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From: Henry Peter Gyrich, Anti-Mutant Task Force


Simon Trask, Director Ops

Stephen Lang, Deputy Ops
Bureau Chiefs

As requested, summary information on mutants known to be behind the "Fortress X" barricade.
Full files and supporting documentation available on request.


Not clearly established. Aliases include Eric Lensherr and Magnus Eisenhardt: either could be
his real name, as all relevant records have been destroyed, we believe by Magneto himself.
Magda Eisenhardt: Wife, dead (circumstances of death not known).
Wanda Maximoff: Daughter, and Pietro Maximoff, son. Both dead (see: Operation Red Hot)
Lorna Dane: Possibly another daughter. Was incarcerated at Alcatraz, but died while trying to
escape. Officers were disciplined: her use as a bargaining counter against Magneto might have
been considerable.
Magneto is clearly the biggest threat we currently face. Attempts to capture or kill him using
"Minimum-metal" Exonim units of Mark-IV and V types have all failed, although we believe
that the Baton Rouge ambush left him wounded.
I think our mistake in the early operations was in viewing Magneto purely and simply as a
terrorist. He actually has a formidable strategic mind and a radical agenda which goes beyond

simple resistance or protest. He organized two extremely successful mutant terrorist cadres that
we know of (see: Brotherhood, Acolytes) and also provided logistical and intelligence support
for the Mutant Liberation Front. His attempt to reverse the Earth's magnetic poles would have
succeeded if it hadn't been for the intervention of Tony Stark and Reed Richards, whose field
valence manipulators are still running full-time to prevent a repetition of that crisis.
The truth is and please don't take this as any kind of an endorsement Magneto is an idealist.
In other circumstances, if we hadn't been able to roll out the Exonim program when we did to
cull mutant numbers so effectively, it's possible that he might have mobilized them into a
terrifyingly potent force. Subject Simon Hall admitted under interrogation that Magneto had
plans to found a mutant republic on Genosha. I leave you to imagine the implications of that, in
light of the invaluable technical support that the Genoshan magistrates have provided to our own
Bottom line: even if the opportunity of taking Magneto alive were to arise, I'd advise against it. I
wouldn't lower the threat assessment on his file until I'd seen him not just killed but ground into
fine powder and scattered over the Eastern seaboard.

Scott Summers
Parents: dead.
Alex Summers, Brother. Died while resisting arrest. (See: Operation Clean-Sweep)
Gabriel Summers, Brother. In induced coma at Barton-Howell research facility.
Summers' power is to emit beams of energy from his eyes: intensely powerful, without recoil,
upper limit still unknown. The power kicked in at age 14, which seems to be typical. No
warning, and there were a whole lot of people nearby. He was in a cinema: a John Wayne
festival in Anchorage. Seven fatalities, two of whom were Summers' mother and father.

He was incarcerated at our Buffalo holding unit for two years, then transferred to Alcatraz under
the terms of the Emergency Powers Act, when the prison became a specialized, mutants-only
facility. There he came to the attention of the prison governor, Harcourt Teesdale known to the
inmates as "Arcade" because of the mutant-themed amusements he would set up for guards and
visitors (my report: 12/07/08).
It was Arcade who discovered that ruby quartz inhibited the propagation of Summers' energy
powers. He had Summers fitted with a face mask, complete with ruby quartz lenses in the
eyeholes, and he surgically removed Summers' eyelids in order to remove from him any way of
shutting off his eye-beams by his own choosing. As "the Basilisk," Summers then became a
bespoke form of execution for other mutant inmates at the prison.
Summers is believed to have killed Arcade in the course of his escape, but damage to the body
was so extensive that it wasn't possible to determine cause of death.
I believe that Summers is motivated primarily by a desire to expiate the guilt of the deaths he's
caused. His commitment to the mutant cause is unshakeable, and the threat level he represents
cannot be exaggerated.

