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Anatoly T. Sukhodolsky
General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vavilov Street 38 Moscow Russia


(thermal energy
thermal energy

The direct conversion of solar light into mechanical

power within non-equilibrium phase transitions of first
order had been presented at previous IECECI 998 on
the concept of the renewable thermodynamics of selforganized heat cycles to describe several new physical
phenomena in liquids. This paper is to promote the
principles of renewable thermodynamics created by
observation of spontaneous physical processes
converting light by itself into mechanical power for new
engineering design of the actual engineering
constructions powered by sunlight. Several solar
renewable heat cycles are modeled by using perfect gas
powered by light to find how thermodynamics of
reversible cycles can be involved into concept of applied
renewable thermodynamics to study available thermal
and actual efficiencies of prospective constructions. The
both concepts well-known reversible and proposed
renewable are considered in parallel to find the
fundamental restriction for direct conversion of sunlight
in different new power and propulsive systems. The
master equation for motion of a vector state having both
mechanical and thermal degrees of freedom proposed to
solve problem of efficiency. The problem to have the
actual efficiency beyond thermal efficiency (Carnot
theorem) has formulated as a principally available
objective for new generation of direct solar energy
conversion systems

by temperature

) and sink of

(by temperature

), which both

have to be available within any heat engine. According

Second Law of thermodynamics crated from this
principle, a reservoir of thermal energy alone can not
provide with any new energy. In framework of renewable
thermodynamics of spontaneous phenomena this
principle is assumed to formulate on modernized entropy

of Plank to treat any phenomena self-organization of

renewable heat cycles in laser physics. By this
suggestion, any natural thermal process between source
powered by light and sink undergoes entropy

As far as such definition applied for system source&sink

very far from equilibrium, it assumed to be valid for any
temperature difference between given source and sink.
The classical reversible thermodynamics takes place
within renewable thermodynamics for a particular case
with fundamental maximum of thermal efficiency
given by theorem of Carnot. As an introduction into the
problem of efficiency for applied renewable
thermodynamics let us consider Carnot cycle with work
substance as a mole of perfect gas having state function
for pressure volume
and temperature
with gas
r *-*



uniformly powered by black bod1 radiation (5700K)of

solar radiation having energy
If we take initial
normal condition (point (0), in Fig.1,
, it is

The aim of this paper is to promote renewable

thermodynamics of spontaneous physical phenomena
into a new sphere of artificial constructions - solar heat
engines. As far as problem of efficiency is a key point of
following consideration let us begin, for the sake of
introduction, with the problem: why in spite of maximum
thermal efficiency (as it follows from reversible theory of
heat2 ) we can not find around us any Carnot engine
actually working. Theory of motive power of heaf based
on the principle of Carnot to have two reservoirs: source


easy to find pressure and volume for the point (1) of the
end first adiabatic stroke of compression. In this point we
can open a source of light to isothermally expand perfect
gas by point (2) having volume and pressure


Copyright02000 by the American Institute of Aeronavtics

and Austronautics. All rights reserved.

If then light is shut off, the temperature of sink can be


reached by second adiabatic stroke to point (3)

The final isothermal stoke by temperature

is to close

cycle to return perfect gas into initial state (0) (Fig.1).

Such an elementary introduction is to refresh the

principle of Carnot given originally quite long ago in
reversible theory of heat by Clausius*in new renewable
thermodynamic treatment. In context of this elementary
calculation, we should accept that besides source of
thermal energy to make any engines, we should also
consider a source of mechanical energy. As far as
Carnot cycle should have very high level of start-up
mechanical energy (for example mechanical energy of a
fly-wheel ), it has more application for speculative than
actually working engines

This section is to introduce the problem of motive power
of solar light having black-body temperature around
5700K as a motive power to pump work substance
inside a heat engine in non-equilibrium condition.

Entropv of solar liaht and first law

Figure 1. Renewable Carnot cycle by optical pumping.

