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1.1 Background of the Study

Reading is one of basic skills in English that becomes the most prominent
skill in receiving knowledge. By reading something in English, learners can get
information of it by comprehending the idea step by step through the reading
material. Thus, they need to improve their ability in reading comprehension to
catch the information in a text easily. According to Murdibjono in Rahmawati
(2011:2), there are three reasons why reading needs to be learned. Firstly, reading
many texts might help students to master other skills. It will be a good model for
listening, speaking or writing. Secondly, it can increase students vocabulary and
make them familiar with the grammar. The last reason is reading an interesting
text might stimulate students to learn much. Students might not need to speak or
write something in English most of the time, but reading seems to be unavoidable
thing in this real situation. Thus, students need to read a lot as many as possible,
because by reading something the students will get information, knowledge and
entertainment as it is for pleasure and enjoyment.
Unfortunately, what happens in a real situation is different. Mostly, the
students have difficulties in reading. There are some problems faced by the
students in reading comprehension, such us poor understanding of the language
structure because of lack of vocabulary. They just read a text without
understanding the meaning of its content. Less of motivation in reading section

still becomes the most barriers. The teacher always asks them to read without
facilitating them with different strategies. Uninteresting reading materials also
make the students bored to read during reading section. These become barriers for
the students in comprehending a text.
Those problems are also faced by the students of eighth grade in SMPN 3
Amlapura. Based on the data that the writer got when interviewed the English
teacher, she said that there are some problems in teaching reading. First, when the
students are given a reading material, they are passive and look bored. Second, the
students still have lack of vocabulary so it is very hard for them to understand a
text. They only focus on the decoding of the word, without comprehending its
meaning that has a relation with other words in a text. Third, the teaching learning
process is sometimes boring, because the teacher applies a monotonous technique
for students activities in the class. So the students become bored to continue their
reading seriously and they make a noise in the class without paying attention to
what the teachers explain about. The teacher always gives the students
uninteresting reading material which makes them less motivated in learning.
These problems affected their achievement on minimum mastery criterion (KKM)
which is 50% of the students are not able to obtain 73 as minimum mastery
criterion (KKM) while their score settled on 60-65.
Therefore, it is very important to find out the solution to solve the
problems above. The teacher should use an appropriate strategy that can bring
students out of boredom, competitive and more student-centered, and of course
can motivate them to improve their reading comprehension. Among the number of

teaching reading strategies, Generating Interaction between Schemata and Text

(GIST) strategy can be a good choice to be applied in the classroom. GIST was
developed by Cunningham; it is a strategy for supporting comprehension in
informational text. It is especially helpful when students need to read long texts
containing of new information. Students work in cooperative groups and read
every sections of the text silently to find out the gist of the text with their own
group. The teacher circulates among the groups to facilitate and provide support.
This is an effective strategy for teaching English as a foreign language because the
group members have a chance to share and discuss their ideas; besides, clarify
meaning as they decide on the best summary. They can explore their ideas within
their group to find a good summary of the whole text being discussed.
Based on that explanation, GIST strategy is needed by the students to
overcome difficulties in reading comprehension and to improve their reading
abilities. They need a new strategy to improve their motivation in reading
comprehension. This strategy can help the students to fulfill the junior high school
curriculum task, which is to understand the meaning of short functional texts and
essays in the form of descriptive, narrative, recount, and proceduretext in the
context of everyday situation and also access knowledge.Thus, this study is
attempting to find out the solution of such problems to improve students reading
comprehension; to find out what can be done to help them improve their ability in
comprehending a text; besides, how to teach reading in order to motivate them in
learning. This study is focused to improve the students ability in comprehension
and to motivate them with a new strategy. That is way in this study the researcher

would like to use GIST strategy to teach the eighth grade students of SMPN 3
Amlapurain academic year 2013/2014.

1.2 Research Problem

Based on background of the study above, the problem is formulated as
follows: Can the reading comprehension of the eighth grade students at SMPN 3
Amlapura in academic year 2013/2014 be improved by using Generating
Interaction between Schemata and Text (GIST) strategy?

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to find out the implementation of GIST
strategy in improving reading comprehension at the eighth grade students of
SMPN 3 Amlapura in academic year 2013/2014. The researcher hopes that using
GIST strategy could be a better strategy for teaching reading comprehension.

1.4 Limitation of the Study

Since there are many kinds of texts, it is really important to get focused in
specific kinds of text in teaching reading comprehension, that is, recount text.
Therefore, the limitation of the study will be limited on the teaching recount text
using Generating Interaction between Schemata and Text (GIST) strategy to the
eighth grade students of SMPN 3 Amlapura in academic year 2013/2014.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study is mainly concerned in teaching recount text using Generating
Interaction between Schemata and Text (GIST) strategy. Furthermore, the use of

this study is to know how the implementation of this strategy to help the students
and English teacher in improving reading comprehension. Therefore, the
importance of implementing GIST strategy in reading comprehension is indicated
into theoretical and practical information which is shown as follows:
Theoretically, the findings of this study are expected to enhance the
theories of teaching technique in English, and support evidence the existing
research findings which have revealed the importance of having different
strategies which concerned in teaching and learning process of reading
comprehension. Meanwhile, implementing GIST strategy can be used to give us
information about how the implementation in the classroom is and whether it can
improve students reading comprehension.
Practically, the presence of this study is give beneficial contributions of the
students and the English teacher. For the students, the result of this study is
beneficial to facilitate them in learning reading comprehension and they know that
reading comprehension can be an enjoyable subject. For the teacher, the result of
this study is expected to give a feedback and enrichment their strategy in teaching
English. The result of this study is also extended to be used as a reference in
planning better teaching strategy.

