899
TD Bn upon request of the CO 78th Div requested one platoon to
sup: ort the 2nd Bn, 310th Inf in it. attack to the East. After
discussing this request with-the Bn CO, 2nd Plat Company B was
ordered to render direct cupport to the 2nd Bn, 310th Int.
The Bn 5-3 left the CP at 1438A for Band C Companies to dis
cuss the details of the plan. The Bn CO at 1810A left tor 8th
TD Group to confer with the CO, 8th TD,Group onfuture employ
ment of the battalion.
The 9th In! Div cont inued the adVance to the East. As the
advance position& occupied by Company B 899 TD Bn became vacant
platoons of' A Compuny moved into the vacated positions.in order
to keep close to the supported TD elementa. The 1st Plat CompanY'.
A remained in position at RARGARTEN (F710206) and the 2nd Plat
remained in position at LINZ (F677188) dur1~ the 15th of March
1945. The 3rd Plat moved trom LINZ (F678189) to ST KATHARINEN
(F231212). There was no enemy activitY' in A Company's platoon
Upon arrival of the Bn S-3 at B Company's rendezvous area
the company commander and the Bn ~3 discussed the plan. as ,it
pertained to B Companyo At the departure of the Bn 8-3 B Co.~
pany lett its assembly lett its assemLIY' area at 151615A Maroh
1945 to move into position. The company moved out with the 1st
Plat leading to llowed by the 3rd Plat wi th the 2nd bringinr; up ~
the tail of the column. The 1st Rcn Plat secured the route. ~J
The 1st Plat reached its assigped area at ROTTBITZE (F700225)
at 151930A March 1945 . Upon reaching its destination the plat
oon tock up positions covering the roads leading into the town.
The 1st Platoon' a leader established liaison with the CO, 3rd
- 21 -


~,. 'Rf-:"',''''~'O
I .,

'''' -. .'

t. :,



Bn" 309th Inf l'hl,-use CP was in the same, to... The CO ;ave the

pl~toon leader the details of his troops disposition and warn

ed the platoon leader of the proximity of the enemy infantry.

The town was heavily .belled at ni~ht but since the men had

taken cover in the buildings no casualties were suffered. The

~rd Plat t Company B, follo.ed the 1st and ~ ::ou!-'ied hi~h- round.

1n a quarry to the S of ROTTBITZE (F696275). The reserve slope

was occupied as the ,forward slope and the crest were under en

emy observation and artillery fire. The 2nd Plat moved out with

the company but dropped out of the column and went into a rend

ezveus at (F655282). The platoon leader established liaison

with the CP of the 2nd Bn, 3l0th Inf, and was told to remain in

that positionuntil the Bn was committed. Theplatocn remained in

the ~endezvous for the remainder of the day.

Upon reaching RHEINBREITBACH the 2nd and 1st Platoons joined

the 3rd Plat of C Companr l60l00A March 1945. The company moved
out for HIMBURG (F69528l) on the road runnint; N to HONNEF (F6427)
then E to HIMBURG. Instructions were received to move on the
P.ONllliF - HIMBURG road until a road block consisting of mines
covered by two tanks was reached. The company moved out in the
following order 3rd, 2nd, 1st plat.oons. The Rcn Plat remained
at tLe Company CP. At 1503l5A March 1945 the leadin platoon
reached the road block. The platoon leader could not contact
the company commander in order to inform him that the road block
had been reached. The mine field had been reported to be clear
ed. Nevertheless after failing to contact the company commander
'by radio, the platoon leader of the 3rd Plat. drove to HONNEF and
contacted the CO by phone. Upon his return to the road block
the 3rd Plat leader hnd the platoon sergeant dismounted and in
sIJectej tLe mine field. No surface mines had been round aDd so
the platocn leader after being assured that the mine field had
been cleared led his platocn across. The leading ,quarter ton
and the first destroyer crossed the mine field without detonat
ing any mines. The second destroyer detaonated two mines blow
ing both tracks off. None of the crew was injured. The crew
dismounted from the immobilized destroyer to retrieve their
helmets which were blown off by the explosion. At that time
the Engineers at the road block motioned a quarter tonfrom an
ether org&.nization to pass through the mine fie Id. As the 1/4
ton pa~sed the destroyer another mine was detonated. Three of
the crew members were injuaed by the blast and flying fragments.
The Engirleers swept the road and guaranteed that it was cleared.
In the confusion at 'the mine field one 1/4 ton was squeezed
between two destroyers but no one was hurt. The remainder of
the company passed through the mine field at l5l000A March 1945
and proceeded to an assembly area in the vicinity of F684284.
TLe ll1atoons then split up in order to reach their specific
objectJves. The 1st and 3rd Platoons remained in position until
their assigned areas had been cleared. The 2nd Plat moved into
EIMBURG. The platocn leader reported to the Bn CO, 1st En, 309th
Inf and was ordered to take up positions with fields of fire to _I
the N and ~~. The platoon remained in the position for the re- ;~
mainder of the day. The 3rd Plat was in support of the 2nd Bn, ~
309th Inf, and the 1st in support of the 3rd Bn, 309th Inf.
Liaison was established with all CPs of the sUPi;orted units.
- 22

,..~ f (,T~ ~ ".,.,."


The 1st and .Jrd Platoons remained in the-- at-sYm'o'lY area until
the mornirlg of 16 March 1945 when both platoons sUpported the ir
respective battalions. Durln~ the stay in the assembly area the
platoons were under constant artillery and mortar fire. No cas
ualties were sustained in this position.
The En received infol'mc_tion regarding; the change in Corps
boundaries. With the new ooundary taking effect, the C Compan
ies were operating out of the III Corps area. The En CO called
the CO, 309th Inf Re~tt in reference to the new Corps boundary.
Upon the visit of C Company commander to the En CP the Bn CO
oriented the company commander in regards to the new Corps bound
. ary. C Company was ~iven the warning order to prepare to dis
place to new positicns upon order from this Hq. At l6l049A
March 1945 the En CO received a call from the CO, 309th Inf,in
reference to the 2nd Plat position on the AUTOBAHN. A po.sible
armored attack was imminent and the CO, 309th Int, was gravely.
concerned with his position on the highway. A request was made
to keep the 2nd Platoon, Company C, in that positj.on until re
lieved by TDs of the 893rd TD Bn. The Bn CO conoarred with the
request. A re~uest trom the SlOth Int CO requested the 2nd
Plat, Company B, remriin in posi tion and in support of the 2nd
En, SlOth Inf. The Bn CO concurred with this request also. In
antjeipation of movin6 out of the III Corps area a billetin~
party was sent to LINZ (F677186). Band C Companies were alerted
to reconnoiter routes to position to the South in the III Corps
area. The En S-3 with the 8th TD Group aid arranged to have a
plane available for aerial reconnaissance. The pilot of the
:t:1ane arrived at the CP at 1400A. The Plat leader of the 2nd
Plat, Company B, was to fly the first mission. Ground haze set
in and the flight had to be cancelled. In accordance with the
plane was to be available for future fli~hts under the control
of 8th TD Groupo
The 9th Int Div advanced to the East. !he 899 TD En was
attached to the 9th Int Div. Aa ~he Int a~vanced TD Platoons
of the 899 TD En moved to forward positions in close support.
Since A Com~any, 856 TD Bn, was in support of Company B, 899
TD En, coDY positions vacated by Company B, 899 TD Bn became
available for occupation for Company A. At 16C001A March 1945
the 1st Plat, Company A, at HARGARTEN (F707206), 2nd Plat vic
Inity LINZ (F688198).
. The 3rd Plat moved from ST KATHRI~"EN (F7212Il) to LORSCHEID
The 3rd Plat since it moved durin, day11,ht houra
was under considerable artillery and shell fire. No casualtie.
were suffered. The Company CP moved from OCHENFELS to LINZ.
At 160900A March 1945 the Bn CO of the supported Inf Bnre
quested the Plat leader of the 1st Plat, Company B, a~d in re
pelling an expected enemy counter-attack ~y an estiaated. company
of enemy infantrymen. The enemy was in a wood.s 500 yards to the
East. The Inf Bn requested the TD. to fire on anything that
moved. At approximately 1000A movement waa noticed in the woods.
The TD Plat immediately opened fire with shell set at fuze quick.
Tree bursts were secured. A total of 52 rounds of HE were ex- ~:;
pended. In this action two enemy MGs were destroyed and an un-?
known number of enemy killedand wounded. The ~C~~PA~~sed




at l200A. The-' enemy counter-attack 'was s'{opped. At l500A the

pl& to', n po~i tion was fired on several time s by enemy snipers
from the N section of the town. Observation placed the snipers
in one or all of the houses. The Plat leader moved one des
troyer in a position covering all three houses. Ei~ht rounds
were fired. Inf immediately followed the preparation and oc
cupied thehouses. Two snipers were found dead and 5 enemy
taken prisoners. ~ring the remainder of the day and at night
the town of ROTTBITZE (F700275) was under enemy shell fire o ~he
2nd Plat remained in its a8sembly area inthe woods. The expec
ted committment of the . 2nd Bn, 3l0th Int, did not take place.
The 3rd Plat remained on the reverse slope of the high hill at
F696275. Individual guns weremoved to the crest several times
but in each instance en~my artillery fire was drawn. The Plat
however suffered no casualties. The Plat remained in that posi
tion for the remainder of the day. The Plat Sgt and driver of
the 1st Plat upon making a reconnaissance along the road running
to the East and the enemy became temporarily oat off from his
unit when the Inf and TDa pulled back to town. In the eveniD~
fire fi~ht each of the men killed one enemy infantryman and then
covering one another, the two men tought back and rejoined their
At about 160930A March 1945 the 1st Bn, 309th Inf, attacked
N from HIMBERG throu~h a co re4 draw, then East by passin,
AGIDIENBERG (F694294), seized HOVEL (F693302) and cut the AUTO
BAHN Highway running West of HOVEL. The town of HOVEL waa taken
by the 1st Bn but not cleared. The 2nd Plat in ita movement to
,positions in the vicinity of HOVEL was divided into two secti9ns.
The 1st section under the platoon leader moved by a cover route
to a position in the woods (F686307) where it remained for the
remainder of the day. Firing positions were reconnoitered giv
ing fieldsd fire covering the AUTOBAHN highway but not occupied
because of enemy observation, artillery and SP artillery fire.
At l200A the Plat S!t began moving his guns 'towards his assi~ed
position E of HOVEL. The Bn 8-3 requested the Plat Leader to
clear out some MG nests that were holding up the taking ot HOVEL.
Instructions were given to proceed down a road where a luide
would meet him and lead him to the MG positions. On his way
down with one destroyer the Plat S~t passed two M-4 tanks on
the side of the road waiting for the resiatance tobe cleared.
Coming out from behind a buD d1ngthe destroyer was taken under
fire by enemy bazookas, MGa and SP artillery fire. One bazooka
hit the turret carrying away all of the eqUipment attached to
it. The destroyer stopped and beg~n b~ckinb up when another
bazooka hit t~e front of the turret. A third bazooka hit the
drive sprocket. There was no penetration from any of the hits.
Three rounds were fired into the bazooka and MG position. The
tn.ee bazooka teams, two MG. and a SP 75 were destroyed. In
this action all of the enemy were killed. Moving down the road
and makin~ a aharp right turn the destroyer was taken under fire
by a SP gun at a range ot 50 yards. The blast carried away the
driver's steel helmet but didnot injure him. The crew fired
two HE and one APC at the blast of the gun ~nd then backed up t'~
behind the turn. The destroyer then pulled up again and fired?
3 more rounds of HE. There was no return fire from the gun.
- 24


t~. <l
~~ f.."




.' ! , , . - . . .






Twenty-five prisoners were taken and turned over to the Inf.

The destroyer then proceeded to fire HE into the buildin~ of
EOVEL until all ammunition wa3 expended in the ready rack. The
.50 ca.?-iber MGs were then employed. Some tanks and TDs appear
ed on the scene and the Platoon Sgt covered them as they went
into position. The sergeant then rejoined the other gun in his
section. In his absence the second gun tired on a machine gun
in a chimney across the highway which was preventing the In!
from crossing the highway. HE and APC were fired into the house
neutralizing the MG. and forCing 15 to 20 enemy to leave the
house. The section then took up positions coverinL the highway.
This position subject to enemy obs8rvation, mortar and artillery
fire was maintained for the remainder of the day.
The 3rd Plat jumped off tosecure AGIDIENBERG (F694294) with
three medium tanks and two M-IO destroyers from the 893rd TD Bn.
'J/hen about 200 yards N of HIMBUHG (F695281) the leading tank
and an M-IO destroyer were knoc~ed out. The road on which the
vehicles were advancing ran along a high ridge open to the East
and subject to enemy HV fire. The platoon leader of the 3rd
Pla t di rec ted the Pla~o .-:;0 S~t of the 2nd. Rcn Plat to reconnoi t
er for another route. At that time an M-18 driver di$mounted
from his destroyer and began extricatin, wire trom his deatroy
er's suspension. An enemy shell hit about 25 yards away and
wounded the man. The driver was evacuated to the aid station
of the 1st Bn, 309th Inf. There were several buildings on the
East side of the road on which the vehicles were stopped when
taken under enemy HV fire. Each vehicle halted behind one of
these buildings. The enemy apparently knew this and began fir
iD.t through the buildings. One round. penetrated a building and
knocked off a road wheel of one of the destroyers. The Platoon
leader located the ~n which was firing on the road. Through
his field glasses the Plat leader could see a tank parked
against a bu~ldi~ at F702290. One destroyer moved into a fir
in~ position and fired three rounds.
The fire of this destroy
er was coordinated with an Int 57mm in order to distract the
enemy attention trom the M-18. The first round hit the tank
and penetrated the armor, the second glanced off while the
third penetrated and made a sizeable hole. X aecond destroyer
pulled into a firing position and fired. two rounds of HVAP at.
the corner of the house behind which the enemy tank waa parked.
The rounds hit the corner of the houae penetrated the masonry
and hit the tank. The first gun then fired three more rounds
ot APC. The position occupied by the guna was being shelled
continually. Five men were injured slightly by ahell fragments
including the platoon leader and platoon sergeant. These men
received treat~ent but were not evacuated. The Rcn Sgt returned
from his mission and the platoon leader taking his two operat
ional destroyers moved through AGIDIENBERG. Upon arriTing at
HOVEL the 3rd Platoon leader found one ~n of the 2nd Platoon
under the platoon sergeant's command engaged in a tight in .up
port of Infantry. The 3rd plat, medium tanks and M-IO deatroy
ers joined in the fight. Upon clearing the town the 3rd Plat
moved into position at F687295, a high dominating pro~itory

- 25

""io, #; ,J..








. '"t:.


overlooking tne- AUT<)6fu"-iN l1ighway. The" pla"oon lIloved into -.:osi

tion at 16l700A :vlarch 1945 and remained there for two days:

The attack of the 9th Inf Div slowed do:m to a slow march.
Enemy opposi~ion was stiff and the terrain difficult. With the
establi:3hment of the new Co_ps boundary two cornp~.1nie3 and the Bn
CP were out of the Corps sector. Due to the slow advance of the
attacking 9th Inf, desired positions selected for future gun
positions could not be occupied.
Permis~ion was received to
allow Bond C Companies to occupy their respective positions
until such time when the desired positions became available.
The 3n CP was to have moved South on the 17th of March 1945 but
d~e to the traffic conditions resultin~ from the crash of the
LUD:JNDORF BRIDGE road clearance ooul~i not be secured. Company
Comrnanders wei'e directe, to make reconnaissances for routes to
tfie new positions. Band C Companies after attemJting to occupy
their assigned positions reported that new positions could not
oe reached as fighting was still in progress in that area. The
co panies were directed to maintain their positions until order
ed to move by this Hq.
There were no changes in A Company's disposition or assign
~ent during the period 170001A to 172400A March 1945.
The Bn CP
and the 2nd Plat ..ere at LINZ (F654244), 1st Plat at HARG-"~TEN
(F708205), and the 3rd Plat at LORSCHEID (F730218).
After the action of the previous day. the 1st Plat, Company B,
on 17 March 1945, remained in its position. Sporadic artillery
tire was received. One quarter ton wassprayed by shrapnel but
no casualties were suffered. The 2nd Plat remained in support
of the 2nd Bn, 310th Inf. Since the 2nd Bn's expected commitment
failed to materialize the platoon remained in its bivouac position
expecting relief of a TD element of the 893rd TD Bn. The relief
arrived at 170830A and the 2nd Plat reverted to company control.
The platoon was then ordered to move to HIMBURG in expectation
of movement to the South. The 2nd P.lat arrived at HIMBURG (F695
281) at 1400A. The platoon remained in HI~mURG until the follow
j.ng day. The 3rd ?lat of Company B remained in its position on
the high ~round at the quarry South of HIMBURG. There however
was no artillery fire on the 17th of March 1945.
Besides receiving sporadic artillery and SF artillery tire
the 1st Plat, Company C, remained inactive on the 17th of March
1945. After the action at HOVEL the 2nd section mOTed into pos
itions covering the R~ICHAUTOBAHN highway. This position waa
maintained until 171100A March 1945. During the night and morn
ing of the 17th the enemy counter-attacked the In! holding the
highway. Each co~ter-attack was broken up by the artiller7.
As night fell the 1st section of the 2nd Plat moved to position.
on the AUTCB~iN. A detail of eight Infantrymen and the TD .ec
tion were the only holding force in that viCinity. The section
rem&ine~ on the highway until 171100A March when reliet by a
platoon from the 893rd TD Bn arrived. The platoon leader then
assembled his platoon at HOVEL and moved to an asaembly area at
F679289 . The ?lat leader left his platoon there and reported

- 26


. '. ','.


,; -:: .