Let us notice that we calculated only turn points of
Carnot cycle powered by light (actual paths will be
considered below). By non-equilibrium treatment of such
Carnot cycle with Eq.1, the next problem is to find
. For this
condition to have entropy production
purpose let us calculate work of two adiabatic strokes (O1) and (2-3)using Eq.2-S

Let us use term "opticalpumplng" of laser physics in

next consideration to differ a way to add energy into a
work substance inside a machine (for example inside a
piston & cylinder system ) by light dL from heat dc. In
framework of reversible thermodynamics, the equilibrium
reversible entropy is to describe motive power of heat
6Q by using model of a reversible engine to find
maximum available heat'. Equation (1) is to describe
actual process of entropy production by heat transfer
between hot and cold that allows having derivative

According (Eq.1) entropy production always takes place

as spontaneous transfer of thermal energy from hot to
cold. But, from Eq.6 we can conclude that work Carnot
cycle with entropy production
can be realized
only bK1having an addition reservoir of mechanical
to satisfy Eq,6. In other words, to put Carnot
cycle in actual motion along with given temperature
the reservoir of mechanical energy
Y 1-

. If we take the
should provide with work
principle of Carnot to have thermal reservoirs source and
since for application within renewable thermodynamics,
we should add the necessity to have in advance a
reservoir of mechanical energy to put Carnot cycle in
actual motizn. It is easy to see that the minimal
necessary in advance depends only on
temperature difference between source and sink and
can be much more than work of cycle


We will follows Gibbs4 to use symbol of variation for

entropy of Clausius for any reversible processes.

because, according Gibbs4, the fundamental equation of

Clausius2should be written always in variational form


to study all thermodynamics quantities near a point of
equilibrium. While differential
for Eq.1 is coincident
with actual process of entropy production along time
if follow Gibbs, variation
within Eq.8,9 means
speculative, undertaken mathematically on paper
increment of function
along with any other
thermodynamics quantities in Equation (9) in point of
equilibrium (by fixed time ). As it was shown earlier'
any attempts to build a picture of time motion within
equation (9) (by substituting operator of differential
instead variation ) leads to the paradox with entropy

of Clausius as a unique function of time. Therefore,

again, the difference of renewable thermodynamics is to
use actual time derivative instead of variation of any
thermodynamic function. To be more specific in
promotion of Eq.1 instead of Eq.8 into practical
engineering, let us use Eq.8 in meaning of a time
differential for a simplest process of increasing of
internal thermal
energy of a solid (
) having
and heat capacity
up to temperature
of heater

by energy of light

to be the basic entropy in renewable thermodynamics.

The physical sense of negative sign of entropy by direct
optical pumping any solar engines is the spontaneous
flow of energy from cold transparent matter to hot work
substance. To be more specific in relation to Second
Law, the optical pumping any processes on Earth is
accompanied by a positive sign of entropy production
(Eq.1) if we involve source (sun) into consideration. But
as far as source is quite far, we can consider light alone
as a source of energy to have Eq.10. Let us notice, that
namely, this fundamental feature of optical pumping is
responsible for direct creation of mechanical energy in
opto-hydraulic actuatopand very high capillary motive
forces. The renewable thermodynamics was introduced
earlier to describe the heat-mass transfer in liquids
powered by light for actual physical phenomena working
as engines. The motion by such approach is described
on the concept of entropy production inevitably
applicable for any natural phenomena. Again, the aim of
this introduction is to find out how the concept of nonequilibrium entropy of Planck used before to treat
physical phenomena of self-organization can be used to
describe motive power of sunlight in theory of solar

We can find


difference of internal energy as









As a result, we can

measure all quantities. But, the entropy of Clausius in

differential form is a superfluous thermodynamic quantity
that can not provide us with any new knowledge. In
contrast, Eq. 1 in renewable thermodynamics is to
describe fundamental difference between energy and
thermodynamic entropy along any actual motion.
Suppose, we have two equal solids with equal capacity
, by temperatures, say 100K and 10K, to describe
the energy of a source and a sink in definition of entropy
Eq.1. Physical sense of
consists of followings. If
we have no work cycle by heat transfer between these
bodies, the finaltemperature during an idle process of
heat transfer is

. In case of

The First Law of applied renewable thermodynamics is

nothing more as energy balance by optical pumping
when energy of light is consumed: a) to change internal
energy of system dE=C,dT b) to make work
dW= pd and c) to heat surrounding by spontaneous
heat-transfer dc

Carnot cycle_&?-_c\o/nd-u$ thermal energy we shouId

accept that
by using

As a result ot_w_o_rkcycle, the equilibrium

. Evidently,

temperature becomes


maximum energy created along Carnot cycle

proportional to

- J-.