1.6 Definition of Key Term

The definition of terms in this study is used to avoid the misunderstanding
among the readers and to make it quite clear in comprehending the study, such as;
reading comprehension, Generating Interaction between Schemata and Text
(GIST) strategy and SMPN 3 Amlapura.


Reading Comprehension
According to Lems, et al.(2010:170) reading comprehension is the ability
to construct meaning from a given written text. It is not a static
competency, but it varies according to the purposes of reading and the text
that is involved. When the prerequisite skills are in place, reading becomes
an evolving interaction between the text and the background knowledge of
the reader. Operationally, reading comprehension is a process in
constructing meaning by comprehending each sentence in written text to
find out the main idea of the text. In reading comprehension, the students
need to read a text;besides, relates the text with their prior knowledge to
understand the meaning or message of the whole text being read.


Generating Interaction between Schemata and Text (GIST) Strategy

According to Duke and Pearson (2002:221), GIST strategy is effective
strategy not only in improving students written summaries of text, but
also in improving their comprehension of text.It is especially helpful when
students need to read texts containing of new information by working in
cooperative groups.Operationally, this strategy used by the teacher in
improving the students ability in reading comprehension. The teacher
gives the students chance to share and discuss their ideas of text in their
own group, encourage and motivate them to find out the best summary of
text in reading comprehension process.


SMPN 3 Amlapura

SMP N 3 Amlapura is the level of junior high school which is located in

Karangasem where the study was conducted.


2.1 Theoretical Review

The theoretical review is used in a scientific study and it should be
based on some theoretical background and empirical evidences. The
background of this study is related to some theoretical that is discussed in this

2.1.1 Reading Comprehension

Reading is about understanding written text. It is a complex activity
that involves both perception and thought. Reading consists of two related
processes, which are word recognition and comprehension. Word recognition
refers to the process of perceiving how written symbols correspond in spoken
language. Comprehension is the process of making sense of words, sentences
and connected text. In reading process, reader integrates the new information
from the text into their prior knowledge.
According to Karen and Graham (2007:8) reading comprehension
involves the readers respond to the text. Reading comprehension is a multi
component, highly complex process that involves interaction between readers
and what they bring to the text (previous knowledge, strategy use) as well as
variable related to the text itself both interest in text and the understanding of
the text. In line with, Zwiers (2010:3) writes that the purpose of reading
comprehension is to construct the meaning. While reading, a reader tries to

make sense of the information stated in the current sentence by connecting

two other information, that is found in preceding sentence and the reader own
prior knowledge.
Meanwhile Legge, et al. (2008:1) state reading is a complex cognitive
process of decoding symbols for the intention of constructing or delivering
meaning (reading comprehension). It is a complex interaction between the text
and the reader which is shaped by the readers prior knowledge, experiences,
attitude and language community which is culturally and socially situated. The
readers use variety of reading strategies to assist with decoding to translate
symbols into sound or visual representation of speech and comprehension.
The readers integrate the words they have read into their existing framework
of knowledge or schema.
In line with, Sweet and Snow in Anastasiou and Eleni (2009:203)
explain that reading comprehension is actually extracting and constructing
meaning from the text. It is clear that comprehending the text when reading is
so important because reading a text without constructing the meaning of the
text will be nothing. By comprehending the text, the readers can get the points,
messages, or information from what the author wrote. Any information that
the readers can absorb from the text should be connected to their experience or
prior knowledge that they have. While the readers are able to connect new
information of the text with their prior knowledge, they will be able to
imagine or visualize content of the text.


However McNamara (2007:3) argues that reading comprehension

refers to the ability to go beyond the words to understand the ideas and the
relationship between ideas conveyed in a text. In the line with,Linse (2005:71)
says that reading comprehension is reading for meaning, understanding and
entertainment. It involves thinking skills and is more complex than merely
decoding specific words. Those statements indicated that the students need to
understand the whole text by comprehending each sentence in a text. Because
the purpose of reading is not only reading a text but the main purpose of
reading is to understand and find out the main idea or meaning of text.

2.1.2 Kinds of Reading

Referring to the conception of reading in the preceding discussion,
there are four kinds of reading discussed, they are: 1) Reading Aloud; 2) Silent
Reading; 3) Intensive Reading; and 4) Extensive Reading. A brief discussion
of the four types of reading is presented as follow: Reading aloud
Reading aloud is a planned oral reading of a reading text or book,
usually related to a theme or topic of study. Reading aloud can be used to
engage the students fluency on reading including spelling and pronunciation.
According to Brown (2004:190) reading aloud is reading activity which is
involved the components in reading, such us letters, words, punctuation,
spelling and how to pronounce words. In line with,Hickman and
Sharolyn(2009:4) reading aloud procedure is an effective way to develop the
oral language, vocabulary and listening comprehension skill of primary grade


students, because pre and post reading activities can be designed to effectively
connect learning with their past experience. In reading aloud the students will
connect their prior knowledge to the text in order to construct the main idea of
text. The advantages of using reading aloud strategy for the students is to
improve their fluency in reading. Besides, they could learn to spell and
pronounce a word well, increase their vocabulary, giving the students a chance
to learn about grammar and punctuation. Silent reading
Silent reading is the opposite of reading aloud. The activity of reading
aloud is really intended to improve the students fluency. They have to learn
spelling and pronouncing words well. Meanwhile, in silent reading the
students will have better understanding because the students do not need to
move their lips which makes their focus on pronunciation or spelling but it is
really intended to improve the students comprehension ability.
Reid(2007:6) states that putting the emphasis on silent reading
obviously took the emphasis away from any kind of phonetics, because the
sounds of letter did not matter at all. In this case the readers do not need to
focus on the spelling of a word but it emphasized on the understanding of text.
In the line with, Patel (2008:85) argues the method of silent reading develops
the reading ability in learning. It makes the students to be a good reader
because they will more understand the content of text by focusing to
comprehend each idea in text. In this case the students do not need to read and


