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Wednesday Morning says:

5 weeks ago
ok, so what's the story on NG? Why's she in trouble?
Nannie27 profile image
Nannie27 says:
5 weeks ago
Wednesday....Nancy is being sued by the family of Trenton Duckett for wrongful d
eath of his mother who committed suicide after her interview with Nancy. She had
to give a deposition today - and her lawyer requested that it not be videod. Co
nsidering how she LOVES to get ahold of videos on everyone else it's kind of iro
nic she asked for that huh!!!!!
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
5 weeks ago
the deck is clean, the deck is clean
Wednesday cleaned the deck.
thank you
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
That law suit has been in the works for a long time now. I think this is why NG
has tip toes around the Ants, and Ron Cummings. She only gets upset with the gue
st now, and is rude to them.
Oh the Deck is so shinny again, thank you Wednesday.
linn says:
5 weeks ago
The deck is shiny, but I got on to the last post being 37 minutes ago. Did I mis
s anything? LOL. I hate to go back to archives. But how could NG be liable for s
omeone committing suicide? The way she kisses Ron's hiney totally irritates me t
o know end. Days and days so far of the Cummings arrest. Today was supposed to b
e part 2 of his jail interview. All I saw was a repeat, about 8 times, of the ja
il interview from yesterday, and about the same of the 911 phone call from almos
t a year ago.
Not saying Ron has anything to do with it, but it looks funny to me to be again
with the woman who was last to be in charge of his daughter. However, she, NG, s
ays no one could cry like he did and not be involved..HUH? What about Susan Smit
h, what about ALL the people she mentioned just the other day that shed all thes
e tears when a loved one goes missing, only later to be totally involved? I mean
now dealing drugs with his ex/girlfriend, then ex/wife who JUST turned 18? I th
ink something is up big time, but Misty is facing I think almost 100 years in ja
il, and Ron maybe 70? The drug they sold can kill with just one or two pills.
Scary.. Misty is street smarts. I really don't think she wil ever crack. One cal
ler on NG said that when she was robbed, on the 911 tape she is sobbing hysteric
ally. When Haleigh went missing, there were tears but no hysterics. One one clip
where she is smoking with another girl, smoking, they had a little girl between
them as they walked. Now this is the day after or may 2 days after Haleigh went
missing. Misty is walking away puffing on her cig, but laughing all the way. Ag
ain, not the way she should have been. Crying when the camera was on her, laughi
ng and care free when she thought the camera was not there. She knows and IMO, R
on knows more than he is saying. Just my 3 cents. An extra cent for inflation
5 weeks ago
linn has $$ linn has $$ !!
Shhhh, don't let momster know................
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
Steve, At the cost of things now days that 4 cents will not go far. But I did ge
t the drift of what linn says and she is right. NG is stuck on Ron Cumming and,
his crying is more then I can stand what a fake. I say let them all sit in the J
ail. Not one of the videos of Ron crying is there any tears, he sounds like a li
ttle kid with his boo hoo.
I read where they buste over 300 drug distribuiters and prostitues in Fl.. Do yo
u think they have a problem down there, You could not pay me to go there.
JMo says:
5 weeks ago
I know I will probably have to scrub the deck for this one, but I believe Ron. I
think he knows that Misty knows something, but she was so messed up that night,
she can't 'consciously' recall it. Her memory is mixed up with drug induced tho
ughts and dreams. I think Ron does blame her for letting something happen (letti
ng someone take Haleigh), but knows it will come out at some point (hopefully sh
e will crack in jail) and he wants to be the first person she tells it to (thus
he stays close). I don't think Misty did anything either to Haleigh, but she kno
ws what happened (somewhere in her mind).
Which leads me to a few conclusions....which involve either Hanky Panky (Tommy)
or Crystal. If Hanky Panky is involved, then I think Haleigh is dead. If Crystal
is involved, I think Haleigh is alive.
I think Misty said something from her subconscious and that was that they need t
o look elsewhere at someone else. Just because you are an addict and screwed up
in the brains dept., doesn't make you a child killer. I hope Misty can get her s
elf to the point that her memory allows her to say what happened. Something is m
aking her block it out (be it drugs, trauma or whatever).
Drugs and addiction to them are strong and they rule over everything else when y
ou are an addict. They said that they have been trying to put Tommy in treatment
for over a year for his addiction. Lord knows what he would do for drugs or whi
le on them.
Then there is the whole mystery surrounding donna brock.
This just gets crazier and crazier.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
JMo, no need to scrub the deck for you idea. We are all intitled to voice our op
inion that is what is good about this blog. This case is just so confusing with
all these drugies. Hard to tell who is being truthful and the sad part is Haleig
h is the one that was hurt. Personally I do not think any of them deserved havin
g a child.
5 weeks ago
My 3 cents...
I think Ron was at work when Misty either went to a party with both kids or were
at home partying with both kids there. In her "state" due to the drugs that she
put into her system Haleigh got into some oxy and swallowed it. GAME OVER! She
either took her to get rid of the body alone or with someone but I am leaning to
ward alone at this point. From there the lies and coverups began. Sounds all too
familiar doesn't it?
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
Steve, I do not think a day goes by with out Misty being on drugs, there for her
polygraphs would nnot be truthful. Yes I believe she knows more then she has ev
er told. It is either due to her drug use or just flat not telling the truth. I
am not sure if she will ever be truthful about what happened. She is one hard co
okie for her age, she has been around the block many times. Just because the Gra
ndma said she went to the house that night with clean cloth does not mean it rea
lly happened, so there for it is hard for me to believe any of them.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
Also I can not believe the Grandma could not see the drug use on Misty, my god j
ust look at her eyes. Drug use stands out in a persons eyes, I have seen people
in town and I can see it and I do not even know them.
JMo says:
5 weeks ago
Yeah, when this first happened, I remember saying that Misty has that 'droopy ey
elid' look, but then look at her brother, 'droopy eyelids, low set ears'....it g
oes beyond drugs. These people are "slow" and then the use of drugs doesn't help
. Heck, Ron isn't even able to see the big picture, much less Misty, Crystal or
Hanky Panky. Everyone is covering for everyone else.
I bet you anything that the motto is: If I go down, you all go down with me!
That's what keeps them all lying and covering the lies, one after the other. The
y all are involved. Now Misty is going to do her best to not rat out her supplie
r, eh? Her life is worth nothing if she does that. This is deep.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
JMo, They say if you rat onn a drug dealer that is big trouble, I believe it. An
d the same if you turn a druggie in, they have there friends, and they can make
things happen. Sometimes it just does not pay to get involved there was a gal th
at turned people in she dissapeared that was many years ago and she has never be
en found. Sad but that is the way it is.
linn says:
5 weeks ago
steve, please don't tell anyone I am so "loaded"! LOL.. And Rascal, Steve and JM
o.. What we all say together is what I believe is true. We all have our beliefs,
but if you put them all together is makes sense. However, no way do I think Cry
stal is involved. The police for one thing totally cleared her, in the acts and
the time the occured. She wanted totally away from Ron. That I would too! I DON'
T BELIEVE HIM! No one would marry the woman who refused to answer his calls unti
l 3:00 AM, he knew she was on a drug binge, yet he left his kids for this 16/17
year old to watch? he is just as guilty of child neglect. however, I do not thin
k he had anything to do with Haleigh's gee, what? Passing, dissapearance? yet I
DO THINK he knows more than he is saying, and no, I did NOT believe all his tear
s, especially when just minutes after the boo hoo tears, he is seen walking with
his arms all over Misty and smiling. Sorry, I would be in the fetal position.
I just hope someday, we find out what happened to both Haleigh AND Caylee
JMo profile image
JMo says:
5 weeks ago
Things are 'heating up' a little: "If I was a gambling man I would say that Putn
am County are upping the ante again. Obviously another layer of pressure is bein
g applied. Will Tommy be the weakest link?"
Why, because Ron is being moved to Putnam County (no longer segregated) and will
be housed there until his trial....HOWEVER,
Tommy Croslin faces new charges:
Burglary/Dwelling- Armed- Armed-Becomes Armed With Dangerous Weapon
Grand Theft -A Firearm
Grand Theft -A Firearm Less Than $300
I think he is the weakest link and the suspect...
JMo profile image
JMo says:
5 weeks ago
Here is what I blogged elsewhere:
I think Tommy knew Misty was ‘trashed’ that night and being the PERV that he is,
he went in and took Haliegh. He turned on the light, cause he knows Haliegh was
afraid of the dark. I think he took her out to the Van and did his sick perv th
ing. She died in that van (remember the mysterious blood stains?) I think he the
n threw her in the dumpster (the ones the dogs noted a dead human scent in), the
n panicked, backed the van up (putting the scratch down the side of it), threw h
er back in the van, drove off through bushes (thus the bushes stuck in the headl
ights) and buried her somewhere. Came back, dropped off the van (in a different
spot than where Misty left it that day after bringing the kids home from school)
I think Misty’s conscious is blocking this out….maybe Misty rode with him?(thus
putting the rose on the grave?)….maybe she is scared of him, since he threatened
her all the time and molested her? Maybe she is hoping the cops will figure thi
s out on their own without her telling on him. Lord knows she has given a lot of
hints. That way he can’t blame her. I think it fits perfectly with everything w
e know.
JMo profile image
JMo says:
5 weeks ago
Finally found that video....Watch what Crystal does and says when asked about "H
aleigh possibly being found in the dumpster down the street right now"....she cr
osses her arms and says she wishes all the rumors about HER would stop and that
she is mad about all the bullcrap. EXCUSE me, someone just said "haleigh might b
e found in the dumpster down the street"....Now what mother would not react and
would start talking about herself (besides Casey)...Crystal@
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
The blood in the Van was proven to be from a animal they killed, I believe it wa
s a deer not human. I did not understand Crystals attitude either about Haleigh
maybe being in the dumpster. It thought she was maybe tossed there at one point
then moved. Another strange family in my book.
JMo profile image
JMo says:
5 weeks ago
Well, I wonder if they "cleaned" up Haliegh s blood and then put deer blood over
it to cover it up. Misty kept mentioning the blood in the van and that they sho
uld check it out.
I also heard that law enforcement didn t use sophisticated testing (like they di
d with Caylee), because this is an extremely poor area of Florida and the people
are all scum.
I just really have a feeling that Tommy knows how to cover things up...he is a c
JO 1031...maybe you could investigate a little, do you think Tommy could of clea
ned up some of Haleighs blood (with the Soap he stole from that house) and then
put some deer blood on top of the area to cover it....given that, would it disgu
ise the fact that her blood would of ever been there? I don t think they would b
e able to detect it after that.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
list of items Tommy Croslin stole that he is now charged with beside the drug ch
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
JMo, It would have showed a misture of blood no matter what they did, and there
was no mixture.
JMo profile image
JMo says:
5 weeks ago
What if he cleaned it with bleach? What if it was only a few drops of her blood
and they are gone. I don t think LE dna d that blood spot fully (like they did w
ith Caylees case).
I think somewhere in Misty s drugged induced brain, she is fearful of Tommy and
what he will do. I think she wants him caught, but doesn t want to be the one to
tell on him. I also think that maybe he had her help him that night get rid of
some evidence and she does not want to be found guilty. I think she may of been
forced to help him (or them...Tommy and Cousin Joe). At the same time, I think s
he is afraid of Ron and how mad he will be when he finds out what really happpen
ed to Haliegh and that she somehow allowed it, even though she was drugged up.
I personally think there is a "drug supplier" involved here. These people are no
t smart enough to mastermind anything on their own.
My other thoughts are that Tommy took Haleigh to pay off a drug debt like that
other scum did with that little girl down there (the woman who gave her kid to
the black guy seen carrying her into a hotel room). Drugs is the main theme here
and Haleigh was probably the price tag for it. I have a feeling Tommy owed some
body big time (or him and Misty both did??) They had to pay the debt with halieg
h or pay the debt with their life.
Anyway, those are two theories to think about.
As far as Casey...well she is just your everyday run of the mill piece of shit f
or a person. She is guilty and I can t wait to see that smart ass grin wiped off
her face when she is sentence to DP or LWOP!
These people are evil.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
Anyone that hurts a child is evil, those of us that love children know that. To
people like that they are a inconvenience and do not have any feelings, for anyo
ne but themself.
linn says:
5 weeks ago
Tommy seems to stupid to come up with that detailed of a crime. I DO think Misty
knows tons more and was involved. However, she is the worst. She is "street sma
rt".. Meaning she knows how to act innocent, keep her mouth shut, etc. If she wa
s so afraid of Tommy, why involve him in her drug scheme? From what I have heard
, MISTY is the ring leader who knew the connection, along with Ron. Misty and Ro
n were the ones who delivered most of the drugs. That is why Misty s bail is hig
hest, Rons second, Tommy s lowest. He really looks like he lost some screws. Mis
ty just might crack when put in general. She will not make one night. Ron will,
Tommy is used to it I think..
Good gosh but they are all scum. Mistys mother is only 41? She looks 70 like Mik
e Brooks said. Misty has another 10 years before she looks 70 if she continues o
n her path.
I DO think Haleigh s case will be solved some day. Even Caylee s was. However, I
do believe Haleigh is no longer alive, just like Caylee.. Sad
JMo....You had some really good points you put out there.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
Drug use also cause s same symtoms as dementia they do have screws loose. There
is a guy in town he was a straight A student. Now his brain is like a over cooke
d veggie, nothing left in it and he can hardly function. Thes dam kids do not th
ink it can happen to them they have control. I hate to tell them it can happen t
o any of them. And yes Misty is going to look like a toothless wonder the drugs
also mess up there teeth and every organ in there body. If only they could see i
n the future.
JMo says:
5 weeks ago
Thanks linn. You make some good points too. I do think however that hanky panky
is a perv of all pervs and came back that night to see what he could get! Of cou
rse, anything could of happened with that bunch, but when you take all the thing
s we know, it seems to fit that he took haliegh and did whatever with her (raped
, killed, sold, etc). I think it is the old game of him telling misty that if sh
e rats him out, he will tell on her. He probably thought he could get the focus
on her, so he tells the cops she wasn t home that night. Why? Because he is cov
ering for being over at that house that night. I think he is trying to cover hi
s alibi s. He wasn t there to check on Misty, he was there to see what he could
get. I think Misty will let him hang himself...however, I think Misty might spil
l the beans if she can get off some of the charges. I also think she went and go
t Ron s tatoo on her to prove her undying love for him, especially for when the
shit hits the fan. In her mind, she is saying i still love you but something b
ad happened and I can t face the truth. I think Haliegh is dead. I think misty i
s brain dead. I think hanky panky is beyond brain dead and Ron, well he just doe
sn t have a brain. He is clueless, can t see the big picture, can t put 2 and 2
together, but was working a good job to support his kids and loved them very muc
h. I think he continues to hurt and has enough anger to want to kill someone for
harming Haliegh. To me, that says he really doesn t know what happened.
I hope someone cracks soon. i think the inmates are not gonna like misty too muc
h if they think she is a dopehead who let something happen to haliegh (which she
did). They probably will beat the crap out of her for sure. Speaking of, when i
s that low life Casey going to gen. pop? Can t be soon enough for me.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
We can only wish Gen Pop for Casey, they do not usually put them there because o
f harm. Like we should worry about her being harmed. Take the gloves off and put
her there as far as I care.
Yes the Cumming bunch knows a lot JMo. and so does Mistys brother. I wish one of
them will crack soon.
JMo says:
5 weeks ago
Also, I think Ron was Misty s ticket out of her hell hole. I don t think she wou
ld of purposely messed that up. However, she was a partier for sure.
I wonder if anyone thought of this....Is it possible that Tommy or Joe could of
slipped a rape date drug to Misty that evening? What if Haleigh got a drink of i
t? That can totally wipe all memory out and you will never remember anything. It
may explain her confusion about the time, the clothes haliegh was wearing, etc.
I would think if you are doing drugs or whatever...you don t have the where wit
hall to make the kids dinner, pick them up from school, etc. Addiction doesn t j
ust "come and go". It is there all the time. So, it is really possible that this
is what could of happened. All the times Misty was in front of the cameras, she
didn t appear to be flying high on anything.
So, the more I think about it, the more that it makes sense that she was given s
omething in a drink that evening. Maybe it was Tommy s way of getting his way wi
th her??? It would of been too powerful for Haliegh if she got ahold of it...it
would of killed her.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
JMo, I also think that was Mistys thought to have a more stable life then with h
er folks. Well maybe it would have been if she had not messed it up with drugs.
But that is not the way it worked, her drugs is what messed up her life and will
continue to do so. If she keeps up on a pace like that it will kill her. But at
this point I doubt she ever gets out.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
5 weeks ago
Rascal, she can get out, but you re right, I doubt she will. It s the only life
she knows.
It has snowed, snowed, and it s still snowing. Nordie looked like a rabbit jumpi
ng around. He didn t want to come in, but I was afraid for his paws. It s so dee
p all you could see was his nose when he tilted it up.
Linn, can I borrow some money -- word is you re rolling in the (pennies). teehee
losingit says:
5 weeks ago
JMo, that scenario makes a lot of sense. It would explain why Misty acted so con
fused but denied any drug use that night. Misty has never really been caught lyi
ng. She has failed polys, but she has volunteered to take them. So maybe she wan
ts to know what happened as much as everyone else. Maybe Tommy drugged Misty, fo
oled around with her and Haliegh woke up and witnessed something. The only thing
I have a problem with is that Misty has never said Tommy came over. She should
remember that part for a bit at least. Unless she did go out, Tommy gave her som
ething and she went home, passed out and Tommy followed behind.
Date rape drug usually lasts 4 to 8 hours. So if roughly we have Misty putting t
he kids to bed at 10:00 and then somehow injesting this drug, it is possible she
would wake up around 3:00. I don t think that someone "dropping" after taking D
R would remember to shut off lights and lock doors. She might have only said thi
s to impress Ron and LE. I also think that if she was sober/straight and passed
out after taking DR, she would know that something not right happened to her. So
, either we re way off or she was already under the influence of something and s
he didn t know if she passed out from her self imposed stupor or if something el
se was added to the mix. If I was to give her a poly, I would ask if her clothes
were on when she woke up.
This is just such a mystery. I can t believe that with these chain smokers in ja
il, no one has had a nic-fit and talked.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
The other thought I had is who ever else was there sliped Misty something, they
left then Tommy came in and Haleigh witnessed something. Tommy took Haleigh away
then brougnt the Van back.
Nordie, I would not leave Nordie out in that snow either, there little paws get
so cold. Rascal goes out in it, and when I bring her back I use a old towel to d
ry her paws and warm them up. I hope we do not get any more snow this year, but
we have got pleanty of rain. I may half to buy oars for the PT Cruiser, and teac
h Rascal to man one side of the car with me. Only teasing it has not been that b
ad with the rain yet.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
Also Misty said the Van was not where she parked it and it had a scratch down th
e side. Misty kooked like she had been on drugs, the next morning, I even remark
ed about it from just looking at her on TV.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
5 weeks ago
I don t remember hearing that blood was found in the van that was parked at the
Croslin home but I have not been following that case as closely as the Anthony o
ne. I do remember hearing it had a scratch on the side of it but I believe that
statement came from a family member. Being that a few of you here at the hub thi
nk that everyone in the state of Florida is a liar, murderer,drug addict,pervert
& so on, don t know how you could take anything coming out of Putnum County as
Also nothing official has been released by LE or the court system. Sunshine law
only applies after someone has been arrested for a crime & documents from LE hav
e been filed with the court.
JMo, You CAN clean up blood to make it undetectable. Oxy cleaners (hydrogen pero
xide) drown hemoglobin (blood)in so much oxygen the blood is undetectable by the
most common forensic tests.
losingit says:
4 weeks ago
STOP SNOWING ALREADY!!!!! I think a 24 hour blizzard is long enough. Are you try
ing to make my power go off?
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
4 weeks ago
It s stopped snowing here -- have 10-12 inches. No church today. Thankful I have
Rascal, yes, I dried Nordie s paws, but had to drag him in the house. He loved b
eing a rabbit.
Jo1031, even if you clean up, doesn t it leave the traces of being cleaned up? E
ven if no blood sample can be obtained, I thought it left a degraded trace. But,
I could be mistaken.
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
ahh, thanks for that info. Misty told LE that the blood stain in the van could o
f been from a deer, since hanky panky likes to hunt all the time. I keep thinkin
g that he might of threw her out with some old deer carcuses (like other guy did
to that little girl) and that would throw off the scents of the dogs and search
I know a lot of people in Florida and they are good people, so not all the peopl
e from there are liars and murderers. I think certain parts of Fla. get more tha
n their share of certain criminal types for sure.
I hope the cops go back over some of those woods out there and search for human
bones....I have a feeling that is where our little haliegh was thrown, buried un
der carcuses. Just a gut feeling I have.
I also bet that along with those high level of drug involvements, there is some
child trafficking involved. You really don t want to rat those folks out. You kn
ow what they say....Three people can t tell, if two of them are dead.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
You find people like that every where JMo. But it seem like we hear more of that
kind of news from Fl lately. Maybe because of Casey. There is not a State is is
untouchable from drugs and where there are drugs we will hear about children be
ing hurt and killed. I stil think that has a lot to do with how many children ar
e killed. And as long at the perverts are back on the street with just a slap on
the hand we will continue to hear it.
linn says:
4 weeks ago
I thought that too about the deer carcuses, but some expert on NG said dogs coul
d detect only human blood. the search dogs that is. Different smells. Gee, what
type of talk we are having to do. I don t think Misty was given or just plain to
ok a date rape drug. For one thing, no one would have to rape her, just ask. And
I also listened once to a date rape drug expert, some doctor, saying they remem
ber NOTHING at all. Not her "dream" of 4 men in the house, or the shirt, etc. Wh
en they wake up, they have no memory from the time the drug was taken. One reaso
n many don t report anything. Plus it does not show up in blood, unless taken wi
thin seconds. SCARY drug if you ask me!
Nordie...LOLOLOL!!! I stepped on my last penny today. barefoot. Just felt wet. I
got a towel, looked for the wet spot, dabbed all over, lol, and the wet spot wa
s the penny stuck to my foot! Stupid! LOL. Anyway, spent it. I promise you can e
ven HAVE my next penny hoping I get more! That was too funny.
And JMo.. You really get a LOT of great ideas. Don t agree with all, as none of
us agree with everything, but even if I don t agree, does not mean I don t think
you just had a great idea or point! :)
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Nordie, I know what you mean I have had Rascal come in with ice bergs on her lit
tle furry paws. She has got smarter then when she was younger now she does nnot
take forever, it is like get me out of this stuff, she even does the same with t
he rain now.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
linn, I only remember the dogs hitting on the dumpster, but LE did check the Van
to make sure there was no dna from Haleigh just in case.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Linn, that is true if they are given a date rape drug they do not remember. I ca
n not rmember the guy in Calif from the Max Factor that raped young girls down o
n his beach house. He gave them that drug and video taped them being raped and t
he girls were out cold. They did not remember anything. He was convicted because
the tapes were found when the cops went there with a warent.
He was the Grandson and Heir to the fortune.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Max Factor heir returns to face prison term, Great Grand son
linn, you should remember this one
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Mother Arrested For Leaving Kids Home Alone For 14 Hours, hhere is another mom o
f the year, 18 month old and 3 year old. This is a accident waiting to happen, h
ow long will it be until these kids are back in her custody,
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Today is the deadline for Bozo to put up or shut up with his evidence to the Sta
te. Hmmm wonder what Bozo has to turn over? This will be very interesting.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
4 weeks ago
Rascal, well if Linn would lend me some of her riches :) I would be willing to b
et he ain t going to do nothing. But alas, I am broke so I can t bet . . . IOUs
in betting can be dangerous :>)
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Nordie, you can always write the IOU on a ice cube, lol no evidence that way.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Nordie I sent you a cute email, I think you will like it.
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
A little news on the murdering skanky ho:
The state s Web site lists all the people who are incarcerated, serving probatio
n or parole, or who have escaped from supervision.
Normally, the site also provides photos of those people. But, in Anthony s case,
the photo is missing, as well as certain details about her physical characteris
tics, like hair and eye color.
The state s not in a hurry to update its Web site.
A probation officer will soon visit her at the jail to explain the conditions of
her probation and what to do if she is released from jail, said Gretl Plessinge
r, spokeswoman for the Department of Corrections.
The probation officer may take a photo of her during the visit for the Web site,
Plessinger said. Afterward, the probation officer will check on Anthony s statu
s at the jail regularly.
"She s in jail, so we know where she is," Plessinger said. "She is not out in th
e community like our other offenders."
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
And I do not see her being out in the future. The check fraud case was the least
of her worries. If that is all it was she would have been out already.
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
More tax payers money at work. Probation officers visits at the jail....give me
a f n break!!!! They would do better to check on the druggies in the community t
hat are parolees, like the Giardo s of the world who went undetected for 20 year
s with duggard in his back yard tent or the woman who was selling her little 5 y
ear old to sex traffickers! Casey and her family make me ill. They deserve NOTHI
NG. Leave her to rot where she belongs. Let her rot, just like she let Caylee ro
t in the trash.
However, Im sure all that is on Casey s mind is that her picture will be on a we
bsite for a long time. I wouldn t give the psychopath the pleasure of taking her
picture, much less posting it on a website (even if it is the felon site). It s
a turn on for her.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
4 weeks ago
JMo, really, they should be out checking the wherabouts of the sexual perverts .
. . duH on them!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Seems like they do not check on the perverts unless there is a problem. well by
then it is to late.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Casey Anthony Commisary orders now over $200.00 a month, hey Lyons maybe she can
wear your cloths soon and you can really look like twins.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
I wonder if Hinkey could put one of his balloons at the Orange County Jail, conn
ect a hose from Casey to the baloon it would have pleanty of gas to stay in the
air. Ok going to my corner now, lol
linn says:
4 weeks ago
Rascal.. hahaha.. And yes, I remember the Max Factor heir. Some movie and of cou
rse, a Law * Order episode was made about the case. Funny thing, he was super ri
ch, not like my little penny riches, *Up to 4.00 in pennies!* and very handsome.
So why? Because he was a pervert. All different sorts of pervs. Some even like
sex with dead women.
I truly do not think a probation officer will check on Casey. I mean all they ha
ve to do is call the jail! However, they might think now that they will be on th
e news and all that crappola.
When will they start taking Casey s money in her jail account to start paying he
r $5,000 fine? LOL... One Cheeto at a time!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
The Judge will make a decision on the finaly cost Casey owes, so I assume shortl
y after that bye bye money. Casey is stocking up for the long haul, hehe She wil
l miss the bean dip and hot nutts.
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Little Gabriels mom is another Casey wannabe psychopath. I have a really good fe
eling about this one.
Here is my theory:
She DID kill the baby. She was with the other couple...got money from them, but
then never showed up with the baby. I think they will find the baby in the landf
ill in the diaperbag like she said. But, its been so long, there will be no mode
of death. They will have nothing to tie her to the murder, except that she said
she killed the baby to the baby s daddy. ....Which legally, doesn t mean she re
ally did it. Another case of circumstantial bullshit. This gal is trying to blam
e everybody and their brother for the baby s dissapearance (hmmm, sounds like Ca
Sorry, but I thin the baby has been dead for a while now.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
JMo, I agree with you there, I also think little baby Gabriel is deceased. But t
he fact that she said she did it will be enoigh to convict her. Yes another Case
y in the respect she did not want a child. These women are something else if the
y do not want children, have they ever heard of prevention.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Tammi Smith Hires Death-Penalty-Case Attorney Michael Kimerer
Why does this not surprise me!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Video of Tammi Smith Arrest.
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
I just watched her on NG last night. I told my friend, "look at her eyes shiftin
g around" something isn t right. She is lying about something! OMG, I am so conf
used about this case. I think they had Nancy fooled into believing them. Now I a
m more confused.
4 weeks ago
Everyone seems to have N.G. confused these days. Except those that do not appear
on her show.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
JMo, in the beginning I said that Smith knew more then she was telling. There wa
s just something about them I did not trust.
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Wednesday Morning profile image
Wednesday Morning says:
4 weeks ago
Hey guys, Check this out... My nephew is in the service, serving our country, cu
rrently stationed in Afghanistan. He sent me this link. This is a terrible story
about a precious little girl. The father of this little girl served in the army
with my nephew. This is heart breaking. http://thetruth4kelsey.blogspot.com/
Be sure to watch the video.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Wednesday, my grand son is over in afganistan also.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Wednesday that is so sad, another case where they allowed the Mom back into a ch
ilds life to be abused over and over until it is to late. It is cases like this
that make me sick.
linn says:
4 weeks ago
I have no video, but maybe i am glad?
As for Gabriel, for once I am not too sure he is dead. She had more money than s
he should have from selling her dogs and all. And the couple seen on video, do m
atch her description of a man with black hair, and a thinish blonde with long ha
ir. Personally, she seems the type to SELL her poor beautiful baby. I found it o
dd for her to take pictures of him in the hotel room. Course we are thinking lik
e caring parents, not nuts. Speaking of nuts. LOLOL Rascal on the "hot nuts".. I
have a dirty mind today.
