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The Dawn: Political Teachings of the Book of Esther

by Yoram Hazony

Hardcover: 312 pages

Publisher: Shalem Press; Revised edition (February 22, 2000)
ISBN-10: 9657052068
ISBN-13: 978-9657052068

This riveting and informative work is highly relevant for our time, now that the
shadows are lengthening and the dragon of Antisemitism is resurgent. It deals with
faith and politics, and with religion in an era when there are no prophets, when
miracles have ceased and the survival of the Jewish people depends on the belief and
courage of the individual. In this way it opens up the political dynamics of the
scriptural narrative into teachings that are of cardinal importance for our day.

The Book of Esther presents to the reader a choice between two antithetical
conditions: the one a nightmare of impotence and destruction, the other a political
choice to act in defense of the Hebrew nation and how it may be done in practice.
The narrative of Esther deals with historical, religious, psychological and
theological matters and provides answers to relevant questions. In this regard, please
also consult Jews and Power by Ruth R Wisse.
Hazony claims that contrary to popular opinion, the plot does not unfold according to
"luck" or "coincidence", but succeeds by virtue of Mordechai and Esther's understanding
of the principles of politics, their courage and their faith in a seemingly godless world.
The author does a splendid job of explaining these teachings which demand our
attention more than ever today. He does this without once referring to the hidden
codes or acrostics in the book, about which he cannot be ignorant.

Each chapter is introduced by a chapter from the Book of Esther which is then
discussed in fascinating and illuminating detail as regards the characters, their
motivations, the twists and turns of the plot, the options available and the choices
that had to be made. The author draws on Talmudic commentary throughout for
additional insights.

There is not enough space in a short review to fully do justice to the myriad lessons
and insights into politics and human nature contained in this wonderful book. Gems of
wisdom and meaningful allusion are found on every page, but it is important to be
aware of the everlasting hatred of Amalek and the way it manifests in every

Moreover, it hurts not only the Jews but brings unspeakable suffering to all people in
all cultures where it is allowed to pursue its path of murder & destruction. It is
therefore incumbent upon both Jew and Gentile to oppose it. The spirit of Amalek is
that same spirit of totalitarianism that made the 20th century an era of so much death
and suffering. See A Century of Horrors by Alain Besançon.

One of the significant lessons of Esther is that God's apparent absence does not need
to induce despair and defeat. Mordechai and Esther prove that even in the bleak
condition of dispersion, the most horrible of evils can be opposed and overcome as
long as people themselves are willing to take the initiative. Mankind must be
instrumental in bringing God's peace and justice into the world.

Ether and Mordechai repeatedly chose to risk everything for that which is right and
true. They did not only take the initiative in political actions, they also injected their
actions with moral force through vital philosophical & religious deeds. This includes
Mordechai's refusal to bow before Haman and the fast that Esther called.

People of good will must work to preserve liberty and justice according to the
principles of investment, boldness and faith. Investment = Purposeful effort; Boldness
= Acting at the right time with all one's might; Faith = Knowing why you are doing what
needs to be done.

Since God has hidden His face, the initiative to act has passed to mankind. The worst
man can do is to hide his face too. Then even God cannot respond to the cries of his
children. Hazony speculates that perhaps this is why the Shoah occurred - that there
weren't enough Esthers and Mordechais who acted in time.

The book has 34pp of notes arranged by chapter, 9pp of scriptural and rabbinic
references, an index, and concludes with the complete text of the Book of Esther in
Hebrew. Other books of interest include Shackled Warrior: Israel and the Global Jihad
by Caroline Glick and Strike Zion! by William Stephenson

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