understand each word but it is more important to understand the content of

text by comprehending each idea to construct meaning of the text. Intensive reading
Intensive reading is used on shorter text in order to extract specific
information. It is focus on understanding and remembering important idea,
number and fact. Patel (2008:118) states in intensive reading the learner read
the text to get knowledge. Intensive reading technique is reading for a high
degree of comprehension ability. It is basically a study technique for
organizing reading that will have to be understood and remembered about the
content of reading material.
The purpose of intensive reading is to develop ability to decode
message or meaning by drawing on both syntactical and lexical clue. The
classroom setting can be used as a clear indicator that they have already built
up reading habit by seeing what the student could carry out from the reading
activities. In intensive reading, the control from the teacher is necessary and it
will provide a basic explanation of structural difficulties as well as the
extensive of vocabulary items. Intensive reading is appropriate for the higher
level in reading because they have more experience in reading many of texts
or books to find its specific point. Extensive reading
Extensive reading is used to obtain a general understanding of a
subject and includes reading longer text for pleasure or enjoyment only. The
using of extensive reading can improve the reader general knowledge. It is not


like intensive reading that focuses only on translating and extracting the
printed symbol, word, phrases or sentence to find detail information of the text
being read. Brown (2004:212) argues that extensive reading involves longer
texts than in intensive reading. It isabout global or holistic understanding of
longer text. In this extensive reading the reader wants to know about
something. The reader does not care about specific or important information
after reading a text. The appropriate selection of reading materials also has an
important thing in extensive reading. The reader should realize that they have
to start reading after they are able to read a text at their independent level.

2.1.3 Component of Reading

There are two components of reading to be discussed; they are
vocabulary and structure/ grammar. Both of them are described as follow. Vocabulary
According to Nunan (2005:121) vocabulary is the collection of words
that an individual knows. It means that vocabulary is provided of words
including its meaning. Word is the most important in reading because without
understanding any words the reader can not construct meaning of the content
of text being read. On the other hand, Richards and Renandya (2002:255)
argue that vocabulary is a core component of language profiency and provides
much of the basis of how well learners speak, listen, read and write.
Vocabulary plays an important role in the students performance on reading
activities in classroom. It is the basic component to learn English as a foreign
language because without knowing vocabulary the students will get nothing in


learning. In order to understand a text, vocabulary knowledge is needed by

the students to know the meaning of words, so the students will easy to
construct meaning of the whole text by comprehending each words meaning. Structure/ Grammar
According to Thornbury (2002:13) if the students spend most of the
time studying grammar, their English will not be improved very much. The
students need to learn more about words when they speak because if the
students only depend on grammar very little can be conveyed. Furthermore, as
well as hearing or seeing language and understanding its meaning, the students
need to know how language is constructed and how they fit together. Watkins
(2005:46) writes grammar involves identifying patterns and their meanings.
Both form and meaning should be taught to the students. Teaching grammar
for the students let them to know how to talk and write something correctly.
Grammar could help students to understand and decide whether the language
they speak or write is correct or not. By using the form or pattern of grammar,
the students will express a clear idea when they speak or write. Without
grammar, some words in a sentence could be interpreted in multiple ways and
cause many misunderstanding too. Improper grammar will change the
meaning or message being conveyed in a sentence.


Recount Text
There are many kinds of text in teaching English, but in this study the

researcher focuses on teaching recount text to eighth grade students of SMP 3

Amlapura by using GIST strategy.According to Gregory and Boyle


(2012:112), recount paragraph is a kind of paragraph which is the purpose to

retell what happened in the past and it is a true story of our personal
experience or someone else true experience. Thus, recount text is a text that
retells past events, activities or experiences chronologically for the purpose
of informing and entertaining the readers.The generic structure of recount
text is orientation, events and reorientation. In orientation tells about who
was involved, what happened, where the events took place and when it
happened. Events involves what happened and in what sequence. And the
last is reorientation (optional closure) consists of the writers personal
comment of the whole story.

2.1.5Generating Interaction between Schemata and Text (GIST)

Generating interaction between Schemata and Text (GIST) was
developed by Cunningham in book Fifty Strategies for Teaching English
Language Learners (2004:260) is a strategy for supporting comprehension in
informational text. It is especially helpful when students need to read texts
containing of new information. Students work in cooperative groups and read
each paragraph of the text silently. After reading each paragraph silently, the
members of the group work collaboratively to generate one sentence that
summarizes the gist of the text. Once a summary is generated, members of
the group write it on their own papers so that each group member ends up with
a summary of the whole text. The teacher circulates among the groups to
facilitate and provide support. Duke and Pearson (2002:221) state that GIST
strategy is effective not only in improving students written summaries of text,


but also in improving their comprehension of text. This is an appropriate

strategy for teaching English as a foreign language because the students have a
chance to discuss and share ideas in their own group.
According to Bergeron and Bradbury-Wolff (2002:91), the students
can be grouped according to skill, interest, work habits, knowledge of
strategies, social considerations, random selection and students choice. Thus,
in forming students learning groups, it should be mixed on ability, gender and
ethnicity. The reason is to accelerate the achievement of all students.
Heterogeneous groups produced higher achievement scores than homogeneous
groups, the amount of students interaction was influenced more by the group
composition. In line with,Shimazue and Aldrich (2010:53) state that students
need to understand why they have to work in groups, rather than just being
ordered to do so. The role of the teacher serves as facilitator and negotiates the
best summary sentence they can write.
Harmer (2001:21) writes that group work is a cooperative activity
consists of five students; perhaps, discussing a topic, doing a role play or
solving a problem. Group work gives the students a chance to share and
discuss their ideas in group. Because they are working together without the
teachers control to every student, they take some of their own decisions in
completing a task. Besides, they can work without the pressure of class
because each groups has own responsibility to complete the task with their
group members. Another advantage of group work is that the teacher has
opportunity to check other groups who need special attention. According to


