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Dear Senator Graham;

I strongly urge you to resist the unprecedented attack on the sovereignty of the United State
represented by the proposed Copenhagen Treaty on climate. I am stunned to think that after so
much blood and treasure has been spent to secure our liberty that anyone would consider giving
it away so cavalierly. I have never been so opposed to anything in my life.

First let me ask you: What is the best temperature for the planet? Explain you answer. Is it the
temperature when I was born, when you were born? Is it 1815 the year without summer? Or
were humans better off in 2008 than anytime in history?

First you should understand that I think that the notion that humans can significantly affect the
climate of the Earth is pure hubris and violates the laws of physics. They keep trying to tell us
there is a consensus about Human induced global warming. I urge you to read the report
prepared for the EPA by Alan Carlin. Just one unbiased scientist was able to show just how
doubtful Global Warming Scare is. If that is not enough listen to Nobel Prize (Chemistry 1993)
winning biochemist Kary Mullis at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNOtiRB3uyk .

For us to believe that human CO2 has a serious effect on the climate you have to believe five
things in the chain of logic:

1. Mankind is increasing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere

2. Increased atmospheric CO2 causes the world to warm (by some amount, large or small)
3. The increases in CO2 from man will cause substantial warming, large enough to be
detectable above natural climate variations
4. The increases in world temperatures due to man’s CO2 will have catastrophic impacts on
5. These catastrophic impacts and their costs are larger than the enormous costs, in terms of
poverty and lost wealth, from reducing CO2 with current technologies.

The first two most likely true. The remaining three are absurd. I reject the finding of the
U.N. IPCC. I came to that conclusion mainly because the IPCC rejected the historical facts of
the Little Ice Age (LIA) and the Medieval Warm Period (MWP). Of course the world has
warmed since the Little Ice Age and thank God for that, it was a time of misery and famine. The
Holocene Climatic Optimum and the MWP, which were warmer that the current era, led to the
existence of civilization and a flourishing of culture. If you are going to make an extraordinary
claim that the LIA and the MWP did not happen you better have extraordinary proof. No such
extraordinary proof exists. If you are not familiar with the work of Steve McIntyre at
www.climateaudit.org you should be. The tree ring studies the IPCC relied on for their theories
have been entirely discredited. I could go on and on about the IPCC, but I will end with just two
questions for you.

1. Was the IPCC a research body or a political one? (The head of the IPCC was a
engineer for a railroad and has a business degree from N.C. State)

2. Where is the list of the “2500 scientists” who supposedly wrote the IPCC report? If
no one can give you the list of scientists for the IPCC report, that is reason enough to reject it.

Now on to Cap and Tax. I would love to encourage more nuclear electric generation plants.
That is because the H.P. Robinson plant has been nothing but good for my community and me.
CO2 has nothing to do with it, but if the folks behind Cap and Tax really believed what that say
there should be a nuclear plant commissioned every month for the foreseeable future. The truth
is the atmospheric level of CO2 are near historical lows on a geological time scale. Life
flourished when the levels of CO2 are higher.

Horticulturists know that plants grow better when CO2 levels are closer to 1000ppm so CO2 is
not a pollutant. I can not under stand why you would want to tax the energy that has made our
life possible. If you are worried like I am about our dependence on foreign sources of fuel (other
than Canada and Mexico, of course) then by all means act like it. Free us to drill here and build
those nuclear plants, but don’t burn our food and impoverish the third world to do so. Get
Congress out of the way of our future, don’t tax it away. Coal and Oil built this country, we use
them more efficiently that anyone else. Don’t turn you back on what made this country great.
Don’t cut off our freedom to make a better future. Government is not the answer, economic
freedom is. In 1908 our cities were being buried under horse manure and urine. The
government did not solve the problem, Henry Ford did. Get government out of the way of our
current crop of Henry Fords.

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