In case of nonThe goal is to find a fundamental restriction for maximum

available light to be converted into work and after to
renew initial volume of system. Firstly, let us clearly
distinguish in any actual cycle powered by solar light the
problems: (Conversion) -) how to convert solar energy
into work by maximum efficiency and (Renewal) -) how
to renew initial volume of system with minimum waste of
energy. Let us notice that all examples of ( N o n Renewable) processes, such as chemical reaction of
explosion or combustion accompanied by mechanical
energy production are beyond current approach.
Evidently, as it was shown above, to renew initial
condition for Carnot cycle we should spend a visible part
of net energy. It take look on Eq.(l 1) it is eas to see the
preference of adiabatic optical pumping ( Q=o) to
avoid the useless consumption of input energy to heat
surroundings. The regime to be near adiabatic pumping
realized in most of laser experiments is also available by
solar pumping. By typical thermal conductivitV&time of
thermal relaxation into surrounding can be in

equilibrium treatment of Carnot principle by involving

Eq.1, entropy
is not to duplicate energy as Clausius

does if instead of variation we try to build
actual processes. Physical sense of
is to describe a
new feature of system as a whole - distribution of
thermal energy between source and sink.
Let us now consider energy of solar light dL that comes
from transparent cold surrounding with temperature to
_ -

optically pump a work substance at temperature

While we can not build any rational variation by
interaction of solar radiation having black body
temperature 575OK with perfect gas of work substance
by temperature
we can not use fundamental equation
Eq.9, because of practically full irreversibility of
absorption of light by perfect gas a work substance. At
the same time, entropy of Plank (Eq.1) in application for
this case provide us with thermodynamic entropy of light
by direct pumping any solar engines in following form



bigger than time necessary for local solar optical





The prime point of reversible thermodynamics is concept

of the internal energy E that in most of text-books is
defined as work of adiabatic compression (dQ= 0)of a
work substance. As light is also able to directly change
energy in adiabatic condition, we should firstly define the
basic difference between two adiabatic processes:

Again, the irreversible waste of energy by dC in First

Law makes seek the problem of the maximum light to be
converted into mechanical power into sphere of
adiabatic processes powered by light within the law of
energy conservation

dL= qdT+ pdb


The internal energy of perfect gas given alone is state

function. If so, we should expect to have 100%
conversion in case we go away from a state with internal
into more energetic (excited) state
AL by light and, after, still being in the
same adiabatic conditions we can let excited system to
= - A W . To find out the
make work
difference between two ways (Eq.15) to directly change
internal energy by light and by work, let us consider the
same mole of perfect gas by normal pressure
in initial state of equilibrium having internal energy
By fixed volume V, , let perfect gas absorb energy of light
AL to go into state with temperature difference

We are still keeping in mind the two problems: to product

as much as possible mechanical energy from light and to
renew initial volume of system to start the process again.
If suppose, that work substance is a mole of perfect gas
within state equation (Eq.2) we can find from Eq.12 that




and after dividing all members by T we can have

following equation with all terms having dimension of

- c,dT

6 5+

C, - c,,






Let us note this is an excited state with regards to initial

along entropy definition (Eq.10). Now, we can
obtain two possible ways to produce work during two
adiabatic processes below called as thermal and actual .

In case of thermodynamics of perfect gas, for the

material parameters cv,cpassumed to be not a function

of temperature, from Eq.14 follows that actual efficiency

to convert an element of energy of light by adiabatic
optical pumping depends on the inevitable increasing
internal energy Cvd7 that takes visible part of energy
as desire output. In other
from production of work F
words, for given temperature, energy of light divided
between these two members in formula (14) along their
entropy contribution. The problem is to find the better
process (cycle) for a finite energy AL to convert as
much as possible its part into work A L = A E + A W .
While reversible thermodynamics based on thermal
efficiency of reversible Carnot cycle is beyond of large
part of mechanical energy necessary for actual process,
the key point of applied renewable thermodynamics is to
solve the problem of efficiency by introduction of
mechanical energy in scope of thermodynamics
studies. The problem to unit thermodynamics and
mechanics was discussed before by TruesdelO, who
also stated the problem of a huge gap between
engineering origin of classical thermodynamics and its
application to describe physical phenomena occur by
itself. Let us now consider the problem of internal

The thermal efficiency of direct work production can be

found if assume that
that can take place by
7; = From equation for adiabatic process


6 6

we can find volume of gas in state


v2 = v o 1+TO

P2 =

vo I + To



In order to find work within relation for adiabatic



we can constitute V, = V, and p1 =

m + A n into

to substitute into Eq.19 to find efficiency of actual direct

adiabatic conversion as


(19) that together with (18) provide us with thermal

efficiency of direct conversion


that appears to be less than efficiency of reversible cycle

The fact of 100% thermal efficiency simply follows from
definition of internal energy along Eq.15, because, it is
.By the equal temperatures
easy to see that
should be equal their internal energies if specific heat is
a constant. Again, as far as we do not state the problem
to go back by any either reversible or renewable ways to
have this process again, the thermal efficiency 100%
follows from definition of internal energy of perfect gas
given alone for both adiabatic processes (Eq.15).

