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After creation of cust_Id , Now We can open an account . There are some Mandatory and optional details.
Mandatory options in OAAC
(General Details)
(Scheme Details)
Optional options in OAAC

(Nomination Details)
(Related Party Details) for joint A/c holders details etc.

A- Opening of SB / CA account
Menu option OAAC
1. Function O (Open).
2. Customer ID Enter cust_id. If the short name of customer is known, type it and press F2.
Select customer from the list by pressing Shift+F4.
3. Currency Default INR (Indian Rupees) is displayed. The system will allow to open an
Account in currency which have been added in customer ID (option E-Customer Currency
Details ).
4. Scheme Code type SB and press F2. In the list, first all scheme codes under
Inoperative GL subhead will be listed. Press Control +D (page down) and select scheme
Code under Saving Fund GL subhead, by pressing Shift+F4.
5. GL Subhead system displays the GL subhead automatically.
6. Permanent A/c No. Nothing to be entered.
7. Copy A/c No. Nothing to be entered.

Press F4. Account Opening form will be displayed.

8. Acct Name System will automatically display the name of the customer entered in Cust-ID
record. System allows changing the name, but system will raise related exception after
Committing the verification of account. If the user who is verifying the account has sufficient
Work class, he can override the exception by pressing F4 and verify the account.
9. Acct Short Name This will be automatically displayed from Cust-ID. User can change the
short name.
10. A/c open Date BOD date is displayed. User can change the date.
11. Special Charge Code This field is used to give preferential charges. Press F2 to see the
list. Press Shift+F4 to select respective charge code.
12. Mode of Operation (Mandatory) Press F2 and select it by pressing Shift+F4.
13. Location Code Enter the population group to which customer belongs e.g Metro, Urban
etc. Press F2 and select it by pressing Shift+F4.
14. Account Mgr. User id of employee who is attached to this account as relationship
Manager can be entered. Only employee Ids which are available in the list can be selected.
Press F2 and select it by pressing Shift+F4.
15. Cash Exception Limit Dr. - Default values is 99999999999999.99. E.g. if user wishes that
System should raise an exception if user tries to debit this account equal or above
Rs.100000/- by cash, the user can enter 100000 in this field.
16. Cash Exception Limit Cr. - Default values is 99999999999999.99. E.g. if user wishes that
system should raise an exception if user tries to credit this account equal or above
Rs.100000/- by cash, he can enter 100000 in this field.
17. Clg. Exception Limit Dr. Applicable for clearing.
18. Clg. Exception Limit Cr. Applicable for clearing.
19. Xfer Exception Limit Dr. Applicable for transfer.
20. Xfer Exception Limit Cr. Applicable for transfer. If the limits as mentioned in point 15 to
20 are changed by the user, system will raise exception Override Default Check when the
user commit verification of account; if the verifying official has sufficient work class , can
Override the exception by pressing F4 key and authorize the account verification.
21. Remarks free text field.
22. A/c Report Code Default is ZERO.
23. Ledger no. may not be necessarily filled.
24. Collect Charges Default is Y. This means, system will collect account maintenance
Charges as and when they are due.
25. Turnover Details- Default is N. May be kept as it is. This field is Y, if customer wishes to
have account turnover details.
26. Relative to Staff Default is N.
27. Relative Staff ID If above field is set to Y, Staff Id in this field needs to be entered. The
Employee having the staff id entered in this field is barred from entering any transaction in
this account. Press F6 to go to Next Page.
28. Passbook/Statement Valid values are P-Passbook, S-Statement, R-Deposit Receipt, BBoth P & S, N-None.
29. Statement If Passbook/Statement field is set to S (Statement) or B (Both P&S),
Frequency for statement must be entered. There are five fields in statement.
Field 1: D Daily, W Weekly, M Monthly, F Fortnightly, Q Quarterly,
H Half yearly, Y Yearly
Field 2: 1 - First, 2 - Second, 3 - Third, 4 - Fourth week, M - Mid week,
L Last Week
Field 3: 1-Sunday, 2- Monday 7- Saturday & 8 - No weekly of
Field 4: Date of issue - 1 to 31
Field 5: For Holiday N Next, P Previous, S Skip

