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Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Deerfield Community Center
February 10, 2015
Trustees in Attendance: Paul Buehler, Bob Derrick, Patricia Douville, Lillian Fazio, Richard Mason and Jean Sorrentino.
Trustees Absent with Cause: Tim Jacobs, Brad Gimbert and Jack Keating.
Community Members Present: Sean Beaver, Mary Derrick and Mary Hughes.
Guests Present: Cpl. Jason Wilson, Prince Georges County Police, District VI
President Bob Derrick called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. There was a quorum to conduct business.
Secretarys Report: Tricia Douville
The minutes of the January 2015 board meeting were reviewed. Trustee Mason made a motion to accept the
minutes. Trustee Sorrentino seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Treasurers Report: Lillian Fazio
Trustee Fazio prepared the monthly statements which were distributed.
Trustee Fazio reported that $50,000 was deposited in the reserve account.
The 2013 taxes were filed.
Fifty-five assessments have been deposited to date. Approximately $15,000 is outstanding in delinquent assessments.
WSSCs latest bill was $1000.00 which seems unusual at this time and Trustee Fazio will check into it.
Trustee Fazio made a motion to renew the yearly contract with our accountant, D. Simmons. Trustee Sorrentino
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
ACCC Committee: Michael Boddie, Chairperson (absent)
Ms. Hughes reported that the committee lost a committee member who is moving out of the area. The committee is
down to four members and new members are needed.
Communications Committee: Sean Beaver, Chairperson
Mr. Beaver reported that he, Mr. Fleming and Ms. Hughes were updating and adding content to the website, Facebook
page, and newsletter.
Ms. Hughes was asked to look into the cost of adding color to some sections of the newsletter.
Facilities Committee: Paul Buehler and Brad Gimbert, Co-Chairs
Trustee Buehler reported that the figures are in for the shade structure, but the matter should be held until next
month so that Trustee Gimbert can present them.
Pool Committee: Mary Derrick, Chairperson
Ms. Derrick presented the bid for pool management from Lighthouse Pools. The board had agreed to waive the three
bid requirement based on the past performance of this contractor and the knowledge of comparable bidding. An
increase was expected because the increase in the minimum wage. Trustee Buehler made a motion to accept the
Lighthouse contract for $66,900 for the 2015 season. Trustee Douville seconded the motion and it passed
Social Committee: Patricia Douville, Chairperson
The Easter Egg Hunt will be on March 28 on the common grounds.
The Montpelier Neighborhood Yard Sale will be May 16.
Security Committee: Richard Mason, Chairperson
Trustee Mason congratulated Cpl. Jason Wilson on his promotion.
Trustee Mason discussed the recent community meeting with the owners of the Five Sisters Restaurant. The
restaurant is proposed for the space where the Sports Bar was located near the Montpelier Post Office. Although the
owners say that they want to open a family friendly restaurant, many South Laurel residents feel that the late hours
and other proposals sound more like a night club. There will be another meeting schedule for next month.
There were two incidents reported in Montpelier last month in which someone attempted to kick-in the door. The

police responded, but no one was apprehended.

Trustee Mason reminded residents that when you call for service, you must ask for the officer to report back to you if
you want to know what has happened.

Traffic Committee: Richard Mason, Chairperson

Trustee Mason reported that another community meeting to discuss County proposals for slowing traffic on
Montpelier Drive has been scheduled for March 26 at 7 PM in the Auditorium of Deerfield Elementary School. Trustee
Mason reported that some islands with trees or other plants may now be possible. Anyone living along the entire
length of Montpelier Drive should attend, and other members of the community are welcome to attend as well.
The WSSC sewer rehabilitation will begin as soon as the weather permits. The work on Montpelier Drive will not be
started until after the WSSC work is completed, possibly May 2016.
Trustee Mason thanked the community for their positive response to the work of the Traffic Committee.
Trustee Derrick will write an article for the next newsletter about the plans for continuing the Bradford Pear Tree
Replacement project in Montpelier.
Trustee Mason introduced Cpl. Wilson. Montpelier is fortunate to have an active COPS unit in District VI. Cpl. Wilson
thanked the Montpelier community for their interest in public safety and their representation in the Citizens Police
Academy Program. Montpelier is quiet for the most part, but Cpl. Wilson noted that neighbors are alerting other
neighbors about suspicious activity, rather than calling the police. Currently, they have reports about a suspicious red
vehicle and thefts from cars. He reminded residents to lock their cars and never leave valuable items out in the open
in the car. Cpl. Wilson reported that the recent homicide on Imperial Drive appeared to be drug/gang related. He
explained that specific areas are designation as hot spots for crime and for 6 months to a year the area receives more
traffic stops and mandatory patrols during every shift. He also reported that a red-light camera is to be installed at
Route 197 and Montpelier Drive.
The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 7:00 PM at Deerfield Recreation Center, preschool
room. The motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 7:58 pm. The motion passed unanimously.

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