Westwood (2008:68) asking the students to work together in groups for some
part of lesson is regarded as a desirable strategy to use. Working in groups not
only increases students active participation, but also encourages social skill
development, enhances communication and increases independence. By
working together, the students can share ideas and learn from one another
facilitates effective learning.
There are six steps in implementing GIST strategy states by Herrel and
Jordan (2004:261). The first step is identifying appropriate text for GIST.
Deciding an appropriate reading material for the students to discuss is mainly
important based on their level in reading comprehension. The text must be
appropriate to their level in learning reading. The second step is grouping the
students. Dividing the class into groups; identify the leader for each group and
every group should contain a strong English speaker and reader. The third step
is demonstrating the strategy to the students. In this step the teacher will
explain the strategy by discussing background knowledge and informing the
students that they will be worked in groups to create a summary of the
material to be read. The fourth step is asking the groups to read the text and
create a summary of the text paragraph by paragraph. The fifth step is reading
and comparing summary sentence. Once the summary has been completed, the
groups will read and compare their summary with other groups in the
classroom. This provides an effective review of the summary and gives an
opportunity to correct any misconceptions. The teacher serves as facilitator
and questions the students to lead them to capture the main idea gist of the


text. The last step is assessing students progress and understanding. The work
group time in this strategy is a perfect opportunity for the teacher to circulate
around the room and listen. It is appropriate time to create checklist for





students understanding


improvement of this activities.

2.1.6 Assessing Reading Comprehension

The successful of the students in mastering the subject would indicate
the general achievement. According to Brown (2004:186) we can not see the
process of reading, but we only could to observe a specific product of reading.
Thus all assessment of reading must be carried out by inference. Inference
means the teacher should assess how far the students understanding about the
reading material read. Furthermore, Kinger (2007:12) states that assessment
for reading comprehension can be used to enhance reading comprehension
outcomes for students with learning difficulties and disabilities. In contrast,
Vaughn, et al. (2007:14) argues the purpose of reading comprehension is to
inform instruction by determining when students understand what they read
and how efficiently they use with comprehension strategies.
Chair (2002:52) says that reading comprehension requires having
available good data identifying which readers can successfully under take
which activities with which texts. Such data are not available because the
teacher needs reliable and valid assessment so that the teacher can see which
students are learning as expected and which need extra help.According to
Heaton in Wardana (2007:25) to know the improvement of students


comprehension in reading text, assessment of reading should be done by

administering some questions related to the text. The test may be primarily
constructed to reinforce students skill and motivate the students performance
in language. In the relation to the study being observed, the researcher will
focus on testing the students performance in reading comprehension when
GIST strategy is conducted.
Furthermore, the questions need to be clarified to particular content to
find the main point of text. There are two qualities that every test should
possess: reliability and validity. Reliability relates to the degree of consistency
of the test and validity is degree to which a test measures what is it supposed
to measure. Patel and Jain (2008:130) explain the material of reading
comprehension tests should be closely related to the practical material
conducted by the teacher to develop reading skill. Thus, the test would be
helpful to attempt some of the specific ideas in reading. There are two form of
reading assessment. The first is to find out how well students are reading in
order to help them improve their reading ability (diagnosis). Diagnostic
assessment is about giving feedback to the students. The second is to measure
how much progress has been made. In beginning reading assessment is
normally done by listening to the students reading aloud. Teacher would assess
their word recognition and fluency.
Text comprehension is usually assessed through questions. The
question can be in the form of multiple-choice questions, short-answer
questions and long-answer questions. Questions should focus on main ideas


not holistic ideas. Methods of assessment vary with the types of responses
students to the questions. The students responses can be spoken and written
form.In the study being conducted, the researcher will give two post-tests in
the end of cycle I and cycle II to the subject under study. In both post-tests, the
students reading comprehension will be measured through ten questions
which each items will show their understanding of the recount text by writing
down their answer in answer sheet given.The score averages are ten points for
correct answer, five points for not complete answer, two points for wrong
answer, and zero neither point for nor answer at all.

2.2 Empirical Review

Here are two of the researchers who have done the research about
reading comprehension.The researches are about implementing GIST strategy
to comprehend analytical exposition andteaching reading comprehension
through numbered heads together technique. GIST strategy and numbered
heads together technique have a similarity that is these techniques bring the
students into groups and work together during the discussion.
The first research has been conducted by Arianto (2013) entitled The
Implementation of GIST Strategy to Comprehend Analytical Exposition Text
for Eleventh Grade Students of SMA WachidHasyim 2 Taman. The result is
GIST strategy brought good effect in teaching learning process. It could bring
interest and motivate the students to learn reading activities. In terms of
reading comprehension on analytical exposition after implementing the
strategy, the students reading task showed a progress from the first task to the


second task. Thus, GIST strategy is an appropriate strategy in improving the

students ability in reading comprehension.
The secondresearch has been conducted by Delviyani (2013) entitled
Teaching Reading Comprehension through Numbered Heads Together
Technique to the Eighth Grade Students of SMP PGRI 1 Denpasar in
Academic Year 2012/2013, the result showed that the pre-existing reading
comprehension of the subject under study was low with the mean score 45.24.
The result data of the post-test score for cycle I showed the increasing mean
figure of 51.19 and 60.24 for X1 and X2 respectively. For the cycle II showed
the figures of 71.43 and 80.71 respectively. Moreover, the grand mean figure
of the cycle I and cycle II were 55.72 and 76.05. The differences of grand
mean figure of cycle I and cycle II was 20.35. The finding showed that the
subjects under study in reading comprehension were developed significantly
after they had been taught using numbered heads together technique.
According to the all researches which asked the students to work in
groups, it can be concluded that dividing the students into group has some
advantages and disadvantage. The advantages are the students can work
cooperatively and become active because all of the groups member should
have their own duty or part in their group to solve the task or problem given
by the teacher. Another advantage of dividing the students into group is they
could share and explore their ideas during the discussion. Thus, GIST strategy
is effective strategy to facilitate the students being active and work
cooperatively in their group. On the other hand, the disadvantage of dividing


the students is the discussion will spend all of time because the students
disposed to make noisy during the discussion.