But I think she sold him, not for much either. One reason the police have, IMO,
searched the dump site. Why waste tons of money and time if they think someone h
as him?
And JMo and Rascal I believe, I too, have thought from day one the Smith s were
hiding something. Police do not call you a person of interest if you do not hold
something. And yes, NG kissing Ron s hiney was sickening and now she has to be
red-faced. Same with the Smith s! Good gosh, weren t they just on her show last
night, AGAIN? Mike Brooks even said to NG, when the Smith s were on that somethi
ng was not right with them. Her crying and saying everyone is saying mean things
about us, but put us on TV, PLEASE!! I mean, NG for night after night, GMA, The
Early Show. Come on.. Really, except the start, if innocent, what did they have
to offer? It seems clear the police were sure watching here. However, what did
they arrest her for? I never once heard why today, just that they did. I think p
ersonally, THEY have this baby or know where he is hidden and planned on bringin
g him back or moving when it all died down.. Totally opposite Casey. They are mi
ddle aged, sort of, low key and normal looking family. After a while, IF it ever
died down they would come home with a newly adopted say 2 or 3 year old with da
rk brown hair, grown longer. They thought, again my opinion, that since they wer
e cooperating so much they would pass under the radar. I didn t feel good about
them from day one. Down to trying to give their cousins name as the father on th
e BC.. She was really into it. I am not sure about her husband. He seems bewiler
ed by it all, but I am sure he knew. I just hope I am right and she sold the bab
y or the Smiths know where he is.
That is my only explanation of why LE has not searched the landfill. I think the
know the Smith s know just where he is. I do wonder now if the so called Mother
turned on them, finally
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
linn, I am thinking more on that line now that she sold Gabriel and the Smiths a
re involved in hiding him. They have money and that would be easy for them to do
. Lets pray they find him and return him to his father. Something is very fish a
bout the Smiths from the beginning. They are the ones that wated to be on TV, th
ey inserted then self in this case and wonder why they are not liked. I wonder w
ho the little girl is that was on the video with them and if it there child and
if they adopted her and how now.
4 weeks ago
Unreal, in a bad way!
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Good thoughts.
I think the child is dead though. I think that PsychoSmith got her husband to fo
rk over some money as part of the scam. So, she is screwing him over too....Look
honey, the bad little girl took our money...and no kid for us...boo hoo. Hmmm,
he s been had!
Then, mommy finds out, threatens to tell on her, so she gives mommy cash to shut
her up and tells her of some hispanic dude(in San Antonio) that can help her se
ll the baby. So, she meets with him, meets with the couple and gets cash from th
em (down payment) *Mind you now, this is all illegal, so no one is gonna come fo
Mommy meanwhile blames daddy for ruining her life, she has a meltdown, smothers
the baby, dumps him at the hotel and tries to escape from it all.
She knows that if she talks, she is in big trouble. Illegal adoption, scamming m
oney off people, bribery, murder, ....you name it.
So, IF BABY is not dead, then the couple who has the baby is keeping quiet cause
they don t want to be charged and mommy doesn t know who the hispanic dude is.
Thus the phone call to smith who actually did set up the meeting. She probably g
ot a cut from the sale of the baby. These people need to go down. (Maybe smith
s husband was in on it, maybe not...but she is the one with the shifty eyes).
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Ok, new thoughts on the Haleigh case:
Tommy and Joe brought over a couple of guys to Misty s to do some drugs. I think
Someone (not sure who) owed a dealer for some drug supplies. Couldn t pay up...
they took Haliegh for ransom...I would guess they owe 35,000 or something (since
Ron said he could get her back for that amount). They couldn t come up with it,
so Ron and misty began selling drugs again to get the money together. They can
t rat out the dealer or whoever....Ron doesn t know who (those two...either Tomm
y and Misty or Tommy and Joe) had over to the trailer that night. I think they w
ant to know, but can t get the info.
Which could mean that Haleigh is alive somewhere being kept by some druggy or so
Someone will eventually fess up, I hope.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
What is with Bozo that the Dufence can not get off there Ass and do what they ar
e told to do, I hate to tell you Bozo you are not that special.. Here comes the
Judge and I hope he hits you with the daM Gavel to make you understand English,
or do you need a interperter.
Casey Anthony’s Defense Misses Deadline
Posted: 5:52 pm EST February 2, 2010
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
A stall tactic, indeed. Or, it could just be the mere fact that there are no wit
nesses to show someone other than Casey did this. I hope they get fined.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
The Defence is trying to push the Court as far as they can to see what they can
get by with. I hope Judge Strickland shows them he will not be pushed. This is t
here usual BS as usual.
4 weeks ago
Jose = no comprendo nada
Donde esta Nanny???
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Steve. I can see that, maybe big hammer on head would help. hehe
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Jose Baezhole: La niñera real es la señora Roy Kronkfire!!!
4 weeks ago
Donde Mrs. Kronkfire?? LOL
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Maybe Cindy could send him for a make over and rename him Mrs. Kronkfire. That w
ould be the only way he would pass for Mrs. Oh better yet send Lyons she certain
ly could use one.
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Next we will hear that "the butler did it". lol
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Another crazy story....don t these kids have anyone who cares???
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
There is the result of another Court ordered visitation, this is what ticks me o
ff. Give the child to a person that is not stable and does not give a crap about
the child.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Casey Case Prosecutors Want To Withhold Info
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Casey Anthony trial date set 2011
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Prosecutors Want Private Hearing In Casey Case
linn says:
4 weeks ago
Wonder why the prosecutors want a private hearing? And I was going to ask what w
as up with NO Bozo news like he was ordered to give over, but forgot.
JMo..I am not sure if Jack Smith is in on it, the police seems to have cleared h
im, BUT don t you usually know what your wife is up too?
Now the sad thing with Gabriel is she did not even have custody! She was suppose
d to hand him over to his father I believe that Sunday. Instead she said she kil
led him and took off with him. I mean you did not have to deal with him anymore,
yet you sold/gave away or worse, killed him. WHY? All she had to do was give hi
m over and start over with her ife. I heard she is very smart, got a full schols
AND, from what I heard, swore it was here, lol, is that the girl they adopted is
Jack s granddaughter! Would sort of make sense if his daughter was not able, no
r wanted to care for it. I am also not sure how old Jack is, but he seems severa
l years older than his nutty wife. Did you all know she has three! teenagers tha
t she just gave over to her ex-husband and also has been in trouble with the law
, more than once and not just petty stuff. Doesn t NG investigate these people f
irst? She just GUSHED over them AND icky Ron Cummings and look how that turned o
Also on Gabriel. Why do what she did? Apparently she lost custody and was to tur
n the baby over to his dad that Sunday. That is when she sent the message saying
she killed him, etc. But why? All she had to do was hand him over and be done w
ith him if that is what she wanted. I heard she is very bright. A 4.0 grade aver
age, full scholarship to a good college. If she wanted out, she was already out!
I heard she is bi-polar, but seems everyone is lately.
Lets put Elizabeth, Casey and Misty in a jail together. Bet the truth would come
out as they fight to be the worst mother in the world. They would have to outdo
each other to win.
Another odd thing I have been thinking of but forget to mention. we all heard Ro
n going on about killing whomever took Haleigh. One thing hit me tonight. He NEV
ER talks or mentions his son, Junior. Not that he does not have custody, how is
he doing, can I talk to him. If I did not know this case, I would never know he
had a son, much less TWO sons. To me, Ron is as low as Misty, Casey and Elizabet
h combined. Those were HIS kids, and he let a drug induced child to be totally r
esponsible for them. That is such a lack of not caring. You let a 17 year old wa
tch you kids while you go out for maybe 2 hours and not until 3AM.. Sick
Wednesday Morning profile image
Wednesday Morning says:
4 weeks ago
So now we know where Misty Cummings gets her brilliance from... In the jailhouse
video she asks her mother "So my bail is now at $50,000? What s 10% of $50,000?
" Her mom says "I don t know...I think it s $10,000?" Misty says "ok, so it s $1
I want to laugh, but hell, it s just so effin sad that 2 adults can t figure out
10% of ANYTHING.
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Oh good grief. Everyone is so messed up! LOL.
My take on Eliz. is that she blames the father for "ruining her life"...so Im no
t sure of the full story there. She may of had the old, well if I can t have hi
m, neither can you syndrome, told him out of anger and spite that she killed th
e child, when really, working through Smith, she sold him on the black market. N
o one will come forward with that kid. Eliz. probably figured that she was losin
g custody anyway, so what did she have to lose. I see her side of things, but I
don t agree with how she handled it. The kooky smith woman, well, I bet she was
up to a lot that her husband didn t know about. (Obviously).
I think Ron and Misty teamed up to sell the drugs to pay back a debt owed to the
dealer to get Haleigh back....I bet anything this is why. What a weird situatio
n. I bet they know that Haleigh is alive and know that someone is holding her un
til they come up with the money. These people are in deep, and it s starting to
Casey: I think the Prosecutors have that "ace in the hole" that we keep thinking
about. If they have to reveal it now, then that blows their "we gotcha casey" c
ase. I hope the judge lets them keep it till trial. I want to see the look on Ba
ezhole and Lyings face (Casey s too). I go back to the day of "lets put the DP b
ack on the table". It was done for a reason and I bet that is what they are with
olding is the evidence that will seal her fate!!!
Just my thoughts.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
4 weeks ago
JMo, I think the latent print of momster s on the duct tape is the key. That s w
hat they don t want to give to bozo and lying. IMO
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Nordie, I agree. It s either the fingerprint or maybe they have an eyewitness??
or maybe the Tiffany ring was in Caylees remains bag or maybe they found somethi
ng in her room (like a confession) or I keep thinking about the dirt from the du
mping site, matching the dirt found up underneath the jeep she was driving or th
e white car. I also keep thinking about those glow in the dark stains on her pan
ts in the closet...could match something found in the trunk. Oh so many things t
hey could have....maybe even some tapes of her in the house not knowing she was
being recorded?
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Possible new suspect in Haleigh case....A pimp that Ron knows that pimps out you
ng girls....YIKES,,,,this is deeper than deep. Misty s dad tells her...I told yo
u to stay away from that sick bastard. OMG!
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
So, is it possible that Misty was the pimp s girl and was pissed she wanted to
quit that business and get with Ron (her regular customer?). He took Haleigh to
makeup for money Misty owed? Could be, but Im sure that drugs are in the hieght
of this case. So sad.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
It is not like any of the Croslins set a example for Misty. she never has a chan
ce with dope around her parents stealing and dealing the drugs. But a lot of kid
s grow up to be the same as the parents and a lot grow up to better them self. M
isty made her choice and it was the wrong one. From the sound of it none of them
went far in school, this goes on generation after generation, they either live
off the goverment or deal drugs, prostitution or any way they can to survive. Ou
r goverment has enabled them to do this. Make they get a education and a job and
some of this will stop. Make them drug test to get any benifits in the mean tim
e, if they break the law give them that orange jump suit. I am sick of seeing th
is in our country, I am not saying do not help people in need, I say make them e
arn it. I see people at the market using there food stamp card, they do not matc
h up the card to ID, so they are letting others use it for favors like precripti
on drugs, or alcohol they need to tighten this up and check who is using this ca
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Ok on to Casey they have somthing up there sleve and it has to be good for the P
rosecution wanting to keep it for trial. But I do have a feeling they will half
to share this information under the law. :(
4 weeks ago
Wednesday, breaking news...
They offered Misty a plea this morning!
If she told detectives what 100% of one dollar is they would let her walk free.
Guess what? She is still locked up! If she would have just used that phone a fri
end... Who am I kidding, she would still be locked up!!! Get your G.E.D. girl wh
ile you now have the time.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
I just hope Mistys brain is not to fried to learn.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
New Motions Filed In Casey Anthony Trial
Prosecution Asks For More Time To Go Over New Evidence
4 weeks ago
How is L.P. going to bail her out when they will not be able to put up the milli
on plus worth of collateral? Unless he is willing to? If he thinks she is going
to fess up and spill her guts to him or anyone, then I think his hat is on too t
ight these days!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Steve, I think that hat shrunk when the rain got it wet, I guess he did ot learn
when he bailed casey out,lol
4 weeks ago
Here we go mates. You Tube time again.
5 year old Savannah s 911 call - The Bonnie Hunt Show
Try not to cry. (in a good way)
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Here is the link...this is great.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Hey that is adorable, thank you for sharing that one. BBL need to go shopping wi
th my son, I know he will wear me out today.
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
MISTY tells Hanky Panky: "I might come out and tell them something" to avoid pri
Hmmmm, interesting. Again, I think she is afraid of her brother and his thug fri
ends. I think they have threatened her and she is scared to death of them. Plus,
her whole life, her parents never believed her when she told them Hanky Panky w
as molesting her....this has done some deep psychological damage.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Sorry LP leave Misty in Jail do not make the same mistake twice, you got burned
bad by Casey did that not teach you a lesson. Let Misty rot or go down big time
until she tells the truth.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Bill Shaffer on delays on trial for Casey
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
4 weeks ago
Well, you will probably make me walk the plank, but here s my theory. What would
make the prosecutors want a delay -- not really Dominic, they already know abou
t him; not Kronk, they already know about him . . . however, what if momster did
in fact have an accomplice. Remember when Sindy said early on she could not hav
e done this alone . . . maybe she didn t. Possible the "rest of the evidence" fr
om the FBI has finally come back and ids someone in addition to momster. That is
really what I m thinking now as it would take time to build a case against this
person and to do so, you couldn t tip them off.
Well, that s what I m thinking (at least for today :>)
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Nordie, good thought maybe Lee she was tring to desperately trying to get a hold
of him. Lee did make the remark I will never tell. No plank my friend.
losingit says:
4 weeks ago
Walk the plank Nordie! Just kidding. I just don t think Casey wouldn t have told
by now. One theory that I have on this is that they might have prints on one pi
ece of duct tape that belongs to Lee or Amy. That only means that Casey borrowed
or stole the tape from one of them. Hmmmm, I don t know.
Savannah s 911 call, okay, I don t think I ve ever heard anything that awesome.
I cried. Thanks for posting the link JMo.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
4 weeks ago
Ok, just humor me -- for who would she sit in jail? Not mommy dearest or daddy d
earest, that s for sure. That just leaves 2 -- Lee or Tony (or whatever the name
of her last bf). Either one of them, and the state would want to keep that wayy
yy under the radar.
Time for nightie -- tomorrow suppose to be a hugeee snow storm.
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
But why would they want to keep that from the defense? If they think someone is
involved, they would of went after that person and arrested them....they couldn
t withold a possible suspect. That wouldn t help them I don t think.
And why would evidence showing she didn t do it or do it alone get her the DP? U
nless it is a suprise "witness", not a surprise suspect .
Maybe Lee came clean and he made a deal that he wants to see if Casey will confe
ss first, before he spills the beans? Who knows. Maybe someone is cutting a deal
, but I sure would think they would of had to of disclosed that by now....? hmmm
So, I guess the question is....What could they of withheld this entire time (leg
ally) and then ask to continue to withhold it? Or is that a game to scare Casey
and the Duhfense?
Did anyone watch NG yet? Was it worth watching?
losingit says:
4 weeks ago
Right JMo. The State isn t out to prove Casey killed Caylee. They are out to pro
secute the person who murdered Caylee. If it wasn t Casey, I m sure they would c
ome forward with this info. Everyone wants the truth. If the State has evidence
that Casey didn t do this crime, I m sure they would come forward just because t
his case is so bizarre.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
4 weeks ago
ok, one thing for sure we know -- they are saying this is new information/eviden
ce. Now, who or what would the state not want lambasted by the defense until the
time of trial?
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
If it s a who , then I think it is Lee (with a confession about Casey) or a (su
rprise witness to the dumping of Caylee).
If it s a what , then I think it is the latent fingerprints, or the tiffany rin
g, or something they found in her room.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
4 weeks ago
Nordie said:
"Jo1031, even if you clean up, doesn t it leave the traces of being cleaned up?
Even if no blood sample can be obtained, I thought it left a degraded trace. But
, I could be mistaken."
According to the link I posted it was not detected by the most common test for l
atent blood. Maybe more advanced tests would pick up degraded traces.
JMo, I think it s a WHO. Lab or evidence results would have been know to the pro
secutors long ago. I think it is either Lee or Dominic Casey. I m leaning more t
oward Dominic Casey than Lee. Dominic Casey spent more time at the Anthony home
than Lee did after he became involved in the case. I believe he knows all about
the Anthony family misdeeds & cover up attempts. All LE would have to do is thre
aten to take his PI license & I believe he would gladly spill the beans. Also he
is not under the influence of Spindy anymore.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
4 weeks ago
Juror survey calls Casey Anthony attorney, "RAT","JERK".
Scroll down & you can click on a pdf file & read juror comments. Under that ther
e is a link for a video with Bill Shaeffer on what the survey means.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
4 weeks ago
Casey Anthony: How is the case effecting Jose Baez s image?
Found this posted under comments by Whatawaste. This person is referring to the
Anthony family saying that Casey hired Baez based on a referral from another inm
"The Orange county Jail made it perfectly clear very early on that Casey HAS NEV
ER HAD INTERACTION WITH AN INMATE. Not from the the start. She was never in a ho
ld cell with others…. ever…..
her my space showed that she did have contact with a Christine Baez who has a fa
ther name Jose back in 2006 she wrote say hello to jose for me…. to Christine or
a Christina. They went to highschool together. Christine was one grade before h
er. In one message Casey says ohhh I had her last year for history…. she was oka
I do not know why The Anthony’s chose to believe casey when she said she got the
lawyer from jail…… NOPE NOTTA NO CHANCE IN H$LL. But why lie about it? And why
did she call Christine’s father by his first name?
Before Casey’s myspace was closed to the public these pages where copied by anot
her Blogger. I viewed them but could not download them to my computer. But I did
read them."
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Ahhh, very good....so, she knows Jose from her acquaintence Christine or Christi
na Baez. I always wondered how she talked to another inmate and got that name. A
nd I wondered why she would accept a lawyers name from someone who was in jail,
lol...made no logical sense to me.
Also, I think it is a who also. Dominic Casey has refused to do his deposition
s, and that might be the reason why. He is gonna spill the beans about this whol
e thing....hmmmm. Lee has been awfully subdued lately, so it could be him, or po
ssibly his little wifey? Somebody knows something...I just don t think this whol
e thing could be a major mystery with no witnesses (Casey isn t that smart of a
mastermind, even though she likes to think so).
I also think the state has some of her medical records or psych records that the
y can use. Heck, Grandma might be the one to blow the lid on this whole thing to
o. And then again, could of been a cop who George knows that will confess how he
covered Casey s minor crimes to do George a favor. Who knows.
But, I venture to guess that the ANTS are on to something because they have shut
their mouths lately and figure they better take the low road for now, so as to
not incriminate themselves and their daughter any more. I think they know it s o
ver. It s just a question of whether or not she gets the DP or LWOP.
losingit says:
4 weeks ago
My two cents (not as wealthy as Linn) on this is that someone has told them some
thing (probably DC). The information they recieved is nearly as good as a confes
sion, but it will implicate others (not in murder, but in witholding evidence or
tampering or something). They want to use the info, but not have the people or
persons involved charged at this point because they want their testimony.
I remember where I was exactly one year ago tonight. I was living in a house tra
iler that I had fixed up to livable and conversing with all of you here. Tonight
I am in a lovely new farmhouse. I am excited to have family coming to visit tom
orrow to celebrate my 40th birthday with me! Happy birthday to me in 1.5 hours!
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Happy Birthday!
4 weeks ago
Happy Birthday!!
Welcome to the 40 club that I am a member of.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Happy Birthday losingit. enjoy your family that will make it special for you.
You young one in the 40 club, haha I will be 70 on the 17th of the month. :(
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
4 weeks ago
Happy Birthday losingit. Have a blessed day. I remember being in that club, seem
s so long ago. It was fun, yet today is too!
Lots of snow here -- so far still have electricity, thank goodness.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Richard Hornsby, this may give you soe insite on BOZO being Caseys attorney.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Confirmed: Haleigh’s Mom Failed Drug Test, Keeps Child, what the hell does this
tell us about our system of leaving children in danger.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
4 weeks ago
Rascal, I read that article by Richard Hornsby back on December 28th when he pos
ted it but didn t buy his thinking on how Casey & Baez got together.
He was suggesting that possibly Jessie Grund had used Baez to handle a traffic t
icket for him (he wasn t sure his info on Jessie & the traffic ticket was correc
t either) & he had call Baez to go talk to Casey in jail. If Jessie Grund had st
epped up to the plate & called an attorney for Casey (which as far as we know no
family member did) I don t think she would have been bashing him so badly in th
ose jail visitation videos.
Since that info came out about Baez s past I have always wondered if Casey & the
child he couldn t be bothered to pay child support for knew each other. The inf
o the news came up with put them to be close to the same age. I think others que
stioned that too.
Here s a great article posted yesterday by Valhall at The Hinky Meter. Good theo
ry on where the alternate scenario of the kidnapping came from.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
None of us really know where Bozo came in to play for sure, just threw that arti
cle out there for people to see.
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Of course Haliegh s mom CRYSTAL failed a drug test. She is just as bad as the re
st of them and I still think it is possible she had something to do with this. S
he is trash.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
4 weeks ago
If Casey Anthony didn t kill Caylee, then why is no one looking for the real kil
Great post at prime writer.com with lots of good unanswered questions that the d
efense & family think have gotten lost in all of their attention seeking & money
grubbing shenanigans.
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
jo 1031, that puts it plain and simple! The duhfense is duh.
Baby Gabriel is now a murder investigation . http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Cri
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
4 weeks ago
I just read a post by another blogger at the Orlando Sentinel that Dominic Casey
is relocating his private investigation business so I decided to check out his
web page.
Most companies would set up a new office along with a new set of phone numbers s
o as not to lose any potential business. Whats up with this? This blogger also s
aid that a little birdie told him/her that DC is the smoking gun.
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Wow, I wonder what he has to say. It seems that he has been witholding informati
on for a while, eh? He refused to go to the depositions and everything....but ne
ver went to jail for contempt. Now I find that odd....someone is protecting him,
and it must be the state???
Good find.
losingit says:
4 weeks ago
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. Lordy, lordy look who s 40, ME! I certa
inly don t feel or look 40. Is there a store I should start shopping at now? I m
feeling pretty comfy in my LULULemons. Do I have to quit drinking and smoking?
No, my plan is to live to 120. So, in my plan I am just reaching adulthood. Wow!
I guess I should t depend on my parent s anymore. My Grandma sent me a card tha
t made me cry because it mentioned that I am a big girl now and the little thing
s that made my eyes light up, don t anymore. A year ago, I informed all of you o
f my 39th birthday. I recieved many warm wishes. It was brought to the table tha
t many of us have birthdays in February. So, Happy Birthday to all of you!
I love THE WHO. Talkin bout my generation.
JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Long live ROCK! I guess Casey won t be at any superbowl party today with beer po
ng or chili and we all know that Misty has to lay on the dirty cell floor to see
her TV because it is at the wrong angle. Boo Hoo.
nannie27 says:
4 weeks ago
The way I read it is that the new number is only temporary until the other numbe
rs are transferred....am I reading it wrong.....this whole thing is VERY strange
isn t it
To better serve our Client s D&A is currently relocating its office. Our Telepho
ne/Fax services are being transferred/changed they will be down during this peri
od, please use email or our temporary number, we apologize for any inconvenience
. . .!But then again ...so is this whole case.
I am so disappointed to hear that the trial wont be til 2011 now....is that for
sure, or is that just a maybe that was put out there????
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
4 weeks ago
Losingit, HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY & MANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!
JMo, Another thing I find interesting is that Baez, & the Ant family have been e
xtremely quiet since the info about the state requesting a private hearing with
Judge Strickland made the news & Orlando East has been missing from the comment
pages at Orlando Sentinel. Below is a direct quote from the Orlando Sentinel in
that news article.
Prosecutors: Good cause to delay information release in Casey Anthony case dat
ed February 4, 2010
The State Attorney s Office has asked for a private hearing with Orange Circuit
Court Judge Stan Strickland to discuss "CERTAIN MATERIALS and INFORMATION" that
have "come into the possession of Law Enforcement."
Key words for me would be Materials & Information. If it was evidence such as DN
A or fingerprints, I believe they would have said Forensic Evidence. I also beli
eve that kind of evidence would have been in their possession long ago. I know I
will have to walk the plank for this but I don t believe that they found any fi
ngerprints on the duct tape. The FBI report on the piece of duct tape with Cayle
e s hair attached to it says NO latent prints. I have talked to several people t
hat have work in law enforcement about this case & they don t believe that they
found DNA or fingerprints either. They base their beliefs on the fact that the r
emains laid out in the hot Florida sun & under water for approximately 6 months.
None of those I spoke with have follow the case like we have or read all the pd
f files so their opinion is based on cases they have investigated. One of the pe
ople worked homicide for 20 years in Atlanta.
Based on the words the state used in their motion to the court, the only thing I
can see is someone connected closely to the Anthony camp as being the source of
this new information. George & Cindy have done too much to cover up & told way
too many half truths to come clean now. Plus their gravy train would end if they
talked to LE.
But that still leaves several people to consider.
Mallory Parker
Mrs. Parker (Mallory s mother)
Holly Gagne
The Milsteads
Mei (sp?) the person that was posting at the CNN Larry King site
J. Hoover
or my personal favorite Dominic Casey
Private Investigators are licensed in Florida by the Department of Agriculture &
Consumer Services. Being that its a state agency I can see him worrying about l
oosing his ability to support himself. Baez didn t pay him as far as anyone know
s but did Cindy & George share any of the money they got before the cruise with
him or Hoover. I doubt it!!
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
4 weeks ago
Nannie27, The only news outlet that reported that the Judge had selected May of
2011 for the trial was My Fox Orlando. No other local station reported anything
like that. I read the following statement at WFTV. com on Feb 4th. & was puzzled
when someone posted that story from My Fox.
"Prosecutors also argued that, if the defense questions every material witness u
nder oath, Casey s trial won t start before May of 2011."
Maybe that was what My Fox Orlando was basing that info on but according to that
statement the state was speculating that the defense was trying to delay the tr
ial as long as possible. When I see the official announcement by the state or Ju
dge on the trial date then I will believe it.
3 weeks ago
Hey momster, see ya in 2011. LOL LOL LOL
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
Florida newspaper The Gainesville Sun covered the Haleigh Cummings case in today
s edition. They devoted 6 pages to covering Satsuma & how the town had changed
since last February 10th. Wednesday will be the one year anniversary of Caylee M
arie Anthony s memorial & also the day that Haleigh was reported missing to LE.
Also check out the related links that were covered today. Box on left side of pa
ge 1.
# Croslin s, Cummings lives tied to family, misfortune
# Timeline for Haleigh case
# Players in the Haleigh Cummings case
losingit says:
3 weeks ago
OOOhhh, this is so juicy and interesting...
Rascal, You will turn 30 years older than me in a few days. OMG! It s so cool th
at you are my friend. Rascal, my dear, you are the one that keeps this site aliv
e. I bow before you. Friend, I commend you for all of your hard work and efforts
you put forth in trying to stop the end of violence and shitheadeness towords t
he little ones.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
losingit, Thank you but I half to Thank Wednesday for all her hard work keeping
this site up for us. I enjoy posting and trying to keep you all updated.
I had a great day watching the Saints Marching across that goal, a well played g
ame and one of the best I have seen in a long time. They earned the win there he
art was in it Congratulations Saints.
We all know Who Dat is now the winners of Super Bowl 44.
3 weeks ago
CAPN STEVE loved that ball game!! Did I say loved it?? Why yes I did!!
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
jo1031, I read those articles. It seems so sad that they are all each other has
and now it is torn apart. For myself, I just don t know how Misty could of kept
a lie this long....it is beyond me. I dont think she consciously remembers anyth
ing, but subconsciously she might. Actually, I don t think we will ever find out
what happened to Haleigh.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
3 weeks ago
Still digging out and it looks like more snow coming tomorrow. Me not happy.
Everyone stay warm.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Yes, we are having a dump of snow here in Colorado. I dug this morning till my f
eet felt frozen. Then went out for a while and then was glad to be back home.