- Fields 2 & 3 are not required if frequency (field 1) is monthly, quarterly, half yearly
and yearly
- Fields 2 ,3 & 4 are not required if frequency (field 1) is daily and fortnightly
Fields 2 & 4 are not required if frequency (field 1) is weekly
30. Local Calendar Default N. Not to be changed.
31. Dispatch Mode Press F1 for help. Fill appropriate value as per the codes defined in help.
32. Next Print Date Enter date on which next statement will be printed.
33. Download to PBF Default value is N. PBF stands for Positive Balance File, which required
for handling offline transactions.
34. Pay Interest Default Y, means interest will be paid for this account.
35. Collect Interest Default Y, means interest will be collected from this SF/CA account, if
TOD is granted.
36. Customer Pref. Interest (Cr.) We have already seen this field in currency details (option E)
in CUMM. Generally, in OAAC we should not fill any value in this field.
37. Customer Pref. Interest (Dr.) We have already seen this field in currency details (option E)
in CUMM. Generally, in OAAC we should not fill any value in this field.
38. Account Pref. Interest (Cr) If user wishes to give any preferential interest in this account,
over and above prevailing interest (explained in point 42). User can enter negative value if
user wishes to pay less interest. Dont try to give 1 in this field for Staff of our bank in SF
type of A/c. User should select SBSTF scheme code while opening staffs SB A/c.
39. Account Pref. Interest (Dr) If user wishes to charge any preferential interest from this
account, over and above prevailing interest. User can enter negative value if user wishes to
charge less interest.
40. Interest Cr A/c flag (Mandatory) Default is S. Valid values are S-Original A/c, O-Operative
A/c and T-Payment System. In most of the cases in SB A/cs, it will be S which means
whenever system wants to pay interest in this account, it will credit it to this account only.
41. Interest Dr A/c flag (Mandatory) Same as above field.
42. Int Rate Code In This field intt. Rate code is default populated . Changes in interest rates will be done by Data
Centre. If the interest rate code or Preferential interest in Dr/Cr are changed by the user, the system shall raise exception
Default Interest Parameter Change while committing the account verification; if the Verifying user has sufficient work class,
he can press F4 to accept the exception and verify the account.
43. Account Pegged Default is N, means system will pay prevailing rate of interest as and
when they are updated by Data Centre. This field will be Y in case of FDs in which system
will pay interest at contracted rate given while opening an FD a/c.
44. Pegging Review date Enter the date on which the pegging for the account is to be
Reviewed . May not be required to change.
45. Pegging Frequency (Months/days) Enter months and days. May not be required for SB
A/c. User can press F4 to go to the Enter Option field or Press F6 to go to Next Page.
46. Contact phone enter contact phone no.
47. Allow Sweeps - Enter Y if the sweep is allowed between accounts.
48. Interest Calc. Freq Cr and next three fields may not be entered.
49. Daily Compounding Interest Default N.
50. Tax (TDS) details may not be required to be entered for SB A/c.
Press F4 to go to enter option field.
Scheme Details