Anna-Marie Darkholme.
Raven Darkholme. Died in custody.
Irene Adler. Died in custody.
This was a classic case of the agency shooting itself in the foot. When Darkholme and Adler
tested X-gene positive and were arrested, why did nobody think to test the girl? She was on
record as an adoptive child, but we know by long experience that mutants stick to their own:
there was a better than fifty percent chance that Anna-Marie would have tested positive, too, and
she could have been taken into custody then, before her powers even manifested, at zero risk to
our agents on the ground.

Instead, she went feral: dropped out of sight and survived somehow on the streets of various
Mississippi towns before heading East. She's known to have encountered the Mutant Liberation
Front in New York just before their attacks on Trask Corporation subsidiaries. We haven't been
able to establish whether Legacy took any part in those attacks, but she definitely provided intel
for them obtaining site details and security codes by making casual skin-to-skin contact with
employees. She absorbs memories directly by touch, and is apparently also able, in the case of
mutants or other super-powered subjects, to absorb enhanced abilities in the same way.
We're missing a few links in the chain that brings her eventually into Magneto's orbit. Again, we
can't link her to any of the atrocities he committed in Genosha, San Francisco or New York, but
they certainly met at least once before the Fortress X barrier was raised. We're exploring the
possibility that they had an intimate relationship. Testimony given under duress by subject
Simon Hall (aka "Neophyte") seem to point to this.

Samuel Zachary Guthrie
Extremely numerous. Father, died in mining accident, main shaft, Barton and Marshall Mines
Cumberland facility.
Paige Guthrie (Husk), sister, at large and known to have taken refuge at Fortress X
Mother and remaining siblings died while resisting arrest (See: Operation Clean-Sweep).
Field observations by surviving Exonim officers who have engaged with the mutants behind the
force walls indicate that Guthrie is a high-ranking field commander and possibly i/c mutant
combat units as far as day-to-day operations go. He's a good choice, from their point of view.
Has a history of turning bad situations around and running up crazy but successful battle
strategies out of whole cloth.
He's vulnerable, though. His blast field only protects him from attack while he's moving, and he
can't move all the time. Exonim forward units are drilled in the necessity to track Guthrie while

he's in motion, but not to fire until he stops to give orders or assists to other mutant forces. I'm
confident that this patience will bear fruit.
Moreover, the deaths of his family damaged him. I never got the chance to interrogate him
myself, but our infiltrator in the X Force combat cell, Vanessa Carlysle (aka Copycat) indicates
in her reports that he talks a lot about his mother, and his guilt at not having saved her. Carlysle
described a rift between Paige Guthrie and her brother, caused by Paige's resentment at her
brother's apparent unwillingness to embark on a campaign of violence in retaliation for their own
It was Paige who pushed Samuel to form the X Force cell, and directed their combat operations
before they made contact with Magneto and joined the Fortress X resistance group. Knowing
what we now do about Samuel himself, it seems his willingness to let his sister take the lead in
those early operations arose from his ambivalence about the levels of violence that X Force was
Footnote: it was Paige Guthrie who ultimately unmasked Carlysle, and we believe killed her
rather than allow her to complete her mission and download remaining intel to us.

Remy Etienne LeBeau.
No blood relatives.
Adoptive father, Jean-Luc LeBeau, currently in long-term custody at Angola.
LeBeau was a career criminal even before his mutant powers kicked in, and as far as our
records can show he continued to be involved in crimes of theft and breaking and entering for a
long time thereafter, avoiding detection as a mutant through his own skills and his extensive
contacts in the New Orleans criminal underworld.
The bureau suspected for a long time that there might be a mutant working for one of the
Louisiana crime syndicates, and twice came close to arresting him once when he left his home