You know you are in deep when you keep a snow shovel right next to the front doo
r all year long when you have to shovel to the gate, and then a shovel at the ga
te, to get you back to the front door. lol. Sad but true.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
3 weeks ago
I m on the east coast and I haven t seen snow like this since I was a kid -- and
that s been a while ago :>)
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Hi all, I am sorry you gals are digging your self out, I finally got caught up o
n laundry and things I left go for a few days did not want to go out in the rain
. 3 days with out rain was good here. I will sure be glad when winter is over as
I know you all will be. Nothing new on Casey or Misty today when I looked but w
ill check again tomorrow to keep you updated.
linn says:
3 weeks ago
Raining again, but I love rain. Especially at night. Tomorrow there is supposed
to be snow down to 2500 feet. But we are at sea level so we have a snowballs cha
nce in hell, lol, of getting any snow.
let the God s help us if we have to hear months of the Doctor in the MJ case now
. He was charged, and now we will hear months of how it is not enough, etc. NG w
as on a roll tonight. She hated MJ but seems furious at the charge. Why? He was
nothing to her. And so annoying that she asks a question but refuses, down to al
most yelling over the person so we can t hear, but never lets them finish their
answer. Only if she likes the way it is going. Tonight she must have been in som
e fight with someone, lol, as she seemed to be in a really horrible mood. I pick
ed up on it and had to keep the sound off until I finally turned to the Food Cha
nnel. Here we go again with the MJ and Tiger Woods garbage.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
linn, I noticed that so changed the channel I am also so sick of hearing that. M
y feeling onn MJ he knew what he was doing was very dangerous. He made the choic
e to continue to use drugs, and who know whats he took with out the dr giving hi
m what he did. Michael dr shopped for drugs, now they want to put all the blame
on the dr. I am not saying he does not deserve all of the blame. But now MJ fami
ly wants to crucify this guy, hell they knew he had a problem anad what did they
do to stop it.
Personally I do not care about TW either it is what it is, have no use for a man
that cheats. Or a woman that cheats on husband. What is good for the goose is g
ood for the gander.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
Latest baby Gabriel news: Baby s father thinks his son was adopted in San Antoni
o,Texas. Child s mother was traced to two sites that are know to be places where
underground adoptions have been arranged in the past.
JMo profile image
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
From what I hear, the cops have gotten some things on tape and are going to make
some more arrests this week in the Haleigh case. That should be interesting....
Also, they released some new photos of Haleighs room. Has anyone seen those?
Also, just read that Crystal (another MOTY peice of crap) has now failed TWO dru
g tests. That poor kid Junior!
JMo profile image
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Actually, I am hoping that my theory of someone taking Haliegh because of a debt
that Ron (or someone) owed is right and that little Haliegh will appear one d
ay when it is paid. I hope all these rat outs and arrests don t get her killed i
f she is still alive. Yikes.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
I still have a gut feeling this Tami Smith has more to do with Gabriels dissapea
rence and the cover up for the Mom. She is way to involved in this case, is she
the link to finding someone to adopt Gabriel. How can she make a statement that
the Father did not want the child, oh from the Mom she did not personally know t
he Father it was just the Mom Bad mouthing him and we see what a nut she is, and
how she cared about Gabriel.
Gabriel Johnson update: Report says Tammi Smith silenced by attorney
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Baby Gabriel s Mom Not Alone On The Run?
Food Receipts Suggest She Didn t Dine Alone
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Detectives Follow More Leads in Somer Thompson s Death
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Yes, Elizabeth already told them that Tami Smith helped set up the adoption thin
g. They are just trying to get her to give more info. I think maybe that is how
her and her hubby have the money they do...illegal adoption scheme on the sideli
There is a lot of this that goes on everywhere. I don t know if any of you have
tried to adopt a child, but it is so difficult that it s not even worth it. The
legitimate adoption agencies make the person pay thousands and thousands and the
n the process is almost impossible for approval. I can see why people would want
to just do it on their own. Not saying it is right, but if it doesn t change, t
hen people will continue to do it illegally.
Sad. (same with drugs, etc.)
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
JMo, I have never tried but know family s that have it is almost impossible here
in the US. That is why they go over seas to adopt, sad when there are so many o
f our kids that need a good home. It should not take years here these kids need
to be love from a early age and have a stable home. They goverment needs to over
haul the adopting systemm here to provide for ouw own first.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Watch this video in a new windowWelcome To The Jungle, Ron Cummings
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Ron was so worried about having clean tightie Whities each day, well Ron suffer
it out turn them inside out and they will go 2 days. Either way you stink as a F
3 weeks ago
Rascal, actually you can go 4 days if you watched the George Lopez episode which
was funny as you know what!
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
That is a real scary video. So, are we now to think that this is "gang" related
and a fight between hoods ??? Or is someone jackin with everybody? I wish they
wouldn t put stuff like that out there if it s not true. And why make a you tube
of that instead of just dealing with Ron while he was on the outside? Wondering
if the video is BS or not??
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Steve I never seen that, will half to look it up. But stop and thing of the serv
ice people serving our country I bet they do not get clean ones every day in Afg
anistan and Iraq we do not hear them whinning like Ron.
Jmo, just came across that and thought I would post it.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
I just wonder if any of it is true?
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Nothing would surprise me, there is so much dope down there and I am sure the ga
ngs run it. It is the same in Calif from what I hear. Gangs run the dope area s
and there little people deal them and bring the money back to them, and you do n
ot mess with there turf and cross the line to sell in there area.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
linn, you can read this one.
Legal Analyst Bill Sheaffer on Casey Anthony Case
No Cake For Casey
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
In Colorado,
A 23 y/o Golden, Co. male left his 5 month old home while he went to the bar to
party and get drunk. Baby died. Dad charged. Lived with Grandma.
In Loveland, Co. today, our first 2010 baby was found dead on a dirty garage flo
or on her mattress where she was kept (1 month old). Our temps have been -4 late
ly. Mom charged. Lived with Grandma.
In Larimie, Wy today, a 21 y/o male shook his 7 month old and threw her in the c
rib. She was interrupting his video game.
Wonder what the stats are on these kids having babies in regard to whether they
wanted to have them or if they felt forced into it through guilt from the family
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Three little babies DEAD because of these neglectful 20 something y/o s that don
t want to stay home and take care of kids. They are irresponsible. Momma is let
ting them live in with them (remind you of Sindy and Crazy???). This needs to st
op!!! These kids will never be responsible if they are constantly enabled.
The one that was found on the dirty garage floor....her "friends" told police th
at they thought she was a better mother when she was "high". She was a pot smo
The one with the video game....well, I see Casey written all over this one. The
child is interrupting your life and you want it to stop. I have a feeling he was
being forced to take care of the child (like Casey was) and this was supposed t
o make him grow up (like Sindy thinks). Sorry, but that does not do anything b
ut frustrate and anger that person and the child becomes the target.
These grandparents need to rethink their strategies at helping their children...
.these kids need to grow up first, then plan a child. Not the other way around.
Adoption is an option, as well as abortion.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Why would the mattress be in the garage, please do not tell me they were forced
to live in there in temps like that.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
3 weeks ago
Sheaffer is one smart lawyer.
Rascal, do not read about the baby and the mattress. You will throw something an
d rascal will be skert.
Still waiting to see what the in camera with the judge is about. I just know it
s not good for the defense.
And Lordy, bozo already had an in camera so the state will receive theirs, imo.
Starting to sleet, steps icy, snow is coming. aarrgh!!!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Nordie, I am sure it is not good for the defence. Stay safe and warm Nordie.
JMo profile image
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
My posts are dissapearing...Wednesday, can you retrieve them. Not sure why that
is happening again????
JMo profile image
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Rascal, every time I post a comment and try to put the link, it eats my comment.
So, you may want to look it up on Google. "2010 Baby Loveland Colorado Dead"
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Loveland s first baby of 2010 dead; mother in jail
Read more: http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_14345513#ixzz0f5
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
There you go Jmo, sorry it is eating your post.
linn says:
3 weeks ago
JMo..I must admit to taking offense to your comment. Have you ever thought of ho
w many MORE dead children there would be if Grandparents did NOT step in to help
? If these babies were dead because the idiot parents killed them, can you imagi
ne how it would be if NO grandparents ever stepped in to help?
As you know, *I* am here, helping my kids raise theirs. They were way too young,
not enough money to pay for all neccesities and all. So yes, I have helped. If
not, then what?
The adult kids on welfare and the stress of it all possibly making them do a Cas
ey to their child?
Do you have any idea how many grandparents are having to help out now? I DO! And
just because there are some that even with the gp s help still kill their kids,
does not mean that because the gp s helped them that is the reason they killed
their kids. Just imagine if no grandparent helped out. They we would have a ton
more dead kids. This is NOT the fault of grandparents helping out. The kid would
have killed their child regardless. I have to say this did offend me as everyon
e on this board knows my adult kids live with me and I do help with my grandkids
. Sorry for the rant, but I felt that comment was not called for. \
As for Crystal flunking another drug test, did they give time for the first drug
she took to even leave her system? Some drugs can take a while to be totally ou
t of your system. Alcohol can stay for days. And personally, IMO, she is a much
better person to parent than a drug trafficker like daddy Ron ever was. Drugs,dr
ug trafficking, guns, 16 year old girls. Never once in jail has he even mentione
d Junior. Just his dirty underwear.
JMo profile image
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
No offense meant. These grandparents, are not like the grandparents you are spea
king of. Yes, there would be a lot of dead children if not for parents and famil
y helping kids raise them. No one can argue that. But these grandparents, well,
just how do you let your daughter and 24 day old granddaughter live on the dirty
garage floor on a mattress in sub zero weather???
So, the people I am speaking of are not like you. You are someone who cares abou
t your kids and their kids. You are helping raise them and take care of them. Th
ese people weren t.
JMo profile image
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
As far as Ron s dirty underwear, well i don t know about that, maybe borrow some
from his cell mate?
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
3 weeks ago
Being irresponsible has nothing to do with where you live. Families have helped
one another since the beginning of time.
Being responsible is taught -- but people make choices whether to be responsible
or not.
JMo, the people you are talking about are irresponsible and their choices lead t
o the death of this precious baby. It doesn t matter if they are the mother, gra
ndmother, or neighbor -- they are irresponsible.
JMo profile image
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
True. I have a lot of friends that their kids live with them. Some it is good an
d some it is bad. I just don t know why this girl would of had a newborn on a di
rty mattress in a garage in sub zero weather. Someone allowed her to live there
and stay in the garage with that baby. If that grandmother wanted to help her, s
eems like she would of at least let them stay inside the house, I would think. M
aybe not, maybe she thought this was ok too?
JMo profile image
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Does anyone know who TJ Hart is, when it comes to Haleigh?
Check out this weird article:
JMo profile image
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Did the duhfense file another motion?
JMo profile image
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
The investigators are searching the landfill again today..
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Yes that is another Motion for the same old crap they have already seen, It stat
es it was handed over. Now what I want to know it says Brad Conway and the Ants
have see all the personal information, what right do the Ants have to this info
why is it pertinet to them. I can see Bozo having it but why others. Brad and th
e Ants are not Casey Attorney.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
linn, there is a big diffference in some other parents and grand parent that hav
e kids at home. I brought all these kids hone fron the hospital the day they wer
e realeased after birth. Here I was with 3 babies and a husband that was going t
o pass on me and I managed. I know I had my grand children for over 12 years,I h
ad full responsibility of them, to Love, Feed, help with school work, and take t
o dr if needed and also I attened all school activities and teacher conference.
There Mom my X daughter inlaw did not want to be bothered raising kids. I made d
am sure they were safe and well. These are the kids in Texas I lost contact with
after there Mom left with them. Now you know why I was so happy to find them af
ter so many years. Enjoy your family linn, I do not think anyone on this blog wo
uld ever say a bad word about you intentionally. Hugs
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
They have said she was the one that gave birth but I was there Mom, I taught the
m love and responsibility, one is a medical assistant, one went in the Navy and
one is going to college right now. They have nothing to do with there birth mom.
There birth mom actually told me she could not stand to stay home and raise the
m. I was 49 years old when I started to raise the second family when the oldest
grand baby was born believe me it was not easy, but I had so much love to give t
hem. And they were grandpas pride and joy also while he was with them.
JMo profile image
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Ditto on what Rascal said. My comments were about these situations, not yours li
nn. I think a lot of us on here have grandkids and would do anything in the worl
d for them.
JMo profile image
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Yes, why does Brad and the Ants get to see that stuff. That is a good question.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Yes Jmo you sure do, of course you open up your heart and your home when needed.
The kids are what kept me going threw all the pain of loosing my hubby. I had r
esponsibility to keep going for them and it made me strong.
3 weeks ago
Hey Ron, you could go commando......
Then again, ya may not want to but if you are into that sort of thing.
Also, I hope BOBO keeps filing motion after motion until the cows come home!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
JMo, I have no idea why Brad and the Ants have there nose in that stuff with per
sonal information of the searchers, that really ticks me off.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Capt Steve, yes the Cows are involved Bozo is pulling these motion out of the Co
ws Butt. And it is making him look like a Donkeys Ass.
JMo profile image
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Commando....oh ya! Next he will complain about chapped skin from his scrubs rubb
ing. What about Junior, RON! What about him? Are you thinking about his welfare
or just your f n panties being dirty? These people get stranger by the minute.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Not one time does Ron mention JR.
JMo profile image
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Today marks the one year anniversary of Haliegh dissappearing.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
JMo , are you still getting hit with snow? Hope Nordie is ok.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
JMo, TJ Hart is a freelance report. He has been working with Cobra (bounty hunte
r) & reports what they have found on the Haleigh Cummings case to Blogger News.
Both TJ & Cobra join Simmon Barrett on his Sunday radio broadcast when they talk
about the Haleigh case. Found this old article talking about TJ Hart & Cobra at
Blogger News.
The link you posted was Simon Barrett defending TJ against some internet blogger
that seems to have a problem with him.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Trials & Tribulations
Sprocket & Company In Depth, True Crime Reporting
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
I don t believe that Brad Conway & the Ants have seen the records of all the TES
searchers only those 32 that were given to Baez by court order. Baez has more t
han likely shared other info he has received with Conway who in turned passed it
on to the Ants. Nothing wrong with Baez sharing info unless his client requeste
d he not do so. If the Ants are helping to fund the defense it would be hard for
Baez to deny them. Don t think Baez would want to get on the wrong side of Rose
bud. According to rumor the defense received that first $200 thousand paid out b
y ABC News for photos.
I snipped the following from the CF News article that JMo posted.
"Last week, NeJame told News 13 the defense has an open invitation to come to hi
s office and review all the Texas EquuSearch files."
Lawyers follow the news especially when they have a big court case pending but B
aez & Co. are probably following more closely to keep abreast of what people are
saying about them & he probably never gets tired of seeing himself on TV. So he
had to have seen the article where Nejame offered to let him see all the record
s or at the very least someone passed the info on to him.
I think Lyons is having her students write all these waste of paper motions. By
the end of this trial the state of Florida will be treeless. I hope they have a
shredder & are recycling this BS.
3 weeks ago
Here s hoping that after this year there are enough motions to delay this until
2015. I think by then momster will be saying to herself W.T.F. ??? Me likey.....
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Oh yea bring then across and who pays for this birth the taxpayers and then they
make money. Then they are citizens, Tex is one of the few states that will allo
w adoption with out the fathers signature.
Texan, girlfriend get 9 years for baby trafficking
The pair were convicted of trying to recruit women to give birth in the U.S.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
It was just on HLN News LP bought a car for Misty parents, they have no job or m
oney so this way they can visit her. What a bunch of crap.
3 weeks ago
Rascal, they just sold the car for drugs.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
I would not be surprised,, how did they go to Tennesee not to long ago, on foot.
. lol
OMG I remember now, they smoked there pot and got high and flew there.
Wednesday Morning profile image
Wednesday Morning says:
3 weeks ago
JMO, Next time send me an SOS. This POS HUB is making me say WTF? ;)
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Lol Wednesday. It s no big deal. I just think sometimes it doesn t take attachme
Some snow cleared out today, but it s still cold out.
LP buying Misty s parents a car? Well, that is because he wants them there talki
ng to her and convincing her to tell the truth. It s a ploy alright.
Baby traffickers....gotta love em! I hope they all get caught and their ring get
s busted for good.
I like the idea of a BIG paper shredder for every motion Baezhole comes up with!
Lyons has to have her students write this wasteful stuff because she has nothin
g to teach them, lol.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
I bet that the State grins from ear to ear when they read some of this stuff. No
thing like a waist of Court time.
linn says:
3 weeks ago
Thank you Rascal and I know, this is to you JMo, that you meant no harm or insul
t. I was just having a stressful day with a 2 year old that is, well 2. When I w
as younger it was hard hard hard! But being 54 it is a nightmare at times. She i
s not an easy child, and she weighs a ton so she is not even easy to pick up and
struggle with. So I guess I just took it personally as this is NOT what I evisi
oned my life to be at this stage. yet even I know I have done good sticking by t
The poor baby left on that mattress never had a chance. If she was in a househol
d that had a grandma with some mental sense, this never would have happened. Obv
iously Granny did not give a damn or else that baby would have been in the house
with heat. Sickening to read this crappola, especially with all the loving peop
le that are unable to have children. If you don t want your child, let someone t
hat does raise it.
Anyway, thanks for the hug Rascal. Sure needed it.
And sorry JMo for my rant. Again, I was just tired and all. Sorry again.
As for Ron s dirty underwear, lol, he even said he just put them on that morning
, took a shower and had to put them back on. I mean what does he do to his short
s in that amount of time? He seems just fine in jail. In fact now, so does Misty
! She must be with others as some girl braided her hair through their cell bars!
She seems now to have adjusted to jail and says she is fine with it. A very odd
girl, to say the least!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
When we think of the Anthonys, were they really paying attention to Casey life.
They had to know she was not working, where was her pay checks, she was always s
tealing, borring money from family and Jesse. They covered that up, had they bee
n paying more attention to the things that were going on in Caseys life and dena
nded she straighten up, just maybe Caylee would not have been killed. But no Cin
dy had her head up her butt trying to be the perfect family. Well we know that i
s not the case. Had they required her to help pay some bill even the power bill,
to help be a responsible person thing may have been different, they would have
known there was no job. They should of also know there were no tax forms filled
out or no returns. There was so many clues had they just opened there eyes. My s
ons wanted the privlege to drive in high school they had jobs and went to school
, high grades were a must for this privlege, as was paying for them to be insure
d. She was not doing anything to help. No wonder she thought she had the right t
o be the princess of the house and rule the house so sad not to have any respons
ibility. And they also had a curfew, I remember taking a car away because the mi
ddle son did not believe I would do it for a month, boy was he shocked when I as
ked for the keys. He was never late again.
linn says:
3 weeks ago
From what I gathered from NG tonight, is LE is looking at Ron and Misty s druggi
e group of friends as a possible means of Haleigh being taken. Sounds like Ron h
ad a lot of enemies and we know he was really into drugs along with Misty. I won
der if he was the first one to introduce her to drugs? Never thought of it befor
e, but she was just 16 when they got together. Well, maybe not considering her e
ntire family seems to live off drugs more than they do food. They also said she,
being on that 3 day drug binge could have just blacked out the info. However, i
t was interesting to hear someone ask if Misty could be keeping her mouth shut b
ecause she is terrified of Ron s temper. Apparently he has a mean one. They have
interviewed his other young ex g/f s who all said he was mean. One time screami
ng and raging and then putting a gun in his mouth saying he would blow his brain
s out. They were all terrifed of him. I think he likes the power and putting the
fear in them. That is one reason, and one only, for him always choosing such yo
ung girls. And how about that mug shot? Who grins like he just won the lottery a
fter being arrested?
If we ever find out all the info on Haleigh s dissapearance, I think it would ma
ke for one heck of a TV movie. This rates right up there with Caylee. Casey was
more into clubs and booze. Otherwise so many things are similiar.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
linn, Ron has a very cocky attitude about him, like this is all a joke and he wi
ll not be covicted. All I can say to him this time is good luck, what ever time
you get you deserve it for dealing drugs.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
They also said Satsumma is a very bad area for people addicted to precription dr
ugs. I said from the very beginning just looking at Misty she was on drugs.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Sorry Linn, I didn t mean to add to a bad day for you. A 2 year old is a handful
and especially if you can t lift her. I am still so angry about the 24 day old
infant just being outside, much less on a mattress on a dirty garage floor. I me
an it is miserably freezing here. She could of went to a shelter or taken the ba
by to the hospital when it was turning blue and not breathing! So sad.
Anyway, I think Misty s brain is FRIED! and I mean FRIED. She quit school at 6th
grade, or 11/12 y/o and that is where her maturity level has stayed. The drugs
and etoh have helped keep her mind there or even lower. I think she is more apt
to protect her brother than anything. I think she is giving little hints and clu
es to him along the way (he molested me, he tried to molest me on the day Halieg
h went missing, my parents never believed me, he stole dvd s from the neighbors,
he broke into houses all the time).
I don t know, but I think it is possible that the times she was sexually assault
ed by her brothers and then the parents calling her a liar and punishing her, ha
s done some very deep psychological damage. Also, there is a family code to st
ick together through thick and thin. I think she is hesitant to tell on him for
those two very good reasons.
I also think that she will "NEVER" rat out any druggies, because if there are g
angs involved, then she is looking at her family being killed and herself being
killed for narcing out. It won t bring Haliegh back, so she isn t going to tell
, if there is something to tell that is.
I wonder what will happen to the vehicle that LP bought, if Misty s parents get
pulled over for driving under the influence?
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
JMo, I know in Oregon they inpound a car or truck and the State keeps it if it i
s a drug bust. They catch them here on I 5 every once in a while. I have seen th
em with the drug dogs and they have the people on the ground with there hands ou
t or in the cruisers in custody. They come threw from Calif or down from Canada
or Wash. I am not sure what other states do.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Haliegh news....Hank Crosslin Sr. moved out of his Trailer on Saturday. (left br
oken furniture and toys in the road). Neighbors are glad they are gone. I didn t
know that their (the crosslins) trailer was only 100 yards from Ron and Mistys
place. That is very interesting..indeed.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
More Haleigh news...The Donna Brock tapes are out. We won t know till maybe tomo
rrow what they say, but I can t wait to hear. Also, LE keeps insisting, this wa
s NOT stranger abduction on Haliegh. It was someone she knew. Hmmmm.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
This just in....
Casey still says: "IM SO PISSED"! "IM SO PISSED"!
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Question: Does anyone know when Misty s birthday is? In court, she tells the jud
ge "I just turned 18". I wonder if the drug stuff she did was committed when she
was 17, which could classify her as a juvenile and would hold a whole different
story with sentencing and outcome. Does anyone know?
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Also, does anyone remember the dogs tracing down to the water edge? I still thin
k it is possible that Haleigh was taken on a boat somewhere. She could of easily
been sold so that a drug debt could be paid. Especially if someone showed up at
the house after Misty passed out and wanted their money. God, I pray she is ok
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
JMo, Misty turned 18 on December 9,2009. She was arrested on January 21st(I beli
eve), so if the drug deals happened prior to her birthday then she would have be
en a juvenile.
New Jail tapes released of Misty talking to her mom. She tells mom she has told
LE everything she knows about what happened the night Haleigh disappeared.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
I am not sure how the law is in Fl, but Misty had been married, now that might m
ake her a adult in some places. She is not divorced as we know. So just maybe sh
e was considered a adult at the time she sold drugs.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Sorry meant to say she is divorced.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
I have it from a good source the drug sting operation did not start until the da
y Misty turned 18, so I hope they are right.
3 weeks ago
Casey is so 2009. Many more interesting stories that they, we, I talk about thes
e days. So 2009...
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Lol, so true. She is just old news...
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Actually, I bet Casey will be glad to spend the rest of her days in jail. Lots a
nd lots of male attention, no work and she can play make believe all she wants.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
JMo, and have her favorite bean dip with chilies in it, the only hot thing she w
ill have contact with, ha ha
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Lol, serve that girl up some chili every sunday and she will be content. The guy
s will probably let her hold the title of hot body any year she wants.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
You half to like Mark Nejame, a Attorney with common sence
EquuSearch Attorney: Baez Motion Is A Waste Of Time
Wednesday Morning profile image
Wednesday Morning says:
3 weeks ago
Just dropping in to say "Fry that bitch already!"
Have a good day! ;)
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Person Of Interest Taken Into Custody In Somer Thompson Case
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Man Is Person Of Interest In Fla. Girl s Death
News conference and video
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
I hope he is their guy....that way Somer s mom and family can have some closure.
So sad. 24 y/o and hasn t got anything better to do with his f n life but look
at child porn. What a waste of life. Sick bastard.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
The whole thing makes me sick, why do this to a child sick SB.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Pedophiles never get well either. They remain pedophiles all their life. Hmmmm,
just sayin .
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
3 weeks ago
The sun was finally shining today and though cold, melted some of the snow. Stil
l have over a foot in many places.
Yes, glad they got the sicko in Somer s case. Hope he is the one, but either way
, he is finally off the streets.
Bozo will think he s a toilette by the time MJ get done with him.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Hi Nordie, glad is is not snowing there. It is sure raining hard here again, so
sick of it.
I want to see the smirk off of Bozos face when this is all done. there is someth
ing about that smirk that really irritates me.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
JMo, you are right on that one, they never get better. But if he is the one he w
ill not half to worry about getting better. He will get the DP.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
New Documents filed in the Anthony case today.
Snipped from Orlando Sentinel article:
One of the two documents filed today by the Anthony defense team pertains to the
state s request to meet in private with Judge Strickland.
Casey Anthony s defense stated in their objection that prosecutors offered nothi
ng in support of their claim, and "under Florida law a bare assertion is insuffi
cient," according to the motion.
I can t even count the BARE ASSERTIONS otherwise know as half truths made by the
The defense also filed an objection to the state s proposed discovery schedule.
Defense & prosecutors met on Monday per Judge Strickland s order & were suppose
to work out a schedule with both parties agreeing on the time frames but today t
he defense is objecting to the part of the discovery schedule that deals with th
e Oak Ridge Lab. Baez & Lyons are now claiming that Oak Ridge may attempt to blo
ck them from receiving the evidence files & say that a Florida judge has no juri
sdiction over the lab.
The last document was filed by Mr. Nejame representing TES. He filed a response
to the claims made by the defense about the searcher records being viewed by the
Snipped from Orlando Sentinel articles:
NeJame stated the defense team s motion is "inaccurate and lacking in demonstrat
ing any proper investigation or due diligence prior to its filing."
"If counsel for the Defendant had conducted a proper inquiry he would have ascer
tained that none of the previously approximately 4,000 undisclosed names of the
searchers were shown, reviewed, or looked at by Adam Longo, reporter for Central
Florida News 13," NeJame wrote. "In fact, those approximately 4,000 names of th
e searchers were in a separate box and in a separate office located approximatel
y fifteen (15) miles away when Mr. Longo was present."
NeJame stated Longo communicated this information to Baez, who has not withdrawn
his "inappropriate and inaccurate motion which misrepresents the facts and is w
holly and completely erroneous and misleading."
NeJame also asked that Strickland assess attorney s fees against Casey Anthony s
defense team, "especially since he has been advised of the inaccuracy of his mo
tion and has failed to take any remedial actions."
"He has caused unnecessary attorney time and Court time to be wasted, especially
since he has been fully advised of its misrepresentations and inaccuracies and
nevertheless continues to proceed," NeJame wrote.
Hopefully Judge Strickland will listen to NeJame & jerk a knot in Bozo s butt in
addition to hitting him in his pocketbook.
linn says:
3 weeks ago
JMo..No problem. It just hit on a bad day. I did not read the story on the baby.
Some things I just don t want in my eyeballs! I can lift my granddaughter, but
she is a BIG girl! I am 5 2" and she is tall for her age, stocky and about close
to 30 pounds. Grandson is 6 and 42 pounds but thin and lanky. I can pick him up
easily, but she is hefty and likes to do the dead weight thing. Her new one is
to flop on her stomach when you go to get her out of her crib. Try to lift up de
ad weight while she is kicking thinking it is funny. She was not laughing when I
walked out of her room and shut the door! She got to spend another 10 minutes i
n bed. I felt sorry for her, go to get her again, and she does the same thing ov
er again. Not only that, but she did it for the third time! She got to stay in t
here until her mom came home. It is funny the next day, in a way, but not when y
ou are tired and cranky. Anyway, sorry too for my rant. If not for grandmothers
thousands of even more kids would be like that baby. I DO wonder where the grand
ma was. And if Ron, who I despise, would of had HIS mother watch those kids inst
ead of a drugged out 16 year old girl, Haleigh would be alive today.
Rascal, you are so right. I seen Misty s drug eyes day one. They are beautiful e
yes, but always half closed and she has a hard time keeping them looking straigh
t. Plus the dark shadows under her eyes. No sleep. I think too that Ron was her
drug connection when they first met.
And I had no idea her parents lived so close to Ron either. I know, or think, Ro
n s mom is near and his grandma. How did they all end up in that one trailer par
As for Somer s person of interest..sigh..Apparently his child porn was so bad wh
en asked about it by JVM, he stumbled all over the place. Could not even come up
with words acceptable for TV to describe any of it. Other than it was bad. And
he lived a block away from Somer when she went missing. Just seeing his picture
was sickening. I looked at the height chart on his mug shot. Huge man. 6 2" and
looks about 230 pounds. Hard to imagine what he did to Somer. They said it was "
horrific"..I am not sure I ever want to know details.