2.3 Hypothesis
The hypothesis is useful to give the answer or tentative solution which
can help the writer in finding the result and conclude the study. Therefore, in
this study the hypothesis can be stated as follow: Generating Interaction
between Schemata and Text (GIST) can improve reading comprehension of
the eighth grade students at SMP N 3 Amlapura in academic year 2013/2014.




Subject of the Study

The eighth grade students at SMPN 3 Amlapura were divided into six

classes which was in this study the researcher had taken class VIII B as the
subject of the study. The class consisted of 33 students, they were 16 males and
17 females which was considerably enough to be the purpose of study. After
having the interview with the English teacher in this class, the result was the
researcher got some information about the problems faced by the students in
teaching learning process. She said that the students had difficulties in learning
English, especially in reading comprehension. They were difficult to
comprehend a text to find out the main idea of the whole text. Lack of
vocabulary also became the most problem. Sometimes, the teacher applied a
monotonous technique or strategy for the students activity in the class which
was brought the students bored in following the reading activities. That was
why the students need to change the role of learning process by applying a new
strategy to reach their achievement in reading comprehension.


Research Design
Classroom action research design was used in this study in teaching

reading comprehension by applying Generating Interaction between Schemata

and Text (GIST). According to McNiff and Whitehead (2006:5) action research
is a form of enquiry that enables practitioners anywhere to investigate and


evaluate their work. Action research couldbe a powerful and liberating form of
professional enquiry because it meant that practitioners themselves investigate
their own practice as they found ways of living more fully in the direction of
their educational value. Classroom action research was about taking based on
research and researching the action taken to solve its problems. Ary, et al.
(2010:512) also argue that action research has been used in a variety of settings,
including schools, hospitals, health clinics, community agencies, government
units, and other environments. It could be used to enhance everyday work
practices, to resolve specific problems, and to develop projects and programs.
In contrast, Fraenkel and Wallen (2009:589) write that classroom action
research is conducted by one or more individuals or groups for the purpose of
solving a problem or obtaining information in order to inform local practice. In
conducting classroom action research, firstly the researcher needed to know the
gaps faced by the students by asking their difficulties in learning English as
foreign language and interviewing the teacher as the controller of the class.
After knowing the gaps, the researcher should design how to solve the gaps,
besides to motivate the students by using a new strategy for them in teaching
and learning in classroom.
According to Zubber-Skerritt in Cohen (2007:303) in action research
design there are some steps in solving a problem through teamwork and
through four cyclical processes.The first process was strategic planning. After
knowing the problems faced by the students, the researcher needed to create a
plan to solve the problem before entering the classroom. The researcher would


follow what was listed in the plan, so the purpose of the study would be
achieved. Secondly was action or implementing the plan. Action meant doing
what has been prepared in the plan. This was the main process of action
research, because the researcher would implement the strategy in teaching the
students. The third process was observation, evaluation and self-evaluation.
Observation was to observe the action in order to know the effectiveness of the
strategy used. It was also todetermine how many changes or progress on the
students activity in the class. And the last process was critical and self-critical
reflection of the result of points 1-3 and making decision for the next cycle of
action research.In this section the researcher would evaluate the result of the
study and made a decision about the improvement of students. If the students
did not show an improvement after teaching and learning process by using the
new strategy, there would be done the next cycle until the students could obtain
the target and showed an improvement learning behavior.


Research Procedure
Classroom action research in this study took two cycles (Cycle I and

Cycle II) in which every cycle had two sessions. These two sessions consisted
of four activities which had connection in every activity, and they were namely:
Planning (P), Action (A), Observation (O), and Reflection (R). However, in
order to measure the result of pre-existing reading comprehension of VIII B
students in SMPN 3 Amlapura, it needed to administer Initial Reflection (IR).
The mean score of IR would be compared to the corresponding mean score of R


and at the end of each session would show the degree of improving reading
comprehension of the subject.


The first step of this study was planning which was the most important

step in conducting action research. The researcher could create a planning after
knowing the problems faced by the VIII B students, so the problems could be
solved. Then, in presenting the problem the researcher prepared the planning for
overall session. Firstly the researcher was decided the topic for the cycle I which
was as the theme for the classroom to discuss.The researcher would choose an
appropriate topic for their activities in classroom. It should be appropriate with
their level. The second was designing the lesson plan which was used GIST
strategy in the implementation of teaching process in the classroom. And the last
was preparing the teaching media such us recount text that would be discussed
by the students as the pre-test.


Action was the second step or a real act in classroom action research

design. Because the researcher did what had been prepared in planning to solve
the students problem in reading comprehension by conducting GIST strategy.
The teaching process started with pre-activities. The researcher acted like the
teacher in VIII B class, greeted the students and checked their attendance list.
During pre-activities for about 10 minutes, it intended to activate the students
prior knowledge and give them a brainstorming related to the topic.