territory and traveled to Europe in connection with a jewel theft. The breakthrough, though,
came when one of LeBeau's own confederates, Julien Boudreaux, handed him over to us as part
of a plea-bargain.
We tried to turn him, obviously: his cynicism and criminal background made him prime material,
as far as we could see. Turned out, though, that he hated the authorities enough to resist all offers
and all attempts to condition him. The decision was made to transfer him to Alcatraz and put him
on the list for execution.
Great plan, in principle: in practice, though, he never got there. Some idiot let him get one of his
hands free, and the armored truck they were transporting him in went up like a home-made
cherry bomb. Officers on the ground couldn't identify any of the body parts, and another idiot
certified LeBeau as dead at the scene. By the time I got onto it and the threw a dragnet out, he
was gone.
The next time he surfaced was in Fortress X.
Oh, that gun he carries? It's a Jennings Volition Repeating rifle that dates from 1850 a priceless
antique. We don't know where he sources the hollow-ball ammunition, but we do know he uses
his bio-kinetic energy powers to charge up the bullets before he fires. You should think of that as
a bazooka on his shoulder, rather than a rifle.

Not fully determined.
I'm not prone to nightmares, but if I was, I'd probably be having them about this mutant. I was
going to say "woman," but what is she, really? Long range analysis seems to indicate that there's

no actual flesh-and-blood body under there, just a field of patterned plasma. She/it uses the
designation Revenant, which as you know is just an old-fashioned word for a ghost, something
that comes back from the dead.
So is she saying she's Jean Grey? That somehow she survived the Albany explosion and the
subsequent USAF bombing strikes, and came back as a ghost made out of ionized gases? I mean,
if that's the message Magneto wants us to get, then why not just go ahead and call her Phoenix?
What rattles me is that we haven't been able to find out anything not one, single detail about
Revenant's life prior to Fortress X or her arrival there. We have no visuals, no CI statements, no
clue from wiretap or remote-listening files, no whiff of a clue as to who she is or where she came
What we do know is that she's telekinetic one of the mutants who renew the force walls when
they start to fail under our bombardment and that the energy halo she trails around with her
mimics the shape and configuration of the Phoenix effect reported and partially investigated
during the Albany disaster.
Then again, if she's Phoenix, why haven't they turned her loose on us? Maybe they're scared of
her, too.

Joanna Cargill
Gareth Cargill (brother). Whereabouts unknown.
The thing I can't decide about Cargill is whether or not she's a functional psychopath. You know
some of the atrocities that have been attributed to her inventive, sadistic, completely
unrestrained by anything you could call conscience.
I had the opportunity to interrogate her myself when she was at Ryker's, the first time she was
caught, and I actually asked her that question. "Do you think you're crazy, Jo? Do you think you
need help?" She laughed. A lot. She said in her opinion what messes you up is feeling something
and holding back on it. She said she's got the healthiest mind out of anyone no repression, no

Three days later she derailed the train that was carrying her to Alcatraz, killing nineteen people
(most of whom were civilian passengers in other coaches, not law enforcement officers) and
affecting her escape from custody.
I don't know what it would take to blunt her edge. She's completely invulnerable, to the point
where nothing will even scratch her skin. You could put a diamond drill to her forehead, turn it
up to full, and she wouldn't feel it.
I speculate that means she can't feel anything else, either. That emotionally as well as physically,
nothing can get through to her.
I'd love to be proved wrong. Be nice if she had an Achilles heel.

Amara [surname unknown]
Another import we could well have done without and almost as big of a question mark as
Revenant. We know she came up through Mexico, and we backtracked her from there to Brazil,
but despite intensive efforts, that was as far as we got. It was as though she walked into the world
fully formed. She doesn't exactly look like she lived in that part of the world for any length of
time, does she?
Magma came to the party late, so to speak. Alpha and beta Exonims were already deployed, and
they zeroed in on her in the desert West of Tucson. There's an intriguing piece of camera footage
from one of the Exonim suits that survived partially intact. It shows unit B-1073 ordering
Magma to stop and surrender, and then when she ignores the command cutting loose on her
with a flamethrower. She turns around in the spray of ignited napalm, lifting her arms, bowing
her head, getting every part of her body saturated like someone in the shower. Then she walks
across to B-1073 and she melts him; which given the heat tolerances of the beta unit, means she's
generating a temperature of around 5000 degrees Fahrenheit.