51. Enter Option Press F2, select S Scheme Details option (5th from top) by pressing
Shift+F4. Press F4 to get into scheme details. User can type S instead of pressing F2.
52. Availing Nomination facility default is N. Please make it Y if customer wishes to avail
Nomination facility in this account. After making the flag as Y, press F4 to go to Enter
Option field.
53. Cheque Allowed Default value is Y, which means cheque facility is allowed for this
54. Charge for Cheque Default value is Y, which means cheque book charges to be levied.
55. Return Paid Cheques May be kept blank. If cheques are to be returned to the
customer once they are paid, this value need to be filled in as Y.
56. Paid Cheque Return May be kept blank. Specify the frequency at which paid cheques
would be returned the customer.
57. A/c Health Code Press F2 and select value from the list by pressing Shift+F4.
58. Dr. Balance Limit The maximum debit allowed in this account. Generally 0 (zero) in
SF/CA type of A/cs.
59. Max. Allowed Limit The ceiling limit on the sanctions for this account. May be kept 0
(zero) for SB/CA accounts.
60. Debt. Acknowledgment Date May be kept blank in SF/CA type of A/cs.
For Transferred in A/c
User can enter the details for SB/CA accounts transferred from other branches as follows61. Interest Amount Enter the pending Interest amount.
62. Dr/Cr. Enter C if the transfer interest amount is Credit, else enter D for Debit.
63. Minimum Balance Enter the minimum balance during the month of transfer which needs
to be considered during next interest calculation.
64. A/c Balance (0.00), Created By, Created On, Deleted (N) are display fields. These fields will
be updated by the system automatically as and when operations take place in the a/c.
65. Press F4 to go to Enter Option field.
Nomination Details
66. Enter Option - Press F2, select N Nomination details option (3rd from top) by pressing
Shift+F4. Press F4 to get into nomination details. User can type N instead of pressing F2.
67. Enter Nominee name (Mandatory)
68. Relationship (Mandatory) e.g. Father, Mother etc. Press F2, select relationship by
pressing Shift+F4.
69. Reg. No. Registration number for nominee is default generated by the system.
70. Please enter Address. (Mandatory) Two lines are available for address.
71. City (Mandatory) Type first 2-3 characters of city name press F2, select city code from the
list by pressing Shift+F4.
72. State (Mandatory)- press F2, select state by pressing Shift+F4. Country is default IN
73. Country (Mandatory) Default is IN (India). Need not be changed. If user wishes to change,
press F2 and select country by pressing Shift+F4.
74. Postal Code (Mandatory)- Enter Pin/Postal Code.
75. Nominee Minor Enter Y if nominee is minor.
76. Date of Birth if nominee is minor, date of birth of minor must be entered.
77. Enter guardians details as specified in this page.
78. Press F4 to go to Enter option field

Joint A/C Holders Details

79. Enter Option - Press F2, select A Related Party details option (1st from top) by pressing
Shift+F4. Press F4 to get into option details.
The first screen displays the Main Account Holders Details. To enter joint account holders
details, press Down Arrow of keyboard.