What is this world coming to?
losingit says:
3 weeks ago
Oh Linn, I don t know how you do it. If I remember correctly, you had your baby
when you were young (like me). So, just as yours were to grow up and leave, you
acquired a brand new generation? Well, good for you. Thank God for Grandmas like
you that look out for the little ones. LOL at your Granddaughter behaving like
a little monster. Do you have a camera that can record it? As impatient as you a
re at the time, if you can record it, it will keep you effortlessly under contro
l and will make for great LOL s when little one is old enough to appreciate it a
nd see the humour. Then post it here okay? No distressed babies, just babies beh
aving badly (cause sometimes they re just bitchy for no reason and all you can d
o is throw up your hands and laugh).
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
jo1031, Im glad that NeJame is doing something about this. Someone needs to stop
Baez for sure. Attorney stall times are common but this is over the extreme. It
s almost as bad as Lyings stalling by saying she had to teach class. Give me a
I was thinking that because Hanky Panky was within 100 feet of little Haleigh, h
ow easy it would of been for him to have been watching her and thinking about he
r every day....espeacially when she was outside playing, etc. and then to know M
isty was there that night drugged out of her mind. What a great opportunity for
him to move in for the kill (so to speak). Remember, this is a sick bunch.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Baez is no match for Mark Nejame, Mark will tear him a new one in Court and show
Baez and company for the Clowns they really are. All the tears from Lyons are n
ot going to help save Casey. If a client kills a child the Jurors are not going
to feel sad because a Lawyer is acting, the client will pay believe me. The defe
nce here is lacking so much evidence that Casey is innocent.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Here is a chance for anyone to submit a question to Mr. Shaffer about Casey and
her Defence team.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
This was a very interesting site I stumbled upon, please take the time to read a
nd post your thoughts. ty
Caylee Anthony s Disappearance
Posted August 22, 2008
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Great site. I like how this person points out that Casey did speak of Caylee in
the past tense . That s a dead giveaway. LOL, I crack myself up.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
JMo, he does post at one site and his posts are just as interesting. I love read
ing his thoughts.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
JMo, check out these case and on main page you can see this guys training it is
Analysis of some famous cases
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
A lot of us on Futy s hub followed Mark McClish back in the beginning of the Ant
hony case because we had also discuss how the Anthony family never referred to C
aylee by her name & always in the past tense. Mr. McClish seems to have disappea
red too, his last post was August 23,2009 on the Kristi Cornwell case. She was t
he woman that vanished while walking in a remote area of Blairsville, Georgia. A
nother case that the media no longer reports on.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
New post from Valhall at The Hinky Meter.
Timer 55 & the Anthony conspiracy
Great read!!! Valhall is breaking this case down one item at a time while the ne
ws in the case is slow. I love to read her articles. They are well researched &
well written. I wish her web site had been around in the beginning of the case b
ut I think she was a poster at Web Sleuths at that time.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
Judge Strickland granted defense motion to depose Jill Kerley (R. Kronk s ex wif
e). Prosecutors will be the first to depose her on February 25th. Due to illness
prosecutors will have to depose Ms. Kerley in Knoxville, Tennessee.
3 weeks ago
I hope nobody takes this the wrong way but I think the wrong Van Der Sloot died.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago
Jarred Mitchell Harrell, the person of interest in the Sommer Thompson case live
d in the same neighborhood as the Thompson family which is Orange Park a suburb
of Jacksonville in Clay County.
Putnum & Clay counties border each other. In fact Satsuma is only 50.5 miles fro
m Orange Park. The landfill that poor Sommer s body was found in was 50 miles fr
om Orange Park in South Georgia.Remember the day in the Haleigh case when search
dogs hit on that dumpster but nothing was found. Was a boby put in there & move
d to another location or was the dumpster emptied before they got to it. Being t
hat he was arrested in Mississippi I hope the FBI is assisting local authorities
in taking a thorough look into this mans past.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Well, so much coming to a head around here, eh?
Here is something to remind us all of EVIL CINDY and her lack of insight and jud
gment. In this video, she says that if Caylee isn t returned to her, then it is
ALL the MEDIA S fault....blah blah blah. She needs to be charged right along wit
h Casey...
Casey maybe a psychopath, but Cindy is the Psychopath QUEEN.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
There are so many sicko s out there, just like Harrell. I bet they match his DNA
to Somer!!!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
JMo, I will not bet against you on that match.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
3 weeks ago
Capn Steve, I couldn t agree with you more.
It s like some people, if they were on fire, I wouldn t spit to put them out. Wo
uldn t light the fire, but assuredly won t put it out.
linn says:
3 weeks ago
losingit..lol! I don t want to record it! And yes, I had my first child on my 18
th birthday. Got the grandson to kindergarden and then this one. Well, she was v
ery young when he started, but I truly expected my daughter to get a place. She
was never home, always at friends houses, etc. Ever since the baby, no one asks
her over.. lol..She NEVER leaves this house except to work. I am actually never
alone Ever. If the adults leave, the kids are here. Every night I have this habi
t of waking up between 2:00 AM and 3:30 AM. I love it as it is dark and so quiet
She, the baby, threw a temper tamtrum at dinner. She is loud anyway, and I was w
aiting for my double paned windows to truly shatter. Then my daughter started cr
ying.. lol. It is funny now that they are in their room, but she ruined my dinne
r for sure.
Oh well, someday I will look back and laugh. Maybe in 100 years..
Kids that age are stressful and I think Casey just could not take Caylee being 2
, almost 3. She wanted to be alone or with friends, but no crying kids. I admit
the sound can truly make you go nuts. But it does not last for hours. I give it
about 5 minutes and to bed they go. Casey was more upset, *I think, because she
could not party hardy. Caylee, from what I saw, seemed to be a mellow little gir
l. Have to say though, you want to break a person into telling the truth? Put th
em in a room with my Libby screaming for an hour.. haha.. They will confess to c
rimes they didn t even commit just to get to solitary!
3 weeks ago
To this day, SINdy thinks that momster did NOTHING wrong. According to her she h
as never heard her lie to L.E. and it is them and the media who are to blame for
Caylee not being found alive. One flew over that cuckoos nest for sure! Now tha
t speaks for itself and how loooooooooooooooony that old lady is.
I rest my case.
losingit says:
3 weeks ago
Linn, I was 19 when I had my little darling. And, yeah, when she was Caylee s ag
e, it was the worst of times. But now, looking back, it was the absolute best of
times. After one long stress filled miserable day spent with my little darling,
I, upon their request, and against my better judgement, dragged an unwilling to
ddler to my parents so her grandparents and great-grandparents could gaze their
adoring eyes upon her. Great-grandpa had bought her a huge bundle of helium balo
ons. He handed them to her as I sprinted to reach her before she let them go. Sh
e saw me coming and took off at break neck speed through my parents back yard. S
he fell down and one of them popped. She stood up, looked around in anger, slamm
ed her little fists onto her thighs and unfortunately let go of the rest of the
balloons. OMG! LD lost her little mind for hours and hours. At the time I was ju
st pissed off. LD still remembers this traumatic experience. She s 20 now and al
ways asks me to tell the balloon story. "Mom, tell that funny story about the ba
lloons." Funny now, not funny then.
Rascal thanks for that statement analysis post. Tres interesting.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Linn, look at the bright side the ballons did not take her up up and away. Those
are the best moments to remember when they are little. I enjoyed every moment o
f my boys being babies and growing up. I was there for every one of those minute
s and so glad I was able to do that. My job was to take care of them, the house,
pay the bills and banking and all the shopping and I drug the every where I had
to go.
Baby sitters were not a part of our life and I never wanted one. But I have the
best memories a mother could have.
linn says:
3 weeks ago
Rascal..Losingit s daughter was the one with the balloons.. hahaha..Balloon Boy
s helium balloon would not even lift up my granddaughter.
Yes, it is funny later, just not when you are tired and old and just want to rea
d or stare at the wall. I so dread tommorrow. I get to watch her from 6:30 am un
til 3:30 pm. I SO dread it. She is just at that age that they are sweet as pie o
ne minute, and throwing a fit and whatever is near them. She can throw a ball ac
ross the house! Sad thing is, she is aiming at me.. lol..She is funny, but mean
too. Typical 2 year old, but I am tired. I will be better in the morning, but Su
nday used to be my day to sleep in until 8:00 AM. My kids never had a babysitter
, except my mom if I had a doctors appt or something like that. My mom did not w
atch kids so I could have fun. She had 6 and that was it. She would not watch mi
ne so I could go party, not that I ever did that either. But the thing is, I lov
ed being a stay at home mom. I liked to clean, garden, cook. Heck I even liked l
aundry! The kids loved going to the store and my daugher at 7, used to go deposi
t the money in the bank. I would park right next to the door so I could see her
and all the bank ladies knew her. Now? No way would I let her walk in the bank a
lone, but back then she felt so proud doing it. Ah for the "old" days.
I at times wonder if Casey just cracked from it? She is so self absorbed that sh
e could not take a 2 almost 3 year old. Problem is, to kill her? I mean if she w
ould have just GOT A REAL JOB she could have gotten away during the day, and had
money to hire a real babysitter to go out and have fun when she could. Plus she
could have got away from whacky sindy. One thing about her sitting in jail, I b
et even she sees that now. Too late for her and really too bad on her, but she a
lso gets to sit and picture herself walking the death walk. That would truly mak
e me sick, thinking of that. I truly do think she will get the life with no paro
le and that is just fine for me. Let her watch herself grow old, knowing there i
s no chance to ever live a true life. To hear about her old b/f s getting marrie
d, having kids. That is true punishment for her. For anyone else i would say it
is not enough, but Casey s friends and her life were all she cared about. Certai
nly she did not care about her child.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
linn, I meant to say losing it and when I caught that to late to edit, lol. I no
longer watch the grand kids, my sons wife son has autism and I can not deal wit
h his melt downs. I go by and visit and when he starts in it is time to come hom
e, and my son understands. At my age I do not need that stress in my life. God B
less my son for taking that on he has patients then I do. Casey will never know
the jjoy of raising a child now, she took that all away when she killed Caylee.
And the school does not handle the melt down well, they give him his way this wi
ll never control this child. Even kids with Autismm need to be corrected. The ki
ds are taking me out for my Birthday Wed, and I am really not looking forward to
going having to put up with the one with Autism. Funny how you have more patien
ts when you are younger. But then again I only had to tell my kids to do somethi
ng one time, we did not do this time out crap or count to 10.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Casey Anthony Gets a Reality Check, a great read by Richard Hornsby please take
the time to read it.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Watching the video of DC frantically looking and poking in trash for a body was
very telling to me. I really believe that came from the Anthony camp. and Baez.
And how convenient for the Ants to be out of State at that time, this is all ver
y telling to me and was from the beginning.
Now is DC the key to breaking this case did he spill the beans and tell all to s
ave his butt.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago
Good article Cap n. Rascal, I bet he is going to be the one to spill the beans.
I think DC had something going with Cindy on the side too and she dumped him. I
think there is some anger there.
But yes, I think the State told DC he will be busted for his actions and what
he was in cahoots with ANTS about, so he is gonna squeal like a little pig to sa
ve his own hyde .
Baezhole and Lyings have painted themselves and their client into a corner, and
how gracious of Judge S to give the opportunity to save face and get out. Only p
roblem is that they are too stupid to do so. It will be interesting to see what
they do next. Remember, they have to save face with their students too, lol. So,
I have one thing to say: CASEY, YOU ARE SCREWED!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
JMo, to funny, I think she is used to being screwed, and sure misses it lol. I a
lso think there was something between DC and Cindy. Cindy is user, I have known
people like that and when they get what they want there attitude is the hell wit
h you now. Is that what she did to DC, we may know soon enough. We have seen Cin
dy do this to everyone else around her, dump them like they are trash. A true fr
iend stick by you thick and thin. We are all adult enough to see this in true fr
iends. Who needs a user, and one that would ruin there life and not care.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
OMG, I just had a thought did the State find the secretary that stopped working
for Baez because of the hankey pankey.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Lawyer On Casey Anthony Team Leaves Case: A lawyer for Casey Anthony steps away
from the case.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Lawyer On Casey Anthony Team Leaves Case
Attorney Dealing With Disciplinary Action With Bar Association
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Well, we knew Malusco was a snake from the beginning and had BAR issues.....abou
t time he got off that case. Thugs representing thugs.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I can not stand Attorneys that rip people off. They should be held to a higher s
linn says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal, I am sorry to hear about your son s, I take it, stepson? And I think I w
ould be standing behind you! Maybe when I was young, OR if it was my child and I
was young, I could do it. not very well, and I so respect and admire those pare
nts with kids like this. They are so difficult, and many cannot even use words.
Like "I love you Mom"..that would be hard. Even our kids after they act up can s
ay, I am sorry. I mean you have to almost beat them..lol, but they can say it. A
utism has many faces, from mild to extreme.
I wonder about my Libby. She will be 2 in a couple weeks, but even though smart
as a whip, she CANNOT TALK! She will point, and if you ask if she wants to eat o
r where her nose is, she will nod and point. But even when she tries to say "bye
", it comes out almost backwards. This baby is very bright, but I wonder if her
tantrums, although normal for a 2 year old, are partly because she cannot say wh
at she wants? She is cooped up in our small living room for most of the day. I c
an t let her roam around as we have stairs and so much stuff. I would have to em
pty my house, except for the TV, couch and that is about it. Plus block the stai
rs. So far when she is let go, she does not even try for the stairs. But if Kale
b, the 6 year old goes down, you can see her thinking about going after him.
I was never worried about her speaking, until now. Most kids at least say Momma
by about a year or so. She does not even say that. She will speak using her hand
s, now that is truly funny, as she seems to know exactly what she is saying, but
no one else can figure it out. She seems to also say one word a lot. Sounds lik
e witchita.. lol. But she says it over and over so to her, I think it has meanin
g. If you repeat it she nods her head. If you ask where her nose,ears,sugar,unde
r her chin, belly, etc. she can point to it and to yours. She just cannot speak
even the word BYE and it be understandable. She is waving and saying it, so you
know what she is saying. But the word itself does not sound like "bye"..
Anyway, here we are worrying about her talking, and once she does I know I will
long for the days she didn t, but Caylee was such a bright little girl! Not only
speaking so well, but singing and at the time, was just about 9 months older th
an Libby. 9 months in a young childs life is a lot, but you know she knew that s
ong before that tape. I do wonder. Does Casey sit in her cell at night thinking
of Caylee? Does she cringe when she thinks of what she did to her beautiful chil
d? Does she have any remorse or has she convinced herself she did nothing? The l
atter, I don t believe. Casey is a nut, but she is not crazy. Cindy is. But I do
wonder, do they even think of this little girl and what she went through?
My Libby is a tough one. From 6:30 AM until 3:30 PM I had her! We made it! LOL..
She had to get up super early, so she took a nap really early. She hates being
cooped up in the blocked off living room and cries when she comes in. Today was
so bad she went back to her room! She seems better in her crib watching Manny or
something like that. I know I need to make it so she can roam the upstairs and
go on the deck or whatever. It just means that I will have to pack up all my tre
asures. I got them out again when Kaleb got older, and now back they go. Oh well
, I might complain. OK I DO COMPLAIN ALOT! lol, but I so love my grandkids. I ju
st wish they had their own house and just visited. I feel cheated in a way, that
I am partly raising them and not getting to just enjoy them. My grandson asked
me today what my name was.. haha. grandma is a thing, not a name. I feel for thi
s boy as he is so confused. he thinks I had him in my belly like my daughter did
Libby. he knows his mom as mom, but he thinks I am "MOM" and his mom is just ca
lled Mom. Talk about a mess. I never tell him I am mom. He calls me that at time
s. I say nothing. Not to have him think I am, but just not to confuse him. It is
getting to be a mess as he gets older. He is confused. I am grandma, but he thi
nks I had him in my belly like my daughter did Libby. Right now, I just am letti
ng it all go. But what a mess this will be.
One reason I hate, and yes it is a strong word, but I do hate that Cindy. To hav
e your grandchild depend on you because the parents can t be there in the right
way, and then to do what she has done? Sorry, but I just don t understand. I can
almost understand Casey. young, selfish, a nut. But Cindy? The grandmother? SOR
RY BUT NO WAY! Caylee I know depended on her. For Cindy to let or try to let Cas
ey get away with killing her? Sorry, again NO WAY!!
If either of my kids hurt my grandchildren? I would still love them and be there
, but no way would I lie or try to hide the truth and both of then know it! My k
ids are adults. My grandchildren are babies. I would never be able to pull a "Ci
ndy". Never! I just pray that LE are waiting to press charges against them, the
Ants, for what they have done to this case. So sad that it shows they never love
d Caylee. From the beginning I truly thought they did. That ended soon. Cindy sh
ould be so ashamed of how she has treated Caylee in her after-life. it was like,
well she is dead so why bother now? I will try to get Casey off. Well, even if
that happens, Casey still hates her.
Gosh this people make me sick.
Sorry for my long rant
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I had never been around a child that has Autism, but I spoted it right away. Of
course the Mom did not want to believe it. Well kindergarden the problems really
showed, and my son made her take him to the Dr, he spoted it also and sent them
up north to a dr that specializes in it, Bingo I was right. Yes they are very s
mart, he wonders around the class room now in 1st grade and you think he is not
paying attention but can rattle off the answer when asked. I have a heck of a ti
me understanding his speach. He is now on some med and it has helped some but th
ey are taking him back up because these melt down are something else. They bette
r get it controled before he is a teen ager. There are good days and really bad
days, I hope for all there sake it gets controlled. Of course at my age I can no
t stand to be around it to long. But I still half to go there to see all the kid
s, I love them all.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Bozo is going to hire a replacement for the ream team. Oh I can hear the excuses
now for delay, we need to get him/her up to speed. That dam Pot of Gold for the
Defence never seems to go dry.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
“Macaluso has entered an alternative-discipline program after being accused of ‘
moral turpitude, dishonesty or corruption’ in handling several trust accounts. T
he State Bar alleged that he misappropriated about $145,000 and misused nearly $
61,000 in client money. Macaluso denied any willful violation, blaming his staff
and saying he was distracted and traumatized at the time by his brother’s death
Macaluso will be best remembered for telling the court: “There is substantial ev
idence … that the body or the remains of Caylee Anthony were placed there after
Casey Anthony was locked up in the Orange County correctional facility. … And th
at proves her innocence.”
On CBS’ “48 Hours Mystery,” Macaluso said, “A stranger. It was a stranger involv
Defense attorney Linda Kenney Baden added in that interview: “Somebody else is t
he killer of this child.”
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
A new twist to things for little Haleigh. WTF, these people are all whacks. This
guy reminds me of Kronks kooky ex-wife.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, it is always someone else that did it, because they can not except the fact
they did it. It makes me sick. Why would you take a drug addicted person into y
ou home, we know what he wanted from Misty. And the fact that Misty went right b
ack to seeing Ron is very telling, this was all a show.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Bill Shaffers take on Todd leaving the defence team, no big loss.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Bill Shaffer on video
2 weeks ago
Ron and Misty will never get Haleigh back. If found alive she will be a ward of
the state of Florida. The only thing that matters is that she might be alive. I
doubt it though since someone would have tipped them out in a year.
Re. Caylee... It was either momster, momster s family, or Kronk s ex. I.M.O.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
This is the PDF file filed against Caseys x attorney
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
2 weeks ago
I respect Mr. Shaeffer a lot. I do disagree with his position that it is not a l
ose that Mac,Esquire is gone. He was to be the expert on witness examinations. W
hat attorney in their right mind would now come aboard this team of bozos and no
t be paid, as it seems they are working on this charity case. It is not true tha
t any publicity is good publicity. The dream team is really the drain team, as e
videnced by the motions they file.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
More evidence to be made public in Casey Anthony case
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I can see Shaffers point, at this point in Todd career as a Attorney being accoi
ated with Casey could only hurt her. He is not better then Casey for misusing fu
nds. This is not a example of someone you want representing you, and commenting
you are not guilty. Who would believe him now.
Since Todd misappropriated clients funds and misusing a clients trust fund, he w
ill not be practicng law. From what I see he is going to some kind of program wh
at is that a slap on the hand like the stars go threw. Hmmm I think that is as b
ad as what Casey did to Amy and she recieved a sentence and will get some type o
f probation and 6 felony counts. What no felony counts for a Attorney that shoul
d be trusted, I see 2 standards here what is with that. Actually with that again
ist him who would want him as a Attorney that should be trusted.
BBL doggie show now.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Tommy and Lindsey on Video and Audio....check this out!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
After watching this, I think this woman was trying to say she wasn t gonna stick
around. Her eyes and facial expressions told a big story too. These people are
so messed up.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, It just shows how much he cares about the family survival do not spend anyt
hing I need it to get out. Well I hate to tell him the kids need food also. Talk
about selfish, he caused the problem so now pay the price and grow up.
linn says:
2 weeks ago
Today, being a holiday, was boring! I watched Top Model all day. YAWN!! Then in
the last 1 minute, turned to JVM to see Casey and something about the defense, o
r the defense team falling apart? HECK!! The one time I don t check in and there
was at least a couple minutes on the case. I am thinking thanks to all of you,
that is has something to do with that Todd person? This case is not going anywhe
re until we can drive to the moon. I would think Casey would want it to begin, h
owever, maybe not as she then could be facing death. But gee!!
Capn Steve, LOLOL on the Kronk s ex! That was funny. Is she another nut or what
? And why oh why would the judge allow her deposition? I mean come on, she is a
nut! what could she possibly know? To say Roy could have or did, kill Caylee? I
hope I don t lose respect for this judge the way I did Judge Ito.. The OJ judge.
On another note, IF she was truly innocent she would be wailing for her trial to
start last year! This to me also shows her guilt. Not really caring that the tr
ial is still years away.
Rascal. I am too old to deal with "normal" kids. I have so much sympathy for par
ents with autisic kids. They are bright as all get out, but with their problems
it would just drain me. A reason God makes it so women cannot have kids late in
life! LOL.. I did my duty, still am, but I am not sure I could deal with a speci
al needs child at my age.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I just read that the information/evidence that is being released tomorrow is con
tained on "3 CD s". Now that is a lot of information and evidence.
losingit says:
2 weeks ago
Linn, I would appreciate if you watched the Olympics as opposed to Top Model. Va
ncouver 2010 is only a twelve hour drive for me, my home town, and where most of
my family lives. You awesome Americans are leading the medal count with a total
of eight as opposed to all the rest with four or less. I will be paying for the
se Olympics for the rest of my life. We are now calling it The Owelympics. So ev
eryone watch them okay? GO TEAM CANADA! (Linn, I m just teasing you and needed a
n excuse to have little brag ((or bitch)) about Canada.)
Well, girl thing here (look away Steve), I just turned 40 and I wish God would t
ake away what enables me to have babies. I spent the weekend with hubby s two da
ughters and they are of the same mentality of my daughter. None of them want bab
ies. I have three daughters determined to not have babies. They are not being fa
ir to me. I really want to be a Grandma. But I want the perfect Grandma scenario
. I only see the children when they are clean and happy. I send them home when t
hey get dirty and tired. Right?
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Having Grandkids is like starting over if you have full responsibility for them.
It was so much work but I loved it. My youngest boy was a little upset that I w
as taking on that responsibility. I brought her home from the hospital at one da
y old. And never regreated a day of raising her, and after that came her 2 broth
ers and Grandpa and I had a house full again. They joy they bring is very hard t
o explain. My husband worked a lot of hours and sometimes his job required 6 to
7 days a week. He was able to see the Grandkids grow up as babies and enjoy all
the little things he missed with his own. Things I would talk to him about when
he was home from work and of course very tired. Seeing them grow first hand is t
he best there ever is. Believe me if the girls happen to bless you as being a Gr
andma, you will not want to send them home when they get dirty, you will be ther
e bathing them and laughing when they spash in the tub. There are so many good t
imes, and joys you will never forget. Now that my yioungest is a father he has a
sked Mo how did you ever do it, and he is such a great Dad I am so proud of him.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Ok off to surf for the info that is supposed to be new today.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Evidence Released In Casey Anthony Case
Is you click on refresh the new videos will show you where to go that is all tha
t is on so far. It is not all uploaded.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Photos released today.... http://www.miamiherald.com/news/florida/AP/story/1
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Interesting how when they first released the evidence, miss smarty pants Marti M
ckenzie backed out of representing anything to do with the duhfense. I think she
was looking for fame and fortune and realized early on that the only rep she wo
uld get would be a bad one!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Ok, I didn t think of them testing the steering wheel cover and the floor mats o
f the car. There is probably evidence everywhere that she committed this crime.
Isn t it ironic that George was a freak about clean cars, yet this contaminated
car is part of what will prove murder by Casey.
I bet they have a lot more that we just don t know about.
By the way, did I mention, Casey is SCREWED!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Sorry Syndy, but that evidence doesn t look or smell like old pizza....
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
She is used to that so it will be nothing new for her, lol
2 weeks ago
Maybe SINdy can earn $$ by being a spokesperson for PIZZA HUT?
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
CF News 13 has the following new evidence downloaded:
Engineer s Report Of Crime Scene
Casey Anthony Wage Records *
Photos of duct tape on poster
Photos of Casey Anthony playing a guitar for Caylee Anthony
FBI DNA Analysis Quality Assurance Manual
General Chemical Drug Analysis
Identification methods for general unknowns
Mitrochondrial DNA Analysis Protocol
General Approach For Tape Casework
FTIR Analysis of Paints, Tapes and Polymers
SEM Analysis of Paints, Tapes and Polymers
X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Tapes
Paint 500 Macroscopic and Microscopic Examination of Tape Evidence
Toxicology Procedure 104 Guidelines for Comparison of Mass Spectra
Toxicology Procedure 208 Extraction and Analysis in Hair
Toxicology Procedure 211 Benzodiazepine Screening in Hair
Takes a few minutes for pdf files to load.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
All I can say is someone sure liked to shop till they drop
Images: Inside The Anthony Home
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Gosh, and I thought I had a lot of junk.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, it did not look like there was 1 inch in that house to stuff anything else.
All that clutter would drive me nutts.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
No wonder Cindy was in debt she spent so much. There is such a thing as giving a
child to much,they do not know what to play with.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Sources close to investigation say duct tape was murder weapon:
Also the defense loses another member. Snipped from Click Orlando. com
"Meanwhile, the media liaison for the Casey Anthony defense team has resigned.
According to a news release, Marti Mackenzie will no longer be working with the
defense team, and all media inquiries about the Casey Anthony case will now be d
irected to Liz Brown, at DePaul University College of Law Legal Clinic."
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I am really beginning to love that song Another One Bites The Dust.
2 weeks ago
On the next episode of Hoarders we take a trip to the lovely home of the Anthony
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve I noticed you seen the pics, lmao
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Bill Shaffer on today release of evidence, defence still looking for the big fis
h they never had.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
WESH story on Duct Tape was updated this afternoon with a comment from local att
orney Richard Hornsby.
Snipped from update:
"The biggest problem for the defense is that there can never be an innocent expl
anation for duct tape being fixed on a child s face," Orlando defense attorney R
ichard Hornsby said.
Hornsby said that the number of pieces of tape and where they were placed is cri
"The fact that there was more than one piece and they were used to block the air
ways, clearly that s where the state is going to argue the premeditation comes f
rom," Hornsby said.
The state attorney has denied comment, but in a December hearing, prosecutor Jef
f Ashton first laid out his theory.
"Maybe her killer saw her eyes as she applied one piece, then two, then three so
that no breath was possible," he said.
Hornsby also said that the defense is validating the state s theory by trying to
cast doubt on Roy Kronk, the former meter reader who discovered Caylee s remain
"The defense pointing at Roy Kronk as having used duct tape, they re admitting t
o tape being affixed to her face and Caylee suffocating," Hornsby said.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
2 weeks ago
I thought I was a pack rat too! Not so!
Way too much stuff -- money doesn t buy love.