The second phase was whilst-activities. In this phase, the researcher

carried the main process of teaching reading comprehension using GIST
strategy. The time allocation of this phase was about 50 minutes. Firstly, the
students were divided into groups of five. Secondly, the researcher would
explain briefly about the strategy and the rule of finding a summary of a recount
text in their groups. In this process the students exchanged their ideas and
helped each other to find the summary paragraph by paragraph in their group
until they found the summary of the whole text. Thirdly, the students discussed
the summary of the text with other groups in classroom. At the moment, the
researcher was as facilitator and controller to check the students misconception
of the text. The last, the researcher gave some questions related to the text to
assess the students understanding of the text. The students should answer the
questions individually.
In post-activities, the researcher asked the students difficulties in
comprehending the text by using GIST strategy. The post-activities were
planned for about 20 minutes. In this phase, the researcher gave a conclusion,
comments about the teaching learning process, gave them motivation, told about
their improvement and what they might need to focus on. Thus, they would be
interested in learning reading comprehension by using GIST strategy.


Observation was to observe the action in order to know the effectiveness

of teaching learning process by using GIST strategy. In this session, the

researcher observed whether the strategy could improve students reading


comprehension or not. It was also determining how many changes on the

students behavior and activity in the class and how far the action reached the
target. The changing behavior was included positive attitudes, higher motivation
and became an active participant in following the reading activities.


Reflection was the activity of evaluating the students progress, the class

and also the teacher during the teaching learning process. This classroom action
research was divided into two cycles. The researcher conducted cycle I
including its session (Planning, Action, Observation and Reflection). If cycle
Iand cycle II brought the students progress in comprehending a recount text up
to 80% could achieve the minimum mastery criterion (KKM), it meant cycle III
did not need to be conducted. Therefore, when cycle II did not bring the
students progress or less than 80% of the students could achieve the minimum
mastery criterion (KKM), so the next cycle would be conducted to improve the
students achievement in reading comprehension.


Research Instrument
The researcher collected the data by using some tools which was called

the research instrument. Moreover, there were two instruments in this study,
namely tests and questionnaire. In this study, the students were given tests that
were separated into two tests (pre-test and post-test). The pre-test was
administered in order to find out the students pre-existing reading
comprehension before the researcher conducted the research by applying GIST


strategy. Meanwhile, the post-tests were administered in the end of each session
after applying GIST strategy to the students. The function of administering
post-test was to evaluate the effectiveness of GIST strategy in improving
students comprehension ability inthe form of reading a recount text and find
out the gist of the textby comprehending each paragraph. The questionnaire
was conducted to the eighth grade students of SMPN 3 Amlapura, especially in
VIII B class after completing the cycle two. This was done to get a clear picture
of the students learning behavior changes when they have been taught reading
comprehension through GIST strategy. The type of constructed questionnaire
was choosing one answer of ten multiple choices related inlearning reading
comprehension by using GIST strategy.


Data Collection
There were three kinds of instruments used to gather the data of this

classroom action study. They were pre-test, post-tests and questionnaires. Thus,
the data required to answer the research question through administering pretest, post-tests and questionnaires at the eighth grade students of SMPN 3
Amlapura. The pre-test of IR was administered to the subjects under study to
obtain their pre-existing reading comprehension. In pre-test the subjects were
asked to answer 10 short essay questions to determine their ability in reading
comprehension. Post-test or reflection was administered for twice (once in
cycle I and once in cycle II). Furthermore, the questionnaire was administered
in the end of cycle II to figure out how far their changing learning behavior
after learning reading comprehension by using GIST strategy.



Data Analysis
The most important data required to answer the research question under

study was collected through administering IR and post-tests. Some supporting

additional data were gathered through administering questionnaires to the
subject under study, that was, the eighth grade students of SMPN 3 Amlapura.
Meanwhile, there is an assessment rubric of measuring the students reading
comprehension. The assessment rubric is as the following table.




Correctly answered



Not complete answered


Wrong answered


Not answered at all

There were considerably three kinds of raw scores obtained for the present class
action study, they were:
1. Scores indicating the subjects pre-existing reading comprehension
2. Scores showing the subjects progress achievement in reading
comprehension; and
3. Scores showing the subjects changing learning behavior.
The data then analysed in percentage as follow:

The average score of each student would be counted using this

Total of the right answers
Total of the test items

x 100%


The average score of the whole students would be counted using this
M= N

Where :

: mean score
: the sum up the score of all students in turn


: the total number of students

The percentage score of each items questionnaire would be counted

using this formula:
Total score of items A/B/C/D
Total percentage of each items =
Grand total of all items


x 100%

Success Indicator
This study was conducted in VIII B which consisted of 33 students of

SMPN 3 Amlapura. Based on the curriculum used by the school, the minimum
mastery criterion (KKM) in English course was 73. Therefore, this study would
be considered successful if the students passed the score of 73. This research
could be ended if 80% of the subjects under study obtain the minimum mastery
criterion as indicated by the curriculum of SMPN 3 Amlapura.


The discussion of data that have been collected through the present
classroom action study which dealt with teaching reading comprehension through
GIST strategy to the eighth grade students of SMPN 3 Amlapura in academic year
2013/2014 could be finally discussed in this chapter.
4.1 Findings
The findings of this research were in the form of data. The data were
collected from the eighth grade students of SMPN 3 Amlapura in academic year
2013/2014. The data were collected by administering pre-test, post-test, and
questionnaire. The pre-test was administered to the subjects under study in order
to measure their pre-existing ability in reading comprehension. The post-test in
this present study was administered for two times; they were once in cycle I and
once in cycle II. This was due to the fact that each cycle was ended with
administrating the post-test. The purpose of giving post-test in the end of every
cycle was to know the progress of the subjects under study after being taught
reading comprehension by using GIST strategy. The questionnaire was
administered in the end of cycle II to find out how far the changing behavior of
the subjects under study after learning reading comprehension through GIST
strategy. Therefore, there were three sets of raw scores showing the improvement
of the reading comprehension ability of the subjects. They were pre-test score, and


post-test scores for each cycle (cycle I and cycle II). The three sets of scores
which were collected in this present study could be tabulated as follows:
Table 4.1 Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects Progressing Score in Reading
Comprehension after being Taught through GIST Strategy