80. Relation Type (Mandatory) Press F1 for help. The help displays various values for
relation codes. P (Power of Attorney), A (Authorized Signatory), L (letter of Authority), J
(Joint Holder), G (Guarantor) etc. Press Enter on OK button or click mouse on it. Enter the
value in this field.
81. Relation Code Press F2 and select the code from the list by pressing Shift+F4.
82. Dispatch Mode If the account is enabled for statement, system gives user the option to
send the statement to related parties added through this option. Press F1 for help. Enter the
dispatch mode in this field.
83. Designation Code Press F2 for list and select the code by pressing Shift+F4.
84. Customer ID If the related party (joint A/c holder) has a valid cust_id code, enter the same
here. In that case other details of the party like address need not be entered.
85. Name (Mandatory) Enter name of the related party. This field need not be field if partys
cust_id is entered.
86. If the cust_id of related party is not entered, Address, City, State, Country, Postal Code etc.
of the related party need to be filled in.
87. If user wishes to enter one more related party details, press Down Arrow and follow the
steps 80 to 87.
Press F4 to go to Enter option field. Press F10 to commit. System will display 14-digit
account number. Sometimes user may not get last digit of account on the screen. Please note
it, as it needs verification.
Account No. consists of following information. E.g. account no. generated by system is
Account NO.
Check Digit
Description of account number is :A- Sol id
(4) Digit
B- Product code
(2) Digit
C-Account No.
(7) Digit
D-Check digit
(1) Digit
Total digit 14 .
Check digit is also a part of account no. User need not remember all 14 digits. Whenever user
Accesses this account, user can simply enter 01 1234, system will automatically expand it to 14 digits.
This facility is provided only when user accesses customers accounts of users own branch.
User must enter all 14 digits in account no. field for accounts of customers of other branches.
B-- Verification of a newly opened account
Please note that
1. The person who has opened the account through OAAC can not verify the account; as
Maker and Checker concept is applicable in Finacle, therefore maker can not be the
2. During verification of account, no details can be changed, as all the fields are write
3. To modify account details of newly opened account, use menu option OAACAU function
M (Modify)
4. System may display warnings or / and exceptions. If the verifying official has sufficient work
class to override the exceptions, he can press F4. If the user presses F4 and accept,
then only account will be verified. If the user presses F3, system will not verify the account.
For Verification following steps to be executed.
Menu option OAACAU
1. Function V.
2. Temporary A/c No. Enter the A/C No which is to be verified. User need not enter all 14
digits of account; user can enter short account no. of the account to be verified. If user
forgot to note account no. after committing OAAC, user can retrieve it by pressing F2 in this
field; select the account to be verified by pressing Shift+F4.
3. Permanent A/c No. Must not be entered. Press F4 to bring account details. User will see
General Details of account. Press F11 (Or click on Transmit button) twice to visit next page.
When the user is in 3rd page, press F4 to go to Enter option field.
4. Enter Option type S and press F4 to visit scheme details. Press F4 to come back to Enter
option field.
5. Enter Option If the user has entered nomination details for this account, the user should
visit it. Type N and press F4 to visit nomination details. Press F4 to come back to Enter
option field.
6. Enter option If the user has entered related party details like joint a/c details or authorized
signatory etc, the user should visit the same. Type A and press F4 to visit Related Party
Details. Press Up/Down arrow to scroll through the records. Press F4 to come back to Enter
Option field.
7. Press F10 to commit.
C. Changing of account details of newly opened account before verification
Account details can be changed before verification, through menu option OAACAU. Use
function M and enter account no. Press F4. Details will appear on the screen. Modify the
account and press F10 when the cursor is in Enter Option field. Its not necessary that the
maker of the account can only change the account details. Even the verifier can do the
changes through OAACAU, through function M. After completing the modifications, same user
can verify the account through OAACAU, function V.