Unfortunately, a little baby lost her life because there wasn t love . . . just
things . . . just a half-truth image. So sad.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Nordie, you are so right.
linn says:
2 weeks ago
Losingit.. hahahaha!! Why, at 54 I love Americas Next Top Model is beyond me. It
is mindless TV with pretty clothes. I watch the show itself, but on Saturday an
d some holidays, it is the usual all day long marathon. Even my daughter, 23, gr
oans. I am hooked. Again it is mindless. I have never watched the Olympics..*han
ging head in shame*.. i say we share in the medals! I hate competition. I never
liked board games as someone lost. Usually me, but it was the competeing. I hate
d it. I alway root for the underdog regardless if I believe in what they are goi
ng for. If they are losing, I feel sorry for them and take their side. no reason
for it, but I will say since I don t really care about games and all, I say we
share medals with you! And yes, you will be paying for years for the games! I ce
rtainly would not want them here, but no chance of that for sure! I do like watc
hing the ice skaters. But again, they fall and I can t take that either.. Gee, I
am weird.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
losingit, I am watching Westminister dog show again tonight, love to see all the
linn says:
2 weeks ago
Oh and losingit.. My daughter NEVER wanted kids. Was, when she was younger, only
going to have fur babies. Animals. Well, surprise surprise surpise in my best G
omer Pyle voice. My son was 19. he always liked babies, but who would of thought
he would hand me one at 19. so if they say they never want kids??? DON T BELIEV
E THEM FOR A SECOND! I am living proof of that. 4 grandkids, all my kids that ne
ver wanted any.. You will get your grandbabies or I will send you Libby! RUN!!!!
lol.. They all say that. Once they meet the person they love and settle down, o
ut pops a child. I love mine, but today God was testing me. Libby is in her room
with her mom, I am drinking, and all is well.. lol...
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
linn, omg that package will be heavy and postal prices are sky high for shipping
, lmao
She will not fit in the package that ship for low prices, hehe
JMo profile image
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Jo 1031, I think the placement of the duct tape is critical too....I think the p
rosecution can relate it to the movie that Skank rented that night to watch with
her guy (the one they have her in the video store on camera). In that movie, th
e person puts 3 peices of duct tape on a victim...they say it is exactly like
the duct tape was on Caylee.
Hmm, I wonder if Kronk watched the movie with her and tony that night? ROTFLMAO.
...the duhfense is downright retarded with some of their theories. What is wrong
with them!
A total moron could figure out that Casey did this. I don t get their point. I t
hink all they are doing is wasting time and money and making themselves look lik
e complete fools.
BTW, did I mention, Casey, YOU ARE SCREWED!
linn says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal.. I rant and rave about being abused watching my grandkids, and I am! LOL
.. I think mainly because ALL my kids live here. No break, ever. however, after
the hellish day is over I think back on it. Today I wanted to just run away, yet
that is when Libby came up, grabbed my cheeks and planted a sloppy wet kiss rig
ht on the lips. Ewww as it had mustard and hot dog residue, but then the hug. Of
course that last a second and back to being Libby, but you are so right. I woul
d not trade all the bad days as the good days and the sweet baby things makes up
for all of the bad. Even my grandson. Will come up and tell me I am his bestest
grandma ever.. I am the only one, but so nice to hear. He is getting older, and
at times wants no hugs or kisses, at others wants to cuddle and have me tell hi
m I love him and he is my bestest grandson ever. All the hell is worth the love
and total devotion grandkids give you. I do wish mine went home at night, yet wh
en I think about it, what would I do? I would probably be at their house until t
he kids went to bed, and there in the morning before they woke up. Dead on Rasca
l :)
JMo profile image
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
It s really too bad that the knife found in the trunk doesn t match up 100% to t
he duct tape cutting....that would be one peice of great evidence. However, I ca
n t wait to hear what the stains on the carpet and in the trunk have shown...oth
er than what we already know.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
linn, I know exactly what you would do and that is worry. I worried over 8 year
about mine, that is why I was on cloud 9 when I finally was reunited with them.
Now we talk on the net, text which I said I would never do and on the phone with
them. Of course the grandson in Afganistan we email, and I pray for his safty e
very day. i love them all so much and I know you love yours. They grow up so fas
t just hang in there, God never gives us more then we can deal with. :)
linn says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal, I WILL PAY FOR SHIPPING! Truly, I promise! LOL..
Cap n Steve. I LOVE HORDERS!! It makes my house look clean! my mortage papers sa
y our house is about 1100 sq feet. Bull pucky. They are counting a narrow hallwa
y, and stairs! I say about 950 maybe. Put 4 adults, 2 young kids, a bulldog and
2 cats in here and I feel like a hoarder! Watching that show makes me see how mu
ch better I am! LOL. I truly don t hoard, I just don t have the space in this sm
all townhouse for all this stuff! I have a double garage that is packed! With wh
at? Clothes that don t fit. Baby clothes that are brand new, some with tags. Pro
blem? My daughter does not want to do a garage sale "by herself".. Meaning I wou
ld do it and she would get the money. Don t think so! Plus when my Mom passed I
was given a ton of her things. Antiques and stuff. I am not ready to let it go.
That is a hoarder thing, but I just am not ready. However that is boxed in the g
arage. My house is full of bins of kids stuff. When I bought this small place, i
t was me, my daughter, youngest son and animals. Older son came a year or so lat
er, then later the 2 kids. So double what we had. And no storage. So I watch hoa
rders to feel better! I mean, I don t have dead cats in my bathroom at least! I
love Repo too while we are at it. And I love Queen!! I have that CD.. lol
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Let me know when you are shiping I will arange for the return. Believe me I can
not deal with anymore, God has given me my lifetime share. lol
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
linn, also you already said you would send Libby to losingit, a promise is a pro
mise. hehe
JMo profile image
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Why haven t we heard anything from the Haleigh bunch? They are a tough bunch and
they aren t going to talk. They will just whine about cigarettes, underwear, so
cks, food and such. But this is what they expect from their lives...they don t c
are. Misty wanted out of jail at first, but I think she is so stubborn, she will
just get comfy and ride it out to prove her point. What does she have on the ou
tside waiting for her??? Nothing! She has no education, no home, no life, no mon
ey, no future. Nothing! So why not stay where she doesn t have to work, she can
chit chat with her cell mates all night and day, get 3 hots and a cot and never
have to work or pay bills. I m not sure that even if they offered her time off h
er sentence, that she would tell them anything. They all see no big deal in what
they did. No one got hurt, they only made 3000.00 at the most and that wasn t e
ven theirs...probably was to go to the dealer. This using and selling was just a
way of life for them...not a crime in their eyes. That is why they all think it
has to do with Haleigh. So, then they don t talk about Haliegh just to prove th
eir point.
I m not sure it did any good to lock them up. (In my opinion). I think they are
more Addicts, than they are criminals. Drug laws are over rated in my opinion. N
ot that what they did is ok, but it serves no purpose to jail people sometimes f
or certain things.
I just wish that LE would of kept the focus more on finding Haliegh than this cr
ap. Seriously.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, and the whine about not getting out, I have news for them. They are going t
o whine for a very long time.
linn says:
2 weeks ago
JMo..The good thing about the knife is, who drives around with a knife in their
car? Plus to have the same duct tape on the knife? Again, from what I hear it wi
ll be the totality of the evidence that will nail her coffin shut. There is just
too much. Starting with the 31 days of no report. And she didn t even report ca
ylee missing, cindy did! That will go against her too. She NEVER to this day wou
ld have reported her missing if not for her mom, that I am sure regrets doing so
. Sick woman.
As more and more comes out about Casey, it is so obvious that she did this crime
, the duhfense knows it, and as more and more comes to light, they are wondering
just how to defend her! I just can t believe the Judge is allowing Kronk s nut
wife to be desposed. Hopefully that will just show that she is a fruitcake.
I have a question for whomever can answer it. Why is NG avoiding the Caylee case
? everyone today had this new document dump on their site, BUT NG! Is she being
sued or something over NG and the Anthony case? I know she is being sued but not
by the Ants. So why is she avoiding the Casey case?
Today the case she had on is only 15 miles from me. The poor woman who is missin
g. Again, the husband is acting fruity. Married only after days, maybe a month o
f knowing each other. He is not helping in the search, found tons of pot plants
being grown inside his house, wife was already living with her sister. Married o
nly 6 months. Car found miles away. I have seen this young woman at the flower s
tore she worked in. This is hitting close to home. It is on the front page every
day. We will find her, but I don t think alive sad to say.
But again, why is she not reporting even a few minutes, on Caylee? Is something
up that you all know about and I don t???
And yes, I do hope that young woman is found, but no way does it look good at al
l. And the Prundale area of Salinas is going to be tough to search. Horse farms,
remote areas, woods, mountains. And Santa Cruz, more mountains and remote areas
, is just miles away. it will take a long time to find her, unless a miracle hap
pens. When will young women stop marrying men they have known for weeks? Married
a short time, and she had already left and was living with her sister. They fou
nd her car. Sad to say, I am sure she is dead.. Now to find the killer. We all t
hink here, it is her husband. But look at I believe Susan Powell? We know her hu
sband is guilty *who takes babies out to camp at 12:30 AM*.. yet he is free as a
Anyway, just wondering if anyone knows why NG is avoiding any talk of Casey?
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
linn, NG is being very careful she is still under fire from the Ducket case wher
e the mom killed herself. That is the only thing I can think of.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
linn, the Susan Powel case is not good at all, I think the husband is very much
involved. No way would I have allowed my kids to go camping in weather like that
. Something is not right on his story.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
I think NG is not focusing on Casey anymore, because 1. Caylee was found and 2.
We know who did it. I think she wants to focus more on those that are missing/ki
dnapped, etc and on the who dunnit suspects. Casey s case is a given. She s a ly
ing bitch that murdered Caylee. Case closed.
losintit says:
2 weeks ago
Linn, you can post Libby to me COD anytime you need a break. I love big sloppy k
isses from little ones. I am so awesome at mothering I will send her home in two
weeks fully toilet trained and fluent in English and French.
I am so just kidding. I would be concerned however if Libby doesn t start talkin
g within the next couple months. Have you had her hearing tested? My daughter is
highly intelligent but didn t utter a word until sixteen months. Libby is 24 mo
nths. Linn, I actually think something might be wrong. You know she is intellige
nt, but she should be talking a bit by now. It might be something as simple as a
problem in her mouth (my neice had this and needed to have her tongue severed f
rom the bottom piece). It might be something more complicated that you all shoul
d start working on ASAP. Whatever, I love Libby sight unseen because I love her
name. Libby is the cutest name ever.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, The duct tape is going to be one of the major pieces of evidence in Casey A
nthony s conviction. What are the odds that someone would rent a movie where the
plot included 3 pieces of duct tape being placed over a victims airway & then s
omeone they know is missing & later found with 3 pieces of duct tape placed over
the mouth & nose? Somewhere between slim & none!
I don t think that HLN or NG is too worried about the Duckett lawsuit. They ve b
een in court before & will be again. Nothing new there. Like JMo said they have
moved on to cover cases where people are still missing & their whereabouts remai
n a mystery. Everyone knows that the person that Orange County has in jail is th
e one responsible for the death of Caylee Anthony. Besides we really haven t see
n anything new in the latest document dumps. Just old photos & evidence we have
seen numerous times.
WDBO reporter talked to Mark Nejame about Marti Mackenzie s resignation from the
defense team.
Is Casey Anthony team running out of money?
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Judge Strickland rules against prosecution request for private meeting but agree
s to review the material & info in private.
Snipped from Orlando Sentinel article posted today:
A judge in the Casey Anthony case ruled today he will review behind closed doors
certain "materials and information" that have "come into the possession of law
This comes after prosecutors requested to meet privately with Orange Circuit Cou
rt Judge Stan Strickland to discuss the details. The judge denied meeting with t
hem alone — but agreed to review the materials.
Strickland wrote in his order that the state can file a sealed request that expl
ains why the judge should delay the release of the information to the defense an
d the public and how long that delay should last.
"We understand the courts directive and we will abide by them," said the State A
ttorney s Office spokesman Randy Means.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
WFTV weighs in on the question, Is Casey Anthony s defense team running out of m
Snipped from WFTV story:
Eyewitness News was told the Anthonys and their lawyer, Brad Conway, were lookin
g for a lawyer to represent Casey who was willing to forego getting money upfron
t. Longtime Orlando attorney Robert Buonauro told Eyewitness News on Wednesday t
he Anthonys and Conway wanted to replace Casey s defense attorney, Jose Baez, ea
rly on in the case.
Buonauro says Conway said Casey and her family were broke and, if he were willin
g to do without money upfront, there was the possibility of some sort of defense
fund or book or movie rights down the road. Buonauro said no.
The defense team has just lost its second spokesperson, longtime public relation
s expert Marti Mackenzie. Some speculate it s because the defense is out of mone
y. All she would tell Eyewitness News was she was being paid for her year of wor
k, she was not under contract and that she quit for confidential, professional r
We all knew the Anthony family didn t like Baez but did they really think they w
ould find another attorney that would work for free just to get their face & nam
e on the news. It s going to be a long time before anyone cashes in on those mov
ie or book rights, if ever.
Confidential/professional reasons? I d bet she was no longer being paid or she d
idn t agree with the direction the defense was going in the case. If Baez got th
at $200 thousand from ABC around the time that Caylee s remains were found it wa
s spent long ago. According to Jim Hoover, Baez didn t even pay Dominic Casey.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I had a dinner with my boys today, the slipped in and put balloons up and a bann
er wishing me a happy birthday. So muc for my guard dog she slept threw it.
Now on to Casey am I going to cry if she has to go with a public defender hell n
o. This dream team has been a mess since it started and made a circus out of thi
s case. Even OJ s team was not this bad. I say get on with the conviction and Ju
stice for Caylee. Just my opinion because I am sick of the delays.
Linn says:
2 weeks ago
rascal..LOLOL!! Don t forget, I have TWO grandkids. however, since Losingit real
ly wants them, and you have raised some, I will let Losingit take care of Libby,
and YOU can have care of the grandson. To be honest, sorry Losingit haha, you a
re getting a good deal. he is a sweet, but forgetful boy. Lost his second new sw
eatshirt again today. But he is lovable and so cute. Libby is adorable, but a ha
ndful. You can take care of Kaleb, Losingit gets Libby and I get to go party! LO
as for Susan Powell, she is dead. her nutty husband killed her, and I think once
the snow thaws, they will find her body. I do believe on the "camping trip" in
zero temps with babies, he took her body and dumped it.
The case on NG right now, is right where I live. I saw tonight they arrested her
husband with his GIRLFRIEND! Good gosh, he was married 6 months. The g/f friend
is an ex. She is being called a person of interest. He had 300 pot plants grown
ing in the house, they were already seperated and I think, no know he killed her
. Her body has not been found. Salinas is easy enough to find a body. All growin
g fields. She was missing though in Prunedale. Now that is mountains and can be
remote. They were arrested in Pacific Grove. That is ocean front. If they threw
her in the ocean and weighted down, it will take a while. We have major waves he
re. She will show up eventually. A lot of fishermen here have snagged bodies fro
m the ocean. Not murder victims, but we also have riptides. People visiting here
do not realize the power of the ocean. It kills so many visitors to our city.
He was arrested with his g/f in his car, in Pacific Grove where the g/f lives. H
e killed her and this is close to home. In the paper, front page daily. To see i
t on NG was weird.
But at least NG had something today on Casey. However, she was saying docs relea
sed TODAY! Does she do more than one show a day? Those docs were not released to
day, but what? yesterday or 2 days ago. I wonder how her show is taped.
OK, Rascal, Losingit. I will ship them out with no return address, but I will mi
ss them and come for them after I go party and on vacation.. lol. PS.. Losingit,
she was unreal today. HAVE FUN! LOL You will love her though. She is too cute n
ot too, and Kaleb is a sweet boy. OK, I will keep them! I already miss them! :)
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
linn, I am sure you need a break and fun to joke but I know you well enough by n
ow that you would never ship them off, lol
But a break is nice once in awhile just to have a little time to call your own.
I seen that about the guy with all the pot plants, and figured that was not to f
ar from you. What is with these guys if you do not want to be with someone leave
do not kill them, a bunce of dumb dumbs.
But it is the same with parents that kill kids give the up instead of killing th
linn says:
2 weeks ago
losingit, you are right. My granddaughter is on Medical, so just to see anyone t
akes forever. My kids talked at under a year. Just at least momma, no, something
! She is intelligent as she will point, take you to what she wants, etc. part of
me thinks she is just lazy. wants us to talk for her because if you ask her if
she wants this or that,
she will nod yes or no. So she can understand. But you re right. She should be t
alking something by now and will be tested. her hearing is just fine! It is like
she just refuses to talk, period.
JMo.. I agree! However, she is not just concentrating on new cases. Just this so
rry for this, but damn Tiger Woods! There was new stuff on the duct tape. I noti
ced tonight she did have something on the duct tape. A day late! I have to admit
though, NG has a way of getting info that no other news show can get. I just wi
ll scream now that we have at least another week of Tiger W. I mean, WHO CARE S
about him and his fake apology? It is not even being done in the public. I can t
stand the egomaniac. I feel for his wife, but if she takes him back after that
many women and the e-mails saying they were more important than his wife, well s
orry, she deserves him. For the kids? I can just see these kids later in life kn
owing what dad did, and that Mom stood by and took him back. Plus, can you imagi
ne the tension that will be in his house? But JMo, I agree in a way with your ve
rsion of NG not reporting on the Ant case, until I think I can see that with no
new info, but lately when there is new info, she does not report it. I mean agai
n, why is TW so in the headline news? I could see in Sports News. I just see ano
ther non stop week of this. All day tomorrow, ALL day Friday, then next week. An
d what about baby Gabriel? They were searching the landfill and now, nothing! I
can see if there is no news, but something at least. Just say no breaking news.
But please, NO TW S!!!!
And Losingit, Libby is a name I love! Her "real" name is Olivia. I love that too
, but I have a 5 year old great neice named Olivia. It was too confusing for me,
so I call her Libby. Libbith if she is in trouble.. lol. Now that is NOT a pret
ty name! But it rolls of the tongue.. lol..
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Misty putting a twist on things now.....
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Mark Nejame throwing in his 2 cents...
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
The creep in the Somer Thompson case is getting creepier...
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
linn and Capt Steve
Watch out if Misty talks LP will locate Misty and family to Calif, just what the
State needs.
2 weeks ago
They will fit right on in.........
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Well, that tells me ONE THING...relocation is for safety reasons and this says t
hat if Misty squeals like a pig, someone is gonna want to slaughter her and her
So, she probalby does know something about it and is protecting her own ass and
her family. This should be interesting....
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
BIG CLUE in the Gabriel case. Skank mom, when arrested had a $20,000 ring in her
pocket. Gabriels dad knew nothing about it and neither did her family (ring was
given to her dad to hold). She got it for payment of little Gabriel!!!!! YIKES.
"$20,000 ruby and diamond ring. She reportedly had it in her pocket when she was
arrested". "Sometimes when they give the baby away for adoption they hand over
jewelry to the mother," he said.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Breaking news....LISA Crosslin just arrested....man, does this shit ever stop wi
th these people? I think it may of been on purpose (on Lisa s part) to get her i
n jail with the rest of the clan so she could be with her daughter...who knows.
2 weeks ago
Perhaps L.P. can work out a family discount with the judge??
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
lol, maybe so. Transport the whole bunch....they can go to a special spot, calle
d PRISON. Tee Hee...their new relocation program...from county jail to prison...
.get it Misty????
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Hey Misty, they will relocate you and the family to California (Supermax Housing
accomodations), where they will give you your very own Pony....lol.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Ronald and Misty: Just Pleaded NOT GUILTY to their drug charges....
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Tammi Smith (baby Gabriel case): Just Pleaded NOT GUILTY to her case too....must
be stupidity in the water somewhere.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
More news...Theives broke into baby Gabe s Dad s house and ONLY TOOK HIS GPS. Th
ey think someone wanted it as it showed where he had been to look for the adopti
on rings. YIKES, these people are thugs indeed. Scary...no wonder mom won t talk
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, no different then Casey pleading not guilty to killing Caylee. I expected t
AS far as the GPS they are breaking in to cars truck and stealing them every whe
re. I look on line every day at local newspaper and read the reports they steal
what ever is easy to take to sell. I do not believe Gabriels mother is not telli
ng what she knows because she is afraid. She did something to him, just my opini
on she did not want dad to have him. Evil woman, no matter what she did. I am su
re the cops are looking for them also.
So many people not working around the country it is not going to get any better.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Yes, GPS s are stolen all the time out of cars....but I can t imagine breaking i
nto a house and then just taking the GPS. That is what makes this unusual. I thi
nk she sold that baby and got that little bit of money she had on her and the 20
,000 diamond ring. I think she told her boyfriend the story to hurt him, but to
also throw the police off the trail of finding out about the adoption. Even smit
h tried to play her part, until she got busted. None of these people are going t
o talk. Their life will be worth nothing if they rat out these people. Trafficki
ng is a big business.
This is why the woman who sold her baby to the guy (in the hotel picture) who ki
lled the 5 year old are both in jail. They will not rat out those in the busines
s....it will cost them their lives.
Gangs are Huge in the jails too. Your life will be worthless whether you are in
jail or out....this may have to do with Misty s relocation promise.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
If isty is worried about a gang that deals drugs, whaat makes her think she will
be safe in calif. If they want to find here they will find her there also.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Geez sorry for the typos, typing in code lol
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Misty Croslin’s Mom Arrested, Bonded OutPosted on February 18th, 2010 by Simon B
arrett in crimeRead 1,881 times.
They need to rent some cells there and set up house keeping, lol
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Is Ronalds mom getting evicted???
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
With that family you never know maybe LP will rent her a place.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
That s after he buys her a car!
Misty s lawyer reportedly told all bounty hunters to BACK OFF! good for him.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Yes but Misty on HLN video from jail want to talk to LP she is whinning she want
s out. And she wants a new Attorney.
linn says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal. I am not sure how I missed it, but here you go.
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy BIRTHDAY DEAR RASCAL, happy
birthday to you! And many moreeeeeeee!! Be thankful there was no sound.
Have a wonderful birthday :).. Uh, that other awful sound you hear is the bulldo
g singing along with me.. haha. Please, have a superb year!
linn says:
2 weeks ago
Cap n Steve, OH MY GOSH! I am laughing so hard! we are after all the land of "fr
uits and nuts".. lol. HOWEVER, even CA is not as bad as the "land of the special
Koolaid"!! did you all hear Misty s mom was arrested in the jail waiting to see
Misty and good old f n LP bailed her out, bought them a car AND got them a plac
e to live. Hasn t he learned his lesson. LP is from CA and he is now starting to
embarrass me. The Ant case has slowed and NG rarely has him on. Guess he needed
to get back in the news. He should have fliers that say I will bail out only th
e most guitly and the screwiest people I can find. What is with him? I can see b
ailing Casey. He truly thought he would get info out of her. Misty is no differe
nt from Casey. She is not speaking, like Casey, to anyone! What makes him think
she is special. He stated he would not bail her out unless she told him facts ab
out where Haleigh is. Then he goes and bails out her mom, buys them a car, gives
them some money to live on AND rents them a house? I think I give up. He is a n
ut, and yes, from CA
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Thank you linn
I had a wonderful day yesterday the boys took me to red lobster all I can say is
wow it was good. The one called me early and said happy 95th then laughed like
hell. I can not imagine where he gets his sence of humer, tHE Other son called a
s soon as he was home from wrok then we all got together. haha :)
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Yes linn you heard right, wonder how fruits and nutts and Koolaid go together an
d the Weed now. What a mixture. lol
And they will not even help pay taxes down there, but will go on welfare.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Haleigh Discussed in Jailhouse Phone Conversations
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Like I said before, I have to agree that none of this would of happened if the w
hole thing about Haliegh wasn t going on. These people have done this and lived
like this all their lives. Not that it is right, but it is their way of life. No
w that Haliegh is missing, someone just wanted to make a drug bust (in my opinio
n) and went after them. Locking them up is NOT going to find Haliegh. I think it
was a real stupid move on the part of LE, but that s my opinion. How does busti
ng them for selling some pills bring back Haliegh. It gives them NO leverage at
all. It only serves to make the secrets go deeper. Somebody s bright idea wasn t
so smart after all. Just my opinion. Wasted tax dollars!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
But if they can find out what happened to Haleigh so be it, what ever it takes t
o bring this child home one way or another she deserves that. They all just went
on with there life and we do not know if Haleigh has a life now. Bring Haleigh
home. And punish who ever is involved.
2 weeks ago
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Thank you Steve
2 weeks ago
If this makes those wackos feel any better so be it.....
I will now plead GUILTY!
I do not know what for but I plead GUILTY!
Maybe I have started a trend.......
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
So sad when you sell to under cover then plead Not Guilty. Bunch of Dumb S--ts
imacynic2 says:
2 weeks ago
Ok - I m such a nerd.
I compete in Mock Trial for college - and tonight I emailed a forensic entomolog
ist - because that s what I play in mock - and so I emailed one - just off a lis
t - and he asked me to call him so we could talk about my questions - and he s D
r. Haskell - from the Caylee case!
I was star struck - I m such a nerd.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Wow, that is cool. Let us know what you learn from him.
Capn Steve, I will plead Guilty too. There, now maybe everyone will really feel
better, lol.
Yeah, I think it is time for Misty, her brother, and Ron to all grow up. They ha
ve been living in fantasy world for a while. I truly don t think that they know
anything outside of their little world in that town. They know what they have be
en taught and their way of life. They have no education, are high on something a
ll the time, and steal or sell drugs for income. They don t really know much els
I think the cops know that they will never find out what happened to Haleigh, so
they figure to make them pay for it somehow. I don t think Haleigh is coming ho
Sorry (don t put me on the plank), but I can t help but to still think that it i
s highly possible that Crystal is connected to this. Haleigh was taken by someon
e who knew her (I really believe that). I theorize that Crystal put someone up t
o getting Haleigh out of that house (knowing that Misty was trashed that night).
I hope Haliegh is somewhere safe, if that is true. However, the only other way
I would think she is alive is if someone took her and told Ron, you will get her
back when we get our money.
Otherwise, there would be no other reason for Haleigh to be alive.
2 weeks ago
JMo, mine is guilt associated from my Jewish mommy! LOL What about you?
2 weeks ago
Duke lacrosse rape accuser arrested on charges of attempted murder, arson,assaul
t, and child abuse. How much will N.G. talk about that one? My guess is 0% since
she was 0% right when it came to that case and she never even apologized to the
players on air or off air. LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Both of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, No NG never did appoligize to those young men, I never believed they did
that, her story was so bizzar. NG drug these young men threw thew mud, afterward
s it was a big opps to her. Oh it was not her kids, wonder how she would feel as
a mom if it was hers that was accused.
losingit says:
2 weeks ago
Happy belated Birthday Rascal, and many more! I hope you have a wonderful year.
How many more birthdays will we have before Casey goes to court? When your Grand
daughter was born, I predicted she would be in Kindergarten before this case wen
t to trial. I was joking, of course, but we shall see.
And now I begin a day of housework. Oh, I see Tiger is giving a live statement.
Guess what NG will be about tonight? Boring.
nannie27 says:
2 weeks ago
OMG - Scripted or WHAT!!!!! Go Away Tiger..............we don t CARE!!!!! (doubt
very much if he even wrote that himself....he has people.....that do that for h
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
losingit, ty I had a wonderful day. Yes this trial is going to take a long time
to get Justice for little Caylee.
I did not listen to Tiger, I am so sick of the news being all over this let them
mend there marriage if that is what his wife wants to try. Maybe if the News wo
uld stay out of there life they might have a chance. Spend the time of finding m
issing kids and helping that way.
The news spends to much time sticking there nose in where it does not belong.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Capn Steve, no Jewish mommy for me, but a hard core Southern Baptist one for su
re! When I did anything wrong, I got the fear of God put in me and a long lectur
e titled "I didn t raise you like that"!!! and many other items of punishment. W
e went to church at least 3-4 days a week my whole life till I was about 33 or s
o. Oddly enough, my mother was raised as an orphan by evil Nuns in the Catholic
church till she was 18. My dad was a devout Methodist.
There was no way I could win, lol.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Jennifer Kese update.
Tip Prompts New Search For Missing Orlando Woman
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Judge Strickland refuses to meet in private with the prosecutors. He will review
the material though.....hmmm.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Videos released of undercover drug deals involving Misty & Ron Cummings. Video l
ink shows excerpts from several of their meeting with the undercover agent.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
At least Ron gives insight that no one came in and took Haliegh for a drug trade
, as he didn t owe anyone money. There goes that thought. So, if she is alive so
mewhere, the only way would be if Crystal arranged to have her taken somewhere.
Otherwise, little Haliegh is most likely dead and buried somewhere.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
2 weeks ago
Great article by Valhall at The Hinky Meter!
The Power of Circumstantial Evidence
As I ve said before it will be everything put together by the state attorney s o
ffice that will convict Casey Anthony. Fingerprints & DNA would be icing on the
cake but the lack of those items don t mean a thing. There s no way a jury can s
ee anyone else being responsible but CA.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
At the risk of being seen as repeating myself alot, CASEY, YOU ARE SCREWED!!!!
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Hey, for those of us that are snowed in, go to this website and click anywhere.
In fact, hold your click down and drag. It will give you a little bit of spring.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
The crews were out again today to find Gabriel....
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
I sure hope they find Gabriel safe but I really have my doubts.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
You should see the ice skater I found, woooo weeee something else.
linn would drool if she seen this guy.