We know she was looking for Magneto, and she hooked up with him around the time of the
ambush in Nevada (see: Operation Pig Iron) which almost killed him. It's theorized that her
arrival knocked out or distracted several squads of the non-ferrous Exonims, enabling Magneto
to survive what we all thought was a completely inescapable trap.
There's a whole lot of officers in the field who want to deliver a little payback to this kid. Third
battalion took the unusual step of putting a bounty on her all unofficial, and all in good fun.
The guy who gets a confirmed kill gets a month's furlough. Colonel Risman told me it's against
regs but good for morale, so he turns a blind eye.

Douglas Ramsey.
Philip and Sheila Ramsey. Parents. Father turned the son in on the amnesty program (second
offer), and underwent voluntary sterilization as an X-gene carrier. Mother committed suicide a
year later.
We were holding Ramsey at one of the LS (limited security) units on the Pacific Coast. We had
him pegged as a low risk, and I still hold to that initial evaluation. His powers appeared to relate
to the acquisition of languages, and therefore to be more or less irrelevant in a combat situation.
He still managed to escape, though, by subverting one of the guards (Eileen Haloke). She was
part-Navajo, and Ramsey forged some sort of emotional bond with her by speaking to her in the
Navajo tongue. She freed him from his cell and then accompanied him when he escaped from the
compound. She was sighted with him on numerous occasions thereafter.
But she wasn't with him on August 5 of the following year, when traveling on foot through the
Finger Lakes area of New York State he was at ground zero for a meteor strike which had been
tracked by NORAD as coming in from the direction of the Perseid cluster. First forces arriving
on the scene found Ramsey apparently infected by some sort of alien matter whose make-up
judging from inert samples obtained afterwards included hitherto unknown compounds of both
carbon and silicon. This alien matter was able to replicate in a quasi-viral manner, and it spread
through Ramsey's whole system in the space of minutes.

Accurate intel as to what happens next is hard to obtain. The units on site, who were waiting for
the arrival of Hazmat teams so that they could apprehend Ramsey without risk of infection,
suffered simultaneous failure of all electronic systems. Survivors reported seeing Ramsey
"speaking in tongues" screaming out disconnected words and phrases in a variety of languages,
some of which weren't languages of all but high-pitched squeals like the data squawks of a
modem. Some observers thought that he was shouting "help me", identifying that common
phrase in five different language clusters.
Perhaps our people dropped their guard because Ramsey seemed so helpless because he was
clearly in agony and more or less incapacitated. If they'd moved quickly enough, they might have
killed him at that point with a single well-placed shot. A moment later, the Exonim units turned
on each other, discharging all their weapons in a three-second exchange of fire which caused a
forty-meter wide crater. As we now know, Ramsey himself was not harmed in that conflagration.
Or, to look at it another way, he died. The thing that uses Douglas Ramsey's shape now is
arguably the thing that came down in that meteor.
It's just a crying shame that it still thinks of itself as a mutie.

James Proudstar
John Proudstar (brother). Died in custody.
Bethany Proudstar (half-sister). Took own life.
Proudstar came to our notice after an initial Exonim sweep of Arizona and New Mexico led to
the death of his brother and the incarceration of several known confederates. We knew there was
another X-gene positive in the area, but until post-mortem examination of John Proudstar
identified him beyond doubt as a mutant, we didnt have any description to go on. This was in
the early days of the Exonim program, so dedicated hunter cadres were thin on the ground and
concentrated for political reasons on the East Coast.