D changing of account details after verification

Menu option ACM (Customer Account Maintenance)
Function M (Modify). A/c No. Give account no. which is to be modified. Press F4. System
will display general details on the screen.
1. To modify general details type 0 (zero) in enter option field and press F4. Make the
changes as desired and press F4 to come back to enter option field.
2. Type A (Related Party Details) in Enter option field and press F4 to enter/modify related
party details like joint a/c holder, authorized signatory etc. Press Down arrow in this page
and enter related party details. After entering all the details, press F4 to come back to enter
option field.
3. Case Study - If during account opening (OAAC) the user forgot to enter nomination details
and the user has already verified the account, the user can enter the nomination details
even after verification of the account. The steps are as follows Menu option ACM
1. Function M (Modify)
2. Account No. Enter short or full 14 digit account number of which the user wishes to
change the details. Press F4. The cursor will blink in Enter Option field.
3. Enter option Enter S (Scheme Details). Press F4.
4. Availing Nomination Facility Enter Y. Press F4.
5. Enter Option Enter N (Nomination Details). Press F4. Nomination details screen will
appear on desktop.
6. Nominees Name (Mandatory) Enter name.
7. Relationship (Mandatory) Press F2. Select code by pressing Shift+F4.
8. Address (Mandatory) Enter address in 2 lines provided on the screen
9. City Code (Mandatory) Type first 2/3 characters of city and press F2. Select city by
pressing Shift+F4.
10. Enter other (Mandatory) details like state, postal code, country code etc.
11. If nominee is minor, enter Y in Nominee Minor field.
12. If the above field (Nominee minor) is made Y then Date of Birth of the nominee is
Mandatory field. Enter other details of nominee like guardians name, guardian code,
address etc.
13. Press F4 to come back to Enter option field.
14. Press F10 to commit changes in the account.
Any modifications done through ACM have to be verified through ACM.
Menu option ACM. Function V, enter account no. and press F4. Visit all the options in
which modifications have been done. The user can commit only when cursor is in Enter Option
E. How to see last Creator and Verifier of the A/c
The maker and checker for an account can be inquired through menu option ACM.
The steps are as follows
1. Function I (Inquire)
2. A/c No. Enter A/c no. Press F4.
3. Enter option S (Scheme Details). Press F4. Press F11 (Transmit) thrice.
4. Various display fields are available on the screen. Tot. Mod Times will show how many
Times a/c details have been modified. The user can also see user who has created a/c, date
of creation, user who has last verified a/c, date of last verification, whether a/c is closed, no.
of dr. and cr. transactions in the a/c, no. of TOD s allowed etc.
5. Press F3 thrice to quit from the menu option.
F. General issues in SB / CA
1. Use function X (Cancel) in ACM to undo the changes in the account. But this function can
only be used before verification of changes.
2. Presently, Scheme code can not be changed once the account is opened or/and verified.
E.g. If by mistake the account is opened in SBGEN (Saving Fund General) for a staff, but at
Later point of its noticed that the account should been opened in SBSTF, this change in
Scheme code can not be handled in finacle. If this is noticed before verifying the new account,
use function X in OAACAU to cancel the account opening. If this problem is noticed after verifying
the new account, the account needs to be closed and new account should be opened in desired
scheme code.
3. In OAAC, please select SBSTF as scheme code for staff SB A/c. The system will pick up
Interest rate code applicable for staff members. Please dont open the staff SB A/c in
SBGEN scheme code and then give additional benefit of interest in A/c Preferential Interest
(Cr) field (General Details of OAAC) as system may not give other benefits to the staff
Accounts opened in SBGEN scheme code.
4. Accounts can be opened in backdate.
5. Finacle allows opening an account before verifying the Cust_Id of the account holder.
System also allows entering credit transaction in unverified account. But system will not
allow to post/verify the transaction without verifying the account. So if the user tries to verify
the account, system will not allow to do so. Cust_id must be verified before verifying the
account in which unverified cust_id has been used. Debit transactions are not allowed in
unverified accounts.
G. How to Inquire on the accounts having Zero Balance?
Menu option ACS (Account Selection). Screen 7.
Example 1 - Lets inquire about all the accounts in scheme code SBGEN, having Zero balance

as on date.
1. Scheme Code Enter SBGEN in scheme code.
2. Min. Bal Enter 0 (Zero)
3. Max. Bal Enter 0 (Zero). Press F4.
The system will display total number of accounts having zero balance against caption Account
Selected and accounts sorted as per account number in the list. Press Explode (Control+E)
on any a/c to see its account details; the system will display screen equivalent to menu option
ACM (Function I (Inquire)) or ACI (Function I (Inquire)).
Example 2 - List the accounts under scheme code CAGEN, which have been frozen (Only
Debit Frozen).
In the above menu option ACS, enter CAGEN in scheme code, enter D (Debit only) in Freeze
Code and press F4. System will display all the accounts under CAGEN scheme code which
have been frozen on debits only. The system will also display total number of accounts, their
total credit and debit balances.
Other examples of uses of ACS
1. To know all the accounts of a particular cust_id opened under in a particular scheme code
or all the scheme codes.
2. To know accounts closed in a given range of dates.
Hint Enter Close Date low and high.
3. To know accounts opened in a given range of dates.
Hint Enter open date low and high.
4. To know accounts in which particular employees reference has been given.
Hint Enter employee id.
5. To know accounts which have been classified as Non performing/ sub standard.
Hint Press F6 in ACS on the first screen. On the second screen, enter Main Asset
classification and/or Sub Asset Classification as may be necessary.
There are 54 fields (1st and 2nd page), which can be clubbed in and/or conditions to find out
accounts fitting under a specified criteria.
H. How to change customer id of an account
During migration, system allots different cust_ids to different accounts of the same customer.
Post migration, it may be necessary to change customer id of such accounts to make it
accounts of single cut_id.
Menu option CCA (Change Customer Id of Account)
Screen shows various field in this menu option.
4. Function M (Modify)
5. A/c No. Enter Account number of which cust_id need to be changed. Press F4. System
will display the cust_id of the account entered, with cursor blinking in cust_id field.
6. Customer id Change the customer id. Press F10 to commit.
Change in cust_id using this menu option need to be verified by other authorised user
through same menu option i.e. CCA.