,..l ....:~.;.; ,~



, f


to the Bn CO for instr~ctions. The 2nd Plat remained in that

it.i')(l until thefollowing day.
The position occupied by the
3rd Plat at AGI~IENBERG (F687294) provided excellent fields of
fire and observation deep into the enemy territory. Enemy Inf
were observed digging in, MG emplacements were also observed.
The ~latoJn leader of the 3rd Platmade an overlay of his posi
tion and sent it to the Inf Bn CO. The Inf sent an artillery FO
who established an OP in vicinity of the platoon CP. ~ suspec
ted enemy tank position was discovered at 170800A. The tank
was taken under fire by the 3rd Plat. Hits were made but sinoe
the range fired was about 1600 yards the APC projectile rico
cheted off the frontal armor. A higher sight picture was used
and it is believed that the turret was jammed as there was no
reaction from the enemy tank. At 1700A the artillery observer
poi'nted outan enemy tank and the 3rd Plat took it uI'l.(.1erfire.
!'},~ ~':rd .?r:d ~th l'v~ld hit th,e tank and it wa. observed smoking.
Another tank was taken under fire but since it was growing dark
no hits were secured.
The 'P,L (;:' cJ osed at RRE IKBREITBACH (F630249) l80840A March
1945 and moved to LINZ (F684192). The movement of the BneP,
Pq Co and the CPs of the Rcn and B Companies was the ~irst of
the necefs'ary moves to Bet the elements of the 656 TD Bn into
the III Corps sector. At l150A the En CO ina conversatioa
with the CO, 8th TD Group, asked. for permission to move 13 and
C Companies into the III Corps sector. Since the desired posi
tions had bean cleared of enemy forces, permission was ~rant.d.
Companies Band C were notified to move their platoons into
positions in the 78th and 9th Inf sector. Information was re
ceived thDt the Bn woulc.. have its M-18s replaced py M-36s, in
the near future. The Bn 5-4 was instructed to contact the
Crdnance organization and coordinate the efforts of receivin~
and turning in of the vehicles. The Bn CO and staff officers
made routine visits to companies and their positions.
The 1st and 3rd Platoons of A Company remained in the same
positions on the 18th of March 1945. The 2nd Plat left the
road block position at LINZ (F688198) and moved to an Cl,ssembly
position inthe vicinity of LORSCHFaD (F730218). Since this
rosition was subject to enemy observation and artillery fire
tlle plateen remained in the assembly area until darkness. Firing
},osit.ions were reconnoitered during the hours of daylight and
were occu~ied durinb the hours of darkness.
Upon his visit to the En CP 20 March 1945 the CO Company B
received instructions to move :tis company into an assembly
area in the III Corps sector in the vicinity of SCHWElFELD
(F70426C). The three platoons assembled at ROTTBITZE (F711275)
and moved down the road to their,destination. On the march
down to their assiened area the 2nd Plat fired on enemy air
craft. The plato,ns closed at SCHWElFELD at l645A. The posi
tions occupi?1 were shelled by the enemy but no materiel dam
aF:ed or casual ties were sustained by B Company. The company CP
relLuined witb tbe En CP and accompanied it on its movement from
l.'" .

- 27

Company C displaced its three plato;~,ns on the 18th of March

in the general move of the battalion iLto the III Corps sector.
The 1st Plut moved into positions at KALENBORN (F706248). The
1st Plat was in posit~on by l500A. C Company's 2nd and 3rd
Plc-toans moved to NOTSCEBID (F7l8226), the 2nd and 3rd Platoons
were in position by l6l0A. For this move the 1st Rcn section
was attached to the lstPlat and the 2nd Ren section attached
to the 3rd Plat. The enemy fired some hi~h AA burst. over the
2nd and 3rd Platoon's positions but the fire was ineffective.
In order tocoordinate the exchange of the M-18 for the M-36
destroyers with the least amount of confusion the Bn S-4 visited
the Corps G-4 on tbe 19th of March 1945. The Bn CO'in confer
ence with the 8th TD Group CO discussed theplan of moving B Com
pany from the assembly position at 8CHWElFELD (F705260) into
positions covering tank approaches in that area. Since the are~
in the viCinity of SCHWEIFELD is hilly with deep gorges it was
decided to employ the company by sections. Upon the Bn COs
return to the Bn CP the details of the plan were given to the
Bn S-3. The Bn 8-3 visited the CP of B Company and gave the
details of the plan to the Company CO. A request from the 899
TD Bn was received requestinb a relief for a 899 TD Platoon at
STOC~lAUSEN (F734289).
The request was not complied with as B
C0mne.ny was in position covering critical tank approaches. The
Bn CO and Motor Officer made routiLe visits to the companie.
on this day.
There was no chan;e i~ A Company's position or disposition
for the period 19000lA to 192400A March 1945. Location of
'platoons as follows; 1st Plat at EARGARTEN (F715208), 2nd Plat
at LCRSCHEID (F7292l9), 3rd Plat N of 5T KATEARINEN (F723214).
The mission and attachment of A Company: sup~jorting Company B,
899 TD En.
B Company moved into an assembly area in preparation for
movement to final positions 19 March 1945. Based oh a confer
ence between tbe CO, 8th TD Group, and the Bn CO, B Company
was assigned an area of responsibility in the vicinity of the
company assembly area. The En B-3 on the 19th of March 1945
visited the CP of Company B and discussed the detail of the
Based upon this discussion B Company was disposed as
follows: 1st Plat moved the 1st sectien to REDERSCHEID (F715
275), the 2nd sect'ion to WATTENBACH (F721269); the 2nd Plat
moved to Hl~N (F735253); the 3rd Plat moved one gun section to
FROMEN (F729257) and another section to WILLSCHEID (F719248).
All ~uns were in position by 19l540A March 1945. The AT defense
in that area was then coordinated by liaison with TD elements
of the 899 TD Bn. The company CO established his CP withthe
39th Inf Regt. B Compsny positions received some ineffective
artillery fire.
The enemy remained inactive in the area occupied by C Com
raP-Yo Routine co pany funct:ions performed by the company.
The attached 2nd Rcn Plat was sub-attached. The Plat Sgt and
two 1/4-tons were assigned to the 3rd Plat; one section Sgt
and one 1/4-ton attached to the 2nd PIE:lt and the Rcn Plat lead
er and two 1/4-tons with tbelst Plat. No missions had been hO
assie;ned to the Ren Flat during the period 190COl-192400A
March 1 9 4 5 . " '
- 28

--r r\'
.. .. i.
a platoon of tbe 899


," f ',:



The request to furnish a relief for

TD En was repeated, 20 March 1945. The En CO conferred with the

CO 8th TD Group and it was decided that E Company, 656 TD En,

would furnish the relief platoon for the 899 TD Bn element at

STOCKJIAUSFJN (F734289). Company B was alerted to move a platoon


At 20l840A March 1945 a mesEage was received alerting the

Bn of a possible enemy paratrooper attack in the bridgehead
::ires.. This info:rma. t ien rece i ved immediate at ten tion and was
disseminated to all companie r; ~ The Bn guard was doubled. No
oaratroGper attack developed th~t night or the following morning.
The Liaison Officer with the 8th TD Group arrived at 2150A with
the information that C Company, 656 TD Bn, was attached to CCB
~er verb&l order of the CG, III Corps.
C Company CO was notified
of this change and told to report to the CP of CCB for further
instructicns. The Bn S-~ left with the C Company CO to visit
the CCB CPo Both officers r.tu~ned at 2400A. C Company was to
attach one platoon of TDsto the 27th Armd Inf Bn and move to
an assembly area at HONNINGEN (F7013) at 0800A the next morning.
Enemy artillery aetion in A Company's area was quite intense
during the period 200001A to 202400A March 1945. Four rounds
landed in the vicinity of the Platoon CP 1915A. No damage
resulted. The 2nd Platoon's position received approximately
200 rounds of artillery. There again was no damage.. Upon re
ceiving the paratro"per attack alert, the security outposts
were doubled o No paratrooper attack developed however. There
was no change of- positions by any of the platoons or the COlllpany
On the 20th of March 1946 B Company rem:ined in the posi
ticns occupied the previous day. Some enemy artillery fell in
the platoon positions' but no damage resulted. Upon receiTing
the paratrooper attack warning, security was doubled and the
MGs were set on ground mounts. The paratrooper attack failed
to materi~lize.
C Company carried on normal company functions on the 20th
of liarch 1945 until receiJ:,t ot the attachment to CCB. The Com
pany CO reported to CCB CP where he was told to attach one
platoon to 27th Armd_~nf.Bn. The 1st Plat was attache.. to the
27th Armd Inf Bn. Upon his return to the company CP at 2400A
the platoon was alerted for movement to HONl'aNGEN (F70l3) .
In antiCipation of movement to the V Corps sector, the ATO
V Corps aDd a 3rd TD Group representative arrived at the Bn CP,
21 March 1945. Future operations and the Oorps AT SOPa were
discussed. B Company was ordered to move a platoon of TDs to
STOCKHAUSEN. This order was fulfilled. A representative for,
the 817 TD Bn visited the Bn CP in quest of information re~ard
ing the M-18 which his organization was to receive. All infor
mation available at the battalion was furnished including fir
ing tables computed in part by members of the 656TD Bn. Daily
visits to companies. were made by the Bn CO and staft officers
21 March 1945.
, .

q fT >{;

- 29

t. I



:'\ V~ t~, I [tJ

A Company moved the 1st Plat to NOTSCHEID 21 March 1945 to

replace two platoons of C Company. The 2nd Plat dug in the lett

flank 6~ since its positi0n was on forward slope. There was no

other activity in A Company's positions.

The 1st and. 2nd Platoons of B Company remained in the posi

tionsoccupied the previous day. Atter receiving the order to

turnish relier at STOCKHAUSEN, CO Company B, ordered the 3rd

Plat to displace. At 2ll300A March 1945 the 3rd Plat assembled

at WILLSCHEID (F'7l6249) and proceeded to STOCKHAUSEN (F734289).

When about one-halt mile trom the destination the platoon

lead~r, 3rd Plat, directed the attached Ren section to contact

the 2nd Plat, Company C, 899 TD Bn, to see whether or not it

was advisable to make the replacement during daylight hours.

Since the town ot STOCKHAUSEN was under enemy observation the

movern"ent to town and. pos ltion was not attempted until about

l630A. The platoon moved into position at l630A under cover

of darkness. Despite the poor visibility enemy artillery began

falling as soon as the movement was detected. OUtpoata with MGs

were immediately posted. Liaison was completed with Company B,

1st Bn, 39th Inf, 9th Armd Div. Liaison was also established

with an artillery FO operating in that sector.

Upon reporting to the CP ot CCB, C Company .received orders

to attach one platoon to 27th Armd Int Bn. The remaining two
platoons were to be held in reserve under company control. The

1st Plat was attached to the 27th Armd Int Bn. The company was

ordered to move to HONNINGEN (F698l30). C Company departed tro

. the vicinity of NOTSCHEID (F7l8226) 210810A March 1945 and arri

ved at the assembly area at HONNINGEN 0900A. The 2nd and 3rd
Platoons aasembled there while the 1st Plat continued on to
LEUTESDORF (F751059) where it went into an assembly position in
preparation for the attack SE towards NEUWEID (1'8003). All plat
oons remained in position the remainder of the day. The Company
CP moved from LINZ (F678l85) to HONNINGEN.
It was learned that 36 M-36s were definitely available for

the 656th TD Bn at 221550A Maroh 1945. The information waa

brought to the Bn CP by the Liaison Officer with the 9th Armd

Div. Upon receipt of the !A-36s the M-18s were to beturned OTer

to the 817th TD Bn. At 2054A the Liaison Officer with the 9th

Armd Div reported that the 656 TD Bn reTerted from operational

control of the 8th TD Group and .3.ttached to 9th Armd Div eftec

tive 212400A. March 1945. It was now necessary to move the ele

~ents of the 656th TD.Bn to the V Corps sector.

Bn relieved trom

operational control ot 8th TD Group effective 212400 March 1945.

There was nothing to report in A Company's sect'or tor the 22nd

of March 1945.
The 1st and 2nd Platoons of B Co remained in the previously
occupie~ positions.
The morning and afternoon. of the 22nd March
in the 3rd Plat position was quiet. At about 1800 the platoon
leader of the 3rd Plat received word that the 104th Div was to
replace the 9th Div in his sector. Elements of the 39th In! Regt
withdrew at 1815A from the 3rdPlat sector. At approximately 1845
the enemy launched an attack from the SEe First reports came in
frum the TD outposts of the 3rd Platoon. The attacking enemy Inf
were immediately taken under tire by the .50 cal outposts. The,~?>
platoon leader of the 3rd Plat requested the artillery FO to
- 30

" IH',
'.! #'" ~



fire upon the enemy. The artillery responded with im

mediate concentrations. The artillery fire lasted for 30
minutes. The 3rd Bn, 104th Inf took up positions at 1945A
and joined the fight. At the cessation of the friendly art
illery barrage enemy fire be~an fall~g in the 3rd Platoon
sector o The attack wa:3 repulsed by 2400A. Hearing that
tanks may be used in support of the attacking enemy the
platoon leader of the 3rd Platoon requested the supporting
Infantry to fire star shells. No t .nks wereobserved. During
t!19 fire fight the 3rd Platoon leader requested the Command.
ing8ffJ..cer to bring direct TD fire on the attacking enemy
but the requests were turned down. It was felt that there
was sufficient artillery fire available and that the TDs
should not reveal their positions as there was the possibil
ity of an enemy armored attack.

At 220700B March 1945 the 27th Armd Inf Bn launched an

attack to the SE with NEUWEID (F805034) as the objective.
The attack progressed against light opposition. IRLICH,
(F795048) was cleared by 1400 B. The attacking infantry
continued across the partially destroyed bridge across the
WElD RIVER to the objective. The 1st Platoon, Company C,
attached to Compan~ A, 27th Armored Inf Bn, departed from
LEUDSDORF (F684l65) at l200B. Radio con.tact between the 'rD
Plato~n and the Infantry battalion was lost on the road
march. the 1st Platoon continued to IRLICH and not bein
able to find a crossing across the WElD RIVER the platoon
leader directed firing position be taken on the high ground
to the North of town. Since the tirin~ pOSitions were under
observation the guns were kept under cover and were only
exposed when a target presented itself. The positiohs
were under mortar and machine gun fire. The platoon leader
located an enemy OP in a church steeple which evidently was
directing the mortar fire. The OP was taken under fire
and with the second round the church steeple toppled. The
mortar fire ceased and. was not resumed thereafter. A
machine gun located across the river was taken under fire
and destroyed. Eight prisoners were taken in and around
tne gun positions. Theplatoon expended two rounds of 78mm
APe and 21 rounds of HE. Contaot with the Infantry was
established at about l630A. Since the Platoon could not
get across the river the positions were occupied until the
bridge was completed the following day.

- 31

RESTr'~. rTCI)


At 231200A March 1945 an order was receivel to move

the elements of the battalion to the V Corps sector.
The Bn CP, A and B Companies were to assemhle at HON
NINGEN (F696130). The information was immediately
deliTered to A and B Companies. The Bn CP, Hq Co, and
the CP of B Company departed from LINZ (F6'7718S) at
1300A and arrived. at HONNINGEN 1410A. The new Bn CP
opened at l'20A. A and B Companies :followed the bat
talion to the. assembly area. Since the M-36s were to
be received shortly permission was requested to keep
the two companies inactive until the conversion was
comple ted.
A Company moved from positions at NOTSCHBID, LOR
SCHEID and ST KATHARNIN to the assembly pos~tion at
HONNINGEN. The company closed at 1515A.
B Company upon receipt of the moving message alert
ed each platoon. The 1st and 2nd Platoons departed
from the ir posi tions wi thout any dif'c ieul ty. The 3rd
Platoon at STOCKHAUSEN had to withdraw one gun ata
t irne sine e the wi thdrawal was owing made du.rlng the
d~7light hours under eneJIl.y observation.
The 3rd and
last platoon closed at HONNINGEN at 1340B.
Upon completion of the bridge across the WEID RIVER
the 1st Platoon crossed at 231500A !"arch 1945 and moved
to the East sector of NEUWEID (F807030). The platoon
took up positions on the NEUWEID-HEINBACH road and re
mained there forathe remainder of the day. The 2nd and
3rd Platoons and the Company CP moved from HONNINGEN to
IRLICH ~t 1330B.
The two platoons were under company
control in CCA reserve.
Since the receipt of the- M-36s was expected on 24th
of March 1945, the following plan was drawn up: A Com
pany w0uld receive the first 12 destroyers. Upon eom- ..
pletion of the conversion and wi th the. concurrence of
9th Armored Division, A Company would relieve C Company
of attachment to CCA. C Company then would come under
Battalion control and convert. B Company would remain
under battalion control and be a.vailable for commitment
with any combat command of the 9th Armored Division if
tile need arose.
The first

- 32

----~ .. -~-.--.




six M-36s were delivered to the 656 TD Bn 24 March 1945. The

M-36s were turned over to Bn maintenance for a "TI" before
issuance to the companies. The remaining destroyers were to
be deliTered to the battalion on the following day. Routine
staff functions were carried on at the Bn CP. The Bn 8-2 and
5-3 made visits to Companies.
After arriving at the assembly area A Company CO was ady1sed
that his company was to receive the M-36s firsto The entire da~
of the 24th of March 1945 was spent on rreparing the M-18s for
turning in.
B Company spent the entire day of the 24th in preparation

of turning in the M-18s for M-36s.

At 240800A March 1945 the 1st Plat, Company C, reTerted to

company control. Company C remained in CCA reserve. In order

to keep his three platoons as close together as possible. when

possible, the CO Company C mov~d the 2nd and 3rd Platoons

across the WElD R to an assembly area in NEUWEID. The platoons

closed at the assembly area at 1360B. The company CP remained


The remaining M-36s. 31 in number, arrived at the battalion

location, 25 March 1945. One of the M-368 had to be r.turned
to Ordnance for repairs. The first 12 M-36s were given to
Company A, the 2nd 12 to B Compan~ and the remaining 11 .ere
reserved for Compan7 C. Since the destroyers came combat
~oaded and equipped it .as onlT necessary to perform the "TI".
The receipt ot 35 destroyers oyerburdened the battalion main
tenance facilities so it waa directed that companies would per
form the "71" under supervision of the battalion maintenance
personDel. ~t 262300A March li46 it was learned that one com
pany would be attached to CCB. A Company was attached i . p1ace
to CCB effective 2400B. Since a movement order .as expected
tor A Company, preparation of the M-36s .ent on into the night.
The Bn CO and the an fwd CP .ere ~erted for mOTement, with the
Di., Fwd CP.
A Company receiTed12 N-36s 25 March 1945. The nec.s.ary
technical inspections were performed by the company personnel
under the supervision of battalion maintenance. the company
worked on the M-36a without cessation after being alerted ~or
attachment to a combat command. At 2306A the company commander
was given the instructions to report to CCB CF tor tnatructions
in regards to his attachment and movement. The attachment of
Company A to CCB became effective at 252400B March It46.
C Company remained in reaerve for CeA. CeA launched an
attack to the SB at 260200B March li46 and advanced a~ainst "
no opposition. In order to remain clo.e to ita Coabat Command,
Company C aoved froll ntJUID (1'806032) to EBGERS (1'856033).
The Company CP remained at IRLICH ("96049). C eo.p~ did
not participate in aD7 action this date.
Normal ataff functions were carried on in the Bn CP on 26
March 1946. Information waa received in reference to mOTem.n~
of the Bn CP to NEUWElD. Baaed on this information the Bn V?