Proudstar proved exceptionally resourceful and resistant to capture. Conventional forces

deployed against him seldom even raised his trail. When a hunter cadre was eventually sent, he
lured seven Exonims into a box canyon and destroyed them by toppling rock chimneys on them.
He even showed a certain satirical humor in choosing the site of this ambush known locally as
Wasted Effort Rock.
Local bureau chiefs will be aware that we attempted to set up our own ambush using Proudstars
half-sister, Bethany, as the bait. This plan was to some degree frustrated by her suicide, but
Proudstar walked into the ambush in any case, determined to retrieve the womans dead body.
His state of mind at that point is unknown, as he killed every officer present.
The next time he surfaces is at Fortress X. Unusually, the name Berserker was given to him not
by his own side but by our forces. His recklessness and unthinking ferocity repeatedly play right
into our hands: then he tears his way out again.

Julian Keller
William and Elizabeth Keller. Parents. Serving life terms at Lompoc federal prison for harboring
a mutant. Elizabeth identified as X-gene bearer and sterilized.
James. Brother. Dead (see Operation Clean-Sweep).
Keller came from a rich family new money, but plenty of it. That probably helped him to stay
off our radar for as long as he did, although former West Coast Director Robert Monahan was
certainly both unwise and premature when he declared the Western seaboard mutant-free.
Keller might have evaded capture for many years longer if it hadnt been for his own arrogance.
He allowed himself to be seen at Los Angeles clubs and restaurants, and maintained a highly
distinctive 1967 Chevrolet Camaro. Following that trail without undue difficulty, MRD
investigators found that Keller had been living for a year and a half in a bespoke underground
shelter fitted out to luxurious standards.

The next sentence ought to read: and that shelter became his burial mound. However, the field
officer assigned to the operation wholly underestimated Kellers telekinetic powers. A laser
attack intended to kill him instantly, before he even knew an attack was imminent, succeeded
only in severing his hands and forearms. Keller was able to stanch the flow of blood
telekinetically, and tore his way through the attacking Exonims to effect an audacious escape.
Three jet fighters pursued him: the largest piece of metal obtained from the subsequent wreckage
measures seven millimeters.
Keller was one of the last mutants to make his way to Fortress X, having by that time survived
on his own resources for three years. He was part of no resistance group, was sheltered by no
pro-mutant agencies and made contact with no foreign sympathizers. He seems to have made a
point of pride out of not accepting any help from others.
Its not known what finally brought him to respond to Magnetos call. Perhaps he reached the
limits of his own sturdy self-reliance. Or it could be that Megan Gwynn (see below) had a hand
in recruiting him, as shes known to have done for Sofia Mantega and Sidney Green.

Megan Gwynn
Owen and Brenda Gwynn
Grandparents. Dead.
Possibly related to Jason Wyngarde (Mastermind): DNA comparison was suggestive, but
Gwynn was born in Wales, and theres ample reason to wish shed stayed there. She and her
grandparents were part of a general expulsion of X-gene positives from the United Kingdom,
with the apparent intention of settling them on a series of small islands in the Irish Sea.
That plan became moot when Irish separatists bombed one of the ships carrying the transportees,
and the others turned back. The Mutant Liberation Front seized control of the ship carrying

Gwynn (we believe it also numbered Jonathon Starsmore and Elizabeth Braddock among its
passengers) and ultimately were able to berth it at the Canadian port of Saguenay.
Gwynn was as green as grass when she arrived, and was one of many mutants recruited,
groomed and trained by East Coast mafia crime families. Its known beyond doubt that she
served the Carcotti organization as a runner and enforcer. Must have been quite a culture shock
for a kid brought up in the Welsh valleys, but obviously she survived and thrived in that
Darwinian environment.
Fun fact: Gwynn used to have butterfly wings, and went by the nausea-inducing pseudonym of
Pixie. Her current shoulder accessories are more demonic in nature, and apparently they arrived
on the night of the Bleecker Street Massacre (qv). As far as we know, Gwynn hadnt killed
anyone up to that point. God knows, shes making up for lost time now.

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