q, =1-



because (23) is obtained for heat source powered by

light that is exhausted, while A T in (24) is a constant.
There is no problem to accept 100% efficiency of direct
conversion until we told nothing about how to repeat the
same process again. The main in approach of renewable
thermodynamics to consider motive power of solar light
is based on idea of actual efficiency. We underlined the
necessity a reservoir mechanical energy to have most
effective Carnot cycle actually working, but let us try to
build a cycle with perfect gas when to renew means to
be back within an actual processes without any
additional energy sources. As far as the second actual
adiabatic process at the end has difference
temperatures in condition of mechanical equilibrium, to
be back it is not necessary to use any additional sources
of mechanical energy because spontaneous entropy
production accompanied balance of temperatures is
enough. Basically, this is main idea of natural renewable
cycle^^-^ that is evaluated in this paper to estimate
efficiency of solar light in new heat engine design. In
other words, the idea to be back and to renew process
by spontaneous entropy production in physical
phenomena here is to estimate on classical example of a
mole of perfect gas by actual adiabatic process as
introduction into problem of the applied renewable

Actual eff iciencv for direct conversion.

The idea to involve term actual process of work
production follows from renewable thermodynamics of
created natural phenomena to consider any real
processes progressed in time within entropy production
as fundamental causality of any motion. As we assumed
that efficiency any renewable cycle cannot be more than
by direct adiabatic conversion, let us now consider such
an actual process. From the same state excited by light
let system expand into point with pressure p z = p o , in


contrast to final point of thermal process

Making such assumption we are aware that, actually, we
can not share more energy of chaotic molecular motion
for mechanical energy than on way of going into this
point of mechanical equilibrium if we like to renew
process again without additional sources of energy.
Using adiabatic equation

we can find volume and temperature in point of

mechanical equilibrium as

Before introducing a master equation to evaluate

different renewable cycles by optical pumping, the
several initial points follows from previous consideration
of perfect gas by optical pumping are summarized:


In case of renewing any cycle without mechanical

sources, the efficiency of any renewable cycle by

work substance and mechanical part of system can be

expressed over following equation

optical pumping can not more than available by

direct adiabatic conversion.
2. Work substance (perfect gas) in state of molecularkinetic equilibrium given alone is able to produce
mechanical energy only within mechanical nonequilibrium ( p ? &).

The Eq.25 has fundamental significance to put reversible

work of equilibrium perfect gas into renewable
irreversible approach. The internal pressure

3 . The efficiency of any renewable thermodynamic

cycle can be found to solve a path (cycle) of actual
motion involving the law of the momentum
conservation into thermodynamic studies.

assumed to be equal to equilibrium pressure

physical sense because the velocities of molecular
motion of perfect much lager_,t_hanvelocity of mechanical
motion of piston with mass
by changing position dx.
Hence, any actual motion of piston
can be assumed
by reversibility of work substance
that put it in
motion. In other words, the action of exterior for perfect
gas in equilibrium is action of internal pressure on
internal site of piston to satisfy definition of equilibrium
work in reversible thermodynamics*. For perfect gas
given alone in state of equilibrium, it dose not matter that
process occurs outside for accepted model of internal
pressure. As a result, the all results of reversible
thermodynamics of perfect gas can be involved as a part
into scope of applied renewable thermodynamics.

The aim of this paper is to not review different

application of reversible fundamental Eq.9 to solve the
problem of efficiency within reversible thermodynamics
with heat as motive power. The problem of available
heat in reversible thermodynamics, which is divided
between different terms in Eq.9 is solved by assumption
that any arbitrary reversible cycle can be covered by a
map of reversible Carnot cycles. Again, the idea of
reversibility can not involve mechanical energy into
consideration that along with elementary introduction
into problem should share the visible part of net energy
of cycle.

