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Crossfit List -girls

Warmups and stretching

Somehow obtain a foam roller [or ill give you a spare pvc pipe] dont buy on without
asking me first
Agile 8: http://www.elitefitness.com/forum/weight-training-weight-lifting/warm-up-your-hipsagile-8-a-631289.html

Tennis ball Glutes

Foam roll itb [outer thigh] 10 each leg slowly
Foam roll adductors [slowly]
Rollover Vs
Fire hydrants
Mountain climbers
Hip flexor stretch - very fucking important. Do 3x30 seconds each leg, contract glute
when doing this
Nb you can subout the foam roller and use a tennis ball equivalently.

90-90 stretch: 3x20 seconds each leg.

Broomstick shoulder dislocations/pull throughs: do 20 of these
Hell clickers lie prone[face down twist your hips and bring your heel toward your arm [ ill
show you this one]

After every workout,

Hamstring stretch: get a towel roll it up place it under the ball of your foot, lie on ur
back so your are facing the ceiling and stretc one leg , 3x30seconds on each leg.
90-90 stretch 3x30 seconds on each leg.

Warming up will take a while as well as cooling down but do it.

This list is not comprehensive and are all exercises which are calisthenically based
ie you can [and should do these] at home. Do 1 of these a day, and train two days in
a row then have a rest day. Dont do two (1) exercises consecutively. You cannot
repeat WOD until you have done one of the each in a cycle as such. Do Tabata once a
note: if you cannot do a full pushup, do a hand release pushup


Arnie (1)

5 rounds of
500m Row/500 run
20 back extensions
20 situps
20 bicycle crunches
10 inverted row
As many rounds within
5 pushups with a twist -perform a pushup
and on the up phase twist yourself onto
one arm and rotate your torso so your
shoulders and arms are vertical to the
ground [wait for demo/video]
10 1-legged squats on each side
30 second plank
10 burpees
20 bicycle crunches
5 inverted rows

For time ie time

yourself how long it
takes you to complete
the entire thing, and
try to beat it next

For time

All done with a 2kg dumbbell, try with a

3kg kettlebell/dumbbell; if you dont have
the equipment, hold something eg can of
soup,bottle of milk the point is that you
need to keep the arm straight and that
you are forced to balance something.

Perform 2 rounds of the below

21 left arm Turkish getups
10 plank to pushups
21 right arm overhead squats
50 situps
21 right arm Turkish getups
10 plank to pushups
21 left arm overhead squats
50 bicycle crunches

20minutes you have

20 minutes to do as
many rounds as
possible, record it.
There are no
prescribed rest
breaks, take as long
as you think u need
but make it short for

Plankbuster 3 rounds of
30 second plank
15 second side plank twist R, reaching
under with your other other arm and
twisting torso
30 second plank
15 second side plank twist L
30 second plank
15 seconds plank to pushups
30 seconds of knees to elbows hold a
plank or pushup position and bring your
left knee to your right elbow and alternate
1 minute of rest
3 rounds of
50 double unders
15 alternating jump lunges
10 jump squats
5 pushups with a twist
1 burpee
Wilmot (1)
3 rounds of
50 air squats [do these maybe in sets of
25, or 10]
25 dips [use a solid chair or a bench[
10 bicycle crunches
10 inverted rows
30 second plank
3 rounds of
Run 500m
50 burpees
10 inverted rows
Run 200m
5 rounds of
100m sprint
10 pushups with a twist
100m sprint
10 burpees
10 bicycle crunches
30 seconds rest
10 pushups with a twist, 1 situp, 2 bicycle
9 pushups with a twist, 2 situps, 4 bicycle
8 pushups with a twist, 3 situps, 6 bicycle
....1 pushup with a tist, 10 situps,...
3 rounds of

For time

For time

For time

For time

For time

For time



40 squats
30 situps
20 lunges
10 pushups with a twist
5 burpees

25 Doubleunders
25 Situps
Walking Lunge, 25 steps
25 Situps
25 Burpees
25 Situps
3 rounds for time

Shane (2)


25 pushups with a twist

25 situps
25 squats
400m run

4 rounds:
50 walking lunges
50 squats
Run 400m
Running Tabata Something Else
For time:
Tabata pushups, 1 round
Run 500m
Tabata situps, 1 round
Run 500m
Tabata squats, 1 round
Run 500m

For time

Tabata workout
Tabata works like this: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest; thats 1x 30 second unit.
You partition it into 8 intervals which makes 4 minutes. When u have #a and #b it
means you alternate. Eg. For the first 4 minute thing youll alternate doing as many
reps as possible of 1a and then 1b.
These tabata workouts suck because they are really tiring if done properly, do them
twice a week at most, but once a week is generally quite good
1a squats. 1b 10m shuttle run
2a pushups 2b. Crab walks
3a lunges 3b, side to side shuttle
4a plank, 4b side plank
5a crunches 5b burpees

1a jump squats. 1b 10m shuttle run
2a clap pushups 2b. Crab walks
3a alternating jump lunges 3b, side to side shuttle
4a plank, 4b side plank
5a crunches 5b burpees

Tabata something else

1a situps 1b squats
2a pushups 2blunges
3a. Situp
s 3b squats
4a plank 4b burpees

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