Post-Test 1

Post-Test 2


In this present classroom action study also administering questionnaire in

the end of cycle II. The purpose of administering questionnaire to the subjects
under study is to measure the students changing attitude and motivation in
learning reading comprehension through GIST strategy. The obtained data
showing the subjects total scores for the ten items of the questionnaire were
tabulated as follows.
Table 4.2
Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects Changing Behavior and Attitudes in
Learning Reading Comprehension through POWERS Strategy







Grand Total A + B + C + D (487+240+50) = 777


Pre-cycle or pre-test was conducted before the researcher taught reading
comprehension through GIST strategy to the subjects under study. It was
administered in order to measure the result of their pre-existing reading
comprehension ability, therefore the researcher could plan the teaching session
properly. In this pre-cycle, the subjects under study did the pre-test given
individually without teaching them before. The scores of pre-test which collected
in this present study could be formulated as follows:

The X0 of IR scores =

4.1.2 Cycle I

= 60.39


In this cycle the researcher carried out the main process of teaching
reading comprehension through GIST strategy. In every session of the lessons in
this cycle, the students asked to find out the main idea of a recount text by
working in groups. In this phase, the students could share and discuss their ideas
to find the summary of text in their own group. In this cycle, the researcher
administered one post-test in the end of session two in which used as a feedback
and make a plan to carry out the revision to solve the students weaknesswhich
would be done in cycle II as improving ways. The scores of post-test in cycle I
which collected in this present study could be formulated as follows:

The X1 of R scores =

= 76.18

4.1.3 Cycle II
In cycle II the researcher carried out the main process of teaching reading
comprehension through GIST strategy but in different ways with the cycle I. In
every session of teaching and learning in this cycle, the students asked to find the
summary of a recount text in pairs in order to make them explored their ideas with
their pairs. It could be an effective way because all of the students could be active
participants, think and try to find the best summary in their pairs. In the end of
each session the researcher also gave the students some quizzes related to the text
discussed to measure the students understanding of text. In this cycle, the
researcher administered one post-test in which to measure the progressing reading


comprehension of the subject under study. The scores of post-test II which were
collected in this present study could be formulated as follows:

The X2 of R scores =

= 80.21

The data obtained for the classroom action study were analyzed of the
subjects progressing in reading comprehension. These data should be analyzed,
then the results of the data were be discussed.Based on the data presented in table
4.1 and table 4.2 above, the mean of the pre-test score (X0) and the mean of posttest score (X1 and X2) were obtained by the eighth grade students of SMPN 3
Amlapura for cycle I and II which was considered as the findings of the present
classroom action study could be summarized as follows.
Table 4.3
Summary of the Research Findings Showing the Mean of Each
Cycle and the Grand Mean for Cycle I and Cycle II



Total score

Mean score




Cycle I



Cycle II



The additional supporting data were collected by administering

questionnaire in the end of cycle II to the subjects under study. The result of
questionnaire was quantitatively scored using the scale 0-3 on scoring the ten


items. The score gathered from administering questionnaire showed the subjects
changing attitude and motivation in learning reading comprehension through
GIST strategy. The data obtained from the questionnaire should be computed and
discussed in this present classroom action study. The computation of the
comparative percentages for the scores of the items of the questionnaire showing
the subjects total responses for the item of A, B, C and D was showed as follows:

1. Total percentage of item A

x100 % = 62.67 %

2. Total percentage of item B

x 100 % =

3. Total percentage of item C

x 100 % = 6.43 %

4. Total percentage of item D

x 100 %

30.88 %


4.2 Discussion
The data analysis guided to the establishment of the findings of the present
classroom action study investigated the effectiveness of GIST strategy in
improving reading comprehension of the eighth grade students of SMPN 3
Amlapura in academic year 2013/2014. In this present classroom action study, the
researcher administered pre-test, post-tests (cycle I and cycle II) and
questionnaire. The data found in this study could be discussed as follows.

4.2.1 Pre-Cycle


The aim of administering pre-test to the subjects under study wasto find
out the pre-existing reading comprehension of the subjects under study. The
researcher had not taught them any theory about the material given. The subjects
under study were given two passages about recount text included five essay
questions of each text and they answered the questions individually. The pre-test
score pointed out the mean figured60.39. This grand mean scoreclearly showed
that pre-existing reading comprehension of the students was low because the
minimum mastery criterion of the English course was 73. After knowing the
students pre-test score, the researcher planned teaching scenario for cycle I to
improve their reading comprehension ability using GIST strategy.

4.2.2 Cycle I
Cycle I consisted of two sessions. In both sessions, the researcher taught
the subjects under study using GIST strategy. The students divided into group of
five and they asked to find out the recount texts summary with their group. After
finding the summary of text, the researcher gave the students some questions
related to the text to measure their understanding of text. The students answered
the questions orally. The main purpose of this strategy was to facilitate the
students in understanding the whole ideas of text by asking them to work in group
to find out the summary of text given.
After the students passed the both sessions in cycle I, they were given
post-test to measure their reading comprehension ability after learning reading
comprehension through GIST strategy. The students were given a recount passage
with ten essay questions. The result of the data analysis of the post-test scores in


cycle I showed the increasing mean figures of 76.18. The mean figure obtained by
the subjects in cycle I was clearly higher than the mean figure of pre-test score.
This mean figure proved that the teaching reading comprehension through GIST
strategy to the eighth grade students of SMPN 3 Amlapura could be improved.