Basically, we should very distinguish renewable

thermodynamics of physical phenomena when heat
cycles are self-organized "by itself" considered earlier' ,
and renewable thermodynamics of artificial heat engines
as the subject of this paper. But, the common idea of
both approaches is to seek maximum efficiency for two
real entities: chaotic thermal and synergetic mechanical
energy in actual mutual motion. Let us begin to build a
master equation for a vector of state for a nonequilibrium cycliner&piston. engine

Work of motive forces in renewable thermodvnamics

The principal difference of non-equilibrium
thermodynamics of renewable cycles is to go from
variational principles of reversible thermodynamics to
equations of actual motion. In this case, it is not
necessary to build virtual (generally, in mind) cycle of
Carnot to answer question that is the share of work in
any actual process of absorption of light in Eq.12. In fact,
this is one equation with two unknown independent
variables to describe actual motion of any system
powered by light. The main in approach of applied
renewable thermodynamics is to solve the problem of
efficiency by adding the Newtonian equation of
motion to make number of variables equals to number of
equations. But, in order to keep the all equations of
reversible thermodynamics valid for work substance
(here, perfect gas), as an equilibrium part of a nonequilibrium renewable system we should make two new
assumptions. 1) Let us add an equation for motive force
F, acting along distance dx, for example as a force to
@,a piston in motion 2) As far as reversible work
defined only in state of equilibrium by

involving three main degree of freedom: position x ( t ) ,

velocity U( t) of a piston and temperature T(t) of a work
substance to unit thermal and mechanical properties.
Again, we build the model of actual motion to evaluate
possibility any engineering construction to effectively
generate mechanical power by solar light. In general, the
master equation can be presented as equation of actual
motion of state vector:


inside equal to pressure outside



r i

introduce an internal pressure

equal pressure of

perfect gas to keep valid standard definition of reversible

work. By this assumption relation between reversible

Numerical solution of (29) was done by the initial nonequilibrium (excitement) of a mole of perfect gas by
volume v, =-RTc and pressurep,

= 101325Pa, that

is put into a system of cylinder of radius r = 0.1 %I
under piston of mass M = 2 S(s and square A= m2
and exited up to temperature
= 50 ( by solar light so
fast that we can use following initial state vector

that can also be written as action of a operator of motion

on state vectorlo

Y ( t )= MY ( t )


= 2 71 is temperature of surroundings.
Solution for natural adiabatic vibrations is presented in
Figure 2. From solution follows that free oscillations that
can be induced by solar light in opto-mechnaical
actuator has very non-linear character that is due to
conversion of mechanical energy into thernal form and
vice versa. It is easy to show that mechanical energy
that is converted during oscillations from kinetic energy
of piston to potential energy due to difference of internal
end external pressure is indeed restricted by formula of
actual efficiency (Eq.23) obtained for equilibrium very
slow adiabatic expansion of perfect gas.

Notice, the master equation (Eq.28) has the mechanical

properties of motion such as inertia and second
derivative of time (acceleration) added to equations of
reversible thermodynamics of perfect gas to stimulate an
actual path on its thermodynamic surface of two
independent variable (Eq.12). While the operator of
actual motion can be rather tempting for renewable
thermodynamics of natural phenomena', we will prefer

below equations written directly as matrix Y ( t ) for any

concrete problem. By proposed approach, the problem
of actual efficiency and of master equation in renewable
thermodynamics becomes the problem of systems
theory" with energy of light as Input (Sunlight energy) to
find state vector of system Y(t) that along with actual
path provide us desired Oufpuf.(Mechanical energy).




' ""





0.02 1,
. . . -0.,20;3 0.6 1.31.e:,,



1 s

. . . ._ . . . .


This section is to find actual motion and efficiency of

conversion in opto-mechanical actuator that consists of
perfect gas as work substance and piston of definite
mass to close gas in a transparent cylinder pumped by
solar light.

Figure 2. Non-linearfree vibrations of opto-mechanical


Natural non-linear vibrations

Let us begin from a first possible application of master
equation to solve the problem of spontaneous
generation of opto-mechanical vibrations in adkkatic
conditions. The equation for motion of given mass
perfect gas as work substance powered by light in
system of cylinder&pistoncan be written as

ODto-mechancialactuator in surroundinas
Let us write down master equation (Eq.30) for
actuator in more common form to take into account: 1)
entropy production proportional Newtonian law of heat
transfer 2) mechanical energy production 3) mechanical
energy production along optical pumping


Y(t) =

600 i '



200 '..........



._. . . . . . . . . . . . .

-0.00 ,$ 4.00


Solutions were made for following cases.

EntroDv production

Figure 4. T-S diagram for entropy production

The solution for natural vibrations by only non-zero

thermoconductivity to surroundings; by a ? o= 3
presented in Figure 3 We can see that typical curve of
entropy production is similar to behavior of dynamic
mechanical systems with dissipation. As far as path on
TS diagram is driven by mechanical motion, the
thermodynamic path is actual indicator diagram of
considered actuator.