Linn says:
2 weeks ago
shame on you rascal! I am already drooling and not seen the guy! Just kids. A re
al man, besides my sons, would most like have me pass out! LOL
I believe the got Ron and Misty on the drugs BECAUSE OF THE DRUG!! If it was wee
d? A waste. But oxycodone and the other one, kills. My mom was on both while pas
sing from a rare form of cancer. Kids here, were taking it from friends and abou
t 12 died. One reason they are in so much trouble, was not that it was just a dr
ug, but the drug it was. Deadly. It is meant for people like my mom. Terminal ca
ncer patients, or patients that will never have the pain go away, so what differ
ence does it make if they become addicted? I was in my own world with Mom. I cou
ldn t even understand why I had to go to the doctors office to get the triplicat
e prescription. it was a pain!
THEN, my son-in-law that I have not spoken to in 8 years, started selling them.
Think he was taking them from mom. Well, never caught or arrested, but guess who
his pills killed? My brother. He sold everything he had after *Eddie* got him h
ooked. Finally was killed by a hit and run driver trying to cross on foot, a fre
eway. On the news for months. Nothing to even view.
SOOOOOO, this is one drug that anyone selling SHOULD be arrested and kept in jai
l for 114 years for. Anything else I would not be a passionite over. But those d
rugs they were trafficking, are worse than herion. They were stronger and some v
ersion, of the Morphine mom was taking. I know they were being watched because o
f Haleigh and I think stumbled onto the drug trafficking and went full force. if
they were selling weed, they would of had almost no bail and been out. IT was t
he drug of choice getting them that sentence. Those poor kids that were taking i
t here. So sad to see a father break down when he went to get his son, 17, up fo
r school and the boy was dead. First time he had ever used Oxy. Bad news drug an
d I hope they do get the full punishment for selling/trafficking this drug. Agai
n, even heroin, cocaine, whatever. But not these two drugs. Deadly drugs. BTW, I
called the cops on my ex in my eyes sil, they did nothing. He even has cameras
installed outside his house. I also called the drug hotline. 8 years later, he i
s still selling them.
Sorry for the rant, but it brought back mom and my brother dying. Mom due to her
illness, but my brother due to the so called sil getting him hooked on oxy.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Sorry linn :( but you can not get video this guy is awsome, lol
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Sometimes they do not do a thing unless there is a death, and they are forced to
investigate. Sad I think they are tired of trying to stop the drugs.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Remember Melissa Huckaby? and her raping and killing 8 yr old Sandra Cantu? Well
now her Duhfense lawyer is delaying the trial cause he wants more time to try a
nd supress evidence . Unbelievable...
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, Does this surprise me, no it happenes all the time. The criminal has so man
y loop holes to hold things up.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Bill Shaffer on defence running out of money
2 weeks ago
They better start to budget since they will not be starting for another year!!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, I think it is to late for any fund raiser, to many people are on to there
lies . Unless they stand on a corner with a tin cup and no one reconizes them t
he money has dried up.
JMo says:
2 weeks ago
Well, I think Bill S. was very subtle in his hinting in regard to the money. I t
hink he was trying to say that Baezhole pocket the money for himself (as if he w
as some highly experienced defense attorney, which he is not). But if was, then
he should of at least kept out 50k for paying for experts, etc. I think Baezhole
will have to cough some of it back up or someone will be calling the BAR saying
, hmmm, I smell a rat! He will be in the sinking ship with Mulusko for misusing
clients money....Watch out Baezhole, they are on to you....
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
JMo, Ya think lmao
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Leave Misty Rot untill she is Truthful,, Haleigh needs to come home one way or a
I think LP is a softie, but he needs to open his eyes and stop look and listen a
s we were all taught as a child. These people are loosers because they have neve
r really tried to be anything else but loosers. No one holds a job, no one is re
sponsible and they have not tried to better there life. LP buying cars bailing t
hem out is not going to see reality and change. He can not do that for them they
are the only ones that can change. They need to learn to support there self and
be a productive person in society. Then and only then will the next generation
of Croslin kids be different. People like that the more you hand them the more t
hey expect, they pull one hand back and put the other one out for a hand out lik
e society owes them.
linn says:
2 weeks ago
Rascal..sigh, well there goes my fantasy man. Least I never saw him! AND Elliot
from Law*Order is on. He is hot too.
JMo. I SO agree with what you posted. I just mentioned Law and Order. They alway
s get sleeze ball attorneys like Biaz. Those that will defend anyone, but steal
from them at the same time. I STILL wonder why this judge is allowing him to do
the things he does. Missing deadlines, the stupid motions, etc. I just hope he d
oes not keep it up. Even letting the Ants get away with all the garbage they hav
e done. I know I am the time that if I do a "Hollywood" stop, I will have a cop
just sitting there and big ticket, here I come. I truly don t understand these f
olks getting away will all they have done. Not just a stop sign, but obstructing
justice, lying to officials, well, ALL of it! I truly do not get it.
Rascal again..lol..I used to think LP was a softie. But now I am thinking he was
missing being on TV. NG, JVM..The casey case is so sporadic now. I think he saw
, and it worked, that if he offered them this he would be back in the news. And
it worked. He did state he would only bail her out IF she told him about Haliegh
. That will not happen, or if it did it would be a lie. She will not say who or
where the girl is as she would never get out of jail! I just don t understand LP
at times,and I used to be his big supporter. And yes, lately with so many crime
s against women and kids, drugs are not up there any more. Except the Oxy drugs
due to the fact kids are taking them, and they kill. Pot does not kill. Herion c
an, but it takes a while unless you get a bad batch. But the oxy is being handed
out to teens from what I have read up on. That is one reason for the sentence.
No one wants this to become a pot issue. Pot is easy to get and I think, harmles
s compared to other things. But like I said, Oxy drugs kill, and can kill on the
first dose. Especially if the user is also drinking.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
All drugs are bad as far as I am concerned, but yes oxy and herion and meth can
kill you. We know a lot of kids that use also drink, and that can kill you. Of c
ourse tell a kids that and they think they are so dam smart it will not happen t
o them but it does. Sniffing airplan glue used to be the big thing or pain.. I r
emember 2 jr high kids sniffing a cleaner behind the school out by the baseball
field, well there sniffing cleaner killed them. They found them dead leaning aga
inst something back there. Our world is not what it used to be.
linn says:
10 days ago
No Rascal, it sure isn t. When we were kids, drinking A beer was the ultimate ac
t of rebellion. That and a smoke. I hated smoking and never have. Not really a d
rinker as the "good" drinks are made by someone that knows what they are doing.
I will have some wine at times. Bad day is a good reason. But I truly don t even
like the taste of it.
I remember a while back, kids here dying over PAM, the cooking spray! Good gosh.
Scary to think of the things kids are coming up with now. Here, the sell model
glue behind the counter. You have to be at least 18, same with spray paint excep
t at Orchard Supply, a hardwareish type store. Out of all the drugs, from what I
have seen on tv and all, Meth seems to be the worst. Or crack. Meth is almost i
mpossible to get clean from. Most after getting clean, go back to it in 6 months
. sad, the families that are ruined due to drugs.
Slow board today! Just you and me posted.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
10 days ago
I found an interesting post at It s A Mystery To Me s site & thought it was wort
h sharing. This was posted yesterday.
Missing children - a growing epidemic
Also check out this story written by her 1 year ago today.
What makes one childs story worthy of a media blitz while another childs slips u
nder the radar:
I came in from work this afternoon & turned on the tv news to hear once again ab
out Tiger Woods. Media puts on the ex porn star mistress along with her ambulanc
e chasing attorney Gloria Allred but can t spend 5 minutes to cover the stories
about those 3 missing children that were mentioned in the story I posted. That m
ade me so mad that I emailed CNN & Fox news & included the links for the above a
rticles. I m sick of hearing about Tiger & even more disgusted when I have to li
sten to his ex mistresses whine. I will never believe that they didn t know he w
as a married man. I don t even follow pro golf & I knew that.
JMo says:
10 days ago
Thanks for the posts Jo1031. I think I like the idea of Mark Klass starting a sh
ow called America s Missing! Just look how many bad guys Amer. Most Wanted has h
elped capture because someone saw them on that show. People are more apt to look
at their TV and some show, than to stop at the entrance of a Walmart and look a
t the missing children section pictures as they hurry out the door.
Maybe we could somehow all come together on starting a petition to get the TV ch
annels to think about such a show with Mark Klass. I know I would watch it!!!
NG would have some competition then, eh? She could go on and on and on about Tig
er Woods and his skanky behavior with whores or talk about Misty getting her hai
r braided in jail.
JMo says:
10 days ago
Wanted you all to take a close look at this....I still think something is wrong
here. Check out the first video of Crystal. Scroll down and there is more to vie
w on her and her lawyer, the bounty hunter, etc. Seems fishy to me.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
10 days ago
JMo, very interesting video, huh
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
10 days ago
Another under cove tape of Misty and Ron
10 days ago
Is it just me or does it appear that Ron puts one in his mouth before counting t
o 25.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
10 days ago
I wondered about that also Steve, we know Missy can not count! lol
10 days ago
Hey Misty,
What is 100% of 25 pills? Bet she knows that one. See, you just have to speak he
r language and she is almost human!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
10 days ago
I bet her answer is huh, she says that a lot. he he
linn says:
9 days ago
jo..I will scream too if I see TW s face one more time! All his mistresses have
said, at least from what I had to hear, they KNEW he was married! They were all
just upset that they thought they were his ONLY mistress. how about that one? An
d yet they feel, or the porn star one who got pregnant by TW Twice, feels they d
eserve an apology. Yes, she said she knew he was married, but he told her she wa
s special and they would always be together. The ole F* on the wife, SHE needs a
n apology. Uh, if I was Elin I would be worried about TW not using protection wi
th a porn star, then going home and sleeping with his wife. If she was smart, sh
e has already been tested. All of his dozens of women have all stated he never u
sed protection. ICK and I am SOOOOOO sick of him! NG does not even follow up on
cases still going on. I tell you, if the president was to be assinated today, TW
would still get more coverage. For what? Because he plays golf? Sorry to any if
I offened with my disgust for Tiger, but it was controlled at least.. lol.
And jo, super great idea!! I also wrote a while back to HLN complaining about NG
when she was stuck for months on the Michael Jackson case. All those missing ki
ds, and it all stopped like it has for TW. No coverage of anything related to wh
at she is supposed to stand up for. Whew! Tangent again! But great idea on Mark
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
9 days ago
Just wanted you to know they have found the body of Christine Sheddy, mother of
3, who was murdered 11/03/07. Not quite official yet, but it is her. Now her chi
ldren know for sure their mommy didn t abandon them. The family has known for a
long time she was murdered, now, finally, they will get some peace and justice w
ill begin to roll.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Search is scaled back for baby thrown in NJ river
JMo says:
9 days ago
Bet the lawyers go for "Entrapment" and they get off these charges. Who knows.
losingit says:
9 days ago
JMo, I watched that video. I had no idea what it was going to be about, but my f
irst thought was MAN ARM. I was actually right. I don t what is sadder, the fact
that there are no pics of Crystal with the kids or the fact that she had to inv
ent some for money. It wasn t even discussed in the video, but if you look at th
e boy hand that the man hand is close to holding, it is impossible unless the bo
y is rubber. I hope she didn t pay for that pic. I have never photoshopped anyth
ing nor do I have any idea how to even do it. But, given ten minutes, I ll bet I
could have done a better job. I was at a family wedding three years ago and too
k a ton of pictures. This was before I got my new pink digital camera. Anyway, I
developed four rolls of film and albumed all the keepers. The rest of them, my
daughter and I cut out heads and put them on other bodies. It was so funny. We e
nded up with pics of my uncle dancing with my Dad, my Grandma in a way too sexy
dress (and body) smoking a ciggie, etc. Too funny. BUT, they looked better than
this pic of Crystal.
JMo says:
9 days ago
Yes, very sad she did this for money. And sad are the people who helped her!
JMo says:
9 days ago
It really makes you wonder who is honest in these cases. I know a lot of people
come off as wholier than thou, but I m sure they have some things they wouldn t
like known. I think some of the good guys we see on TV are not all on the up and
up and aren t in this for anything but the showboating. Even NG (which I know s
he cares) has come across as just wanting to put on a show and not really get th
e truth. I m sure a lot of folks on her show do the same and aren t being forthc
oming or are lying through their teeth.
JMo says:
9 days ago
If you guys go back and watch the bust video again, you can catch Ron and Hope
putting together their own little scam in the back to fool everyone. You can se
e her give him a look. Then he points with one finger to mean One and then makes
2 zero s with his hand (to mean 100). I don t know if that is money or pills. A
nyway, funny how when they got in the car, the count was off...maybe to make the
guy think they got an extra one or that someone couldn t count. Also, Ron takes
a moment when they get in the car for her to dish out 25 (supposedly 24), when
actually, I bet she had 100 and put the other 75 somewhere for later...thus tell
ing the guy "oh she will get them for you" don t worry. This will be after she m
akes more money on them. The oldest trick in the book...scamming the scammer!
Notice how the whole ride they are basically quiet, and then after the get the s
tuff, they are yacky yacky and talking in a sense of oh yeah, that s right, oh,
ok, uh". Sure sign of a planned scam on their part.
Notice too that Ron hands over the pills open...there is no baggy or container o
f any sort? Sorry, but to me this is very odd that she would be handed a hand fu
ll of loose pills, run across the street with them and get into a car. I just do
n t think it is done like that.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
9 days ago
Now this is a bombshell! Anthony home being foreclosed on by Bank of America. Ac
cording to news I just found posted by Click Orlando George & Cindy haven t made
a mortgage payment on their home in 9 months. They told local 6 news reporter t
hat they didn t know this was coming. WTF?
They CAN afford to pay for a cruise for not only themselves but also Lee & Mallo
ry, get outrageous ugly as sin tattoos, & buy Georgette diamond earrings but the
y couldn t make a mortgage payment. Did they think that Bank of America was goin
g to give them a pass because they are grieving grandparents whose MOTY daughter
is the victim of an elaborate conspiracy perpetrated by local LE & the FBI.
JMo says:
9 days ago
Exactly JO1031!!! Sorry but I don t buy their poor me stories. She is a shopahol
ic and that is part of the problem. I like how they stated these BS lines in the
story....what a bunch of crap.
The Anthonys attorney attributed the couple’s latest financial problems to the n
otoriety of the case and the emotional toll caused by their granddaughter’s slay
Cindy Anthony told prosecutors she had to leave her job because of stress-relate
d medical problems and has been on disability for more than a year.
George Anthony, on the other hand, said he -- like many others in this economy -
- is having difficulty finding work. But the Anthonys attorney said George Antho
ny has an added difficulty because he is instantly recognized and rejected by mo
st employers either because of who he is or because companies fear he may bring
unwanted media attention.
Now I think I ve heard it all!!!!!!!
JMo says:
9 days ago
What does anyone else make of the video?
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
9 days ago
JMo, Orlando Sentinel didn t put the Anthony cry me a river spin on the story. T
hank God!
Great idea about a show with Mark Klass but the petition that I started to keep
them Anthony family off of the air didn t work out as well as I expected. I was
shooting for 10 thousand signatures before sending it to media outlets & right n
ow there is less than 1,500. What about if we could get family & friends to emai
l HLN & Fox news with the idea. Maybe HLN would consider putting Mike Brooks on
with Mark Klass & take JVM, Joy Behard or NG off. I wouldn t miss anyone of thos
e women. I use to like NG show but never watch at all anymore. Can t stand all t
he phony hype for ratings.
Also great catch on the link about Crystal & the photo shopped pic. I couldn t t
ake my eyes off the arm that was definitely male to look at the other items that
guy was pointing out. Nobody could have been stupid enough to buy that as being
legit or actually pay money to obtain it.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
9 days ago
My thoughts on Misty & Ron s drug bust:
I agree that was definitely "entrapment" & I believe a good lawyer will get the
cases dropped. Misty & Ron Cummings are not dangerous drug dealers. That video s
hows them for what they really are "drug abusers" with no experience in the drug
sales world. Misty was raised by drug abusers so what can people expect for her
life. I don t know where people came up with the info that they were selling ox
ycontin but according to all the news reports I have read about the arrest they
sold oxycodone (percocet) & hydrocodone (vicodin). Both are prescribed for mild
to moderate pain. Dentist & doctors write prescriptions for those 2 drugs all da
y long. It would take a whole bottle of those to kill an adult. Oxycontin is a d
angerous drug & should only be given for people with chronic pain or severe pain
Why isn t anyone asking who the doctor was that wrote the prescription for those
medications. Someone did! Drug abusers need treatment not prison. Sorry for the
JMo says:
9 days ago
I have to agree...drug abusers need treatment, not prison. They are buying and s
elling to support their habit. If those drugs were made accessible, then there w
ould be no crime, just abuse issues to resolve.
Anyway, I think this is why Mistys lawyer is telling LP to back off. He will get
her off on his own and doesn t need LP to bail her out. Everyone has lost sight
of Haleigh and are now more focused on Percocet and Vicodin being used by Ron a
nd Misty. If someone wants to help, then maybe get these two into some treatment
, etc. It s just that the focus should remain on Haliegh, not all this other jun
k (like whether momma lisa could use a set of new choppers).
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Ron and Misty also deal in Roxys what ever drug that is Ron even mention in that
video he can get them
Now as far as the piss Ants let them move to Satsuma in a double wide maybe they
will fit right in. They just want more people to give money to help them. Stop
shopping Cindy and living high on the hog. These people have a Champain appetite
and a Beer pocket book tighten your belt like the rest of the Country you are n
ot special.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
we all half to remember the Zanny law suit even if they loose the house. The pis
s ants insurance would still be responsible to pay Zanny when she wins. Casey wa
s a member of the family and lived there at the time. Zanny could collect from t
he piss ants policy.
9 days ago
The ANTfarm should lose the farm!
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
9 days ago
I m with you, cry me a river. I know people who are working and struggling and t
hese people thought they could live off of sweet Caylee s death. Her blood money
has dried up you freaks!!! Course, some dillusional soul will probably bail the
m out. Ain t it the way!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Hi Nordie
I hope the public has opened there eyes. This is just another Antony Scam. I rem
ember the being behind in payments when this all happened they live high on the
hog, the majority of people pay bills first to keep a roof over there head.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
9 days ago
Rascal, you are so right! Haven t made a payment in 9 months and expect to get a
pass? They didn t know. What, they don t open their mail or answer the phone. G
olly, I hate liars, I really do. And now they want to do whatever to keep the Ca
ylee Shrine. Give me a break. If they loved that child we wouldn t be here. A sh
rine doesn t prove love, actions do and we have all witnessed their actions.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
The Ants can possibly stay in the house under Fl law for 2 years, since a child
may have been killed there it may be hard to sell the house. So until a Sheriff
comes out and forces them to leave they may be there for that length of time.
JMo says:
9 days ago
Well, I guess if they lose the house, that means Zanny will have to give her key
back! ROTFLMAO!!!!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Oh yes the famous key, lmao
JMo says:
9 days ago
Makes you wonder what Cindy has been doing with the disability check??? Did it n
ever occur to either one of them as to "who is paying the house payment"? I bet
two tatoos would of covered at 748.00 house note. I know people who are really d
isabled and have trouble getting assistance, and here she is upset over a death
and gets it...what a bunch of BS!!!! George better start taking out of the cheet
o fund and catch up on those payments!
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
9 days ago
If I cared enough, which I don t, I would go look and see how much georgette has
put in momster s cheeto fund. It certainly would have covered a payment. Oh, th
e priorities in life -- cheetos to a murderer or a roof over your head. Now let
me think . . .
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
9 days ago
Jmo, sindy has to look good on disability. new clothes, hairdo, jewelry, tat, cr
uise, tan . . . these are costly to maintain on just disability waaaaaaaaa. What
kind of disability allows you to take a year to grieve (I use that word liberal
ly). Never heard of such a thing as a year.
JMo says:
9 days ago
Yes, it does make one wonder. Im surprised Grandma isn t running in to save them
Ha Ha...maybe they heard that LP bought a used car for Hank and are helping the
Croslins find a place AND now they figure they should get a piece of the pie! Th
at will teach good ole LP. Once one person gets a handout, they all come running
with their hands out for theirs.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
9 days ago
as deceptive as sindy is -- she has another plan. probably even has purchased an
other property somewhere with the blood dollars.
JMo says:
9 days ago
Personally, I think she is "setting this up" (with advice from CONway of course)
. She is placing the idea out there in everyone s head that it is the media s fa
ult. Later, she will be suing the media and winning a big law suit. Just watch,
this is the way her sick mind works.
JMo says:
9 days ago
Maybe she is hoping Amy Huzienga will give her a blank check, lol, or that the S
awgrass Apts will let her and George move in, since the ANTs brought them so muc
h fame!!!
JMo says:
9 days ago
Breaking news on Misty....wait till you read the last line on this article. Very
JMo says:
9 days ago
Just thought of this....G & C are probably wanting the house to foreclose, becau
se they would never be able to sell it. Seriously, who would buy that house know
ing that little Caylee was murdered there and stuffed in garbage bags inside the
garage. The damn place is haunted and there are smells of Caylees dead body thr
oughout the walls. Of course they are gonna play stupid and go "oops, did we rea
lly not make a payment for 9 months?" Gee, totally slipped our minds". "I guess
you will just have to foreclose and the bank will have the headache of selling i
They don t care. I think they have Caylee blood money stashed to move away and c
hange their names.
Doesn t that make sense?
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
9 days ago
JMo, makes total sense. I believe they have money aka blood money stashed.
Yes, it will be a big problem to sell the house . . . maybe that other freak joy
would buy it.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Caseys Murder Confession
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
I remember that gal with the dogs saying there were tire tracks way back in ther
e. They were videoing the area, just can not think of her name.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Foreclosure Papers Filed On Anthonys Home
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
9 days ago
Poor George can not get a job no one will hire him. well DUH who would hire a li
er. And Conman says the piss Ants did not make money, omg he must really think w
e are stupid to believe that one. And look who is coming after the house Bank of
America, ha ha ha
8 days ago
I told you gals she did it. Now can I get my Kojac award?
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Steve, I said that from the begning now share that award, good thing you did not
call it the Cheeto award. lol
losingit says:
8 days ago
The Ants are too savvy to just not pay the mortgage. They are up to something. W
anting to sell the house to the bank makes perfect sense to me. I wonder where t
hey will go. I don t think they ll want to move too far from MOTY. Where will MO
TY end up (I mean the prison, not Hell)? Maybe they ll move there. Even if they
ve been socking away the missed payments, it s not enough for a down payment. Th
ey won t qualify for a mortgage with a recent foreclosure and no one employed. I
m guessing they have a couple hundred thousand stuffed (neatly, of course) in t
heir mattress. They ll pay cash for their next home. I mean, they couldn t rent
an apartment with all their crap and pets. Most apartments run credit checks and
wouldn t let them rent anyway.
I have always been amazed with the huge number of lives Casey messed up. I didn
t even consider the neighbors and their lower property values.
Has a date been set of Zaneida vs Casey?
8 days ago
Sharing is caring. And that comes from that big, wise purple dinosour that we al
l know and love named Barney.
L.P. to relocate The ANTfarm and The CrissCroslin clan into a 2 bedroom 1 bathro
om home in Oregon. Good luck with your new neighbors Rascal!!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Steve, I forgot to tell you I am moving and not telling you where lol
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
They are not selling the house to B of A they are loosinit to B of A. They want
more media attention and people to help them I get what they are doing.
8 days ago
Rascal, that is not nice.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Do any of you see this as another money maker, we know the defence is running ou
t of money. Feel sorry for us send money. The Ants say they did not know it was
in forcloser, BS the Bank would have sent registered mail for them to sign. And
they would have been served with paper work, there is no way they did not know,
I am so sick of there lies and BS.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Steve, niether is it nice to send them to me, poor little rascal is upset now. l
Not really moving I was just teasing.
losingit says:
8 days ago
Rascal, the bank paid for this house and owns it until the Ants pay off the mort
gage. The Ants stopped paying the mortgage. The bank still owns the house and ge
ts to kick the Ants out. Ants walk away from it and the bank is stuck with a hou
se that will probably never sell. The Ants aren t stuck with trying to sell the
house. If they get evicted, it s the bank s problem now. Why would they invest a
ny more money into something they know will never be a profit or even a break ev
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Yes the bank paid but they can still go after the Ants. The bank can go after th
em if it does not sell for enough to pay the debt. Under the new law, I believe.
I could be wrong.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Even the new Bankruptsy Laws you are not cleared. so many people would do that a
nd it relieved them of all responsibility that has been changed.
linn says:
8 days ago
I know here in CA, if you are a day late you get a call. 3 months and you are in
the paper under "foreclosure dates"..Plus a notice is taped to your front door.
I have NEVER EVER even heard of giving someone 9 months before telling them the
y are being foreclosed on. MY opinion, is B of A was actually in touch with them
, and due to the notority of the Caylee case, tried to give them more time. NO O
NE gives you 9 months of no payments before they foreclose, UNLESS, it was maybe
because of this case? I believe, from what is going on all over, that you get 3
months, then the foreclosure proceedings start. I mean that would have only bee
n about 2100 dollars? Gee, the price of a apartment here. I had no idea their mo
rtgage was so cheap! You rent a room for that here. Something is not right. And
why didn t they get Conway to help stop the foreclosure? If you can afford a law
yer, he should have helped, and could have if he wanted, helped save the home.
Either they felt BofA would, lol, pay off their mortgage for them, or they do ha
ve some evil plan in the works. Something is just not right. 10 years ago I fell
way behind in my mortgage. I was behind close to 4 months. I got the money to c
atch up, but they do not play nice. In 5 days the house was going to go into for
eclosure. The only reason it didn t, is I was a long term client and was never l
ate. Still, they were doing up the papers and it was not even 4 months behind. A
ND YES, I KNEW IT WAS HAPPENING. Good grief, they call all day, they send notice
s, they send e-mails.
These Ants are truly off their farm. I hear a 738 ish payment and I get mad.. lo
l. Let them try CA mortage payments.
losingit says:
8 days ago
I have been educated Rascal. If they owe 120 grand and the bank sells it for 100
grand, the Ants still owe 20 grand. You are 100% correct Rascal.
8 days ago
Let me set you all straight and educate the masses. The ANTfarm owes nothing. Th
ey can do and say what they want. They are right. The bank is wrong. The bank is
lying and is going to be sued by them. They also have a copy of the key so obvi
ously they also had their hand in kidnapping Caylee along with Zanny. Lesson lea
JMo says:
8 days ago
LOL, the Bank of America is the real murderer of Caylee. Do you hear that Baez..
..sieze their assets right away and get a deposition! Oh wait, that s right, you
don t do depositions of everyone that is part of this trial...tee hee.
A payment of 738 might be upsetting, but the cost of living is different in Fla
than in Calif. Wages are way diff. too. We had a sister company out there and th
e person that got hired for the same job as me, made about 30 -40 thousand more
a year....due to the cost of living. 738 is a big payment in Fla., wages are way
low. Plus they bought their house way back when, not in todays market. Thier ho
use was only 90,000, so that payment is right. 90,000 might not buy as much in C
alif, but it sures buys a lot in Texas, La, mississippi, etc.
I think they wanted out of the house and this was their only way. Yes, bankruptc
y laws will cover, but they will still owe the amount lost that the bank can t c
ollect. The good part for them though is this...they only owe about 90,000 and I
see no problem in todays market selling a house that nice for that price. Im su
re that fair market value is much more than that. So, they should have no issue
with walking away.
Meanwhile, I wonder if Misty s statement is true about LP and the reason he is h
elping out the Crookslins?
JMo says:
8 days ago
This site has all the Videos....the first one is of the actual drug bust itself.
Sorry, but this narc clearly makes sure that misty puts all the pills in her pur
se and he makes excuses such as its too big of a bag for me to carry . Just say
in...if I was her lawyer....
Anyway, scary stuff out there.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
8 days ago
WFTV article NOT sympathic to Anthony foreclosure:
Snipped from WFTV article:
The Anthonys face foreclosure despite the money that George and Cindy have made
off the case, including getting paid $20,000 for an exclusive interview on CBS.
And, even though they haven t made a mortgage payment since last May, five month
s after that they went on a cruise.
Some neighbors feel it wouldn t be a bad thing.
“It s good if somebody would buy it. There s nothing wrong with the house. It s
only if you knew. It s all in your mind,” neighbor Kevin Co said.
Cindy is on disability from her nursing job and George has been out of work almo
st since Casey s first arrest. Their son Lee s lawyer said Lee moved in with the
m last year to help them pay their bills, but right after that is when they stop
ped making mortgage payments and Eyewitness News has heard he s moved out.
Neighbor Kevin Co obviously doesn t know all the details of the Anthony’s financ
es, but says he wouldn t feel sorry for them if it turns out they spent money on
a cruise and other things instead of making their $785 per month house payments
“That s not the right thing to do if that s the way they did it,” he said.