I. How to print Pass Book

Menu option PBP (Pass Book Print)
a. Printer driver must have been installed on the PC which would be used for
Passbook printing.
b. Printer has to be made as Default Printer.
c. ILINKWEB software has to be started before starting passbook printing and kept
running in the background.
d. Account for which passbook is to be printed must be enabled for passbook,
otherwise system will raise error This customer is not a Pass Book Holder.
enable account for passbook, use menu option ACM, function-M (Modify),
enter a/c no., press F4, enter 0 (zero) in enter option field, press F4, press F6,
enter P (Passbook) or B (Both P & S) in passbook/statement field, press F4,
press F10. Get the account verified by another user.
Case 1-> If the passbook is being printed first time.
If the passbook is being printed for the first time for an account, the system will display fields
similar to screen 9. Please insert the passbook in the document printer with first page facing up
side. Menu option PBP.
1. A/c No Enter A/c no of which passbook is to be printed.
2. Press F4. All the field will be activated by the system.
3. Press F4.
4. Press F10. Please wait until the progress indicator turns back to green.
5. After the printing is over, system will activate the Print OK field with cursor blinking in it. If
the printing is OK, enter Y in this field and press F4.
6. Please take out the passbook from the document printer, check whether the details of the
customer a/c are printed properly. Turn the passbook to the next page, insert it again in the
document printer, the system will print 2 on the left-top side of the page. Take out the
passbook from document printer.
In Finacle an account can be frozen through Menu option AFSM. AFSM menu option
allows a user to Freeze or Un-freeze any or all accounts of a Customer.
Freezing of Account/Accounts
1.Enter AFSM at the menu option place and press ENTER.
2.Enter F in the Function Field for Freezing an account & press Tab.
3.Enter Customer_id of the customer whose account is to be frozen & Customer_id
press Tab.
4.Enter Freeze Reason Code. Valid codes can be selected from the list,
Freeze which can be seen by pressing F2 key. Press Tab.
5. Enter Freeze Code i.e. T for Total Freeze, C for freezing Credit only and
D for Debit freeze only. Press F4.
System will display a list of all accounts of the customer whose customer_id has been
given in the customer_id column duly marked * in their beginning. It means system
has selected all the accounts of a customer. The accounts which are not to be marked
freeze can be deselected by pressing Shift+F4. That means * prefixed accounts can be
marked as Freeze.
6. Press F10 to commit.
1. Enter V for verification and press Tab.
2. Enter Customer id of the account holder and Press F4. System will display all the
accounts which have been selected for marking freeze duly prefixed with * This has
been shown on next page . Press F10 to commit. The account has been marked as
Unfreezing of Account/Accounts