I ,


........... :i?




- -.




In this case we can damp opto-mechanical oscillation by

interaction of actuator with surroundings over
mechanical degrees of freedom (constant
responsible for conversion into electrical power). Figure
5 is to present results of time behavior. Basically, the
solution has two entities: entropy of Clausius for perfect
gas and non-equilibrium of Planck that is produced.
Figure 4 is to show actual path of Clausius entropy
within standard T-S diagram according Eq.14. But, It is
interesting to find principal difference thermal system for
previous entropy production (Fig.4) and current
mechanical energy production (Fig.6). In spite of quite
similar pictures of oscillation, the entropy diagrams are
very different. In case of thermal energy decreased by
creation of kinetic energy of piston, TS-diagram is
degenerated into a curve on thermodynamic surface with
all periodical oscillation closed by motion along the same
path (Fig. 6).



Figure 3. PVTS diagram versis time by entropy



. .__....



. . .


- j .

: 500';
400 I

300 j

...... . . . ._

700 i

: 200
..__ -439t3Od.lt3.1&. L






i 1 ;................

. . . .








Figure 5. PVTS diagram versis time by work production.



Figure 7. PVTS diagram versis time by work produced

along optical pumping.

i ~T

. . . .

. . . . . . . .


I 600

,. ...







. 1'




500 i -



!.....T ,

200 i

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





-- _

O i.

Figure 6. T-S diagram for work production

. . . . . . . . .

. . .



. . . . . .

. . . .






Figure.8. TS-diagram for work production during optical


The renewable thermodynamics is to convert light into

electrical power by solar excitement of opto-mechanical
actuators. Let us calculate behavior of all
thermodynamics quantities of perfect gas the same
system but when light with power 4.5KW of solar light.
Advantage of master equation to consider any actual
renewable cycles including any variants of optical
pumping. Figure 7,8 present the particular results of
calculation for direct conversion of light to accelerate a
of a magnet in an induction coil. We take the
same mechanical parameters but now, light is open
during 1 sec, and after all thermal energy that is kept is
involved into oscillation to covert into mechanical power
that is damped by conversion into electrical current. .But
only a definite part from all energy can be converted into
electrical energy. We can change parameter
responsible for conversion of thermal energy find a
better path. Again, from Figure 8, we can see the
principal difference between initial active zone of optical
pumping and a final path, when system periodically
keeps the same path.

_ . _ -


-10.00 i SI

Optical pumping


. . . . . .

Let us make a summary for application of mater

equation for consideration different models and direct
pumping of opto-mechanical actuators.

Efficiency of any from calculated actual processes

can not be more than is given by formula (23) of
actual efficiency of direct conversion that is in
accordance to initial postulate.

2 . All PVTS diagram calculated for equilibrium

thermodynamics quantities of perfect gas allow
making conclusion that for any actual process
cycles on TS (PV) diagrams never are closed


- . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .

The problem of efficiency in applied renewable

thermodynamics becomes the problem to get as
much as possible direct conversion up to point of
mechanical non-equilibrium. Thermal nonequilibrium as a result of any stroke can be
renewed by entropy production without additional
sources of energy.

The actual renewable cycle for perfect gas with turn

points coincident with turn points Carnot cycle form
introduction is considered.
. .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

500 :



, -10


I00 '


. . . . . . . . . .



Let us apply master equation for renewable Carnot cycle

from introduction into problem of actual efficiency.
Suppose we have a reservoir with erfect gas by normal
= 27: 6= 101 3&3 with a cylinder of

... ._ ..- . . . . . .
.....023,.s.3..3 1 ..


e 'Ifi
-40 1

v, = Q02Mmo/e1 fixed

by a pass less

diaphragm to insulate this volume from outside. The

main figure in equilibrium Carnot cycle is temperature of
source that is a constant. Let us take it, say
AT by AT= 10 and try to build cycle that
pass over all four turn equilibrium points of classical
Carnot cycle but under solar pumping that calculated in

zero at the start point (2) of this stroke.


Renewable stroke
In isothermal point (3) pressure inside is less than
external pressure. To renew in this case means to put
system given in point (3) that has no mechanical
equilibrium into contact with surrounding for entropy
production. This stoke was simulated by a small mass
diaphragm 3 =0.5kg that is still to insulate work

Adiabatic compression
Let us suppose that first stroke is. conduct by a magnet
that has a initial velocity

substance by entropy production with a = 1 8 that is

involved into dissipative vibrations to return system into
initial point of Carnot cycle.