One neighbor, who didn’t want to be identified, said if the Anthonys put everyon
e else s property values in jeopardy by being irresponsible with their finances
it s not going to endear them to anyone in the neighborhood.
Still, an Orlando real estate agent told Eyewitness News the intrigue could be a
selling point for some and others might want to help the Anthonys.
“I think there are so many followers of the family that they would step in and t
ry to help the family and one way of doing that is make an attempt to purchase t
he house,” Sarah Eagan explained.
George talked to WESH last night. This was snipped from that story.
George Anthony said "We re not going anywhere." But he told WESH 2 that the coup
le has received many supportive calls and text messages since the story has been
covered in the local news.
"I ve been on interviews and stuff like that and as soon as they see me, it s li
ke, You re this guy. And some, I guess, they don t want to bring me on probabl
y thinking something negative might come out of something and it isn t. I just w
ant to work again," George Anthony said.
My take from reading the WESH article is the Anthonys are expecting the bank to
cut them a break since they are special. Don t think that will ever happen. How
do you not know that you haven t made a payment in 9 months & that the bank migh
t want their money. Kinda makes me question the story that they didn t know that
Casey s car was sitting in that impound lot. I remember them saying the notice
was on their front door & they never used the front door. Did the bank leave all
those late notices on the front door too. BS
Maybe someone will feel so bad for the Anthonys that they will give both of them
a job. Would be interesting to see what story they come up with then to explain
not taking the offer. I don t think either of them want to work. George never d
id & Cindy now thinks she is a celebrity & shouldn t have to work a real job.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
8 days ago
Roxy (plural "roxies"), slang for the drug Roxicodone, an instant release form o
f oxycodone. Oxycodone is percocet.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
8 days ago
Zenida files witness list:
64 names on list & all seem to be investigators that worked on the Caylee case.
Most are Orange County investigators but there are also some from the FBI & Oak
Ridge Lab in Tennessee. Status hearing set for May.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
8 days ago
Snipped from Hal Boedeker article on Anthony family foreclosure at the Orlando S
"WOFL-Channel 35 reported that Conway knows foreclosure firsthand. He owed $300,
000 on a condo in downtown Orlando, but WOFL anchor Bob Frier said Conway didn’t
want to discuss it. The condo went on the auction block this month."
JMo says:
8 days ago
Lee moved in with them for a while to help witht the bills....hmmm, well that te
lls me they have had an issue for awhile, not just since Caylee was missing.
I truly believe it is due to their personal problems. We all know George s work
history. Now, I think Cindy definitely has some mental issues (as we have all wi
tnessed first hand on national tv). However, I think there is some sort of spend
ing problem with her. Look at the stuff in that house. Casey grew up with that a
nd also wanted instant gratification. Couldn t get it though. Stole for it. She
watched mommy and daddy and how they got by. She did the same. An attitude that
everyone owed her. This whole entire story just makes me sick. They are the same
as the crookslin family, just on a different level.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
If you all remember Cindy and George filed Bankruptsy in the state they moved fr
om. Then went to Fl to start over. Casey was a baby at that time so they can not
blame that on her. Cindy is the big spender we can see that by the pictures ins
ide the house. Oh is this the game blame everything on Casey and it was Cindy sp
ending habbits that caused ost of the habbits. Do not get me wrong I am in no wa
y sticking up for Casey. Why do these people fell they are so intitled to everyt
hing including being above the Law.
If someone does not help them I look for anothe filing in the CCourt system only
this time they can not just walk away from there responsibility free and clear.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Now I am really getting sick!!!!!!!!!!
Padilla Considers Helping Anthonys
Home Of George, Cindy Anthony In Foreclosure
8 days ago
Rascal, do not get sick over that or anything. Just sit back and enjoy the show.
L.P. doesn t do somethin for nothin. He is in business to make a profit. And I
do not see SINdy forgiving him just yet! It was him on national T.V. saying that
her and Georgie were 2 clowns short of a circus. Or something to that effect.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Steve, this case just never has a ending it is taking way to long for Justice fo
r little Caylee. I have never seen this many players in a case before. We need a
ending for Jutice for Caylee.
8 days ago
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Owner Name(s): SUNDIN JOHN
Mailing Address: 1438 KENNEDY DR
KEY WEST, FL. 33040
Parcel Id 25-22-29-9057-00-804
Location 322 E CENTRAL BLVD UNIT 804
Municipality ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801
Register of Actions
Case No. 2009-CA-014729-O
Wells Fargo Bank filed foreclosure on May 8, 2009 on Bradley Conway and John Sun
din, owners of the condo.
Final Judgement was entered on Jan 5, 2010 for $ 312,202.58
Sale date was Feb 5, 2010
Bid amount was $ 100.00 from Federal National Mortgage Assoc. and they got Certi
ficate of Title on Feb 19, 2010 (just last Friday)
Is this Karma or What!!!
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
8 days ago
Judge Strickland signed an order today allowing state attorney s office to keep
new evidence from CA defense for the next 30 days. According to the order the "s
tate has shown good cause for a delay in disclosure pursuant to F.R.C.P.3.220 (K
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
8 days ago
Appraiser on Anthony Home
linn says:
7 days ago
OK mates, I might have figured out the 9 months of non payment of a mortgage by
the Ants. Uh, Bullpucky that they didn t know. I took an online course in financ
es. NO, I am not good at my own and admit it. You can be notified up to 6 months
after non payment and they will still try to help. If you state hardship, you a
re given 90 days to pay the payments. SOOOOO there is the 9 months. Bullshi* on
saying they did not know. If you are late ONE WEEK they let you know. After 2 to
3 months, you are warned about foreclosure. NOW, take all that away. What fool
thinks they can not pay their mortgage for 9 months an not be foreclosed on?
And, not that it matters, but is Conway gay? I noticed a man listed with him on
his foreclosure. I mean, just what is going on lately? For an attorney to get a
I wish I lived, well I don t, but try to find a 90,000 house in CA even now. Won
t happen. EVER unless it is a shack on a postage stamp yard. We are in the pits
, but still nothing here for that price. They, the Ants, I think, expected every
one to send money and what? in the lesson I took today, the first thing you pay
is Mortgage/Rent. FIRST. Cruises were last on the list... Wonder if they are men
tally challenged?
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
linn, it is all about them they are the intitled ones. Yes a finance co would ca
ll and also send you notices. I have made it a point to never be late with anyth
ing, bills come fisrt. That is why my husband always had me handle the finances,
he knew I would not let anything go. The Ants dam well knew they did not pay, a
nother lie, oh excuse me Ants in your mind that is only another Half Truth. I do
not buy anything unless I know I can pay for it. There is a method to this if y
ou can not afford it save up until you can pay for it. Cindy went shooping in so
me of the finer shops in NY, I would bet she used that plastic a lot it was her
turn instead of Caseys.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
7 days ago
These pissAnts are no more broke than I am tall -- and I ain t. They have someth
ing up their sleeve, of that I am confident.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
I just wish I knew, there is always a reason for what they do. I wonder if they
have there eye on property on a island somewhere where they hope no one knows wh
o they are. Oh would that tick Casey off.
losingit says:
7 days ago
How tall are you Nordie? I ve always thought I wa 5 4". Lo and behold, I just fo
und out that I m 5 5". That makes me thinner! Right? LOL.
Of course they are up to something. I barely care any more. As Steve suggested,
I m just going to sit back and enjoy the show. Pass the popcorn.
JMo says:
7 days ago
Well, the bombshell out of LP s mouth and Art Harris s mouth is that good ole co
usin Joe may be to blame for Halieghs dissapearance....hmmm, doesn t surprise me
at all. Misty is now saying that he was there that night...etc etc. Also, the s
ister in law that he was staying with says the van was moved and the keys were i
n the kitchen (remember I told you all about my thoughts on the van being moved)
. Anyway, he high tailed it out of town the next morning after Haleigh came up m
issing. Now why would he do that? Maybe he doesn t have Haliegh, but I bet he ma
y of given her to someone.....(a trafficker, friends of Crystals, ...).
If that is all true and Misty knows, then she has not told for fear that Ronald
would hurt her and her family, and she "loves" him. She acts like she is torn be
tween him and her family. What a kooky scammer she is.
Interesting though on Nancy tonight was...if Misty gets bailed out by LP and tel
ls him something about Haliegh...the information can not be used to bargain her
drug sentences. If she hangs on and tells her lawyer, then she might could use i
t as a bargaining tool. However, all she cares about is herself and getting out.
Oh, and God sends her messages now, and just hasn t sent one yet about haliegh,
so she is 100% sure haliegh will come home. YIKES...what a nut case.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
We have alwasys said Mistys knows what happened. Misty is also saying she is not
sure Haleigh will come home so what is the truth. Sorry Haliegh is gone and wil
l not come home and Misty knows this, but she is to afraid to say.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
JMo, hmm God did not tell Misty not to deal drugs, wonder why. I do not feel sor
ry for her with her her whining let her do her time. Less dealers on the street.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
7 days ago
losingit, I m 5 2" if I stand straight. Wow, at 5 5" I would be thin -- maybe I
need a stretcher, teehee.
If God is sending Misty messages, I ve got linn s money to bet she won t want to
listen to what He has to say. Maybe her cornrows are too tight and have effecte
d her hearing
I love popcorn. My favorite treat! Let the show(s) begin.
JMo says:
7 days ago
Yep, its gonna be a showdown alright. The stupidity of these people is really co
ncerning. I just sat there the other night with my jaw open listening to this st
uff. I had to laugh when Lisa was acting like a little kid...YEP, Leornard got m
e a car, so he is serious about getting you out. What are these people, two? The
mentality is astonishing to me.
Yes Misty is beyond messed up in the head, but then again, I think they all are.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
I have decide to buy a bag of fertilizeer for Misty, she can plant he pot in the
corn rows. That should keep her happy.
7 days ago
As Sean Penn says in one of my favorite flicks "Fast Times At Ridgemont High"...
"people on ludes should not drive"
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
7 days ago
Ongoing Investigation or Protection of New Witness?
Valhall/The Hinky Meter addresses Judge Strickland s order yesterday allowing st
ate attorney s office to delay discovery for 30 days with the option of an exten
Great article! It s very informative & well worth the time it takes to read it i
f your as curious as I am to know what this new "materials" & "information" coul
d be.
Snipped from the conclusion of Valhall s post:
It appears that this new information is either:
* new physical evidence that implicates a new person in either the commission of
the original crime, the cover up of the crime, or some other form of obstructio
n of justice after the fact and the state is working to complete an investigatio
n on this new person and this new crime (i.e. charge?), OR
* new evidence/information that has led the state into a new avenue of investiga
tion against Casey Anthony and they are seeking information that could be destro
yed if certain parties or the public became aware of it, leading them to take st
eps to preserve the evidence until they can obtain it, OR
* some one has come forward that the state is concerned if they release their na
me and/or statement will come under unacceptable stress of some sort that could
be so egregious it OUTWEIGHS the usefulness of the defense being privy to the pe
rson’s statement.
Possibly one of the most intriguing phases of this case since Casey went cell-si
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
7 days ago
Jill Kerley (Roy Kronk s ex wife) to be interviewed today by Orange county prose
cutors. Being that Ms Kerley lives in Tennessee & is too ill to travel the inter
view will be done via the internet.
7 days ago
To me it appears that SINdy got her hands dirty
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
7 days ago
oh Capn, one can dream . . . now that would be the best news since the recovery
of the precious baby.
however, my/linn s money is on dominic casey.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Nordie, Since the Circus group put the screw in DC back. I will throw in 10 dogg
ie biscuts with linns money. LOL
We are the big spenders on small budget, hehe
Maybe Spindy would loan us her Charge Card to bet.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Second thought ewww her dirty hands, had decomposition on them no thank you.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Lee at the Memorial made the statement, I will never tell does anyone remember t
his statement?
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Excuse me Lee said he will never forget the promise he made to CMA, was that pro
mise to Casey?
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
7 days ago
I just found this page posted at the Jusice 4 Caylee web site. It s a special se
ction set up for rumors about the upcoming Anthony foreclosure. I m posting for
entertainment purposes only as anything labeled rumor is just that.
Note the 2 facebook links set up to collect money for the Ants. Even if you felt
sympathy for Camp Crazy would you actually send money to a poster on face book?
?? NOT!!
The copy & paste comment from Blink on Crime site is interesting but I don t buy
that LE is talking to someone that would be blogging on the internet. I ve seen
this person posting at Blinks site before under the name of Pamela. In one post
awhile back she claimed that she was told by an Orange County deputy that he ha
d witnessed Casey & Baez in a compromising position when he went there to arrest
her. Casey was never arrest while at Baez s office. At least not that I can rec
ollect. Even the other posters ignored the comment she made in reference to that
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
I would not send them one dime.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago
Shaniya Davis the little girl that was sold for sex and killed, her Mom was bail
ed out of jail by her family, they said it was to hard on her being in jail and
preg. I can not believe she even had bail granted to her.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
7 days ago
Antoinette Davis was bonded out of jail in North Carolina on Sunday by family me
mbers. Will NG or JVM cover this story tonight or will they continue to entertai
n their loyal fans with "The Days of Their Lives Chronicles of Putnum County Dru
g Abusers". Why are we just hearing about this on major news networks? This woma
n is way more dangerous than a few drug abusers.
Why was the bail only $51,000?
Antoinette Davis was charged with human trafficking, felony child abuse–prostitu
tion, filing a false police report and obstructing a police investigation. Arres
t warrants state that Davis “did knowingly provide Shaniya with the intent that
she be held in sexual servitude” and “did permit an act of prostitution with Sha
$50,000 on the human trafficking and child abuse charges and $1,000 on the obstr
uction and false report charges. This is unbelievable! Misty Croslin s bail is o
ver 1 million, Ron Cummings is $900 thousand, & I m sure the others arrested wit
h them have bail amounts that well exceed $51,000.
This makes no sense what so ever. According to North Carolina news sites, Ms Dav
is went to the home of a relative after she was released but they didn t have an
y info on whether the conditions of release required her to wear an ankle bracel
et for tracking purposes. Lets hope so, as no ones children are safe with monste
rs like this loose.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
7 days ago
Good grief Rascal -- too bad she had it hard in jail. What ignorant person even
allowed bail for her murder-enabling %^%^%^%&&&(&&(*%$^$^ bio person??? I am liv
id!!! Whoever bailed her out must have gone to the antfarm school of stupid.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
6 days ago
Rascal, the copy and paste from the blinkoncrime site is illegal. Second, I don
t believe it to be true. Another idiot as far as I am concerned. Those pissants
are still living in the make-believe love shrine.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Nordie, The Judge set that bail a long time ago.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
6 days ago
According to latest WFTV news article, Jill Kerley s deposition was taken via sk
ype at her attorney s office in Knoxville,Tennessee today. Story states that it
will be up to Judge Strickland to review the deposition & decide whether her tes
timony is relevant & can be used by defense at trial.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
6 days ago
Rascal, I had forgotten about the amount of bail. aargh!
The site about the foreclosure of the antfarm, not your copy and paste, sorry I
didn t say it correctly, but the site administrator of the foreclosure of the an
tfarm. Whoever created the site just copied and pasted from blinkoncrime without
contributing notes. That s not good for whoever did it. Sorry for the confusion
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Nordie, Laughing now, I looked all the way threw all the posts. I try to be very
careful, but sometimes I post before both eyes are really open in the morning.
Wheee feel better now.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
6 days ago
I am not usually a mean person, but the other day I was in the dollar store (eve
rything for a dollar). Maybe we can send them half-truth money -- thousands and
thousands of play money. Maybe we could write "your love for Caylee equals the w
orth of this money" across the top. nay, they aren t worth the postage.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Nordie, They seem to bring that attitude out in all of us.
JMo says:
6 days ago
Here is a cold case out of Denver, where it is obvious to me who committed the m
urder....maybe this will be a good short reading to take our minds off the ANTS,
CROOKLINS and the baby traffickers!
linn says:
6 days ago
Nordie.. LOLOL!! You are cracking me up! Uh, I guess you did not see my post on
taking a personal finance course? HAHAHAHA.. I am not Rascal. sigh. I am strivin
g to be and that course was great, though like I told them in there demanding "h
ow great was the course", they need to update. People, at least not here can jus
t go out and get a second job. People are losing the ONLY job they have. And the
y expect you to have a full 3 months of monthly expenses in savings. I wish I co
uld. Gee, I got that question wrong as I thought the most important thing was to
pay off debt first, but no, you are to save for 3 months if you lose your job.
People here have been out of work for a year, unemployment is gone and so, if th
ey did it, the 3 months saved. now what? Anyway, I am horrible at finances and h
ave myself in quite a mess. One I am determined to get out of. And trust me, if
Target has become a fancy store, I will stop shopping there! There truly in my h
ousehold, is nothing to cut back on. Except that massive stash of pennies I have
AND NORDIE~! I am also 5 2".. And if you find us a stretching machine to make us
thinner, let me know. I am sure my finance class will say it is a NEED not a WA
NT! lol
You cracked me up!
Rascal, you are now my "inspiration"!
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
6 days ago
JMo, That is a real interesting case & I think that the will being changed right
before her death is a big red flag. I think the Colorado state attorney s offic
e needs to take another look at all the evidence. I believe that a grand jury wo
uld indict these two guys if given the chance. The roommate is in it up to his e
yeballs too. If you didn t read the comments below the story you should do so. S
ounds like 2 of the posters might be the actual perps or friends of theirs. I ca
n t believe that they are still walking free. Wonder how many women will have to
die at their hands before someone will throw them behind bars. Could those two
be a little more than friends? Another blogger asked that question too.
linn says:
6 days ago
Nordie! Look what you did! Now I am buying doggie biscuits for Rascal?? LOL.. An
d did you take my 100 pennies to shop at the dollar store? OH MY GOSH! My poor 5
5 pound bulldog does not even get doggie biscuits! We are trying to cut back. Hm
mm, she still gets her chicken strips. Hey, we get sandwiches for dinner and her
food costs a fortune! I had no idea when I got the bulldog that they need "spec
ial food". Sure I buy it to save on vet bills, and she runs over and eats the ca
t crunchies and leaves her food. She like hot dogs.. lol.
JMo, excellent observation though I think we all see it by now. The crosslings,
or however you spell it, are all messed up in the head. Did you hear the dad on
the jail tapes? Said something to the effect of what happened or, gee, I truly f
orget, but he hurried up, almost frantic to tell Misty "never mind, don t answer
". That even got NG to perk up.
And at one point Misty said God would bring Haleigh home. I took that to mean, G
od would bring her home. But not alive, just home. Is Misty so drugged out she t
ruly believes God is talking to HER? As far as it all goes, everyone in prison "
finds God or religion". It is almost a joke. She will be "good, stay home and ne
ver do this again"..Again, they ALL say that! She would be home about 1 week bef
ore she started right back. NG showed the undercover video. I can t get video on
my computer, but it showed Ron counting pills and say it was only 24, not 25, y
et I saw him putting one in his mouth? IS that what you all were mentioning as f
ar as the video? He is in the front seat, Misty in the back.
ODD to me, is Misty was there when his child was taken, they marry a month later
, divorce a few months later, but now she is calling Ron "baby" and he is back t
o treating her like a g/f. So what is up? I am beginning to think Ron knows some
thing or why go back to Misty? WHO goes back to an ex after a divorce, much less
to the girl that was in charge of your child when she was taken? Makes no sense
Finally, sigh, I DO think the Ants are up to something major regarding their hou
se. I think they were saving the house payments, and bought something somewhere
else before the bankruptcy caught up to them. Don t see how that will work, but
fun to see how it will turn out. Cindy should have been making decent money. Nur
ses here make about starting wages at 32.00 an hour. Not sure there, but all nur
ses make enough to cover a 740.00 house payment. If too much cc debt, you would
think bankruptcy. Not to play STUPID! Are they not embarrassed? Everyone in the
world knows you are notified in several ways what is going on. Plus, couldn t go
od ole CONway have seen it coming? Bullpucky to all of them. The Ants and the Cu
mmings, and Croslings.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Put the cat food up high like maybe the top of dryer that makes a dog gain a lot
of weight. I know with dogs like Rascal it can make them very, very ill. I have
lived that way all my life linn, and actually do not mind at all. And yet I hav
e everything I need.
linn your comment about nurses are true, but the key word was Working. as long a
s the Ants can scam the public why should either of the Ants work, how they ever
got disability I will never understand.
Look at all the material things in the video inside the house, nothing but the b
est for them.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Misty woulld be poping pills on the ride home, or stop on the way to get one. yo
u give her to much credit to stay off drugs for a week.
JMo says:
6 days ago
Jo1031, yeah, maybe there were way too many circumstantial things I guess for th
em to actually pin it on him, but I really think they were going after the bigg
er fish and that was the lawyer that they put away for 32 years. Seems this wif
e was the second person to die that was connected to this guy....hmmm, anyway, y
es the two of them are certainly in cahoots. How could they lose track of them!!
As far as the drug deal, I posted above what I seen on that video, and they were
scamming the guy in the front seat. Misty was BS ing him about being her friend
, etc. She is not that stupid...she knew she was trying to play him, but alas, h
e was playin her. All of them PLAYERS! The plan was probably to get Misty to fl
irt with him and schmooze him while they stashed pills and claimed we were robb
ed . Bullshit, its a street wise trick. Too bad they couldn t put that much effo
rt into trying to find Haleigh, eh?
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Kronks x wife video, this is not the one from Tennesee
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
The x is on the end of this video and this is not the new video.
JMo says:
6 days ago
I would like to hear the psychologist s take on body language with this one! Ser
iously, what are these kooky women doing? I think they are drama queens. They ar
e looking for attention and fame. Personally, I think someone is "paying" them.
So, maybe Casey and Kronk were in on it together, eh? Maybe he was supposed to f
ind the body after Casey dumped it, get the reward money and they would both mov
e away to Calif. LOL.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
They al have a axe to grind, you can see that.
JMo says:
6 days ago
Capn Steve, tighten the hatches! Don t be fooled...this is the calm before the
storm! I think the prosecutions secret is gonna blow every thing out of the wa
I hope it s a print , don t you all??? Or better yet, Lee will come forward to
admit that Casey confessed to him. He probably can t hold the secret anymore a
nd can t stand watching her lie anymore. Or, DC is gonna spill the beans on the
ANTs and tell something to prove Casey s guilt.
I keep thinking about those clothes of hers in the closet that had stains on the
m under the special lights. However, I really think there may be a secret witne
ss or two from the hotel where Casey went the night of the murder and saw her p
utting Caylee in the back of the trunk of the car with duct tape on her mouth. M
aybe there is even a survellance tape that caught her in the act? That would be
the BOMBSHELL, now wouldn t it!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
JMo, We can only wish for one of those theories to be true.
6 days ago
The hatches are tight!!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
6 days ago
Steve, I have the garden sprayer ready also not piss ants on board this ship on
my watch.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
More evidence to be released in Casey Anthony case
JMo says:
5 days ago
Sorry folks, but I think Sindy is gonna go down with Casey. I think Lee or Domin
ic is gonna tell. Those two deserve each other.
But, just given the fact that G & C were dining on crab cakes when they heard Ca
ylee s body was found...and they had NO REACTION, tells me they already knew the
facts....DC will rat them out, for sure! I also think it is possible that Lee p
ut Caylees body there after she was jailed based on all the clues they were ge
tting and Lee promised to never tell (or not tell she confessed)...or that Cindy
told DC where the body was. I can hardly wait for the states BOMBSHELL....
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
5 days ago
JMo, Here s a link to Dr. Lillian Glass s take on Jill Kerley. Bottom line she i
s lying through her teeth & even some of the defense weren t buying her story.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
JMo, Actually the Ants were in Calif when remains of Caylee were found and flew
back. A limo picked them up and they ended up at the Ritz because they did not w
ant to stay at the house.. That is where they met up with DC and Baez.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Kronks x just wanted to get on the news and get even with Kronk, she is a real w
JMo says:
5 days ago
Right. They had No Reaction when they learned of Caylee s body being found.
Thanks Jo, I wondered. You can tell she is lying for sure. I hope the judge thro
ws that BS out, as it has nothing to do with Caylee!!!
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
5 days ago
linn, me loves spending all your money. (be very quiet and don t tell anyone, bu
t Rascal sends half his stash to my Nordie).
A part of me thinks Lee is involved as well, ie moving the body. But I still mai
ntain DC is the bombshell.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Number why would anyone that was supposedly beat up, abused wraped up with duct
tape wait 20 Yrs to say such a thing it is BS she has to have her media attentio
JMo says:
5 days ago
Yeah, I think DC is a jilted lover and he is sick and tired of being thrown unde
r the bus by all these fame seeking idiots. I think he will try and trump them a
ll by holding his tongue until the last minute. He however wants to be the grand
est grandstander of them all. He will wait his turn.
linn says:
5 days ago
Rascal..Her dog food bag is 50 pounds. one of my problems is there is no where t
o store the bag. I am trying to become financially savvy..I would love to buy a
huge, at Costco, container that holds that much dog food and put it on the deck
as long as it is waterproof. As it is, I cannot even lift it when it is full. Th
e cats know there food is in their bowl in the kitchen, on the floor. These cats
are used to just going to eat when they want. I KNOW I have to put it up, but w
e always forget. This bulldog can eat that small bowl of food in seconds. SOOOOO
O, I am sitting on the couch today. There was a blanket on the couch and a large
one my son uses, YES, he has to sleep on the couch as there is no more room. An
yway, Peaches in on the blanket and I saw it coming. About a gallon of well, don
t mean to gross anyone out, but a gallon of vomit just gushed out of that dog.
Luckily I shoved the big blanket under her. I knew something was up as she was s
ort of foaming around her mouth and acting funny. Anyway, sigh, got the blankets
on the deck, daughter is cleaning the foam and residue from the carpet. I am ou
t there hoseing down the blankets. A WHOLE hotdog, hmmmm, I didn t give her that
. I was waiting to see a body or something. But I do believe it was the cat food
. Bulldogs must eat special food. Really no grains or fillers. That is why her f
ood cost 50 bucks a bag. Something I wish I knew when I got Peaches. Not that he
r tummy was empty, I kept it that way all the rest of the day. She got a scoop o
f her dog food and water. I spent my day hosing down and washing blankets. Good
gosh, nothing worse than that.
And I am now truly striving to get back on the financial track. There are "NEEDS
" and "WANTS". That is what I am focusing on. I was always the I WANT it so char
ge it! No more. One thing that would get me in trouble was my beloved magazines.
All those do is make you want what you don t need or can afford.
Another reason I stay home and let my daughter do the shopping. We make a list a
nd she sticks to it. Somethings we will not even buy if not on sale. I strive to
be a Rascal.. lol..
Oh, and a PS, my laundry is way down the flight of stairs and a long hallway so
that is out. But I am going to find a place for the dog food. The cat food has i
ts place, it is just leaving that little bowl out for the cats. They expect it.
water is already an issue as the dog will drink the cat water, so they then won
t. I have been reduced for the one special cat, to putting his water in the bath
room or he will drink from the toilet.. lol
NOW, who has any ideas on what the prosectution has on Casey that they are being
allowed to keep secret? I think it might be a "BOMBSHELL".. just wonder what. A
nd why would any nut listen to that crazy Kronk s ex wife? Good grief, but she i
s maybe an Anthony relative? She is nuts!
JMo says:
5 days ago
So here is how I think he will incriminate Sindy. DC will probably say: Cindy to
ld me that Casey told her where the body was and she sent me to look there speci
fically. Cindy knew all along where the body was trashed. They accepted Caylee a
s dead, the day they smelled that damn dead body odor in the trunk. I bet you an
ything that Sindy wanted DC to find it and move it or hide it....but Mrs. Kronkf
ire found it first. Or maybe, just maybe, she told DC to go look there, then rep
ort there was nothing there , so later if found, they could say the one arm ba
ndit put it there after Casey was jailed. lol.
JMo says:
5 days ago
Lets don t forget DC s psychic stories...that supposedly led him to that area...
.lol. Right. more like PsychoSindy.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
linn, when we had a large dog I purchased a new heavy duty plastic trash can jus
t for the large dogs food on the deck and kept it under the over hang in the cor
ner where the rain did not get on it.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
Casey was also sending mail out with out going threw Baez, Lee told her how to d
o it. Because Baez was not giving Caseys mail to the family.
JMo says:
5 days ago
This just popped into my mind....
I wonder if LE found the missing "phone" that Casey said she used or that strang
e "sim card" she says was lost or stolen. Maybe they found it in some of that me
ss in her room when they searched....? I can t remember all the details about it
, but I know if we had it, it would have good information on her...maybe some go
od evidence. Maybe someone else had it and they came forward with it?
Maybe they found it on Zanny Kronkfire?? LMAO!
JMo says:
5 days ago
Anyone remember the tall tales of the phone use?