3) -



.; '*




, "



Execu tive with a billeting Part7 left tbe Bn CP at l310!s for

t~WEID to arrange tor quarters.
The Bn CO and the Bn Fw4 CP
Group lett the battalicn to join the Division CP
Upon reporting to CCB CP the A Company CO wa.a informed that
his company would move to LEUTESDORF (F752057). !he lat Plat
wae attached to 52n4 Armd In! Bn, the 2nd P:at remained-under
compaUT control and the 31'4 Plat waa attached to18th tank Ba.
The company departed troa HOlnaNGEN ("96128) 260400B Karch 1945
and arrived at ELZ 06GOB. The lat Plat continued to WIEN!ERBURG
(F9020l6) where it arriYed 0630B. Upon arrival at the CP 52nd
Armd Int Bn the 1st .ection was attached to A Compan7 and the
2nd sectiolJ. as rear guard toOl' the Armd Inf Bn. The platoon moved
to the attaok with LIMBURG (G205005) as the objectiTe. !he route
ot adTance 40HR-GRlHZHAUSEK, (ri56040)-HILGERT '(P97'084)-BAUK

BACH (Fi80065)-ESCHELBACH (r058054)-HEILIGEBROTH (G083065)~

taken at 2157B. In this adTance the lat Plat knocked out two
MGe wita .50 oal tire. Approximately 200 prisoners were taken.
The 3rd Plat mOTed to LIMBURG without any'opposition. !he at
tached 3rd Rcn Plat executed reconnaianoe missions throughout
the da,. At about l300B while on ~ reconnaissance miasion alone
the AUTOBAHN highway a reconnaissance section under the oommand
of the Plat leader on approaching RUPPACH (G10306g) noticed '
enemy soldiers arout4 a bridge. The enemy waa immediate17 taken
under fire and driven away from the bridge. These men .ere
later taken pris:>ner8. Upon inTestigating the bridge it was
~ound that demolition charges were in place set for demolition.
The explosives were removed by the reconnaissance section. Dur
ing the maroh to LIMBURG Rcn Co was acting as a connecting tile,
between the 2nd and 3rd TD Platoons. At about 2000B, in the yio
lnity ot MONTABAUR (G065042) one ot the quarter tons ran off
partially destroyed bridge oyer'the AUTOBAHN highway. Two men
from the Rcn Plat and one from A Company were injured. All .en
were evacuated by the 9th Armd Diy medics. The Company CP con
tinued to move in wake at CCB and arrived at ELZ (G2l30l3) at

Company B remained in HONNINGEN (1701125) 26 March 1945 and

completed conversion from M-18s to M-36s.
C COi1lpany :noTed its CP from IRLICH (F793049) and. joined
three gun platoons at ENGERS ('865025). CCA jumped otf at BEN
DORF (F888028) at 26l500A March 1945 with DIEZ as the objective.
The company OP remained at ENGERS while the three gan platoons
accompanied the Combat Command. The mission ot Company C was
to constitute the AT defense of the Combat Command and to pro
Tide AT security on the march.
After haTing several ohanges in departure time the'Bn CP
.. _
closed at HONKIliGEN (F649127) and departed for NEUWEID (F805
032) 270900A March 1945. The order of ~arch was 1st Rcn Plat,
'Sn CP, Hq Co, B Co and C Company M-36 destroyers. The Bn S-3
;>receeded t:.e column to N".!IDWEID in order to contact 9th DiT G-3
tor possible change in the unit's destination. The column ar- ~
ri'Jed at NEUWBID at l030A. Tue En 8-3 met the column upon ita to

- 3f.-

. . ,.... "'.... ;--~r-.' ....... """~?".




. --.~j


arrival at l{':;U'SEIJ aIld. ~ctve instructions to proceed tllrough

t:D.e town to'ilards."ALLF~ImAR (F9l2002). Furtl1er instructions
were received while on theroad. The destination of the battal
jon (-A & C Cos) was desi~nated as ~LT~~DIEZ (MI79928).
battalion (-A & C) arrived at ALTENDI~Z 1520A after an unevent
f ..l.1 road marcc.
The billeting party ull<.ier the command of the
3n Adjutant 'preceeded the column by one-half hour. Upon arriv
ing at ALT::::;-rDIEZ suitable buildings could not be found to house
the personnel of the battalion. The billiting party after leaving
a gUide at ALTENJIEZ departed for a neighboring village of HIES
T~NBACH (~a28979) one kilometer NE of ALTENDIEZ.
Upon reaching
ALTSNDIZZ B Company detached itself from thS battalion column
and took up quarters in that village. The remainier of the
coluon proceeded to HEISTE~~ACH where it arrived at ln35A.. The
Bn CO after conferring with the CG, 9th Armd Div, recei'leri. per
mission to relieve C Company with B Company for the purpose of
converting e Company M-18s to M-36s. At 271600A C Company was
relieved from attachme.nt to eCA and reverted to battalion con
trol. 3 Company was attached to CCA effective 1600A. Since
t)p R56 TD Bn was the senior unitpresent in ~EISTENBACH and the
Bn Executive Officer the senior officer present, the battalion
assumed responsibility for the village's aQ~in1stration until
such time when the village Came under the jurisdiction of the
Liaison was established with the local mayor and the
restrictions as contained in official AMG publications proclaimed
and enforced. The Bn CO made a visit to the Bn CP at 1600A.
'A Company remained inactive during theperiod 27000lA to
272400A March l~45. The 1st Plat remained in LIMBuRG (G237983)
. attached to 27th Armd Inf Bn. Orders were recelve:.i to move out
with the 27th Armd Inf Bn but betore the movement got under way
counter-orders were receivel. The platoon remained in firing
positions awaiti~e further order~o The Company CP and the 2nd
Plat remained at ELZ (G213003). No change or action. Platoon
under company control;while at LIMBURG the 3rd Plat suffered
one casualty. One crewmember received injuries.around the
eyes froman unknown source of fire. The 3rd Plat moved from
LIt.fBuRG to HADA,\1AR (G22II55). The platc>on, attached to the 19th
Tank Bn, occupieQ positions at HADM~ at l430A. There was no
enemy action in the 3rd Platoons' area.
B Company upon completicn of conversion departed from HON

NI~GEN with the Bn column and arrived at ALTENDIEZ (M129928)

271530A March 1945. At l600A B Company was attached to CCA

thus relievin& C Company. CCA, 9th Armd Div, was to launch an

attack on GEISEN. This att&ok however was cancelled and B Com

pany remained at ALT3rmIEZ.

C Company reverted to battalion control at 271600A March

1945 when relieved by B Company. C Company's M-36s .ere driT

en to HEISTSNBACH by battalion maintenance personnel. At HEIS

TENBACH C Company's personnel took over the M-36 destroyera.

The day was spent jn maintenance of the new destroyers.

During the morning of 28 March 1945 the Battalion ExecutiTe

through an interpreter held a conference with the mayor of the

village. ~uest1ons arising from the promulgation ot AMG publi


- 35




cations were discussed and settled. The Bn Executive Officer

made a visit to A Company at ELZ (G214012). At 1945A the bat
talion (-A & B) received an 0.1ert for movement to VOLPERTS
!{AUSEN (G577144). pl ~An'3 were made for the movement. Since the
movement was to be made in conjunction with the Division trains,
the Bn S-3 left for the CP of the Division Trains to coordin
ate the movements. The battalion C-A & B Cos) was relieved
from Division control and attaohed to Division TrainE .ttec
tive 282400A March 1945. The Bn S-3 was appointed security
officer of the Division Trains and attached units.
The 1st Plat of A Company moved from LIMBURG (M233987) to
OFFHEIM (G232022). The 2nd Plat which was under company con
trol was attached to 16th AFA Bn. The platoon moved into in
direc~ fire positions in the vicinity of HASSENBACH (G134098)
and tied into the 16th FA survey. The platoon did not register
nor did it fire any missions. The 3rd Plat remained in HADA
MAR (G222055). There was no enemy action in A Company's posi
tions but the 1st and 3rd Platouns occupied direct fire posi
tions. The 3rd Rcn Plat was given the mission of patrolling
(M144024). The mission was performed trom 280300A to about
280900A March 1945. Nothing unusual occurred during this
period. Upon completion of the mission the Rcn Plat on re
porting to the A Company CP tor turther missions. No further
missions were assigned to the Rc~ Platoon for that day.
CCA moved from vicinity of ALTENDIEZ (M177968) to vicinity
, of GIESEN (G6621). B Company was given the mission of protec
tion of the Combat Command trains. The 1st Plat performed the
march guard mission for the Ser.ice Company, 14th Tank Bn, 2nd
Plat performed the march guard mission for the Service Battery
3rd AFA Bn and the 3rd Plat performed the march guard mission
for the 60th Armd Int Bn. The' column departed from ALTENDIEZ
281530A March 1945, and arrived at the destinatjon without in
cident. B Company upon completion of the mission moved to.
DEHRN (G281830) and arrived there at l800A. The platoons mov
ed into direct fire positions on the perimeter of the t01rll.
C Company remained at HIESTENBACH (M178978) completing

conversion to M-366. The Company CP moved from ENGERS to

HIES'l'3NBACH. The company CP arrived at HIESTEN"rlACH at 280845A

March 1945.

Information was reveived at the Bn CP that the Battalion

(- A & B) wou2.d move to WEIDENHAUSEN (G577l27). The battalion
(-A & B) would act as the march guard for the Division Trains
column. Coordination with the Division Trains Commander re
sulted in dis~ersion of C Company's tl~ee platoons throughout
the trai~s column. 2ince the En 8-3 was desig~ated as the
Train's Security Officer much of the S-36 time was spent at
the CP of Division Trains. The Bn closed the CP at HIESTEN
EACH (M178978) at 291430A March 1945. The battalion column
intercepted Division Trains at AUMENAU (G368C07) aLd indis
persed itself in the column. The march ~roceeded without in
cident and moved int.o an open field lY2 miles NE of WEIDEN- ~ '&
- 36

.,,,,. '. .

~'r ~-,:,

RAU3~j (G577127)

" ..,. ~



at 2400A. A total of 35 miles was covered.

The Combat Commands of the 9th Arllld. l)i Ti advanc ed N agains t
slig;ht enemy resjstance. In most c&,ses the adYance was only a
road march. CCB to whic~ A Company was attached, left the li~e
of departule and pushed to the };o'th. A Company accompanying
its combat command depart.ed from ELZ (G213015) at 29C800A 1,!arch
1945. Cne crew member of the compuny was injured when a fire
arm was accidentally discharged. The casu&lty was evacuated.
Other-;:ise the march proceeded in an orderly manner. A Company
arrived at SCHWEINBERG (G8624l8) at 2345A. The platoons took
up defensive fire positions on the outskirts of town. A com
pany covered a distance of 70 miles on the road march.
CCA kept abreast of the advance of CCB. Company B attached
to CCA had the mission of providing march guard for the column
in its advance North. Company B departed from DEHRN 280745A
March, and after an uneventful trip arrived at SCHWEINBERG (G862
418) at 2345A. The company moved the three gun_ platoons to di
rect firing posltions providing security for the elements of
CCA in the town of SCHVBINBERG.
Company C provided the march guard for the battalion and 9th
Armd Div Trains 29 March 1945. The Company after intercepting
the Division trains column at AUMEN.AU (G368007) was disposed
in the following manner: 2nd Rcn Plat leading followed by a
platoon of TDs. One platoon of TDs was in the cent&rof the
column and one at the tail end. Upon arriving at ~~IDENHAUSEN
(G585129) the platoon placed its guns giving an all around de
fense for the bivouac area. The Rcn Plat posted listening posts
on the roads leading to and out of the bivouac area. Leading
elements of C Company arrived at the bivouac area at 2345A.
The Battalion (-A & B) was alerted to move in one hours no~
tice while in bivouac at WEIDENHAUSEN (G577127). The elements
of the bat~alion moved into position for the continuation of
the march but the column did not get under way until 30l030A
March 1945.' The Division Trains column adVanced to the North
with no definite location as the terminus for the da.s march.
DurinE the road march halts were frequent lasting from a few
minutes to oyer an hour. At 1820A the Division Train's Command
er called for billeting officers to the head of the column. The
column proceeded to its destination for the days march at
FLORSHEIM (H983579). The Division Trainsoccupied the high
ground South of the town. The Bn CP and Hq Co moved into the
village and secured billets there. The Bn CP op~ned at F'LOR
SEA.IM l835A. Some movement of enemy was noticed in woods 500
yards W of the bivouac area. At 2210A two prisoners were
brou~ht to the En CP.
After questioning the prisoners were
turned over to the Division Trains for disposition.
A Compuny cOlltinu,_d the advance to the l~orth with CCE. The
Combat Command advanced North against very light resistance.
Mission of A Company' 30 March 1945 was to provide march guard
for combat comm2nd on the march North. A Company departed trom
SCHW~U~SBERG (G8624l8) at 3C0700A 1:arcb: 1945 and ~r::i ved at
BAD WILDUt;CEN ut 22~:OA of the same day. Upon arr.lVlng at tre ~ -/
- 37




destinaticn the comlJany moved iuto fir1q~; position with all

around fields of fire. The Company moved a distance of 38
miles. No chante il: the company's or platoon's attachments.
Company B continued the road march to the North in support
of C8A.
The cOlf,pany W8S disposed as reported for the previous
:.';hile on the :na:rch the column was stopped. by enemy air
craft. ~.,r:J cl:pualties or dam<1~e "uffered by Company B. The col
umn Cirrived at GRC"SSS!-:Ei';GLIS (H077765) at 301800A March 1945.
At the completion of the march the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Platoons
were relieved from uttach!:lents to Service,Company, 14th Tank En,
Servlce Battery, and 50th Armd Inf Bn, resIJect:lvely. Verbal
orders were received for the company to move to ROrrlHEIMSHAUSEN
(H045794) with the mission of protecting CCA's CP. B Company
de~art~1 'frc!T1 GROSS.~N;::;l;GLIS at 1830A and arrived at RJTlIEELIM
SEAUSSN at 1945A. Upon arrival at the destjnation the plato~ns
took up positions covering all ro,--,ds and tank approaches lead
ing into tOwn.
Sporadic UG fire was heard in woods 500 yards from the biv
ouac of Div isir;n Trains. Two destroyers moved into assist
s~me Ordnance men who went in to investigate the cause of the
Fourteen enemy prison~rs were taken by the Ordnance
elements. The destroyers did not fire any ammunition and re
turned tv t,eir formerly occupied positions. The action began
0. t 07 30t~ and ended abo~ t 310830A March 1945.
At l020A the Bn
(-A ~ B) was alerted for movement to ZWESTEN. The Bn elements
we!'~ assembled and moved out at l040A.
The march was marked by
stops durin~ the road march. ~ call for the quarteri~g party
was received at l630A. The march was resumed at 1645A and ~he
En ele:r.ents moved. into a bivouac position in an open field 500
yards N of NEUBERICH (B9351l3) at 1835A. C Company established
peY'imeter defense by occupying positions on commandingground
surrou1J.diEg, the bivouac 9,re&. The 2nd Rcn Plat executed a re
conr..ais s '.nc e of woods 800 YClrds E of tha bi vouac area. No trace
of tlle enemy could be founri. The En ele:rlents rema:bed in this
~osition for three days.
A distance of 55 miles was covered
31 1~arch J915.
Company A cantiLued to adva~(e North with CCB rgainst slight
oppositicn. COJl1P ny A de~arted from vicir.ity 0':' BAD '\iILDUNGEN
310800A Iv:arch 1945. In the advance on approt:.ching of WBTHEN the
1st Plat Company A attached to 52no Armd Inf Bn was rey,uested
to destroy a sl~3pected OP ir-the town of WETlIEN (B930223). A
total of IE rounds of HE were fir~d. The suspected OP, a tower,
was deztroyed. The march continued without fUrther incident.
A 80mp ... ny arrived at IiO:-:~,i~Lli 17IDCDA (B97l204)
B Com~any contirued to adv~nce North with CCA against slight
resist3.!'ce. At tree re. uffiytio!l of the march 31 :"iarch 1945 B Com-&
I'any r:CiS Y'elieved frcm attacbment to CCB. The rni~sion d.uring
t!'C '1ld.rch 'flclG to protect the Combat Ccmmand Trains.
The 1st
r1u.t was attached to the Service Company, 14th Tank En, 2nd Plat
to the Service Battery, 3rd hFA, and tee 3rd to. 60th Armd Inf Ba.
The company ,teparted fro!']: P.c..T:'IEELMSE.i'~USBK 31 tJ800A March. During

38 -




' .' 1J

I '
i ~

tlJe Gi::.rcl:. 20 ;-,rj sener's were tCiken. The c'.::rrrp<.:ny arrived at ~';"'.R3~jl~G (b0 30220) "lJ;)OL arrivine:, a. t ','L'~RBURG the bUf);:; reve rted to
cOill~any c;)r.tro1 ~r~d were posted for tl::e s'3cul"ity of the Comoat
C ~,.n;;la!l(i.

At abuut 31C730A ~arch 1945 ~G fire was heard in woods 300

yards ~ 0f the 2nd Flat ~os~ticn iL the Train's Biv~uac at

FI-O::SEATIJ; (H9 3ZE 79)

~,n(> se ction moved to the vicil! i ty 01' tl" e

:;uods. The ac t i on ce ased s1 ort ly the reafter and tbe se c t io!)

ret"J.Y'Dd tu i..t~ ori~in<:l positicn. C CO.;lpany departed from

FLC~lS::~\Ii,,: \'i tL ))ivi sieD Trains and aft er Gn unevent ful march

arri~;p.d at l';:.';Uij~R=C::= (B935113) at 1835A.