Restricted volume of this paper can not allow presenting

obtained PVTS diagrams. But, as a main result, the
basic most thermally effective Carnot cycle for reversible
thermodynamics appeared to be not so useful because
of following reasons:.

as a necessary reservoir of mechanical energy

prepare direct conversion stroke into point 1 should be
now equal to
r l r

1 . The classical Carnot cycle in renewable variant

appears to very difficult for realization because of

necessity to have the high level of initial mechanical
non-equilibrium to actually work within maximum of
thermal efficiency as it provides theorem of Carnot.


From (Eq.31,32) follows that only by initial velocity of

magnet 4, = 4.0 6 &/Se( we can prepare direct stroke
of conversion to keep turn pznt of Carnot cycle (3) near
given temperature difference

2 . It is easy to see that our desire to close cycle for

perfect gas makes disturb one of the main principles
of renewable thermodynamics derived earlier form
spontaneous phenomena to renew process in
point of mechanical equilibrium.

Optical pumrhq


Solar light can not have isothermal power supply, but

calculation shows that in case of quite definite relation
between kinetic and potential energy of mechanical
system in interaction with external coil to convert thermal
energy into electrical current and assuming that all
energy of light is pumped during 0.02 sec we can get
next turn point (2) of Carnot cycle by velocity equal zero.
By numerical modeling we found there is several specific
parameters in master equation to get the next point
before adiabatic expansion in state of equilibrium. Again,
the all energy of Carnot cycle is put during this direct
conversion stroke by optical pumping because the next
stroke of adiabatic expansion is only to give back kinetic
energy of magnet.

Evidently, that as soon as internal pressure during

adiabatic expansion becomes equal to external
pressure, it is not necessary to do something else.
Actual renewable Carnot cycle should be open in
this point for entropy production.

The second Law for renewable thermodynamics of

physical phenomena was formulated as the theorem of
Carnot to restrict efficiency of any renewable cycle
accompanied by entropy production equal zero that
provide us earlier with formula:

To -,+AT
U , =l--1n



Such a form of Second Law is for the restriction of

maximum light available to be converted by optical
pumping a work substance up to A T with regards to
surrounding with temperature Io In general, formula (33)
was found for self -organization of heat cycles by masstransfer, when any element of thermal energy produce
work within thermal efficiency restriction applicable for

Adiabatic exoansion

No new energy is created from light by this stoke. Again,

perfect gas gives back the kinetic energy of piston
(magnet). Again, we can pick up such parameters of
interaction between thermal and mechanical and
electrical parts of system to have velocity of piston equal

scope of this paper.

Let us note, that as far as entropy
(Eq.1) in renewable thermodynamics
involved to treat Carnot principle right from origin, there
is no problem with a part of Second Law in part to
direction of any spontaneous motion. Let us now point
out the second part of Second Law as for the efficiency
of conversion. Firstly notice again, that equilibrium
entropy in each figures is equilibrium entropy evaluated
as any form right members of equation (14). This was
made to be more specific as for behavior of the standard
reversible perfect gas in scope of renewable
thermodynamics to make a bridge between reversible
and proposed approach. Non-equilibrium entropy of
Planck (that used to derive formula (33)) is applicable for
any temperature difference between source and sink,
therefore it can be useful for consideration of systems
very far from equilibrium.
While the problem of maximum heat available
for conversion in reversible thermodynamics has been
solved by using the idea of equilibrium entropy of
Clausius2 and virtual Carnot cycle having maximum of
thermal efficiency , the problem of maximum available
light in applied renewable thermodynamics is proposed
to solve by calculation of actual cycles within constraints
imposed by Newtonian equations of motion. The new
terms: motive forces and internal pressure as
necessary elements to join thermal and mechanic
features of any systems in renewable thermodynamics
are proposed to join reversible and renewable concepts
on a common methodological level.
But, there is a principal point in this context, if
actual efficiency for motive power of solar light within
renewable thermodynamics can be more than maximum
of thermal efficiency of Carnot cycle ? Evidently that
formula (33) and all cycles for perfect gas can not
provide us the actual efficiency more than thermal of
Carnot cycle (24).
At the same time, the all context of previous
allowed to state the problem of
the efficiency in renewable thermodynamics by following
way. The basic cycle of renewable thermodynamics is
adiabatic conversion and next renewal by entropy
production in state of mechanical equilibrium. To make
Carnot cycle be in actual motion, the very large reservoir
of mechanical energy is necessary, which, sometimes, is
larger that net energy of cycle.
The renewable thermodynamics moves the
problem of available efficiency for conversion of light
from pure thermal processes into scope of actual
processes with mechanical energy within consideration.
This mechanical energy can involve not only energy of
macroscopic motion of machine elements. This energy
can be due to huge energy intermolecular interaction or
chemical energy (or even biological energy) that can not
be measured by simple temperature difference. For
example, self-organization of bio-systems in Nature very
far form equilibrium provides with many examples of
conversion into mechanical power with actual efficiency
much bigger than Carnot efficiency derived for thermal