Also, what about those two guys that say they saw a woman with a big straw hat,
big sunglasses and a car that fit the white pontiac s description, dumping garb
age out of the trunk of her car and saw her with a shovel. Does anyone remember
JMo says:
5 days ago
I m also wondering if Casey got the garbage bags out of the garage supply and
there were only 2 bags missing out of it? And they found the receipt for it. Str
ange for it to be open if it is there as backup (you see the storage in their ga
rage area). Meanwhile, Sindy is using the garbage bags in the house for the mont
h Caylee is gone.
Sorry, but these things are coming to mind as possible evidence. I think they ma
y of found something in her room that will nail her (hopefully).
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
4 days ago
dink, donk, the witch will be dead, the wicked, wicked witch will be dead -- sor
ry, been humming it all day. I love singing to momster.
linn says:
4 days ago
Great idea Rascal. I need to get that 50 pound bag out of my small kitchen! She,
Peaches is not a large, per se, dog. She is just a bulldog. Short by any dog st
andards, but a hefty 51 pounds. She just has to half special food, sold in 50 po
und bags. I so wish I could get away with cat food. So much cheaper. The origina
l food I started her out on keeps going up in price. Started at 41, now it is 54
dollars! in just 2 years it has gone up 13 dollars. I now buy IAM s. It has no
grains or fillers, and has a bulldog on the bag.. haha. So good enough for me. G
reat idea
I wonder how the Casey defense can honestly think Kronk s Krazy ex will do anyth
ing but make them look stupid? I mean, I HAVE duct tape! Does that mean I did it
too? A confession. Doing work with it once, I put a strip around my grandsons w
rist to see if he could get it off. He said he was a magician.. Anyway, he could
not budge it. So does that mean I could have killed Caylee too? Let me tell you
, duct tape is a miracle product! It truly is impossible to destroy. I think, ev
en if Caylee was alive with it was placed on her face, NO WAY could she get it o
ff before she suffocated. No way, especially when attached to her hair. This is
turning into a circus. With all the defense dropping like flies, I wonder if the
y will start asking for a new trial already. Can they do that?
linn says:
4 days ago
JMo.. I would think they found something in Casey s room, but that was so search
ed when this first happened that *I think they found *new* evidence.
Things we forgot, Or I did.
1. Her diary with that odd entry.
2. The ring. *most of you remembered it*
3. The men that saw Casey with the hat and shovel. I do remember the LE ruling t
hat out, but who knows?
4. Well, brain dead now but I know there was a lot of stuff that they are so qui
et over now.
I am wondering if DC is turning on them now as they might have something on him.
If Lee is so sick of this now that he has finally spoke up in Caylee s defense.
.. But in the back of my mind, and from what I pick up on this, the LE found NEW
evidence. remember, they did not want to disclose it. If you have something you
must disclose it to the other side. So things that happened months, a year ago,
would already have been disclosed. This seems major discovery and they do not w
ant the defense to have it. That the prosucution got 30 days before they have to
disclose it is major. This is where I think DC comes in. He admitted or the LE
found out crucial info yet don t want to disclose it yet for the duhfense to try
to krunkify it. However you look at it, I cannot wait to hear what it is. For o
nce, I think we are truly looking at a "BOMBSHELL".. I sure pray it is. AND on a
sidenote, the more I think of the Ants saying they had no clue their house was
going into foreclosure the more I know you are liars. Anyone that owns a house a
nd is a week late on a payment is notified! 9 MONTHS?And George was in LE and Ci
ndy a nurse? No one can handle those jobs and be idiots at the same time. Good g
osh!! I can only wish my mortgage was 738.00 or so. Even collecting disability,
she could afford to pay the mortage. That is your most important bill. That is p
aid FIRST, everything else is second. Even with no heat or water, you have to ha
ve a place over your head.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
4 days ago
Great article by Simon Barrett at Blogger News.
Snipped from story:
"There are actually many parallels between the Haleigh Cummings and Caylee Antho
ny cases. So many that I find it disturbing. Actually sources close to the case
have made the same comments."
"What I do see in the Haleigh Cummings and Caylee Anthony case is abuse. Abuse b
y dereliction of parental care. Both cases scream out at me, little children beg
ging for help. Both cases have garnered major news coverage, and both cases have
revealed a truly ugly world that these young children were in. I would not put
Casey Anthony in charge of taking the garbage out, never mind caring for a two y
ear old child! Casey’s mother and father have been playing ‘poor mouth’ since th
e event, yet they have apparently cashed in, it has been widely reported that th
ey received $100,000 from a large media outlet, yet still face foreclosure. Mom
and dad George and Cindy tell us that because of the press coverage neither can
find a job!"
"Of course this is rubbish!"
"Over on the Haleigh Cummings case we have a cast of characters that quite hones
tly should not be allowed to keep a goldfish never mind children. It is simple t
o explain in one word ‘DRUGS’."
They will be talking about the Haleigh case today at 3p central time. If you mis
s it at 3p you can listen anytime by clicking on the blue logo on right side of
home page.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
4 days ago
JMo, I don t think there ever was a second phone. I believe that story came abou
t to explain why Zanny s phone number was not in the data bank of the phone that
LE did have & why there were no calls from the imaginary nanny. I remember her
saying the lost phone was the one bought by Universal for work. No job with Univ
ersal = No phone. IMO
I do remember the man that said he & his friend saw her near the airport with a
shovel & there was also a women who saw a car like Casey drove in another area n
ear the airport too but on different days. Maybe she was looking for places to d
ispose of Caylee or could just be people looking for 15 minutes of fame. Seems t
o be too much of that going on in this case.
I still lean towards Dominic Casey as being the new "information & material". Ba
ez supposedly stiffed him on his fee & I didn t hear that the Ant farm shared an
y of their ill gotten gains from that 48 Hours show with him. They just got on t
he Love Boat & sailed away with their new tattoos & party clothes.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
4 days ago
JMo, I think it is DC also. He strikes me as a man that will cover his butt no m
atter what.
JMo says:
4 days ago
Yeah, it probably is DC...its strange how he refused the depositions and got awa
y with it, eh? Actually, I think maybe he was caught doing something he wasn t s
upposed to be doing...remember his partner ratted him out??
Well, my take on it is this..HE CUT A DEAL with the State to save his own ass. H
e will turn over crucial evidence to get immunity from being charged. Otherwise,
things will just remain a mystery. I think this is why the Judge is willing to
let it be kept secret...witness protection. Boy or boy, I bet G & A are sweating
bullets! I bet they all end up charged with something. Maybe that s why they ar
e letting their house foreclose and blowing their money...they know this could b
e the end of the road for them and their skanky ass murdering daughter.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
3 days ago
I just reread Dominic Casey s one & only know interview with law enforcement tha
t has been released to refresh my memory & maybe gain some insight into what he
might have to offer in the way of information to the state attorney s office. Th
is interview was done in January of 2009 & released to the public only 3 months
later in March. The written transcript is just over 80 pages with the first part
consisting mostly of questions about his search & the video tapping of the site
were the remains were eventually found. Then they start asking detailed questio
ns about the tips that were received by the Anthony family. They seemed particul
arly interested in that photo of the alleged Caylee sighing at the Orlando Mall.
I remember hearing that photo was traced to Dominic Casey s cell phone. Not tha
t someone had sent the photo to him via cell but that he had most likely taken t
he photo or someone using his cell had. Now I don t know if this was fact or rum
or but if true this could be one of the things law enforcement is holding over h
is head. I think that LE knew that some of those sightings were manufactured by
Camp Crazy to send LE & searchers in the wrong direction. When Cindy cleaned the
car & gave the FBI the wrong hairbrush she could easily claim stress & stupidit
y but manufacturing evidence to deter LE is not going to be explained away no ma
tter what she says. The last part of his interview dealt with questions about th
e night the remains were found & the Ritz Hotel.
Here s the link to his interview if anyone wants to reread it.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
3 days ago
Where was Casey for 2 years?
Article posted today by John in Florida at his web site. He is the man who does
all of those funny pictures & videos relating to the Anthony case.
I have wasted lots of time wondering what Casey & Caylee were doing when the Ant
s thought she was working & also thought she might have hung out in those woods
till the coast was clear at home. The only money she ever had was what she could
steal from family & friends so she couldn t afford to shop or put gas in her ca
r all the time. I did at one time entertain the idea that she might have been st
aying at that vacant house that Dominic Casey also searched around while been vi
deo taped by Hoover but it was proven by a local blogger that the neighbors woul
d have seen her car as there was no where to hide it on the property.
This may well be a question that only Casey can answer & therefore we will never
know the truth.
Or is that really a white car in that photo from 2008 & can LE have an expert en
hance the photo?
Guess only time & the trial well tell!
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
3 days ago
Is Casey Anthony dancing on her daughters grave?
Story was posted at the Atlanta Examiner yesterday. Good review of the case from
the first 911 call till today.
My answer would be YES & that the whole Anthony family are dancing with her. In
fact after seeing those cruise photos I think Cindy, George, & Lee are doing mos
t of the dancing.
JMo says:
3 days ago
Good articles Jo. I agree that something came up during his interview with Prose
cutors. That would be interesting about the photo for sure. Sindy did spend a lo
t of time trying to get LE looking in other places...like NY and out of the coun
try. I think she would of went to lengths to get the focus off of Casey and her
family. So strange.
However, I think Hoover told something on DC and the state investigators put two
and two together and DC was going down. He provided them with some info for sur
e that would save his behind. That very well could be it (about the photo), but
that wouldn t nail Casey, just Psyndi for interferance. I think Psyndi knew some
how where Caylee was and may of told DC to search there and then report nothing.
That way they could claim the body was put there after Casey was in jail. Remem
ber that Baez also told him that if he found anything, don t call 911....to call
him (baez)instead. I think it was a setup by Psyndi, George, and Lee and Baez
was in on it too, so he could win his case.
We shall see.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
3 days ago
JMo, Your correct the photo being bogus would only implicate those involved with
that diversionary tactic. But if DC was involved in that it would give law enfo
rcement leverage to gain other info that would nail Casey. For example, Cindy te
lling DC that Casey admitted that Caylee was dead & told her where the body was.
All the state attorney would have to do is put Cindy on the stand under oath af
ter DC s testimony & the trial would be over. Obstruction of justice & lying to
law enforcement is serious. Just ask Martha Stewart.
I believe that Cindy knew for a fact that Caylee was dead the day Casey came hom
e from jail. Cindy went into the bathroom with Casey to take a shower & when the
y came out the story about the abduction changed to Jay Blanchard Park. Casey co
uld have told Cindy it was an accident. Maybe even a story involving the pool. S
he was probably aware of the fact that mom & dad had appeared on Greta s show &
told the story about the pool & ladder. Baez was keeping her informed of what th
e media was saying about the case. She probably cried & said she didn t know wha
t to do & was afraid that LE would not believe her. Being that she believes that
everything Casey says is gospel the big plan came into play to cover Casey s bu
tt. That would be to make sure the body is never found. So then August brings us
the Ants bad mouthing Padilla & Tim Miller along with LE. Remember Tim Miller w
as trying to search that area but couldn t because of the water & Cindy is attac
king him via the media. She doesn t want anyone looking for the body of Caylee.
Maybe she believes No Body, No Case but then the grand jury indicts for murder &
the plan has to change. The body needs to be moved to another location as those
woods are way to close to the Anthony home & in the area where Casey hung out w
ith friends as a teen. Along comes D. Casey & he figures it all out or is told b
y Cindy the real deal. Pillow talk so to speak. What if his mission was to find
the remains & make sure they were relocated & planted evidence pointed to someon
e on Cindy s hit list. He also has to find a place where he is sure someone will
find it & all the evidence pointing to someone else before the case goes to tri
Did Lee & George know the truth back in August after Casey got out of jail or ev
en today? Somehow I don t think Cindy shared that info with them as she was alwa
ys covering for Casey. Lee is guilty of something but I don t think its any thin
g more than maybe tampering with the lap top or failing to share what he was abl
e to dig up while he was playing detective. And George is just plain clueless &
I believe always has been. He believes what Cindy tells him to believe.
JMo says:
3 days ago
yep, sounds right to me. I think Cindy is in this deep! She over compensated whe
n it came to Casey. She went overboard on her acting...."Caylee is still alive"
etc. when she knew that was a dead body and Caylee was gone for months. I think
when I said before that she really dug a grave for Casey, it was deeper than I t
Remember the jailhouse tapes where they keep reminding each other that they are
family and have to stick together? I think they were reminding Casey that they w
ere going to cover for her and to just keep maintaining her innocence. We can t
forget how much saving face means to Cindy. It means the world to her. She had
to cover up Casey s pregnancy, she had to cover up George s problems, she had t
o cover up everything to save face and this is no different. She hasn t been try
ing to save Casey, she is trying to save herself. I think this is the way this f
amily operates. They have always covered up for each other. I bet Casey was alwa
ys getting into trouble and daddy George would pull his rank and slide it under
the table. Casey never had to be responsible for anything.
Cindy is so self absorbed. She probably thinks that if Casey is found guilty, th
en it will make her look bad as a mother and grandmother. She doesn t care about
Casey..she cares about herself and her reputation in the community. Thats why s
he has been going on TV saying, oh casey was the moty! We ve never had arguments
! etc. She wants to paint a pretty picture of their life. If anyone messes it up
, she is there to repaint it for them.
I too think Casey told her what happened in the bathroom that day and Cindy is a
rescuer ! I bet she told Casey "don t worry sweetheart, I will take care of th
is, you just keep quiet and it will be over soon".
I bet if Cindy and George would of stayed out of this, we would of already had t
he confession and none of this would be happening. Cindy may become an "accessor
y to murder". Now wouldn t that be interesting?
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
3 days ago
Accessory after the fact . . . whatever legal term . . . has an awesome ring to
it!!! I believe the entire antfarm is guilty of that!!!
There is no way the antfamily would not have been beating down doors if they bel
ieved Caylee was alive!! Alas, the only ones they tried to beat down were those
trying to help ie LE, Miller, etc.
3 days ago
Gee SINdy, maybe our first (but not last) clue was giving L.E. the dogs tootbrus
h, hairbrush, paintbrush, etc...
Yo momster s mommy, they asked for Caylee s stuff not Fido s! OY VEY George, you
are one sad excuse for a man.
JMo says:
3 days ago
You guys are cracking me up!
I think they knew the day that Casey was sitting in the bedroom with Lee and he
asked her why she would do this and she replied, "I guess I m just a SPITEFUL BI
TCH"! They all knew. They have known all along that Casey was Psycho too and tha
t s why they danced around her and tenderly called her sweetheart in every sen
tence. They didn t want to piss her off.
Too bad that George never stood up to any of them and put his foot down. One loc
o family for sure.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
3 days ago
New post at The Hinky Meter:
Daisy Chains & Media Whores
I can hear it now, HLN s promo for this evenings NG show.
BOMBSHELL!! No life bloggers say bounty hunter Leonard Padilla is not only a med
ia whore but is also full of chit.
JMo says:
3 days ago
Yes, he mumbles on and chews that toothpick. Everyone has their role to fill. He
just sits there and comes up with theory s. I don t know why NG has him on. Als
o, NG has a show to produce. New viewers are also the audience she has to addres
s. Of course that means we have to sit through mounds of bombshell statements to
capture the listeners and then mounds of rehash to catch them up on whats hap
pening. I m not sure that NG is meant to be watched all the time, as it can get
repetitive, but that means that we have to move on (graduate if you will) from N
G, to something more fast moving and informative. NG will probably always start
her show off with Bombshell, blah blah to capture the audience. Just my thoughts
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
2 days ago
JMo, I will admit I was a big fan of NG at one time. But that was before the foc
us of the show changed. They seem to be more about sensationalizing the stories
they report on for ratings than getting accurate info out to the public. I don t
watch her show at all any more & hardly turn on HLN either. I still watch Prime
News with Mike Galanos some times but as far as the rest of the night time line
up I just flip the channel. I have never been able to sit through JVM & Joy Beh
ar s shows. After reading the comments at The Hinky Meter I see that I m not alo
ne in my thoughts. I do read comments at other sites when I have time & posters
are always talking about the show. They constantly complain about the content, t
he twins, & her jewelry but continue to watch the show. If people would turn it
off maybe HLN would replace those women. I vote for Valhall at the Hinky Meter t
o take over those night time slots.
I m having one problem with my theory that Dominic Casey knew the body was in th
ose woods. If so then why did they go to the vacant home at 8718 Brackenwood Dr?
I googled the address so I could see where it was in relation to the Anthony ho
me & those woods thinking maybe it was close enough that they made a mistake abo
ut the location & I don t see how that could have happened. It appears to be one
block behind Suburban Drive. Were they looking for something else at that site?
Like maybe some other sort of evidence of the crime that LE shouldn t find & no
t necessarily a body. BTW the previous resident of that home was a Herman Gonzal
es. Strange!!
JMo says:
2 days ago
Well, it may be just the simple fact that the previous owner was Herman Gonzales
. Maybe they were checking out where Zanny was or could of been? Maybe he did th
at so he wouldn t look suspicious just going to one location directly. Sort of c
overing his tracks to throw things in the mix?
2 days ago
N.G. likes to make the news instead of reporting it. She never watched Walter Cr
onkite I guess or she may have learned a thing or two. And to say "I m sorry" th
at my friends is against her religion. Hey N.G., if so many people have a proble
m with you, mayne you ARE the problem!
JMo says:
2 days ago
Another sociopathic sex offender kills this child and rapes her....so sad.
JMo says:
2 days ago
650 New Pages of Evidence Released on Casey...
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
2 days ago
I m hoping that psycho didn t kill that young girl but from reading the MSNBC st
ory it sure seems like LE is searching for a body. It would be nice if for once
one of these stories would turn out differently. Maybe he has her hidden somewhe
re & LE will find her alive. I can t imagine having to deal with thinking about
what a sicko like him would have done to my child. Very sad for her family & fri
JMo, By November of 2008 everyone in Camp Crazy had to know that Zanny the Nanny
was as bogus as the tooth fairy. Therefore I can t see them looking for somethi
ng that doesn t exist. But you could be right with your other idea of them makin
g it look like they didn t just search one site. Your idea made me think a littl
e more about this & I came up with something more plausible. I also did a little
research in addition to watching the video they taped again. I also found a You
tube video of Kathi Belich interviewing Bill Shaeffer about the abandoned house
& Dominic Casey s video. His opinion was that the video taping of the vacant hou
se was a set up. He wasn t really looking for anything but making it look like h
e was. Then I ask myself...... WHY?
Could it be that..... Cindy found out that house was abandoned & that someone by
the name of Gonzales had lived there, which she decides to use to her benefit.
She sends DC to video tape it with Hoover as a witness that Caylee s remains wer
e not there in November. After they find the actual remains in those woods they
place them at the former home of Mr. Gonzales. Then they make sure LE gets a tip
to check out that property. Caylee s remains are found & they can spin the stor
y that Zanny placed the body there after Casey was in jail. If they have their t
ipster throw in that they believe that Zenaida is an illegal relative of the for
mer resident & went back to Latin America the whole scam might just sound believ
able to some gullible people. But the plan gets foiled when those two can t find
the body. I don t think Hoover was in on the plan he was just their patsy.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
2 days ago
Orlando Sentinel did a story Sunday on Keith Mitnik. He s the attorney that is w
orking with John Morgan whose firm is representing Zenaida Gonzales in her defam
ation suit against Casey Anthony. You ll remember him from Cindy s deposition. S
he should have done some research on him because this man has won quite a few mu
lti-million dollar awards for his clients. I believe her attitude has probably g
iven him more incentive to win this case.
Here s the link for OS story:
JMo says:
2 days ago
I agree that Hoover wasn t in on it, but he was on to it. I think this is when h
e decided to rat DC out. He was definitely jealous that DC wasn t sharing things
with him. What about when Hoover said, "he told me to turn the video taping off
, but I didn t". He figured he was being used so that someone else could claim t
he credit.
Kinda funny, but it makes me think of checking kids for head lice. You know whic
h one has it, but you line them all up and check each one, so it looks like you
don t know. That way, one doesn t get singled out from the rest. Then you send t
hem all back to their desks. About 20 min. later, you have the overhead speaker
call in and say, suzie s mom is here to see her . Used to be that Suzie was jus
t go to the office, but now the kids have gotten wise and start laughing and say
ing, suzies the one with head lice .
Just like this story, it doesn t matter how many places DC had Hoover video him
at, we all know he knew where to look for that body.
Sorry for the weird analogy, but that s what came to mind.
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
2 days ago
JMo, agree, agree. DC is a missing link in this saga.
imacynic2 says:
2 days ago
Linn - I do know of something grosser - I have a 100 pound labrador retreiver. L
ooks just like Marley - eats like Marley too - anything and everything he can fi
nd - He can reach higher than I can - and so we took to storing the loaves of br
ead in an upper cabinet - over the counter and up in the air ya know? - so anywa
y one day someone forgot to shut the door - Jersey helped himself - a couple loa
ves of bread - some buns - a box of cereal - all in one sitting.
Because of those types of instances - he is sentenced to confinement in my room
when we aren t home. One day I came home to find him howling and crying miserabl
y. I got through the door (my room is on the second floor) and the odor almost k
nocked me over. He had some running discharge issues from his rear - he basicall
y exploded everywhere and it was so stinky - took weeks to air out - he felt so
bad. . .
JMo says:
2 days ago
A little article about Judge Pirro....she comments on Casey Anthony being a murd
erer in a horrific way...
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago
P.I. Jim Hoover Breaks Silence In Casey Case
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
2 days ago
JMo, I actually enjoyed your analogy & it fits the DC/Hoover shenanigans perfect
ly. Also Judge Pirro always tells it like it is.
Wesh news video posted this morning shows a page listing supplemental discovery
released to the defense this week. The video only showed a partial list but WESH
said the majority of the new material deals with TES interviews.
Some of the items we ll see as soon as the media gets the info & downloads it in
Interviews, photos,transcript Cpl Melich
Globe Magazine photos Ricardo Moralis
FBI enhanced trunk photos
Interviews with Tim Miller & other TES members including a phone recording of Jo
e Jackson (he was the searcher that the defense claims told them that TES had se
arched the area where the remains were found prior to Dec 08)
Best Buy surveillance videos 10/30/09 & 11/21/09 RE: Joy Wray
The item I find to be the most intriguing in this new material would be surveill
ance videos of Joy Wray at Best Buys. Now what could crazy Wray be doing in that
store that law enforcement & the state attorney s office find so interesting &
how does it relate to the case?
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
2 days ago
Oops forget to post the link for the WESH video so you could look at the list to
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
2 days ago
Body found in search for Chelsea King
JMo says:
35 hours ago
Rascal, interesting stuff about Hoover. To me, he comes across as a real whiner
and sore loser. I think he is right thought that DC knew something. The prosecut
ion has it in their court though (I think)>
JMo says:
35 hours ago
That is so sad about Chelsea. She was a beautiful girl and he is an evil monster
that should of never been released, period! Just because he is behaving doesn t
mean a thing. He obviously is a pedophile and has proven to be cruel etc. What
more do they need....hmmm, I guess for him to rape, kill and bury Chelsea. Her D
ad s pleas were heartbreaking.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
34 hours ago
Yes I am watching that on TV about Chelsea very sad.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
34 hours ago
whops JMo trying to cook and post lol sorry
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
33 hours ago
I m interested in what Jim Hoover has to say since the news broke that the prose
cutors have new Material & Information that they wanted the judge to keep from t
he defense.
Not what he told the news media in April of 2009.
linn says:
32 hours ago
Imacynic2.. And how did YOU feel? LOL.. Poor dog! YES, my dog had "that end" iss
ues too. first the volitile vomit, then the other end. She was miserable, but th
at at least was on me and the couch/blankets. She had the same episode one night
, she was put in her crate in the living room. My son imformed me in the morning
about the poop. Well, it was running poopies and vomit. All on her blankets but
in her crate. The entire crate had to be removed to the deck, blankets removed
and hosed off, the crate had to be scrubbed down as it was all over the bars. TH
EN discovered it on the wall behind her crate and on the blankets under the crat
e. THEN SHE stuck so bad it was bath day. All that, which was the worst, took 4
hours to clean.
I always swear that I will never get another pet. I have had at least one, since
I can remember. I know I could not do it, but I think maybe just one kitty when
all my pets go to heaven. I hope they all make it.. lol.. I want a tortishell *
sp* female kitty. had one once for 17 years. I still miss here, but a bulldog lo
ves to go after cats and yet she never wins. But the sounds make you want to bea
t them and I am so against animal abuse. Except for those times..lol
JMo says:
30 hours ago
Like I always say....there is a cure for pedophiles that harm children...DP.
Yes, I wonder about Hoover. He reminds me of a grandstander though. I tend to be
lieve that he continues to be angry that he didn t get in on whatever it was and
thinks that by tattling on DC, he will look good. You know those folks, the one
s that always have to put someone else down to make themselves look better. I ju
st think Hoover wants the spotlight and to be the hero. Not sure what other info
he has, but I be they can formulate things based on what he tells them.
JMo says:
30 hours ago
Here is Hank Jr talking to his Dad. They call each other Bro, Dude and Man. Hank
is crying that they revoked his bond. Then he says Misty is lying and the cops
put her up to say stuff. They do a whole lot of cussing. Claim that Public Defen
ders are crooked. Hank says he knew the guy was a narc and warned Misty, but it
was all about getting high. I just want to know "which part" about what Misty sa
ys is a lie??? Why are they saying she has lost her damn mind?
JMo says:
21 hours ago
VanZant tells it like it is about Chelsea. Watch the news story, so sad, but at
the end, he is on and gives some interesting stats and an opinion....Instead of
worrying about going to the moon, we need to take care of things here on earth w
ith our children (para).
20 hours ago
It is all about those idiots in robes that do not read the advise of the reports
. Go ahead let them out. Sure, no big deal. This will continue to happen and tha
t is the bottom line!!!!!!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
19 hours ago
If ths ever happend to just one of the judges child, I think they would all thin
k long and hard about there decisions they make. I doubt they even read the repo
rts, just push them threw the system. we see this happening over and over it has
to stop. Perverts are allowed to live around children they do not register, no
one is monitoring there freedom. There on probation and no one takes the time to
make a honest effort to check up. You do not make a appointment to go see them,
you just show up unexpected. Oh those are the words SHOW UP earn your dam paych
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
17 hours ago
Rascal, as bad, even if they do register, they can still move around with total
freedom, anywhere they want, ie register in one place, go visiting in another pl
ace. They need to never, never be released.
16 hours ago
This guy was blocks from who he molested and the family was never notified of su
The system = STUPIDITY
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
9 hours ago
I realize that but until they keep them locked up this will never end. And the o
nes that are out there should be checked up a lot more. Look at the pervert that
to the Dugan girl and had her for so many years, our system is broke.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
9 hours ago
Legal Analyst Bill Sheaffer on Casey Anthony Case
linn says:
8 hours ago
My personal view on prosectors and JUDGES who let out these perverts. Next time
they attack, and THEY WILL, they should be arrested along with the perv and serv
e the sentence along with him. Even a physcologist (sp) warned the judge that th
is nut, in The Chelsea case and sorry but I just can never remember his name, bu
t he was told this man who molested the 13 year old beat her to a pulp, that he
showed NO remorse and in his PROFESSIONAL opinion, this man should not get out f
or 30 years. Nope, they decided to give this monster 6 years, but out in 5. They
now think he did the same to 4 other girls. One just Feb 09.. DuBois. Again, ca
n t remember the name. They have not found her body, but same area!! I feel the
judge should feel such horror and shame at not listening to the professional shr
Again I say, first time, locked up for life. They ALWAYS repeat this crime, but
learn from it. So as no evidence is found, the move on to killing the victim.
I still say, at least in CA, put them on Alcatraz Island. Only Clint ever escape
d from there.. In Ca at least, lock them up there for life.
An odd question. They are refusing yet to say it is Chelsea s body. YET they are
or did arraign him for rape/murder. It just seems odd not to admit it is her bo
dy to the public, yet charge him in her death. I sure wish he would have done th
is in Texas. There you are dead soon after you are convicted. And he will be con
victed. Tons of evidence on this perv and more to come. Sick of this
Hard for me too as my daughter s name is Chelsea. If you close your eyes, when y
ou hear the name it is so easy to put your child there, hearing that name and vi
sualizing what would I do if that Chelsea was *MY Chelsea? So hard to fathom wha
t those parents, and ALL the other parents of these children are going through.
However, I would rather have my child s body, than knowing they are gone, but ne
ver finding the body. How do you put closure to it?
A sad day
JMo says:
6 hours ago
Psychic says that Baby Gabriel will be found this year...that copters are circli
ng now over the area where he is.... (lets hope so, eh?)
JMo says:
6 hours ago
Pictures from Casey s photobucket that may be used at trial. Can someone tell me
who the guy is in picture 103 with all the tattoo s (has KILL tattoo d on his f
ingers) Geez...how stupid can you get?

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