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History of the Powerful Zodiac Signs:

In astronomy, the zodiac is nothing but the circle of star

constellation that lines the ecliptic that is the obvious path of the Sun
over the time of the year. The Moon and the nine planets also stretch
out within the ecliptic, and are inside the group of the zodiac. Zodiacs
are the signs that separate the ecliptic into twelve equivalent sectors
of celestial longitude.

Histories say that the partition of the ecliptic into the zodiacal
signs started off in the Babylonian astronomy in the earliest half of
the 1st millennium BC. This was most likely all through the Neo-
Babylonian times, long-lasting previously during Bronze-Age structures
of stars list. At a point of time all through the first half of the 1st
millennium BC, alienated the ecliptic into a dozen of equal sectors of
outer space longitude to build the first recognized space coordinate

Babylonian astronomers found a match up structure that

possesses a number of good points over the contemporary systems.
For example, the equatorial coordinate system or the ecliptics
coordinate system as we call them. The calendar of Babylonians as it
located in the 7th century BC allotted every month a constellation,
starting with the location of the Sun at vernal equinox. This was the
Aries constellation or the Age of Aries for which cause the primary
astrological sign is still known and called as the Aries thought the
vernal equinox has drifted away from the Aries constellation.

On the other hand, a technical and scientific study of the position

of the constellations puts forward their fortitude in this section in the
Bronze Age thus telling a former origin of the constellations. Chaldea
or so called Babylonia in the Hellenistic world came to be so
recognized with astrology among Greeks and Romans. A 17th-century
wall painting that was from the Cathedral of Living Pillar in Georgia
showing Christ surrounded by the Zodiac circle started off from
Babylonian and Egyptian astrology, say the sources.

It’s said that astrology first came into being in the society of
Ptolemaic Egypt. The first ever found illustration of the traditional and
old zodiac of twelve signs was the Dendera zodiac. Then came the time
when Hindu astrology implementing the Hellenistic zodiac during the
2nd to 1st centuries BC. This was a period of strong Indo-Greek
civilizing cultural contact and exchange of ideology.

It’s noteworthy to mention that the communication of the zodiac

system to Hindu astrology predated far reaching consciousness of the
Hindu system got over by using sidereal coordinate system. This
resulted in the society of Europe and the Hindu zodiacs, despite the
fact that they share the very same starting point in Hellenistic
astrology. Many authors have sited similar points between the
Babylonian zodiac and the Bible.

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