1. Enter U in the Function Field and press Tab to go on to the next field.
2. Enter Customer id of account holder whose account is to be unfreeze & Press F4.
Press F10 to commit.
Like Freeze, UN Freeze also requires verification. The procedure is the same as
applied in case of Freeze.
Transfer of account to inoperative category
There are two type of inoperative account category.
A- Inoperative others Customer induced transaction have not taken place for last 3
years in the operative account.
Menu option : INOPACIF This menu option changes GL_SUB_HEAD of operative
saving account from 05100 to 03404 and for current account form 03100 to 03304 (
inoperative over 3 years category) .
B- Inoperative other over 10 yrs Customer induced transaction have not taken place
for last 7years in the inoperative account.
Menu option : INOPACIF This menu option changes GL_SUB_HEAD of inoperative
saving account from 03404 to 03405 and for inoperative current account form 03304 to
03305 ( inoperative over 10 years category) .
Generation of reports
We can inquire the account transferred from operative to inoperative category from
menu option FTR. Invoke menu option FTR and put appropriate GL_SUB_HEAD and
Date. Get the print of report also.
Transfer of account inoperative to operative category
- Invoke menu option ACI To know the present GL_SUB_HEAD of account.
- Invoke TACBSH menu and change GL_SUB_HEAD from inoperative to operative
category i.e. for saving 05100 and for Current account 03100.
- Invoke menu ACM and modify account status from inactive / dormant to ACTIVE
in S details. This action needs verification.
- Invoke IMGMNT option and modify image access code of the account from IN to
AL and verify modification.
In addition to that Branch DBA shall ensure by using menu option PNBRT option 1 and
sub option 8 that image access code IN is not allowed to user having work class of
020 and below. Further image access code IN should be allowed and made available
on selective bases after keeping proper record.
Debit inter sol transactions to inoperative account are not allowed.
Flow Chart for closure of SB/ CA account :
A- Destroy unused cheque books: Invoke menu CHBM and verify via menu option
B- Delete lien marked on the account if any: Invoke menu ALM and verify via menu
option ALM.
C- Calculate and apply pending service charges if any : Invoke menu CACC
D- Calculate and apply intt. Pending if any : Invoke menu INTRUN
E- Make the account balance Zero: Invoke menu option TM and verify transaction.
F- Close account Menu option CAAC and verify from menu CAACAU.
Procedure :
Invoke menu: CAAC in Z Close account mode. Following important information are
displayed on the screen.
- A/C freeze reason and Freeze Code, if a/c is frozen.
- Cr. Amount for clearing
- Shadow balance
- Lien amount
- Last intt. credit date
- Pending authorization
- Pending Transaction

- Pending SI transaction and amount

- Pending SI accounts
- Pending Cheque
After noting down above information quit this screen ( Press F 3 without committing
account closure).
- If account is frozen or any amount is outstanding in clearing / shadow balance /
against lien /, system will not allow closure of the account. In such case Unfreeze
the account, modify lien amount to zero (If required), If shadow balance exits,
account can be closed after regularization of the shadow / float balance to clear
- If Pending authorization flag is Y It means some non financial transaction is
pending for verification. If yes Invoke menu option AFI (Audit file inquiry) to inquire
on the account. This inquiry will display all modification that has taken place on
the account with their status Verified / Unverified status.
- If Pending transaction flag is Y , invoke menu option FTI ( Financial Transaction
Inquiry ) option to inquire unverified transaction outstanding in the account . Note
Down Tran_Id and verify such transaction.
- If Pending SI flag is Y , it means some standing instruction given by the customer
and involving debit / credit to above a/c is outstanding . Invoke menu option SII
- ( Standing instruction inquiry ) to inquire SI number involving the above account .
- Invoke menu option SIM in D Delete mode to delete the standing instruction.
This action also needs verification.
- If Pending cheque flag is Y , it means unused cheque leaves are outstanding in
the account . Invoke CHBM menu to destroy such leaf in M modify mode. This
action also needs verification.
- Now invoke menu option CACC to calculate and levy up to date charges in the
account. System will calculate and levy charges i.e. Ledger folio charges, closure
charges and minimum balance charges as applicable etc.
- Verify the same by menu option CACCAU .
- Invoke ACINT for interest calculation and post up to date interest.
- Now make Account balance Zero by TM menu option. This action needs
verification also.
- After ensuring all these steps, Invoke menu option CAAC for closing the account
in Z close account mode and commit.
- Verify the same by menu option CAACAU . Account gets closed.

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