The r1cnth of ;ii::.:.rcb 1945 ::narke d the first month of ac t ion

for the 6f)Gtt TV };attalion. Although the perscnLel of this
or~anization, wjth a few exceptions, had no b&ttle experience,
dlce com ,itted, t'rJ.e men 'perfol"med like veterans. It c<;n be said
that the 65~ TD Bn went into action at the closing phases of the
liar ill~urope agc::in.'3t determined enemy but weak in reserves and

t er i e1

The participation of thjs organization can be broken down

jnto two, somewhat distil.ct campaie;ns; the campaign East of
the RJ3R RIVER and, the campaign East of the RHINE RIVER. While
sU}.;,orti!.lt, the action of the 9th Armored Division East of the
RJEri RI\~R ~n enemy weak in materiel strength but fighting
stubbornly ard holding tenaciously was met and defeated. With
the, capture of the LUDENDORF BRIDGE the action was carried
across the P..:~Il.:; R:lVER where tlte enemy attacked continually
trying to elimiLate and then contain the bridgehead. Elements
of this organizatiGn were first troops of t~e TD arm to cross
to the East banks of the' RHI1~ RIVER and participated in action
duriLb a critical period.
hith the crossing of the remainder of the battalion, the
656th TD Battalion functioned as ;.-:.n independent B:lttc.11on under
operational control of the 8th TD Group. During this period
the organization converted from M-18s to M-36s as their baaic
\':eapon. After the enemy spent his force on counter-attacks,
the ~ction turned into a pursuit. The 656th TD Battalion was
:l~~in attached to the 9th Armored Division and participated in
tpe pursuit.
In one month of actisn the 656tb TD Battalion covered ap
proximately 300 miles distance, took over 600 enemy prisoners
an~ destroyed tb'!! following equipment: 2 tanks, 1 half-track,
1 SF Gun, 2 AT Guns, 1 Boat (Tug type), 18 MG emplacements,
5 AA Guns, 2 Bazooka em91~cements and 4 enemy OPa. In addition
2 SP 3uns were probably destroyed.

- 39

. .<i-... .,-........

!t.... "






"".- ...
.....' r .,..,

. , ,.~!~.f





i' f


The Tank Destroyer ara waa orlan1zed with the p~1aar1

a18s10. ot de.troy1nl enemy araor. It waa ,1.en econdarT

ai8.1on ot reintore1nl art111er,. and. a th1rd ot d troT1n.

f1xed tortitio&t1ona.

Durin, the per10d co.ered by this r.port. onl~ a t.w tank.

oame into the platoon otor. ot this or,..1.at10.. Only a
tew p111box w.r noouat.r.d. t1nallT b.ca". ot a ahorta,.
ot h1,h-.xplo.1Te aamuait10D (11-. . ant
the us. ot
tank~dtroy.r. tor indirt t1r. waa a1aoovae.el.
qutlT. our d troy.r pl.,oo ha b.e. C1

ai.aion.. Th a110 w.r. i.prop.r aooord1Dc t. fD 400'

rin. but th.y w.r. prop tor the .1tuat10

two r, iaportan' fuul....tal h........ ha b.10

lat.4 i. the pl0Tat ot fD. duriD, tao p.riod ot th1. repo.t,
F1r.t wa.th. priDc1pl. ot . .1Dt.1D1Bc . . . . .
00n4 .a.

the 'priJlc1pl. ot iAt.iniD" the int..p1', .t ... 11 lUl1t

In the tank d troy coapaR1.a, 1t h boamOD p.

t10. tor all thr tir1Dc pl.to... t. D. .ai't.A. H.d 'ha~.

b n UlJ' .1144 eall to~ taU d. tro, 1. ,h.1. pr1a.r,

role aan.UT woulA aaTl.w. !At. . . .1d. ha~ b

ta,ai--b.oau tank d,.o,.r re not d.1ca.4 to .1 l'

out w1th .n., t.uk..

~. d. 1p.d
to the coabat. U , tUB it ture 1Jl 00 le4 po.1 tiona

unt11 the ..ao. 0....i tll1a .Uc.. faDJt cle.t.o,.r ' t1

are tho t~et10. ot .....a.

Y101a,10. ot \kG tat.crit, ot ... ll~'. would. ba,. \be

.... r ult . In at l t OD , t1r1Dc pl.'ooa .aa .p11~

aa4 .ub-.ttalk.d -- ODa '10. t ek ot , . . . . . .u1' .~l.

eo.paDl... Ba4 t~r. . . . . . . . . .10. tor ~p14 aatltaak 4.t

thl platoo. l.aGer would ~......t ...4 the .ti0R w1t. k1a e..
...4 at h.lt .t.e. .th.




IlL., ..

.: ..




'0' .....

The prOD 1 of rad10 CO_lUlU IiltloD 1Jl'. !J) orl..1'10.

attaohed t. all a..or.cl d1T18loa wa. u ..... h117 .01....4. 1M.

rad10 probl wa. two t.14. Co_lUll'1 _t ~aak

0.lan1t10. and the .ttaeh.d !D .10...' . and. Co....t..\l

b.'.... th. TV Ba er &ad t~ cl.'a.keel !D paai

Th. t1rat probl.a pa.t1allF .ol....~ . , a1TiRe .a~ o.~

p&Jq tour sea 110 ra41...

o. .a4~o o'.iud ~ 'kG .....

paD7 eo_40' and the .th.r tlar. . . . . .

0118 . . . . ., ,

ell pla'.o.. !h. a441t10.&1 lea 110 ratio. we.othe ....t.4

.1th.r 1a the pla,ooa 1.ad M-JO or 1a pla'o.B , ..rt ,
Bot. wq. ot W1t1Jlc h.d th.b acl tap. .... 41f!..4].., .....


.\!" "'I\'I'~.

~ . \' r- ""'I'
. \. / '.'.;.' ,;,
.~ ~ J


- 40



II' A\"\_


I ....


In the 0.3. gt Aayin, botk 4108 1a an -ao, ......ie.'l
w.. ctra11s.4, prv.141A& t~ ~ao 414 not be.o iaa._l114.
Du. to 1t. 1qerea' .haraoti.t1 ot ltoelue cloG 117.
~a1n~ tbl M-aO in op.ration. w.. and. 1. a haaar4.~a rlak. Ih.
iamob111s.tlon of the M-IO .~ld ~t 1J 41.pmpt b.' .....1
ooawunioat1ona betw the platg~. 14 aDd ,~ atta.h.4
tanka &nd tho plato. leeA aD4 ,be IUB. of hi. pla'ooD.
Tho other alte.nat1y. wa. to .ou., tbe SCI 110 1a platooa
quarte. to.. !h. OM 41.a4y_tac. of 'hlt a.p 1. ,hat 'h.
platooA l.ad.r ha4 to d1Y1d. hi. tl b.' two y.~.l
A' t1 tAi. wa. not t.a.l_la, p"iall7 4UuC . . . . .Il .1'
1& aa aot10. 111yo1..,1I1&. a 00.aW.ralt1. aao. .' .t
!h. sell eOI pro.!".'" tor Co__us. oo--.1.a\lou _tw
tbl Batta110A CDd Qr. . . &D4 Coa~ B.a4qaar\.~ ~ .0\
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A.FO 230, U ~ S. ARI~Y

7 May 1945
SUBJECT: After Action Report.



: The Adjutant General, Washington 25, D.C.

(Attention: Historical Section)
(Thru Channels)

1. In compliance with AR 345-105, 18 November 1929,

as changed by Change 4, dated 10 August 1944, the After
Action Report of the 656th Tank Destroyer Battalion for
the period 1 - 30 April 1945 is forwarded herewith.

For the Commanding Officer:



Captain, 5-2


2 Inc1s.
1. After Action Report 656 TD Bn
2., Maps





~1ftfd: ....





.;.:T czrreRAL

dr Vt?







APO 230, U. S. ARMY
7 liay 1945
Section I

Campaign (Current Campaign i:p. /lestern Europe)

GSGS 4416, Sheets Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6,
Q7, R6 and R7.

2. Map References :'-


Unit Commanders of Troops:

- L4i Col JOr-ill C. Meador
En 00
Hq Co CO - Capt Charles D. Driscoll
Rcn Co CO - 1st Lt Lawrence R. Beard
- Capt Clarence 1i.. Thieme
Capt Archie S. Benegar
- Capt Richard H. Tuggle
Section II
Statistical Data

Personnel Losses:

1 A.pr 45





0 0,
0 0
0 0


0 0
'0 0
0 0

0 0
0 0
0 0























0 0
0 0


0 0
0 0
0 0

























0 0
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 0




- 1

?ersonnel Losses (Cont'd)




21 Apr 45

0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0- 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 C 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0





OEM o EliI










o .0







:PersoIlllel Replacements:

1 Apr 45








11 Apr 45







21 Apr 45


PWs Taken - 381.

Approximately 200 civilians were turned in to
010 for screening.


Vehicular Losses:








1/4-T 3/4 11/2 21/2 10 MB M20 M32 M36 1-T
MI0 174
Apr 45
0 0 0


Vehicular Replacements:

Date1/4-T 3/4 11/2 21/2 10 M8 M20 M32 M36 !:Tii~Osl7!:

.A.pr 45 .
0 0
1. 0

t. Ammunition Expended:
90mm HE


90mm APe

27mm HE


Section III
'fhe Battalion CP, Headquarters Company and C Company

remained in the open field 500 yards North of HEU EERICH

(B935113) during the period OlOOOlA to 012400A April 1945.

At 1200A the Bn mail clerk reported to the Bn CP on his re

turn from 9th Armd Div, Rear.- During the trip the mail clerk

took two enemy prisoners and turned them over to an MP. Slit

trenches were dug by personnel. lIo other activity took place

at the bivouac area on the 1st of April 1945.

CCB of the 9th Armd Div continued to attack North in its

zone of action 1 April 1945. A Company attached to CCB sup
ported the attack. The 1st Flat'attached to the 52nd Armd Int
bn had the 1st section supporting Company B of the 52nd Armd
Inf Bn and the 2nd section support Company C of the same org
anization. In the advance to the Horth, 'the 1st section de
livered indirect fire on a suspected gun emplacement in the
vicinity of EISSEN (B990316). The fire was adjusted by an
artillery FO. Due to the distance at which the enemY'gun was
taken Qlder fire and the difficulty of observing the burst,
fire had to be discontinued without any definite results ob
served. A total of 20 rounds were expended. The 2nd section
fired a direct preparation on the to\n of GROSSENEXDER (B986
290). A total of 25 rounds were fired from a range of about'
1000 yards after which the supported infantry advanced and
took the town. At the completion of these actions one section
Lloved to and occupied positions at PECICELSP...EIM ('B964342) and
th.e other section moved to and occupied positions at SCHONTEAL
(C003338). ~e 2nd Platoon moved to the vicinity of LOWEN
(946320) with a missio~ of covering the cross road at (B926
319). The 3rd Plat moved to HOHENWEPEL (B97l270). The com
pany CF d~parted from -NETHEN (931223) 1000A and arrived at
CCA with B Company, 656th TD.Bn, attached continued the
attack to the North against moderate resistance, enlarging
the bridgehead across the DIEb~ R. B Company with the three
plato~;ns under company control hadthe mission of providing
the security for the Combat Command A, at WARBURG (B9822),
1 April 1945. At 1330A verbal orders were received to move
to LUGENEDER (C019278) to take up defensive position at the
p~rimeter of the to~n.
The Co CP moved to DOSSEL (B993258)
a~riving there at 1400A.
Effective l430A one platoon, the
3rd, was detached from Company control and reverted to Div
control. The 3rd Plat was given the missibn of securing
VOLIQiIARSEN (B960685) and the 9th Armd Div CP in that town.
B Co did not see any action against enemy 1 April 1945.
o Co remained in position 1 April 1945 in the vicinity
of ~~ BERICH providing security for ~iVision Trains.
The En 5-2 left the Bn OF at 021415A April and moved
to VOLKMAHSEN. At l435.A. the Bn CO visited the OF and gave
the information that 9th Armd Div OP was mOVing-to WARBURG
(B980220). The En S-3 was directed to formulate plans to

- 3

move the Bn (- A & B) to WARBURG. The En CO af:er ins~ecti~g

C Company's gun P9sitions returned to 9th Armd Div. At about
lSOOA two enemy planes flew over the area. The planes were
taken under fire. Results could not be observed since the
planes flew into the low overcast.
CCB had takenup de=ensive positions 2 April 1945. A Com
pany's Platoons were disposed in the following towns: one
section 1st Plat at PEC}~LSHEIM (B964341) and one section at
SCHONTHAL (E003338)t 2nd Plat at LOWEN (B946320), 3rd P,at at
HOHENWEPEL (B971270J. All three platoons had taken up AT pos
itions in the vicinity of the above mentioned towns. At about
021000B April the 2nd Platoon's position was t~cen under fire
by enemy foot troops. The fire was returned with small arms
and the enemy withdrew. One officer and five enemy enlisted
men were taken prisoners in this action. There was no enemy
action in any of the other platoon positions. The 2nd and 3rd
Plats reverted to Company control.
The ~t and 2nd Flatoons remained at LUTGENDER (C01927S).
There was no enemy action in this locality. The 3rd P,at under
Div control moved ffom VOLKlliArlSEN (B96ll34) to WARBURG (B980
220) providing security for the Div CP on the march. Upon ar
riving at WARBURG the 3rd Plat took up positions covering the
roads leading into WARBu~G.
Two enemy planes flew over the Div Trains' area 2 April
which was being secured by C Co. The planes were taken under
~ire but results could not be observed.
Otherwise there was
no enemy activityo
A Bn billeting party left the field at 1~U BERICH under
command of the En S-l 030725B April for WARBURGI At 0842B
the CP group, Hq Co and C Co were alerted for movement. The
Bn OF closed at NEU BERICH at 1000B and joined Div Trains col
umn for the road march to WARBURG. ~ter an uneventful road
march the destination was reached. The Bn OP opened at WAR
BURG at 1l30B. Since the Div CP mOTed out of VOUOfulRSEN, the
town, astride the Div MSR, was left devoid of friendly troops.
The 2nd Rcn Plat attached to 0 Co was aSSigned a mission of
establishing a motor patrol through the town. The 2nd Plat
was in position and performing its assignment at 2330B.
There was no activity in A Cos 1st and 3rd Platoons
3 April 1945. Enemy patrols were Sighted in the vicinity of
2nd Plat position. Three. enemy were sighted in vicinity of
CR at B926319 at 1940B and were taken under fire with ruGs.
Theenemy were observed to fall. There was noother activity
after that incident.
B Cos 1st and 2nd Platoons remained in their previously
mentioned positions 2 April. There was no enemy activity in
either of the platoon positions. The3rd Plat under. Division
control left VO~~SEN (B961135) at 1350B accompanying the~
Division to WARBURG (B980220). The Plat arrived at its des

- 4


ttnation at 1400B ansi took up positions covering the roads

leading into the to':in.
TheIst and 3rd Platoons of Co C re:._ained in Do~c:i tion in
vicini ty of the Div Trains 500 yards 1''- of NEU BERICH (B935105)
3 April 1945. 12 infantrymen were attached to the 3rd Plat.
The 2nd Flat was in road block positions at VOLKMARSEN. Two
squads of Inf were attached to the 2nd Plat as protection
against enemy foot elements. The attached 2nd Rcn plat set up
a road block covered with a 37~n and bazookas at HERBSEN (B917
154). This '()lator.n was the only friendly element in that vic
inity until about 2400B when elements of the 2nd Inf Div ar
rived. At 0230B, C Co was alerted for movement to WARBURG at
lOOCB. The three platoons assembled in the vicinity of VOLK
kA.I."t.SEN at 1230B and proceeded to WA...'lliURG where previously rec
onnoitered positions were occupied. Liaison was established
between Co C and the 89th Rcn Squadron.
At 1800B the attach
ed Rcn Plat was given the mission of patrolling the MSR through
VCiKl.JJlSEN. This Vias done by having a two jeep patrol go
through the town every fifteen minutes. The 2nd Rcn Plat re
ported "in position and performing mission" at 2330B.
At 040800B April 1945 the 656 TD Bn (- A & B) was relieved
from attachment to Div Trains and reverted to Div control. In
addition, the 1st and 3rd Rcn Plat (reverted to 1) were detach
ed from A and B Cos respectively and reverted to Bn control.
The 656 TD Bn (- A & B) ~as gven the mission of providing sec
urity for the Div CP. In order to do this the Rcn Platoons at
tached to gun companies were detached and Icn Co was reconstit
uted. One plato .. n of TDs (2nd C Co) was attached to Div Trains
to provide security for that element. In order to make up the
loss of the TD Plat, one Plat of light tanks (1st Plat, Co D,
2nd Tank Bn) was attached to C Co. The Rcn Plat assembled at
WARBURG (B980220) by 1100B. After spending about 2 hours on
the cleaning of arms and material the platoons moved to the per
imeter of the tOVnl where outposts were established. Enemy air
craft were taken under fire by Rcn-Plat guns at 1130B but re;"
suIts were not observed. Rcn Co CP was established at WARBURG.
Enemy ground activity in A Cos sector dwindled to sporadic
small arms fire. Enemy planes flew over the 2nd Plat area at
LOWEN (B946320) straffed and dropped one bomb. No casualties
j.n men or materiel were suffered. All other elements of A Co
rema~ned inactive.
At 041400B April the 3rd Plat, B Co, was relieved from
Div cont~ol. The platoon left WARBURG at 1430B and rejoined
the company at LUTGENEND~R (0015275). The 1st and 2nd Plats
remained in place.
One Plat of TDs (2nd) was detached from C Co and attached
to Div trains in order to provide security on the march and in
bivouac for that unit. This platoon howeverc:.did not move froa,
its ~osition. To make up the loss of the 2nd Plat, one plat ~
(1st) 00 D, 14th Tank Bn, was attached to COo. Several times'
during the day enemy aircraft flew over the platoon positions.

- 6

Planes were fi.red on but due to tle low o:Jrcast resul ts cou_ld
not be observed.
In order to provide the Div CP v~th security on the march,

plans were drawn up which amounted to: attachment of the light

tank platoon to Rcn Co; Rcn Co reconnoitering the main road and

two parallel roads along the axis of advance and C Co indisper

sed in the column with the main body. Upon reaching the des

tination, all elements would move to the perimeter of town and

set upoutpos~s. Through the aid of 9th Armd Div two M-36s were

secured. One, each, went to B and C Cos respectively. These

light tanks were drawn in addition to M-20s in the organization.

One light tank was assigned to each of the gun companies.