The problem, to have the actual conversion of
solar light with efficiency more than the thermal
efficiency of Carnot cycle is still in question. But, the fact
that the renewable thermodynamics units both the
description of physical phenomena occur by itself and
the design of heat engines allow expecting to have a
form of Second Law within concept of renewable
thermodynamics to describe both phenomena and
engines beyond thermal efficiency of Carnot cycle.

A s a result, the application of renewable
thermodynamics created within the new physical
phenomena to describe prospective solar engines can
be summarized by following way.

1. The master equation to consider opto-mechanical

systems by optical pumping is proposed to calculate
motion for a state vector on basis on new concept of
both motive forces and internal pressure.
2 Energy of solar light available for renewable
conversion is assumed to find within the actual
efficiency followed from the solution of real
thermodynamic path of work substance driven by
mechanical properties of system.

3 The non-linear natural vibrations of opto-mechanical

actuators are found for conversion into electrical
power. It is shown that maximum of actual efficiency
of conversion can not be more than by direct
adiabatic conversion.
4 The main difference of renewable and reversible
approach was demonstrated on idea of thermal and
actual efficiency of direct conversion of solar light
applicable within any prospective constructions.
5 By solving master equation for actual renewable
Carnot cycle, the useless of its practical realization is
shown that is due to a high level of initial mechanical
energy to realize actual efficiency in spite of high
thermal one.

6 The aim of this paper was not to find a new

speculative way to directly utilize solar energy.
Several such attempts to grasp solar energy by
adiabatic system like piston&cyliner can be found if to
be more familiar with a critic review in book on
advanced thermodynamics by Bejan.
7 The goal was to share the several practical solutions
for prospective problems to calculate indicator
diagrams for electrical power production. The main
problem was to find a specific mathematical tool to
apply for different new solar engines such as for
example NESIS l3


lntersociety Engineering Conference on Energy

Conversion Colorado Springs, CO, August 2-6, 1998
7. Prigogine I., lntroduction to thermodynamics of
irreversible processes, Interscience Publishers}, York,


1. Sukhodolsky A.T.An introduction to thermodynamics

of renewable cycles for direct solar energy
conversion IECEC-98-318 33rd lntersociety
Engineering Conference on Energy Conversion
Colorado Springs, CO, August 2-6, 1998
2. Clausius R, On the motive power of heat, and on
the laws which can be deducated from it for the
theory of heat LXXlX pp. 500-513, 1850
3. Max Plank Treatise on thermodynamics Dover
publication 1780 Broad Way, New York 1945
4. Gibbs J.W. The scientific papers, vol 1
Thermodynamics, Longmans, Green and Co. New
York, 1906
5. Sukhodolsky A.T. Thermo-hydraulic actuator as a
new way for conversion of solar energy in space
IECEC-98-390 33rd lntersociety Engineering
Conference on Energy Conversion Colorado
Springs, CO, August 2-6, 1998
6. Sukhodolsky A.T. The self organization of heat
cycles by capillary convection for extraction of water
from a binary solution IECEC-98-391 33rd

London, 1961

8. Kubo Ryogo Thermodynamics, An advanced

course with problems and solutions, North-Hollnd
Publishing Company, 1968.
9. Stive William and Raymond W.Harrigan, Solar
Energy Fundamentals and Design, John
Wiley&Sons, 1985
10. C.Truesdell, Six Lextures on Modern Natural
Philosophy Springer-Verlag Berlin 1966
11. Stephen W.Director, Ronald A.Rohrer lntroduction to
systems theory, McGraw-Hill Book company, 1972
Advanced Engineering
1 2 .Adrian
Thermodynamics,John Wiley and Sons, 1988, New
York, Chapter on solar power, pages 466-527. (
author has a pleasant duty to thank Professor Bejan
for kind faxing several pages from the book)
13. A.T.Sukhodolsky, VibroSolar business description


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