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 G’s Social Science—Class Requirements  
Grade Level:   
Project 1 
Tasks:  What to Do:  Completion Date  X 
Topic Choice:       
Content  Post CSO’s from:     
Standards:  http://wveis.k12.wv.us/Teach21/public/c
Power Point  Research&collect information into Power     
Point‐(minimum 20 slides) 
Plagiarism  http://tutorials.sjlibrary.org/tutorial/plagi    
Tutorial  arism/selector.htm  
Power Point  Post Power Point for class Comments     
Presentation  http://www.scribd.com/  
Essay:  Write Essay using Rubric     
Essay  Post Essay for class comments     
Presentation:  http://www.scribd.com/ 
Newsletter  Prepare Newsletter using class content     
Newsletter  Post Newsletter for class content     
Presentation:  http://www.scribd.com/  
Project 2 
Tasks:  What to Do:  Completion Date  X 
Topic Choice:       
Content  Post CSO’s from:     
Standards:  http://wveis.k12.wv.us/Teach21/public/c
Power Point  Research&collect information into Power     
Point‐(minimum 20 slides) 
Plagiarism  http://tutorials.sjlibrary.org/tutorial/plagi    
Tutorial  arism/selector.htm  
Power Point  Post Power Point for class Comments     
Presentation  http://www.scribd.com/  
Essay:  Write Essay using Rubric     
Essay  Post Essay for class comments     
Presentation:  http://www.scribd.com/ 
Newsletter  Prepare Newsletter using class content     
Newsletter  Post Newsletter for class content     
Presentation:  http://www.scribd.com/  
Grading Rubric for Content Topic Essay
Component Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Fails Standard
9-10 points/90% 7-8 points/70-80% 6 or below/<70%
grade of A grade of B grade of C or less
A title that defines Title thoroughly Title describes the Title does not
the key issue on describes the essay essay. describe essay.
which the essay is topic question.
A statement of the The statement of the The statement of the The statement of the
issue, it’s issue is thoroughly issue explains it’s issue does not
implications for explains it’s implications, or the explain it’s
your study, and the implications, and reasons the topic is implications or why
reasons the topic is the reasons the topic important or it is an important or
important or is important or controversial but controversial issue.
controversial. controversial. does not thoroughly
do both.
A discussion of The essay presents The essay presents The essay presents
conflicting both pro and con both pro and con only one viewpoint.
viewpoints viewpoints giving viewpoints but is No resources are
representing similar space. one sided. Some cited in the essay.
proponents and Resources are cited resources are cited
opponents of topic throughout the in the essay.
issues. essay.

A statement of the A statement of the A statement of the No statement of

student’s own student’s own student’s own student’s position
position on topic. position on topic, position on topic, regarding topic.
including research but with not
based defense on research based.
cited research.
Written in Essay follows all Essay follows all Essay does not
appropriate directions, uses directions, but uses follow all directions
language, grammar, correct terminology, a few terms uses terms
and spelling. and contains correct incorrectly, and incorrectly and
grammar and contains some errors contains many
spelling. of grammar and errors of grammar
spelling. and spelling.

NOTE : Responses that are instances of cheating (copying from another student), fraud
(misrepresenting others’ work as one’s own) or plagiarism (using published work without
correct citations) may be assigned 0 points for the total response and/or other penalties
may be applied for engaging in an act of academic dishonesty.
Blog Response Question RUBRIC 10 points/question

This rubric will be used to grade all discussion questions; to be assigned a specific point
level for an individual question, the postings must meet ALL the criteria for a given
Competency Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Fails Standard
9-10 points/90% 7-8 points/70-80% 6 or below/<70%
grade of A grade of B grade of C or less
Demonstrate Postings address Postings address Postings do NOT
knowledge of ALL parts of ALL parts of address ALL parts
concepts and question or question or others’ of question or
principles information is replies; information others’ replies;
associated accurately applied is correctly applied, information is
with precise details but information incorrectly or
directly relevant to provided does NOT incompletely applied
all unique features address ALL and/or fails to
of the question or features of the address specific
reply question or reply features of the
question or reply

Demonstrate critical Postings Postings incorporate Postings incorporate

thinking, personal incorporate appropriate and inappropriate or
reflection, and substantive and meaningful meaningless
collaborative spirit insightful comments, comments
(interpersonal comments,
Apply knowledge Postings address all Postings address Postings do not
and skills in specific content identified most content address all content
situation, addressing and responses are identified and identified and
question topic appropriate to responses are mainly responses are
contexts appropriate appropriate to
Prepare professional Product follows all Product follows all Product does not
product and directions*, uses directions*, but uses follow all
communicate correct a few terms directions*, uses
clearly in written terminology, incorrectly or terms incorrectly or
form contains correct inappropriately, or inappropriately, and
grammar and contains some errors contains many errors
spelling of grammar and/or of grammar and/or
spelling spelling

NOTE : Responses that are instances of cheating (copying from another student), fraud
(misrepresenting others’ work as one’s own) or plagiarism (using published work without
correct citations) may be assigned 0 points for the total response and/or other penalties
may be applied for engaging in an act of academic dishonesty.
Globaloria Student Blog Identity Policy

To protect your identity from being revealed through your blog:

1. Make sure you are not displaying your email address in your Blogger profile
2. Make sure your first and last name do not both appear in your blog information
together (ex. www.janedoe.blogspot.com), or separately
(www.jane.blogspot.com, posted by JDoe).

*As a rule, students should not use last name anywhere on the blog or wiki*

If your email address is shown, or your first and last names are both revealed, use the
following steps to fix the problem:

1. To update your BLOGGER PROFILE:

a. Go to: http://www.blogger.com/home (Sign in if needed)
b. Next to your profile picture or avatar, click “Edit Profile”
c. Make sure everything under Privacy is unselected (no boxes checked)
d. Make sure Display Name under identity is an alias (not your first or last
e. Make sure image does not contain first and last name or other personal
f. Leave all other fields blank

2. To update your BLOG URL:

a. Go into the Blogger dashboard, click on “Settings”
b. Under Settings, click on “Publishing”
c. Change the URL (no first or last name)
d. Update the blog link on your Wiki profile
e. Give your new blog URL to your educator

Educator: please update the URL in your blogroll, Google Reader and
Progress Report. Additionally, notify your other students and
Rachel@worldwideworshop.org with the updated URL so that they can
update their blogrolls as well.

3. To update your BLOG TITLE:

a. Go into the blogger dashboard, click on “Settings”
b. Under Settings, click on “Basic”
c. Remove any reference to first or last name
d. This will NOT affect your Blog URL or links

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