Rcn 00 continued with the m-Lssion of securing the town

5 April 1945. Since the rapid advance of our forges cut off
large and disorganized large numbers of enemy units, enemy sold
iers discarded their uniforms and moved about in civilian cloth
es behind our lines. In order to apprehend these individuals
orders were received and disseminated to apprehend and search
all civilians leaving or entering the town of WARBURG. 36 such
individuals were apprehended 5 April 1945. These were turned
over to the 9th Armd Div for screening.
There was no activity in A Cos 1st and 3rd Plats' sectors,
5 April 1945. The 2nd Flat moved from the vicinity of LOWEN.
(B947320) to position in the vicinity of HOHENWEPEL(B970270).
The area was straffed by two enemy planes but no damage was suf~
fered. Time was spent on maintenance of vehicles
B 00 remained in positio~ in the vicinit of LUTGENENVER
(C029278) performing maintenance 5 April 1945.
Thelst and 3rd Plats remained in position at WARBURG 5 Ap
ril 1945. At l700B the 2nd Plat moved with 9th Armd Div Trains
to WORMELN(B970202). The IstFlat, Co D, 2nd Tank Bn, assumed
responsibility for the area vacated by the 2nd Flat. Upon reach
ing its destination the 2nd Flat moved into positions forming a
perimeter AT defense for the Division Trains. Enemy aircraft'
flew over the company area several times during the day and were
taken under fire.
Information in reference to the expected displacement by 9th
Armd Div was receive~ at the Bn CP 6 April 1945. At a confer
ence between the Bn 00, ax, CO Rcn 00, 00 Co 0, the final plans
for the protection of the Division CP on the'march an~ in biT
ouac was drawn up. This plan was then pre$ented to D1vision and
accepted. Routine visit& to companies were made by the SX and
staff officers.
Elements of COB moved into an assembly area in the vicinity
of LONDAU (B938057) and WOLFHAGEN (B999040J, in preparation for
an attack to the East. A Co accompanied its Combat Command in
this move. The 1st Flat departed from SCHONTHAL (0004339) at
060l00B April 1945 and arrived at BUHLE (B950300) at 1930B. The

- 6 - .

lstPlat was relieved from attachrncnt to the 5211d Armd Inf -cn
1700b and reverted to company control. TLe 2:r-:.d and 3rd .L lei ts
and the Co CP depc:.rted from HC;F . . :~'liE:FBL (B970270) C60C:O and
arrived at BUHLE OgOOB. The p12toons, upon arri vtnc'; 8. t ~~l:.i-~L~,
~oved to the outskirts of town and set up a perirreter AT def
In prepar8.t~on for the attack to the East B Co moved S
wi th its Combat Command. :B Co departed from L'C"TG:::.;r.~~D'::; .-. ( (C019
278) and arrived at VIET~ESn\GEN )EO:7180) at 1530B. ~iie Co
OJ? moved from DOSSEL (B992258) 150CB and arrived at ,~:r'?~~n:
GEN at 1600B. Since CCA establi shc:d its CF in the same tU'i,'~l, .L
Co's platoons moved to the per:i.met'3r of town and establisced
an AT defense.
The 1st, 3rd Plats, Co CP, C Co, remaineu at VlAPJ3Ui~G
6 April 1945. There was no enemy activity of any sort. 2nd
Plat remained at -NC ..:,kELH (B970278) providil-:.{s' securi t:.r for the
Div Trains.
There was no unusual activity in the En CP 7 April 45.
Routine staff functions were carried out. Routine visits to
companies were made by the Bn CO and Executive Officer o
Rcn Co continued to perform the security mission at WAR
BURG. There were no changes in position or c' isposi tion.
Co~;,pani es A, B & C remained in place 7 April 1945.
Advance informaJion on the movement of the Bn (- A & B)
was received at the Bn CF at 081023B A~ril 194~. Rcn Co was
assigned the mission of making a route reconnaissance to SI1.:
LiliRSHAUEN (B239097) and to check OB_~RSCHE})EN for possi tle bil
lets. Other normal staff functions were also ca:'ried on.
Rcn 00 continued with the assigned mission of securing
WARBURG 8 April 1945. A total of 22 prisoners were Dicked up
at the outI)O sts and delivered to CIC, 9th Armd Divo'''-:he Rcn
Co 00 was' given the mission of reconnoitering the road from
WARBURG to. SIl1MERSHAUSEN. The m~_ ssion was duly performed
and a report rendered on the findings. One aduitional light
tank was received by Rcn Co this date. This tank replaced
the 00 OO's M-20.
A 00 remained in place 8 April 1945 awaiting CCB's move
ment to the E. Maintenance of arms and equipment was carried
on through the day.
B Co departed fromWETTESINGER (C007l80) at 081530 Ap
ril with OOA. The mission uuring the march was to furnish
the security for OCA OP. Upon arriving at the destination,
OBERSCHEDEN (0389199) at 2345B, the company moved to the per
imeter of the town and set up an AT, de:'ense. There was no
enemy action during the march.
o Co (- 2nd Plat) remained at WARBURG providing secur
i ty 8 April 1945.
The Bn CP closed at WABBURG (B9282l7) 090730B April and

- 7

joined the Div CF column in the move towards the East. After
an uneven'Gful march the destinati.on, OBE'::{:3CE3DEN was reached.
The En OJ? opened at 1100B at the new location. The:On CO
visited the Div CP ruld upon his return the following changes
were made. Effective 1300B C Co (- 1 Flat) was attached to
CCR. The 1st Plat Co D, 2nd Tank Bn, was detached from C Co
and attached to Rcn Co. One plat :from A Co was detached
from CCB and reverted to Bn control. One plat from B Co was
detached from CCA and reverted to Bn controlG A and B Cos
were notified to dispatch the platoons to OBERSCH1DEN. Upon
arrival the platoon leaders were oriented as to their new
mission. The two new platoons took up their positions in
locations vacated by C Co's platoons.
Rcn Co departed WAill3::aG 090600B April with the m:i.ssion
of reconnoitering the main route and parallel roads from
WARBURG to OBERSCHEDEN. The road reconnaiss~~ce was com
pleted without incident. Upon arriving at OBERSCF~DEN 1100B
Rcn Co proceeded to outpost the towno At 1300B the 1st Flat,
Co D, 2nd Tank Bn, was detached from C Co and attached to
Rcn Co. Three prisoners were taken, 2 by the 2nd Plat, and
one b,y the 1st Plat. Prisoners were taken to the Div PW~.
COB departed from the assembly area 9 April and headed
towards the East. A Co left HOHBWffEPEL (B971270) 690600B
April.. Prior to the move the following attachments were
made: 1st Plat attached to 52nd Armd I~~ Bn, 2nd Plat under
company control, 3rd Plat attached to the 19th Tank Bn. Upon
completion of the road march the 1st Plat took up positions at
GROVE (C501287), the 2nd Plat and Co Hq at DRAUSFELD (C408250),
the 3rd Plat at P~LGERSHAUSEN (C478286)0
At 091l30B A Co was notified to send the 2nd plat to
OBER SCHEDEN. The 2nd Plat was attached to the Bn CF. Upon
arriving at OBERSCH"i:~Dl:;N and after an orientation by the S-3
the platoon leader moved his platoon to positions vacated by
C Co.
Co B departed from OBER SCHEDEN at 09l000B in a move~nt
to the East. After an uneventful road march the com~any
closed at VOLKERODE (C4742l2) at 1930B. At l300B the 3rd
Plat came under Bn control.
C Co (- 1st Plat) departed WARBURG with the Div CP col
umn. The mission of C Co was to provide march security for
the Div CP. After an uneventful m2rch the company arrived at .
OBER SCHEDEN and moved to defensive position at the perimeter
of town. At 1300B C Co (- 1 Plat) was attached to CCR and
ordered to move to LIPPOLDSHAUSEN (C387152). C Co departed
OBER SCHEDEN at l330B and arrived at its destination at 1500B.
Themarch was uneventful. Upon reporting to the Combat Command
OF the Co CO was informed that he was attached to the 3rd Bn,
273ra Inf,69th Div4 which was the main element of Task Force,
Shaunnesy. The other elements comprising TF Shaunnesy were:j
1 Plat of tanks from the 777th Tank Bn and one Plat of TDs
from 0 Co, 661 TD Bn. The march was resumed and the company
arrived at GERTENBACH (0439108) at1830B. Upon reporting to
- 8

the 'rask Force CF at G.ti:~~TBlrBACH, the CO C Co was informed

that the plat of tanks was attached to his company. The
remainder of the day was spent on maintenance of the vehicles.
Upon reaching the LD at the WESER R, the 9th Armd Div

attacked in the Corps sector with the three Combat Commands

committed. The advance to the East was resumed on 10 Anril

1945 with Div CP moving along the axis of advance of CCB.

Rcn Co was given :he mission of reconnoi tering and securing

the route in advance of the Div CP main body. The Bn was

alerted to move at 0830B. The time of departure was changed

and the En CP plus Hq end Rcn Co and the 2nd Plat, Co A,

and 3rd Plat, Co B, did not leave OBER SCHEDEN until 1100B.

The road march was uneventful. The Bn elements nulled into

a field 800 yards Eastof GROSS BRuCETER (D035075) at 1900B.

Hq Co did not arrive at the bivouac until 2330B. The plan

at that time was to s)end the night in the bivouac and re

sume the march in the morning.

At 100800B April Rcn Co departed from OBER SCBEDEN in

continuance of their mission of reconnoitering and securing
the road for the Div CPo At 0830B the leading elements of
RCll Co reached the tail end of CCBs elements and halted.
After several other halts the company arrived at and secured
the bivouac area in the vicinity of GROSS BRUCHTER (DO'5075)
at 1930B. Fifteenprisoners were found in the vicinity of
the bivouac. The prisoners were turned over to an M.P for
internment.to the Div PW enclosureo
A Co contin~ed the road march Eastward 10 April 1945.
The company (- 1 Plat). departed from the vicinity of GRANS
FETID and after an uneventful march arrived at KLEINFURRO
(DI071?7) 1900B. The 2nd Plat, A Co, accompanied the En and
Div CPs.
B Co (- 1 Flat) conlinued t~e advance to the East with
its Combat Command. B Co left VOLKERODE (H634983) l00800B
April 1945 and after an uneventful march arrived at THALEERA
(DI39053) at 2400B. The 3rd Iilat accompanied the Bn and Div
C Co advanced to the East with its Combat Command. At
approximately 100900B April C Co (- 1 Plat) departed from
G3RT":;NBACH (C440110) for an unknown destination. At 2000B
CCo arrived at 18SERSHEILINGEN (J035935) and moved to the
perimeter of the town and set up an AT defense. There were
no incidenJs of any sort curing the march. The 2nd Plat,
Co C, moved with Div Trains.
The Eastward march was resumed 11 April 1945. The En CP
closed at GROSS BHUCHTER (D0350?5) at 1315B. The Bn column
joined Div CP column and moved towards the East. After trav
eling several miles the column moved into a field 500yards
East of KL~CHENGEL (D220038) a:t l500B. Rcn Co, the 2nd Plat 10
B Co, and the 3rd Plat A Co, formed a perimeter defense. Hq
Co did not arrive at the field until 1610B. Two prisoners




were taken by
gun section from A Co.
Bn OF departed
from the field at KL--:CHENGEL and moved to KIlrDELBRUCH (D340
338). :::he En CF opened at KIUDELERUCH at 1750B. Eq Co while
on the move to KINDERBRUCH was bombed and straffed by enemy
.planes. The planes were taken under fire but results were
not evident. Hq Co did not suffer any casualties or darr~ge
to equipmento
Rcn Co performed the usual mission of security during
the march and at the halts. Rcn Co upon arriving at KINnER
BRUCH posted outposts at the perimeter of the town. There
were no unusual activities during the m.arch or upon arrival

COB continu.ed its advance to the East 11 April 1945.

The 1st and 3rd Plats A Co departed BARNSTADT (D720120) April
1945 and arrived at GROST (D810037) at 1200B. There was no
action against theen~my during the march . The Platleader
of the 1st Plat was evacuated-when his arm was broken by a
.50 Cal MG which hit a low branch, sv:ung around and hit the
platoon leader in the arm. The Plat Sgt assumed command of
the Plat. The Co CF moved from KLEINFURNA to EPERSTEDT (D390
110) arriving there at l300B. The 2nd Plat remaine'd with the
Bn OF with the mission of providing security ror the Di v CP
At 110300B April while at THREBRA (D120005) the 2nd Plat
Co B was attached to the 14th Tank Bn. The 1st Plat was
given the mission of providing security for CCA CP, provide
the advance guard during the march and maintain contact with
the 14th Tank Bn . The Co C? remained with the 1st PlataCCA
continued the advance to the East against nesligible opposi
tion. W~"ile approaching SACHENBURG (D390045) elements of the
14th Tank Bn ran into a strong enemy force at 1500B. The tanks
deployed in the field West of town with the TDs to .the rear
in support. The position occupied was under high velocity fire
from the high ground East of LOUHENBERG. Mortar fire was also
falling -in the area. The 1st Plat took two OPs under fire-and
arter expending 16 rounds both targets were destroyed. The com
pany commander requested to fire on a third OP but the request
was denied. One man was slightly injured by m.ortar fire. At
l700B the 2nd Plat was detached from the 14th Tank Bn and at
tached to the 60th Armd Inf Bn. The 1st Plat was also attach
ed to the 60th Armd In! Bn. The platoons spent the remainder
of the evening and night in the field West of SUCHENBURGo 'In
termittent high velocity fire fell moat of the night.
C Co (- 1 Plat) with Task Force-Shaunnesy departed mSER
SHEILINGEN ll15B in the movement to the East. The method of
employment was as followss TD Platoons would lead off at the
head of the task force column on the resumption of the march.
Upon reaching a town the TDs would move to the flank sectors
of town and take up firing positions. The Task ~orce would
then proceed through the town when the column passed thrOUgh'/1
the TDs would proceed to the head of the Task-Force where the
advance guard role was resumed. Upon reaching the next town
the proceedure would be repeated. Enemy air was very active,
11 April 1945. Planes were ~ired on by all TDs but no planes

- 11

i a


were knocked dOVin. C Co (- 1 Elat) arriveci at . .WIDI.:.:LIBBN

(J550925) at l800B where it bivouacked for the ni~ht.
The Bn CP accompanying Div CP L10ved out of EI,l/i;.. UUL-CK

(D340338) into an open field North of the tov.n. :""1.'ec08i

tion was occupied until 1300 when the march was resumed. The

column pulled into a field at D473l03 where it remained un

til l700B. The march '..as then resumed. Di v and Bn CP moved

into a field S of STEIGA (E744072) where it bivouacked for

the night.
Rcn Co left HIN~ERBRUCK at l20730E April and moved to

the high ground North of town. Thibarea Vias securec!. in an

ticipation of the occupation by the Div OF gro~p. upon re

sumption of the march Rcn Co moved out to perform its roo.d

reconnaissance mission. The pla"toon of light tanks attached

to Rcn was detached to the 2d and 3rd Rcn Flats. The Liai
son Officer acting as a billeting at :J.'icer accompanied the
3rd Rcn Plat. During the road Rcn mission the pl8.toons LlOV
ed through towns that were by-passed b,. elemen-~s of CCE. In

the town of ROSSLEBEN (D525052) the 3ra PJat took 31 prison

erso One was killed while trying to escape. The tovms of

WE1l>EI STEIN (D602043) and KLEIN WAGEN (D659040) were also

cleared. An airplane factory was taken intact in the town

of KLEIN WAGEN. During the halt in the field at (D473l03)

Rcn Co performed the usual perimeter security mission. After

departing from the field at D473l03 and securing the ~roposed

Div CP Group bivouac e.rea and' the 2nd Plat took 15 prlsoners.
Rcn Co Hq section took eight prisoners that day.
The advance was resumed 12 April by CCB. 'vTr:ile proceed

ing along the road between SCHAFSTALL (D8l0l70) and BAD LAU

CKSTADT (D875l75) tanks of Co B,19th Tank Bn, were ~aken

under fire by 88mm guns AA guns. These gW1S were being usee

against foot troops sn(. armored vehicles. The jrd Flat in

support of Co B, 19th Tank Bn, followed directly behind the

. rear tank of Co B; Four of the tanks preceedin[ tte leading

destroyer were hit. Theleading destroyer of the 3rd ?lat
was also hit
an 88mm HE shell. Two men were killed, two
injured seriously, also one crewman was injured lightly. The
man who received slight injuries returned to duty after re
ceiving treatment. During the fight all eight guns were either
destroyed or the crews surrendered. ~he Column then contin
ued and went into a bivouac in the vicinity of 3Affi}STiJ)T
The intermittent shellins ceased at about 120045:8 A~ril

1945. B Co departed from SAUHElillURG (D390045) at l015B mov

ing in an Easterly di:cection. The 1st Plat and Co Eq march

ed with 60th .A.rmd Inf Bn and the 2nd Plat with l4tt '.rank .on.

Co B (- 1 Plat) after an uneventful march went into bivouac

in an open field in the vicinity of ZUCHFELD (D085508) at

l30300B April.

C Co departed from ROLDISLEBD (J55092,) 12 April wi th ,"

Task Force Shaunnesy. Five tanks of 772nd TD En attached
to the company were lost during the road mal'ch on accou..n.t of
mechanical .failures. One company of Inf was carried on the


- 12


- -


TDs. The compc::ny: moved to UI:TER1~SSA DIPPELSDORF (J995920)

arriving ~h~re at 1930B. The Task Force :r:loved out again at
2130B tra111ng Task Force Devers until a driver in 27th Armd
Inf Bn fell asleep West of ZEITZ (D085815). Elements of the
Task Force halted in place. Time shell fire was delivered
on the column but no casualties or damage was suffered by
C Co.
The En CP closed at STEIGRA (E744072) 131150B April
and accompanied the Div CP to a field at (J950905), where it
remained until 1700B. After being alerted for movement at
1645B elements of the Bn CP moved on to the road. The march
was resumed at 1700B. A billeting party was dispatched to
HOHE~OLSEN (F050930) in anticipation of setting up the CF
there. Upon arrival at HOHENM:OLSEN the CP opened ,?t 1800Bo
In anticipatiGn ,of a move to the S licn Co was given the
mission of reconnoi tez:ing a route to NAUJ.lEERG (J845915). The
3rd Platmoved out of its position at STEIGRA at 130800B April
to perform the route reconnaissance. The mLssion was accom
plished without incident. Upon the resumption of the march
by the Div CP group,Rcn Co preceeded the column providing
advance security. Upon movement into the field at J950905
Rcn Co took up the usual position setting up perimeter sec
urity outposts. The 1st Rcn Plat while performing a rou-:;e
reconnaissance in the vicinity of KOSSLITZ- WLEDBBACH (J965
940) received direct 88mm fire. The leading vehicle, a liGht
tank, took the gun under fire. After securing several hits,
the 88mm gun emplacement burst into flames setting off the
amm\llli tion sto:r:e. The 2nd 88mm gun, located nearby' was also
taken under fire and knocked out. A total of 20 rounds of
37mm HE was expended. In the afternoon of the SaI:':e day, Rcn
Co was given the mission of reconnoitering the road network
towards HOEElaOLSEN. While in the vicinity of LANG-ENDCTh'
(J954950) the platoon (- M20s) and attached light tanks was
taken under small arms fire. The fire was resumed. Four
enemy were killed and 10 were taken prisoners. The re~t ?f
the road reconnaissance mission was performed without 1nc1d
CCB continued the advance in a general easterly direc
tion against moderate enemy opposition. Most of the enemy
opposition in the LEONA sector came from AA guns depressed
to fire on ground forces. The 1st section of the 1st Plat
ran into difficulty in the vicinity of NALENDORF (D910040~ .
while supporting A Co, 52nd Armd'Inf Bn. Light Inf 0R~os1t10n
moderate artillery fire and aconsiderable amount of h1gh vel
ocity artillery fire constituted the oain obstacle. At about
131000B April the 1st Section was reques~ed to take four
towers inthe vicinity of NALENDORF under fire: All towers
were fired on and destroyed. Several buildings were taken
under fire also. The sun,orted infantry took the obje?t~ve
by 1115B. The 1st section took 21 prisoners in the vic1n1~T I~
of the action. The 3rd Plat departed from SCHAFSTADT (D810- / :.
170) 0630B and arrived in the vicinity D840000). No action
against the enemy. The 2nd Plat A Co moved with Div and Bn
CPs. The Co CJ? departed from BARNSTADT and arrived at GROST
(D870038) at 1200B.