4.2.3 Cycle II
After teaching reading comprehension through GIST strategy in cycle I,
the researcher knew the students weakness and interest. The researcher
implemented cycle II in different way than cycle I. In every session of cycle II
(session one and session two), the researcher asked the students to work in pairs,
thus all of the students could be active participant with their pair in finding the
summary of text given. After the discussion session, the researcher gave the
students some quizzes related to the text to catch the students interest. Quizzes
were good tool to make the students work cooperatively in the classroom while
measured the students understanding of the text.
In post-test two, the students were given one recount passage with ten
essay questions. The result of the data analysis of post-test scores obtained by the
students in cycle II turned out to show the progressing mean figures of 80.21.
Comparing with the mean figure of pre-test scores, the mean figure obtained by
the students for each cycle was convincingly much higher. This was due to the
fact that cycle II was revised the teaching scenarios of cycle I by taking into
account weaknesses found out in cycle I and the researcher implemented the
difference way of teaching reading comprehension to the students. It was logical if
the grand mean of the reflection score in cycle II was higher than cycle I. The both


scores of post-tests in cycle I and cycle II proved that teaching reading

comprehension through GIST strategy to the eighth grade students of SMPN 3
Amlapura in academic year 2013/2014 could be improved. The main findings of
the present study showing the increasing comparative mean figures of pre-test and
the post-test scores of cycle I and cycle II obtained by the eighth grade students of
SMPN 3 Amlapura could be presented as follows.

Graph 4.1 Depicting the Subjects Progressing Achievement in Reading

Comprehension through GIST Strategy in Pre-Cycle, Cycle I and II

4.2.4 Questionnaire
In the end of cycle II, the researcher gave the students ten items
questionnaire to know the students changing learning behavior, included attitude
and motivation after learning reading comprehension using GIST strategy. The
result analysis of the questionnaires score showed the comparative percentages of


62.67, 30.88, 6.43 and 0 for items A, B, C, and D respectively. The

comparative percentage of questionnaire obtained for the present classroom action
study revealed that the subjects learning behavior changed positively, that was,
their attitude and motivation were changing after had been taught reading
comprehension by using GIST strategy. It showed that the subject learning
behavior especially their attitude and motivation changed positively. It was known
from the students value of the questionnaire and their interest in following
reading comprehension. Thus, the reading comprehension of the eighth grade
students of SMPN 3 Amlapura in academic year 2013/2014 can be improved
significantly through GIST strategy.



In this chapter, the researcher presented the conclusion and suggestions

based on the previous chapter. It clarified the result of the classroom action
research as answerof the research questions whether the subject reading
comprehension could be improved or not through GIST strategy of the eighth
grade students of SMPN 3 Amlapura in academic year 2013/2014.
The present classroom action study was conducted to help the students
improve and develop their ability in reading comprehension. The main data for the
present classroom action study were gathered through administering pre-test (IR)
and post-tests (R) to the subjects under study. In the end of cycle II was
administered questionnaire for knowing the students changing learning behavior.
The grand main of pre-test was 60.39. The grand mean clearly pointed that
the reading comprehension ability of the eighth grade students of SMPN 3
Amlapura was low, because the minimum mastery criterion which was used by
the school was 73. The grand mean of the post-test score for cycle I was 76.18 and
for cycle II was 80.21. The findings of the present classroom action study


convincingly revealed that teaching reading comprehension through GIST

strategy could effectively improve the low ability in reading comprehension of
class VIII B students of SMPN 3 Amlapura.
Another instrument which was conducted to the subjects under study was
a set of questionnaire to measure their changing learning behavior such as
motivation, interest and attitude during learning reading comprehension through
GIST strategy. The result of the analysis in questionnaire clearly showed
comparatively figures of each item. Item A was positively responded by 62.67 %
of students, item B was 30.88 %, item C was 6.43 %, instead no one of the
students choose item D. These findings of the present action study had proved the
hypothesis of the study that the problems faced by the eighth grade students of
SMPN 3 Amlapura could be satisfactory overcome through teaching reading
comprehension by using GIST strategy. It could be concluded that GIST strategy
gave significant improvement for improving reading comprehension ability of the
eighth grade students of SMPN 3 Amlapura in academic year 2013/2014.
5.2 Suggestion
Based on the result of the study the research would like to suggest about
the teacher and students of SMPN 3 Amlapura, for the further research and also
the institution.Firstly to the English teachers of the eighth grade students are
suggested to teach with any kinds of strategies in teaching reading comprehension
to make the students interest to learn. GIST strategy is one of many ways to make
the lesson interesting and challenging. Therefore, choosing an interesting topic
would be discussed in the classroom during the teaching and learning process is
also important for the teacher; besides, the reading material should be based on


the students level. Inappropriate topic would bring the students into boredom.
Providing teaching aids like pictures, realia and another media would be an
interesting tool for exploring the students interested and knowledge.The English
teachersare also suggested to keep on motivating their students to improve their
ability in reading comprehension. Giving a positive feedback about the students
progress also become good motivation for the students in order to make them
more interested in following the lesson.
The second suggestion is for the students. They are suggested to motivate
themselves to learn English more seriously not only during following the lesson in
the classroom but also outside classroom as well. They are recommended to have
more practice in reading texts because more practice will certainly increase their
achievement in reading comprehension; besides, improving their vocabulary.
Thirdly is for further research, the researcher hopes that other researchers would
do better research related through GIST strategy, which can be applied not only
for teaching reading comprehension but also for teaching other skills. The last is
for the institution, especially the school where the study was conducted and for
university where the researcher studied. This research hopefully can be used as a
reference in teaching any skill of language.



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