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Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Deerfield Community Center
May 12, 2015
Trustees in Attendance: Paul Buehler, Bob Derrick, Patricia Douville, Lillian Fazio, Brad Gimbert, Tim Jacobs, Jack Keating,
Richard Mason and Jean Sorrentino.
Trustees Absent with Cause: None.
Community Members Present: Sean Beaver, Dody Gibson, Mark Middlebusher and Mary Hughes.

President Bob Derrick called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. There was a quorum to conduct business.

Secretarys Report: Tricia Douville
The minutes of the April 2015 board meeting were reviewed. Trustee Fazio made a motion to accept the minutes.
Trustee Mason seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Treasurers Report: Lillian Fazio
Trustee Fazio prepared the monthly statements which were distributed.
Trustee Fazio reported that thirty assessments are still outstanding totaling $9,150 and are being turned over to the
attorney to begin collection actions. Some of those will pay the assessment when the pool opens, some will pay when
the attorneys letter arrives, but there is $13,700 outstanding in long term delinquent accounts that are still winding
their ways through the legal collection process. The Board will continue to process for collection through to the last
legal step of affixing a lien on the homes if necessary.
Trustee Fazio called the dumpster company and they charge $100 to remove the dumpster and $100 to return it. We
currently pay $258 per month for the dumpster should there be an interest in eliminating the service over the winter.

ACCC Committee: Michael Boddie, Chairperson (absent)
Trustee Keating reported on the approval requests granted at the last meeting. When a permit is required, ACCC
approval will be given contingent on receipt of a copy of the approved permit.
Trustee Keating thanked Trustee Derrick for representing the MCA in Court for five days of testimony at the recent trial
brought by a member against the MCA and another member.
There have been several complaints about the overgrown grass at 12509 Silverbirch and the ACCC has contacted the
company negotiating the foreclosure to get scheduled yard maintenance.

Communications Committee: Sean Beaver, Chairperson
Mr. Beaver is researching software or a database which would be useful for members to use for a referral list.

Facilities Committee: Paul Buehler and Brad Gimbert, Co-Chairs
The shade structure has arrived and the placement will be staked out and installed by volunteers a savings to the
Community of $2500.
The baseball field will be dragged in house first to clear the infield clay of weeds. If that does not work other options
will be discussed at another meeting.

Pool Committee: Mary Derrick, Chairperson (absent)
The pool opens in 11 days. The baby pool leaks are to be patched by Lighthouse. We think we found the culprit.
The Health Department inspection is scheduled for this week.
A mother duck has laid 15 eggs in a nest near the baby pool again this year. Relocation plans in the works.

Social Committee: Patricia Douville, Chairperson
The yard sale was successful with 34 participants. It was advertised in the Leader and via Nextdoor for neighborhoods
in the area.
The Memorial Day Potluck will be Monday, May 25 at 5 PM at the pool.
Mr. Middlebusher and Mr. Demik will be in charge of the 5K this year, as Mr. Arzayus will be out-of-town and unable to
organize the event this year. The 5K will be Saturday, September 5 in the morning and there will be a Labor Day
Potluck later in the day. It will be professionally times, but they will not do t-shirts to decrease costs. They are also
considering a graduated entry fee to encourage more family participation. Volunteers are needed.

Security Committee: Richard Mason, Chairperson
There were no reported crimes in Montpelier last month.
A burglar responsible for over a dozen burglaries in Montpelier was convicted this week. Police estimate that he was
responsible for 60% of the robberies in District VI.
Cpl. Wilson will be invited to the Memorial Day Potluck.
The recent COPS Coffee speaker was Detective Shapiro, Homicide. She encouraged residents to say something if you
see something.
An email was sent to the community regarding selecting licensed and insured contractors and getting referrals from
satisfied customers.

Traffic Committee: Richard Mason, Chairperson
Mr. Beaver is working closely with Dianne Harris, on the Residential Permit Parking Program Administrator to address
the vehicles parked on Mt Pleasant drive that are residents of the Crestleigh Apartments. He wants to get two more
signatures for involved residents to include Eastgate Lane in the program. There will be a local hearing within the next
60 days for residents and they will be notified by letter. The plan will be implemented within 60-90 days after the
hearing. There will be a 10 day grace period before the $50 fines are started.
The Montpelier Street Survey that Ms. Elliker prepared was forwarded to the Dept. of Public Works for review and a
plan of action for repaving. Eastgate is number one of the list.
District 1 Councilwoman Mary Lehman, Erv Beckert and Russell Carroll will have a presentation and discussion of the
Montpelier Drive Green Street Program at 8 pm tonight.

Trustee Derrick hasnt been able to talk to the coordinator of the Bradford Pear Tree Replacement Program, Ms.
Valentine, regarding marking trees slated for removal in the neighborhood. He wants to be sure that residents have
time to decide on their options if they do not want a tree removed.
The 5 Sisters Restaurant opened last week. They are reapplied for a liquor license but were only approved for wine and

The pool policy for the 2015 pool season was discussed. Pool users must be the children, parents, or grandchildren of
the member and living permanently in the home.

The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at 7:00 PM at Deerfield Recreation Center, preschool room.
The motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 7:42 pm. The motion passed unanimously.


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