- 13

Co :0 (- 1 ..::lat) moved out of :lJEUCHi~LD (D855008) fol

CCRs route of advance. The 1st Plat and Co Hq ad
vanced with the 60th Armd Inf 1. Lile '(;11e 2nd advanced;,:i th
t.te 14th :rankl3n. Upon arriving at ','iBlillEN (K136919) the 1st
llat was requested to fire onemplaced 88mm AA guns. The 1st
section fired 7rounds and got 3 hits on one gun. The emplac6
[.1ent began to smoke and 'then burn. S:he supported tanks took
care of three other guns sited nearby. At 1700 the advance
contincJ.ed co GROSS-.jTORKNITZ (X167974) where after spending
about 30 min in that location orders were received from 60
Arwd Inf 13n to supnort 1 Plat of Inf in taking the town of

i{.BID~RCDA Ct.16 5964) The Inf entered the town at 1800B wi th

out oP:Josi tion. The Co rear elements Hloved from NIBI1'..ITZ to
SI~~EL (K132.992).
Upon arrival the town was taken under heavy
artillery fire. An ammunition truckfrom the 60th Armd Inf Bn
was hit and began to burn. Two men, a T/5 and a Pfc from
B Co, WId one man fromHq Co exposed themselves to the fire
in order to nove the burning truckaway from other vehicle-s
that were parked nearby. One prisoner was taken by B Co
13 April 1945.
At 120800B Task Force Shaunnesy advanced towards BEERSDOaF
(K145920). "!'{hen about 600 yards from the objective, the entire
column was taken under time fire. T.ne Plats deploy8d and the
Inf dismountea from tanks and tank destroyers and assaulted
ALi:BNGROITZ (:;.a 70920). The 3rd Plat fired approximately 15
rounds of HE into a high building in ALTENGRCITZ which was
suspected to be an enemy OPe With the destruction of the
building the firing stopped. The Inf then advanced and took
the town. ~he 3rd Flat then sup'~orted Co L, 273rd Inf, in an
attack on Gl-:.OITSCH (K175840). From a range of 600 to 900
yards the 3rd Plat fired a preparation of 30 rounds. The
areas occupied by our forces were constantly under enemy
fire 20nsequently it was necessary to ctange positions con
tinuously. TInon completion of~he preparation the 3rd Plat
withdrww to BEERSDOI-iF where it bivouacked for the night. The
platoon arrived at BEERSDCRF at 1600B. The 2nd Plat, Co C,
remained attached to Div ':::rains at 1~ELDITZ (J935885). Four'
enemy pllanes bombed BEER3DO.HF at 1930B. No damage or injur
ies sustained by C Co.
Normal staff functions were carried on at Bn CP 14 April
1945. The Bn S-3 visited the company positions and returned
to the CP at 1927B. Two prisoners were taken in HOHENlliOLSEN
(K050930) by the 3-2 Sgt. Several enemy planes flew over the
CP area, were taken ~Ider fire but no results were noted.
~lans were drawn upfor the reconnaissance of roads in case
the march was to be resumed on the morrow. TLe Rcn Co CO
was informed of the details of the plan. The battalion was
alerted for the resumption of tne march on the following day_
Rcn Co continued to perform the security mission on the .j
perimeter of the tovm of HO~NluOLSEN. A section of Rcn 00 I
was posted at all roads leading into town. Due to the possi
bility of resuming the march on the 20th of April, Ron Co CO

- 14

the En CP was acquainted wi th the tentative

upon visi'i,ing
road reconnaissance ,:)lan. Seven German solcliers and eight
civilians were picked up by the outposts. The prisoners were
turned in at the P\V"E while the civilians were turned over to
Div OIC for screening.
. COB continued to advance to the East again~t moderate
resl-stance. The 1st section, 1st l:'lat, advanCing in su:pport
of 52nd Armd Inf Bn in the vicinity of NELLSHUTZ (DOIS8) was
taken under time fire by dug in 88mm AA guns. Two of the four
guns were taken under fire. Hi-r;s were secured on hoth guns.
Twenty of the enemy crew members were killed. The 2nd Plat
remained in the location occupied the day before. :rhe Company
rear CP moved from Gl-{OST (D870037) to LLCHA (K035970) arriv
ing there at 1100B. The march was uneventfulo
Co B remained inactive during the morning hours of 14
April 1945. Time was spent onmotor main-~enance and repairing
of equipment damaged by enemy artillery fire. At 141130B
April 1945 the CO 00 B departed for CCB Hq. Upon learning
the objective of the command the company was assembled and
moved out in an easterly direction. ~rom the outset the move
ment was slow with frequent halts. The column was' halted on
a hill in the vicinity of PIEGEL (K216953) by heavy and ac
curate artillery fire. While held up in this position, the
Co CO~s light tank was used to round up16 German prisoners
in a field near an AA position. An order was received to ad
vance through the zone covered by enemy artillery. Vehicles
'raced through the zone by ,infiltration. The column then
advanced through KIERITZSCH (K245949). Whenabout 3/4 of a
mile past the to~n the column was again taken under fire by
enemy artillery. B Co (- 1 Plat) turned around and returned
to KIERITZSCH at 2130B. At 2400 the CoCO was summoned to
the CP of CCA. at TRACHENAU (K266965) to receive further
While awaiting further orders at BEERSDORF (K145920).
14 April 1945 a Polish PW volunteered information at the Co
CP that English, Polish and Russian PWs were in a faotory
cellar in town . The security sections of the 1st and 3rd
Plats under the command of the Co Executive and the attached
Rcn Plat leader were sent to investigate. As a result, 19
German enlisted men and 1 officer were taken prisoner and
over 100 English paratroopers and 300 Polish and Russian
PWs liberated. C Co was alerted to move at 1200B. At 1225B
C Co departed from BEERSDORF performing the point mission
for Task Force Shaunnesy column. After an uneventful march
the company (- 1 Plat) arrived at WEIDENHAIN (K247873) at .
1500B and set uproad blocks on roads leading into town. At
2300B three Hitler youths were oaptured. These boys upon
questionine, revealel that they were AA gun crew members
from ZEITZ. One Plat of tanks from the 777th Tank Bn re
joined the Company. The 2nd Plat of C Co moved with Div
In anticipation of the D~v OP's move forward, Rcn Co
was given the mission of reconnoitering the road from HOHEN

- 15


to BREIJ..1IXG~N (.K285865). . he 3n was alerted to move

at l6l30GB AJ)ril but the time of departure was Cl~W1f,Ed to
lj15B. 1'he:an CF closed at HCL..d'J..CI0Eii 1,2013 and joined the
Div CP group for the march to B.R.BI .L:G~N. Hq Co ren:ained at
HOEEN1,CLSEN awaiting movemen t of Di v artillery. Tl"e Dn CF
opened at Bfu;ITL)GEN at l7l5B. Rcn Co and the attaclled pla t
oons outposted the perimeter of tovm. At 1730B infol'L'la tion
was received at the CP that one of the factory chimneys in
the outak1rt, of town was being usee:. as an OP. A seccion of
guns was dispatched to destroy the OPe The report was found
to be groundless and the guns returned to their post at the
perimeter of town. Hq Co arriyed and took up billets at
At l50830B April Rcn Co received the ill :.ssion of recon
noi tering the road from HOEEHKOLSEN to Bru:;I~'E.GEH. ~he 1st
Flat performed the mission without incidento When the Div
OP moved out, Rcn Co secured tLe main route and parallel
roads to the destination. Upon arriving at BIlliITIWJEN :i.cn
Co posted security outposts on the perimeter of town.
The 1st Plat A 00 was relieved from attacr~ent to 52nd
Armd Inf Bn and reverted to company control; the jrd Plat
was relieved from attac~~ent to the 19th Tank En and reverted
to company control at LAUC}~ (K030970) 15 April 1945. A Co
however remained attached to CCB. Co A departed from LAu;';EA
at l500B and arrived at BLUURODA (K310880 1800B. ~n.Le Co
(- 1 Flat) then set up road blocks on roads leadin,) in to
tovm. The 2nd Plat remained and moved with the Bn CF.
Upon reporting to the OJ? of CCA at THACEENAU (K266965)
the Co CO Co A was informed that the Combat Command would
move out at about 150300B April with HAINlm~EN (K368990) as
the objective. A Co (- 1 Plat) departed from TRACEEl-;AU at
0300B and arrived.at NBURIERITZSCH (K284950) at 0530B. The
. 1st Plat set up road blocks on the Southern part of town.
At 0920B CCB resumed its marchto the original objective. ;'/'.en
apr,ro:::ching :rHIBRBACH (K349966) the column was taken under
intense artilJ.. ery and mortar fil~e. The column remained on
the road from 1100B until about 160CB when it was decided
to make a run for the town. The fire let up a bit but as
soon as the column reached THIBREACH the town received a
heavy barrage of artillery fire. Vehicles were pulled under
cover and the mentook cover in buildings. No casualties or
damage to vehicles was suffered. After the artillery fire
let up the company proceeded to set up roc.d blOCKS. The Co
rear CP and the attached Hq vehicles arrived at ~i:IER2t\.CH
at 1900B.
Task Force Shaunnesy moved out from '/,'ILDENEAIU at 15
0900B April. One Plat of tanks from the 777th ~ank Bn lead
the column. Co C (- 1 Plat) followed the last Co of Inf.
The head of the colwnn arrived at L1!.1JPAHN (K515896) at 1620:.3.;
While at LEUPAh"N C Co was ass.".gned mission of sup~orting the,' /
3rd Bn, 273rd Inf, 69th ]liv, in the attack on COLDI~Z (K5493)0



,< .


- 16


. e,

The plan of attack was to have the TDs and tanks fire from
the West to the East into COLDITZ on any activity that was
noticed while the In! assaulted the town from the South.
C Co's 1st and 3rd Plats and the attached platoon of tacl~s
took up :positions in defilade and against houses in HCHN13ACE
(l:C533917 J. The TDs ~egan firing befol.'e the Inf got under wayo
S1nce the range atwh1ch the TDs were firing, 1,600 to 2,000
yards, target designation was extremely difficult.
This difficulty was solved by u8ing the 20 power tele
scope. The Plat leader set up his scope at a vantage point.
\fuen a target was picked out the platoon leadsr would let a
gunner and TD commander observe the target through the 'sco~;e
and then take it under fire. In one instance, two enemy
were observed against ('.11 enbanlanent. ~his target was taken
under fire. The follcwing day, the spot taken under fire
was inspected and the only evidence found of the two enemy
was a cap. A total of 45 rounds were fired into suspected
MG emplacements, field fortifica~cions a'l1d houses. Two ~iG
emplacements were defini-:~ely destroyed and an unknovm number
of enemy killed. After dark the destroyers werepulled back
into town and the men bille~ted.
Upon visiting the Div CP the CO learnedthat the Div OJ?
was to displace to BAD LAUSICK (K426940) 16 April 1945. Rcn
Co was given the mission of re,connoi tering_ the route and
securing the town of BAD LAUSICK. Since no previous report
was received as to the town disposition, one section of TDs
was attached to the Rcn Co executing the mission. ~he town
was reported cleared by Rcn Co at 1330B. The En CP closed
at BREITINGEN at 1530B and after an uneventful march opened
at BAD LAUSICK at 1735B.
The 1st Rcn Plat left BREITINGEN at 160730B April in
the execution of the road reconnaissance mission. One aband
oned 76mm gun was found in the vicinity of BAD LAUSlCK. Since
the gun was inact and ready for use, a few thermite grenades
were thrown in-~o the tube. No resistance was encountered at
BAD LAUSIOK but 96. . enemy enlisted men and 4 officers were
rounded up in clearing the town. The 1st Plat then posted
outposts in their sector of responsibility on the perimeter
of the town. One section of Rcn Co accompanied the Bn S-2
in moving to BAD LAUSICK. The remairiaer of Rcn Co executed
ita mission of march security when Div CP made its move from
remaining elements outposted their sector of responsibility.
A Co (- 1 :i::'lat) spent the early part of the 16th 0 f
April on motor maintenance. At 1830B A Co departed from
BL,{JMRODE accompan~ing CCB on the move to the -North with
WETEWITZ (E355241J as the objective. The march proceeded
wi thout incident and the Company arri:ved at AL'J.'ENHAlN (E450
100) at 2359B. The company secured bivouac for the night.
At 0830B, 16 April B Co departed from TElERBACH (K350970)
with CCA on the move to the North. Elements of the 14th Tank
Bn provided the point while the TDs lead tLe main body. As
- 17

soon as THIEill3ACE was cleared the column was taken under

fire by enemy 88nn gUllS Vlhich wei"e firing air bursts. Sev

eral of the l,~- 36s \'lere hi t wi th shrapnel but no damage re

suI ted. T.:~e to','fIl of Or::."rERVIISCH (E000001) was cleared by

tl1e i'D :i?lats. Co:E remained in O:::TERWISCH until the ta.i1.ks

which were Dlaneuvering in 8 flanking operation arrived at

the tmvn. upon arrival of the tanks the march was resumed

to ALT:t:i.ITL:..IN (E455105). The tanks and Inf went ahead to

clear the woods while B Co remained in town. In the engat;e

Denes one tank was knocked out. :E Co's recovery vehicle was

sent into the woods to retrieve t>e tank. There was some

s~all arms interference during the tank recovering opera

tl0n but no one was hurt and the tank was pulled back into

tovm. The march was tllen resum d and the Company reached

LELLITZ (E43~155) at 2140B. The road network leading into

tovm was then outposted

During the early morning hours under the cover of ground
haze the 1st, 3rd Plats and the attached. tank platoon re
turned to their I'iring positions in the vicinity of HOI:NBACH
(K532917). :2ositions with more defilade were taken however,
since positions of the day before were disclesed by the pre
vious day's firing and a considerable amount of small arms
fire was being received. Firing was not resumed because
el~Hlents of the 69th lnf Div had reached the town of COLDITZ.
C Co (- 1 Plat) left the positions at HOHN:EACH at 1330B, 16
April 1945 and moved into the town of COLDITZ where road
blocks were set up. Tile Company arrived at COIDITZ at 1530B
without any incidents o
In anticipation of movin; the Div CP North, .Rcn Co was
given the mission of reconnoitering a route to and the town
of Grtn2.~ (E483045). Since the area wasn't thoroug1LW clear
ed of enemy a section of TDs were sent as a supporting ele
ment. Flans were undertaken to rotate platoons of A & B Co
which were under battalion contr~l roviding security for ,
Div and Bn CPs. ~he plan was completed and submitted to Div
for ap,roval. Routine visits by:En staff officers were made
to the companies.
:rhe 2nd Rcn Ple.t was assigned the mission of reconnoi t
erinr; the route to GRIl~. One section. of TDs (1st section,
3rd lat, Co B) was attached to the 2nd Rcn Plat. The mission
w.as routine until the objective was reached. The. enemy had
1 eft the tOlm of GRIMh:A the previous day and took up posi
tions in 'Hoods xross the 1.TI.TLDE R. Harassing small arms fire
was directed into the town and on the roads leading North.
After establishing contact ~ith elements of the 89th Rcn :En
~ask Force Eibel moved into position to eliminate the pocket
of enemy at E482037. The woods and visible entrenchments
were raked with 90mm, 37mm and .30 and.50 Call.'iG fire. Tree
bursts were sccured. T~o enemy were definitely killed. Ob- ~
servation into the woods was limited.
It is presumed that
=ore of the enemy were killed. After the completion of fire
by ~he TaskForce Eible, enemy fire ceased to come from the
;voods. A '.;0 tal of' 40 rounds of 90mm HE and 35 rounds of 37mm


- 18





was expended. The s..'ask FO:L'ce then returned to BAD LAuSIC~":

wi thout further incident .:Lhe ls t and 3rd Flets rer.laine0
at EAD LAUJICK outposting the torm.
A Co's sector v:as quiet 17 April. CCB VlaS providj,n.g an
armored screen to the Bast Gi' L~npZIG. .A Co dt;epened this
screen. The company moved _:orth tonew pos idons. A Compan:.r
(- 1 Plat) departed LbULITZ at 1430B and after an uneve.n~ful
Llarch arrived at VfEL'rEtfITZ (E355241) arri,;ing there at 1630B.
Read blocks were set up on roads leadinG into town.,
B Co spent the morning of 17 April lS4-5 on r::aintenance
and outposting the tovvn of LEtJLITZ At 150CB E Co w~s given
the mission of taking the town of L~i>.C~iER:r (3405175). The
Task Force was composed of a Plat from Service COLlP an:,' , 60th
Armd Inf Bn. A section of Engineers, one li{bt tank and two
1-:-20s. The Platoon leader of the Is L; I'lat Co B was nlaced
in command of Task F.orce Zap!. ~Lhe town vias taken wi thout
opposition and held until 2030B when relief furnished by
Co C, 60th Armd Inf' Bn arrived. The Task ]lorce then :ceturned
to LEULITZ. At 1700B, B Co was given the mission of running
a contact patrol between LEULITZ and BI~,NOWITZ (E464184)
every two hours. This missL.m was duly executed. The 1st
Plat maintaine.d road block -positions in GRETEN.
o Co OF remairted in COLDITZ 17 April 194'5. The 1st Plat
moyed to and occupied positions at ZSCHADRASS (K554942). The
3rd Plat moved to and occupied positions in HAtJSDO.i:iF C.. . 566
922). Botb of the platoon positions were on the front lines
as elements of the 3rd Bn, 69th Inf Div, were dug in on the
fl anks of the destroyer po si tiona. The 3rd Plat cap '~ured
eight prisoners on tre 17th of April 1945.
The plan for the rotation of the platoons of A, 13 & C Cos
upon subm.', ssionto, Div wes not accepted. It was stated that .
~his plan would receive SGme consideration at some later date.
Normal staff functions and visits to companies were carried
on ~d made 18 April 1945.
Rcn Co performed the assigned mission of outposting BAD
LAUSICK. There were no unusual activities 18 April 1945 .
Oos A, B & C performed their assigned mission 18 April
Time was spent on maintenance of vehicles, arms -and equipment.
The security miSSion assitned to the elements of the 656
TD Bn were pefformed in a routine mariller i9 April 1945. }:q
00 and Rcn OF mov,.d into a field in the ','j'estern part of BAD
, Routine functions carried out by En Hq, Rcn, A & BOos.
The Bn CP was alerted for movement to LCBSTADT (E295820).
Rcn Co turned over ;8 Germans to ele for screening.
Task Force Shaunnesy was disbanded 20 April 1945. Co C
was relieved from attachment to the 3rd En, 273 Inf, and
attached to the 2nd Tank Bn. The platoon of tanks from tt.e
777th Tank Bn was relieved from attachment arid attached to
the 3rd Bn, 273 Inf Regt. C Co departed from CCLDITZ (K545

- 19" -

931) at 1330B and moved to GROSSERL.L.TE (K528958) arriving

there at 1500B. The 1st ~lat moved into position with a
m~ssion of guarding a Cl 70 bridge, the 3rd Plat moved into
position covering a Cl 40 bridge. At 1640:3 enemy movement
w~s noticed in woods in the vicinity of the 1st Plats posi
tlon. Four rounds of HE were fired into the woods. The re
suI ts were not observed' nor was an investig, tion made of the
results of -the firing.
The Bn ~P closed~at BAD LAUSICK (E426941) 210825B April

and accompanled the D1V OF to LOBSTADT where it opened at

1030B. At 1655B word was received that 25 German officers

and 180 enlisted men in civilian clothes were in the town of

lWTSCHUTZ. Rcn Co was given the mission of investigating

this report.

Rcn Co performed the usual mission of road security

during the march from BAD LAUSICK to LOBST-ADT. Upon arriving

at the destination the usual 'outposting was performed. Four

20mm and two 88mm AA guns in positions in the vicinity of

LOBSTADT were destroyed by demolitions- and incendiaries res

pectively. At 1700B Rcn Co was giv~nthe mission of inves

tigating a report of enemy officers and enlisted men in civ~

ilian clothes in the town of NOTSOHUTZ. The 2nd Rcn Plat

performed the inis.sion. No traces of the reported personnel

were found. The 1st Flat turned in eight civilians to the

CIC for screening.

In the general displqqement of the 9th Armd Div from

the front line positions to the rear, A Co departed from.
WELTEUWITZ (E356247) 240800B April and arriving at DOBITZ
(E320200) at 1845B. Road blocks were set up on the perimeter
of town.
B Co displaced from LEULITZ (E435155) to NEUKIERITZSCH (I
285451) arr:~ving at its destination at 1800H. Usual road
biGck positions were occupied. The 1st Plat was detached ~rom
the 60th Armd Inf Bn and was given the mission of securing
the Combat Command OF at NEUKIERITZSCH. The 2nd Flat occu
pied positions at, H:~UERSDORF (K258900).
Co 0 moved from GROSS SERMUTH to HLu~ODA (K308879) ar

riving at its des'tination at 1600B. 0 Co' (-1 Flat) outposted

the town of BLUMRODA.

Routine staff functions carried on in the Bn OP 22 April.

There were no changes in Rcn and C Co that day. A Co moved

from DOBITZ (E330200) to ROTHA (K295923) arriving there at

1040B. Outposts set up at the ou1kirts of town. The 2nd .

Plat Co B was relieved from attacbment to the 14th Tank Bn

and reverted to company control. The platoon then moved and

joined the 1st Flat at NEUKIERITZSCH.

The 656th TD Bn with the 9th Armd Div reverted toVII

Corps control as of 23l700B April. A total ot 45 Germans
in civilian clothing were turned over to the CIC for screen
- 20

ing during the period 230001B to 232400B April. There were
no other activities in any of the company locations.
Routine staff functions carried on at the Bn CP 24 Auril.
Rcn Co tu:cned in two PWs in civilian clothes to Div PdE ~d
10 civilians to CIC for screening. No other act~vity reDort
ed on this date.

The Bn instituted a training program 25 April. A total of

7 civilians were turned in to the CIC for screeninG. Ho otler
activities reported.
All companies performed motor maintenance training in
addition to performing their outpost mis:..:,ion. Two civilians
were turned in to CIC for screening 26 April 1945
Allcompanies reverted to Bn control 272400B April 1945.
~uring the day scheduled training was conducted by all compan
leSe The 1st Flat of B Co replaced the 3rd in its position
m',ssion of securing the CPs. The )rd plat rejoined its com
pany at ~~UKERITZSCH.
Companies upon reverting to Bn control 272400B April re
mained in their posi tions with the same mj.ssions
At 1430B
28 April the Bn was alerted to move in six hours to !POIDA
Companies A, B & C (- 1 P+at ea) were assigned to Combat
Command B, A and R respectively at 1800B, 28 April. There
however were no changes in positions or missions. No activ
ities were reported by any of the companies.
Elements of the 9th Arllld Div began dispLcing to the vic
inity ot APOLDA (J650765) 29 April. The~n CP, Hq, Rcn and
attached platoons remained at LOBSTADT. A billeting party
under the co~~and of the CO of Hq Co left LOBSTADT to arrange
for billets. A Co did not move this day. B Co (- 1 Plat)
left NEUKIERITZSCH 290600B April and arrived at KiULJ?ERDORF
(J679709) at 1200B. The company outposted tlje town upon a~r
ivaI. Co C moved from BLub~~ODA (K308879) with CCR and arrlved
at lJM:PERSTEDT (J580705) at 200CB hours. The tov.n was outposted
upon arrival.
The En OP accompanying DivCP departed from L013STADT 300830B
April 1945 and arrived at ABOLDA 1530B. Since the town of APOL
DA was the largest which the 656 TD Bn outposted, 2 Plats, the
2nd and 3rd, Co D, 2nd Tank Bn, were attached to the Bn. The
additional platoons were attached in turn to Rcn Co. The tot
al outposting far ce controlled by En at this time consistecl
of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Plats, Co D, 2nd Tank Bn, Rcn Co, 656
TD "En,lst Plat, Co B and the 3rd Flat of Co A. Tlis force
wae responsible for the security of AFOLDA. At 2400B the 656th
TD 3n reverted to First Army control and was attached to the
VIII Corps for admin~stration.
Rcn Co mov d as the advance guard for the Div cr column ;1.1
in the move from LOB STADT to APOLDA. Upon arriving at the
destination Rcn Co outposted the town. In order to suprlement

I .

- 21

-'.;l:e out;os-cing fo:cce -:::lle 2nd and 3rd rlats, Co D, 2nd Tank
were attached -'.;0 ~cn Co. The platoons were then fitt~d
in~o the general outposting scheme.
A Co moved with its Combat Co.rnm.and from aOTHA (R.265991)
to ',rELLING~N (J768667). The ro ad march was uneventful ani
the company upon arriving at its destination lLloved into road
block posi"t;ions.
COLloanies B and C performed maintenance and training
in additlon to outposting their respected towns. C Co d~
tained and turned over to the CIC one fOl~er German sold1er
and two \'IOl:"len of -:he G~rman Women's Corps.
The first few days of April found the 656th Tank Des
trover Dattalion with the 9th Armored Division terminating
the"FIRGT Army's drive to the North and Northeast linking
up with the NINTH Army to form the RUHR ~OCKET. With the
formation of the Pocket Combat Commands of the 9th Armored
Division defended the flanks of the Right Pincer and exerted
force to the North against limited objectives. The action
then changed to a holding operation. Positions gained were
defended against counter-attacks by German Armored and otl~er
miscellaneous elements hastily brought down from Denmark.
Elements of the 656th Tank Destroyer Battalion aided in the
defense of the newly won positions. With the establishment
of a new Corps Zone of c:'.ction towards the East with the
~lbe River as the final objective, the 9th Armored Division
wi th the attached elements of the 656th Tank Destroyer Bat
talion withdrew from positions North of WARBURG and assembled
in the LANDAU-WOLFHAGEN area in preparation for operations
to the East. Leaving.the assembly area and crossing the line
of departure at the VVESER RIVER, the 9th Armored Division
attacked in the entire Corps Zone committing the three Com
bat Commands. A Company of the 656th TD Battalion supported
the actions of CCE in the Northern part of the Corps sector,
B Company sup,iorted the actions of CCA in the center sector
and C Company supported the action of CCR in the Southern
sector. Resistance from the offset varied from stiff in the
Northern sector to light in the Southern sector. The advance
was push~d relentlessly against heterogeneous enemy elements.
Upon arriving South of the liALLE-LEIPZIG area the main enemy
resistance came from AA defenses. They however constituted
no organized force and did not impede the advance.
The Corps Objective was changed when the leading ele
ments of the Southern sector reached the MULDE RIVER. The
9th Armored Division provided the armored screen West of the
l~ljLDE RIVER while the 2nd Infantry Division assaulted LEIPZIG
from the West and the 69th Infantry Division from the South
and East. With the capture of the new. Corps objective, all
elements of the V Corps remained in place awaiting the coming
of the ~-{u::. si~ forces. The 9th Armored Division after the I)
cap~ure of L~IPZIG went into Corps reserve.
At the close o~
the mon"ch the 9th Armored Division accompanied by the 656th
Tank Destroyer Battalion went into Army Reserve and displaced


- 21

to an assembly area in tIle vicinity of APOLDA.

T~e secon~ month of action for the 656th Tank Destroyer
..::sattallon conslf3ted mostly of advances in support of the 9th
Armored Division elements. There was no opportunity for the
battalion ~o be used in its primary role, nevertheless a con
siderable amount of action was engaged in. A total of 381
prisoners were taken. Over two hundred civilians were appre
hended and turned over to the CIC for screening. The follow
ing enemy equipment was destroyed in combat: 3 88mm guns,
3 OPs, 2 MG emplacements and a number of houses. In addition
four possible OPs were fired on and destroyed and one MG cap
Target designation at great ranges in-execution of di
rect fire missions proved difficult at times and impossible
whentaking moving target~~der fire. The stereotype method
of target designation iS/a~~quate and generally has to be
supplemented by a mo're or less detailed description. of the
target. The following approach to soLvin~ this problem was
employed by this organization: German Be scopes were set
in the center of the platoon position for observation pur
poses. Wilen a target was picked up a gun commander identifi:d
the target through the 'scope. The gunner also identified
this target. The target was then taken under fire. In the
COLDITZ operation, targets were fired on at a range of 2600
yards. Hits were generally' secured with the first or second
This method of target designation is slow and cannot
be used when speed is the criterion. However, it certainly
should receive consideration when small stationary targets
are engaged at.great ranges. The twenty power telescope can
be used as the observation instrument.
The ~50 caliber machine gun proved to be a very valu-
able secondary weapon on both the M~18 and M-36 destroyers.
The position of the mount and gun was not satisfactory on the
M-36 destroyers. 'Upon receipt of the M-36 destroyers as re
placements for the M-18s and prior tp release to the gun com
panies, the position of all machine guns was changed so tnat
the gun was more readily accessable. This change was not en
tirely satisfactory but it was better than the original posi
The .50 caliber machine gun was used against aircraft,
personnel and buildings. The gun proved satisfactory
against personnel and exceedingly so when used against
bUildings and other inflamable materials. In the attack on
villages and the subsequent fights within the villages con
fines, the .50 caliber machine gun was used to spray the

". .

- 22

'i .


streets to clear the streets of enemy personnel. Spraying

the street generally resulted in one or two homes catching
fire and burning. Direct fire into buildings also result
ed in setting the buildings afire. Enemy -personnel driven
. from burning buildings wer~ then fired uron by the .50 cal
iber machine gun.
In one instance both primary guns of one sect':'on jamned.
The .50 caliber machine guns Vlere then brought into use.
Tarbets taken under fire located in buildings were neutral
ized or destroyed .

'- . -




J;1. .1J7'


j/'tt Col, Inf (TD)




/' ;.1
u'" I















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- ':~~_ -c::c~

",,", --,-







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A. 8
Qaptala. B-1

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11. . . . ' _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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penoue1 "pl. . . . . . a

8 _






0 0




.. .,. . _..,las.--- -.


, . . .1_ I e _ I - .


IF. . . . . . .S. . . . .

_.--,_!M- 0".


, . A f~

7- . .ttali.a .t,,,Mt _ tal.

tiftalea . . t i...... i . tM lollowlq


at, ...........l'8 OoIIP~, . .

IDt '1, A 9oa.taIlJ.... 18 Pl. . . . .
....ssr.. iJOJ.:D.l \J14'1M,. he ...... _tion"
Knaloa .......1 . . . . tIlo ala.l" f o.t
...u. uuLM. la
to ...pl~ tho ,,'pUnc.
tIIfte j1atoaa .t 11p' t . . . . let natet Oea,aQ J),
IlIA bM la, let n.tooa" a.,.., :It 14. T.u .. ...

,.. n ..... a.,aB7

wen .tt.. . . . te
ill peRl'lM at OLLIH. (1618661). c..,..,
Pl.') Tti........ GOA
. .
ltl0. at
U (1'19109 t a0;r.ar .t,........ ca. _ la poattl.

n .,_TDI \i_TO'.
'p'" 1'......
Ia lIMl'ioa. 0 0.,..., .......... po.'"

..,.. We ........ t .,tu'et _.., d.-at.

. . .-eta. . . .



raaJr ...
A _PmQ (- 2. . Plat)

-.aa, ..
Sa ,




lAtoJ'llatloa . . noelYO& .t . . . . OP that ..be 9t1l

a-nC lYl.loa
lta .,........ _ _t. _
te ....
. . .tIl law "."-b __ 1a ,"pan'loa 10. open'l.)_
..at.., tbe _ . , la o.....al...._l... ..... oa


_tloa, plana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . reeoaaal.aac. t.tail _

NMJUIOi, ... tI&e nat


All e1_at ~ tbe _,tall. . re.al... 1Jl plaoe per


toa1Jl& taa.s......1. . . . 11110.. I . . .

The . . S-,
tie OP at 0800. la ,aI....... f the plAlUlecl N . ._

V,oa ~~ hll nport ... rend.ret ot

1a1. tlnU.... Otla_ uual .'-It "'tntt wo... oan1.
. . t tbe . . ca.
Upoa reoe1p' . ,

late _


D1Y1810. o...ra 10 .oY.ment

an. 1. Yl81a1'7 01 *&11)&1 (1'190290)


~ .. , we
and 41e'rl,.,.t. a
paa1e. reu1A. . 1a pl... pU'toftliac 1a 8441 'ioa to the
OR'pO.'~ a110a, . .tat.Dan an4 -.aln.lna.
A eo.PanJ
(- 1 Pl.,) t.pan.c ' " - ~alK?&RD<H" (.1'19109) aoY1q w1 '\al
00. . . _ . . . .'17 ..... ill tbe Y18141" 01 W:AUfr.g U1'ltil.
AI.,. tnYe11~ 101 all 008,81'11 UTi. . . .t y.u;.:ttRED

, ... 1945, . .

Wlft '110650) at







auola . . . . . . . .at-

tul an4 afte.. outpo.tl~ 't: . towr., b1l ~ ete- were cured
aa4 V'oo:,. blll' . 0 OOIlPIl!l3 de~'."e4 ~:L ER:l~l}'r ~:}-,
011' .1 til ceA. Atter 'travelint: 85 mile. G Co~-,~8n7 b1y
_.ke4 tor the 111t;ht at SlAw. :: ....CH ani vlJ14t there at


The 1.'


Compan1 ll, 14th 7ank .P.R, and the

l.tooa, Oq.p~ ]), 19U1 Tank nn, reyer"ed to their

r . . peotl.e bat\alloa' oAtrol 04C&;CS. :'be En CP olou
.t AO~])A 0408)01, ~o1n.d \h. Division cr &rOup and uarcb
'0 if 'fIOHB3110 (D890845) wh.re 1t opened at 17(1!. At
04211'. I&a.J 'he En Cj- wa. i!!form. ~, :'~.l w1 til 1) C01Dp ant
bad ~e_ .ttaoh... to 'th. let Intantl"J Dlvl.io~.


aeeonnalano. Ooapany


al 101l 'vine
",oDDAl. . . .


the aaual robd our

til. roa'~. UPOIl arrivins a" .lfvi:';H
Coap&nJ 0"';'0:,".4 the ton.

A CoapaBl dlsplao.' with OC.. A CoaP&n1 depart., tro.

C401301 l1Q 1945 . . .t"er marobll1 aprl'O~1!IA.t.11
10C all." 010' at HIke nuoa (765688) .t 1515S
l-' ... lJ..lNQU



1ft pl 4 M., 1945

the uzocb . . . n.__ 4


part.u ~. atA~ACB 0406451.

lJ' OCA.

0 Companl ,.


Atter tr...ling approx

taat.l, 85 aile. C Ooap~ pall.' .nt ti.14 70(
- et WOPP'IBlEtl at 16001 tor the nl&ht b1.ouao. Tbe
net MNh . . . _ _ _ttu.1. On. ilatooa (2nd 1,.,) _
.t"..beI to DiYi.loa !ralaa etttiy. 0800


D. JIll . , ooa'tlaue4 'h. "~4 aanIa to 1' ".'1natloa.
De III CJ 010." .t IItJ ~ CHIUwlG (1)840084) 05C8JC).1 ~o11Ut.
Diylaloa at ..... aDA pre...... te l~e tlnatlon. the
. . CJl op." a' Ul.T1Il!IKUHLI
the 9th U'IlorH
Diyl.1oD ,.ta_lt..bet It. QP .t SElJDEaI ' - , alaa. ep
l1aS.t4t4. tM
tau De.bor." .Battalloa CP had to





_. ..ta_ll.he4 ., ~IL?E!I~OHtI. In o~.r .. aaln"nla

d... coatt It. . . ._ the 1 n .10a an4 BD CP, 'he Bn 00
lal1a"" fWd CP 010 to 'b. D1Yi81oft CP at~r... ;N.B:~:JtG.
lafar.at1oa ... ~.lY" tha' the 1.1e1on Of ... \0 moy.
to UJI)U (nlOnoJ'''' t.l1..,._ tQ. A _lll.tinc raft7
...,_teA ...
1.1eloa C1' at 050800. Ma7 1M'.
De 00 .t a..t,...... a.a,.a, 4
een..... iaatneU4 to ";.en at tM ' lenat.. pl. . .
. . lel1..uc ........

ft}.'." ..

al" 1Ii.'- , ..,





p."oftle4 tlIe uual na. __

1M' .U'1ac \b. . . . . . . . . .b. UpOA ....




1pa'" ..

ri viae at ~b. , t1nato108, o.atpo." . .re ..., arotan4

IA~!SaQ. Th. CO.pan1 CP
100at.4 .t IEUNIG.. (~15"




A CompaJQ' . . .oiapanl1n& COB

tb. _nil 5 ~

1945 .epaniq tl'Oll HlmtJ.UROI (15'M) . , 063OB. Ana

traY.l1ac 60 atl \M .-PUll aI"~lY"


(,2"40) 1')0. Bo. . bloakre '.bll. . . . . . . . . . .

la_ina lnt.
n. IIaI"OIl _ "". .entl1l1.



B oOaPaA7 r..a1... ia ple 5 Mar 1945. Ma1at8D8De.


C COJllpan1 rem.1ft.A


.t iOl'Pi.DlETIf (P2881n) 5 ...,.

.',*eh" ...

Tbe 65"h TaDk :o..tr:cr.J&at tall.. . . .

, CoJ'p. an4 b_
'1 Uoop. , _
At 0,,,,
the battall0A . . . al.ne4 t.~ MTeaeAt to OIl)'" (lt111O).
!'he lIIa'CP 010 4 . , ~fi:Ll'llfIKUsa at 1,15 ........... .
WElD ';'. 14 S5a.

BeooJma1. . .o. Goa,.,' perfo.... 'UMa . .0.&1

81 10a 6 .., 194'


., and 0 Coapaa1.. reaa1u4 1a ,1_ , ..., 194'. Den

. . . JaG

aotlvit, 111 .1t... '., .....- . - . , .......

B Compan1 .ttaob.. to CCA wbleb 1a -.... ... ." ..~

to 1.' lnt.'17 1.1.10& r ...... t.U . .~ '- .... Ieet

and O.echo.lonk1.. Ooap~ &eU'tM ,... IlAUIUUII

. (f610650) 050800. act aI71ftt .ttoumou ('450110) ......

1oYak1a 230ea. fhe

l i....... ....

towa. the . . platoo..

late ,ftlMtei' . .t _ ,...
ltiou. The" be. . . . . _
. . _-., . .'1-.

0.::'-:1 .. _ ....



lor&al. .taU lanett... wen 'ut..... 1 IIu

eoapaA1.. llea A aM 0
1a ~ 'ioa ..d.l'lll. .
ourit, ai.B ...


I OO.pH, oo!lta,*, the auU . . . . . . .,

IOLDCU 06501 ........t..r i... .t .. aJ:tLO .(.,,..,, ) C...... .

eloyakl. 12)0. Man. Detno,. weft '111. . . . . . . .t




fUn _

.. - .



pri. . .en .... pia. . at 1a . . neial" et .. . . . I"S.~

Bd.. _

All IID1,. 01 the , , , . hU

a .., 1M'.

. ., . . . 1a pl. . .




tile 1 . . . . . , . ,


o})....'lou ..a1u"b......... ltJ the 65''''

~ ~.

'1M 65'tIl Ifau De.v;...,. . .,tall_ t,...... to tM

0' ..
...un" -'11

'til ABo.... D1Ylal_. ___ 'ldl'

aca1nat the Clem. . . . . ,last . .lDt ........ tno,.. ~
the rlh' r"" Up ot "-r aaa or th. 9t1l ........ Dt,y18i_

w1 tit their ." . .het .1.ent....... Soa'" lAte

...... 1. preparatloa 'o~ .,....U . .
a.... ton_ ' .~.<
in 0.......1..._1.. eo.1'-" J ."ub" to eOA wblu 1&
tua . . . ., ta. . ,. tbe 18' IAt. .,.., Din.loa .........
into ~ obo.laYakl.. Co.p~ A an4 Co~paar C .'taoh"
to OCB and
~6ap.ot.~. .1, remain" 1. .....'l~ ~..


Ylo1A1tJ ot BIDE! alAo. 'l.e Oor:,.' 0. . . . . ot

th. Armor.4 Diy1a1.. ",0 wbicb Ooapaa1 A aDA C ....
a"th'et w.~. 1a fHllU) 4lU1.Y 'loal. r JIft. Oa __
6th ot J:Q the 656tb 'Iank .a,"I'. . . .,,,.u,lOa . . . -t.aaet


to the T!:l,U) AAlel. III 'h. 1a.' rn .,~ . , . . . J.s ....., .

the 656t.. Tank D 'ro,.~ Batta110. whil~ baYl~ ODe .1.
~.n" of 1'. '.&'tal1on oOIlm1't". t14 Ad' -cac .., _..,
foro... In ooaba' ho...... 172 _..,. wen talt. pri.......



The (!>6th Tank n.a'tJlOl.r .Battalioll 110 lnto the

lines 2~; .:'.brua17 19'5. ;;lnc. th.n, and un'tl 8 Jr:~ 1945

. execrt tor a ailort period ot t1. . tn '''''arah, ~ 65Gtll tau

;,.stroyer battalion t~.ct b."n "~taohe4 U tte 9tda Ahlel'eA
:J1vl::n:..>n. '~t. to: ,o',':itliJ oomr.~.nt8 al' a" on olt "a"lou
::iade cil.U.llt: tbe p8r104 2F F.bftal'J W 8 If.87 1945.


a ta


on.. oult b. =act.

orcanl'loD woul4


able TTi BAttalions to train . . integral ..... of ~1Y1.,lon.

~ld con qaentlJ In.~r. eDoott-ar ~p.ra'loaa In ooab.t. I'
would alllo m.tUl t.ha' oe:"ta1n aaOWlt of reoran1za"loa
w~'..:lti lwve to b. don..
In 'hat th. 65ftb Tank DfPatrol.r
l::lt t Ul ~ i (a. j~a. never or-ttl'steel In R 41reo' att.ohm~n' ' 0 all
~nf~lt17 ~-;1.vi810n It 1. n..:-t ~~no ...-n -haUl.r 't.e rrnt 01".
ani;;';Rtl;n uf :)1 TV Elat1a11on 1 t1afact01"J tor -.1t;A
';:.0:'1. to lUll t. of tt"a' tyr..
1" 1ft t.1 t that T;:
ien 88.;1., nee to an Araoref. !Jlv181on 81101.114 liP,v. cert.1n
adi floati ,:18 J18.!':'!e111 .
1. nOf'.! aO.llwZlt of the 3eT. 60Cr 1'1 radios .1 th


._;~,at 5C( 1'1

2. '~.r'1'io.!.1ttn' of tlle .i~J. 6C6 wi 'h 'he

J\,; . 506
:n10.tlon.ln a tD Battalion
. ..weible elimnat.1on of it.oonnal ance. COftl,I\n.y.

tor oommand



4. ~ut'ing down ~fHe.d~uar'.r. Coapan, r.raonnel.

Tbe d1tterence in the radio ri . . . .,. n.ottatee

\he addition at an extra radio ln ....~ ~h.' rati. . . . .

munioation '" be .81Q~.lne. between the armore4 41.1.1oa

el"m'nt. and t.he TlJ ale1'1f!nt.. It the 600 rl ta

were flO ~ E eqtlipr.,ent, Ull 441 tlon would DOt M D __


The rapltit, of aO"_eJl' :..n4 di.tanc ~olY" -.-.

tween the alement. ot an Armor Dlylaloa with th.lr

attaollCcl 7D elf:1Dent., mRke. the JCh 608 waaatlataoto17

I' 1 ugr,eat.d thfjt .aGb GOar-1lI

50. and op.ra'or. to op.ra'. t t.

Durll1B tile entire )lerlod ot

th. reoonnale- .
sanee co.pany ot thi. orCuUaatloa Aa..r tUft.tlon 1a
the role tor ~hioh l' orcan! aDA '~D". !b.
i.r.seno. ot iioA ~qu.aClroA pr1M the U. ot , . _
oo~a.auo. Cumpan: . . a D1Y1.1oD Rea .1...nt.
S1:lce !ill .up!)17 ne... an tllm1eh , ~ Goa....

Comz::and.. 1 t 18 tel t that o.na1a p.raoane1 _

'"- ella




be r)roY14~cl wi th all SOH


inate4 1nS.ad,uart.rw Oo.paa,.

"1.J!. 5C1....JalL~l.;Aml.
.dr. COIl&;
oatlLA prcw" tl~. lIO.t . .tl.~..tol7 _ _
or oOJ3O;IWl1oatloD. General17, OoII...t 0._'" 1&1. wi... '
COlA,,' an~ OJ-. vroY141, that t1.. an.4 the tae.leal a1 hettea
CoDt to aoapan1 troa 'Ule . . CU . . . ......
ii.bed ti.!',.up the i>1riaioa . . . OoaKt eo-.....1...........
1'111. ;.rot.d.&U". GOllld ao't 1M tollo." 6U'iJaI a ..,1~
iUoylJI .1 ttletloa or whell area' tiataneee ..... t.t.1Yel.
Durll18 the perlo. 14 IIaJ"oIa .. n IIaftIl
656th ':'V Battalion operaM. . . Gorp. 'mopa . . . . IU
Gorp. ill two D1y1.1oll . . .tor. 81... 'Ut.e _pMi. . .....
a1e. under battallon ooa'rol w1~ . . 41. . ., .t~.~,.
to an,. ,otl~r orcan1zatloll, wiN _ _ t . .tl_ p.......al...
a problea. 3q.t.:men' and ,.-.ean.l wen !lOt p...,.. . . ~. .
In the T/O I tor extenal.. wire l-r1nc p. . ~ . .'a. ~
.01. . . b, baY1,.. ,he coapaD1 'Ii.
n.ere.t Intu'17 ew1 "oh'bo.... !hl. . .~ will _n ..
th. lilt_a, 1. wtl1ta,: te .....1. D tNtft.
a t.J"Jl1n;il po.t 1. . . .11.'1. a' the lat. ....,. 8Witell"'"
and the b.tt:'lloa . .1toll. . . . . laM ooa~ .1. . . . . . . .




lor In1'antrr ualt.

Gen .I'al1" wi" eo.m.t..,,_ 1. ,at late . . _
aoOD . . the .1'ua,loa p.IIl1~..
It 1. telt tlaat ...... . . .
p ' rel1an 1. p.t . . 1d.N eo 1 1" wi... _ _
tl.)D per eo.Pall1 aM _... tall. win Mett. . aMwlt M,
tor 1a 'lb. I/O A ..


. ,.



~~_ .J, ~


I' 1. f.l t tbat tb. probl_ of .to. . . . . f .,d,..at

aboard tank ci ,roJeN ohou14 re..in eon.l....
amCl1l1.t ot .t\14, wl til "he obj.ctl of a441DB . . .....
tr~QK to the T/O & & ot the ... &D4 reeonnal8..a.. ....
:; 1'111& the p.1'104 ot . .tIOA . . .l a t th........ .
all TIL ;~ i equipn" . . . .11 . . p.raonal e1o'Ud...........
ine and equip.aent . . .
OIl the nblel.. 111 wId._
the .r... zo4.. 31n.e epa limit" 1a
oo!n~.r'm.n" all pere()nal .qup.e.' hat to 'e ~11."
the o~te1de of .ebiele.. .e a r ult of th1a, .... ,I
the el'1i11;>lIlent wa. loat la, fal11~ ott wbil. otbe. _
dtroy.d bl ehrapnel an4 emall . . . . fire. The . . . . .,t.i
of ln1'lLt_ble mat.riala, bed nll.t_ tutn. ~. tielt
~;8.ti., etc, pl'e.,.nt.4 &11. ad41 tlonal nre tluu4.
1a ......
eral l!lstano , .t.ell traau',ata and Inou41U'J ~tl_
aet tire to the attaot..d iapedl_._. urine 'Ile laeat .t
bRttle there w. . but one cholo., ~.ttl.onlng ot tbe ......
1:l.4S .:, a1 ;.:::.ont
.\ Bclu t10n to tb. problem of oaJ"171q penou1 ....
otlu:r j'1\l1p;~I,.'n' w a~J;J'O.ohet ln 'tbe tollowi~ menng.
8;eeinl racks N COJUStzou.'e4 to 0&1'17 auoh 1_,..'-_
and. nl '. l:eraonnel turned. ill all clo'tbinc w1 th tlle - .
tion of ()fie <:D Wl1f'ol"ll, one t1e14 3_0k.', Oft. . .' . . . . .
lew :~ir8 of 80ok8. 11 waa an'1cir.ate. that cll~ al
forma 01.#:.14 be exohanae. tel' cl.an oae. at abare,. paill....
t ow' Tor, dl1.t'1ng the .pprox1ma~. 7C 4&7- ot ..UOIl, tile
op'ortunity neTer r .....n.t.d it.elf to 40 th1e
.. :1 crder to iJerfolll 1 te acooll4&rJ lI1.a10I'1, tbat of
jnc:'i.rfct fire And ftddl tional a1.4. iD l).l"toJ'lliDC I_
. rimp.-ry ::iseian, oertain t teme of equ1:.aen1. weN . . . . .
to tt.tl ./0 .'l: ;';, nam.ly, ranl:e f1nden anel a1m1.ac einl_.
str!ce ~(~ : 'n81derf:tt1one were .... fOI' the rry1Dc of
t:,8Be i 1,4j .8 o! .qi.l1:,ment. T.h 1 'tame re.etT8d eo_ ....






fc.;.r hard w.ar.


b, tts110n dId


rerforll -.ny 1:\d1reo' tiN

w the range tinder \l.e~l 11l 4el1. . .

:.ever1.t.ele.s, cl~. to tL. laok ot otb

" ('il'ect t1re.

tr'l:', ;'tatlon both of


1no s..nuo,.en't.a hlUl to b. oazol'1

, .raTer tt,. combat .eh Lole. "eat.

Ased r'n ti,e abo 1t 18 felt t1.81 an a441tlon.a1
CLrf-i,v t,,:,' ... cj{ Clr;g811ic to the oompanl would be ~a.un ...
; !.;; tJ:' c~. w:..;u.ld be 11 d ~or the o&rrJ1na ot aplall. . .
f.hl~1i)Uen' wbloh 18 n';uir.d oftl, when sp.olal 1111....
ere ertorr[:'~ct. til add 1 tioD, all .XC p."Clna). ecaUp
'!lent y;;;ioh 18 not immediately r.quired .ould be .towed
~rld t~~tH 'orted in thle ticle.



__ _---,----..

. tl'~
J>f.' :i_';'











........ "f'\A"V;):",....
- \'~ 11..L

HI :~G.
i" tEl. OI'Ianls.t1';)A baa not pertonec1

J " ...e

>{ ... ,~-


~:,+ .,.,)~' ;'11

IUl~ inc bot

tll'l1tc al10n., the tol1,').1"" OO~Il-. are ba.ed OR ot r

...'lou 4. of other 't;-! ani
It 1. t.l' tba' 'h. ',LJ ana
u.al.. un . , on. ai lon, tbat ot cl tl'Uct1oll 01' enemy
anaor " tln.' 'tlr.. Tbe to110..11\4 re..on. ar. m.4. in eup
pon .t t!ae ....rtl...
1. 1. tIae pu' 1 t bee bD no," ,bat -tank A)e.troyer
. ., ..allona z.ualAecl ., 'h. tront wb~ 1. 'he Intantl"J
~". wMob
."PtO"" were palled baok tor.
~. ,1a .,a .... ot 'hl. nattln_ th. tJ:, un1 t ere
_ '. . . . -'111 . , "ponlq tin al lone. Thl
S....., C-nl17 preol""" ,be pert'onance ot
~ _tat...... and th. . . .'lAC of p.nolUl.l
'.no 1....;-.., peJ1.04 .t 'he trOnt.







18 a ..ttleS.., nua'... of artlll.rr un!'. to

all ~Sll.r.r ...lgaa.at
~ .'\a~' of TD Battalion to '1.14 Ar'1ll . ,
Bat.tallOil or Oro.p, thro. . an I14dl,1onu bu4en oa

,. :.0..ctt: ",..

tbe anl11_.., wa1 ttl.






Peft.n of the laa' , . ~th. 1t 1.

.bo\&l4 . . . . . . . . . .181 aov.nted .50
.al Ill. tb..O oan .. ..... 1a the toll".I,.. ..,.
1. 1an&1. . 1. Oil
11 u4 o'he, approrl1..'. t~



2. _ ..1_ k.r,e4.ao'

til. . .-plaln.n' at
wl1iho,,' e x r.oal.' any la_hI' of




UIe ; rl...., . . .roa

ta.. .....
.1. . . I , aoy1q .1 t_t10. wholl 1n the yNeenoe of

." to plll towa .n. , troop. whl1. !lsfte1&nrlnc

la'o ~.1'loD t . . . . . . . . p~laaI"J .arget.


. t. ooao M810. l ' 1. t.l, that the tollowlng chane" b

. . .It.nt 11l tbt o ....aalS.'iOIl ot Ti: 1I.tt..l10
'1. ...1&JUIU'" Tn Bat. allons '\0 DlvlaloAII 01'.-1.

parte at Dly1810na.
l;oa.lbl 11atJlf~'10ft 01 tbe Heoonna1.eatlc. Company.

,. Aidl'loa.t ire '10n v.r .oaraDl.

4. Sa.tlt.tiD.! ~(;C radl0 1'1 tor 60c ri nell
ta TD "'t.allone 1ptt\l to an ArmoNd Dt~t.loD.

5. a....t1 '"ttn, JOi( 608 .1th tho ;)01. 5C6



"."tSull of oarlO truok tor e.oh ooailanJ.

7.wl.~Mtlo11 ot til. sea

ar., nn~ell' lAdlrac'



.1_1oa ot Tanll


. 8. Addl t10ll of 50 1 oo-altlll ilG la t8nk 41atro~.n.
9. AClcll1.1oa ut . . . . . :al.tr.,t.e olen in the .:'-1 . . . .


-- ,

















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